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Bonds without judgment, or, The loves of Bengal Captain Morgan, or, The conspiracy unveiled a farce in two acts / Aesop a comedy. The politicians, or, A state of things a dramatic piece / Evenings in New England intended for juvenile amusement and instruction / The congress of the beasts under the mediation of the goat for negociating a peace between the fox, the ass wearing a lion's skin, the horse, the tigress, and other quadrupeds at war : a farce of two acts, now in rehearsal at a new grand theatre in Germany : to which is prefixt a large, curious print of the last scene of the drama, being the general conference, done by an eminent hand / Oedipus, King of Thebes a tragedy / She ventures, and he wins a comedy / A tragoedie, or dialoge, of the unjuste usurped primacie of the Bishop of Rome, and of all the just abolishyng of the same Hob, or, The country wake a farce / More dissemblers besides women a comedy / The alternative, tyranny or liberty Lady Alimony, or, The alimony lady an excellent pleasant new comedy duly authorized, daily acted, and frequently followed. Injur'd love, or, The cruel husband a tragedy / The man of taste a comedy. The elder brother a comedie / Birds of a feather a burletta. The village maid an opera in three acts / The fatal retirement a tragedy. Acteon & Diana with a pastoral storie of the nimph Oenone : followed by the several conceited humours of Bumpkin the huntsman, Hobbinal the shepherd, Singing Simpkin, and John Swabber the seaman / Anna Tarugo's wiles, or, The coffee-house a comedy / The atheist, or, The second part of The souldiers fortune Christmas, his masque The fathers, or, The good natur'd man Comus a mask / The fair of St. Germain The disappointment a new ballad opera of one act / Love and duty, or, The distress'd bride a tragedy / The death of Adam a tragedy in three acts / The smugglers a musical drama in two acts / The mad guardian, or, Sunshine after rain a farce in two acts : to which are added fugitive pieces in prose and verse / The Cid a tragicomedy / The levellers levell'd, or, The Independents conspiracie to root out monarchie an interlude / The inquisition a farce : wherein the controversy between the Bishop of Bangor [B. Hoadly] and Dr. Snape is fairly stated and set in a true light / Ariadne, or, The marriage of Bacchus an opera or a vocal representation / The cunning lovers a comedy / Love and liberty a tragedy / The travellers in Switzerland a comic opera in three acts / Athaliah a tragedy / The conspiracie and tragedie of Charles, Duke of Byron, Marshall of France The adventures in Madrid a comedy. Heroick friendship a tragedy / Every man in his humor The school for prejudice The choice of Harlequin, or, The Indian chief a pantomimical entertainment in two parts. The runaway a comedy. Tea's the twaddle The platonic wife a comedy / The footman an opera. The half-pay officers a comedy. The dreamer awake, or, Pugilist matched a farce in two acts / Beauty in distress a tragedy / The tragedie of Cleopatra The city bride, or, The merry cuckold a comedy. Cupid's revenge The wife's relief, or, The husband's cure a comedy / Fortune's wheel Courtship a-la-mode a comedy / The times The swearing-master, or, A conference between two country-fellows concerning the times Merope a tragedy / Eliza a new musical entertainment / The tragicomoedi of the vertuous Octavia My night-gown and slippers, or Tales in verse Airs, duets, trios &c. in the new comic opera called Love finds the way The plays of William Shakespeare in eight volumes / The mistake a comedy ; as it is acted at the Queen's theatre in the Hay-market by Her Majesty's sworn servants / The rival kings, or, The loves of Oroondates and Statira a tragædy / The tempest, or, The enchanted island a comedy. The true Englishman's miscellany in two parts / Majesty misled a tragedy. The humour of the age a comedy. Flora an opera : being Mr. Dogget's farce of the Country-wake, alter'd after the manner of the Beggar's opera : to which is added, the musick engrav'd on copper-plates / Songs, duetts, trios, &c. in the pantomime entertainment of Harlequin Free Mason The tryumphs of honor and industry a solemnity. False appearances a comedy, altered from the French and performed at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane / The lover his own rival a ballad opera / Londini emporia, or, Londons mercatura exprest in sundry triumphs, pageants and showes, at the inauguration of the Right Honorable Ralph Freeman into the majorty of the famous and farre renowned citty London / Ram-Alley, or, Merrie-trickes a comedy / Sr. Hercules Buffoon, or, The poetical squire a comedy / Liberty asserted a tragedy / Humours of the times, or, What news now? a comic opera in two acts / The Spanish lady a musical entertainment in two acts / A merrie dialogue betweene Band, Cuffe, and Ruffe The son in law a favorite comic opera in two acts : op. 14 / The Muse of New-Market, or, Mirth and drollery being three farces acted before the King and court at New-Market. Polly Honeycombe a dramatick novel of one act. The bravo turn'd bully, or, The depredators a dramatic entertainment / The Irishman in London, or, The happy African a farce in two acts. Junius Brutus a tragedy / The northern heiress, or, The humours of York a comedy / The fugitive, or, Happy recess a dramatic pastoral in two acts / A worke in ryme contayning an enterlude of myndes witnessing the mans fall from God and Christ : comoedia / The downfal of bribery, or, The honest men of Taunton a new ballad-opera of three acts / Othello, the Moor of Venice a tragedy / The benevolent planters The anatomist, or, The sham doctor Cymbeline a tragedy / Now, taylors, is your time Achilles an opera / The press-gang, or, Love in low-life [an opera in one act] The seaman's return, or, The unexpected marriage an operatic farce / The miraculous cure, or, The citizen out-witted a farce / Cuckolds-Haven, or, An alderman no conjurer a farce / The amorous gallant, or, Love in fashion a comedie in heroick verse, as it was acted. Harlequin Doctor Faustus The Earl of Warwick, or, The king and subject a tragedy. Edward the Black Prince, or, The battle of Poictiers an historical tragedy / The Arab Crotchet Lodge a farce in two acts / The generous Free-Mason, or, The constant lady with the humours of Squire Noodle, and his man Doodle : a tragi-comi-farcical ballad opera in three acts : with the musick prefix'd to each song / The pretended Puritan a farce of two acts / The capricious lady The King of Denmarkes welcome containing his arivall, abode, and entertainement, both in the citie and other places. Love will finde out the way an excellent comedy / Blackbeard, or, The captive princess a serio-comic ballet of action in two acts / The interlude of Wealth and Health Worke for cutlers, or, A merry dialogue betweene sword, rapier, and dagger The rival favourites, or, The death of Bucephalus the Great A woman is a weather-cocke a new comedy / The prince of Agra The word of honor a comedy in three acts. Themistocles, the lover of his country a tragedy. The wandring lover a tragy-comedie / Timon of Athens a tragedy / Oithóna a dramatic poem / Vortigern an historical tragedy in five acts. The false favourit disgrac'd and the reward of loyalty a tragi-comedy. The Negro slaves a dramatic piece of one act, with songs / Wilmore Castle a new comic opera in two acts / Windsor Castle, or, The fair maid of Kent an opera / Trick upon trick, or, The vintner out-witted a farce. Any thing for a quiet life a comedy / London's triumph The counterfeits a comedy. Henry and Emma, or, The nut-brown maid The royal shepherd an English opera / Rosamond an opera / The girl in stile Londons love to the Royal Prince Henrie, meeting him on the river of Thames, at his returne from Richmonde, with a worthie fleete of her cittizens, on Thursday the last of May, 1610 with a breife reporte of the water fight and fire workes. The school for diffidence a comic opera in one act. Cupid and death a masque / The Milesian a comic opera in two acts. The crusade The stock-jobbers, or, The humours of Exchange-alley a comedy of three acts. Anthony and Cleopatra a tragedy. Acis and Galatea an English pastoral opera in three acts / The triumph of fidelity a drama in rhyme. The whim, or, The miser's retreat a farce / The relation of His Majestie's entertainment passing through the city of London to his coronation with a description of the triumphal arches and solemnity / The ball a comedy / The queenes exchange a comedy / Trials of the heart The man of honour a comedy. The author's farce and the pleasures of town Fontainbleau, or, Our way in France Hooly and fairly, or, The highland laddie The fortunate prince, or, Marriage at last a new ballad opera in three acts. The swindlers A pleasant conceited historie, called The taming of a shrew Marriage a-la-mode a comedy / Exchange-alley, or, The stock-jobber turn'd gentleman with the humours of our modern projectors : a tragi-comical farce. The dukes mistris Ibrahim, the thirteenth emperour of the Turks a tragedy / Pompey the Great a tragedy / The shepherd's artifice The tragedy of Mustapha, the son of Solyman the Magnificent The memorable maske of the two honorable Houses or Inns of Court, the Middle Temple and Lyncolns Inne with a description of their whole show in the manner of their march on horse-backe to the Court from the Maister of the Rolls his house, with all their Right Noble Consorts, and most showfull attendants / Londini artium & scientiarum scaturigo, or, Londons fountaine of arts and sciences exprest in sundry triumphs, pageants, and showes, at the initiation of the Right Honorable Nicholas Raynton in the majorty of the famous and farre renowned city London / The projectors a comedy / Peeping Tom of Coventry a comic opera : opera XXV / Cephalus and Procris a dramatic masque : with a pantomime interlude call'd Harlequin grand Volgi. The soldier's widow, or, The happy relief a musical entertainment in two acts / The traytor a tragedy : with alterations, amendments, and additions / The Grecian daughter The maid of the oaks The shepherdess of Cheapside Miss in her teens, or, The medley of lovers a farce in two acts. The tears and triumph of Parnassus an ode for musick. Poems of Christopher Smart The eleventh of June, or, The Daggerwoods at Dunstable Aristippus, or, The joviall philosopher demonstrativelie prooving that quartes, pintes, and pottles are sometimes necessary authours in a scholers library ; to which is added, The conceited pedlar. Love at first sight a comedy / Cornelia The amorous old-woman, or, 'Tis well if it take a comedy / The prison breaker, or, The adventures of John Sheppard a farce. Thimble's flight from his shop-board a comic piece in one act. Precious relics, or, The tragedy of Vortigern rehearsed a dramatic piece in two acts / The quacks, or Love's the physician The conspiracie and tragoedy of Charles, Duke of Byron, Marshall of France Inkle and Yarico an opera in three acts / A wife well manag'd a farce. The Hollander a comedy written 1635 / The comicall historie of Alphonsus, King of Aragon Dione a pastoral tragedy. Covent Garden a pleasant comedie / The lying lover, or, The ladies friendship a comedy / Five thousand a year a comedy in three acts / A masque of the metamorphos'd gypsies The frogs a comedy / Woman is a riddle a comedy / The lamentable and true tragedie of M. Arden of Feversham in Kent who was most wickedlye murdered by the meanes of his disloyall and wanton wife, who for the love she bare to one Mosbie, hyred two desperat ruffins Blackwill and Shakbag to kill him, wherin is shewed the great malice and discimulation of a wicked woman, the unsatiable desire of filthie lust and the shamefull end of all murderers. The deserter Love and friendship a tragy-comedy / The double disguise a comic opera in two acts / The famous tragedy of Osmond the great Turk, otherwise called, The noble servant The clandestine marriage a comedy / A new way to pay old debts a comoedie / Belisarius, or, Injur'd innocence The imposters, or, The credulous don The tragedy of Sir Walter Raleigh The Informers outwitted a tragi-comedical farce / The staple of newes a comedie / Regulus a tragedy / The jovial cobler, or, A light heart's better than a heavy purse a burletta. Time vindicated [a masque] The Count de Villeroi, or, The fate of patriotism a tragedy. The Great Duke of Florence a comicall historie / Londini speculum, or, Londons mirror exprest in sundry triumphs, pageants, and showes, at the initiation of the Right Honorable Richard Fenn, into the mairolty of the famous and farre renowned city London / The country house a farce. Not at home a dramatic entertainment / The unhappy father a tragedy. The woodman a comic opera in three acts / The assembly a comedy / The revengers tragaedie as it hath beene sundry times acted, by the Kings Maiesties Seruants. The orphan of China a tragedy. The treacherous brothers a tragedy / The triumphs of honor and vertue a noble solemnitie / The Robin Hood plays ; The Oxfordshire Saint George play The Christian hero a tragedy / A plot and no plot a comedy / The weakest goeth to the wall They've bit the old one, or, The scheeming [sic] butler The tragedie of King Richard the Third contayning his treacherous plots against his brother Clarence, the pittifull murder of his innocent nephewes, his tyrannicall usurpation, with the whole course of his detested life, and most deserved death / Catiline his conspiracy Flora's vagaries a comedy. The double dealer a comedy / Perseus and Andromeda ; with The rape of Colombine, or, The flying lovers in five interludes. Life Adelinda a comedy. The maid the mistress a comedy. The Island of St. Marguerite an opera in two acts. The days of yore a drama in three acts / The comical history of Don Quixote The Devils law-case, or, When women goe to law, the Devill is full of businesse a new tragecomaedy / No wit, no help like a woman's a comedy / The surrender of Calais The maid of Bristol a play in three acts / The American Indian, or, Virtues of nature a play in three acts with notes / The patriot king, or, Irish chief a tragedy / Nature will prevail a moral entertainment in one act. Natural faults a comedy in five acts / Timoleon, or, The revolution a tragicomedy. The sparagus garden a comedie / Lethe a dramatic satire / Emilia [a tragedy] Poor Vulcan Neither's the man The doating lovers, or, The libertine tam'd a comedy. A pleasant comedy entituled An humerous dayes myrth Euristeo dramma per musica pel teatro di S.M.B. [i.e., Signora Regina Mingotti] The capricious lovers a comic opera / A pleasant conceyted comedie of George a Greene, the pinner of Wakefield Marina Love's victim, or, The Queen of Wales a tragedy. A Bickerstaff's burying, or, Work for the upholders a farce / The Humours of whist a dramatic satire. The prophetess, or, The history of Dioclesian a dramatic opera with all the new songs and the masque. Papal tyranny in the reign of King John a tragedy / Pleasant dialogues and dramma's selected out of Lucian, Erasmus, Textor, Ovid, &c. : with sundry emplems extracted from the most elegant Jacobus Catsius : as also certaine elegies, epitaphs, and epithalamions or nuptiall songs, anagrams and acrosticks : with divers speeches (upon several occasions) spoken to Their Most Excellent Majesties, King Charles and Queene Mary : with other fancies translated from Beza, Bucanan, and sundry Italian poets / The wonder of women, or, The tragedie of Sophonisba The comedies of Terence Cytherea, or, The enamouring girdle a new comedy / The forc'd marriage, or, The jealous bridegroom a tragi-comedy / Calypso a masque in three acts / Rehearsal of a new ballad-opera burlesqu'd, call'd The mad-house after the manner of Pasquin / Lovers' vows, or, The natural son a drama in five acts / The reformation a comedy. The little French lawyer Ignoramus a comedy : with a supplement which (out of respect to the students of the common law) was hitherto wanting / Pyrrhus, king of Epirus a tragedy / The bastard a tragedy. The revenge a burletta : with additional songs. The rover, or, The banish't cavaliers The toy Manlius Capitolinus a tragedy / Poor old Drury The Count of Narbonne a tragedy / The little French lawyer a farce in two acts / The miser a comedy / False impressions a comedy in five acts / The rival fools a comedy / A new enterlude, never before this tyme imprinted, entreating of the life and repentance of Marie Magdalene not only godlie, learned, and fruitefull, but also well furnished with pleasaunt myrth and pastime, very delectable for those which shall heare or reade the same / The fatal constancy a tragedy / A mad world, my masters How to get married The eccentric lover a comedy. The man of mode, or, Sr Fopling Flutter a comedy / Man and wife, or, The Shakespeare jubilee a comedy of three acts. The overture, songs, duetts, catch, choruses, & comic-tunes, with the marches and dances, in the procession of the new pantomime called The choice of Harlequin, or, The Indian chief The beggar's opera Adrasta, or, The womans spleene and loves conquest a tragi-comedie. Patie and Peggy, or, The fair foundling a Scotch ballad opera : with the musick prefix'd to each song. The rewards of vertue a comedie / The travailes of the three English brothers, Sir Thomas, Sir Anthony, Mr. Robert Shirley The tragedy of Zara The raigne of King Edward the Third Songs, &c. in a new musical farce called Throw physick to the dogs The late revolution, or, The happy change a tragi-comedy / New brooms an occasional prelude / Victorious love a tragedy / Who's to have her? A verie excellent and delectable comedie intituled Philotus wherein we may perceive the great inconveniences that fall out in the mariage betweene olde age and youth. The Ephesian matron a comic serenata after the manner of the Italian / The stone eater an interlude / Mr. William Shakespeare's comedies, histories, and tragedies The parricide a tragedy / The Indian a farce / The artifice a comedy / The tragedy of King Saul Stoicus vapulans English readings a comic piece in one act. Romulus a tragedy / Trick for trick a comedy of two acts / The citye match a comoedye. The padlock a comic opera. The sisters a comedie / Selima and Azor Diamond cut diamond a comedy in two acts / Knavery in all trades, or, The coffee-house a comedy. Scipio Africanus a tragedy / 'Tis well if it takes a comedy / Mistris Parliament, her gossipping full of mirth, merry tales, chat, and other pleasant discourse ... / Pamela a comedy. Honesty the best policy King Arthur, or, The British worthy a dramatick opera / Nathan the Wise a philosophical drama / The maid of Kent a comedy: acted at the Theatre-Royal, in Drury-Lane. John Baptist's preaching in the wilderness Tartuffe, or, The French Puritan a comedy / Antiochus a tragedy / Cobler, or, A wife of ten thousand a ballad opera in two acts. The patriot, or, The Italian conspiracy a tragedy. The talisman The fairy of the lake a dramatic romance. Londons great jubilee containing a description of the several pageants and speeches, together with a song, for the entertainment of Their Majesties, who with Their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Denmark, the whole Court, and both houses of Parliament, honour His Lordship this year with their presence / Bellamira, or, The mistress a comedy / The seven champions of Christendome The Covent-Garden tragedy Hic et ubique, or, The humors of Dublin a comedy / The famous historye of the life and death of Captaine Thomas Stukeley with his marriage to Alderman Curteis daughter, and valiant ending of his life at the battaile of Alcazar. Torquato Tasso's Aminta Englisht to this is added Ariadne's complaint, in imitation of Anguillara, written by the translator of Tasso's Aminta. The debauchee, or, The credulous cuckold a comedy. Love in a camp, or, Patrick in Prussia A word for nature Britain's happiness a musical interlude / The Castle of Otranto The surrender of Trinidad Songs, chorusses, &c., as they are performed in the new entertainment of Harlequin's jubilee, at the Theatre Royal in Covent-Garden The castle of Montval a tragedy in five acts, as it is now performing with universal applause at the Theatre Royal Drury Lane / Ways and means, or, A trip to Dover a comedy in three acts / A most pleasant comedie of Mucedorus, the kings sonne of Valentia, and Amadine, the kinges daughter of Aragon with the merry conceites of Mouse. Madame Fickle, or, The witty false one a comedy / Cromwell's conspiracy a tragy-comedy relating to our latter times, beginning at the death of King Charles the First and ending with the happy restauration of King Charles the Second / Londons glory together with the order and management of the whole days business. Nabal Netley Abbey The lady-errant a tragi-comedy / The choice Madrigal and Trulletta a mock-tragedy / The first part of the true and honorable historie of the life of Sir John Old-Castle, the good Lord Cobham The honest lawyer The lover a comedy / Romes follies, or, The amorous fryars a comedy. The nature of the four elements Chit-chat a comedy / Apollo turn'd stroller, or, Thereby hangs a tale a musical pasticcio in two parts. Edwin and Catherine, or, The distressed lovers a tragedy. Court and country, or, The changelings a new ballad opera. The metamorphoses a comic opera in two acts / Cinthias revenge, or, Maenanders extasie The hue and cry The volunteers, or, Taylors, to arms! a comedy of one act / The warres of Cyrus, King of Persia, against Antiochus, King of Assyria with the tragicall ende of Panthaea. The committee a comedy / The two gentlemen of Verona a comedy / The Princess of Cleve The seconde tragedie of Seneca entituled Thyestes Don Carlos a tragedy / As you find it a comedy. The Turke a worthie tragedie / The constant maid a comedy / Londons triumphs illustrated with many magnificent structures & pageants : on which are orderly advanced several stately representations of poetical deities, sitting and standing in great splendor on several scenes in proper shapes : with pertinent speeches, jocular songs (sung by the city musick), and pastoral dancing / The polititian a tragedy / Piety in pattens The description, speeches, and songs of the Lords' maske, presented in the banquetting-house on the marriage of the high and mighty Count Palantine and the royally-descended the Ladie Elisabeth (on Shrove Sunday) Feb. 14, 1612-13 What is she? a comedy, in five acts / The Chelsea pensioner a comic opera in two acts. The beau defeated, or, The lucky younger brother a comedy. Don Raymond, or, The Castle of Lindenburgh A pretie new enterlude both pithie & pleasaunt of the story of Kyng Daryus beinge taken out of the third and fourth chapter of the thyrd booke of Esdras. The tragedy of Hoffman, or, A revenge for a father Songs, &c. in The Catawba travellers, or, Kiew Neika's return a musical entertainment with Indian scenery, spectacle, &c. Respublica The dramatic puffers a prelude / The female gamester a tragedy. A cure for a cuckold a pleasant comedy / The Scottish historie of James the Fourth, slaine at Flodden entermixed with a pleasant comedie, presented by Oboram King of Fayeries / The wheel of fortune a comedy / The etymologist a comedy of three acts. The first and second partes of King Edward the Fourth containing his mery pastime with the Tanner of Tamworth; as also his love to faire Mistresse Shoare, her great promotion, fall and miserie, and lastly the lamentable death of both her and her husband; likewise the besieging of London by the Bastard Falconbridge, and the valiant defence of the same by the Lord Major and the cittizens. The feign'd curtizans, or, A nights intrigue a comedy / The two queens of Brentford, or, Bayes no poetaster a musical farce or comical opera : being the sequel of the famous Rehearsal written by the late Duke of Buckingham ; with a comical prologue and epilogue. The ladies subscription a dramatic performance : designed for an introduction to a dance. The hypocrite a comedy / The careless lovers a comedy / The stage-beaux toss'd in a blanket, or, Hypocrisie alamode expos'd in a true picture of Jerry -----, a pretending scourge to the English stage a comedy : with a prologue on occasional conformity : being a full explanation of the poussin doctor's book : and an epilogue on the reformers. Harlequin Faustus, or, The devil will have his own Albion, or, The court of Neptune a masque. The regent a tragedy. Omai The heroick-lover, or, The Infanta of Spain The heir of Morocco with the death of Gayland / The triumphs of London containing a true description of the several pageants, with the speeches spoken on each pageant : all set forth at the proper cost and charges of the Worshipful Company of Drapers / The tragedy of Alphonsus, emperour of Germany Which is the man? a comedy / Songs, duets, trios, and choruses in The mariners a musical entertainment in two acts. A mery play betwene the pardoner and the frere, the curate and neybour Pratte Horace The Richmond gardener The committee-man curried a comedy presented to the view of all men / The platonick lady a comedy / The perplex'd couple, or, Mistake upon mistake The raging Turke, or, Bajazet the Second a tragedie / The macaroni a comedy. Entertainment of the High and Mighty Monarch Charles, King of Great Britaine, France, and Ireland into his auncient and royall City of Edinburgh, the fifteenth of June, 1633 The rape of Lucrece a true Roman tragedy : with the severall songs in their apt places, by Valerius the merrie lord amongst the Roman peeres / The regicide, or, James the First, of Scotland a tragedy / The city-ramble, or, A play-house wedding a comedy. The rival nymphs, or, The merry swain a pastoral comedy. The fate of Capua a tragedy / The ship-wreck a dramatick piece / Hero and Leander a burletta, two acts. Elmira a dramatick poem with thoughts on tragedy / Polyeuctes, or, The martyr a tragedy / The second part of The honest whore with the humors of the patient man, the impatient wife, the honest whore, perswaded by strong arguments to turne curtizan againe, her brave refuting those arguments, and lastly, the comicall passages of an Italian Bridewell, where the scaene ends / The alchemist Fontainville forest a play in five acts / The city lady, or, Folly reclaim'd a comedy / The petticoat-plotter a farce of two acts. The lottery a comedy. The projects The rival ladies a tragi-comedy. The jealous wife a comedy / The fall of Saguntum a tragedy / The cave of Trophonius The life of Mother Shipton a new comedy / The provok'd husband, or, A journey to London a comedy / She's not him and he's not her a farce of two acts. The modish husband a comedy / The visions of the soul before it comes into the body in several dialogues / Heigho for a husband! a comedy. Phoebe a pastoral opera / Il pastor fido tragi-comedia pastorale = The faithful shepherd : a pastoral tragi-comedy / The bragadocio, or, The bawd turn'd Puritan a new comedy / New Spain, or, Love in Mexico an opera in three acts. The araygnement of Paris a pastorall. Almida a tragedy / Theodosius, or, The force of love a tragedy / The wit of a woman All in the right, or, The cuckold in good ernest a farce in two acts / The generous choice a comedy / Feign'd friendship, or, The mad reformer The triumph of peace a masque / The tragicall history of the life and death of Doctor Faustus with several new scenes, together with the actors names / Acis and Galatea a masque / The fatal sisters, or, The castle of the forest a dramatic romance of five acts. The fatal vision, or, The fall of Siam a tragedy. All for love, or, The world well lost a tragedy / Terence's comedies A new play call'd The pragmatical Jesuit new-leven'd a comedy / The morning ramble, or, The town-humours a comedy. The Silver Age including the love of Jupiter to Alcmena, the birth of Hercules and the rape of Proserpine, concluding with the arraignement of the moone / A pleasant comedie called The two merry milke-maids, or, The best words weare the garland The voice of nature a play in three acts / The tragedy of Thierry king of France, and his brother Theodoret The hogge hath lost his pearle a comedy / The students, or, The humours of Saint Andrew's An account of the wonders of Derbyshire as introduced in the pantomime entertainment at the Theatre-Royal, Drury-Lane. Osorio a tragedy / Alfred Judas Maccabaeus The injured princess, or, The fatal wager The livery rake and country lass an opera : with the musick prefix'd to each song. Terence in English fabulae comici facetissimi et elegantissimi poetae Terentii / Wine, beere, ale and tobacco contending for superiority a dialogue. The English Quem quaeritis from the Regularis concordia. The damoiselles a la mode a comedy / The tragedy of the Dutchesse of Malfy The tragedy of Mustapha Dorval, or, The test of virtue a comedy / London's royal triumph for the City's loyal magistrate in an exact description of several scenes and pageants adorned with many magnificent representions : illustrated with divers delightful objects of gallantry and jollity, speeches and songs, single and in parts / The dramatic works of J.C. Cross, stage manager of the Surrey Theatre containing a complete collection of the most favorite ballets, spectacles, melo-drames, &c. performed at the above theatre. Sir Giddy Whim, or, The lucky amour a comedy. The swaggering damsell a comedy / Aureng-Zebe a tragedy / Vanquished love, or, The jealous queen a dramatic entertainment. Love's kingdom The eunuch, or The Darby captain a farce. Comus Appius and Virginia a tragedy / The school boy, or, The comical rival a comedy. The twin-rivals a comedy / The tragedie of Hero and Leander The fate of Corsica, or The female politician a comedy / Hecuba a tragedy. A proper dyaloge betwene a gentillman and a husbandman, eche complaynynge to other their miserable calamite through the ambicion of clergye with a compendious olde treatyse shewynge howe that we ought to have the Scripture in Englysshe / The volunteers Love and glory a masque / Shakespeare's jubilee a masque / The amorous bigottee with the second part of Tegue O Divelly : a comedy / The waterman, or, The first of August a ballad opera in two acts. The scowrers a comedy / Gasconado the Great a tragi-comi, political, whimsical opera. The cronicle history of Henry the Fift with his battell fought at Agin Court in France : togither with auntient Pistoll. The favourite an historical tragedy. Polly an opera : being the second part of The beggar's opera / The learned lady, or, Double reform A new dramatic entertainment called The royal chace, or, Merlin's cave with several new comic scenes of action introduced into the grotesque performance of Jupiter and Europa / Endimion, the man in the moone Gallathea All the world's a stage a farce in two acts / The bride a comedie / The step-mother a tragi-comedy. The combat of love and friendship a comedy : as it hath formerly been presented by the gentlemen of Ch. Ch. in Oxford / The pleasant comoedie of Patient Grissill The new inne, or, The light heart a comoedy / The guardian out-witted a comic opera / Comedies and tragedies Authorship and sources of Gentleness and nobility a study in early Tudor drama : together with a text of the play based on the black-letter original / Don Carlos, Prince of Spain a tragedy / Ducks and pease, or, The Newcastle rider a dramatic piece. The author's triumph, or, The manager manag'd a farce / The villain a tragedy / The dinner party a farce. Londons tempe, or, The feild of happines Rinaldo and Armida a tragedy / London triumphant, or, The city in jollity and splendour expressed in various pageants, shapes, scenes, speeches and songs / Amintas a dramatick pastoral / Lingo's wedding Elmira Love in a mist a farce. The tenth tragedy of L. Annae. Seneca, entituled Hercules Oetaeus The theatre of Apollo an entertainment / The lady's triumph a comic-dramatic opera : with all the entertainments of musick and the whole description of the scenes and machinary, &c. / The malcontent The deposition, or, Fatal miscarriage a tragedy. A bold stroke for a husband a comedy / The schoole of complement The sullen lovers, or, The impertinents a comedy / Juliana, or, The princess of Poland a tragicomedy / Florazene, or, The fatal conquest a tragedy of five acts / Hannah Hewitt, or, The female Crusoe Aurelio and Miranda a drama in five acts, with music / The mother-in-law, or, The doctor the disease a comedy. Win her and take her, or, Old fools will be medling a comedy. The foundling a comedy / The wonder of a kingdome The history of Sr Francis Drake exprest by instrumentall and vocall musick and by art of perspective in scenes, &c. : the first part. Mordecai's beard The distress'd baronet a farce in two acts / The quacks, or, The credulous man Frolick Texnogamia, or, The marriages of the arts a comedie / The patriot a tragedy / The dumbe knight a historicall comedy. The duenna a comic opera in three acts. The chronicle historie of Perkin Warbeck a strange truth. Fenelon, or, The nuns of Cambray a serious drama in three acts / Man of quality a farce / Love and revenge a tragedy / Romeo and Juliet The passion of Sappho ; and, Feast of Alexander The natural son a comedy / King Pepin's campaign a burlesque opera of two acts. Robert Burton's Philosophaster with an English translation of the same : together with his other minor writings in prose and verse / The impertinent lovers, or, A coquet at her wit's end a comedy : with a preface, and remarks upon its usage / The haunted tower M. William Shak-speare, his true chronicle history of the life and death of King Lear and his three daughters with the unfortunate life of Edgar, sonne and heire to the Earle of Gloster, and his sullen and assumed humor of Tom of Bedlam. The Earl of Mar marr'd with the humours of Jockey, the Highlander : a tragi-comical farce / Amana a dramatic poem / The register-office a farce of two acts / The tragicall history of the horrible life and death of Doctor Faustus The second part of The Cid A match at mid-night a pleasant comoedie / The tragedie of Croesus The exciseman The Amyntas of Tasso Hymens triumph a pastorall tragicomaedie / The works of Moliere French and English in ten volumes. The true friends The fayre mayde of the Exchange with the pleasaunt humours of the Cripple of Fanchurch, very delectable and full of mirth. The heroine of the cave a tragedy. Physick lies a bleeding, or, The apothecary turned doctor a comedy / Troja-Nova triumphans London triumphing, or, The solemne, magnificent, and memorable receiving of that worthy gentleman, Sir John Swinerton, Knight, into the citty of London, after his returne from taking the oath of maioralty at Westminster, on the morrow next after Simon and Judas day, being the 29. of October, 1612 / All vows kept a comedy. The tailors a tragedy for warm weather. The excellent comedie of two the moste faithfullest freendes, Damon and Pithias A new enterlude called Thersytes thys enterlude folowynge dothe declare howe that the greatest boesters are not the greatest doers. The return from Parnassus Sir Anthony Love, or, The rambling lady a comedy / Thyestes a tragedy / A newe interlude of Impacyente poverte The sailor's opera, or, A trip to Jamaica The benevolent planters a dramatic piece / Cupid and Hymen's holiday a pastoral masque ; An ode in praise of musick / Constantine the Great a tragedy / Cupids revenge The cruell brother a tragedy. The Thracian wonder a comical history / The Dutch lover a comedy / Fatal curiosity a true tragedy of three acts / The Spanich bawd, represented in Celestina, or, The tragicke-comedy of Calisto and Melibea wherein is contained, besides the pleasantnesse and sweetenesse of the stile many philosophicall sentences and profitable instructions necessary for the younger sort shewing the deceits and subtilties housed in the bosomes of false servants ad cunny-catching bawds. The man with two wives, or, Wigs for ever! a dramatick fable / The jubilee Fatal friendship a tragedy. The married coquet a comedy / The modern poetasters, or, Directors no conjurers a farce on the famous ode writers, satyrists, panegyrists, &c. of the present times and their patrons &c. : with the character and true picture of a late director and some others and an entertaining original scene of Mother W--yb--n's theatre as acted in the hundreds of Drury, by several poets, directors, &c. : also an epilogue on the times / The comick masque of Pyramus and Thisbe London's tryumphs The pleasant historie of the two angrie women of Abington with the humorous mirthe of Dick Coomes and Nicholas Proverbes their two servingmen / The unnatural brother a tragedy. The relapse, or, Virtue in danger being the sequel of The fool in fashion : a comedy. The country-wake a comedy / The faithful general a tragedy / The factious citizen, or, The melancholy visioner a comedy. The plotters a satire occasion'd by the proceedings of the Earl of 0----y, the Lord B. of R., the Lord N., and G., and others. A very good wife a comedy. Hearts of oak A tragi-comedy called New-Market-Fayre, or, A Parliament out-cry, of state-commodities set to sale Thorny-Abbey, or, The London-maid a tragedy / The Temple beau a comedy / The married man, or, The closet cordial The humours of Oxford a comedy / The vestal virgin, or, The Roman ladies a tragedy / Lionel and Clarissa, or, A school for fathers a comic opera. The married philosopher a comedy / Edgar, or, The English monarch an heroick tragedy / Porta pietatis, or, The port or harbour of piety exprest in sundry triumphes, pageants, and showes, at the initiation of the Right Honourable Sir Maurice Abbot Knight, into the majoralty of the famous and farre renowned city London / The destruction of Troy a tragedy / The lover's opera The history of King Lear The gamester Lord Mayor's day, or, A flight from Lapland The Jew a comedy / The wits, or, Sport upon sport being a curious collection of several drols and farces, presented and shewn for the merriment and delight of wise men, and the ignorant / The changeling Comic scenes in ye jubilee of Covent Garden Theatre The country wife an entertainment in two acts / Two tragedies viz., Britannicus ; and, Alexander the Great / The island of St. Marguerite Blurt, master-constable, or, The Spaniards night-walke A new and mery enterlude called The triall of treasure The projectors, or, Wit at a pinch Fortune's frolic a farce in two acts / The insatiate countesse a tragedie. Wet weather The deceiver deceived a comedy. The younger brother, or, The amorous jilt a comedy / The revolution an historical play / The mistakes, or, The happy resentment a comedy / The Mohocks a tragi-comical farce. The airs, duetts, trios and chorusses, &c. in The prophet a comic opera in three acts. The siege of Berwick a tragedy / Rites of Hecate, or, Harlequin from the moon Harvest-home a comic opera in two acts / Love and friendship a serenata / The Roman actor a tragedy / Henry the Third of France, stabb'd by a fryer, with the fall of the guise a tragedy / The Roman empress a tragedy / The perfidious brother from the original copy : a new tragedy : with a preface in which is celebrated the honour, justice, gratitude, and genius of the editor of the play under this title / Lord Russell a tragedy / St. George's Day, or, Britons rejoice! Heroick love a tragedy / The banish'd duke, or, The tragedy of Infortunatus Osway a tragedy / A relation of the late royal entertainment given by the Right Honourable the Lord Knowles at Cawsome [i.e. Caversham] House, near Redding, to our Most Gracious Queene, Queene Anne, in her progress toward the bathe upon the seven and eight-and-twentieth dayes of April 1613 Masquarade du ciel a celestiall map, representing the true site and motions of the heavenly bodies, through the yeeres 1639, 1640, &c.; shadowing the late commotions, between Saturn and Mercury, about the northern Thule : with the happy peace and union, through the whole little world, made by the goodnesse of Phebus and his royall Phebe / Venice preserv'd, or, A plot discover'd a tragedy / The cabinet of fancy, or, Evening exhibition The new Hippocrates, or, A lesson for quacks The lady's lecture a theatrical dialogue between Sir Charles Easy and his mariageable daughter : being an attempt to engage obedience by filial liberty and to give the maiden conduct of virtue, chearfulness / The golden pippin The revenge of Bussy D'Ambois a tragedie / The receipt tax a farce in two acts / The Roman brides revenge a tragedy. The English merchant a comedy / Songs, duettos, glees, catches, &c., with an explanation of the procession, in the pantomime of Harlequin Free-Mason John the Evangelist The wild-goose chase a comedie / The old debauchees a comedy / The queenes Arcadia a pastorall trage-comedie. The busie body a comedy / Albumazar a comedy. The humorists a comedy / The fatal discovery, or, Love in ruines a tragedy : with a preface in answer to a scandalous copy of verses, written by Mr. Dryden, and prefext to a play call'd Heroick love. The libertine a tragedy / The atheist's tragedie, or, The honest man's revenge The woman hater Rome excis'd a new tragi-comi-ballad-opera of three acts. The perjur'd husband, or, The adventures of Venice a tragedy / Achilles, or, Iphigenia in Aulis a tragedy / The rival queens, or, The death of Alexander the Great Al fooles a comody / Inez a tragedy. The graces an intermezzo in one act. A warning for faire women containing the most tragicall and lamentable murther of Master George Sanders of London marchant, nigh Shooters Hill, consented unto by his owne wife, acted by M. Browne, Mistris Drewry, and Trusty Roger, agents therin, with their severall ends. Innocence betrayed, or, The royal impostor a dramatic entertainment of two acts. A tragi-comedy called Match mee in London The brothers The rivall friends a comoedie / Tag in tribulation, or, The benefit night The tragical history of King Richard III The humours of