Call Number (LC) Title Results
N6848.5.C82 C67 2004 Cubism and its histories / 1
N6848.5.C82 G46 1991 The early criticism of André Salmon : a study of his thoughts on Cubism / 1
N6848.5.C82 G5 1964 Albert Gleizes and the Section d'or : exhibition, October 28-December 5, 1964. 1
N6848.5.C82 G7 1987 Cubism and its enemies : modern movements and reactions in French Art, 1916-1928 / 1
N6848.5.C82 W45 1994 The popular culture of modern art : Picasso, Duchamp, and avant-gardism / 1
N6848.5.E27 O54 2012 Art and visual culture on the French Riviera, 1956-1971 : the Ecole de Nice / 1
N6848.5.F53 W55 2010 The visual world of French theory : figurations / 1
N6848.5.G75 R45 2023 Une journée dans la rue / 1
N6848.5.M63 B76 2017 French moderns : Monet to Matisse, 1850/1950 / 1
N6848.5.M63 C66 2001 French modernisms : perspectives on art before, during, and after Vichy / 1
N6848.5.M63 S65 2018 Thannhauser Collection : French Modernism at the Guggenheim / 1
N6848.5.O7 H53 2002 Apollinaire, cubism and orphism / 1
N6848.5.P7 S54 2011 French primitivism and the ends of empire, 1945-1975 / 1
N6848.5.P8 E44 2001 L'Esprit nouveau : Purism in Paris, 1918-1925 / 1
N6848.5.P8 T3 Léger and Purist Paris. 1
N6848.5.S96 A33 2022 The eye of the poet : Andř Breton and the visual arts / 1
N6848.5.S96 J65 2013 The curatorial avant-garde : surrealism and exhibition practice in France, 1925-1941 / 1
N6848.5.S96 L43 2016 Le Surréalisme comme essuie-glace, 1943-1984 / 1
N6848.5.S96 M34 2005 Surrealism and the politics of eros, 1938-1968 / 1
N6848.5.S96 S26 2002 L'influence du surréalisme sur la psychanalyse / 1