the road, or, A ramble to Oxford a comedy. No-body and Some-body with the true chronicle historie of Elydure, who was fortunately three severall times crowned King of England. The different widows, or, Intrigue all-a-mode a comedy. The modern prophets, or, New wit for a husband a comedy / The fatal interview Julius Caesar a tragedy / The broken heart a tragedy. The troublesome raigne and lamentable death of Edward the Second, King of England with the tragicall fall of proud Mortimer, and also the life and death of Peirs Gaveston, and mighty favorite of King Edward the Second / A Christian turn'd Turke, or, The tragicall lives and deaths of the two famous pyrates, Ward and Dansiker The royall slave a tragi-comedy. Orpheus and Eurydice with the pantomime entertainment ; as acted at the Theatre-Royal in Lincoln's-Inn-Fields / The raft, or, Both sides of the water The birth of Merlin, or, The childe hath found his father 'Tis pitty shee's a whore The contrivances a ballad opera / The public a tragedy in one scene. If you know not me, you know no bodie, or, The troubles of Queene Elizabeth The London hermit, or, Rambles in Dorsetshire The old wives tale a pleasant conceited comedie / A pleasant comedie of Faire Em, the miller's daughter of Manchester with the love of William the Conqueror. L'embaras des richesses comedie = The plague of riches : a comedy / The triumphs of the Prince d'Amour [a masque] Leander and Hero a tragedy. Three hours after marriage a comedy. The vestal virgin a tragedy. Cenia, or, The suppos'd daughter Love without interest, or, The man too hard for the master a comedy. The assignation, or, Love in a nunnery The Sicilian lover a tragedy in five acts / The wittie faire one a comedie / The second part of the tragi-comedy called New-Market-Fayre, or, Mrs. Parliaments new figaryes The rape of Europa by Jupiter a masque. The henpeck'd captain, or, The humours of the militia The Black Prince The miniature picture a comedy in three acts / The state of innocence, and fall of man an opera / Mr. Taste, the poetical fop, or, The modes of the court a comedy / The fancy'd queen an opera. The fourth and most ruthful tragedy of L. Annaeus Seneca, entituled Hippolytus The fair example, or, The modish citizens a comedy / The emperour of the East a tragae-comoedie : the scaene Constantinople / Harlequin and Oberon, or, Little Fanny's love Oedipus a tragedy / The prodigal a dramatic piece. The tragedie of King Richard the Second Miss in her teens, or, The medley of lovers The somewhat Tyranny triumphant and liberty lost, the muses run mad, Apollo struck dumb, and all Covent-Garden confounded, or, Historical, critical, and prophetical remarks on the famous cartel lately agreed on by the masters of the two theatres in a letter to a friend in the country to which is added an essay towards a farce on the same subject / Microcosmus a moral maske / The midnight wanderers a comic opera in two acts / Apollo shroving The contract An enterlude called Lusty Juventus lyvely discribing the frailtye of youth, of nature prone to vice, by grace and good counsayll trayneable to vertue. The school for guardians a comedy. The masque of queenes The revengeful queen a tragedy / The amorous prince, or, The curious husband a comedy / The English rogue a new comedy / Calypso and Telemachus an opera / Pedantius a Latin comedy / The rare triumphes of love ad fortune wherein are manye fine conceites with great delight. The sun's-darling a moral masque / The siege of Jerusalem by Titus Vespasian a tragedy. The usurers The siege of Constantinople a tragedy. Cambyses, King of Persia a tragedy / Wits led by the nose, or, A poet's revenge a tragi-comedy. New hay at the old market an occasional drama in one act / Henry and Emma a new poetical interlude / The rival widows, or, Fair libertine a comedy / The perfidious brother a tragedy / Primrose green, or, Love in the country The doctor and the apothecary a musical entertainment in two acts. The ambitious widow a comic entertainment. Intrigue in a cloyster a farce of two acts / The coffee-house politician, or, The justice caught in his own trap a comedy / Artaxerxes a serious opera / The false count, or, A new way to play an old game Arrived at Portsmouth an operatic drama in two acts / A cure for a coxcomb, or, The beau bedevil'd Songs, duets, trios, &c. in The islanders a comic opera in three acts. The Belles Association, or, Female orators Newes out of the west, or, The character of a mountebank being a discourse between Hodge Lether-Pelch and Tym Hob-Nayle, Sir Harry-Hart-Hole their land-lord, and his friend Sir Clement Councell; also of their travels from Taunton to London, their arrivall at their physitians pallace, the description of it, his sick and brain-sick followers, person and family, with a full relation of the medicines hee commonly administers, their operation and danger represented by them; also a relation of their abuses now suffered and fomented by authority, with a remedy set downe, to the encouragement of physitians, illustration of the honour'd art and generall good of the Re-publique / The maids last prayer, or, Any, rather than fail a comedy / The fatall dowry a tragedy / The amorous warre a tragi-comœdy. Clarissa, or, The fatal seduction a tragedy in prose / The most lamentable Romaine tragedie of Titus Andronicus The mysteries of the castle a dramatic tale in three acts / The fatal jealousie a tragedy. The German hotel a comedy. Sir Roger de Coverly, or, The merry Christmas a dramatic entertainment of two acts / The Coventry act a comedy in three acts. Phebe, or, The beggar's wedding an opera. Great favourite, or, The Duke of Lerma a tragedy / The death of Dion a tragedy / The siege of Rhodes. the first part being lately enlarg'd / The ordinary a comedy / The uninhabited island Maximian a tragedy / The amorous widow, or, The wanton wife a comedy / The famous history of the life and death of Captain Thomas Stukeley with the marriage of Alderman Curties' daughter, and valiant ending of his life at the battle of Alcazar. The pleasant and stately morall of the three lordes and three ladies of London with the great joy and pompe solempnized at their mariages, commically interlaced with much honest mirth for pleasure and recreation among many morall observations and other important matters of due regard / Love in a wood, or, St. James's Park a comedy / Harlequin's invasion The phoenix The maid the mistress a comic serenata / The female orators, or, Ladies' Debating Society Querer por solo querer To love only for love sake : a dramatick romance / Loves metamorphosis a wittie and courtly pastorall / The nice lady a comedy. Guy Fawkes, or, The fifth of November The muse of Ossian a dramatic poem of three acts / The description of the masque celebrating the happy marriage of John, Lord Ramsey, Vicount Hadington, with the Lady Elizabeth Ratcliffe, daughter to the Right Honor: Robert, Earle of Sussex, at Court on the Shrove-Tuesday at night, 1608 with the nuptiall songs / Electra a tragedy / The siege of Sinope a tragedy / Albion and Albanius an opera / A game at chaess An apologie for Paris for rejecting of Juno and Pallas and presenting of Ate's golden ball to Venus with a discussion of the reasons that might induce him to favour either of the three / The unhappy penitent a tragedy / The history of Henry the Fourth with the battell at Shrewseburie betweene the King and Lord Henry Percy surnamed Henry Hotspur of the North : with the humorous conceites of Sir John Falstaffe / Money the mistress a play, as it was acted at the Theatre-Royal in Lincolns-Inn-Fields. / Damnation, or, The playhouse hissing hot The masquerade Philoclea Richardus Tertius The country 'squire, or, A Christmas gambol a comedy. Claracilla a tragae-comedy / The man of enterprise a farce. Caesar in Egypt a tragedy / The ladies triall A nosegay of weeds Fatal love, or, The degenerate brother a tragedy / Tom Essence, or, The modish wife a comedy. Eurydice a tragedy. The oracle a comedy of one act / The levee a farce. The dramatic works of George Colman, the younger with an original life of the author. Goodwin The rose a comic opera in two acts / The tragedy of Sir John van Olden Barnavelt anonymous Elizabethan play / The poor scholar a comedy / The death of Robert, Earle of Huntington, otherwise called Robin Hood of merrie Sherwodde with the lamentable tragedie of chaste Matilda, his faire maid Marian, poysoned at Dunmowe by King John. The obstinate lady a comedy / Andromache a tragedy. L. Annaeus Seneca's Troas a tragedy / The historie of the two valiant knights, Syr Clyomon, Knight of the Golden Sheeld, sonne to the King of Denmarke, and Clamydes, the White Knight, sonne to the King of Suavia The history of Antonio and Mellida. The triumphs of London containing a true description of the several pageants, with the speehes spoken on each pageant, together with the several songs sung at this solemnity / The knave in graine, new vampt a witty comedy / Satiro-mastix, or, The untrussing of the humorous poet Songs, chorusses, &c. in The campaign, or, Love in the East-Indies a comic opera / The noble lie a drama in one act : being a continuation of the play of Misanthropy and repentance, or, The stranger / The Dutch-man a musical entertainment / Zingis a tragedy / The fugitives a comedy / Eugenia a tragedy / The vow breaker, or, The faire maide of Clifton in Notinghamshire May Day a comedie / The chances a comedy : with alterations. The Jew and the doctor a farce in two acts / The royal shepherd an English opera : with alterations. The adventures of a night a farce of two acts. The opiate Mutius Scaevola, or, The Roman patriot an historical drama / The spoil'd child in two acts. The hop, or Who's afraid? Count Basil a tragedy. The conquest of Canada, or, The siege of Quebec an historical tragedy of five acts / The wizard a play / The noble souldier, or, A contract broken, justly reveng'd a tragedy / Philaster a tragedy / The fickle shepherdess The gentleman-cully a comedy. The pad a farce in one act. The Widdow Ranter, or, The history of Bacon in Virginia a tragi-comedy / The whore of Babylon The snuff box, or, A trip to Bath a comedy of two acts / The lamentable tragedie of Locrine, the eldest sonne of King Brutus discoursing the warres of the Britaines and Hunnes with their discomfiture, the Britaines victorie with accidents, and the death of Albanact, no lesse pleasant than profitable / Plutus, or, The world's idol a comedy / Greenwich-Park a comedy / Reform a farce / The rival milliners, or, The humours of Covent Garden a tragi-comi-operatic-pastoral farce / Lusts dominion, or, The lascivious queen a tragedie. Orestes a dramatic opera / A bold stroke for a wife a comedy / A most pleasaunt and excellent conceited comedie of Syr John Falstaffe and the Merrie wives of Windsor entermixed with sundrie variable and pleasing humors, of Syr Hugh the Welch knight, Justice Shallow, and his wife Cousin M. Slender : with the swaggering vaine of auncient Pistoll and Corporall Nym / Sethona a tragedy. Harlequin Doctor Faustus with The masque of the deities / Psyche a tragedy / Our wooden walls, or, All to St. Paul's King Edward the Third The contre temps, or Rival queans a small farce. Xerxes a tragedy / The secret castle, or, Henry and Edwy The comical gallant, or, The amours of Sir John Falstaffe a comedy / Sir Patient Fancy a comedy / Neptunes triumph for the returne of Albion celebrated in a masque at the court on the Twelfth night, 1623. Monsieur D'Olive The virgin martir a tragedie / The sketch of a fine lady's return from a rout Jephthes, sive, Votum tragoedia. Farmer's return The rape a tragedy. Pleasure reconciled to vertue a masque. The tragedie of King Richard the Third containing his treacherous plots against his brother Clarence, the pittifull murther of his innocent nephewes, his tyrannicall usurpation, with the whole course of his detested life, and most deserved death / Athelstan a tragedy. A short account of the new pantomime called Omai, or, A trip round the world with the recitatives, airs, duetts, trios and chorusses and a description of the procession / Mr. Anthony a comedy / The tragedie of King Richard the Third conteining his treacherous plots against his brother Clarence, the pittifull murther of his innocent nephewes, his tyrannicall usurpation, with the whole course of his detested life, and most deserved death / A peep into Elysium, or, Foote, Shuter and Weston in the shades Coelum Britannicum a maske at White-Hall in the Banquetting House on Shrove-Tuesday-Night, the 18 of February, 1633 / Playes The ambitious slave, or, A generous revenge a tragedy / The conspirators a tragi-comic opera. The Earl of Essex Totenham court a pleasant comedie / The Spanish fryar, or, The double discovery The jealous lovers a comedie / The candidate a farce in two acts / The school for vanity a comedy in five acts. The Walloons a comedy. The mirror, or, Harlequin every where The Italian husband a tragedy / The tragedie of Julius Caesar Ut pictura poesis, or, The enraged musician a musical entertainment founded on Hogarth / Harlequin sorcerer, with the loves of Pluto and Proserpine [a pantomime] Darius The maid of the Oaks a new dramatic entertainment. The returne from Pernassus, or, The scourge of simony The Jew decoy'd, or, The progress of a harlot a new ballad opera of three acts. A collection of farces and other afterpieces which are acted at the Theatres Royal, Drury-Lane, Covent-Garden, and Hay-Market / Queen Catharine, or, The ruines of love a tragedy / The royal voyage, or, The Irish expedition a tragi-comedy. The royal mischief a tragedy / The impostors a comedy / Londini sinus salutis, or, Londons harbour of health and happinesse expressed in sundry triumphs, pageants, and showes, at the initiation of the Right Honorable Christopher Clethrowe into the majoralty of the farre renowned city London / What a blunder! a comic opera in three acts / The ladies visiting-day a comedy : with the addition of a new scene. Malcolm a tragedy. The village doctor a burletta / The self-rival a comedy. The charity boy The songs, chorusses, &c. in The touchstone, or, Harlequin traveller an operatical pantomime. The cottagers a comic opera in two acts / The hotel, or, The servant with two masters a farce in two acts / Londons tryumph presented by Industry and Honour with other delightfull scaenes appertaining to them / Socrates a dramatic poem / The Brazen Age the first act containing the death of the centaure Nessus, the second the tragedy of Meleager, the third the tragedy of Jason and Medea, the fourth Vulcans net, the fifth the labours and death of Hercules / The non-juror a comedy / Timoleon a tragedy. The Cheshire huntress and the old fox caught at last a dramatic tale. The brothers a comedie / Hallow Fair, or, The school for lasses Chloridia rites to Chloris and her nymphs : [a masque] The tutor London in its splendor consisting of triumphant pageants, whereon are represented many persons richly arrayed, properly habited, and signigicant to the design : with several speeches, and a song, suitable to the solemnity : all prepared for the honour of the prudent magistrate, Sir William Hooker, Kt., Lord Mayor of the City of London, at the peculiar expences of the worshipful Company of Grocers : as also, a description of His Majesties royal entertainment at Guildhall, by the City, in a plentiful feast, and a glorious banquet / Almira Like will to like Irene, or, The fair Greek a tragedy. The rape, or, The innocent impostors a tragedy. Covent Garden Theatre, or, Pasquin turn'd Drawcansir Harlequin captive, or, The magic fire Curiosity The triumphs of integrity a noble solemnity / The imperial captives a tragedy / Flora an opera / The spleen, or, Islington Spa a comick piece of two acts / The lost lady a tragy comedy. Loves triumph through Callipolis The tragedy of King Richard the Third containing his treacherous plots against his brother Clarence, the pittiefull murther of his innocent nephewes, his tyrannicall usurpation, with the whole course of his detested life and most deserved death. Andronicus a tragedy : Impieties long successe, or, Heaven's late revenge. The unfortunate mother a tragedie / Angelica, or, Quixote in petticoats a comedy in two acts. Oliver Cromwell an historical play / The late Lancashire witches a well received comedy / The compromise, or, Faults on both sides a comedy / The Scots figgaries, or, A knot of knaves a comedy. An additional scene to the comedy of The minor The guardian outwitted The tryal of the time-killers a comedy of five acts. London's joy, or, The Lord Mayors show triumphantly exhibited in various representations, scenes, and splendid ornaments, with divers pertinent figures and movements : with the several speeches, and songs, which were spoken on the pageants in Cheapside, and sung in Guild-Hall during dinner / The most excellent and lamentable tragedie of Romeo and Juliet Almena an English opera / The forced marriage a tragedy. The sham-lawyer, or, The lucky extravagant The Honorable entertainment given to Her Majestie in progresse at Cowdrey in Sussex by the Right Honorable the Lord Montecute, anno 1591, August 15 News the malady a comedy. Phaedra and Hippolitus a tragedy / Caelia, or, The perjur'd lover a play. Her Most Excellent Majestie walking in Wansteed Garden ... The novel, or, Mistakes of a night De Monfort a tragedy. The enchantress, or, The happy island a favorite musical entertainment / The fatal error a tragedy. Pompey a tragoedy. Aglaura The sultan, or, A peep into the seraglio Scanderbeg a tragedy / The wives excuse, or, Cuckolds make themselves a comedy / The Stage-players complaint in a pleasant dialogue between Cane of the Fortune and Reed of the Friers, deploring their sad and solitary conditions for want of imployment in this heavie and contagious time of the plague in London. The elopement The bond-man an ancient storie / The wedding Bianca Capello a dramatic narrative from the same work. The royalist a comedy / Songs, &c. in The sons of Britannia, or, George for England a loyal divertisement of song, dance, and spectacle performed at Sadler's Wells. The cozeners Supposes a comedie / The disappointed coxcomb a comedy in five acts / Mr. William Shakespear's comedies, histories, and tragedies The female duellist an afterpiece with songs set to music / The rose-wreath, or, Chaplet of innocence The traitor to himself, or, Mans heart his greatest enemy a moral interlude in heroic verse representing the careless, hardned, returning, despairing, renewed heart : with intermaskes of intepretation [sic] at the close of each several act. The wary widdow, or, Sir Noisy Parrat a comedy / The tragedy of King Henry IV of France Cato a tragedy / The first days entertainment at Rutland-House by declamations and musick, after the manner of the ancients / The honorable historie of Frier Bacon and Frier Bungay The barber of Seville, or, The useless precaution a comedy in four acts with songs, &c. / Lucius Junius Brutus, father of his country a tragedy / Airs, ballads, &c. in The blackamoor wash'd white a comic opera. The point of honour Arsinoe, or, The incestuous marriage a tragedy / The puritanical justice, or, The beggars turn'd thieves by way of farce. The systematic, or imaginary, philosopher a comedy in five acts. Honorable entertainments compos'de for the service of this noble cittie some of which were fashion'd for the entertainment of the lords of His Majesties Most Honorable Privie Councell upon the occasion of their late royall enmployment / The masquerade, or, An evening's intrigue a comedy. The man in the moon The tragedies of Sophocles The happy captive an English opera : with an interlude, in two comick scenes, betwixt Signor Capoccio, a director from the Canary Islands, and Signora Dorinna, a virtuosa. The mourning bride a tragedy / Belisarius a tragedy. The captive monarch a tragedy in five acts / Love's last shift, or, The fool in fashion a comedy / The device called The world tost at tennis a courtly masque / Darthula a tragedy. The servant mistress The secret a comedy in five acts / Hannibal and Scipio an historicall tragedy / The triumph of truth an oratorio. The modern husband a comedy / Appius a tragedy. The lady of May a masque. The old troop, or, Monsieur Raggou The death of Captain Faulknor, or, British heroism an opera in one act. Rule a wife and have a wife a comoedy / The gentle shepherd a Scotch pastoral / The history of Henry the Fourth with the battell at Shrewseburie, betweene the King and Lord Henry Percy, surnamed Henry Hotspur of the North : with the humorous conceites of Sir John Falstaffe / The Frenchified lady never in Paris Meleager tragoedia nova. The marriage contract a comedy of two acts. The merry making The female officer Theodora, or, The Spanish daughter a tragedy. The stranger a comedy / Ulysses / Love and war a tragedy / The fairy favour a masque. King Richard II a tragedy / The dramatic works of Mr. de Voltaire The fool would be a favourit, or, The discreet lover a trage-comedy / The country election a farce in two acts. Fraus honesta comoedia / Mithridates, King of Pontus a tragedy / The history of the tryall of chevalry with the life and death of Cavaliero Dicke Bowyer. The soldier's wreath, or, The battle ground of New Orleans and other poems / Blinde beggar of Alexandria most pleasantly discoursing his variable humours in disguised shapes full of conceite and pleasure. Perolla and Izadora a tragedy / The accomplish'd maid a comic opera / Love tricks, or, The school of complements Elvira, or, The worst not always true a comedy / Mangora, king of the Timbusians, or, The faithful couple a tragedy / Happy constancy a comedy. The battle of the poets, or, The contention for the laurel St. Cecily, or, The converted twins a Christian tragedy / A loyal effusion consisting of dialogue, music & spectacle to conclude with a song & chorus in honor of His Majesty's birth-day. The picture of Paris taken in the year 1790 Daphne and Amintor a comic opera in one act as it is performed at the Theatre Royal in Drury Lane / The triple discovery Lucius Junius Brutus, or, The expulsion of the Tarquins an historical play / The first parte of Churchyardes Chippes contayning twelve severall labours / Tamerlane the Great a tragedy / Monuments of honor derived from remarkable antiquity and celebrated in the honorable city of London at the sole munificent charge and expences of the right worthy and worshipfull fraternity of the eminent Merchant-Taylors, directed in their most affectionate love, at the confirmation of their right worthy brother John Gore in the high office of His Majesties Liuetenant over his royal chamber, expressing in a magnificent tryumph, all the pageants, chariots of glory, temples of honor, besides a specious and goodly sea tryumph, as well particularly to the honor of the city, as generally to the glory of this our kingdome / Blue devils a farce in one act / Florizel and Perdita, or, The sheep-shearing a dramatic pastoral in two acts / Thelyphthora, or, More wives than one The children in the wood a comic opera in two acts : for the piano-forte, harpsichord, violin, &c. : op. 35 / Love triumphant, or, Nature will prevail a tragi-comedy / The generous enemies, or, The ridiculous lovers a comedy / The female vertuoso's a comedy / The man like himself, or, Stratford wake The tragedy of Messallina, the Roman emperesse Everyman The restauration of King Charles II, or, The life and death of Oliver Cromwell an histori-tragi-comi ballad opera. The words of the songs, duets, glees, chorusses, &c. in The nunnery a comic opera of two acts / Henry the Second, King of England, with the death of Rosamond a tragedy / English verses and ditties at the coronation procession of Queen Anne Boleyn The cobler's opera A newe enterlude of vice conteyninge the historye of Horestes with the cruell revengment of his fathers death upon his one naturtll [sic] mother / Florizel and Perdita The maids tragedie The benefice a comedy / The siege of Calais a tragedy / Philotas The whim, or, The merry-cheat The London chaunticleres a witty comoedy full of various and delightfull mirth. A pleasant commodie called Looke about you Bury-Fair a comedy / The tragedy of Medea with a preface containing some reflections on the new way of criticism / The packet boat A duke and no duke a farce / The hodge podge, or, A receipt for a benefit The sophister a comedy. The Pretender's flight, or, A mock coronation with the humours of the facetious Harry Saint John : a tragi-comical farce : being the sequel of The Earl of Mar marr'd / The two noble ladies The meeting of the company, or, Bayes's art of acting The death of Agamemnon Duplicity The love-sick king an English tragical history : with the life and death of Cartesmunda, the fair nun of Winchester / The heir at law a comedy in five acts / The fancies, chast and noble Plymouth in an uproar a musical farce / A divertisement The fate of villany a play. Count Benyowsky, or, The conspiracy of Kamtschatka a tragi-comedy in five acts / The rape of Lucrece a true Roman tragedie : with the severall songes in their apt places, by Valerius, the merrie lord amongst the Roman peeres / Venus and Adonis a masque. The vocal parts of an entertainment call'd Merlin, or, The devil of Stone-Henge [a pantomime] / The female fop, or, The false one fitted a comedy. For the honour of Wales The Gotham election a farce / Newmarket, or, The humours of the turf Emilia a tragedy / A comedy concerning three laws of Nature, Moses, and Christ The new play criticiz'd, or, The plague of envy Agrippa, king of Alba, or, The false Tiberinus The squire of Alsatia a comedy / Tittle tattle, or, Taste a-la-mode a new farce / Two to one a comic opera in three acts / The distress'd wife a comedy / Airs, duetts, and chorusses, arrangement of scenery, and sketch of the pantomime entitled The picture of Paris taken in the year 1790. Better late than never a comedy. The change of crownes a tragi-comedy / The judgment of Paris a masque / Crime from ambition a play in five acts / The beaux merchant a comedy / The clock case, or, Female curiosity The maid of Normandy, or, The death of the Queen of France a tragedy in four acts / Hermon, prince of Choraea, or, The extravagant zealot a tragedy / Feudal times, or, The banquet-gallery a drama in two acts / Songs, trios, duetts and chorusses in the comic opera of Summer amusement, or, An adventure of Margate The genius of Ireland a masque in three acts / The fashionable lady, or, Harlequin's opera in the manner of a rehearsal / The Cornish squire a comedy / Roister Doister The wager The faithful shepherd a dramatic pastoral / The shamrock, or, Anniversary of St. Patrick The sheep-shearing a dramatic pastoral in three acts / The Swisser publié d'après un manuscrit inédit / Alexander the Great, or, The conquest of Persia a grand heroic pantomime / The prisoner The oculist a dramatic entertainment of two acts. An act at Oxford a comedy / Fatal love, or, The forc'd inconstancy a tragedy / The rambling justice, or, The jealous husbands with the humours of Sir John Twiford. The Indian Queen a tragedy / Buck's interlude Poverty and wealth a comedy in five acts / Eloisa Divine dialogues containing the histories of Dives and Lazarus, the destruction of Sodom, and Abraham's sacrificing his son ; to which is added Joseph reviv'd, or, The history of his life and death / A most pleasant and merie new comedie intituled A knacke to knowe a knave with Kemps applauded merrimentes of the men of Goteham in receiving the king into Goteham. Cupid's whirligig A particular entertainment of the Queene and Prince Their Highnesse to Althrope, at the Right Honourable the Lord Spencers, on Saterday, being the 25. of June, 1603, as they came first into the kingdome The fair Circassian a tragedy / Tristram Shandy Music alamode, or, Bays in chromatics Caledonia, or, The pedlar turn'd merchant a tragi-comedy. The marriage-hater match'd a comedy / The father's revenge The mournful nuptials, or, Love the cure of all woes a tragedy : to which is prefixed a preface containing some observations on satire and on the present state of our public entertainments / National prejudice The rival modes a comedy ; as it is acted by His Majesty's company of comedians at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane / An hospital for fools a dramatic fable : to which is added the songs with their basses and symphonies, and transposed for the flute / The ward of the castle Queen Tragedy restor'd a dramatick entertainment. The famous history of Sir Thomas Wyat with the coronation of Queen Mary, and the coming in of King Philip / Magnyfycence a goodly interlude and a mery / Menaecmi a pleasant and fine conceited comaedie / Antonios revenge the second part [of The historie of Antonio and Mellida] / The pannel an entertainment of three acts / Fifty comedies and tragedies A moste excellent comedie of Alexander, Campaspe and Diogenes The broken stock-jobbers, or, Work for the bailiffs a new farce. The Italian villagers The joyfull receyving of the Queenes Most Excellent Majestie into Hir Highnesse citie of Norwich the things done in the time of hir abode there and the dolor of the citie at hir departure : wherein are set downe divers orations in Latine pronounced to Hir Highnesse by Sir Robert Wood, Knight, now mayor of the same castle, and others and certaine also delivered to Her Majestie in writing : every of the turned into English. The musical farce of Hunt the slipper in two acts. The royal oake with other various and delightfull scenes presented on the water and the land / The merry midnight mistake, or, Comfortable conclusion a new comedy / Ploutophthalmia ploutogamia A pleasant comedie entituled Hey for honesty, down with knavery / The union, or, St. Andrew's day The coquette, or, The mistakes of the heart a comedy. The bath, or, The western lass a comedy / The comic extravaganza The new maid of the oaks a tragedy / Harlequin student, or, The fall of pantomime with the restoration of the drama an entertainment. Gallic gratitude, or, The Frenchman in India a comedy in two acts / Crėusa, Queen of Athens a tragedy ; as it is acted at the Theatre Royal in Drury-Lane by His Majesty's servants / The sot a burletta in two parts / Two strings to your bow a farce in two acts / The British stage, or, The exploits of Harlequin a farce. A merrie and pleasant comedy, never before printed, called A shoo-maker a gentleman The moral quack a dramatic satire. Love at a venture a comedy / Coalition a farce. Caesar and Pompey a Roman tragedy declaring their warres, out of whose events is evicted this proposition, only a just man is a freeman / Buxom Joan a burletta in one act. The interlude of a contract of marriage between wit and wisdom The double gallant, or, The sick lady's cure a comedy / The heire an excellent comedie / Sr Martin Mar-all, or, The feign'd innocence a comedy. The Tuscan treaty, or, Tarquin's overthrow a tragedy / Mirza a tragedie really acted in Persia in the last age : illustrated with historicall annotations / The mock-duellist, or, The French vallet a comedy / Elegies ; with Selmane a tragedy / The school-boy's mask design'd for the diversion of youth, and their excitement to learning. Windsor Castle The doubtful heir a tragi-comedie / Blue-beard, or, Female curiosity a dramatick romance / Albumazar a comedy : with alterations. The bank note, or, Lessons for ladies a comedy in five acts : partly an alteration / Heav'n's blessing and Earth's joy, or, A true relation of the supposed sea-fights and fire-workes Orgula, or, The fatall error a tragedy / The renegado a tragae comedie / A matrimonial breakfast a burletta / The king and the miller of Mansfield a dramatick tale / The battle of Eddington, or, British liberty a tragedy. The tempest, or, The enchanted island The belle's strategem a comedy in five acts / Silvia, or, The country burial an opera : with the musick prefix'd to each song. Device of the pageant borne before Woolstone Dixi A Venetian tale The tragedie of Cleopatra, Queen of Ægypt The lad o' the hills, or, The Wicklow gold mine Englands comfort and Londons joy expressed in the royall triumphant, and magnificent entertainment of our dread Soveraigne Lord, King Charles, at his blessed and safe returne from Scotland on Thursday the 25 of Novem., 1641, by the Right Honourable Richard Gurney, Esquire, Lord Major, with the Right Worshipfull Knights, and Aldermen, Sheriffes and Companies of this famous City of London : together with the manner and forme how the state is to bee observed and performed by the severall companies on horse-backe and foot for the conducting of His Majesite, the Queene, the Prince and all the royal progeny, to the Guild Hall, London, to dinner and from thence to His Majesties palace at White Hall : also the severall speeches and other verses presented to His Sacred Person at that time. A play of love A tragedy called All's lost by lust Ignoramus abbreviatus comaedia in schola mercatorum scissorum habita, anno MDCCLXIII. The sad shepherd, or, A tale of Robin-Hood Sir John Cockle at court being the sequel of The king and the miller of Mansfield : a dramatick tale / Eurydice hiss'd, or, A word to the wise Argentina strega per amore, or, Harlequin multiply'd by Argentina's witchcraft, for love with their wonderful flights and apparitions, and the magic transformation of Silvio, Cittio and Brighella : a comedy. Love conquers all, or, The Cheshire knight outwitted The rape of Lucrece a true Roman tragedy : with the severall songs in their apt places, by Valerius the merry lord among the Roman peeres / A witty combat, or, The female victor a trage-comedy / Lingo's opinions on men & manners The captive of Spilburg [a musical drama] in two acts / The captives a tragedy / Don Sebastian, King of Portugal a tragedy / A new wonder, a woman never vext a pleasant conceited comedy / A day in Turkey, or, The Russian slaves a comedy / The plays and poems of William Shakespeare The parliament of bees, with their proper characters, or, A bee-hive furnisht with twelve hony-combes as pleasant as profitable being an allegoricall description of the actions of good and bad men in these our daies / The perplexities a comedy ; as it is performed at the Theatre Royal in Covent-Garden. The sheep shearing, or, Florizel and Perdita Herod and Mariamne a tragedy. Oh! it's impossible A fatal mistake, or, The plot spoil'd a play / Amelia a musical entertainment of two acts. The womens conquest a tragi-comedy / Edwin a tragedy / The rover, or, Happiness at last a pastoral drama as it was intended for the theatre. The widow's wish, or, An equipage of lovers a farce of two acts. The temple of love a masque / The wisdome of Doctor Dodypoll as it hath bene sundrie times / Try again a farce in two acts ; as performed at the Theatre Royal in the Hay-Market. A discourse of life and death Mutual inconstancy Bannian day a musical entertainment in two acts / Guzman a comedy / All in the wrong The petticoat-plotter, or, More ways than one for a wife a farce of two acts. Runnamede a tragedy. A collection of the most esteemed farces and entertainments performed on the British stage Airs, chorusses, &c. in the new pantomime called Harlequin's races King John and Matilda The upholsterer, or, What news Love in the city a comic opera / The flitch of bacon a comic opera in two acts / Zobeide a tragedy. The modern fine gentleman Philoclea a tragedy / Ibrahim the illustrious Bassa a tragedy / The subjects joy for the King's restoration cheerfully made known in a sacred masque / The antiquary a comedy / The lord of the manor a comic opera with a preface by the author. Rebellion defeated, or, The fall of Desmond a tragedy / Eastward hoe Hudibrasso a burlesque opera of two acts. The deserving favorite The art of management, or, Tragedy expell'd The history of the two maids of More-Clacke with the life and simple maner of John in the hospitall / Liberty-Hall, or, A test of good fellowship a comic opera in two acts. The famelie of love The modern wife The second part of The Iron Age which contayneth the death of Penthesilea, Paris, Priam, and Hecuba; the burning of Troy; the deaths of Agamemnon, Menelaus, Critemnestra, Hellena, Orestes, Egistus, Pillades, King Diomed, Pyrhus, Cethus, Synon, Thersites, &c. / The smugglers a farce of three acts / The cottagers a musical entertainment. The coffee-house a dramatick piece. The Divell is an asse a comedie / The woman-captain a comedy / The Bow-street opera in three acts / A New bull-bayting, or, A match play'd at the Town-Bull of Ely by twelve mungrills, viz., 4 English, 4 Irish, 4 Scotch doggs, John Lilburn, Richard Overton, Thomas Prince, and William Walwyn, to stave and nose with his last will and testament, and several legacies bequeathed to the Juncto, the Counsel of State, and Army. Phaeton, or, The fatal divorce a tragedy : with some reflections on a book call'd A short view of the immorality and profaneness of the English stage. The coup-de-main, or, Love & war in Yankyland a musical entertainment in two acts / The lawyer's fortune, or, Love in a hollow tree a comedy / The history of Henry the Fourth with the battell at Shrewseburie betweene the King and Lord Henry Percy, surnamed Henry Hotspur of the North : with the humorous conceites of Sir John Falstaffe / The nuptials of Peleus and Thetis a new Italian comedy, whence the preceding mask was extracted / A pleasant conceited comedie, wherein is shewed, how a man may choose a good wife from a bad The kept mistress, or, The mock orators Horace a tragedy / Fulgens & Lucres a fifteenth-century secular play / The marriage of Wit and Science The revolution of Sweden a tragedy. The famous history of the rise and fall of Massaniello in two parts / The court legacy a new ballad opera / The cottage maid The works of Mr. William Shakespear in six volumes / The farce of Chit chat, or, Penance for polygamy in one act. The telegraph, or, A new way of knowing things a comic piece / A devil of a lover The coquet, or, The English chevalier a comedy / The blind man, or, The manavre Tyrannical-government anatomized, or, A discourse concerning evil-councellors being the life and death of John the Baptist. The dramatick works of George Colman The Parthian exile a tragedy / Prunella an interlude / Erminia, or, The fair and vertuous lady a trage-comedy / Roger and Joan, or, The country wedding a comic mask : with several new songs / The battell of Alcazar fought in Barbarie betweene Sebastian, King of Portugall, and Abdelmelec, King of Marocco with the death of Captaine Stukeley. Retaliation a farce in two acts / Hanging and marriage, or, The dead-man's wedding a farce : with a song will please every body / The Englishman in Germany The Persian heroine a tragedy / Landgartha a tragie-comedy : being an ancient story / The whole order howe oure Soveraigne Ladye Queene Elizabeth was receyved into the Citie of Bristow Here is cõteyned a godely interlude of Fulgens Cenatoure of Rome, Lucres his doughter, Gayus Flaminius & Publi̓ Corneli̓ of the disputacyon of noblenes & is devyded in two ptyes to be played at ii tymes / Shakespeare's Comedy of errors The widdowes teares a comedie / The rehearsal The tragedie of Philotas The faithfull shepheardesse Robin Hood and his crew of souldiers a comedy. Second thought is best an opera of two acts / King Edward the Third, with the fall of Mortimer, Earl of March an historicall play. The tamer tam'd Sauny the Scott, or, The taming of the shrew a comedy / Ben: Jonson, his Volpone, or, The foxe Rosalinda a musical drama / Catharine and Petruchio a comedy. Buthred a tragedy. Edward, the Black Prince, or, The battle of Poictiers an historical tragedy : attempted after the manner of Shakespear / Jupiter and Alcmena The historie of Orlando Furioso, one of the twelve pieres of France The recruiting officer a comedy / Philaster, or, Love lies a bleeding a tragi-comedy / The modern wife, or, The virgin her own rival a comedy. The intriguing chambermaid a comedy of two acts / A newe enterlude drawen oute of the Holy Scripture of godly Queene Hester A farce in two acts called 'Tis all a farce The old cloathsman Samson Agonistes a dramatic poem / The city-night-cap, or, Crede quod habes & habes a tragi-comedy / A clue to the comedy of The non-juror with some hints of consequence relating to that play in a letter to N. Rowe The letter-writers, or, A new way to keep a wife at home a farce in three acts. Love and revenge, or, The vintner outwitted an opera / Mustapha a tragedy. Speeches delivered to Her Majestie this last progresse at the Right Honorable the Lady Russels at Bissam, the Right Honorable the Lorde Chandos at Sudley, at the Right Honorable the Lord Norris at Ricorte The Sicilian romance, or, The apparition of the cliffs The divorce a musical entertainment / The wounds of civill war lively set forth in the true tragedies of Marius and Scilla / Mahmoud Misogonus The shomakers holiday, or, The gentle craft with the humorous life of Simon Eyre, shoomaker, and Mayor of London. The fashionable friends a comedy in five acts. The devises of sundry gentlemen Alzuma The revenge burletta : with additional songs / Sir Courtly Nice, or, It cannot be a comedy / False colours a comedy in five acts / The village opera The excellent history of the Merchant of Venice with the extreme cruelty of Shylocke the Jew towards the saide merchant, in cutting a just pound of his flesh and the obtaining of Portia by the choyse of three caskets / B. Jon: his part of King James his royall and magnificent entertainement through his honorable cittie of London, Thurseday the 15. of March, 1603 so much as was presented in the first and last of their triumphall arch's : with his speach made to the last presentation, in the Strand, erected by the inhabitants of the dutchy and Westminster : also, a briefe panegyre of His Majesties first and well auspicated entrance to his high court of Parliament, on Monday, the 19. of the same moneth : with other additions. The sentimental mother a comedy in five acts : the legacy of an old friend and his last moral lesson to Mrs. Hester Lynch Thrale now Mrs. Hetser [sic] Lynch Piozzi. The spend-thrift a comedy / Kensington-Gardens, or, The pretenders a comedy / The impostor a tragedy. The disbanded officer, or, The Baroness of Bruchsal a comedy. The tragedie of Dido Queene of Carthage The apotheosis of Punch a satirical masque : with a monody on the death of the late Master Punch. The misfortunes of Arthur Wit without money a comedie / Sejanus his fall Presumptuous love a dramatick masque. The Inner Temple masque, or, Masque of heroes The siege of Troy a tragy-comedy. Thomas and Sally, or, The sailors return a musical entertainment. Cleone a tragedy / The feign'd astrologer a comedie. The souldiers fortune a comedy / The triumphs of love and honour a play : to which are added Considerations on the stage and on the advantages which arise to a nation from the encouragement of arts / The artful husband a comedy / The carnival a comedy / The royal shepherdess a tragi-comedy. The British enchanters, or, No magick like love a tragedy. The dumb lady, or, The farriar made physician The workes of Benjamin Jonson The spendthrift, or, The Christmas gambol The indiscreet lover a comedy / The chances a comedy / The tragedy of the Lady Jane Gray / The six days adventure, or, The new Utopia a comedy. Marry or do worse a comedy. The jovial crew a comic-opera : with the musick prefix'd to each song. Teraminta an opera / A new opera, call'd Cinthia and Endimion, or, The loves of the deities The nabob Love in a sack Argalus and Parthenia The triumphs of health and prosperity a noble solemnity / Don Sancho, or, The student's whim a ballad opera of two acts : with Minerva's triumph: a masque / A very woman, or, The Prince of Tarent a tragi-comedy / A lamentable tragedy mixed ful of pleasant mirth, conteyning the life of Cambises, King of Percia from the beginning of his kingdome unto his death, his one good deed of execution; after that many wicked deeds and tirannous murders, committed by and through him; and last of all, his odious death by Gods justice appointed / The injur'd lovers, or, The ambitious father a tragedy / The judgment of Paris an English burletta in two acts / Fatal necessity, or, Liberty regain'd a tragedy / The tragicall historie of the life and death of Doctor Faustus with new additions / Fatal falshood, or, Distress'd innocence a tragedy in three acts / The marriage act a [musical] farce in two acts. The triumph of beautie A pleasant comedie shewing the contention betweene liberalitie and prodigalitie Rosina The two noble kinsmen The chaplet a musical entertainment / The prisoner a musical romance in three acts. The beggar's wedding a new opera / The tragedy of Chrononhotonthologos being the most tragical tragedy that ever was tragediz'd by any company of tragedians / The grove, or, Love's paradice an opera / The astrologer a comedy. The Mall, or, The modish lovers a comedy. Love and honor, or, Britannia in full glory at Spithead A most pleasant comedie of Mucedorus, the kings sonne of Valentia, and Amadine, the kings daughter of Arragon with the merie conceites of Mouse. The witch of Edmonton a known true story / The Oxford act a new ballad opera. The reasonable lover The right excellent and famous historye of Promos and Cassandra devided into two commicall discourses ... / The fall of the French monarchy, or, Louis XVI an historical tragedy in five acts / The Spanish tragedie, or, Hieronimo is mad againe containing the lamentable end of Don Horatio and Belimperia : with the pittifull death of Hieronimo : newly corrected, amended and enlarged with new additions of the painters part and others. The positive man The unfortunate lovers a tragedie / The maides revenge a tragedy / Songs, duets, trios, chorusses, &c. in The pirates an opera in three acts. The maid's tragedy altered with some other pieces / Love in several masques a comedy / The virgin prophetess, or, The fate of Troy an opera / Vortimer, or, The true patriot a tragedy / Gustavus Vasa, the deliverer of his country a tragedy / The fatal marriage, or, The innocent adultery a play / Margery, or, A worse plague than the dragon a burlesque opera : being the sequel to The dragon of Wantley / Actaeon and Diana with a pastorall story of the nymph Oenone : followed by the several conceited humors of Bumpkin the huntsman, Hobbinall the shepheard, Singing Simpkin, and John Swabber the sea-man. The bond-man, or, Love and liberty a tragi-comedy. The adopted child The noble slave a tragedy / True patriotism, or, Poverty ennobled by virtue a drama / A cure for jealousie a comedy. The nuptials a didactick poem in three books. The martyrdom of Ignatius a tragedy / Loves sacrifice a tragedie. A presentation intended for the Prince His Highness on his birthday the 29 of May, 1638, annually celebrated. The syrens a masque, in two acts / The general cashier'd a play, as design'd for the stage. Edward VI Arden of Feversham A faire quarrell Ulysses redux tragoedia nova. The Cornish comedy Bianca a tragedy / Lethe A pretie enterlude called Nice wanton wherein ye may see three braunches of an il tree, the mother and her children three, two naught and one godly, early sharp that wilbe thorne, soon il that wil be naught, to be naught better unborne, better unfed then naughtily taught. The first part of the tragicall raigne of Selimus, sometime emperour of the Turkes, and grandfather to him that now raigneth wherein is showne how hee most unnaturally raised warres against his owne father Bajazet, and prevailing therein, in the end caused him to be poysoned, also with the murthering of his two brethrin, Corcut and Acomat. The cooper a musical entertainment in two acts / The wedding night, or Tamer tam'd The gentleman usher The siege of Memphis, or, The ambitious queen a tragedy / The ninth tragedie of Lucius Anneus Seneca called Octavia The young Quaker The roses, or, King Henry the Sixth an historical tragedy / The milliners, or, Female revenge a burletta in two acts. The rival brothers a tragedy. The captain Londini status pacatus, or, Londons peaceable estate exprest in sundry triumphs, pageants, and shewes, at the innitiation of the Right Honorable Henry Garway, into the majoralty of the famous and farre renowned city London / The perplex'd lovers a comedy / Naufragium joculare comoedia / The works of Sr William D'avenant, Kt consisting of those which were formerly printed, and those which he design'd for the press / Gretna Green a comic opera in two acts. The storm a drama in three acts. The northern election, or, Nest of beasts a drama of six acts / Sir Harry Gaylove, or, Comedy in embryo in five acts / Love makes a man, or, The fop's fortune a comedy / Robin Hood, or, Sherwood Forest a comic opera / The comedies of Plautus Friendship in fashion a comedy / Troades A wife in the right a comedy / Roderick Random a comic opera ; and, The civilian, or, Farmer turned footman : a musical farce : to which are added, several comic songs / Lusty Juventus a morality. Gentleness and nobility Death of Captain Faulkner, or, British heroism Montezuma a tragedy. A certayne tragedie wrytten fyrst in Italian by F.N.B. entituled Freewyl Blue Beard, or, The flight of Harlequin The Salopian esquire, or, The joyous miller a dramatick tale : to which are added, poems on his late Grace John Duke of Marlborough ... : to which is annexed by way of essay, a proprietor's reason for not bringing the dramatick tale on the stage ... / Werter Trick for trick, or, The debauch'd hypocrite a comedy / Doctor Last in his chariot a comedy. Harlequin Mungo, or, A peep into the tower a new pantomimical entertainment in two acts / The two misers a musical farce / The citizen turn'd gentleman a comedy / The battle of Aughrim, or, The fall of Monsieur St. Ruth a tragedy / Wives in plenty, or, The more the merrier The divorce a farce / Hymen The rival queens, or, Drury Lane & Covent Garden The second part of Crafty Crvmwell, or, Oliver in his glory as king a trage commedie : wherein is presented the late treasonable undertakings and proceedings of the rebells, their murthering of Capt. Burley, with their underhand workings to betray their king / Wit's last stake a farce. The volunteers, or, The stock-jobbers a comedy / Periander a tragedy. Sémiramis a tragedy / The family compact The adventures of half an hour a farce / The Springs glorie vindicating love by temperance against the tenant, sine cerere & Baccho friget Venus : moralized in a maske : with other poems, epigrams, elegies, and epithalamiums of the authors / Lingua, or, The combat of the tongue and the five senses for superiority a pleasant comoedie. Tvvo vvise men and all the rest fooles, or, A comicall morall, censuring the follies of this age as it hath beene diverse times acted. A collection of much-esteemed dramatic pieces Hippolitus Codrus a tragedy. The law of Lombardy a tragedy / The temple of Vesta a dramatic poem. Cordelia a tragedy. The Spanish tragedie containing the lamentable end of Don Horatio and Bel-imperia : with the pittifull death of olde Hieronimo : newly corrected and enlarged with new additions of the painters part and others. The swop The fate of Sparta, or, The rival kings a tragedy / The Amazon queen, or, The amours of Thalestris to Alexander the Great a tragi-comedy / The coronation of Queen Elizabeth, with the restauration of the Protestant religion, or, The downfal of the Pope Blind beggar of Bethnal Green The argument of Amphrisa the forsaken shepheardesse The siege of Curzola The strangers at home The wedding-day The seraglio a comic opera in two acts. An evening's love, or, The mock-astrologer Female officer a comedy of two acts. The wish Erotopaignion, or, the Cyprian Academy Love at a loss, or, Most votes carry it a comedy / The female wits, or, The triumvirate of poets at rehearsal / The shepheards paradise a comedy / A new opera called Brutus of Alba, or, Augusta's triumph Point at Herqui, or, British bravery triumphant How will it end? a comedy. The Greek slave, or, The school for cowards Southwark Fair, or, The sheep shearing an opera. The patron, or, The statesman's opera of two acts / Monsieur Thomas a comedy / Don Pedro a play in five acts. The songs in The widow of Delphi, or, The descent of the deities a musical drama of five acts / A Larum for London, or, The siedge of Antwerpe with the ventrous actes and valorous deeds of the lame soldier. The fall of Mortimer an historical play / The box-lobby challenge a comedy / Love's labyrinth, or, The royal shepherdess a tragi-comedie / The sad one a tragedy / Love and honour a dramatick poem in seven contoes / The lover's stratagem, or, Virtue rewarded un drama inglese inedito e adespoto del secolo diciassettesimo. Chit-chat, or, The penance of polygamy an interlude / The whimsical serenade a farce of two acts / A pleasant comedy called The two merry milk-maids, or, The best words wear the garland The pharo table Gloriana, or, The court of Augustus Caesar The rape of Proserpine [a pantomime] / The French village surrender'd, or, The loyal soldier The conquest of Corsica by the French a tragedy / The gipsies a comick opera in two acts. The confederates a farce / The history of King Richard the Second with a prefatory epistle in vindication of the author, occasion'd by the prohibition of this play on the stage / Aqua triumphalis being a true relation of the honourable the City of Londons entertaining Their Sacred Majesties upon the River of Thames and wellcoming them from Hampton-Court to White-Hall / Sicily and Naples, or, The fatall union a tragoedy / Gander Hall Who's the dupe? a farce / The maid of honour Tristram Shandy a sentimental, Shandean bagatelle in two acts. A moral and pitieful comedie intituled All for money plainly representing the manners of men and fashion of the world nowe-a-dayes / Bays's opera The peevish man a drama in four acts / The English stage Italianiz'd in a new dramatic entertainment called Dido and Aeneas, or, Harlequin, a butler, a pimp, a minister of state, generalissimo, and lord high admiral, dead and alive again, and at last crown'd king of Carthage by Dido a tragi-comedy after the Italian manner, by way of essay, or first step towards the farther improvement of the English stage / The bath unmask'd a comedy / St. Helena, or, The isle of love Greenes tu quoque, or, The cittie gallant Damon and Phillida The female pedant a farce of two acts / The conspiracy, or, The change of government a tragedy acted at his Royal Highness the Duke of Yorks theatre / The haunted tower a comic opera in three acts / Porsenna's invasion, or, Rome preserv'd a tragedy. The honorable entertainment gieven to the Quene's Majestie, in progresse, at Elvetham in Hampshire, by the Right Hon'ble the Earle of Hertford, 1591 London's yearly jubilee with a description of the several pageants, speeches, and songs, made proper for the occasion / The castle of wonders The mulberry-garden a comedy / Tunbridge-Walks, or, The yeoman of Kent a comedy / The fool turn'd critick a comedy / Michaelmas Caernarvon Castle, or, The birth of the Prince of Wales an opera in two acts. Perseverance, or The third time the best The disappointment, or, The mother in fashion a play / The famous tragedie of King Charles I, basely butchered by those who are omne nefas, proni patare pudoris inanes, crudeles, violenti, importunique tyranni, mendaces, falsi, perversi, perfidiosi, foedifragi, falsis verbis infunda loquentes in which is included, the several combinations and machinations that brought that incomparable prince to the block. Valentia, or, The fatal birth-day a tragedy / The monopolizer outwitted a musical entertainment in two acts / The tragedie of Chabot, Admirall of France The valiant Welshman, or, The true chronicle history of the life and valiant deedes of Caradoc the Great, King of Cambria, now called Wales The night-walker, or, The little theife a comedy / The twins a tragi-comedy / The siege of Belgrade a comic opera in three acts / The battle of Hexham comedy in three acts. The siege of Rhodes made a representation by the art of prospective in scenes, and the story sung in recitative musick, at the back part of Rutland-House in the upper end of Aldersgate-Street, London. An excellent conceited tragedie of Romeo and Juliet Britannia triumphans a masque / Britons, strike home, or, The sailor's rehearsal a musical farce / The Iron Age contayning the rape of Hellen, the siege of Troy, the combate betwixt Hector and Ajax, Hector and Troilus slayne by Achilles, Achilles slaine by Paris, Ajax and Ulisses contend for the armour of Achilles, the death of Ajax, &c. / Edmond, orphan of the castle a tragedy in five acts / Clementina Amends for ladies a comedie / The court of Alexander an opera in two acts. Beauties triumph a masque / The prisoners a tragae-comedy / The czar an historical tragedy / Prologue to The victims of love and pleasure Zoraida a tragedy : to which is added a postscript containing observations on tragedy. John John the husband, Tyb his wife, and Sir John the priest The tragedie of Tancred and Gismund The recruiting sergeant a musical entertainment. Poetaster, or, The arraignment Virginia a tragedy. Royal message a dramatic poem. The coy shepherdess a pastoral / Zelida a tragedy / The fall of Robespierre an historical drama / Abdelazer, or, The Moor's revenge a tragedy / The suicide The tryal of conjugal love a comedy. Valentine's Day The patriot king, or, Alfred and Elvida an historical tragedy / The universal passion a comedy. At anchor in the Bay of Naples Venus and Adonis a masque / Tombo-Chiqui, or, The American savage a dramatic entertainment in three acts. Lethe rehears'd, or, A critical discussion of the beauties and blemishes of that performance interspersed with occasional remarks upon dramatick satires in general, as well as on some that have been best received in particular : the whole in a free conversation amongst several persons of distinction. Humour out of breath a comedie / The fall of the Earl of Essex The wise man of the East The city-heiress, or, Sir Timothy Treat-All a comedy / Bell's British theatre consisting of the most esteemed English plays. Democratic rage, or, Louis the unfortunate a tragedy / Who is she like The noble and renowned history of Guy, Earl of Warwick containing a full and true account of his many famous and valiant actions, remarkable and brave exploits, and noble and renowned victories; also his courtship to fair Phaelice, Earl Roband's daughter and heiress, and the many difficulties and hazards he went through to obtain her love / The Roman actor a tragaedie / Elmerick, or, Justice triumphant a tragedy / The little freeholder a dramatic entertainment in two acts. Albina, Countess of Raimond The cruel gift a tragedy / The stepmother a tragedy / Henry the Sixth. with the murder of Humphrey, Duke of Glocester / The diversions of the morning The tragedy of the unhappy fair Irene Castle of Sorrento The Queene of Arragon a tragi-comedie. The loyal shepherds, or, The rustic heroine a dramatic pastoral poem in one act : to which is affixed several sonnets, ballads, acrostics, &c. / The opera of operas, or, Tom Thumb the Great The fashionable lover a comedy. Double falshood, or, The distrest lovers a play / The Hector of Germany, or, The Palsgrave, prime elector a New Play, an honourable history ; as it hath beene publickly acted at the Red-Bull, and at the Curtayne, by a company of Young-men of this citie / The per-juror The wedding night The passionate lovers. a tragi-comedy / Squire Oldsapp, or, The night-adventurers a comedy / False concord The historie of Troylus and Cresseida Cyrus the Great, or, The tragedy of love The beau's duel, or, A soldier for the ladies a comedy. A very mery and pythie commedie called The longer thou livest, the more foole thou art a myrrour very necessarie for youth, and specially for such as are like to come to dignitie and promotion, as it maye well appeare in the matter folowynge / Labyrinthus comoedia. The reception a play in three acts / Olindo and Sophronia a tragedy / Parasitaster, or, The fawne The bumbrusher a farce / Hide Parke a comedie / The victim a tragedy / John, King of England (De Joanne Anglorum rege) / Two lamentable tragedies the one of the murther of Maister Beech, a chaundler in Thames-Streete, and his boye, done by Thomas Merry : the other of a young childe murthered in a wood by two ruffins with the consent of his uncle / The country innocence, or, The chamber-maid turn'd Quaker a comedy : with alterations and amendments / Rex et pontifex being an attempt to introduce upon the stage a new species of pantomime. The humorous courtier a comedy / Botheration, or, A ten years' blunder The dupes of fancy, or, Every man his hobby a new farce in two acts / Lovers no conjurors The strolers a farce : to which is added a new prologue and epilogue, spoken by Miss Robinson, jun., at the head of her Lilliputian company. Solomon King Henry the Third, or, England preserv'd The Empress of Morocco a tragedy, with sculptures / Pizarro in Peru, or, The death of Rolla being the original of the new tragedy / The first part of The contention betwixt the two famous houses of Yorke and Lancaster with the death of the good Duke Humphrey and the banishment and death of the Duke of Suffolke, and the tragical end of the prowd Cardinall of Winchester, with the notable rebellion of Jack Cade and the Duke of Yorkes first Clayme to the Crowne. The life and death of King Lear a tragedy / The wishes, or, Harlequin's mouth open'd Merlin, or, The British inchanter and King Arthur, the British worthy a dramatic opera. The manager an actor in spite of himself The lying valet in two acts / The triumphs of London containing a true description of the several pageants, with the speeches spoken on each pageant : all set forth at the proper costs and charges of the Worshipful Company of Grocers : together with an exact relation of the most splendid entertainments prepared for the reception of Their Sacred Majesties / The wild gallant a comedy / Busiris, king of Egypt a tragedy / Injur'd love, or, The lady's satisfaction The tailors a tragedy for warm weather in three acts. The juror a farce / Luminalia, or, The festivall of light The loyal brother, or, The Persian prince a tragedy / Harlequin's museum, or, Mother Shipton triumphant The harlot's progress, or, The ridotto al' fresco a grotesque pantomime entertainment / The misery of civil-war a tragedy / The adventurers a farce in two acts. The lawyer, or, A suit for the season Incle and Yarico a tragedy of three acts / The lottery a farce : with the musick prefix'd to each song. A lick at the town A new and pleasant comedie or plaie after the manner of Common conditions The Empress of Morocco a farce. The author on the wheel, or, A piece cut in the green room The mistaken husband a comedie / Consequences, or, The school of prejudice a comedy of three acts / Romulus and Hersilia, or, The Sabine war a tragedy. The unfortunate usurper a tragedy. The East Indian Injured virtue, or, The virgin martyr a tragedy / The scornful ladie a comedie / Loves riddle a pastoral comedy / The brothers a comedy. Londons triumph, or, The solemn and magnificent reception of the honourable gentleman Robert Tichburn, Lord Major, after his return from taking his oath at Westminster, the morrow after Simon and Jude Day, being October 29, 1656 with the speeches spoken at Fosterlane-End and Soperlane-End. Love triumphant, or, The rival goddesses a pastoral opera : to which are added some original poems and translations never before published. Alcanor a tragedy. The preceptor a comedy of two acts ; and, The rival lovers : a farce of two acts / Joseph and his brethren a sacred drama. The Irish tar, or, Which is the girl? The constant couple, or, A trip to the Jubilee a comedy / The Lancashire-witches and Tegue O Divelly the Irish priest a comedy / The famous tragedy of the rich Jew of Malta The mock-Tempest, or, The enchanted castle A new tragedy call'd The distressed virgin The pilgrimage to Parnassus ; the return from Parnassus The bashful lover a tragi-comedy. The old mode & the new, or, Country miss with her furbeloe a comedy / Amasis, King of Egypt a tragedy : together with some additional poems / The vision of delight [a masque] Paul & Virginia a musical entertainment in two acts. A relation of the late royall entertainment given by the Right Honorable the Lord Knowles, at Cawsome [i.e. Caversham]-House neere Redding to our Most Gracious Queene, Queene Anne, in her progresse toward the bathe, upon the seven and eight and twentie dayes of Aprill, 1613 whereunto is annexed the description, speeches, and songs of the Lords maske, presented in the banquetting-house on the mariage night of the high and mightie Count Palatine and the royally descended the Ladie Elizabeth / The northern lasse a comoedie / The fairy queen an opera. The life and death of Doctor Faustus St. Patrick for Ireland. The seasons a dramatic entertainment / Histrio-mastix, or, The player whipt The town before you a comedy / Olympus in an uproar, or, The descent of the deities Tempe restord a masque. Cancer comoedia. The mirrour a comedy in three acts : with the author's life and an account of the alterations. Rosamond an opera. Friendship improv'd, or, The female warriour a tragedy / The confederacy a comedy ; as it is acted at the Queen's theatre in the Haymarket ; by Her Majesty's sworn servants / Nicomede a tragi-comedy / The April fool, or, Folies [sic] of a night Songs, choruses, and recitative, in the pantomime of The magic cavern, or, Virtue's triumph Cobler of Castlebury a musical entertainment in two acts. The students, or, The humours of St. Andrews a farce / Perseus and Andromeda ; with The rape of Colombine, or, The flying lovers in five interludes, three serious and two comic / The deposing and death of Queen Gin, with the ruin of the Duke of Rum, Marquee de Nantz, and the Lord Sugarcane, &c an heroic comi-tragical farce / Dame Dobson, or, The cunning woman a comedy / The woman of taste, or, The Yorkshire lady a ballad opera. The chimera a comedy. The double deceit, or, A cure for jealousy a comedy / Glory's resurrection being the Triumphs of London revived for the inauguration of the right honourable Sir Francis Child, Kt., Lord Mayor of the City of London : containing the description, and also the sculptures, of the pageants, and the whole solemnity of the day : all set forth at the proper cost and charge of the Honourable Company of Goldsmiths. A contract of marriage between Wit and Wisdom The female prelate being the history of the life and death of Pope Joan : a tragedy / The conquest of St. Eustacia Five new playes Variety a comedy in five acts. Esther, or, Faith triumphant a sacred tragedy / The whim a comedy in three acts / A will and no will, or, A bone for the lawyers Orpheus an English opera / Londinum triumphans Londons triumphs / The tragedie of King Richard the Third conteining his treacherous plots against his brother Clarence, the pitiful murther of his innocent nephewes, his tyrannicall usurpation, with the whole course of his detested life, and most deserved death / Jack the Gyant-Killer a comi-tragical farce of one act. Hollands leaguer an excellent comedy / The extravagant sheepherd a pastorall comedie / Jephthah's daughter a dramatic poem / The British kings a tragedy. Lethe, or, Esop in the shades Sancho at court, or, The mock-governor an opera-comedy / The ungrateful favourite a tragedy / The Battle of the Nile a dramatic poem on the model of the Greek tragedy. The man of the world Tom Tyler and his wife an excellent old play. The rival candidates a comic opera in two acts. The prologue to Calistho with the chorus's between the acts. The manager in distress a prelude on opening the Theatre-Royal in the Hay-Market, May 30, 1780 / The widow of Malabar a tragedy in three acts. Love and friendship, or, The lucky recovery a comedy / The fatal contract a French tragedy / Northumberland a tragedy / Britannia a masque. The craftsman, or, Weekly journalist a farce. The merry devill of Edmonton Sebastian a tragedy / The generous husband, or, The coffee house politician a comedy / Titus Andronicus, or, The rape of Lavinia a tragedy / The constant nymph, or, The rambling shepheard a pastoral / The massacre of Paris a tragedy / Sesostris, or, Royalty in disguise a tragedy / The French conjurer a comedy / The fool's opera, or, The taste of the age Tell truth and shame the devil Edward and Eleonora a tragedy ; acted at the Theatre-Royal in Covent-Garden / The schemers, or, The city-match a comedy / The tragedy of King Richard the II The songs, chorusses, &c. in The lucky escape a comic opera. The nut-shell a tale / Rule Britannia The king's bench The sturdy beggars a new ballad opera. The birth-day an entertainment of three acts. Almeyda, Queen of Granada The surrender of Calais a play in three acts / The widdow a comedie / The cave of Neptune a dramatic poem on the victory gained by the English fleet under the command of Lord Howe in 1794. Cornelianum dolium comoedia lepidissima / Taste and feeling All mistaken, or, The mad couple a comedy / Damon and Phillida a ballad opera of one act : with the musick prefix'd to each song. Eurydice a farce. The guardian a comedie / The rivals A match for a widow, or, The frolics of fancy a comic opera in three acts. Robin Hood a new musical entertainment / The orphans, or, Generous lovers an opera in three acts / Revenge for honour a tragedie / William and Susan, or, The sailors sheet anchor A chast mayd in Cheape-side a pleasant conceited comedy never before printed / The camp The lady's revenge, or, The rover reclaim'd a comedy. The Oxfordshire Saint George play The metamorphosis, or, The old lover out-witted a farce / Love in the dark, or, The man of bus'ness a comedy / The siedge, or, Love's convert a tragi-comedy / The Walloons The toy-shop a dramatick satire. Alfred a masque / The mock-preacher a satyrico-comical-allegorical farce. Alive and merry Auld Robin Gray a pastoral entertainment in two acts / Of gentleness and nobility The fool a farce in two acts ; as performed at the Theatre-Royal, Covent-Garden / The generous Moor First love a comedy / The mode a comedy. The sad shepherd, or, A tale of Robin Hood a fragment / The rival sisters, or, The violence of love a tragedy / The choleric man The first of September, or, Each man his bird Bantry Bay The honest Yorkshire-man a ballad farce / Altemira a tragedy / Polite conversation Altamira a tragedy. King Edgar and Alfreda a tragi-comedy / The sixt tragedie of the most grave and prudent author Lucius Anneus Seneca, entituled Troas with divers & sundrie addicions to the same / The new gentle shepherd a pastoral comedy / Sir Salomon, or, The cautious coxcomb a comedy. Careless husband a comedy / Tryphon a tragedy / Iphigenie in Tauris a tragedy / The maydes metamorphosis The chambermaid a ballad opera of one act. The masque of augures with the severall antimasques. The true chronicle history of King Leir and his three daughters, Gonorill, Ragan, and Cordella The rebellion of Naples, or, The tragedy of Massenello, commonly so called but rightly Tomaso Aniello di Malfa generall of the Neopolitans The just Italian King Henry the Fifth, or, The conquest of France by the English a tragedy / Plays never before printed The religious-rebell, or, The pilgrim-prince a tragaedy. The fortunate isles and their union celebrated in a masque design'd for the Court, on the Twelfth Night, 1624. The English lawyer a comedy / The inoculator a comedy in three acts. The married beau, or, The curious impertinent a comedy / The clouds of Aristophanes added not as a comicall divertisement for the reader, who can expect little in that kind from a subject so antient, but as a necessary supplement to the life of Socrates. Harlequin peasant, or, A pantomime rehearsed Better late than never a comedy in five acts / The Spartan dame a tragedy / Christus triumphans comoedia Apocalyptica / A fine companion The Grecian heroine, or, The fate of tyranny a tragedy / A Yorkshire tragedy not so new as lamentable and true / The triumphs of London containing a true description of the several pageants, with the speeches spoken on each pageant, together with the songs sung in this solemnity / Common conditions Dido a comic opera. The countrie girle a comedie as it hath beene often acted with much applause / Amphitryon, or, The two Socia's a comedy / Alcibiades a tragedy / The heroine of love a musical piece of three acts. Innocence distress'd, or, The royal penitents a tragedy / The Carthusian friar, or, The age of chivalry a tragedy in five acts founded on real events / The famous chronicle of King Edward the First, sirnamed Edward Longshankes with his returne from the Holy Land : also the life of Llewellen, rebell in Wales : lastly, the sinking of Queene Elinor, who sunck at Charingcrosse and rose againe at Pottershith, now named Queenehith. The tyde taryeth no man a moste pleasant and merry commody, right pythie, and full of delight / Poor old Hay Market, or, Two sides of the gutter The mistaken beauty, or, The lyar a comedy. Obi, or, Three-finger'd Jack Love and loyalty Dido a tragedy / Five new plays An old man taught wisdom, or, The virgin unmask'd a farce : with the musick prefix'd to each song. The devil of a wife, or, A comical transformation London's ius honorarium exprest in sundry triumphs, pagiants and shews, at the initiation or entrance of the Right Honourable George Whitmore, into the majoralty of the famous and farre renouned city of London. Selindra a tragy-comedy / The countrey wit a comedy / Pathomachia, or, The battell of affections shadowed by a faigned siedge oe [sic] the Citie Pathopolis / The tragedy of Nero Alexis's paradise, or, A trip to the garden of love at Vaux-Hall a comedy / The captives a tragedy. Plautus's comedies Love at first sight, or, The wit of a woman a ballad opera of two acts / The island queens, or, The death of Mary, Queen of Scotland a tragedy : publish'd only in defence of the author and the play against some mistaken censures occasion'd by its being prohibited the stage / The triumph of time and truth an oratorio. The Spanish gipsie Brennoralt a tragedy / A pleasant comedy called A mayden-head well lost Love's triumph, or, The royal union a tragedy / The sequel of Henry the Fourth with the humours of Sir John Falstaffe and Justice Shallow / The historical register for the year 1736 to which is added a very merry tragedy called Eurydice hiss'd, or, A word to the wise / The late, and much admired play, called Pericles, Prince of Tyre with the true relation of the whole history, adventures, and fortunes of the saide prince / Huniades, or, The siege of Belgrave The lobby lounger Appius and Virginia Narcissus a Twelfe Night merriment played by youths of the parish at the College of S. John the Baptist in Oxford, A.D. 1602 : with appendix / Art and nature a comedy. The modish couple a comedy. England preserved an historical play in five acts as performed at the Theatre-Royal, Covent-Garden / Pluto furens & vinctus, or, The raging devil bound a modern farse / The Carmelite a tragedy. Pharnaces, or, The revenge of Athridates an English opera / Apollo and Daphne The lamentable tragedie of Oedipus the sonne of Laius, Kyng of Thebes Semele an opera. She wou'd if she cou'd a comedy / Rodogune, or, The rival brothers a tragedy / The deaf lover a farce in two acts / Edward and Eleonora a tragedy ; as it was to have been acted at the Theatre-Royal in Covent-Garden / The Queen's Majesty's entertainment at Woodstock, 1575 from the unique fragment of the edition of 1585 : including the tale of Hemetes the Hermit, and a comedy in verse / Amboyna a tragedy / The description of a maske presented in the banqueting roome at Whitehall, on Saint Stephens Night last, at the mariage of the Right Honourable the Earle of Somerset and the Right Noble the Lady Frances Howard Sir Gyles Goosecappe, Knight a comedie. The Fleire The parricide, or, Innocence in distress a tragedy / Melpomene's overthrow, or, The comic muse triumphant The fair captive a tragedy. The Philoctetes of Sophocles A woman kilde with kindnesse The adopted child a musical drama in two acts / The cantabs The oaks, or, The beauties of Canterbury a comedy / The naval pillar a musical entertainment / The enchanted lovers a pastoral / The Kentish barons London in luster projecting many bright beams of triumph : disposed into several representations of scenes and pageants / The imposture a tragi-comedie / Sapho and Phao Ramah Droog a comic opera in three acts / The sailor's prize, or, May-Day wedding Absent man Marian of the grange Hans Beer-Pot his invisible comedie of See me, and see me not. The device, or, The deaf doctor The massacre at Paris with the death of the Duke of Guise / A journey to London being part of a comedy / K. Henry IV, with the humours of Sir John Falstaff a tragi-comedy / The goldsmiths' jubile, or, Londons triumphs containing, a description of the several pageants : on which are represented, emblematical figures, artful pieces of architecture, and rural dancing : with the speeches spoken on each pageant / Robin Hood Marian a comic opera in two acts / The double disappointment a farce / Don Saverio a musical drama / The sleepwalker a comedy in two acts / The wanton Jesuit, or, Innocence seduced a new ballad opera. The faithful bride of Granada a play. The songs in Jack the gyant queller an antique history / The institution of the Order of the Garter a dramatick poem. Measure for measure, or, Beauty the best advocate Triumphs of London containing a true description of the several pageants, with the speeches spoken on each pageant : all set forth at proper costs and charges of the Worshipful Company of Merchant Taylors : together with the festival songs for His Lordship and the companies diversion / The fall of Tarquin a tragedy / The knight of the burning pestle Ripe fruit, or, The marriage act Whig and Tory a comedy / Love's frailties a comedy in five acts / Tit for tat a comedy in three acts. A masque presented at Bretbie in Darbyshire on Twelfth-Night, 1639 The second generation of English professional actors, 1625-1670 A.D The man of parts, or, A trip to London a farce in two acts / Tour in Wales A comedy or enterlude intituled, Inough is as good as a feast, very fruteful, godly, and ful of pleasant mirth The governour of Cyprus a tragedy / The man of family a sentimental comedy / The birth of Hercules a masque / Lorenzo a tragedy in five acts / The tragedy of Albovine, King of the Lombards Hide and seek, or, The slippers The careless shepherdess a tragi-comedy / The tragedy of Sertorius Frederick, Duke of Brunswick-Lunenburgh a tragedy / The new cosmetic, or, The triumph of beauty a comedy / Love betray'd, or, The agreable disapointment a comedy / Epsom-Wells a comedy / The insignificants a comedy of five acts. Aristomenes, or, The royal shepherd a tragedy. The opportunitie a comedy / Taste Agamemnon a tragedy ; acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane, by His Majesty's servants / The tragedy of Ovid Earl Goodwin an historical play / The czar The double amour Money at a pinch The masque of owles at Kenelworth The provok'd wife a comedy / The tragedy of that famous Roman oratour Marcus Tullius Cicero The tragedy of Marcus Brutus Songs and chorusses in the comic opera of The armorer Vanella a tragedy. The just general a tragi-comedy / The fatal extravagance a tragedy / Self immolation, or, The sacrifice of love a play in three acts / The fall of Egypt The mariage of Oceanus and Brittania an allegoricall fiction really declaring Englands riches, glory, and puissance by sea : to be represented in musick, dances, and proper scenes / The tragoedy of Othello, the Moore of Venice The Indians a tragedy. Who pays the reckoning? The revenge a tragedy / The eyght tragedie of Seneca, entituled Agamemnon The bloody brother a tragedy / The school for husbands The Kentish barons a play in three acts, interspersed with songs / The walks of Islington and Hogsdon, with the humours of Woodstreet-Compter a comedy / The second part of Henrie the Fourth continuing to his death and coronation of Henrie the Fift : with the humours of Sir John Falstaffe and swaggering Pistoll. Roxana tragaedia / A pleasant conceited comedie called A knacke to know an honest man The capricious lady a comedy / The death of Dido a masque / The picture, or, The cuckold a comedy of one act / Poems, containing dramatic sketches of Northern mythology, &c The concious lovers a comedy / The suspicious husband a comedy / The lady mother a comedy / The northern lass a comedy / The test of love The Irishman in Spain a farce in one act / The walking statue, or, The devil in the wine cellar Craftie Cromwell, or, Oliver ordering our new state a tragi-comedie : wherin is discovered the trayterous undertakings and proceedings of the said No. 1 and his levelling crew / The triumphant widow, or, The medley of humours a comedy / The happy lovers, or, The beau metamorphos'd an opera / The Humours of the court, or, Modern gallantry a new ballad opera. The fatal prophecy a dramatic poem / The humorous lovers a comedy / The Intriguing widow, or, The honest wife a comedy. The double disappointment The guardian a comical-history / The financier a comedy in one act. Look before you leap a comedy in one act / The note of hand, or, Trip to Newmarket The reconciliation a comedy in five acts / The historical tragedy of Macbeth The royall master Hector a dramatic poem. The Quaker's opera with the musick prefix'd to each song. The countess of Salisbury a tragedy / The description of a maske presented before the Kinge's Majestie at Whitehall, on Twelfth Night last, in honour of the Lord Hayes and his bride, daughter and heire to the Honourable Lord Dennye; their marriage having been the same day at Court solemnized to this, by occasion, other small poemes are adjoyned / Gesta Grayorum, or, The history of the high and mighty Prince Henry, Prince of Purpoole ... who reigned and died, A.D. 1594 The distrest mother a tragedy / Orfeo a drama / Harlequin-Hydaspes, or, The Greshamite a mock-opera. Who'd have thought it? The strangers at home a comic opera in three acts. The Israelites, or, The pamper'd nabob Solon, or, Philosophy no defence against love a tragi-comedy : with the masque of Orpheus and Euridice / The prodigal reform'd a comedy. The sultan, or, A peep into the Seraglio a farce in two acts / The woman in the moone The Roundheads, or, The good old cause a comedy / The vision of the 12. goddesses The rival generals a tragedy / The beau's adventures a farce / Oscar and Miona, or, The hall of Fingal The man of Newmarket The grateful servant a comedy / The works of Shakespear in six volumes / The fair penitent a tragedy / Cherokee an opera / The surrender of Calais op. XXXIII / The maid of Liverpool, or, The loyal tar Elfrid, or, The fair inconstant a tragedy ; to which is added The walking statue, or, The devil in the wine-cellar : a farce / The friends a tragedy / The Roman father a tragedy / Penelope a dramatic opera. The two farmers Arviragus a tragedy never performed / Chruso-thriambos The triumphes of golde / Pasquin a dramatick satire on the times : being the rehearsal of two plays, viz. a comedy call'd The election and a tragedy call'd The life and death of Common-sense / Barbarossa a tragedy / The woman of spirit a burletta, 1770. Ignoramus comoedia : cum eorum supplemento quae, causidicorum municipalium reverentia, hactenus desiderabantur / Wonders in the sun, or, The kingdom of the birds a comick opera with great variety of songs in all kinds / Wedding ring a comic opera in two acts. Moses and Shadrac, or, A specimen of Jewish education Caractacus a dramatic poem / The nineteen tragedies and fragments of Euripides The citie match The roving husband reclaim'd a comedy / Bussy d'Ambois, or, The husbands revenge a tragedy / Jean Hennuyer, bishop of Lizieux, or, The massacre of St. Bartholomew a dramatic entertainment in three acts / Gondibert and Birtha a tragedy. All for the better, or, The infallible cure a comedy. Vertumnus, sive, Annus recurrens Oxonii, XXIX Augusti, Anno 1605 Oroonoko a tragedy / The princess of Parma a tragedy / The 'squire burlesqu'd, or, The sharpers outwitted a comedy / Bartholomew Fayre a comedie / More ways than means Love and money, or, The fair Caledonian a musical farce in one act / Sylla a dramatic entertainment / Jamie and Bess, or, The laird in disguise a Scots pastoral comedy in imitation of [Ramsay's] The gentle shepherd / Marina a play of three acts / The fool made wise, or, Sir John Falstaff in masquerade Humfrey, duke of Gloucester a tragedy / The upholsterer The late, and much admired play, called Pericles, Prince of Tyre with the true relation of the whole historie, adventures, and fortunes of the said prince : as also the no lesse strange and worthy accidents, in the birth, and life of his daughter Mariana / Annette and Lubin a comic opera in one act. The tender husband, or, The accomplish'd fools a comedy / Aminta the famous pastoral / Pans anniversarie, or, The shepherds holy-day the scene Arcadia : [a masque] / The siege of Damascus a tragedy / Poikilophronesis, or, The different humours of men The rampant alderman, or, News from the Exchange a farce. Troilus and Cressida, or, Truth found too late a tragedy : to which is prefix'd a preface containing the grounds of criticism in tragedy / The fair Quaker of Deal, or, The humours of the Navy a comedy. Herminius and Espasia a tragedy. Arminius a tragedy. The captive a comic opera. The tragedy of Antigone, the Theban princesse The muses looking-glasse The mercantile lovers April-day a burletta in three acts / Almyna, or, The Arabian vow a tragedy. Herod the Great a tragedy / Piso's conspiracy a tragedy. The man's bewitch'd, or, The devil to do about her a comedy / The London merchant, or, The history of George Barnwell The second part of The rover / The King and Queenes entertainement at Richmond after their departure from Oxford in a masque. The female advocates, or, The frantick stock-jobber a comedy. The spirit of contradiction, or, Domestick tyrant London's tryumph Calisto, or, The chaste nimph the late masque at court, as it was frequently presented there by several persons of great quality : with the prologue, and the songs betwixt the acts / The unhappy kindness, or, A fruitless revenge a tragedy / The country lasses, or, The custom of the manor Bussy d'Ambois a tragedie. Scanderbeg, or, Love and liberty a tragedy / written by Thomas Whincop ; to which are added a list of all the dramatic authors with some account of their lives and of all the dramatic pieces ever published in the English language to the year 1747. Fedele and Fortunio, the deceites in love excellently discoursed in a very pleasaunt and fine conceited comoedie of two Italian gentlemen / The deception The triumphs of London containing a description of the whole Solemnity : with two new songs set to music. Philip of Macedon a tragedy / Sequel to the opera of Flora to which is added, the musick engraved on copper plates / Vanelia, or, The amours of the great an opera. The intriguing milliner[s] and attornies clerks a mock-tragedy / The revenge, or, A match in Newgate a comedy. The mock lawyer The history of Henry the Fifth; and, The tragedy of Mustapha, son of Solyman the Magnificent The play of wit and science A pleasant comedie called Summers last will and testament The inconstant, or, The way to win him a comedy / The mysterious mother a tragedy. Sir John Cockle at court The excellent comedy called, The old law, or, A new way to please you Old love renewed a dramatic proverb in one act. Christs passion a tragedie : with annotations. The prophetess, or, The history of Dioclesian Zuma a tragedy / The king in the country a dramatic piece in two acts. The female fortune-teller a comedy / The iron chest a play in three acts / Britannia and the gods in council a dramatic poem : wherein felicity is predicted to Britain, the cause of the present disputes in Europe and America debated and their issue prophetically determined / Pedantius a comoedia. The statesman foil'd a musical comedy of two acts / Myrtillo a pastoral interlude / Auld Robin Gray The tournament a tragedy / Utrum horum a comedy of two acts. The casino, or, London trip'd down to Bath Mahomet the imposter a tragedy. Womans wit, or, The lady in fashion a comedy / The charitable association a comedy of two acts. Nature Romeo and Juliet with alterations and an additional scene. Ignatius The innocent mistress a comedy / The Welch heiress a comedy. Agis a tragedy. Don Quixote a musical entertainment. The cruelty of the Spaniards in Peru exprest by instrumentall and vocall musick, and by art of perspective in scenes, &c. The merry forrester Julia, or, The Italian lover a tragedy / The castle of Andalusia Love and ambition a tragedy / The coalition, or, The opera rehears'd a comedy in three acts / The loves of Mars & Venus a play set to music / Peeping Tom of Coventry Fortune in her wits a comedy. The dragon of Wantley a burlesque opera / The musical lady a farce. Fortune's tricks in forty-six an allegorical satire. The ingratitude of a common-wealth, or, The fall of Caius Martius Coriolanus False appearances The virtuoso a comedy / Love in a veil a comedy / The foure prentises of London, with the conquest of Jerusalem A ryght pithy, pleasaunt and merie comedie intytuled Gammer Gurtons nedle The metamorphosis The new Athenian comedy containing the politicks, oeconomicks, tacticks, crypticks, apocalypticks, stypticks, scepticks, pneumaticks, theologicks, poeticks, mathematicks, sophisticks, pragmaticks, dogmaticks, &c., of that most learned society. The court secret a tragi-comedy / A school for fathers a comic opera. The absent man a farce. False and true a play in three acts. A tutor for the beaus, or, Love in a labyrinth a comedy / All's well that ends well a comedy / Brutus of Alba, or, The enchanted lovers a tragedy / London's glory, or, The Lord Mayor's show containing an illustrious description of the several triumphant pageants, on which are represented emblematical figures, artful pieces of architecture, and rural dancing, with the speeches spoken in each pageant : also, three new songs, the first in praise of the merchant-taylors, the second the Protestants exhortation, and the third the plotting Papists litany, with their proper tunes either to be sung or play'd / A wife to be lett a comedy / Lucretia a tragedy. The bloodie banquet a tragedie / Songs, chorusses, &c. in the new pantomime of Harlequin's tour, or, The dominion of fancy with entire new music, scenery, machinery, dresses, &c. The luckey chance, or, An alderman's bargain a comedy / The Duke of Guise a tragedy / Two to one The Richmond heiress, or, A woman once in the right a comedy / The Welsh opera, or, The grey mare the better horse Sicelides a piscatory. The discarded secretary, or, The mysterious chorus an historical play in three acts / A pleasant comoedie wherein is merily shewen The wit of a woman The old women weatherwise an interlude. The heiress a comedy in five acts. The basset-table a comedy / The Queen, or, The excellency of her sex an excellent old play / Travellers a comedy in three acts / Ormasdes a trage-comedy / Imperiale a tragedy. The faithful Irish woman The deserving favorite a tragi-comedy / A grammatical version, from the original Hebrew, of The song of Solomon into English blank verse : wherein the persons speaking, and spoken to, are distinctly described and set forth which is impossible every where to be distinguished in any version extant, either ancient or modern : the whole being a drama in seven scenes, both a scheme of the audience and dramatis personae are prefix'd : to which is added a supplement from the forty-fifth Psalm, The song of Moses from Deut. XXXII : and The lammentation of David over Saul and Jonathan from 2 Sam. Chap. I, likewise grammatically translated from the Hebrew into blank verse : with notes on the whole / The necromancer, or, Harlequin Doctor Faustus The female rake, or, Modern fine lady a ballad comedy. The wits a comedie / Caesar Borgia, son of Pope Alexander the Sixth a tragedy / Aspacia a tragedy in three acts. The traytor a tragedy / Susanna, or, Innocence preserv'd musical drama. The Coventry act The double distress a tragedy / Sir Harry Wildair being the sequel of the Trip to the jubilee : a comedy / The royal marriage a ballad-opera of three acts / The kind keeper, or, Mr. Limberham a comedy / A pleasant comedy called, The case is altered A new enterlued for chyldren to playe, named Jacke Jugeler both wytte and very playsent. Emilia Galotti Tancred and Sigismunda a tragedy / The village lawyer a farce in two acts. The Canterbury guests, or, A bargain broken a comedy / Ximena, or, The heroick daughter a tragedy / Netley Abbey an operatic farce in two acts / The disputants Macbeth a tragedy : with all the alterations, amendments, additions, and new songs. The Roman actor The nephews a play in five acts / Cinna's conspiracy a tragedy. The true tragedie of Richarde Duke of Yorke, and the death of good King Henrie the Sixt with the whole contention betweene the two houses, Lancaster and Yorke. The Bastille including the celebrated speech delivered the 29th of July to the French troops, by Mons. Moreau de St. Merry, on the destruction of the above fortress / The gentleman dancing-master a comedy / Hibernia freed a tragedy. The English traveller The school for arrogance An occasional prelude The pleasant comedie of Old Fortunatus Midas The loyal general a tragedy / The royal merchant an opera / Edwy a dramatic poem. The ile of Guls Songs, duets, and finale in The Cady of Bagdad a comic opera. The mission from Rome into Great-Britain, in the cause of popery and the pretender scenically represented. The gamester a comedy. Caligula a tragedy / Arcadia, or, The shepherd's wedding a dramatic pastoral / Wine, beer, and ale together by the eares a dialogue / The litigants a comedy / Tom Jones a comic opera / The unnaturall combat a tragedie : the scaene Marsellis / The clouds of Aristophanes acted at Athens in the second year of Olymp. 89, Aminias being Archon / Women beware women a tragedy / A tale of a tub a comedy / The tragedy of Sophonisba Titus Vespasian a tragedy / Tricks of youth, or, The walks of Islington and Hogsdon, with the humours of Woodstreet-Compter a comedy / Mar-plot, or, The second part of The busie-body a comedy / Dagobert, king of the Franks a tragedy in five acts / The mountaineers Amyntas, or, The impossible dowry a pastorall / The Earl of Warwick, or, British exile a tragedy ; as it is acted at the Theatre Royal in Drury-Lane, by His Majesty's servants ... / A widow and no widow a dramatic piece of three acts / The magic picture a play / The noble pedlar a burletta / A briefe rehearsall or rather a true copie of as much as was presented before Her Majesties at Kenelworth, during her last aboade there, as followeth. Lupone, or, The inquisitor Everie woman in her humor Hunt the slipper Salmacida spolia a masque. A specimen of Jewish courtship The invader of his country, or, The fatal resentment a tragedy / The wrangling lovers, or, The invisible mistress a comedy. Fuimus Troes The true Trojanes : Æneid 2: being a story of the Britaines valour at the Romanes first invasion. Huniades, or, The siege of Belgrade The humours of the Army a comedy / A pleasant conceited comedie called Loves labors lost The comical revenge, or, Love in a tub Fall of Phaeton The magnet a musical entertainment. Words made visible, or, Grammar and rhetorick accomodated to the lives and manners of men The spightful sister a new comedy / Plutus, the god of riches a comedy / Darius, King of Persia a tragedy / The country-wife a comedy / Grim the collier of Croyden, or, The Devil and his dame with The Devil and Saint Dunston / The Italian monk a play in three acts / The noble stranger Huntington divertisement, or, An enterlude for the generall entertainment at the county-feast held at Merchant-Taylors Hall, June 20, 1678 The English mounsieur a comedy / The virgin widow a comedie / Remorse a tragedy in five acts / The faire maide of Bristow Fairy favours, or, The nuptial benison The Jewes tragedy, or, Their fatal and final overthrow by Vespatian and Titus his son agreeable to the authentick and famous history of Josephus : never before published / The plot with the musick prefix'd to each song. The secret tribunal a play in five acts / News from the Nile, or, Laurels from Egypt The sylph a comic piece in one act. The city farce designed for the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane : to which is prefix'd an address to the pit. Loiola scena est Amsterodami, a vespera ad vesperam peraguntur omnia. The deuce is in him a farce of two acts. Fire and water A right excellent and famous comedy called The three ladies of London wherein is notablie declared and set forth how by the meanes of lucar, love and conscience is so corrupted that the one is married to dissimulation, the other fraught with all abhomination : a perfect paterne for all estates to looke into and a worke right worthie to be marked / The fatal legacy a tragedy. The triumphs of love and antiquity an honourable solemnitie performed through the citie, at the confirmation and establishment of the Right Honorable Sir William Cockayn, Knt. in the office of His Majestie's Lieutenant, the Lord Mayor of the famous city of London : taking beginning in the morning at his Lordship's going and perfecting itselfe after his returne from receiving the oath of maioralty at Westminster on the morrow after Symon and Jude's Day, Oct. 29, 1619 / The artful wife a comedy / Loves wel-come the King and Queenes entertainment at Bolsover, at the Earle of Newcastles, the thirtieth of July, 1634. The drinking academy a play / The tragedy of Jane Shore Musick, or, A parley of instruments. Boadicea, Queen of Britain a tragedy / The toy-shop a dramatick satire / The souls warfare comically digested into scenes acted between the soul and her enemies, wherein she cometh off victrix with an angelical plaudit. Chrysanaleia The golden fishing, or, Honour of fishmongers / Socrates triumphant, or, The danger of being wise in a common-wealth of fools Ajax of Sophocles The school for ingratitude a comedy in five acts. The tragedy of Nero, emperour of Rome The monarchical image, or, Nebuchadnezzar's dream Dan. Chap. II : a dramatique poem. The shipwreck a comic opera in two acts : op. 40 / The pilgrims, or, The happy converts a new dramatick entertainment / The narcotic ; and, Private theatricals two dramatic pieces / The Spanish tragedie containing the lamentable ende of Don Horatio and Bel-imperia : with the pittifull death of old Hieronimo. Orpheus and Eurydice an opera. The humourist, or, Who's who The rake The adventures of five hours a tragi-comedy. [Two lines in Latin] Feb. 21, 1662 / Milton's Comus The plain dealer a comedy / The Italian husband, or, The violated bed avenged a moral drama / A tragedie of Abraham's sacrifice The heiress, or, Antigallican a farce. The buggbears Newes from the new world discover'd in the moone a masque. English-men for my money, or, A pleasant comedy called A woman will have her will The virtuous wife, or, Good luck at last a comedy / The false friend, or, The fate of disobedience a tragedy / The contending brothers a comedy. The royal merchant, or, The beggars bush a comedy / The forester, or, The royal seat a drama in five acts / The mistakes, or, The false report a tragi-comedy / The Roman generalls, or, The distressed ladies No play this night The triumphs of virtue a tragi-comedy ; as it is acted at the Theatre-Royal, by His Majesty's servants. Love in it's extasie, or, The large prerogative a kind of royall pastorall / The cobler of Preston a farce / John a Kent & John a Cumber False guardians outwitted a ballad opera. The platonick lovers a tragaecomedy / The wise-woman of Hogsdon a comedie / The gospel-shop a comedy of five acts : with a new prologue and epilogue originally intended for public representation, but suppressed at the particular desire of some eminent divines. Edmund surnamed Ironside a tragedy. The mouth of the Nile, or, The glorious first of August a musical entertainment / Fashionable levities a comedy in five acts / A quarter of an hour before dinner, or, Quality binding a dramatic entertainment of one act. The false friend a comedy ; as it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane by His Majesty's servants. Albina, Countess Raimond a tragedy / Coriolanus Dido The Earl of Douglas a dramatick essay. Mortimer his fall a tragedie / The rival father, or, The death of Achilles a tragedy. The royal flight, or, The conquest of Ireland a new farce. The general lover a comedy / The Hermione, or, Retaliation The French flogged The coronation a comedy / The triumphes of a re-united Britania What you will Britain's glory, or, A trip to Portsmouth a musical entertainment in one act. Scaramouch, a philosopher; Harlequin, a school-boy, bravo, merchant, and magician a comedy after the Italian manner / The Persian princess, or, The royal villain a tragedy / Phaedra and Hippolitus a tragedy in five acts / The amorous fantasme a tragi-comedy / Common-wealth of women a play / The Bristol tars, or, A new way to get rid of a wife Epponina a dramatic essay addressed to the ladies. Albions triumph Antiochus the Great, or, The fatal relapse a tragedy / Vice reclaim'd, or, The passionate mistress a comedy ; as it is acted at the Theatre-Royal by Her Majesty's servants / Pausanias, the betrayer of his country a tragedy / The English frier, or, The town sparks a comedy / The drummer, or, The haunted house a comedy. The siege of Babylon Love the leveller, or, The pretty purchase Ane saytre of the thrie estaits in commendation of vertew and vituperation of vyce / The true-born Irishman The rape of Helen a mock-opera / The contented cuckold, or, The woman's advocate a comedy. The times a comedy / The cares of love, or, A night's adventure a comedy. The coach drivers a political comic-opera / The Lorde and Ladye Huntingdon's entertainement of their right noble mother Alice, Countesse Dowager of Darby, the firste nighte of Her Honor's arrivall at the House of Ashby The Kings entertainment at Welbeck in Nottingham-shire, a house of the Right Honourable, William, Earle of Newcastle, Vicount Mansfield, Baron of Botle, and Bolsover, &c., at his going into Scotland, 1633 The hobby horse Perseus and Andromeda A pleasant comedie called Wily beguilde the chiefe actors be these, a poor scholler, a rich foole, and a knave at a shifte. Constantia a tragedy in three acts. The Earl of Essex a tragedy / The hermit converted, or, The maid of Bath married When you see me, you know me, or, The famous chronicle history of King Henrie the Eight with the birth and vertuous life of Edward, Prince of Wales / The sultaness The twins, or, Which is which? in three acts / Irene a tragedy / The London cuckolds a comedy / The Bourbon League The downfall of Robert, Earle of Huntington, afterward called Robin Hood of merrie Sherwodde with his love to chaste Matilda, the Lord Fitzwaters daughter, afterwardes his faire Maide Marian. The universal gallant, or, The different husbands a comedy / An excellent comedy called The Prince of Priggs revels, or, The practises of that grand thief Captain James Hind relating divers of his pranks and exploits, never heretofore published by any, repleat with various conceits and Tarltonian mirth, suitable to the subject / The mistakes of a day Medea a tragedie / The surprisal a comedy / Jupiter and Juno The royall king, and the loyall subject Mariamne a tragedy / Voluntary contribution New airs, songs & chorusses &c. in the revived pantomime of Harlequin touchstone The connoisseur, or, Everyman in his folly a comedy. The tragedie of Claudius Tiberius Nero, Romes greatest tyrant truly represented out of the purest records of those times. The humours of purgatory a farce / Love and a bottle a comedy / The Siege and surrender of Mons a tragi-comedy exposing the villany of the priests and the intrigues of the French. Belphegor, or, The marriage of the devil a tragi-comedy / Augustus a tragedy. The prejudice of fashion The mariners The honest whore with the humours of the patient man and the longing wife / The pirates The Cid, or, The heroic daughter a tragedy. The campaigners, or, The pleasant adventures at Brussels a comedy : with a familiar preface upon a late reformer of the stage : ending with a satyrical fable of The dog and the otter / One rake in a thousand The what d'ye call it a tragi-comi-pastoral farce / Pandora a comedy. The rump, or, The mirrour of the late times a new comedy / The coblers prophesie The fortune-hunters, or, Two fools well met a comedy / The old batchelour a comedy / She lives, or, The generous brother Virginia An hospital for fools Generous counterfeit a comedy. The tragedy of Julius Caesar A collection of English miracle-plays or mysteries containing ten dramas from the Chester, Coventry and Towneley series with two of latter date : to which is prefixed An historical view of this description of plays by William Marriott. Hymenaei, or, The solemnities of masque and barriers Don Quixote in England a comedy / Electra of Sophocles with an epilogue shewing the parallel in two poems, The return and The restauration / The Peckham frolic, or, Nell Gwyn a comedy in three acts. The glasse of governement a tragicall comedie : so entituled, bycause therein are handled as well the rewardes for vertues, as also the punishment for vices / Deaf indeed The royal martyr, King Charles I a tragedy. The portrait a burletta / Here begynneth a treatyse how ye hye Fader of Heven sendeth dethe to somon every creature to come and gyve a count of theyr lyves in this worlde and is in maner of a morall playe. Sophoclis Antigone Swetnam the woman hater, arraigned by women a new comedie. Lovers' vows, or, The child of love a play in five acts / Don Juan, or, The libertine destroy'd a tragic pantomical [sic] entertainment in two acts / The tragedie of Mariam, the faire queene of Jewry The mirror, or, Harlequin every-where a pantomimical burletta in three parts. The triumphs of truth a solemnity unparaleld for cost, art and magnificence / Cymbeline a tragedy. The temptation of our Lord Belphegor, or, The wishes a comic opera. The tragedie of King Richard the Second with new additions of the Parliament sceane and the deposing of King Richard / St. Kilda in Edinburgh, or, News from Camperdown Celadon and Florimel, or, The happy counterplot Dissipation a comedy in five acts / The famous victories of Henry the Fifth containing the honourable battel of Agin-court. The mysterious husband a tragedy in five acts / Braganza a tragedy / Rhodon and Iris a pastorall. Richard Coeur de Lion an historical romance / Beaumont's and Fletcher's Rule a wife and have a wife a comedy / The fair Circassian a dramatic performance / Dido and Aeneas a tragic opera in three acts / The banishment of Cicero a tragedy / The magnetick lady, or, Humors reconcil'd a comedy / Some cursory remarks on the play call'd The non-juror Adela, or, The barons of old a tragedy. Bickerstaff's unburied dead a moral drama. The Duke of Millaine a tragaedie / Jehu Fatal constancy, or, Love in tears a sketch of a tragedy in the heroic taste. The converted fryar, or, A defiance to the Church of Rome Play is the plot a comedy / Cleone The reform'd wife a comedy. The floating island a tragi-comedy / The female wits, or, The triumvirate of poets at rehearsal a comedy / A mery playe bothe pytthy and pleasaunt of Albyon, knighte The mutual deception a comedy. The conquest of Granada by the Spaniards in two parts / The lady's last stake, or, The wife's resentment a comedy / The reparation a comedy / The example The cuck-queanes and cuckolds errants, or, The bearing down the inne a comaedye ; The faery pastorall, or, Forrest of elves / The vintner trick'd, or, The white fox chas'd a farce. Shakespeare's garland being a collection of new songs, ballads, roundelays, catches, glees, comic-serenatas, &c. / Just in time a comic opera in three acts / The successful straingers a trage-comedy / The midnight wanderers The mayor of Quinborough a comedy / The blazing comet, The mad lovers, or, The beauties of the poets a play / The sailor's farewell, or, The guinea outfit a comic opera in three acts with great improvements. The blind lady The generous attachment a comedy in five acts / The Helots a tragedy. The Briton a tragedy / Amelia a new English opera / Tarare an opera in five acts : with a prologue. The fair favorite The Chinese orphan an historical tragedy / The lover his own rival a ballad opera with the original songs / Injur'd innocence a tragedy. King Charles the First an historical tragedy / Rival priests, or, The female politician a farce. A select collection of old plays The foresters a picture of rural manners : a play in five acts / Marcelia, or, The treacherous friend a tragicomedy / Timon in love, or, The innocent theft a comedy / London's annual triumph with a description of the several pageants, speeches, and songs made proper for the occasion / The mock-marriage a comedy / The Indian emperour, or, The conquest of Mexico by the Spaniards being the sequel of The Indian queen / The rovers, or, The double arrangement The shepherd's artifice a dramatic pastoral / The love match The intrigues of a morning in two acts / The comedy of The beaux strategem The clouds a comedy / A pleasant and witty comedy called A new tricke to cheat the Divell The inquisitor a tragedy in five acts / The stage-coach a comedy / The famous tragedie of the life and death of Mris. Rump shewing how she was brought to bed of a monster with her terrible pangs, bitter teeming, hard labour, and lamentable travell from Portsmouth to Westminster, and the great misery she hath endured by her ugly, deformed, ill-shapen, base-begotten brat or imp of Reformation ... together with the exceeding great fright she took at a free Parliament and the fatall end of that grand tyrant O.C. the father of all murthers, rebellions, treasons, and treacheries committed since the year 1648. The beggar's pantomime, or, The contending Colombines with new songs and several alterations and additions, particularly a sequel to the contention, call'd Pistol in mourning / The summer's tale a musical comedy of three acts. The politician, or, No matter what Maid of the mill a comic opera / The distracted state a tragedy / The sophy The conflict, or, Love, honour, and pride a heroic comedy. The capricious lovers a comedy : with a preface / The shepherdess of the Alps a comic opera in three acts. The northern lass, or, Days of good Queen Bess Alaham The Puritaine, or, The widoww of Watling-Street Alfred the Great an oratorio / Andromana, or, The merchant's wife the scaene Iberia / King Henry the VII, or, The popish imposter a tragedy. Ariadne, deserted by Theseus and found and courted by Bacchus a dramatick piece apted [sic] for recitative musick / Baptistes, sive, Calumnia tragoedia / The school for lovers a comedy ; as it is acted at the Theatre Royal in Drury-Lane / Rosina a comic opera in two acts. The commodity excis'd, or, The women in an uproar a new ballad opera ; as it will be privately acted, in the secret apartments of vintners and tobacconists ... / The stolen heiress, or, The Salamanca doctor outplotted a comedy. Tunbridge-Wells, or, A days courtship a comedy / A day at Rome The strange discovery a tragi-comedy / The young admirall Poems to Her Majesty to which is added a new tragedy entitled The Earl of Somerset : literally founded on history : with a prefatory address, &c. / The unfortunate shepherd a pastoral. The sunne in Aries a noble solemnity / The school for rakes a comedy. The bloody duke, or, The adventures for a crown a tragi-comedy / The merry cobbler, or, The second part of The devil to pay a farcical opera of one act / The wishes of a free people a dramatic poem. The conspiracy a tragedy / 'Tis well it's no worse a comedy. The whole contention betweene the two famous houses, Lancaster and Yorke with the tragicall ends of the good Duke Humfrey, Richard Duke of Yorke, and King Henrie the Sixt / Richard the Second The seventh tragedie of Seneca, entituled Medea The country gentleman, or, The choice of spirits Shakespeares comedies, histories, & tragedies The generous imposter a comedy. The virgin queen a tragedy / The fatal secret a tragedy : as it is acted at the Theatre-Royal, in Covent-Garden / The taxes a dramatick entertainment. Selima & Azor a Persian tale in three parts. Love crownes the end a pastorall / The town-shifts, or, The suburb-justice a comedy. The basket-maker in two acts / Plutus a comedy / Orpheus and Eurydice Fulgens and Lucres The bastard child, or, A feast for the church-wardens a dramatick satire of two acts / Hampstead Heath a comedy / The English princess, or, The death of Richard III a tragedy. Vertue betray'd, or, Anna Bullen a tragedy / The state of physick a comedy. A cure for the heart ache The biter a comedy / The wishes Hurlothrumbo, or, The super-natural Fire and water! a comic opera in two acts / Sir John Falstaff in masquerade Editha a tragedy / Andronicus Comnenius a tragedy / Elvira a tragedy. The pretenders, or, The town unmaskt a comedy / The poor-mans comfort a tragi-comedy / The seege of Urbin a tragycomedy / Minorca a tragedy in three acts. The Brome Abraham and Isaac The critic, or, A tragedy rehears'd Circe a tragedy / London's triumph, or, The Goldsmiths jubilee containing a description of the several pageants and speeches, made proper for the occasion, together with a song, for the entertainment of His Majesty, who, with His Royal Consort, the Queen Dowager, Their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Denmark, and the whole Court, honour His Lordship this year with their presence / A faire quarrell with new additions of M. Chaughs and Trimtrams Roaring and the Bauds Song / Plymouth in an uproar Tamerlane a tragedy / The lawyers a drama in five acts / The uneasy man a comedy. The jealous clown, or, The lucky mistake an opera of one act / The mad captain an opera. The destructin of Jerusalem by Titus Vespasian in two parts / The brothers a tragedy. The fashionable lover, or, Wit in necessity a comedy. The British drama a collection of the most esteemed dramatic productions with biography of the respective authors and critique of each play / The robbers a tragedy / Changes, or, Love in a maze a comedie / The entertainment at the opening of the New River Hartford-Bridge, or, The skirts of the camp an operatic farce in two acts / Hugo Grotius, his Sophompaneas, or, Joseph a tragedy : with annotations / Marciano, or, The discovery a tragi-comedy. Cleomenes, the Spartan heroe a tragedy / A knot of fooles, but, fooles or knaves or both, I care not, here they are, come laugh and spare not The wives revenged a comic opera in one act. The innocent usurper, or, The death of the Lady Jane Gray a tragedy / The cady A translation of the Scots pastoral comedy, The gentle shepherd, into English The tragicall historie of Hamlet, Prince of Denmarke The Roman maid a tragedy / Phylaster, or, Love lyes a bleeding Joanna of Montfaucon a dramatic romance of the fourteenth century / The plain-dealer a comedy / The fine lady's airs, or, An equipage of lovers a comedy / Amyntas pastorall the first part of The Countesse of Pembrokes Yuychurch. Horatius a Roman tragedie / The romp a musical entertainment in two acts / The slip a farce. The happy nuptials a pastoral epithalamium / Arcades part of an entertainment presented to the Countess Dowager of Derby at Harefield, by some noble persons of her family, who appear on the scene in pastoral habit, moving toward the seat of state, with this song. A city ramble, or, The humours of the compter The wits, or, Sport upon sport in selected pieces of drollery, digested into scenes by way of dialogue ; together with variety of humours of several nations, fitted for the pleasure and content of all persons, either in court, city, country, or camp ; the like never before published ; part I. Hycke-scorner a morality. Ireland preserv'd, or The siege of London-Derry being the second part of The battle of Aughrim / Cupid and Psyche, or, Colombine-Courtezan a dramatic pantomime entertainment : interspers'd with ballad tunes. The life of the Dutches of Suffolke The wedding a tragi-comi-pastoral-farcical opera : with an hudibrastic skimmington / David and Bethsabe The ambitious statesman, or, The loyal favourite Jocasta a tragedie / The sleeper, or, A.D. 1803 The dissembled wanton, or, My son get money a comedy / The usurper a tragedy / The London prodigall The coffee-house, or, Fair fugitive a comedy of five acts / The mercantile lovers a dramatic satire (with alterations) / Charlotte, or, One thousand seven hundred and seventy three a play. Songs, recitatives, &c. in The volcano, or, The rival Harlequins a serio-comic pantomime. The Antipodes a comedie / A school for greybeards, or, The mourning bride a comedy in five acts / The conquest of China by the Tartars a tragedy / St. James's Park a comedy. The contract, or, The female captain Alarbas a dramatick opera / The chief promises of God unto man (God's promises) / The tryal a comedy. The boarding-school, or, The sham captain an opera : with the musick prefix'd to each song / Comus a masque / Bribery on both sides Camp visitants The widow of Malabar a tragedy [in three acts] / The way to get unmarried a dramatic sketch. The mine a dramatic poem / Loves maistresse, or, The Queens masque The couragious Turke, or, Amurath the First a tragedie / The Inconsoleables, or, The contented cuckold a dramatick farce of three acts. Love for love a comedy / Henry the Second, or, The fall of Rosamond a tragedy / Barnaby Brittle, or, A wife at her wit's end a farce in two acts / A joviall crew, or, The merry beggars The court medley, or, Marriage by proxy a new ballad opera of three acts. She would be a duchess Pharnaces an opera / Miss Lucy in town a sequel to The virgin unmasqued : a farce with songs. Songs, recitatives, &c. in The magic oak, or, Harlequin woodcutter The siege of Tamor a tragedy / Banian Day The orphan, or, The unhappy-marriage a tragedy / Perjur'd devotee, or, The force of love a comedy. The best bidder Comala a dramatic poem in three acts / The tragedie of Lodovick Sforza Duke of Millan The troublesome raigne of John, King of England with the discoverie of King Richard Cordelions base sonne, vulgarly named the Bastard Fawconbridge : also the death of King John at Swinstead Abbey. The lucky discovery, or, The tanner of York a ballad opera. Ducks and green peas, or, The Newcastle rider a farce of one act founded on fact : to which is added The Newcastle rider, a tale in rhyme. Tamburlaine the Great who, from a Scythian shephearde, by his rare and woonderfull conquests, became a most puissant and mightye monarque, and for his tyranny, and terrour in warre, was tearmed, The scourge of God : devided into two tragicall discourses. The sacrifice, or, Cupid's vagaries a musical mask. The ladies priviledge Romeo and Juliet a tragedy / He wou'd if he cou'd, or, An old fool worse than any a burletta / The Spanish wives a farce. The rivals a sacred drama. Alphonso, King of Naples a tragedy / The Intriguing courtiers, or, The modish gallants a comedy after the manner of Shakespear : wherein the secret histories of several persons are faithfully represented : in which is introduced an interlude, after the manner of a rehersal, cau'd The marriage promise, or, The disappointed virgin : consisting of variety of new songs, set to several English, Irish, and Scots ballad-tunes and country-dances. The affectionate father a sentimental comedy. The fair maid of the west, or, A girle worth gold. The cheats a comedy / The judgment of Paris, or, The triumph of beauty a pastoral ballad opera of one act. A contention for honour and riches Too civil by half a farce in two acts / The duke of Rothsay a tragedy. The Quaker a comic opera. The hectors, or, The false challenge a comedy written in the year MDCLV, the scene London. Harold a tragedy / Antony and Cleopatra a tragdey / The folly of priest-craft a comedy : scene, St. James's or the Savoy. Love in a forest a comedy / A true widow a comedy / High life below stairs a farce of two acts. The thyrd tragedy of L. Annaeus Seneca entituled Thebais Bonduca, or, The British heroine a tragedy : with a new entertainment of musick, vocal and instrumental. The virgin queen a drama in five acts ; attempted as a sequel to Shakespeare's Tempest. Coalition Law-trickes, or, Who would have thought it A discourse of the Queenes Majesties entertainement in Suffolk and Norffolk with a description of many things then presently seene / The sacrifice a tragedy / The she-gallants a comedy. Henry and Rosamond a tragedy / The Spanish rogue The Jew of Venice a comedy. The gratefull servant a comedie / The island-princess The goblins a comedy / The lover's luck a comedy / Mother Bombie Athelwold a tragedy. The northern heroes, or, The bloody contest between Charles the Twelfth, King of Sweden, and Peter the Great, Czar of Muscovy a new historical drama. The unequal rivals a pastoral. The play of Dick of Devonshire a tragi-comedy. The hurly burly, or, The fairy of the well Psyche debauch'd a comedy / The traytor a tragedie / The woman turn'd bully a comedy. Cambro-Britons an historical play in three acts : with a preface / The stage-mutineers, or, A play-house to be lett a tragi-comi-farcical-ballad opera / The tragedy of Julia Agrippina Iphigenia a tragedy. A fool's preferment, or, The three Dukes of Dunstable a comedy / Amintas a pastoral / The prodigal, or, Recruits for the Queen of Hungary a comedy. The tragedy of Orestes The devil of a duke, or Trapolin's vagaries a farcical ballad opera : to which is prefix'd the musick to each song. The true chronicle historie of the whole life and death of Thomas, Lord Cromwell A trip to Scarborough a comedy / An interlude between Jupiter, Juno, Apollo and Mercury which was originally intended as an introduction to a comedy called, Jupiter's descent on earth. Filli di Sciro, or, Phillis of Scyros an excellent pastorall / St. Giles's scrutiny The cunning-man a musical entertainment in two acts / The fortunate peasant, or, Nature will prevail a comedy / The sword of peace, or, A voyage of love a comedy in five acts. The force of friendship a tragedy : to which is added a farce call'd Love in a chest / The toy-shop a dramatic satire. Tumble-down Dick, or, Phaeton in the suds a dramatick entertainment of walking, in serious and foolish characters, interlarded with burlesque, grotesque, comick interludes call'd Harlequin a pick-pocket / Achilles in petticoats an opera / The funeral, or, Grief a-la-mode a comedy. The royal convert a tragedy / The roaring girle, or, Moll Cut-Purse The silver tankard, or, The point at Portsmouth The hovel The successful pyrate a play / Secret-love, or, The maiden-queen The imperial tragedy A new enterlude no less wittie then pleasant entitled New custome The life and death of Jacke Straw, a notable rebell in England who was killed in Smithfield by the Lord Mayor of London Paria acta coram Sereniss Rege Carolo / The Divils charter a tragaedie : containing the life and death of Pope Alexander the Sixt. He's much to blame a comedy in five acts. A journey to Bristol, or, The honest Welchman a farce of two acts / The generous conquerour, or, The timely discovery a tragedy / The way of the world a comedy / Lord Blunder's confession, or, Guilt makes a coward a new ballad-opera / The rival theatres, or, A play-house to be let a farce ; to which is added The chocolate-makers, or, Mimickry exposed : an interlude : with a preface and notes, commentary and explanatory / Love's a lottery and a woman the prize ; with a new masque call'd Love and riches reconcil'd The tragedie of Gorboduc London's triumphs express'd in sundry representations, pageants and shows : containing a true description of the several scenes and habits of the representers with the speeches spoken on each pageant / My grandmother Britannia an English opera : with the representation and description of a transparent theatre illuminated and adorn'd with a great number of emblems, mottoes, devices, and inscriptions, and embellish'd with machines, in a manner entirely new / Rose and Colin a comic opera in one act. The city-madam a comedie / The costlie whore a comicall historie. The mariage night A pleasant comedie of Faire Em, the millers daughter of Manchester with the love of William the Conqueror. The lady of pleasure a comedie / The true tragedy of Herod and Antipater with the death of faire Marriam, according to Josephs the learned and famous Jewe / The Lord Mayor's show being a description of the solemnity at the inauguration of the truly loyal and Right Honourable Sir William Prichard, Kt., Lord Mayor of the City of London, President of the Honourable Artillery-Company, and a member of the worshipful Company of Merchant-Taylors : with several new loyal songs and catches. The double mistake a comedy. The widow bewitch'd a comedy. Il pastor fido, or, The faithfull shepheard The tragedie of Solimon and Perseda wherein is laide open loves constancie, fortunes inconstancie and deaths triumphs. Wat Tyler a dramatic poem. The country captaine ; and, The varietie two comedies / The tragedy of Sir Thomas Overbury A new musical interlude called The election The Alexandraean tragedie A fond husband, or, The plotting sisters a comedy / The fair refugee, or, The rival Jews Loves crueltie a tragedy / The naval pillar, or, Britannia's triumph Love in many masks The world and the child, otherwise, Mundus & infans Albion restored, or, Time turned oculist a masque. The Dutch courtezan West-ward hoe The bird in a cage a comedie / Philodamus a tragedy. Poverty and nobleness of mind a play in three acts / The Christmas ordinary a private show : wherein is expressed the jovial freedom of that festival / The Georgian princess Heraclius, emperour of the East a tragedy / The rivals a comedy. Jacke Drums entertainment, or, The comedie of Pasquill and Katherine A briefe declaratiõ of the shews, devices, speeches, and inventions, done & performed before the Queenes Majestie & the French ambassadours, at the most valiaunt and worthye triumph, attempted and executed on the Munday and Tuesday in Whitson weeke last, anno 1581 Lucius, the first Christian king of Britain a tragedy / City politiques a comedy / Loves victory a tragi-comedy / Love's contrivance, or, Le medecin malgre lui a comedy. The waterman, or, The first of August The beaux stratagem a comedy / The Christmas tale Love's a jest a comedy / Arsaces a tragedy. The apparition musical dramatic romance in two acts / The loyal volunteers, or, Taylors, to arms! A challenge for beautie The spirit of contradiction a new comedy of two acts / Troades, or, The royal captives a tragedy / The intrigues at Versailles, or, A jilt in all humours a comedy / A cure for a scold a ballad farce of two acts : founded upon Shakespeare's Taming of a shrew / The unhappy favourite, or, The Earl of Essex a tragedy / The conquest of Spain a tragedy. North-ward hoe The rebellion a tragedy / Sir Thomas Overbury a tragedy / Tethys festival, or, The Queenes wake Love in all shapes a dramatick farce. Robin Goodfellow, or, The rival sisters Nina, or, The madness of love a comedy in two acts / The assembly, or, Scotch reformation a comedy / Lingua, or, The combat of the tongue and the five senses for superiority a pleasant comoedy. Gibraltar, or, The Spanish adventure a comedy / Astraea, or, True love's myrrour a pastoral / Poor Vulcan a burletta in two acts. The three and the deuce Every woman in her humour The trial of Abraham a dramatic poem. Archipropheta tragoedia / Abra-Mulé, or, Love and empire a tragedy. Wit's last stake Love in a village a comic opera. The noble ingratitude a pastoral-tragi-comedy / The fountaine of selfe-love, or, Cynthias revels The orphan of China a tragedy / The independent patriot, or, Musical folly a comedy. A trip to Scotland as it is acted at the Theatre Royal in Drury-Lane. Emilia Galotti a German tragedy / The tragedies of Aeschylus The lakers a comic opera in three acts. Love in a riddle a pastoral / The slighted maid a comedy. The play of the weather Sir Barnaby Whigg, or, No wit like a womans a comedy / Coriolanus a tragedy / Britannia and Batavia a masque / The Portsmouth heiress, or, The generous refusal a comedy. Metropolis coronata The triumphes of ancient drapery, or, Rich cloathing of England / The two English gentlemen, or, The sham funeral a comedy / The novelty every act a play : being a short pastoral, comedy, masque, tragedy, and farce after the Italian manner / Sir Thomas More a tragedy / The Liverpool prize Ton, or, Follies of fashion a comedy / The shepherd's lottery a musical entertainment / Chester's triumph in honor of her prince Lucii Annei Senecae tragedia prima quae inscribitur Hercules furens nuper recognita, & ab omnibus mendis, quibus antea scatebat sedulo purgata, & in studiosae juventutis utilitate, in Anglicum metrum tanta fide conversa, ut carmen pro carmine quoad Anglica lingua patiatur pene redditum videas / Momus turn'd fabulist, or, Vulcan's wedding an opera, after the manner of the Beggar's opera : with the musick prefix'd to each song. Titus and Berenice a tragedy ; with a farce called The cheats of Scapin / The first floor a farce in two acts. She wou'd and she wou'd not, or, The kind imposter a comedy / A pastorall called The Arcadia The unnatural mother the scene in the kingdom of Siam / The Baron Kinkvervankotsdorsprakingatchdern a new musical comedy / The village coquet Seeing is believing a dramatic proverb of one act / Songs, &c., in the musical farce of The Spanish rivals The Cardinal a tragedie / More ways than one a comedy / The gentleman of Venice a tragi-comedie / Coriolanus, or, The Roman matron a historical play in five acts / The horse and the widow a farce / The husband his own cuckold a comedy / Friar Bacon, or, Harlequin Gulliver The white divel, or, The tragedy of Paulo Giordano Ursini, Duke of Brachiano with the life and death of Vittoria Corombona the famous Venetian curtizan / Agnes de Castro a tragedy / The rehearsal, or, Bays in petticoats a [musical] comedy in two acts / The Golden Age, or, The lives of Jupiter and Saturne, with the defining of the heathen gods Civitatis amor The cities love : an entertainement by water at Chelsey and White-Hall at the joyfull receiving of that illustrious hope of Great Britaine the High and Mighty Charles to bee created Prince of Wales, Duke of Cornewall, Earle of Chester &c. : together with the ample order and solemnity of His Hignesse creation. The comical lovers a comedy. The history of Timon of Athens, the man-hater The merry conceited humors of Bottom the Weaver Gil Blas Hymenaeus a comedy / A pleasaunt conceited historie, called The taming of a shrew The fairy prince a masque. The volunteers, or, Britons strike home The abdicated prince, or, The adventures of four years a tragi-comedy. The anniversary Cleophilus comoedia. The wife of Bath a comedy / The school for wives Il pastor fido The faithfull shepherd : a pastorall / The genius of Liverpool a drama in one act. The deserter a new musical drama. A king and no king Hypermnestra, or, Love in tears a tragedy / The Island princess, or, The generous Portugal a [musical] comedy : with the alterations and new additional scenes. Richard Coeur de Lion a comic opera / The monument in Arcadia a dramatic poem in two acts / Mercurius Britanicus, or, The English intelligencer a tragi-comedy at Paris. The royal garland a new occasional interlude in honour of His Danish Majesty / The banditti, or, A ladies distress a play / Nathan the Wise a dramatic poem / Love a la mode a comedy / The West Indian a comedy / Pastor fido, or, The faithful shepherd a pastoral. The royal suppliants a tragedy. The hotel, or, The double valet a farce, in two acts : as it is performed at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane / Neglected virtue, or, The unhappy conquerour a play. Hymen a new occasional interlude / The female parson, or, Beau in the sudds an opera / Patience the best remedy, or, A wife in the right The citizen's daughter a farce. Irena a tragedy. News from Plimouth The choleric man a comedy / by Richard Cumberland. Corona Minervae, or, A masque The mock doctor, or, The dumb lady cur'd a comedy : with the musick prefix'd to each song / The Blind-Beggar of Bednal-Green, with the merry humor of Tom Strowd the Norfolk Yeoman Cymon a [musical] dramatic romance / All in the right The masquerade a comedy / The Methodist a comedy : being a continuation and completion of the plan of The minor, written by Mr. Foote : with the original prologue and epilogue. Apollo and Daphne a masque / The new school for women a comedy of three acts / The man of business a comedy / The man's the master a comedy / Tyrannick love, or, The royal martyr a tragedy / Cutter of Coleman-Street a comedy : the scene London, in the year 1658 / Iphigenia a tragedy / Richard in Cyprus a tragedy / The coronation of David written in M.DCC.LXIII by a Sussex clergyman. A key to the lock a comedy in two acts. An new enterlude of impacient poverte The politician cheated a new comedy / The Highland fair, or, Union of the clans an opera / Noah's flood, or, The destruction of the world an opera / Pan and Syrinx an opera of one act / The lost lover, or, The jealous husband a comedy / London's resurrection to joy and triumph expressed in sundry shews, shapes, scenes, speeches, and songs in parts / A masque presented in the house of the Right Honorable the Lord Haye, by divers of noble quality, his friends, for the entertaimnent [sic] of Monsieur Le Baron De Tour, extraordinarie ambassadour for the French king, on Saturday the 22. of February, 1617 The spouter, or, The double revenge a comic farce in three acts. The tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmarke Here and there and everywhere The tragedy of tragedies, or, The life and death of Tom Thumb the Great with the annotations of H. Scriblerus Secundus. The fair Quaker, or, The humours of the navy Robin Bullcalf's readings, or, His journey to London The phaenix in her flames a tragedy : the scene Arabia / Kensington Gardens, or The walking jockey Woman's revenge, or, A match in Newgate a comedy : to which is added, A compleat key to The beggar's opera / Wit in a constable a comedy written 1639 / Amintas an English opera. The old couple a comedy / The devil to pay, or, The wives metamorphos'd an opera : with the musick prefix'd to each song / The emperor of the moon a farce / The merry miller, or, The country-man's ramble to London a farce of two acts. The Oxonian in town a comedy in two acts. British fortitude and Hibernian friendship, or, An escape from France a musical drama in one act / The town-fopp, or, Sir Timothy Tawdrey a comedy / The last of the family a comedy. If it be not good, the Divel is in it a new play / The valiant Scot The pilgrim a comedy / Imposture defeated, or, A trick to cheat the Devil a [musical] comedy. Love for money, or, The boarding school a comedy / The true tragedie of Richard the Third wherein is showne the death of Edward the Fourth, with the smothering of the two yoong princes in the Tower : with a lamentable ende of Shores wife, an example for all wicked women : and lastly the conjunction and joyning of the two noble houses, Lancaster and Yorke. Songs, duets, chorusses, &c. in the historical romance of The crusade Arviragus and Philicia. The pedlers prophecie Almeyda, or, The rival kings a tragedy / The civilian, or, Farmer turned footman The ghost, or, The woman wears the breeches a comedy / The birth-day a comedy in three acts / The young king, or, The mistake Trappolin creduto principe, or, Trappolin suppos'd a prince an Italian trage-comedy : the scene part of Italy / Distress'd innocence, or, The Princess of Persia a tragedy / Such things have been Aristippus, or, The joviall philosopher presented in a private shew : to which is added The conceited pedlar. It was right at the last a farce of two acts / Fortune by land and sea a tragi-comedy / Alexander the Little The history and fall of Caius Marius a tragedy / A tricke to catch the old one The loyal lovers a tragi-comedy / Tom Thumb a tragedy. The sharper a comedy / The lovers melancholy Sophonisba, or, Hannibal's overthrow a tragedy / The history of Charles the Eighth of France, or, The invasion of Naples by the French The characters of two royall masques, the one of blacknesse, the other of beautie Cambro Britons, or, Fishguard in an uproar The distress'd baronet Honoria and Mammon Mary, queen of Scots an historical tragedy or dramatic poem / Fortune's frolic The magnificent entertainment with the speeches and songes, delivered in the severall pageants / The rout The miseries of inforsed mariage / Money is an asse a comedy / The counterfeit bridegroom, or, The defeated widow a comedy. Mustapha The history of Henrie the Fourth with the battell at Shrewsburie, betweene the King and Lord Henry Percy, surnamed Henrie Hotspur of the North : with the humorous conceits of Sir John Falstalffe. The brave Irishman, or, The Irishman in London The comicall satyre of Every man out of his humor The tragedie of Caesar and Pompey, or, Caesar's revenge The loving enemies a comedy / Senile odium comoedia / The tragedy of Albertus Wallenstein, late Duke of Fridland and generall to the Emperor Ferdinand the Second Love in the East, or, Adventures of twelve hours a comic opera in three acts / Love and honour A looking glasse for London and England Loves riddle a pastorall comaedie / The English tavern at Berlin a comedy in three acts. Telemachus a mask / Love's vagaries, or, The whim of the moment a dramatic piece of two acts / May-Day, or, The little gipsy musical farce of one act ; to which is added The theatrical candidates : a musical prelude. Chaubert, or, The misanthrope a tragic drama. The battle of Hastings a tragedy / Your five gallants The world in the moon an opera / Barbarossa a tragedy. The refusal, or, The ladies philosophy a comedy / Eldred, or, The British freeholder a tragedy. The picture a tragecomedie / Valentinian a tragedy / A game at chesse Belisarius a tragedy / Belshazzar The two sons-in-law The orphans a play in five acts. Shepherdess of the Alps a play in four acts / The wreck of honor a tragedy in five acts / The black man, or, The spleen Haven, or, The merited gallows in three acts / The miser The last duel in Spain The disowned, or, The prodigals a play in three acts / The Knights Templars a historical tragedy with notes : to which is prefixed an interesting history of the origin, character, and persecution of that illustrious order, also the mode of receiving members, the whole supported by the most respectable authorities / Lady Jane Gray and Lord Guilford Dudley a dramatic poem. Mazeppa, or, The wild horse of Tartary The young Carolinians, or, Americans in Algiers a play in five acts. The siege of Algiers, or, The downfall of Hadgi-Ali-Bashaw a political, historical, and sentimental tragi-comedy in five acts / The sophomore a dialogue in one act. The Italian bride Saul a dramatic sketch. The Irish exiles in America a drama in five scenes. Naomi a sacred drama in five scenes / Slaves in Algiers, or, A struggle for freedom a play, interspersed with songs, in three acts / A tyrant's victims a tragedy in five acts. A dramatic sketch Romulus, the shepherd king The deformed, or, Woman's trial a play in five acts / The knight of the rum bottle & co., or, The speechmakers a musical farce in five acts / The Yorker's stratagem, or, Banana's wedding a farce in two acts / Zamor a tragedy. Ponteach, or, The savages of America a tragedy. Rejected plays Heaven on earth, or, The new lights of harmony an extravaganza in two acts / Philip, or, The aborigines a drama in three acts. Adeline, the victim of seduction a melo-dramatic serious drama in three acts / Pizarro, or, The Spaniards in Peru a tragedy in five acts / Phelles, King of Tyre, or, The downfall of tyranny a tragedy in five acts. Brutus, or, The fall of Tarquin an historical tragedy in five acts / Manfredi a tragedy in five acts / Blackbeard a comedy in four acts : founded on fact / Trial without jury, or, The magpie and the maid The female enthusiast a tragedy in five acts / Valdemar, or, The castle of the cliff a tragedy / Kathleen O'Neil, or, A picture of feudal times in Ireland a national melo-drama of the fourteenth century in three acts / Edwin and Angelina, or, The banditti an opera in three acts. The battle of Brooklyn a farce of two acts / The candidates, or, The humours of a Virginia election a comedy in three acts. The misfortunes of anger a drama in two parts. Jefferson and liberty, or, Celebration of the fourth of March a patriotic tragedy : a picture of the perfidy of corrupt administration in five acts / The fall of British tyranny, or, American liberty triumphant, the first campaign a tragi-comedy of five acts as lately planned at the Royal Theatrum Pandemonium at St. James's, the principal place of action in America. The usurper an historical tragedy in five acts / The Grecian captive, or, The fall of Athens An exercise containing a dialogue and ode on the accession of his present gracious majesty, George III The beau metamorphized, or, The generous maid an after-piece in two acts / Climax of iniquity an opera. The traveller returned La Fayette in Mount Vernon a drama in two acts / The fratricide The reconciliation, or, The triumph of nature a comic opera in two acts / André a tragedy in five acts : to which are added authentic documents respecting Major Andre, consisting of letters to Miss Seward, The cow chace, proceedings of the court martial, &c. The Little country visitor a drama in two parts. May Day, or, The celebration of the return of spring being a play for the amusement of young girls on the first day of May. The merry dames, or, The humourist's triumph over the poet in petticoats and the gallant exploits of the knight of the comb a comedy of three acts / He stoops to conquer, or, The virgin wife triumphant a comedy in three acts / Virginia a pastoral drama, on the birth-day of an illustrious personage and the return of peace, February 11, 1784 / The patriots a comedy in five acts. Oscar Fitz-James a drama in three acts / Wall-Street, or, Ten minutes before three a farce in three acts. The archers, or, Mountaineers of Switzerland an opera in three acts : to which is subjoined a brief historic account of Switzerland, from the dissolution of the Roman Empire to the final establishment of the Helvetic Confederacy by the battle of Sempach. The fatal error a tragedy / The fortress of Sorrento a petit historical drama in two acts. Dramatic pieces calculated to exemplify the mode of conduct which will render young ladies both amiable and happy when their school education is completed Reparation, or, The school for libertines a dramatic piece in three acts / No hay union con los tiranos morira quien lo pretenda, ó sea, La muerte de Riego y España entre cadenas tragedia en cinco actos / Marion, or, The hero of Lake George a drama in three acts / She would be a soldier, or, The plains of Chippewa an historical drama in three acts / Mary of Scotland, or, The heir of Avenel a drama in three acts / The patriot chief a tragedy. Virtue triumphant The New England coquette from the history of the celebrated Eliza Wharton : a tragic drama in three acts / The downfall of justice and the farmer just return'd from meeting on Thanksgiving day a comedy lately acted in Connecticut. In this second edition is annexed A fable, by way of an address to a countryman on his petitioning Jupiter for an amendment of his circumstances. Tancred, or, The rightful heir to Rochdale Castle a drama in three acts / Lafayette, or, The fortress of Olmutz a melo drama in three acts / The search after happiness a pastoral drama / The Paxton boys a farce / Otho a tragedy in five acts / Almoran and Hamet a tragedy founded on an Eastern tale of that name. Wall-Street as it now is Occurrences of the times, or, The transactions of four days (viz., from Friday the 16th to Monday the 19th January, 1789) a farce in two acts. The Essex junto, or, Quixotic guardian a comedy in four acts / Philander and Lucinda All in a bustle, or, The new house a comic prelude / A comic opera entitled Rural felicity with The humour of Patrick and the Marriage of Shelty / The triumphs of love, or, Happy reconciliation a comedy in four acts / The comet, or, He would be an astronomer a farce in two acts. Lucy Sampson, or, The unhappy heiress a tragedy in five acts / Osric and Lencastro, or, Parental affection rewarded a tragedy in five acts. A Pennsylvania sailor's letters, alias, The farmer's fall with extracts from a tragic comedy called Hodge podge improved, or, The race fairly run. Dramatic sketch The generous chief a tragedy / Darby's return a comic sketch / The chimera, or, Effusions of fancy a farce in two acts / Love and friendship, or, Yankee notions a comedy in three acts / Catharine Brown, the converted Cherokee a missionary drama / Abaellino, the great bandit A dialogue containing some reflections on the late declaration and remonstrance of the back-inhabitants of the province of Pennsylvania with a serious and short address to those Presbyterians who (to their dishonor) have too much abetted and conniv'd at the late insurrection / New scene interesting to the citizens of the United States of America, additional to the historical play of Columbus The Military glory of Great-Britain an entertainment given by the late candidates for bachelor's degree at the close of the anniversary commencement held in Nassau-Hall, New Jersey, September 29th, 1762. Morning visitors, or, A trip to Quebec The Little trifler a drama in three parts. Frances and Mila a dialogue. The politician out-witted a comedy in five acts / The lover a dramatic fragment. A comedy entitled The sprightly widow with the frolics of youth, or, A speedy way of uniting the sexes by honorable marriage Liberty in Louisiana a comedy / A friendly dialogue in three parts between Philalethes & Toletus upon the nature of duty The village wedding a drama in one part. The double conspiracy, or, Treason discovered but not punished a matter of fact, delineated after the life, in the form of a play. Xerxes the Great, or, The battle of Thermopyle a patriotic drama in five acts. An exercise consisting of a dialogue and ode sacred to the memory of his late gracious majesty Geogre [sic] II The Trial of Atticus before Justice Beau for a rape The contrast a comedy : in five acts / Alfred the Great an historical tragedy in five acts / Abaellino, the great bandit a grand dramatic romance in five acts / The lyre of Tioga La Fayette, or, The castle of Olmutz a drama in three acts / Dramatic dialogues for the use of schools Altorf a tragedy / Valeria, or, Love and blindness a comedy in three acts / The wood daemon, or, The clock has struck a grand, romantic, cabalistic, melo drama in three acts : interspersed with processions, pageants, and pantomime / A dialogue, &c Things as they will be, or, All barkers are not biters a farce in three acts / The widow's son, or, Which is the traitor a melo-drama in three acts / A dialogue between a southern delegate and his spouse on his return from the grand Continental Congress a fragment / Rudolph, or, The robbers of Calabria a melo drame in three acts : with marches, combats, and chorusses as performed at the Boston theatre / False appearances, or, A hit on the dandies a farce in three acts / The forest of Rosenwald, or, The travellers benighted a melodrama in two acts / The sentinels & other plays A dialogue exhibiting some of the principles and practical consequences of modern infidelity The freaks of Columbia, or, The removal of the seat of government a farce, accompanied by an interlude, called The metamorphosis ; to which is added, The new prospect before us / The banker, or, Things as they have been a farce in three acts / Metamora, or, The last of the Wampanoags an Indian tragedy in five acts / The tricks of the times, or, The world of quacks a farce of domestic origin in two acts. Tancred, or, The siege of Antioch a drama in three acts. Four plays The Russian banquet, or, The feast of treason and the flow of wine a drama in one act / The eighth of January a drama in three acts / Paddy's trip to America, or, The husband with three wives a farce in two acts. The fall of Iturbide, or, Mexico delivered a tragedy in five acts / Squire Hartley a farce in two acts / Fatal effects of seduction a tragedy written for the use of the students of Clio Hall in Bennington, to be acted on their quarter day, April 28, 1789 / The prophecy, or, Love and friendship a drama in three acts / Alberti a play in five acts. Sidney, or, The self-murderer reclaimed a tragi-comedy / The man of fortitude, or, The Knight's adventure a drama in three acts / L'avocat bienfaisant comédie en un acte et en prose / The Battle of New Orleans, or, Glory, love, and loyalty an historical and national drama in five acts / The Gordian knot, or, Causes & effects a play in five acts. The Gubernatorial collection a farce, as acted at C---t H---l, which point out a variety of characters that have arisen in the political uproar since the confusion of distructions : together with other scenes for the amusement of the curious. Androboros a bographical [sic] farce in three acts, viz., the senate, the consistory, and the apotheosis. Edwy and Elgiva a tragedy in five acts / The Yankey in England a drama in five acts / The orphan of Prague a drama in five acts / The widow of Malabar, or, The tyranny of custom a tragedy / Independence, or, Which do you like best, the peer or the farmer? a comedy in five acts / Venoni, or, The maid of Savoy The battle of Eutaw Springs and evacuation of Charleston, or, The glorious 14th of December, 1782 a national drama in five acts / Rosa a melo-drama in three acts. The school for prodigals a comedy in five acts / The intolerants a drama : three first acts of Things among us / The New-England drama in five acts. Fashionable follies a comedy in five acts, as cast at the Olympic Theatre / The Italian husband Sophia, or, The bandit of the forest a play in three acts / The French Revolution a drama : including a story, founded in fact, of Leontine and Matilda / A dialogue between a stranger and a citizen of New Brunswick, on seeing the Dutch people engaged in pulling down their church and steeple The night-watch, or, Pirates' den a melodrama in two acts / The juvenile theatre containing the best dramatic productions of the celebrated Madam de Genlis / Jonathan in England a comedy in three acts / Percy's masque a drama in five acts. The sick in his own despite ; The will ; The haunch of mutton ; Pedigree ; The English traveller ; The American antiquary ; The fortune-teller ; Physiognomy ; The revolutionary pensioner ; The thing that's right A school for soldiers, or, The deserter a dramatic piece in four acts. The prince of Parthia a tragedy. The hero of two wars a drama in five acts. The corsair a melo-drama in four acts / A poem on the rising glory of America being an exercise delivered at the public commencement at Nassau-Hall, September 25, 1771. The disappointment, or, The force of credulity a new American comic opera of two acts / The ocean spectre an entire new grand melo drame in five acts interspersed with songs, chorusses / An after dinner eclogue The father of an only child a comedy. The father, or, American Shandy-ism a comedy / The Italian father a comedy in five acts / Tell truth and shame the devil a comedy in two acts. The wife of two husbands a drama in five acts / Leicester a tragedy / Ribbemont, or, The feudal baron a tragedy in five acts / The good neighbor an interlude in one act / Peter the Great, or, The Russian mother a play in five acts / Thirty years, or, The gambler's fate Rinaldo Rinaldini, or, The great banditti a tragedy in five acts / The wife of two husbands a drama in five acts : interspersed with songs, choruses, music and dances / The American captive, or, Siege of Tripoli a drama in five acts / Fayette in prison, or, Misfortunes of the great a modern tragedy / The father of an only child a comedy / Fraternal discord a drama in five acts / Alexis the Czarewitz a tragedy in five acts. The voice of nature a drama in three acts / Fontainville Abbey a tragedy / Exercise containing a dialogue and ode on occasion of the peace Yankee chronology, or, Huzza for the Constitution! a musical interlude in one act : to which are added the patriotic songs of The freedom of the seas and Yankee tars / A trip to Niagara, or, Travellers in America a farce in three acts / The glory of Columbia, her yeomanry! a play in five acts / The glory of Columbia, her yeomanry a play in five acts : the songs, duets, and chorusses. Lover's vows a play in five acts / Transformation, or, Love and law a musical farce in two acts. A new world planted, or, The adventures of the forefathers of New-England, who landed in Plymouth, December 22, 1620 an historical drama in five acts / The sultana, or, A trip to Turkey a melo-drama in three acts / Americana, or, A new tale of the genii being an allegorical mask in five acts. Charles the Twelfth, or, The battle of Pultowa a military tragic piece in four acts. 'Twas I! a farce in one act / The toothache, or, Mistakes of a morning a petit comedy in one act : a free translation from the French / Marmion, or, The battle of Flodden Field a drama in five acts / Julia, or, The wanderer a comedy in five acts. Accusation, or, The family of D'Anglade a play in three acts / Blue Beard, or, Female curiosity a dramatic romance in three acts / Democedes an interlude in one act. Thérèse, the orphan of Geneva a drama in three acts / Favelle, or, The fatal duel a drama in one act / The fair Americans an original comedy in five acts / Mrs. Smith, or, The wife and the widow a farce in one act / Brutus, or, The fall of Tarquin How to try a lover a comedy in three acts. Lovers' vows a play in five acts / The Red Rover a drama in three acts / Female patriotism, or, The death of Joan d'Arc an historic play in V. acts / The blockheads, or, Fortunate contractor an opera in two acts / The better sort, or, The girl of spirit an operatical comical farce. Ali Pacha, or, The signet-ring a melo-drama in two acts / Federalism triumphant in the steady habits of Connecticut alone, or, The turnpike road to a fortune a comic opera or political farce in six acts. Nature and philosophy The brothers, or, Consequences a story of what happens every day : with an account of Savings banks. La foret noire, or, Maternal affection a serious pantomime in three acts. Columbia and Britannia a dramatic piece / A country clown, or, Dandyism improved a dramatic medley in one act / Charles the Second, or, The merry monarch a comedy in three acts / Bunker-Hill, or, The death of General Warren an historic tragedy in five acts / The Indian princess, or, La belle sauvage an operatic melo-drama in three acts / The tragedy of Superstition The sea serpent, or, Gloucester hoax a dramatic jeu d'esprit in three acts. Sylla a tragedy in five acts / News of the night, or, A trip to Niagara Love in humble life a petite comedy in one act / Clari Cecilia a drama / The battle of Bunkers-Hill a dramatic piece of five acts in heroic measure / The fall of Algiers a comic opera in three acts. Caridorf, or, The avenger The mercenary match a tragedy / Marmion, or, Flodden Field a drama / 'Twas I, or, The truth a lie a farce in two acts / A tragedy in five acts founded on the history of Joseph and his brethren as recorded in sacred scripture The man of the times, or, A scarcity of cash a farce / The gift of music : a successful method for learning to read, play, and more deeply enjoy music / Sertorius, or, The Roman patriot a tragedy / The disappointment, or, The force of credulity a new comic-opera in three acts / Dialogues between a minister and an honest country-man concerning election and predestination, very suitable to the present times to which is annexed, Divine prescience consistent with human liberty, or, Mr. Wesley's opinion of election and reprobation, prov'd to be not so absurd as represented in the late letter under the title of Free grace indeed, but to be clear of those destructive consequences that will forever attend the Calvinistical doctrine of absolute fatality / Bethlem Gabor, Lord of Transylvania, or, The man hating Palatine an historical drama in three acts / The blind boy a melo-drama in two acts. Jonathan Postfree, or, The honest Yankee a musical farce in three acts / Charles the Second, or, The merry monarch a comedy in three acts (with some songs) / 'Twas all for the best, or, 'Tis all a notion Trial of Cain, the first murderer in poetry, by rule of court : in which a predestinarian, a Universalian, and an Arminian argue as attornies at the bar, the two former as the prisoner's counsel, the latter as attorney general / Peter Smink, or, The armistice a comic drama in one act / The Africans, or, War, love, and duty a play in three acts. Life and exploits of Mansong, commonly called Three-finger'd Jack, the terror of Jamaica with a particular account of the Obi; being the only true one of that celebrated and fascinating mischief so prevalent in the West Indies / The lancers [an interlude in one act] / Kosciusko, or, The fall of Warsaw a play in verse / The fox chase a comedy in five acts / The trust a comedy in five acts / The benevolent lawyers, or, Villainy detected a comedy in five acts / The forest rose, or, American farmers a pastoral opera in two acts / The death of General Montgomery in storming the city of Quebec a tragedy : with an ode, in honor of the Pennsylvania militia and the small band of regular continental troops who sustained the campaign, in the depth of winter, January, 1777, and repulsed the British forces from the banks of the Delaware / Richelieu a domestic tragedy founded on fact, in five acts / The history of the Falcos. a comedy in four acts / Tears and smiles a comedy in five acts / Brutus, or, The fall of Tarquin a historical tragedy / The two galley slaves a melo-drama in two acts / Beaux without bells, or, Ladies we can do without you a musical farce / An exercise containing a dialogue and two odes Scena quarta del quinto atto di Adad poema drammatico / Hadad a dramatic poem / Nolens volens, or, The biter bit a comedy in five acts / The saw-mill, or, A Yankee trick a comic opera in two acts / The distrest family a drama in two parts. Debates at the Robin-Hood Society in the city of New York on Monday night, 19th of July, 1774 Don Juan, or, The libertine destroyed a grand pantomimical ballad in two parts. The force of calumny a play in five acts / The rescue, or, The villain unmasked a farce in three acts / The widow and the riding horse a dramatic trifle in one act / Fraternal discord a comedy in five acts / The wounded hussar, or, Rightful heir a musical afterpiece in two acts / A dialogue between Christ, Youth, and the devil The wild-goose chace a play in four acts with songs / Logan, the last of the race of Shikellemus, chief of the Cayuga nation a dramatic piece : to which is added the Dialogue of the backwoodsman and the dandy / The king and his cabinet a remarkably short Attic comedy in two acts / Abbe de l'Epee, or, The orphan an historical drama in four acts / The wild youth a comedy for digestion in three acts / Carabasset a tragedy in five acts / Oolaita, or, The Indian heroine a melo drama in three acts / Cure for the spleen, or, Amusement for a winter's evening being the substance of a conversation on the times over a friendly tankard and pipe ... / Heselrigge, or, The death of Lady Wallace with other poems / A day in Turkey a farce in two acts. Pocahontas, or, The settlers of Virginia a national drama in three acts / Songs, &c. in The comet, or, He would be a philosopher a comedy in five acts / The Indian prophecy a national drama in two acts / A day after the fair a burletta in one act. The woolen nightcap, or, The mysterious flour sack A pastoral dialogue A poetical dialogue between Lionel Lovelorn, esq., and Geoffry Ginger esq Slaves in Barbary a drama in two acts. Mina a dramatic sketch, with other poems / The hero of the lake, or, The victory of Commodore Perry Daranzel, or, The Persian patriot an original drama in five acts / Montgomery, or, The Falls of Montmorency a drama in three acts / The death of Ugolino a tragedy / An exercise containing a dialogue and ode on peace Alberto and Matilda, or, The unfortunate lovers a drama in two acts / Emancipation of Europe, or, The downfall of Bonaparte a tragedy. The Connecticut emigrant a dialogue ... / The suicide a dialogue. The mountain torrent a grand melo-drama interspersed with songs, chorusses, &c. : in two acts / Pizarro in Peru, or, The death of Rolla a play in five acts / Rustic life a pastoral / The happy family a drama in five acts / The colonists Odofriede, the outcast a dramatic poem / A tale of Lexington a national comedy in three acts / False shame, or, The American orphan in Germany a comedy in four acts / Smerdis and Merea a dramatic sketch. The virgin of the sun a play in five acts / Irma, or, The prediction a tragedy in five acts. The beautiful unknown a dramatic history / The writing desk, or, Youth in danger a play in four acts / The East Indian a comedy in three acts / False shame a comedy in four acts / Scenes in the world of spirits of Henry Stilling The recluse a pastoral / The Count of Burgundy a comedy in four acts / Indigence and nobleness of mind a comedy in five acts / Adelaide of Wulfingen a tragedy in four acts / Rip Van Winkle, or, The demons of the Catskill mountains a national drama in two acts / The wandering boys, or, The castle of Olival a melo drama in two acts. The rose of Arragon, or, The vigil of St. Mark a melo-drama in two acts / La Peyrouse a comedy in two acts / The mysteries of the castle, or, The victim of revenge a drama in five acts / The Englishman in Bordeaux a comedy / Foscari, or, The Venetian exile a tragedy in five acts : as performed at the Charleston [S.C.] theatre ... / Mahomet a tragedy in five acts / The guardian a comedy of two acts. The motley assembly a farce published for the entertainment of the curious. Castle of Sorrento a comick opera in two acts / Daphnis and Amaryllis a pastoral / A trip to the Nore a musical entertainment in one act / The country girl a comedy / Dramatic entertainment called A Christmas tale in five parts. The contract a comedy of two acts. Lilliput a dramatic entertainment. Garrick in the shades, or, A peep into Elysium a farce, never offered to the managers of the Theatres-Royal. The pilgrim a comedy in five acts / The rehearsal at Goatham Constantine a tragedy. The enchanted wood a legendary drama in three acts. The Irish widow in two acts. The bankrupt a comedy in three acts / A peep behind the curtain, or, The new rehearsal Don Quixote in England an opera / Neck or nothing a farce in two acts. The weathercock a musical entertainment of two acts. Songs, chorusses, &c. in the musical afterpiece called Garrick's jubilee May-Day, or, The little gipsy a musical farce in one act ; to which is added The theatrical candidates : a musical prelude. The songs, choruses, and serious dialogue of the masque called The Institution of the Garter, or, Arthur's round table restored The farmer's return from London an interlude. The fathers, or, The good-natur'd man a comedy / Bon ton, or, High life above stairs a comedy in two acts. Florizel and Perdita a dramatic pastoral in three acts / Polly an opera : being the sequel of The begger's opera / Garrick's vagary, or, England run mad with particulars of the Stratford Jubilee. The male-coquette, or, Seventeen hundred fifty-seven in two acts. The masquerade a comedy in five acts. The commissary a comedy in three acts / The mayor of Garratt a comedy in two acts / The lame lover a comedy in three acts / The orators in three acts / The counterfeit a farce in two acts / The knights a comedy in two acts / Mary, Queen of Scots an historical play / The nabob a comedy in three acts / The trial of Samuel Foote, esq. for a libel on Peter Paragraph Matilda a tragedy / The mermaid a farce. Earl of Warwick a tragedy. A trip to Calais [a comedy in three acts] The devil upon two sticks a comedy in three acts / The young hypocrite, or, The country poet The siege of Quebec, or, The death of General Wolfe a tragedy / The cozeners a comedy of three acts. The maid of Bath a comedy of three acts. The wandering Jew, or, Love's masquerade a comedy in two acts / The Englishman return'd from Paris being the sequel to The Englishman in Paris : a farce in two acts / Taste a comedy of two acts / The Englishman in Paris a comedy in two acts / The lyar a comedy in three acts / The patron in three acts / Half an hour after supper an interlude in one act. Alzira a tragedy / Phillis at court a comic opera of three acts / Sejanus a tragedy : with a preface, wherein the manager's reasons for refusing it are set forth / Marcella a tragedy of three acts. Clavidgo a tragedy in five acts / Edgar and Emmeline a fairy tale in a dramatic entertainment of two acts. Sacred dramas The happy prescription, or, The lady relieved from her lovers a comedy in rhyme. The Pantheonites a dramatic entertainment. The lady of the manor a comic opera / The Peruvian a comic opera in three acts / The Stratford Jubilee a new comedy of two acts ; to which is prefixed Scrub's trip to the jubilee. The modish wife a comedy : to which is prefixed a summary view of the stage, as it has been, is, and ought to be : with biographical anecdotes of Messrs. Mossop, Dexter, Derrick, and the author, school-fellows, and public contemporaries. Saul a tragedy. An account of the pantomime of Harlequin's chaplet being a collection of favourite scenes from the following celebrated pantomimes: Harlequin sorcerer, Mother Shipton, Choice of Harlequin, Lord Mayor's day, Druids, Fryar Bacon, Harlequin Free-mason, Norwood gipsies, Omai, Magic covern, Harlequin rambler : with the airs, duetts, chorusses, &c. The snake in the grass a dramatic entertainment of a new species, being neither tragedy, comedy, pantomime, farce, ballad, nor opera. Gortz of Berlingen, with the iron hand an historical drama of the fifteenth century / Elfrid, or, The fair inconstant a tragedy. Eudora a tragedy. The two connoisseurs a comedy of three acts in rhyme. Amphytrion, or, The two Socias a comedy / The insolvent, or, Filial piety a tragedy. Goetz von Berlichingen, with the iron hand a tragedy / Lord Russel a tragedy of three acts. Daphnis and Amaryllis The harlequins a comedy after the manner of the Teatre Italien. Hercules & Omphale a grand pantomimic spectacle in two parts / Love and innocence a pastoral serenata / Songs, duets, choruses, &c. in Harlequin peasant, or, A pantomime rehearsed The tobacconist a comedy of two acts / The mausoleum a comedy of three acts in rhyme. The Roman revenge a tragedy. The good natur'd man a comedy / Henrique, Prince of Sicily a tragedy left unfinished. Antonio a tragedy / She stoops to conquer, or, The mistakes of a night a comedy / Echo and Narcissus a dramatic pastoral of three acts to be set to music. The ghost a comedy of two acts. Jason a tragedy in five acts / Songs, duets, &c. in The metamorphosis a comic opera. What will the world say? a farce in two acts. Honest thieves a farce in two acts / Cupid's revenge an Arcadian pastoral / Medea a tragedy. The princess of Tarento a comedy in two acts. Love at first sight a ballad farce of two acts. Helvetic liberty, or, The lass of the lakes an opera in three acts / Love and loyalty an opera. The turnpike gate a musical entertainment in two acts / Lycidas a musical entertainment / Songs, choruses, &c. in Jack of Newbury, a comic opera ; with A masque in honour of the royal nuptials The Red-Cross knights a play in five acts / Cyrus a tragedy. The princess of Zanfara a dramatic poem. The man of ten thousand a comedy / Abroad and at home a comic opera in three acts / Timanthes a tragedy / Alfred a tragedy. Seduction a comedy / Duplicity a comedy / The follies of a day, or, The marriage of Figaro a comedy / The inquisitor a play in five acts. Indiscretion a comedy in five acts / No song, no supper an opera / Knave, or not? a comedy in five acts / The three and the deuce a comedy in three acts / The noble peasant a comic opera in three acts / Douglas a tragedy. The votary of wealth a comedy in five acts / The choleric fathers a comic opera / The deserted daughter a comedy. The fatal discovery a tragedy. The school for arrogance a comedy / The prize, or, 2, 5, 3, 8 a musical farce in two acts / Sighs, or, The daughter a comedy in five acts / The rout a farce of two acts. Neither's the man a comedy in five acts / The road to ruin a comedy / Cleonice, princess of Bithynia a tragedy / Alonzo a tragedy in five acts. Preservation, or, The hovel of the rocks a play in five acts interspersed with part of Lillo's drama in three acts called Fatal curiosity / The owl and the swallow King's Bridge cottage a revolutionary tale founded on an incident which occurred a few days previous to the evacuation of N. York by the British : a drama in two acts / The sack of Rome a tragedy in five acts. The group as lately acted, and to be re-acted, to the wonder of all superior intelligences, nigh head-quarters at Amboyne. The author a comedy of two acts / Wilhemina a legendary dramatic tale. The deed of gift a comic opera in three acts / The pedlar a farce in three acts, written for the St. Louis Thespians, by whom it was performed with great applause / Valentine's Day a musical drama in two acts. Daraxes a pastoral opera. The muse in mourning an opera. The Egyptian festival an opera in three acts / Merlin in love, or, Youth against magic a pantomime opera in five acts. The adulateur a tragedy as it is now acted in Upper Servia. The group a farce : as lately acted, and to be re-acted, to the wonder of all superior intelligences; nigh head quarters at Amboyne : in two acts. The clergyman's daughter a tragedy in five acts / Lindor and Clara, or, The British officer a comedy in five acts / The child of feeling a comedy in five acts / The family party a comic piece in two acts. Paul Jones, or, The pilot of the German ocean a melodrama in three acts / The blockheads, or, The affrighted officers a farce. Sans souci, alias, Free and easy, or, An evening's peep into a polite circle an intire [sic] new entertainment in three acts. The poor lodger a comedy in five acts / Orlando, or, Parental persecution a tragedy / The Capuchin a comedy in three acts / The ladies of Castile a tragedy in five acts. Modern honor a tragedy in five acts / The minor a comedy / The virgin unmasked a musical entertainment in one act / The hypocrite unmask'd a comedy in five acts / The golden pippin an English burletta in three acts / The castle of Andalusia a comic opera in three acts / The search after happiness a pastoral drama. The double disguise a drama in two acts. Boadicia a tragedy / Zorinski a play in three acts / Skills for ethical action : a report on the program evaluation 1976-77 / The children in the wood an opera in two acts. Columbus, or, A world discovered an historical play / The dead alive a comic opera in two acts / Speed the plough a comedy in five acts / The fatal falsehood a tragedy / Secrets worth knowing a comedy in five acts / Columbus, or, The discovery of America an historical play / Percy a tragedy. The inflexible captive a tragedy / The way to get married a comedy in five acts / The farmer in two acts / Moses in the bulrushes a sacred drama. Songs, airs, &c. in the entertainment of Harlequin Teague, or, The giant's causeway Eugenia a tragedy. Midas an English burletta. A cure for the heart-ache a comedy in five acts / The agreeable surprise a comic opera. Airs, duets, glees, etc. in the pantomime entertainement of Friar Bacon, or, Harlequin's adventures Tom Thumb a burletta / Songs, duets, trios, &c. in the comic opera of The castle of Andalusia Airs, duets, trios, chorusses, &c. in The czar a comic opera in three acts. No cure no pay, or, The phamacopolist a musical farce / The fugitive a comedy / Werter a tragedy in three acts / Adelaide a tragedy in five acts / Cabal and love a tragedy / Airs, duets, and chorusses in a new pantomime called Harlequin and Quixotte, or, The magic arm The siege of Ismail, or, A prospect of war an historical tragedy : with a preface, argument, and explanatory notes. Offa and Ethelbert, or, The Saxon princes a tragedy. The will a comedy in five acts / A prior claim a comedy in five acts. Rosmunda, or, The daughter's revenge a tragedy. Don Carlos, infant of Spain a tragedy in five acts / The minister a tragedy in five acts / The gentle shepherd a Scots pastoral comedy / Mary, Queen of Scots a tragedy / Rowley and Chatterton in the shades, or, Nugae antiquae et novae a new Elysian interlude in prose and verse. The siege of Meaux a tragedy in three acts / Speculation a comedy in five acts / The maid of Lochlin a lyrical drama : with legendary odes and other poems / Like master, like man a comedy of two acts / Old city manners a comedy / The dash of the day a comedy in five acts / The chapter of accidents a comedy in five acts / All in a bustle a comedy in five acts / Arden of Feversham [an historical tragedy] Orlando and Seraphina, or, The funeral pile an heroic drama in three acts / Arden of Feversham an historical tragedy / The castle spectre a drama in five acts / Tragopodagra, or, The gout-tragedy Philander a dramatic pastoral / The East Indian a comedy in five acts / The sister a comedy / The school for honor, or, The chance of war a comedy in five acts / The new peerage, or, Our eyes may deceive us a comedy / Alexander the Great a tragedy with alterations. The South Briton a comedy of five acts / The mysterious marriage, or, The heirship of Roselva a play in three acts / Almeyda, queen of Granada a tragedy in five acts / The lucky escape a comedy. The village wedding, or, The faithful country maid a pastoral entertainment of music. The plotting wives Holiday time, or, The school boy's frolic a farce in two acts / Peeping Tom of Coventry a comic opera. The son-in-law a comic opera in two acts / Hypsipyle The positive man in two acts / Sprigs of laurel a comic opera in two acts / The poor soldier a comic opera in two acts. Songs, duets, &c., in the new pantomime called Lord Mayor's day, or, A flight from Lapland Airs, duets, choruses, and argument of the new ballet pantomime called Oscar and Malvina, or, The hall of Fingal The Olympiad Titus Romulus and Hersilia Ivar a tragedy. Songs, duets, glees, chorusses, &c. in the favorite burletta of The Jew and Gentile, or, No bottle, no bird; the musical bagatelle of The spring meeting; and, the new pantomime of Harlequin mariner, or, The witch of the oaks Pizarro a tragedy in five acts / The discovery of Joseph a sacred drama. The Wicklow mountains, or, The lad of the hills a comic opera in two acts / The highland reel a comic opera in three acts / Songs, duets, trios, &c. in The siege of Curzola a comic opera. Aetius The prisoner at large a comedy in two acts / Tony Lumpkin in town a farce / All in good humour a dramatic piece in one act / Tantara-Rara, rogues all in two acts / The blacksmith of Antwerp in two acts. A beggar on horseback in two acts. The constant maid, or, Poll of Plympton a musical entertainment in two parts / Botheration, or, A ten year's blunder a farce in two acts / The doldrum, or, 1803 in two acts. Alfred, or, The magic banner in three acts. Modern antiques, or, The merry mourners in two acts. Life's vagaries a comedy in five acts / Modern antiques, or, The merry mourners a farce in two acts / The little hunch-back, or, A frolic in Bagdad a farce in two acts / The young Quaker a comedy. Lie of a day a comedy in three acts / The toy, or, The lie of the day in five acts. The she gallant, or, Square-toes outwitted a new comedy of two acts. As it should be a dramatic entertainment in one act. The man-milliner in two acts. The London hermit, or, Rambles in Dorsetshire a comedy in three acts / Love in a camp, or, Patrick in Prussia in two acts / The birth-day, or, The Prince of Arragon a dramatick piece, with songs, in two acts / The Liverpool prize a farce in two acts / Poor Covent Garden, or, A scene rehearsed an occasional prelude intended for the opening of the new Theatre Royal, Covent Garden, this season. The merchant Fair American a comic opera in three acts / Messene freed, or, The cruel virtue a tragedy. The fall of Portugal, or, The royal exiles a tragedy in five acts. Songs, chorusses, &c. in the new entertainment of Penmaenmawr, or, The wonders of Wales with descriptive illustrations of the story, scenery, etc. The siege of Gibraltar a musical farce in two acts / The invasion, or, A trip to Brighthelmstone a farce of two acts / Barataria, or, Sancho turn'd governor a farce in two acts / The humours of an election a farce / He would be a soldier a comedy in five acts / Illumination, or, The glaziers' conspiracy a prelude / Aerostation, or, The Templar's stratagem a farce in two acts / The Philistines, or, The Scotch tocsin sounders a scene at the Jacobin Club in Blackguard's Wynd : to which is added an Hudibrastic chapter, containing the rise, progress, and downfal of the doctrine of the Philistines, the woeful catastrophe of their great Goliath, and the destruction of the hideous temple wherein his ignorant votaries worshipped him. Isabella, or, The fatal marriage a play / Distress upon distress, or, Tragedy in true taste a heroi-comi-parodi-tragedi-farci-cal burlesque in two acts / The spiritual minor a comedy. Dido, Queen of Carthage an opera : with the masque of Neptune's prophecy / Ximenes a tragedy / The French flogg'd, or, The British sailors in America a farce of two acts. The road to ridicule a comedy in two acts / Songs, duets, trios, finales, &c., in Mahmoud a musical romance in three acts / The songs, &c. in The cabinet of fancy, or, Evening exhibition The trip to Portsmouth a comic sketch of one act , with songs. My grandmother a musical farce in two acts / Lodoiska an opera in three acts / The cottage an operatic farce in two acts / The discovery a comedy / The school for scandal a comedy. Songs, duets, and finales in Lock and key a musical farce / The governess a comic opera / The duenna, or, The double elopement a comic opera. The students a comedy / The camp a musical entertainment in two acts / Coriolanus, or, The Roman matron a tragedy / Modern breakfast, or, All asleep at noon Shakespeare's Coriolanus, or, The Roman matron a historical play / A fairy tale in two acts / The tempest an opera / The Piccolomini, or, The first part of Wallenstein a drama / The reprisal, or, The tars of old England a comedy of two acts, as it is performed at the Theatre Royal in Drury-Lane. The judgement of Midas a masque. The sham fight, or, Political humbug a state farce in two acts. A midsummer night's dream The songs, recitatives, airs, duets, trios, and chorusses introduced in the pantomime entertainment of The enchanted castle Antony and Cleopatra an historical play / Lock and key a musical entertainment in two acts / Shakespeare's All's well that ends well with alterations / The brave Irishman a farce. The dupe a comedy / King John an historical tragedy / Shakespeare's King Henry the Fifth an historical play / The critic, or, A tragedy rehearsed a dramatic piece in three acts / The gamesters a comedy / Love and duty a tragedy / The robbers a tragedy in five acts / Fiesco, or, The Genoese conspiracy a tragedy / St Patrick's Day, or, The scheming lieutenant a comic opera. A day at Rome a musical entertainment in two acts. The Sicilian romance, or, The apparition of the cliffs an opera / Wild oats, or, The strolling gentlemen a comedy in five acts / Parthenia, or, The lost shepherdess an Arcadian drama. The world in a village a comedy in five acts / Recitative, songs, duets, glees, chorusses, &c. in the new comic pantomime of Niobe, or, Harlequin's ordeal Know your own mind a comedy. Le grenadier in three parts / Cross purposes a farce of two acts. Themistocles The Czar Peter in three acts / The old maid a comedy in two acts / No one's enemy but his own a comedy in three acts. The desert island a dramatic poem in three acts. All in the wrong a comedy / In love, in debt, & in liquor, or, Our way in Wales a new musical drama / The Irish mimic, or, Blunders at Brighton in two acts / The fairies an opera taken from A midsummer night's dream / The purse, or, Benevolent tar a musical drama in one act / The apprentice a farce in two acts / The rage a comedy / Fontainbleau, or, Our way in France a comic opera in three acts / The duel a play. The enchanter, or, Love and magic a musical drama / The Grecian daughter a tragedy. The raft, or, Both sides of the water a musical drama / Songs, duos, trios, chorusses, etc., in the comic opera of The carnival of Venice The citizen a farce / Reform'd in time a comic opera in two acts. The experiment a farce of two acts / Alzuma a tragedy. The Wicklow mountains in three acts / Arminius a tragedy / Recitative, songs, duets, glees, chorusses, &c. in the new comic pantomime of The nymph of the fountain, or, Harlequin Arab Songs, duets, trios, chorusses, &c. in the new, splendid, comic pantomime called The rival statues, or, Harlequin humourist The choice a comedy in two acts. The triumph of glory Zenobia Siroes Notoriety a comedy / Management a comedy in five acts / The rival sisters a tragedy / Songs, choruses, &c. in The charity boy a musical entertainment in two acts / The dramatist, or, Stop him who can! a comedy / King Arthur, or, The British worthy a masque / Laugh when you can a comedy in five acts / The way to keep him a comedy in three acts. Airs, duets, and chorusses in a new ballet pantomime called The round tower, or, Chieftains of Ireland The spouter, or, The triple revenge a comic farce in two acts : with the original prologue / Cheap living a comedy in five acts / Three weeks after marriage a comedy in two acts. How to grow rich a comedy / Fortune's fool a comedy in five acts / Zenobia a tragedy / The dream of Scipio The upholsterer, or, What news? a farce in two acts / Daniel a sacred drama. David and Goliath a sacred drama. Modern comedy, or, It is all a farce a dramatic afterpiece in three acts. The shipwreck, or, Fatal curiosity a tragedy / Achilles in Scyros Critic upon critic a dramatic medley. Belshazzar a sacred drama. Poems and miscellaneous pieces with a free translation of the Oedipus Tyrannus of Sophocles / Gil Blas a comedy / Vimonda a tragedy / The siege of Marseilles a tragedy. Regulus Songs, &c. in the farce called The April fool, or, Follies of a night The fall of the Mogul a tragedy founded on an interesting portion of Indian history and attempted partly on the Greek model : with other occasional poems / Artaxerses Modern honour, or, The barber duellist a comic opera in two acts. The minister of state a satire. The elders a farce. Highland drover, or, Domhnul Dubh M'na-Beinn at Carlisle a favourite interlude / The gamester a tragedy. The man of the world a comedy / The winter's tale a play / Demophoon Adrian in Syria Love-a-la-mode a comedy of two acts / Demetrius Elfrida a dramatic poem / The fair apostate a tragedy. The artifice a comic opera in two acts / The Prince of Tunis a tragedy. The stranger a drama in five acts / The Count of Burgundy a play in four acts / The farm house a farce in three acts / La-Peyrouse a drama in two acts / The stranger, or, Misanthropy and repentance a drama in five acts / Adelaide of Wulfingen a tragedy in four acts : exemplifying the barbarity which prevailed during the thirteenth century / The Corsicans a drama in four acts / Lucy a dramatic poem / Airs, songs, and duettos in The jovial crew [a comic opera] / The noble lie a comedy in one act / False delicacy a comedy / Lover's vows, or, The natural son a comedy in five acts / The widow'd wife a comedy / The junto, or, The interior cabinet laid open a state farce. Every man in his humour a comedy / The Spaniards in Peru, or, The death of Rolla a tragedy in five acts / Macbeth reconsidered an essay intended as an answer to part of the Remarks on some of the characters of Shakspeare. The romance of an hour a comedy of two acts / Epicoene, or, The silent woman a comedy / The school for wives a comedy. Sacontalá, or, The fatal ring an Indian drama / The Indians in England a comedy in three acts / Clementina a tragedy. La Perouse a drama in two acts / Falstaff's wedding being a sequel to the second part of the play of King Henry the Fourth / Pizarro, or, The death of Rolla a romantic tragedy in five acts / Rolla, or, The Peruvian a tragedy in five acts / The benevolent cut-throat a play in seven acts / The alchymist a comedy / Fun a parodi-tragi-comical satire. The East Indian a comedy / The natural son a play in five acts / A word to the wise a comedy / The duellist a comedy / The Negro slaves a dramatic-historical piece in three acts / L'amour a-la-mode, or, Love a-la-mode a farce in three acts. Next door neighbours a comedy in three acts / The midnight hour, or, War of wits a farce in two acts / The country lasses, or, The custom of the manor a comedy / The child of nature a dramatic piece in four acts / The Mogul tale, or, The descent of the balloon a farce. The married man a comedy in three acts / Such things are a play in five acts / The widow's vow a farce in two acts. To marry, or not to marry a comedy in five acts / Appearance is against them a farce in two acts. Henry the Second an historical drama / The wise man of the East a play in five acts performing at the Theatre Royal, Covent Garden / Wives as they were and maids as they are a comedy in five acts / The bachelors a comedy in five acts / I'll tell you what a comedy in five acts / The siege of Aquileia a tragedy. Lovers vows a play in five acts / Animal magnetism a farce in three acts. The wedding day a comedy in two acts / Every one has his fault a comedy in five acts / |
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The siege of Cuzco a tragedy in five acts / Three centuries of drama The island princess, or, The generous Portuguese made into an opera / |
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The great unknown a comedy in three acts from the German of Schoenthan and Kadelburg / Lady Windermere's fan a play about a good woman / Billy Taylor, or, The gay young fellow a nautical burlesque burletta, in one act / A ghost story a drama in two acts / Iron Latch Farm an original 3 act domestic drama / Kerry, or, Night and morning a comedy in one act = La joie fait peur / A human sport a one act play / The Duchess of Padua A cyclone for a cent a farce in one act / Belphegor, or, The mountebank and his wife a drama in four acts / Faust a burlesque in one act / The first-born a drama / Becky Sharp Hazel Kirke a domestic comedy-drama in four acts / The beacon a serious musical drama / Brantinghame Hall Evening dress farce / Half an hour's courtship an interlude in one act. At home a farce with music / Catching a mermaid an amphibious piece of extravagance in one act / The double marriage, or, White lies The hidden treasures, or, Martha's triumph a drama in a prologue and four acts / La gazza ladra The thieving magpie : a semi-serious opera in two acts / Annira, or, The royal sufferers a tragedy in five acts / Fra Diavolo, or, The beauty and the brigands a burlesque burletta / The law of Lombardy a tragedy in five acts / In for it, or, Uncle Tony's mistake an Ethiopian farce in one act / The eaglet a play / A domestic Hercules a farce in one act / The Bishop astray Jack in the water, or, The ladder of life a domestic burletta in three acts / Highly improbable an original impossibility / The atheist a modern masque / The dramatic works of Jean Racine a metrical English version / Faust a tragedy / In office hours and other sketches for vaudeville or private acting The Hiartville Shakespeare Club a farce in one act / A hole in the ground The flying Dutchman romantic opera in three acts / Allatoona an historical and military drama in five acts / Halvei the unknown an original drama in three acts / James O'Neill's version of Monte Cristo Kiss and be friends a new farce in one act / Deaf and dumb, or, The orphan protected an historical drama in five acts / A hard struggle a domestic drama in one act / Don John, or, The two Violettas a musical drama in three acts : founded on Beaumont and Fletcher's comedy of The chances / The husband of an hour an original drama in two periods / The feast of lights, or, Chanukoh three character poems and grand tableau finale, containing the story of the book of Maccabeans / David Laroque a drama in four acts / Jealous husband a Negro sketch / Dipsychus The bridal a tragedy in five acts / Esther, the royal Jewess, or, The death of Haman! an historical drama in three acts / The blue and the grey a dramatic sketch in two scenes / A dog that will fetch and carry a farce in two scenes for female characters only / The falls of Clyde a melo-drama in two acts / Isaac's blessing a drama / Ariel and Caliban The headless horseman, or, The ride of death a strange tale of Texas in two acts / The foreigner Erechtheus a tragedy / Le beau Nicholas an operetta in one act / A cheap excursion an original farce in one act / A class-day conspiracy a comedy in one act / A fair encounter a comedietta in one act / Friends an original comedy in three acts / The lash of the whip a play in three acts. Faustus Gillette, or, Count and countess comic opera in three acts / Duchess Eleanor a tragedy in five acts / Behind time a farce in one act / Damon the dauntless and Phillis the fair a rhyme / The careless husband a comedy in five acts / Beautiful for ever a farce in one act / The barber of Seville a comic opera in two acts / Julius Caesar an historical tragedy in five acts / Auld Robin Gray an emotional drama in five acts / Jessey Mayflower, or, the wild horde of the wolf's lair a romantic domestic drama in three acts / Jolliboy's woes a farce in one act / Antinoüs a tragedy / The Carmelite a tragedy in five acts / Fashion, or, Life in New York a comedy in five acts / The Flying Dutchman, or, The spectral ship a drama in three acts. The charcoal burner, or, The dropping well of Knaresborough a drama in three acts / The baby elephant a Negro sketch in two scenes / The comedy of errors in five acts / Dora's device an original comedy in two acts / Been had an original farcical, pantomimical, and sensational piece of singularity in four calls / King John an historical tragedy / Der Freischütz Il franco arciero : opera in three acts / Aylmere, or, The bondman of Kent, and other poems Boarding school an Ethiopian sketch / Doing my uncle an original farce in one act / Getting up in the world, or, The young pretender a comedy in one act / Is she his daughter? or, Beaujolais, the necromancer a drama in three acts / Judged by appearances a farce in one act / The birth of a soul Hamlet the dainty an Ethiopian burlesque on Shakespeare's Hamlet / An April fool a farce in one act / Falkland an historical play / The golden calf a comedy in three acts / The haunted hat farce in one act / Il franco arciero Der Freischütz : a lyric drama in three acts / First aid to the injured a farce in one act / The kidnapped clergyman, or, Experience the best teacher Cortez, or, The conquest of Mexico as related by a father to his children and designed for the instruction of youth / Crown jewels drama in four acts / Bound 'prentice to a waterman, or, The flower of Woolwich a nautical drama in three acts / The black chap from White Chapel an eccentric Negro piece / The duel, or, My two nephews a farce in two acts / The colour-sergeant a play in one act / Captain Swell a Negro farce in two scenes / Hunting a turtle an original farce in one act / Ernest Maltravers Comedy and tragedy An entirely new & original comic opera in three acts entitled The baroness Impulse a play in five acts / The frozen deep a drama in three acts / George Barnwell a tragedy in five acts / Eliza's bona-fide offer a farce in one act for female characters only / An enemy to the king a drama / Conn, or, Love's victory a drama of the strikes / The cricket on the hearth a fairy tale of home in three chirps / Elfie, or, the Cherrytree Inn a romantic drama in three acts / Constantia Harold, or, The English king a tragedy in five acts / The cricket on the hearth, or, A fairy tale of home a drama in three acts / Hypatia a play in four acts / Gilderoy, or, The bonnie boy a melo-drama in two acts / Flora, or, The lover's ordeal an operetta in two acts. The barons of Elbenbergh a tragedy in five acts / John Felton a play in three acts / Home plays for ladies. arranged for school or family performance. King James I The favourite opera in three acts entitled The crown jewels Les diamans de la couronne / The decree of divorce a musical sketch / Isoline of Bavaria a drama in four acts / Dross, or, The root of evil a comedy in four acts / Joan of Arc, the maid of Orleans a historical romance in two acts / The bat and the ball, or, Negative evidence a farce in one act / Hester's mystery a comedy in one act / All's fair in love an original charade written expressly for drawing-room acting / Black Hugh, the outlaw a domestic drama in two acts / Hernani, or, The pledge of honour a play in five acts / The bride of Messina a tragedy from the German of F.v. Schiller / Arnold and André an historical drama / Know your own mind a comedy in five acts / The forty thieves a grand melo-dramatic romance in two acts. Killing time a farce in one act. Lalla Rookh, or, The princess, the peri, & the troubadour a burlesque and pantomime in one act / King Winter's carnival a musical play for children / Falka comic opera in three acts / A false alarm a farce in one act / Hans von Stein, or, The robber knight a melo drama in two acts / Hazelwood-Hall a village drama in three acts / Gertrude a tragic drama in five acts / The avenger or, The moor of Sicily : a melodrama in three acts / Hush money a life drama in four acts / A bunch of roses romantic comedy for 4 males and 4 females / The Church in danger! a petite comedy as performed in the rural districts of England. Every one has his fault a comedy in five acts / The body snatchers a negro sketch in two scenes / Ella's apology a duologue / In chancery an original fantastic comedy in three acts / The British carpenter, or, The Irishman in France a musical entertainment, with alterations and additions / An engaging position a comedy in two acts / How to die for love a farce in two acts. The lady of the rock a melo-drame in two acts / A daughter-in-law a comedy in one act / A debt of honour an original play in one act / In the palace of the king Hard times a Negro extravaganza, one scene / Diogenes and his lantern, or, A hue & cry after honesty an original, classical, mythical, musical, satirical, political, comical, gnomical, & politico-economical extravaganza / Incognita a comic opera in three acts / Cyrano de Bergerac an heroic comedy in five acts / The elephant of Siam and the Fire Fiend! a magnificent Eastern drama in three acts : including the words of The galloping duet and all of the original music / Captain Walrus, or, The game of three play in one act / The charlatan comic opera in three acts / The belle of Barley-Mow, or, The wooer, the waitress and the willian The cloud of witnesses Joe Miller and his men a romantic, melodramatic, and rather operatic burlesque extravaganza in two acts / The demon spider, or, The catcher caught a new and original children's fairy operetta / Catharina, the Second a tragedy in five acts / Jean de Paris a comic drama in two acts / Cracked heads a burlesque / The crimson scarf comic opera in one act / Les diamants de la couronne opera in three acts / At the fireside, or, Little bird blue a play for children, in three acts / Festus a poem / André a tragedy in five acts / The Greek boy a musical drama in two acts / Der fliegende Holländer The flying Dutchman : opera in three acts / Ladies beware a farce in one act / Hobbs, Dobbs, and Stubbs, or, The green grocers a broad farce in one act / Elfins and mermaids, or, The Red Rock Wave cruiser a serio-comic opera and nautical burlesque of fun, mirth and music in two acts : a thrilling romance / Dante a dramatic poem / Dolly a comic opera in one act / Hurricanes Admiral Guinea a drama in four acts / Cromwell an historical play in five acts / Go and get tight! an Ethiopian farce in one scene / Dearest mamma Bluebeard re-paired a worn out subject done-up anew : an operatic extravaganza in one act / Father Baptiste a drama in three acts / Carmen Dred, a tale of the Great Dismal Swamp a drama in four acts / Antony and Cleopatra a farce in one act / The lady of the camellias a tragic drama in four acts / Jane Annie, or, The good conduct prize a new and original English comic opera / J.A. Fraser's great naval drama in four acts, Dewey, the hero of Manila Broken ties a domestic drama in two acts / Fantine a comic opera in three acts / Dramatic sketches six plays / Dear uncle! a comedy in four acts / Bustle's bride a musical farce in one act / The basoche (King of the students) opera comique in 3 acts / Jinks, the man that can't help it! a farce in one act / Eustache Baudin an original drama in three acts / The gamblers a new melo-drama in two acts : of peculiar interest. The gambler's life in London, or, Views in the country and views in town being a moral, ludicrous ... and true dramatic picture of metropolitan oddities in three acts / The babes in the wood! And the good little fairy birds! a burlesque drama in one act / The forty thieves a grand operatical romance in two acts (altered from the original) The doom of Devorgoil a melodrama ; Auchindrane, or, The Ayrshire tragedy / Daniel O'Rourke, or, Rhymes of a pantomime founded on that story / Frederic Lemaitre a comedy in one act / The king's wager, or, The cottage and the court a drama in three acts / Guide to the stage, or, Unappreciated talent an Ethiopian sketch / Home again, or, The lieutenant's daughters a domestic drama in three acts / The haunted inn a farce in two acts / Cross purposes a comedy in one act / The dwarf a dramatic poem / The baronets, or, How will it end? a play in four acts / In the gods' shadow Gasparone romantic comic opera in 3 acts / Dandelion's dodges a farce / The charcoal burner, or, The dropping well at Knaresborough a drama in two acts / Facts and fancies a serio-comico musical libretto in two acts / The bride of Abydos, or, The prince, the pirate, and the pearl an original Oriental burlesque extravaganza / Does he love me? a comedy in three acts / Alexander the great, or, A pretty piece of chiselling a farce in one act / Bachelor maids a comedy in one act for female characters / Aldemon's daughter, Cassilda a tragedy in prose in four acts / Clouds an original American comedy in four acts / The great millionaire a new and original drama in four acts / The Fantasticks a romantic comedy in three acts / The bending of the bough a comedy in five acts / Faust and Marguerite a romantic spectacular drama in three acts / Courtship, or, The three caskets a comedy in three acts / The island of jewels an original grand comic fairy extravaganza / Joseph a dramatic representation in seven tableaux / Airey Annie travestie on Mrs. Campbell Praed's play of Ariane at the opera comique / The Irish dragoon, or, Wards in chancery an original farce in one act / The cardinal a tragedy in five acts / Is she a woman? a comedy in one act / The dumb guide of the Tyrol a romantic drama in two acts / Humors of the strike a farce / First mate a domestic drama in two acts / Getting square on the call boy a humorous Negro sketch in one scene / The lady interviewer an original dramatic sketch / Kathleen Mavourneen, or, St. Patrick's eve a domestic Irish drama in four acts. Fire and water, or, A critical hour an operetta in one act / Dessalines a dramatic tale : a single chapter from Haiti's history / Helping hands a domestic drama in two acts / Julietta Gordini, the miser's daughter a play in five acts, written for Sarah Hildreth / The bold dragoons an original comic drama / Hector tragic cento / The grand Christmas pantomime of Little Goody Two Shoes and her Queen Anne's farthing, or, Harlequin Old King Counterfeit and the world of coins! The frogs of Windham an original comic opera in three acts / England's darling The bell ringer of St. Paul's, or, The huntsman and the spy a melo drama in three acts / Helvellyn an opera in four acts / The editor's trouble a farce in one scene / The early plays of James A. Herne with act IV of Griffith Davenport / The American in England a comedy / Cousin Jack's album a pantomime / Gwynneth Vaughan a drama in two acts / The haunted mill, or, Carl O'Ragen's secret an Irish drama in three acts / Forget-me-knots a curtain raiser / Family politics a comedy in five acts. Family arrangements a farce in one act / The gambler's fate, or, A lapse of twenty years a drama in two acts / The commercial drummer a comedy in three acts / Arthur the king, or, The knights of the Round Table and other funny-ture a burlesque extravaganza / First love, or, The widowed bride an original drama in three acts / The death of Marlowe a tragedy in one act / A handsome cap a comic operetta in one act / The invisible hand a drama in two acts / The deserted daughter a comedy in five acts / Flirtation, and what comes of it a comedy in five acts / Caius Marius a tragedy / The black crook an original magical and spectacular drama in four acts / The four sisters, or, Womans [sic] worth and womans [sic] way a petite comedy in one act / King John a tragedy in five acts / The Algerian a comedy opera in three acts / Faustus a musical romance / Ixion Botany Bay a play in one act, illustrative of college life / A cure for romance an operatic farce in one act / Betsy Baker! or, Too attentive by half a farce in one act / Athaliah a tragedy drawn from Holy Scripture / Dinorah the pilgrimage to Ploërmel : a romantic opera in three acts / The Frenchman in London, or, Where's my daughter? a burletta in two acts / Aladdin, or, The wonderful lamp a piece of Oriental extravaganze in one act / Father and son, or, Family frailties a comedy. An English gentleman, or, The squire's last shilling a comedy-drama in four acts / The impostors a comedy in five acts / Jack, the commodore's grandson Allan Herbert King Henry II His heroine a farce in one act / The Kansas immigrants, or, The great exodus a farce / Don Juan, or, The libertine a grand romantic drama in two acts / His Excellency an entirely original comic opera in two acts / How I found Crusoe a flight of imagination through two scenes, from Geneva to Crusopolis / Hazardous ground an original adapation in four acts from Victoria [sic] Sardon's [sic] "Nos bono [sic] villageios [sic]" / D'Enghien a tragedy / The dramatic works of G.E. Lessing The days of the Know-nothings a farce, with a peep at the secrets of the order / Elphi Bey, or, The Arab's faith a musical drama in three acts / Cousin Zachary a comedietta in one act / The last edition of Ivanhoe, with all the newest improvements an extravaganza in two acts / Beauty and the beast a fairy extravaganza in two acts / The cobbler's strategem a farce in one act / Heather The emigrant's daughter a border drama in three acts / The childhood of Christ a sacred trilogy : book of words / A breach of promise an extravagant comic drama in two acts / Jack Cade, the captain of the commons a tragedy in four acts, with an historical introduction / Arrah-na-pogue, or, The Wicklow wedding Hengist, or, The fifth century an historical melo-drama in three acts. Godefroi and Yolande a mediaeval play in one act / Gertrude's cherries, or, Waterloo in 1835 a comedy in two acts / The fairy of the fountain a musical play in two acts / Josiah's courtship a farce comedy drama in four acts / Hamlet The lamplighter a farce in one act / Dramas Coriolanus a tragedy in five acts / Founded on facts a farce in one act / The double triumph drama in two acts / The dash of the day a comedy in five acts / All for money all original comedy drama. The golden apple dialogue : a mythological opera / The dragon of Wantley, or, Harlequin and Mother Shipton grand comic Christmas pantomime / An awkward arrival a comedy in two acts / How to take up a bill, or, The village Vauxhall a vaudeville in one act / Her picture a comedy in one act / The case of rebellious Susan a comedy in three acts / Bilberry of Tilbury a musical farce in three acts / Guilty a domestic drama of real life / The beggar's opera an opera in three acts / Honi soit an original play in four acts / Hydrophobia, or, Love-created madness a satirical comedy in five acts / King Humming Top, or, Harlequin and the land of toys an original, grand, fantastic, allegorical, comic Christmas pantomime / Cleveland's reception party an original farce in three scenes / Judah an original play in three acts / King Jamie, or, Harlequin and the magic fiddle a and [sic] historical Christmas pantomime / Kenilworth a drama in two acts : from Sir Walter Scott / Charles the First an historical tragedy in five acts / The courier of Lyons a drama in three acts / Alone in London The betrothal an opera in three acts / John Woodvil a tragedy / Dot, the miner's daughter, or, One glass of wine a drama in four acts / Doris a comedy opera in three acts : vocal score / Guatemozin a drama / Initiating a Granger a farce / Braganza a tragedy in five acts / The house of nightingales The hop of fashion a Negro farce in one act and two scenes / Grimaldi, or, The life of an actress a drama in five acts / Gaston de Blondeville a romantic drama in three acts / All the talents a satirical poem in three dialogues / Elizabeth, Queen of England an historical play in five acts / Fatinitza a comic opera in three acts / Fair Rosamund The brigands of Calabria a romantic drama in one act / Lauderbach's little surprise an original farce in one act / The beggar's petition a drama in three acts. Hamlet, Prince of Denmark in three acts an old play in new garb / Cinderella and the fairy glass slipper Kitty a dramatic sketch for two female characters / Larcher's victories a comedy in three acts / Andy Freckles, the mischievous boy farce comedy in one act / The green bushes, or, A hundred years ago a drama in three acts / The husband a society play in four acts / A bold stroke for a husband a comedy in five acts / Canonicus a tragedy in five acts / El Hyder, the chief or the Ghant mountains a grand Eastern melodramatic spectacle in two acts / Harlequin hey diddle diddle, the cat and the fiddle, and the cow that jumped over the moon or, Oranges and lemons, and the twelve dancing princesses. Julius the snoozer, or, The conspirators of Thompson Street an Ethiopian burlesque in three scenes / Hash! an original farce in one act / King Lear a tragedy in five acts / The greatest plague in life a farce for female characters only / The darkey wood dealer a farce in one act / The king of Kent The game of speculation a comedy in three acts / Infanticide, or, The Bohemian mother a melo-drama in three acts / Caswallon, or, The Briton chief a tragedy in five acts / Dialogue, songs, etc. with a sketch of the scenery in Harlequin's magnet, or, the Scandinavian sorcerer a melo-dramatick pantomime / The family legend a tragedy / The black agate, or, Old foes with new faces a play in five acts / King Charles the Second an historical drama in five acts / And all about nothing a pathetico-comical drama in one act / Adrift a temperance drama in three acts / A card for Lady Roedale The forty thieves! extravaganza / Death and the lawyer a dialogue / The convention of the Muses a classical play for parlor and school for nine females / A great success a comedy in three acts / The Danites Helpless animals, or, Bachelor's fare a musical interlude in one act / The knights of the cross, or, The hermit's prophecy a new musical romance in three acts / Farmer Larkin's boarders an original comedy in two acts / Badly sold a Negro act in two scenes / The bride-elect comic opera in three acts / H.M.S. Missfire, or, The honest tar and the wicked first luff a nautical burlesque in three acts / How the Colonel proposed a farce in three scenes / Der Freyschutz grand opera in three acts / Fate All in a muddle, or, Vandyke Brown a farce in one act / Deirdre a one-act drama of old Irish story / The child of nature a drama in two acts / The black shoemaker a Negro farce / The gamblers [in four parts / Carlotta a tragedy in five acts / Donna Charitea, Queen of Castille a drama in three acts / Beauty an original comedy in four acts / 100th night of Hamlet a Negro sketch / Faust and Marguerite a magical drama in three acts. The juvenile temperance discussion for sixteen youths The late Mr. Castello an original farce in three acts / The girls of the period A dramatic fragment The crimson rock drama in three acts / The barrister a new and original farcical comedy in three acts / Cinderella a burlesque extravaganza / The gun-maker of Moscow melo-drama in three acts / Cortez the conqueror a tragedy in five acts founded on the conquest of Mexico / An English version of Lucia di Lammermoor a grand opera in three acts / Dorothy's victory a dramatic sketch in one act for two female characters / Edmund Kean, or, The life of an actor Alberto della Scala a tragedy / The captain's not a-miss a farce in one act / A border marriage a comic drama in one act / Ina a tragedy in five acts / The follies of a night a vaudeville comedy in two acts / In the fire-light an original episode in one act / Interior A dramatic scene The Greek slave, or, The spectre gambler an original drama in two acts / An atrocious criminal a farce in one act / The comedies of Carlo Goldoni The betrothal a play / "Billy Doo" an original farce in one act / Forty winks a comedietta in one act, from the French / Book the third, chapter the first a comedy in one act / King Darnley an historical tragedy / Husbands, wives, and lovers a farce in one act / Agatha, or, The convent of St. Bartholomew a tragedy in five acts / Frankenstein, or, The man and the monster! an original melo drama in two acts / Hamlet a tragedy in five acts / A fallen idol a farce in one act / El capitan comic opera in three acts : vocal score / Claude Du Val, or, The highwayman for the ladies a new and original burlesque-sensational drama / The country gentleman, or, The force of gratitude a play in five acts / The jail bird a drama in five acts / Calmstorm, the reformer a dramatic comment. Cupid and Psyche, or, Beautiful as a butterfly a new and original extravaganza / Iphigenia at Delphi a tragedy / Kissing the wrong girl a vaudeville sketch in one act / The groves of blarney a drama in three acts / From bad to worse a comedy in three acts / The highland treason All in der family a Dutch sketch in two scenes / Jephtha a dramatic poem / I couldn't help it an original farce in one act / Aladdin, or, The wonderful lamp a grand romantic spectacle in two acts. The basoche (King of the students) : opera comique in 3 acts / The history, murders, life, and death of Macbeth Freemen and slaves an historical tragedy in five acts / The castle of Morsino a drama in three acts / The Aztec god and other dramas The cow that kicked Chicago a farce / Gwen a drama in monologue in six acts / The chimes, or, Some bells that rang an old year out and a new year in a goblin drama in four quarters / Danesbury House a temperance entertainment / The butterflies a comedy in three acts / The house of Colberg a tragedy in five acts / Comedies for children a collection of one-act plays written for presentation in the home or school room by the children of the family and their friends / Apollo's oracle an entertainment in one act / Kind to a fault an original comedy in two acts / The Duke d'Ormond a tragedy / Gonzalvo, or, The corsair's doom a tragedy in five acts / Cinders The freyschütz, or, The wild huntsman of Bohemia a romantic opera in three acts / Hogmanay New Year's Eve : comedy in one act / A fairy's father an original dramatic sketch in one act / Fall of Palmyra a dramatic poem / An amateur triumph a comedietta in one act / The hazard of the die a tragic drama in two acts / Kathleen Mavourneen, or, St. Patrick's Eve a domestic Irish drama in four acts. Alladine and Palomides Champagne a petite comedie / Antony and Cleopatra The Count Arezzi a tragedy in five acts. Englishmen in India a comic opera in three acts / Captain Mary Miller a drama / Gloriana a light comedy in 3 acts / A household fairy a domestic drama sketch in one act / The golden eagle or, The privateer of '76 : a national drama in three acts and a prologue / The canary a sentimental farce in three acts / The Jersey girl, or, Les rouge [sic] voleurs a melo-drama in two acts / Commercial infidelity, or, Burglary to slow music a play in three acts / Chums a comedietta / The carpenter of Rouen, or, The massacre of St. Bartholomew a romantic drama in four acts / Carrots a play in one act / The cuckoo Harlequin Tom, the piper's son a new comic pantomime / Cousin Lambkin an original farce in one act / The citizen a farce in two acts / Gemini a farce in one act / Brutus, or, The fall of Tarquin a tragedy in five acts / Bringing home the bride!, or, The husband's first journey a vaudeville in two acts / Lady of the lake plaid in a new tartan : an ephemeral burlesque / The fortune teller Count Clermont a tragedy / The king and the deserter a drama in two acts / The charming Polly, or, Lucky or unlucky days a drama in two acts / The general manager, or, A shot from the kitchen range a musical farce-comedy in three acts / Bertram, or, The castle of St. Aldobrand a tragedy in five acts / Kais, or, Love in the deserts an opera in four acts / The country girl a comedy in three acts / A Chinese dummy a farce in one act for female characters only / Aladdin II, or, An old lamp in a new light an original opera-bouffe / Eh? What did you say? a farce in three scenes / Faces in the fire a comedy in three acts / Effervescing a comedy in four acts / The charge of the hash brigade comic Irish musical sketch / Brother Bill and me an original farce in one act / The king incog a farce in two acts / Aurora Floyd, or, The dark deed in the wood a drama in three acts / Hamlet a dramatic prelude in five acts / A game of romps a farce in one act / The bridal trap Cinderella, or, The silver slipper lyrical drama in four acts / The last of the Peak sisters, or, The great moral dime show an entertainment in one scene / A big day in Bulger a farce in one act / Blue and cherry, or, Appearances are deceitful a commedietta in one act / The Count de Foix a tale of the olden time / False evidence a drama in four acts / A happy day a domestic farce in one act / Good for nothing a comic drama in one act / How Sister Paxey got her child baptized an Ethiopian farce in one scene / The Bohemians a comedy in three acts / Brian 0'Linn a farce in two acts / De black magician, or, The wonderful beaver an Ethiopian comicality in one scene / A drama in 3 acts / Joining the Tinpanites, or, Paddy McFling's experience a mock initiation for the amusement and instruction of secret societies. Gloria victis Glaucus & other plays Caught at last a comedietta in one act / How to grow rich a comedy / Berquin a drama in five parts / Airs, duets, choruses, &c., in the new musical drama entitled My own lover Fortune and men's eyes a drama in one act / Hernani A fool for luck a comedy in two acts / The drunkard's fate, or, Fifteen years of a drunkard's life a melo drama in three acts. The belle of Cairo a new and original musical play / The balance of comfort, or, To marry or not to marry a petite comedy in two acts / Ella Rosenberg a melodrama in two acts / I'll be your second a farce in one act / Dialogue, &c. in the new, grand, comic, Christmas pantomime entitled Harlequin King Pepin, or, Valentine and Orson The barber of Seville a lyric comedy = Il barbiere di Siviglia / Gyp, the heiress, or, The dead witness a drama in four acts / Latin, love, and war, or, Blockheads indeed a farcetta in one act / Bothwell a drama in four acts / The great devil, or, The robber of Genoa a melo-drama in two acts / Eveleen, the rose of the vale an operetta in one act / The bridal a tragedy in five acts. A happy medium a farce in one act / How to pay the rent a farce in one act / Alexander the great a dramatic poem / The half caste, or, The poisoned pearl a drama in three acts / The earthquake, or, The spectre of the Nile a burletta operatic spectacle in three acts / The baloon a new and original farcical comedy in three acts / Gustavus the Third, or, The masked ball a grand opera in three acts / The favorite opera entitled Haydée, or, The secret in three acts / False shame comedy in three acts / Family picture an original farce in one act / In the enemy's camp, or The stolen despatches a drama in three acts / In and out of a punt a duologue containing an infallible receipt for marital happiness by one who has tried it / The Book of Esther An Indian giver a comedy / Captain Bland The evil May Day! or, The London 'prentices of 1517 a melo drama in two acts / A first experiment a domestic comedietta in one act / Dissertation on the origin, antiquity and descent of free-masonry The alderman's gown, or, A trip to Paris a farce in one act / Coals of fire a comedy drama in three acts / The king's favourite a drama in five acts : being a new version of Feudal times / A crumpled rose leaf a comedy in one act / Bible tragedies Dancing attendance a comedietta in one act / Jephtha's daughter a dramatic poem / Balder. Did I dream it? an original farce / Grizelle, or, Dancing mad, a legend of St. Titus a grand burlesque ballet / Captain Swift a comedy drama in four acts / The house or the home? a comedy in two acts / A comic opera in three acts entitled The lucky star vocal score / Harlequin Bluecap and the king of the golden waters, or, The three kingdoms animal, vegetable, and mineral. The age a colloquial satire / The early bird a farce in two acts / In old Kentucky Behind the curtain a drama in four acts / Faithful James a farcical comedy in one act / Beautiful Haidee, or, The sea nymph and the Sallee rovers a new and original whimsical extravaganza / The Beulah spa a burletta in two acts / The king's seal a comedy in two acts / Bluebeard, or, Harlequin and freedom in her island home He would be a soldier a comedy in five acts / Ivanhoe, or, The Knight Templar a musical drama ... / Borrowed plumes an original farce / His novice a trifle in one act / Adrienne the actress Fortune's fool a comedy in five acts / A complete programme of the opening and the words of the songs of the new grand Christmas pantomime entitled Harlequin King Pee-Wit and his merry little men, or, Red Beard the Terrible and the enchanted fairies of the crystal grotto Frou-frou a play in five acts / The lampoon Gretna Green, or, The elopement a comedy / Coriolanus, or, The Roman matron a tragedy in five acts / La cigale comic opera in three acts / The boarding schools, or, Life among the little folks Diabolus amans a dramatic poem. The great catastrophe a comedy in two acts / The hypochondriac Don Karlos a dramatical poem / Humpty Dumpty a pantomime in a prologue and one act / The bacteriologist an original comedy in five acts / Guillaume Tell William Tell : an opera in four acts / By special request an original comedy in one act / Dandy Dick a play in three acts / The diamond arrow, or, The postmaster's wife and the mayor's daughter a petit comedy in one act / Jean Valjean, or, The shadow of the law in five acts / Belshazzar a dramatic poem / The christening a farce in one act / All at Coventry, or, Love and laugh a farcical entertainment in two acts / Haste to the wedding an operetta / Il barbiere opera in two acts / Cinderella a fairy play in one act / Isaure, or, The maniac of the Alps a domestic melo-drama in three acts / Behind the scenes, or, Actors by lamplight! a serio comic burlesque burletta in one act / He stoops to win operetta in one act / Blechington house, or, The surrender! an historical drama in three acts / Hearts and clubs a comedy in three acts / Hesper an American drama / Home rule a charade in two scenes / Electra Broken links a drama in five acts / In the wrong box an Ethiopian farce in one act / Hap-hazard a powerful romantic play in five tableaux adapted from an old play / The baffled spinster The jolly miller of the dee, or, Harlequin and bluff King Hal and the fair maid of Leasowe an original, local, historical, and meant-to-be comical pantomime / The beginning and the end a domestic drama in four acts / The accusing spirit, or, The three travellers of the Tryol a drama in three acts / Always intended a comedy in one act / Blondel a historic fancy in two acts / Cromwell a drama / Fabricato a comedy in one act / The lady burglar a farcical problem / The ladies of Saint-Cyr, or, The runaway husband a comedy in three acts / Fair Rosamund according to the history of England : a musical, burlesque extravaganza in one act / Julian a tragedy in five acts / Dem good old times, or, Sixteen thousand years ago an Ethiopian act in one scene / Enrico Dodging the police, or, Enforcing the Sunday law a whimsical farce, in one act / The hair apparent, or, The treacherous wig a farce in one act / Königsmark a tragedy / The dance of the shirt, or, The sempstress's ball! a comic drama in one act / The field of the cloth of gold an original grand historical extravaganza / Beaumont's and Fletcher's Rule a wife, and have a wife a comedy / The flowers of the forest a gypsy story : an original drama in three acts / Jonathan Bradford!, or, The murder at the road-side inn a drama in two acts / Book of words of Aladdin and the wonderful lamp, or, Harlequin & the flying palace a pantomime compiled from various sources and arranged and partially re-written. The bronze horse, or, The spell of the cloud king an operatic spectacle in two acts / The daughter a play in five acts / Don Pasquale opera in three acts / Beauty and the beast a fairy extravaganza / The importance of being earnest a trivial comedy for serious people / Arthur Eustace, or, A mother's love a temperance drama in five acts / Cups and saucers a satirical musical sketch / The actress of all work, or, My country cousin a comic sketch in one act / The last of the Mohicans an Ethiopian sketch / Broken fetters an original drama in five acts / Before and after the war a four act spectacular comedy / The lady of Lyons, or, Love and pride a play in five acts / By proxy a farcical comedy in three acts / The Jew a comedy in five acts / The gipsy king, or, The perilous pass of the cataract a romantic drama in three acts / A day in Boulogne Grandpa a farce comedy in one act / An American wife Dramatic leaflets comprising original and selected plays for amateur clubs, parlor theatricals, temperance societies, church entertainments, exhibitions, sociables, &c. The fall of Algiers a new opera in three acts / The bells a drama in three acts / Calderón's dramas Clytie an original drama of modern life in five acts / Graciosa and Percinet an original fairy extravaganza in one act / Anita's trial, or, Our girls in camp a comedy in three acts for female characters only / The crystal slipper, or, Prince Prettywitz and little Cinderella spectacular burlesque in three acts and fourteen tableaux / Dialogue, poet and musician Davenport done, or, An April fool a comedietta in one act / Glencoe, or, The fate of the Macdonalds a tragedy in five acts / Ghost of Rosalys a play / Coriolanus Azon, the invader of Eden, or, Immortality snatched from the tree of life a leaf torn from the book of the recording angel millions of years after the judgment / An Irishman's maneuver, or, Mike Donovan's courtship a comedy in two acts / 117 Arundel Street, Strand a farce in one act / Charlecote, or, The trial of William Shakespeare Is she his wife? or, Something singular a comic burletta in one act / Early California a drama in five acts / Jeanie Deans, or, the heart of Mid-Lothian a Scottish drama in three acts adapted from Sir Walter Scott's novel. How a queen loved I love your wife a musical sketch / Harlequin Billy Taylor, or, The flying Dutchman, and the King of Raritongo Herod a tragedy / A drama of life a drama in three acts / Calvary ; Virginia tragedies / The cat's in the larder, or, The maid with a parasol a burlesque, operatic burletta on La gazza ladra, or, The maid of Palaiseau / His criss cross mark, the man of mark an original comic opera in three acts / Hans Waldman a tragedy in five acts / La favorita The favourite / Cupid in ermine comedietta in one act / Joanna of Montfaucon a dramatic romance of the fourteenth century / The golden glove, or, The farmer's son a comedy in five acts with some poetical sketches on occasional subjects / The hidden gem a drama in two acts / Jack o' the hedge an original drama in two acts / Hunted down, or, The two lives of Mary Leigh a drama in three acts / Gipsy queen operetta in two acts / Ez-Zahra a tragedy of the tenth century / The bride of Lammermoor a drama in four acts / The Harper's son and the duke's daughter a grand melo-dramatic romance, interspersed with songs, duets, and chorusses / King Stephen, or, The Battle of Lincoln an historical tragedy in five acts, with an introductory narrative / Baldur a lyrical drama / Dot Bachelor's divorce a comedy in three acts / The fall of Poland in 1794 an historical tragic drama in four acts / Il barbiere di Siviglia a lyric comedy in two acts / Hasty conclusions a petite comedy in two acts / Garcia, or, The noble error a tragedy in five acts / Chums a farce in one act / Dandy Dick Whittington Crazed an absurdity in one act / The jewel-maiden a Japanese operetta in three acts / Beauty & the beast, or, Harlequin and old Mother Bunch grand comic Christmas pantomime / Among the relics a comedy-drama in three acts / The introductions and alterations in the burlesque of Miss Eily O'Connor Comedies April fools a farce in one act for three male characters / Columbus A helpless couple Jane Shore a tragedy in five acts / Gulliver on his travels!, or, Harlequin Old Father Christmas and the fairy queen of the silver acacias! a grand pantomime opening / The bungalow a new and original comedy in three acts / The fall of the Mogul a tragedy, founded on an interesting portion of Indian history, and attempted partly on the Greek model, with other occasional poems / Abroad and at home a comic opera in three acts / Contradictions The household tragedy in four scenes / La fille de Madame Angot comic opera / Champignol despite himself The chops of the channel an original nautical farce in one act / The death-song of Thamyris a dramatic elegy. The finger of fate, or, The death letter a melodrama in three acts / The fair one with the golden locks an original, grand, musical, fairy extravaganza in one act / Daddy Hardacre a drama in two acts / The drunkard's home a temperance drama in two acts. Bound by an oath a domestic drama in four acts and a prologue / Dissolving views, or, Lights and shadows of life a farce in one act / The fortunes of Nigel, or, George Heriot a historical drama founded on the celebrated novel of the former title [by Sir Walter Scott] / The deserter a musical drama in two acts / Barbara Frietchie, the Frederick girl a play in four acts / Esmeralda an entirely new and original operatico terpsichorean burlesque in two acts / The bashful man a comic drama / The betrothed, or, Love in death a play in five acts / The drummer boy, or, The battle field of Shiloh a new military allegory in five acts and accompanying tableaux / Il giuramento The oath : a melo-dramatic opera in three acts / Eglantine The jacket of blue a comic original burletta in one act / Hamlet tragedy / Faust dramatic poem / Fate, or, The prophecy a tragedy / Ariston The Flying Dutchman, or, The phantom ship The clockmaker's hat a farce in one act / The fashionable friends a comedy in five acts / Honor before wealth, or, The romance of a poor young man a drama in four acts / Free and easy a musical farce in two acts / Herarne a comedy / A breach of promise an original burletta in three acts / Jack and the beanstalk grand comic Christmas pantomime, 1874-5 / The Elshie, or, the wizard of the moor a melo-drama in three acts / Esmeralda, or, The sensation goat! a new and original burlesque extravaganza in one act / David and Uriah a drama in five acts, founded on the exploits of the man after God's own heart / He must be married, or, The miser outwitted an operatical piece in three acts. L'anneau magique The enchanted ring : a magic ballet in three acts / Julian the Apostate; and, The Duke of Mercia historical dramas / Calyanos a tragedy in five acts / Angeline an original drama in one act / Camillus and Columna, or, The sleeping beauty a drama. Der two surprises a farce in one act / The greatest thing in the world a play in four acts / 16,000 years ago an Ethiopian act / Charles the XII an historical drama in two acts / Hugger-mugger a farce in one act / Alceste But however a farce in one act / Give me my wife a farce in one act / The High Street mystery operetta in one act / Go to Putney, or, A story of the boat race an original farce in one act / Don't judge by appearances a farce in one act / Evadne, or, The statue a tragedy in three acts / King Charles the First a dramatic poem in five acts / Fallen among thieves melo-drama in five acts / Going to Chobham, or, The petticoat captains a farce in one act / A castle in Spain a dramatic sketch for two ladies / The eldest comedy in four acts / Jack and the beanstalk, or, Harlequin and the midwinter night's dream book of words / Belford castle, or, The Scottish gold mine a comedy in three acts / Diplomates a comedy in four acts / An idyl a pictorial-music-play / Henry the eighth The dog of Montargis, or, The forrest of Bondy a melodrama in two acts / The bravo, or, The bridge of sighs a melo drama in two acts / The forest oracle, or, The bridge of Tresino an operatic drama in three acts / Gems of Uncle Celestin vaudeville in three acts / At the picket-line a military drama of the Civil War in five acts / The abbess of Jouarre The ladies in Parliament a fragment after the manner of an old Athenian comedy / A crushed mother-in-law Fair Rosamond's bower, or, The monarch, the maiden, the maze, and the mixture an anti-historical burletta in one act / Christus a mystery in three parts / Confusion a comedy drama in three acts / Gertrude Mason, M.D., or, The lady doctor a farce in one act for female characters only / Fridthjof and Ingeborg opera in three acts / The Freeman Mill strike a comedy drama in three acts / Fighting by proxy a farce in one act / The home secretary an original modern play in four acts / The burglar alarm a comedietta in one act / Blanche of Jersey a musical romance in two acts / Alfonso, king of Castile a tragedy in five acts / The fatal card Jimmy the newsboy operetta / Book of the words of the new comic Christmas pantomime for old and young, called Harlequin Valentine & Orson, or, Harlequin wild man of the woods, the green knight and the fairy of the enchanted valley of sweet waters Ethwald. a tragedy in five acts / Duthmarno a tragedy in five acts / By royal command comic drama in three acts / Josephine an historical drama in four acts / Coalheaver's revenge a Negro sketch / Jack and Gill went up the hill the new, original, dazzling, and gorgeous comic pantomime / The land of heart's desire The abbot, or, Mary Queen of Scots a serious melo-dramatic historical burletta in three acts / A knight of the quill comedy for 3 males and 1 female / The box-lobby challenge a comedy in five acts / Joan of Arc, or, The merry maid of Orleans opera burlesque : vocal score / The battle of life a drama in three acts / Alice May, or, The last appeal a romantic drama in two acts / The blazing burgee, or, The scarlet rover a nautical mellow drama / Deaf and dumb, or, The orphan protected an historical drama in five acts. Is the editor in? a farce / Kate Kearney, or, The fairy of the lakes a musical romance in two acts / Airs, duets, trios, choruses, &c. &c. in the new opera in two acts called Telemachus The immortal hour a drama in two acts / A hero of romance a new play in six tableaux / It is never too late to mend comedy in one act for young ladies / La belle sauvage burlesque in five scenes / The dentist's clerk, or, Pulling teeth by steam Everett Von Culin. Algernon in London a tragedy / Jack and the beanstalk, or, Harlequin leap-year and the merry pranks of the good little people an entirely new ... pantomime / Atreus and Thyestes a tragedy in five acts / Home, sweet home, with variations an original farcical comedy in three acts / Anne Boleyn an original historical burlesque extravaganza / Davy Crockett, or, Be sure you're right, then go ahead Gentleman Joe a musical play / Ino, or, The Theban twins a classical burlesque / The beaux' strategem a comedy in five acts / The conquest of Taranto, or, St. Clara's eve a play / The cup ; and, The falcon The hidden hand a drama in five acts / Gossip a comedy in two acts / The foundling a farce in three acts / Blanche de Malètroit a play in one act / A bunch of keys, or, the hotel a comedy in three acts / Caught in a line, or, The unrivalled Blondin a pièce de circonstance in one scene / Frog opera with pollywog chorus a burletta founded upon the nursery tale and old song of A frog he would a wooing go / Judith of Geneva! a domestic drama in three acts / Finnegan and Flanagan a vaudeville sketch in one act / The end of the tether, or, A legend of the patent office an original drama in two acts for male characters only / Gentleman Jim an original dramatic sketch / Kenilworth, or, Ye queene, ye earle, and ye maydenne a comic operatic extravaganza in one act / Henry IV, of Germany a tragedy in five acts. The jeweller of St. James's a comedy in three acts / The counterfeit a farce in two acts / The fighting troubadour a romantic drama in four acts / Hamlet improved, or, Mr. Mendall's attempt to ameliorate that tragedy A cleft stick a comedy in three acts / Foxy Quiller comic opera in three acts / Josh Winchester, or, Between love and duty a drama in four acts / The great doughnut corporation a farce / The great rebellion reminiscences of the struggle that cost a million lives; a drama in five acts / Der Freischutz a drama in three acts. The crown prince, or, The buckle of brilliants a drama in two acts / The bride of the Nile an extravaganza in three acts / Gemma di Vergy a tragic opera in two acts = Gemma of Vergy / The anchor of hope, or, The seaman's star a drama in two acts / The bottom of the sea a grave spectacular melodrama in 4 acts and 6 tableaux / A fool's paradise an original play in three acts / Alonzo Quixano, otherwise Don Quixote a dramatization of the novel of Cervantes, and especially of those parts which he left unwritten / Gretchen a play in four acts / The frightful hair, or, Who shot the dog? Gilded youth a drama in four acts / Don Carlos, or, Persecution a tragedy in five acts / Cicely's cavalier a comedy in one act / For the crown a romantic play in four acts / A dramatic evening Bridget's blunders a farce in one act / Hop-pickers and gipsies, or, The lost daughter an original drama in three acts / The curfew a play in five acts / Hellas a lyrical drama / The land and the people an original drama in a prologue and four acts / Cinderella, or, The fairy and little glass slipper an opera in three acts / The hypochondriac an Ethiopian farce in one act and two scenes / Kathleen O'Neil a play in four acts / The cave of illusion a play in four acts / Going for the cup, or, Old Mrs. William's dance an Ethiopian interlude in one scene / Girl wanted Jack in the box, or, Harlequin little Tom Thumb and the three wise men of Gotham grand comic Christmas pantomime / An American citizen an original comedy in four acts / John of Procida, or, The bridals of Messina a tragedy, in five acts / David Rizzio a serious opera in three acts : founded upon Scottish history / Gisippus, or, The forgotten friend a play in five acts / After dark a drama of London life in 1868, in four acts / The better part an original drama in one act / Edwin heir of Cressingham a tragedy in five acts / Friends or foes? a comedy in four acts / Heaven and earth a mystery / Hop-o'-my-thumb, or, The seven league boots a romance of nursery history in two acts / Black-eyed Sukey, or, All in the dumps a burlesque extravaganza in one act / The last feast of the Fianna a dramatic legend / Guy Faux, or, The gunpowder treason an historical melo-drama in three acts / Histerkan, or, The assassin of the mountain a melo-drama in three acts / Ignorance is bliss Carmen up to date The happiest day of my life a farce in two acts / Fast folks, or, The early days of California a comedy in five acts / Harlequin little red riding-hood, or, The wicked wolf and the wirtuous woodcutter a juvenile pantomime / Gisippus [or, The forgotten friend] a play in five acts / The creole, or, Love's fetters an original drama in three acts / Dramas for the stage Giovanni in London, or, The libertine reclaimed an operatic extravaganza in two acts / Jenny Lind at last, or, The Swedish nightingale an apropos operatic bagatelle in one act / The deestrick skule of fifty years ago Larkins' love letters a farce / Fox versus goose a farcical comedy in three acts / The buffalo girls, or, The female serenaders an original farce in one act / La! Sonnambula!, or, The supper, the sleeper, and the merry Swiss boy an original operatic burlesque extravaganza / Don't tell her husband Belphegor, the buffoon, or, The robbers of the Revolution a drama in three acts / 'Tis the darkest hour before dawn a petite comedy, in one act / Captain Cuttle a comic drama in one act / Bardell v. Pickwick Adrienne Lecouvreur a tragedy in five acts / Christ a dramatic poem in three acts / Harold a drama / All for love, or, The world well lost a tragedy in five acts / Dick Whittington a grand comic Christmas pantomime / Hold your tongue a comic drama in one act / The devil to pay, or, The wives metamorphosed a ballad farce / At the barricade an episode of the Commune of '71 / The barber, or, The mill of Bagdad a burletta in two acts / The cousins, or, The dying requisition a play in five acts / Descart, the French buccaneer a melo drama in two acts / Cheer, boys, cheer a play in 4 acts / Fun in a cooper's shop an original Ethiopian sketch / Ingomar the barbarian Brian O'Linn a farce in two acts / Conrad and Stella Adam Buff, or, A man without a --! a farce in one act / Bozzaris a tragedy in five acts / The flight to America, or, Ten hours in New York! a drama in three acts / The death of Wallenstein a tragedy in five acts / In the wilds of Tennessee Four a.m a satirical sketch / The house on the avenue, or, The little mischief-makers a drama in six scenes / The Lancashire witches, or, King Jamie's frolic a light opera in three acts / Dusk of the gods Cut off with a shilling a comedietta in one act / Extremes, or, Men of the day a comedy in three acts / The juggler, or, Father and daughter a drama in a prologue and three acts / The charm and the curse a tale dramatized from the Edda / Cross stratagems a comedie[tta] in one act / He must be married, or, The mister outwitted In the wrong house, or, The two T.J.'s a farce / Elsie's rival a sketch / The brother and sister a petit opera in two acts / Barbara Freitchie, the Frederick girl a play in four acts / A family failing a farce in one act / Carline, the female brigand a romantic drama in two acts / The last witness an American drama of politics and society / The house dog! a farce in one act / An entirely new and original aesthetic opera in two acts entitled Patience, or, Bunthorne's bride Dutchey vs. nigger an original farce in one scene / A close siege a burletta in one act / Adina, or, The elixir of love comic opera / Evenings at our club An affair of honour a farce in one act / Erminie Good for evil or, A wife's trial : a domestic lesson in two acts : adapted from the French of Emile Augier / Into the world House room, or, The dishonoured bill a farcetta in one act : adapted from the French / The barrack-room a musical burletta in two acts / Giralda, or, The new Psyche comic opera in three acts / First aid to the wounded a duologue / A Greek slave Crossed love an original comedietta / The death guard, or, the rustic banditti in 3 acts / Dunbar, the king's advocate a tragic episode in the Reformation / The cantab a farce in one act / The barber baron a drama in two acts / Götterdämmerung Claim ninety-six a border drama in five acts / Il Paddy Whack in Italia an operetta in one act / Ingomar, the barbarian a play in five acts / Another glass! a drama in one act / The governess a comedy in one act for female characters. Done brown a farce in one act / The chieftain an original comic opera in two acts / The bridal of Armagnac a tragedy / The bould soger boy a farce in one act / Atonement, or, Branded for life a drama in a prologue and four acts / A father avenged Express! a railway romance in one compartment. Faith an original play in three acts / Home, sweet home a grim farce in three acts / In town A game of chess a powerfully mis-constructed, comic, operatic, spectacular, burlesque extravaganza in four acts / A coincidence an Ethiopian farce in one act / Eden an oratorio / Jack the giant killer, or, Harlequin King Arthur, and ye knights of ye Round Table a burlesque extravaganza, preceding a mirthful, magical, comical, Christmas pantomime / Athenia of Damascus a tragedy / The changing scales a drama / Armgart Gustavus III., or, The masked ball grand tragic opera in five acts with ballet / The cataract of the Ganges!, or, The rajah's daughter a grand romantic melo-drama in two acts / Cousin Frank a farce in one act for female characters only / Kenyon's widow Charlotte Corday an historical play in three acts / The dancing barber a farce in one act / Judas Maccabaeus a Chanuka play for Sunday school children / Faustus a tragedy / The charm and other drawing-room plays Isolda, or, Good King Stephen an historical and romantic drama in five acts / Frank Glynn's wife, or, An American harem a comedietta in one act. The honest soldier a comedy / Congreve's Double dealer a comedy / Evadne, or, the statue a tragedy in five acts / Claudia's choice Davenport Bros. & Co a farce in one act / The enemy's camp a drama in 4 acts / Erin go bragh, or, The mountain rebel an Irish drama in three acts / East Lynne a drama in five acts. Joe, the waif, or, The pet of the camp a comedy drama in six acts / Kinge Richard ye third, or, Ye battel [sic] of Bosworth Field! a merrie mysterie in one act / The death-fetch, or, The fatal warning a romantic melo drama in two acts / The curfew a drama in five acts / A lame excuse an original farce in one act / Brian Boru romantic opera in three acts / The fortune-hunter an original play in three acts / The belles of Blackville a Negro minstrel entertainment for young ladies concluding with a specialty farce entitled Patchwork / Der Freischutz, or, Zamiel, the spirit of the forest a legendary drama, in three acts / The catspaw a comedy in five acts / Arion, or, The story of a lyre a new & entirely original burlesque / Faust. a tragedy / Florio Exile a dramatic episode / Griselda a dramatic poem in five acts / The duke's daughter, or, The hunchback of Paris a drama in three acts and a prologue / An act of folly a comedy in four acts / The drama of secession, or, Scenes from American history The last of the legends, or, The baron, the bride, and the battery a psychological extravaganza / Grace an original comedy in three acts / The lady of Lyons, married and settled a vaudeville in three scenes / Gilderoy a drama in two acts / A cozy couple a farce in one act / The Agamemnon Atout ... coeur! comédie en trois actes / The king's judges an original comedy in four acts / Henriette the forsaken a drama in three acts / The ambassador's lady, or, The rose and the ring a romantic drama in two acts / The Earl of poverty, or, The old wooden house of London wall a local drama in two acts / Laughing gas a Negro burlesque sketch / Court cards a comic drama in two acts / The black brigands a musical burlesque, in one scene / The ameer comic opera in three acts / The great libel case a mock trial / The goose girl a musical play / Carmen opera in four acts / James the Third, King of Scotland a tragedy in five acts / The disagreeable surprise, or, Taken up and taken in a musical farce in two acts / Dream camp, or, A modern craze Home sweet home, or, The ranz des vacnes an operatic entertainment in two acts / Airs, Chorusses, and business, with a description of the scenery in the new pantomime of the Silver arrow, or, Harlequin and the fairy pari banon The Flying Dutchman, or, The phantom ship a nautical drama in three acts / Gulzara, or, The Persian slave a drama in five acts designed for private representation / Harlequin Alfred the Great!, or, The magic banjo, and the mystic raven! a new and original grand historical Christmas pantomime / The daughter of the regiment a grand opera, in two acts / The bride of Abydos a tragedy in five acts / Deception an original farce in one act / The dog of Montargis, or, The forest of Bondy a melodrama in two acts / Browne with an e an original farcical comedy in one act / Absence of mind, or, Wanted £5 a comic drama in one act / The ghost an Ethiopian sketch, in one scene / The angel of midnight a legend of terror in three acts / The fox and the goose, or, The widow's husband a comic operetta in one act / Alonzo the brave and the fair Imogine, or, The spectre bride! a legendary romantic melo-drama in two acts / A case for eviction a comedietta in one act / Brother for brother How's your uncle?, or, The ladies of the court a farce in one act / Fidelio!, or, The fortress of St. Jacque! a drama in three acts / The granger, or, Caught in his own trap a comedy in three acts / La dame aux camelias Camille : a play in five acts / The blackest tragedy of all, or, A peep behind the scenes an Ethiopian sketch / The adventure of the Lady Ursula a comedy in four acts / Edda, or, The hermit of Warkworth a melo-dramatic romance / Grimshaw, Bagshaw, and Bradshaw a farce in one act / The deacon a comedy-sketch in two acts / Green old age an original musical improbability in one act / Illustrations of The Persian heroine a tragedy / The chain of gold, or, A daughter's devotion a romantic drama in three acts / Atlantis a story of the sea in three parts / Edmund Kean, or, The genius and the libertine Blue Beard! From a new point of hue a burlesque extravaganza / A bachelor's honeymoon an original farce comedy / Lady Lancing a serious comedy for trivial people / The Jewess, or, The council of Constance an historical drama in three acts / The Jewess! or, The council of Constance a romantic drama in three acts / Hagar [a] play in one act / Herod and Mariamne a tragedy / Joan of Arc a tragedy in five acts = Jeanne d'Arc / Careless Cupid a Negro farce in one act / The Chinese mother a drama. Harlequin and the house that Jack built, or, Old Mother Hubbard and her wonderful dog The hidden hand a drama in four acts / Aladdin a fairy opera in three acts / The golden gulch an original drama in three acts / Arline, the lost child, or, The Pole, the policeman and the Polar bear a new and original burlesque / The gorgeous Christmas pantomime, entitled Cinderella, or, Harlequin Prince Paragon, the little glass slipper and the demons of the realms of discord! Keeper of the seals a comedietta in one act / John Dobbs a farce in one act / Calypso, queen of Ogygia an original burlesque in one act / Il barbiere di Siviglia The barber of Seville : a comic opera in two acts / The clandestine marriage a comedy in five acts / Alberic, consul of Rome, or, The school for reformers an historical drama in five acts / Graziella cantata / Camelius, or, The self-exiled patriot a tragedy in five acts / Dick and his double a farce in one act / Hymettus The death of Antar Awful girls, or, Big results comedy farce in one act / Good Queen Bess an extravaganza / Doing the hansom a farce in one act / Comus a masque in two acts : altered from Milton / Defending the flag, or The message boy a drama in five acts / The combat with the dragon heroic poem / Corsican twins an Ethiopian burlesque on the Corsican brothers / Fashionable eclogues Bad whiskey a comic Irish sketch, in one scene / Kenilworth, or, Amy's aims and Leicester's lesson an original burlesque, in two acts / The grand duchess of Gerolstein comic opera in three acts / The bachelor's bedroom, or, Two in the morning a comic scene / The heart of her husband a domestic drama in three acts and two scenes. Garry Owen, or, the belles of the Shannon Chatterton The lady bark, or, New upstart-lady in a very merry and pleasant dialogue, betwixt a skipper, a new lady, a young scholar, and a tapsterlass. The coopers a farce, in one act and one scene / Fairburn's complete edition of Tom Thumb a burlesque tragedy / The genii a masque / The king's jester, and other short plays for small stages The dance to death an historical tragedy in five acts / Deeds of darkness an intellectual, farcical, musical, fantastical, tragical, vocal, instrumental, lyrical, moral and laughable Ethiopian extravaganza in one act / Faust a drama / A gold mine a play in three acts / The gondoliers, or, The king of Barataria The king of the peacocks an original fairy extravaganza in two acts / Caswallon, King of Britain a tragedy / The dwarf of Naples a tragi-comedy in five acts / Frighten'd to death! a musical farce in two acts / Halidon Hill a dramatic sketch from Scottish history / The cat and the cherub a play in one act. The bridal wreath a romantic drama in two acts / Called away a drama in four acts / A great catch a comedietta in three scenes : for five females and a baby / Blue beard a story in five acts / Circumstances alter cases a comedietta in one act / Delilah a tale of olden times / The bull-fighter, or, The bridal ring a romantic drama in three acts / Dinorah under difficulties a piece of extravaganza in one act / Endymion, or, The naughty boy who cried for the moon a classical mythological extravaganza in one act / At the court of King Winter a Christmas play for schools / Imogene, or, The witch's secret an original realistic drama in four acts / All for love, or, The lost pleiad a romantic drama in three acts / I'll tell your wife a farce in one act / Aliso and Acne The Alcaid, or, The secrets of office a comic opera in three acts / Box and Cox a romance of real life in one act / Ayleenya the blameless an original drama / Blinks and jinks an Ethiopian sketch / The kiss and the rose, or, Love in the nursery grounds a vaudeville in one act / The flying Dutchman a romantic opera in three acts / Joy is dangerous a comedy in two acts / The heather field ; and, Maeve The elves, or, the statue bride Eight plays The buried Titan a drama / Breaking the ice an original comedietta in one act / The deliverance of Switzerland a dramatic poem / The happy land a burlesque version of The wicked world / Lad from the country a farce in one act / Doing banting an apropos farce in one act / Guy Mannering, or, The gipsey's [sic] prophecy a musical play in three acts / Columbia, the gem of the ocean dialogue / A glimpse of paradise farcical comedy in three acts / Aroused at last a comedy in one act / The last of the Greeks, or, The fall of Constantinople a tragedy / The Alabama a transatlantic nautical extravaganza / Bouquet a commedietta in one act / Cinderella, or, The fairy and little glass slipper comic opera / The king and the duke, or, Which is which? a farce in two acts. Dreadfully alarming a farce in one act / Judge not, or, The seals of justice a drama in two acts / Gil Blas, or, The boy of Santillane a romantic drama in three acts / The charity ball a comedy drama in four acts / The fountain of youth His wife's father based on a central idea in German by A. L'Aronge [sic] / Cenerentola a lyrical comedy in two acts / Democritus in London The inundation, or, The miser of the hill fort a drama in three acts / Eliza and Claudio, or, Love protected by friendship a melodrama = Elisa e Claudio, ossia, L'amore protetto dall'amicizia : melodrama semiserio / Abduction, or, The farmer's daughter a drama in three acts / Griselda Across the continent, or, Scenes from New York life and the Pacific railroad Harlequin and Mother Goose, or, the golden egg! a comic pantomime / Laid up in port!, or, Sharks along shore! a nautical drama in three acts / The devil's opera in two acts / Atlantis a story of the sea / Broken bonds a drama in four acts / The Dutch prize fighter a Dutch farce in one act / Barmecide, or, The fatal offspring a dramatick romance in three acts / The honeymoon a comedy in five acts / The heiress of Glenfillan, or, the delegates and the children of the wreck A fast train! High pressure!! Express!!! a short trip. False pretences, or, Both sides of good society a comedy in five acts / Between the acts a comedy in three acts / Lady Dedlock's secret play in four acts / Captain Lettarblair a comedy in three acts / A dream of the centuries and other entertainments for parlor and hall Ashby Manor a play / Hide and seek a petite opera in two acts / Finis Jeanette's wedding an operetta in one act / Grand production of the viking comic opera in two acts / The killcrop Demetrius, the Imposter a tragedy / The ambassador a comedy in four acts / Cast upon the world an entirely original drama in five acts / The birth of beauty, or, Harlequin William the Conqueror and the pretty white horse with the golden hoof extravaganza and pantomime / Damon and Pythias a tragedy in five acts / Ali Baba opera buffa in four acts / The Jewish captives The burglar & the judge A borrowed luncheon a farce / Family pride an original comedy in five acts / Every day occurrences a finale to the "first part" of a Negro minstrel entertainment / Eurydice, or, Little Orpheus and his lute a grand burlesque extravaganza, being a second edition of Orpheus and Eurydice, or, The young gentleman who charmed the rocks / Barefaced impostors a farce in one act / Laurence's love suit an original comedietta in two acts / Dramatic poems The higher education a comedy in two acts / The beggar student comic opera in three acts / The cabinet a comic opera in three acts / Colomba a lyrical drama in four acts founded on Prosper Mérimée's tale / In the palace of the king a dramatization in four acts / Jenny Jones an operetta in one act / The farmer's daughter of the Severn side, or, Mr. and Mrs. Toodles a domestic drama in two acts / The Jacobite a comic drama in two acts / The cathedral bell a tragedy in five acts / Alonzo the brave, or, Faust and the fair Imogene a tragical, comical, demoniacal, and whatever-you-like-to-call-it burlesque / His Excellency the governor a farcical romance in three acts / The jealous husband a farce in one act / A crimeless criminal a farce / Dialogue, &c. in the new, romantic, heroical, legendary, comic Christmas pantomime called Guy, Earl of Warwick, or, Harlequin and the dun cow An answer The infanta's dolls Les poupées de l'infante : comic opera in 3 acts, and four tableaux / Il flauto magico opera in two acts / Charles O'Malley, the Irish dragoon a drama in three acts / Duty and safety of emancipation Among the breakers a drama in two acts / The great pumpkin case of Guff vs. Muff a farcical trial / The fatal message Formosa, the most beautiful, or, The railroad to ruin a drama of modern life in four acts / The great train robbery an original Western drama in 4 acts / An imitative version of Sophocles' tragedy Antigone with its melodramatic dialogue and choruses / British born a new and original drama of national and domestic interest in a prologue and three acts / The fate of Calas a tragic melodrame in three acts / Christmas Eve in a watchhouse a farcical sketch in one act / Between two thorns an original scene on a staircase / Four original plays unacted / Iphigenia in Tauris a drama in five acts / Change partners an original comedietta in one act / The industrious moth, or The perplexity of monsieur Victor a comedy in three acts / King James the First an historical tragedy / Aladdin, or, The very wonderful lamp a fairy extravaganza in two acts / Jack and the bean stalk and Margery Daw, or, Harlequin man-in-the-moon, the giant Grumble Grim, and the love birds of fairyland! Isabella, or, The fatal marriage a tragedy in five acts / A holy terror a farce in one act for four male characters / The Cornish comedy The lady at Maxim's a comedy in three acts. King Richard the First a tragedy in five acts / Gambrinus, king of lager beer a diabolical, musical, comical and Ethiopian burlesque / The dream spectre a romantic drama in three acts / Cupid in waiting a comedy in three acts / Capriccios Choruses, recitative, and dialogue ... of the new pantomime called Harlequin Munchausen, or, The fountain of love The black domino / Behind a mask a comedy in three acts / A lady by birth a comedietta in one act / The infant phenomenon, or, A rehearsal rehearsed a dramatic piece, in one act : being an episode in the adventures of Nicholas Nickleby / The bachelor's prize comic sketch for two characters, male and female / Dr. McBeatem a farce in one act / The girl from Midway a farce comedy in one act / From Gonzales to San Jacinto a historical drama of the Texan Revolution / Kim-ka, or, The misfortunes of ventilator a grand Chinese pantomime / The barrack room a comedietta in two acts / Hiram Hireout, or, Followed by fortune a farce in one act / Brian, the probationer, or, The red hand a tragedy in five acts / Aristocracy a comedy in four acts / The king & the commoner a historical play in five acts / The beggar of Bethnal Green a comedy, in three acts : altered from The beggar's daughter of Bethnal Green / The heroic Dutchman of seventy-six a comedy in five acts / The devil in America a dramatic satire / The cabinet minister a farce in four acts / John Buzzby, or, A day's pleasure a comedy, in three acts / Jessie Brown, or, The relief of Lucknow a drama in three acts / The idiot of the mountain a drama in three acts / Charles I a tragedy in five acts / King Henry IV. an historical play / Flirtation cured farce comedy in one act, male characters / Grace Huntley a domestic drama in three acts / The circus girl new musical play / Julian the Apostate Arrah-na-pogue, or, The Wicklow wedding an Irish drama in three acts / The dawn of ethics Birds in their little nests a fanciful conceit in one act / The happiest man alive a petite comedy in one act / Best man wins The house on the bridge of Notre Dame a drama in three acts / The Corsican brothers a dramatic romance in three acts / Fatal love, or, Forc'd inconstancy The Irish yankee, or, The birth-day of freedom a drama in three acts / Comrades a drama in three acts / Alphonzus a tragedy / Ernestine a drama in two acts / The castle of Paluzzi, or, The extorted oath a serious drama in two acts / Advice gratis a farce in one act / The deuce is in her! a petite comedy in one act with music / The duchess transformed a comedy in one act / The battle of Stillwater, or, The maniac in three acts, founded on national events / Aged forty an original petite drama in one act / Hunting the slippers, or, Painless dentistry a farce in one scene / Cousin Josiah a musical sketch in one scene / Alfred the Great, or, The minstrel king an historical extravaganza / Good night Shatz a realistic joke and ernest in one act / John of Paris a comic opera in two acts / Hazel Kirke a drama in four acts / His last victory an original drama in two acts / Alive and merry a farce in two acts / The black bachelor Negro farce in one act. Bloomerism, or, The follies of the day an original farce in one act / A friend at court, or, The king and the cobler [sic] a comedy in one act / Blue beard, or, The hazard of the dye a burlesque in three acts / The boy martyrs of Sept. 12, 1814 a local historical drama in three acts / Helena de La Seigliere comedy in four acts / Alphonso Algarves a play in five acts / The Indian exiles a comedy in three acts / Iphigenia in Tauris an opera in four acts / Illiam Dhône a drama / Chamber comedies a collection of plays and monologues for the drawing room / The cigarette a comedy, in one act / The follies of fashion a comedy in five acts / Clytemnestra A bachelor's romance an original play in four acts / A game for two an episode in one act for a man and his wife / Dot madrimonial adverdisement a Dutch sketch in one scene / Harlequin old bogey, or, The imps of the school and the secret of the old oak casket a nautical, melo-dramatical, sensational, panomimical burlesque uproar in three acts / The hope of the family an original comedy in three acts / The house of Aspen a tragedy / The chalet, or, Caught, not won a comic opera in one act / Her world against a lie a romance in three books / In Klondyke a children's drama in one act / Fetters a comedy in a prologue and three acts / The blind beggars operetta in one act / Ambition, or, Marie Mignot a drama in three acts / Ladies beware! a farce in one act. False and constant a comedy in two acts / Congreve's comedy of Love for love Diagram of a modern law suit, or, A satire on trial by jury a poem / The brazen drum, or, The Yankee in Poland a national drama in two acts / The great Russian bear, or, Another retreat from Moscow a comedietta in one scene / 'Tis all a farce a farce in two acts. Esmeralda a comedy-drama founded on Mrs. Frances Hodgson Burnett's story of the same name / A carnival of sports an entertainment representing such popular sports as tennis, archery, baseball, boxing, football, etc. / Ali Baba, or, A night with the 40 thieves a piece of Oriental extravaganze / The first night, or, A peep behind the scenes a comic drama in one act. In the ranks, or, A soldier's wife A cigarette from Java comedy in one act / The bequeathed heart a drama in two acts / A hard case a farce in one act / The Irish heiress a comedy in five acts / The Egyptian a play in five acts / An induction After a storm comes a calm comedietta in one act. Down by the sea a drama / Adorable Elizabeth a comedy in one act / Bellamira, or, The fall of Tunis a tragedy in five acts / Atchi! a comedietta in one act / The dog of Montargis, or, The forrest of Bondy The elopement, or, The disinherited son a petit comedy in two acts / The great arrival Professor Cheatum from Humbug : an Ethiopian scene / Florence Macarthy, or, Life in Ireland a new grand melo dramatic romance in three acts / The chevalier de St. George a drama in three acts / After taps a drama in three acts / The Intrigues of a day [or, A poet in livery] a comedy in five acts. Horace Horatius : a tragedy in four acts, the fifth being omitted in representation / Hans of Iceland a ballet of action / The blind wife, or, The student of Bonn a tragic romance / In the days of the regent Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, or, A mis-spent life a drama in four acts / The icicle Interviews, or, Bright Bohemia an American comedy in four acts / Industry and indolence, or, The orphan's legacy! / The foundling of the forest a play in three acts / Il Don Giovanni a lyric comedy in three acts / The importance of being earnest a serious comedy for trivial people / The Irish girl, or, Cossack and no Cossack a dramatic piece, with songs, in two acts / Fellow servants, or, The tiger crossed in love! a petite comedy in two acts / Four plays Joshua Blodgett, from Blodgett's Holler a comedy in three acts / The delegate a comedy / Dot quied lotgings a Dutch sketch in one scene / Claribel, or, Love and friendship [drama] in two acts. Hagar and Ishmael a drama founded on the Bible story in three acts / Don Giovanni, or, A spectre on horseback! a comic, heroic, operatic, tragic, pantomimic, burletta-spectacular extravaganza in two acts / The Bohemian girl A jealous mistake a domestic piece / Janice Meredith a play in four acts / Johanes Blatz's mistake, or, The two elopements a farce comedy in two acts / Deeds, not words a drama in two acts / The chimes a goblin story of some bells that rang on old year out and a new year in ; a drama in four quarters / The ejection of Aunt Lucinda Eyes and no eyes, or, The art of seeing libretto / High, low, jack & the game, or, The card party a most extravagant extravaganza or rum-antick burletta in one act / The incompleat angler Gustavus Vasa, or, The deliverer of his country a tragedy in five acts / A $10,000 wager farce in two acts / The descent of liberty a mask / Ambition a comedy in three acts / A false note a comedy in one act / A foggy night at Newport Drifted apart an original domestic sketch in one act / The history of Geronimo's summer campaign in 1883 a drama / The laughing hyena a farce in one act / The bicyclers The hen and chickens, or, A sign of affection a comic drama in two acts / Christopher Columbus a drama in four acts / The house of Usna Barney the baron a farce in one act. Hero and Leander an operatic burletta in two acts / Disengaged in three acts / The Burmese war a grand naval and military melo-drama in three acts / First impressions, or, Trade in the West a comedy in five acts / Between the posts comedietta in one act / How much I loved thee! a drama / Joe Simpson's double a sketch in one act / Antiochus The ladies' battle a comedy in three acts / The Ides of May a play in three acts. Advent a mystery / Alice in wonderland a play for children in three acts / Jeems the poet an Ethiopian sketch / The death of Tintagiles Aurora Floyd, or, The banker's daughter a drama in a prologue and three acts / Dr. Bluff in Russia, or, The Emperor Nicholas and the American doctor a comedy in two acts / The good regent a chronicle play / Chrystabelle, or, The rose without a thorn an extravaganza / Harlequin hoax, or, A pantomime proposed a comic extravaganza / The great umbrella case a mock trial / The haunted tower comic opera in three acts / Charles O'Malley's aunt a comedietta in one scene / Beau Nash, the King of Bath a comedy in three acts / Francisco, the avenger a play in five acts / Blind boy a melo-drama in two acts / Aladdin, or, The wonderful scamp! an original burlesque extravaganza in one act / Henry and Almeria a tragedy [in five acts / Family discipline a monologue in one scene for a child / The court of lions, or, Granada taken and done for an historical burlesque in one act / Julian and Agnes, or, The monks of the Great St. Bernard a tragedy in five acts. Captain Kidd, or, A peerless peeress and a haughty pirate an original burlesque on early New York society in three acts / England's iron days a tragedy in five acts / The fellow that looks like me a laughable interlude, in one scene / Inca's daughter Bobby A 1, or, A warm reception a farce in one act / The dreamland tree a comedy, with music, designed for an audience of young people of every age, from six to sixty / Almahide and Hamet a tragedy / Bill Detrick, or, The mystery of Oliver's ferry a melodrama in three acts / Budget of blunders a farce in two acts / Dramatic works of Daniel Bedinger Lucas The Albany depot Aguilhar a tragedy / John Bull, or, The Englishman's fireside a comedy in five acts / Don't get weary, or, Johnny, you've been a bad boy musical sketch in one act. Adelmorn, the outlaw a romantic drama in three acts / 3, a.m an original sketch in two scenes / The dime dialogues. for schools, exhibitions, parlors, etc. Jack and Jill, or, Old Dame Nature and the fairy art Don Pedro the cruel and Don Manuel the cobbler! or, The corregidor of Seville! a comic drama in two acts / Carpio a tragedy in five acts / Cool as a cucumber a farce in one act / The death of the discoverer Another Cain a mystery / Crinoline an original farce in one act / Hearts of oak a domestic drama in two acts / Counsel for the plaintiff a comedy in two acts / The dark hour before dawn a play in five acts / Eily O'Conner a domestic drama in two acts / Camilla's husband an original drama in three acts / The Lancashire lass, or, Tempted, tried, and true a domestic melodrama in four acts and a prologue / Eadburga a tragedy in five acts / The insurance agent an eccentric character and comedy sketch / Anna Bolena a serio-historical opera with an English version / Egmont a tragedy in five acts / Auld acquaintance a petite-drama in one act / Ion travestie in one act / Alexander the Great a tragedy in five acts / The elbow-shakers!, or, Thirty years of a rattler's life a burlesque extravaganzical burletta in one act / The fair maid of Clifton a new and original extravaganza / Chiselling a farce in one act / Catharine Douglas a tragedy / The Cuban patriots a drama of the struggle for independence actually going on in the gem of the Antilles, in three acts / The dramatic works of James Sheridan Knowles All the comforts of home a comedy in four acts / The bride a drama in three acts / Burr and Hamilton a New York tragedy in five acts / Becket The complete plays of Henry James Deaf as a post an Ethiopian sketch / Jake and Snow a musical sketch in one act / The last lily a comedietta / Going to the bad an original comedy in two acts / The idler a play in four acts / Gaston de Foix The forest rose, or, American farmers a drama in two acts / The dentist a farcical duologue / Dioclesian a dramatic poem / Dearer than life a serio-comic drama in three acts / Anthony's legacy an original comediett [sic] / A counterfeit presentment comedy / Erostratus, or, The burning of the temple of Diana at Ephesus a grand spectacular drama. Hadassah, or, The Persian queen operetta in three acts / Above the clouds The hobby-horse a comedy in three acts / Giselle, or, The sirens of Lotus Lake a fanciful, comical, musical legend / False alarms, or, My cousin a comic opera in three acts / A crazy idea a comedy in four acts / Aunt Charlotte's maid a farce in one act / Ebenezer Venture, or, Advertising for a wife a farce in one act / Felix, or, The festival of roses an opera in two acts / Election day an Ethiopian farce, in two scenes / Donizetti's La figlia del reggimento a romantic opera in two acts : in Italian and English. Frou frou a comedy of powerful human interest, in five acts / Black eyed Susan, or, All in the downs a nautical melo drama in two acts. His partner's wife a play in three acts / Cleon Fifteen years of a drunkard's life a melodrama in three acts / Dona Ignez de Castro a tragedy / I'm not mesilf at all an original Irish stew / Dinner for nothing an original farce in one act / Croesus, King of Lydia a tragedy in five acts / Le bon juge a comedy in three acts. The king of the commons a play in five acts / Everybody astonished an original farce in one act / The elopement an original farce in three scenes / Don Carlos, Infante of Spain a dramatic poem / Babylon a curious comedy in four acts / An American drama arranged in four acts and entitled Secret service a romance of the Southern Confederacy / Anacréon, or, L'amour fugitif a grand ballet in three acts / Der Freischutz, or, The bill! The belle! And the bullet!!! an original burlesque / Dramas, serious and seriocomic, for college, camp and cabin Haroun Alraschid, or, Wants and superfluities a melodramatic romance in three acts / Big mistake a Negro sketch / Gen. Grant, or, The star of union and liberty a play in three acts / A duel in the dark an original farce in one act / The artist's wife a petite comedy in two acts / Bertram an Italian sketch / Der Freyschutz romantic opera / Faust, or, An old friend with a new face a grand spiritual, diabolical, burlesque extravaganza. Evelyn Gray, or, The victims of our western Turks a tragedy in five acts / Don Juan a play in four acts / A false start Flavia A lady in difficulties a comic drama in two acts / Ali Baba and the forty thieves, or, Harlequin and the magic donkey grand comic Christmas pantomime. The ivy queen a cantata for any number of girls / Don Pasquale a comic opera / Harlequin and O'Donoghue, or, The white horse of Killarney an entirely new and original, grand historical equestrian Christmas pantomine [sic] / A country kid a rural merry comedy in three acts / The deep red rover an o'piratic burlesque in three scenes / Fernanda, or, Forgive and forget a drama in three acts / The demon doctor An affair of honour a farce / The duke of Mantua a tragedy / A bull in a china shop a comedy in two acts / Friend Waggles a farce in one act / Henry the Fifth a historical play in five acts / A gentle jury a farce in one act / The Latin lesson boy and girl / Eustace de St. Pierre an historical play / Eliduke, Count of Yveloc a tragedy / From sire to son, or, The hour and the man an original drama in four acts / The cowboy and the lady Half a day off an original farce in I act & III scenes / The dead heart an historical drama in three acts with a prologue / Gertrude Wheeler, M.D a comedy in one act (female characters) / The lady of the lake a travestie [sic] in one act / A devil of a scrape, or, Who paid for the supper First love a comedy in five acts / Cruel to be kind a drama in five acts / Brian a tragedy / The force of nature a comedy in two acts / Ladies at home, or, Gentlemen, we can do without you a female interlude in one act / Gaul, King of Ragah a tragic drama, in three parts / The Amazons a lyrical drama / Haunted house an Ethiopian act. Anne Boleyn a dramatic poem / The cheats of Scapin a comedy in three acts / Black mail an original Negro comicality in one scene. Clavigo a tragedy / The deal boatman The heart of a hero a domestic drama in four acts / The dumb belle, or, I'm perfection a farce in one act / The choice Demetria a tragedy in five acts / The bride of Messina, or, The hostile brothers a tragedy with chorusses / Ib and little Christina the story of a hearth / The broken sword a grand melo-drama interspersed with songs, chorusses, &c. / Brand a dramatic poem in five acts / Horizon an original drama of contemporaneous society and of American frontier perils in five acts and seven tableaux / Bianca Visconti, or, The heart overtasked Benyowsky, or, The exiles of Kamschatska an operatic play in three acts / La favorita, [or,] The king's mistress opera en quatre actes / Ill-treated Il Trovatore, or, The mother, the maiden, & the musicianer a new burlesque extravaganza / A game of billiards a temperance sketch in one scene / Breaking his bonds a comedy-drama in four acts / The dramatic works of Bayard Taylor Bubble and squeak, or, The pleasures and punishments of Carthusian revels Exchange no robbery, or, The diamond ring a comedy in three acts / Floradora The Ku Klux Klan, or, The carpet-bagger in New Orleans Gabrielle de Belle Isle a play in five acts / Centaurine a drama in five acts / Hearts of men a drama in four acts / The evil eye a melo-drama in two acts / A dish of all sorts, or, The author's magazine for 1806 containing a variety of interesting subjects, both serious and comic, never before offered to the public / Dido a tragical, classical, and original burlesque in one act / Dew Drop and Glorio, or, The sleeping beauty in the wood The hypocrite a comedy / A bunch of roses a burlesque musical entertainment / The gentleman in black a farce in one act / Fredolfo a tragedy in five acts / The devil's dance a play for the times / Crown jewels Job and his children a domestic drama in two acts / Ask no questions a burletta in two acts / The Lancashire weaver lad a domestic drama in three acts / The battle of Waterloo a grand military melo-drama in three acts / Isabelle, or, Woman's life a drama in three acts / A day of reckoning a drama in three acts / Aubrey closes the door a play in one act / The bondmaid Giroflé-girofla opera bouffe in 3 acts / Amor patriae, or, The disruption and fall of these States a tragedy in five acts / The geisha a story of a tea house : a Japanese musical play in two acts / Brothers in name a drama in V acts / Ganem, the slave of love an original extravaganza / Breaking the spell comic opera in one act / Jephtha a dramatic fragment / Lafayette, or, the maid and the marquis an original burlesque in three acts / Harlequin Cock-robin and Jenny Wren, or, Fortunatus and the water of life, the three bears, the three gifts, the three wishes, and the little man who woo'd the little maid grand comic Christmas pantomime / Harlequin in his element, or, Fire, water, earth, & air a favourite pantomime / The great house, or, Varieties of American life a drama / Gerald a dramatic poem, and other poems / Fifteen years of labour lost, or, The youth who never saw a woman a farce in one act from the French / The chance of war, or, the villain reclaimed a musical drama in two acts / Dramatic sketch Caius Marius Don Pasquale a comic opera in three acts / Caught napping a one-act operetta for Christmas eve / The gold bug An editor who wanted office a tragedy in three acts / Aladdin, or, Harlequin and the wonderful lamp a grand Christmas pantomime / The kiss a comedy in five acts / John Brown and the heroes of Harper's Ferry a poem / Farinelli a serio comic opera in two acts / In his power King Friedrich Wilhelm First the story of the youth of Frederick the Great. The battle of Stillwater, or, the maniac in three acts founded on national events / Katherine and Petruchio, or, The shaming of the true John Smith a farce in one act / King Henry III Chilperic opera-bouffe in three acts and four tableaux / The banker's daughter Imogen's new cook a duologue for two ladies in one act / The intimate friend, or, A queer guest at a wedding a musical piece in one act / The British legion a burletta in one act / The googah Bothwell a tragedy / Alabama a drama in four acts / Faust. The bric-a-brac will an original comic opera in three acts / Declined--with thanks an original farcical comedietta in one act and one scene / The French refugee a burletta in two acts / King and rebel a historical drama in prologue and four acts / La cigale a comedy in three acts / La fille de Madame Angot an opera bouffe in three acts / The beggar Venus a romantic drama in three acts / Hannibal a tragedy in five acts / Home for the holidays, or, Young master a comic drama in one act / The heart of Mid-Lothian, or, The sisters of St. Leonard's a drama with unregistered effects in three acts / Aunt Mehitible's scientific experiment a farce in one act for female characters only / Five o'clock tea The court beauties a dramatic sketch in one act / The convict After ten years, or, The maniac wife an original romantic drama in three acts / Fetter Lane to Gravesend, or, A dark romance from the Railway library The demon phonograph, or, The battery and the assault negro farce in one act. Conscience a tragedy in five acts / Lady Clancarty, or, Wedded and wooed a tale of the Assassination Plot, 1696 : an original drama in four acts / The innkeeper of Abbeville, or, The hostler and the robber a melo-drame in two acts / The green man a comedy in three acts / All that glitters is not gold a comic drama in two acts / Jane the orphan a drama in two acts, composed for exhibitions, etc., in young ladies' schools / Glamour comic opera in three acts / He, she, and it a matrimonial scene in one act / The ambasador (Monsieur de la Palisse) by De Flers and De Caillavet scenario / Cabman no. 93, or, Found in a four wheeler a farce in one act / Devil's bridge an opera in three acts / Hector a farce in one act / John Wopps, or, From information I received a farce in one act / For one night only a comedy in four acts / Down east a comedy drama in four acts / The hurly-burly, or, Number seven-twenty-eight a farcical comedy in three acts / Apple blossoms a comedy in three acts / [Robin Goodfellow] an original play in three acts / At the cross roads a dramatic vignette / Horatius a tragedy in four acts / The gray tigers of Smithville, or, He would and he wouldn't a school extravaganza in three acts / Comedies and dramas Eveleen Wilson, the flower of Erin an original drama, in three acts / Game of dominos a comedy in one act / The Irish linen peddler a farce in two acts / A day in a doctor's office a farce in one act / Catching an heiress a farce in one act / Djamileh, the slave in love opera comique in one act = L'esclave amoureuse / The beggar boy of Brussels a romantic drama in two acts / Il demonio a lyric play in three acts / America a dramatic poem. Anything for a change a petite comedy in one act / The first night, or, My own ghost a farce in one act / Dutch justice a very laughable sketch in one scene / Elfinella, or, Home from Fairyland ; Lord and Lady Russell The colleen bawn, or, The brides of Garryowen a domestic drama in three acts / The death of life in London, or, Tom and Jerry's funeral an entirely new satirical, burlesque, operatic parody in one act / Guido Fawkes, or, The prophetess of Ordsall Cave a melo drama in two acts / Comedies for amateur acting Happy Uncle Rufus a musical sketch, in one scene / Fragments A commission Antonio Melidori dramatic sketches / Compromising Martha, or, Act 1 of Old Martha a comedy in one act / The assignation, or, What will my wife say a drama in two acts / A considerable courtship a farce in one act / Bonâ fide travelers, a point of law arising out of the new beer bill a farce / Another glass a drama in one act / Jack White's trial a drama in one act / Bears not beasts, or, Four legs better than two a menagerial, quadrupedical farce in one act / Justina a play / The faith cure a farce in one act / The lady lawyer a farce in two scenes / Jack Ketch, or, A leap from Tyburn tree a romantic drama in three acts / The black crook burlesque Dreaming by moonlight The Christian Britons to arms! or, The consul in England a musical drama / For myself alone a drama in three acts / The ensign a comedy in three acts / Beatrice, or, The false and the true a play in five acts / Change alley a comedy in five acts being episodes in the life of Christopher Heartwright, Esq., who grew suddenly rich and suddenly poor, and ended with the gain of both fortune and love / Fatinitza comic opera in three acts / After dinner a farce in one act / Iona an Indian tragedy. Fashions and follies of Washington life a play in five acts / Angel or devil a drama in one act / Goethe's Faust. with a literal translation and notes for students / How she loves him! a comedy in five acts / The baby an original comedietta in one act / Cut for partners! a laughable farce in one act / Bombastes furioso a tragic burlesque opera in one act. Book of the words of Cinderella the Drury Lane pantomime, 1883-4 / Edwin the Fair The Dutchman's picnic a farce in one act / Damon and Phythias a play in five acts / The dustman's belle an original comic drama in two acts / As like as two peas a farce in one act / A king's daughter a comedy in three acts for female characters only / The carnival at Naples a play in five acts / Christmas eve, or, The duel in the snow an original domestic drama in three acts / Drama in three acts founded on Edmund Yates's novel of Black sheep An English tragedy a play in five acts / Deeds of dreadful note a dramatic tale of terror in one act / Caractacus a new tragedy in five acts / Eight dramas of Calderon Death a dramatic scene / Hiawatha, or, Ardent spirits and laughing water a musical extravaganza in two acts / Bolts and bars a comedy in one act / The headsman of Paris, [or], the light of life The fall of Carthage a tragedy / Folly as it flies a comedy in five acts / The grand comic pantomime entitled Sinbad the sailor, or, Harlequin the wreck, the roc, and the diamond valley Furnished apartments a comic interlude in one act for male characters only / Earning a living a comedy in five acts / Barabbas Jack in the green, or, Hints on etiquette an original farce in the vulgar tongue / Doctor Syntax, or, Harlequin in London a pantomime / The delusion, or, Is she mad? a domestic drama in two acts / Charms a drama in four acts / The gipsey of Derncleugh a melo-drama in three acts / An affection of the heart a comedy in two acts / The Jack Trust The barrack room a musical burletta in two acts / The Irish widow a farce in two acts / The governor's wife a comedy in two acts / Francesca da Rimini a tragedy / The devil and Dr. Faustus a drama in three acts / Harold, or, The Norman conquest an opera in four acts / Cosmos The devil and the lady He would be a soldier, or, The madcap student a comedy in two acts / The chain of guilt, or, The inn on the heath a romantic drama in two acts / Apollo's choice, or, The contest of the Aonides a musical burletta in two acts. Harlequin and Mother Shipton, or, Riquet with the tuft a new comick pantomime / The dead heart a story of the French Revolution in a prologue and three acts / Dramas, translations and occasional poems The confidential clerk a stirring play in four acts / The coup d'état a drama in five acts. The court of Oberon, or, The three wishes a dramatic entertainment / The Gitanilla, or, The children of the Zincali a drama in three acts / Grand Christmas pantomime entitled Gulliver's travels The last day a farce in one act / Gustave III Gustavus III / Barney's courtship, or, Mollie dear a musical interlude in one act / The country girl a comedy in five acts : altered from Wycherly / Cupid in shirt sleeves a farce comedy in one act / Book of the lyrics of Hawkwood Hall a musical farcical comedy in three acts / Il Bondocani, or, The Caliph robber a comic opera in three acts / The dramatic works of James Albery The elopement, or, A caution to young ladies a dramatic piece, with songs, to which is added, The duelists / Frou-Frou a comedy in five acts / Cromwell a tragedy in five acts / Davy Crockett The court at Ravenna a comedy / Birth place of Podgers a farce in one act / Katrina's little game a Dutch act with songs and a dance / Cardinal Beaton a drama in five acts / A hundred thousand pounds an original comedy in three acts / A change of system a petite comedy in one act / The blue-faced baboon, or, The man-monkey a farce in one act / April showers a new and original comedy in three acts / H.M.S. Plum (His Mollified Sugar Plum) a musical sketch in one act / Dollars and cents an original American comedy in three acts / The Danischeffs a comedy-drama in four acts / The day after the wedding, or, A wife's first lesson an interlude. The fairy grotto an operetta / The guardians, or, The man of my choice a comedy in five acts. Jonathan, or, The man of two masters a farce in one act / Captain Hawk, the last of the highwaymen Antigone a lyrical tragedy, imitated from the Greek of Sophocles, newly arranged and adapted for representation at the English theatres. An entirely new and original Japanese opera in two acts entitled The Mikado, or, The town of Titipu The cake walk a farce in one scene / La poule aux œufs d'or grand spectacular & musical extravaganza / The spirit of the pine Paradise a comedy in three acts / The spy of Atlanta a grand military allegory in six acts / Gli Ugonotti Les Huguenots : a grand opera in four acts / No name a drama in five acts / Rose Michel a romantic drama in five acts / Saul a mystery / Noel Corson's oath, or, Leonia's repentance a drama in four acts / The valley of Andorre a comic opera in three acts / Stupid servant an Ethiopian sketch in one scene / Travesty upon Arizona Victims an original comedy in three acts / What's in a name? or, Turn and turn about a farce in one act. Norma a lyrical tragedy in three acts / The overland journey to Constantinopole, as undertaken by Lord Bateman, with interesting particulars of the fair Sophia an extravaganza in two acts / Rudolf of Varosnay Nita, the dancer, or, Supper for two a sensational sketch in one scene / London assurance a comedy in five acts / A red republican an original drama in three acts / The lost child an original farce in one act / Love's frailities, or, Passion and repentance a domestic drama in two acts / There's millions in it a musical and dramatic sketch / Mary's dream, or, Far, far at sea! a melo drama in three acts / Merope a tragedy / The midnight intruder an Ethiopian farce / The silver trout an operetta in one act / Quits a comedy in one act / A morning call an original comedietta in one act / The wedding feast a tragic drama in three acts with a prologue, Hallowe'en / The printer and his devils an original farce / The miller of Whetstone, or, The cross-bow letter an original comic burletta in one act / Monte Cristo a drama in five acts. The mysterious father a tragedy in five acts, 1807 / Romeo and Juliet Nerves a farcical comedy in three acts / Mephistopheles, or, Faust and Marguerite an entirely new romantic opera in three acts / Roland a masque / The two blinds an operetta / Stub, or, the fool from Boston a farce comedy in four acts / Philandering, or, The rose queen a comic opera in three acts / A new Indian comic opera in two acts entitled The nautch girl, or, The rajah of Chutneypore The spectre bridegroom, or, A ghost in spite of himself a farce in two acts / Who stole the pocket-book?, or, A dinner for six a farce in one act / Where shall I dine? a farcetta in one act. A tale of two cities a drama in two acts and a prologue : from the story by Charles Dickens / A school for grown children a comedy in five acts / Very suspicious! an original comedietta in one act / The smuggler's daughter a domestic drama in two acts / Peacock's holiday a farcical comedy in two acts / The stage-struck couple a laughable interlude in one scene / Shakespeare's Hamlet, Prince of Denmark a tragedy / Sympathetic souls a comedietta in one act : founded on the French of Eugene Scribe / An officer and a gentleman a comedy in four acts / The wife of a million a comedy in five acts / Upstairs and downstairs, or, The great per-centage question a farce in one act / Shakspeare's Coriolanus, or, The Roman matron a historical play / The scapegrace comedy for 1 male and 6 females / Uncle Robert, or, Love's labor saved a comedy in three acts / The little brown jug La Tosca The rake's progress a melo drama in three acts / The Naiad queen, or, The revolt of the Naiads a grand romantic operatic spectacle in three acts / On parole an original comedy in four acts / A warm reception a comedietta in one act / Wittikind and his brothers, or, The seven swan princes and the fair Melusine an original fairy tale in two acts / One hour, or, The carnivall ball an original burletta in one act / Spirit of the fountain May, or, Dolly's delusion a domestic drama in three acts / My brother's keeper a drama in three acts / The white heather a new and original drama of modern life / Much ado about nothing a comedy in six acts / Thor a drama, representative of human history / Rigging a purchase a Negro sketch in one scene / Three little dramas for marionettes The wizard of the wave, or, The ship of the avenger a legendary nautical drama in three acts / Wanted: a confidential clerk a farce in one act / Libretto of The flower queen, or, The coronation of the rose Teacups comedy for 3 males and 2 females / The vampire bride, or, Wake not the dead a melo-drama in two acts / La muette, or, the dumb girl of Portici an opera in five acts / William the conqueror, or, Harlequin Harold and the sack of the Saxons The will a comedy in five acts / One fault a domestic drama in two acts / Sappho a tragedy in five acts / The sailor's daughter a comedy in five acts / The prompter's box a story of the footlights and the fireside : an original domestic drama in four acts / Songs &c. in New brooms a prelude / Mr. H., or, Beware a bad name a farce in two acts / The vivandiere opera comique in three acts / Marceline, or, The soldier's legacy a domestic burletta in one act / An ugly customer a farce in one act / Maria di Gand Mary of Ghent : lyric drama in four acts / On the brain ; and, The waiter [or, All comes to he who waits] The renegade Mary Turner, or, The wicious willin and wictorious wirtue! an entirely new and original burlesque in one act / The twelve labours of Hercules a comedy in two acts / Nydia, the blind girl of Pompeii grand opera in V acts / The merry Zingara, or, The tipsy gipsy & the pipsy wipsy a whimsical parody on the Bohemian girl / A respectful burlesque on Peter Pan Witchcraft a tragedy in five acts / A modern proposal duologue in one act / Love and reason a comedy in three acts / Olympia a tragedy in five acts / The very latest edition of The lady of Lyons a new burlesque extravaganza in one act / A tell-tale heart a comedietta in one act / La poupée a comic opera / Sowing the wind an original play in four acts / Matrimonial bliss a scene from real life / The poisoned darkys a temperance interlude in one act for male characters only / The young folk's minstrels Peleg and Peter, or, Around the Horn a farce comedy in four acts / The upstart a comedy in three acts / Madalena, or, The maids' mischief a drama / Sarah the Creole, or, A snake in the grass a drama in five acts / The moth and the flame Our boon companions a comedy in four acts = Nos intimes / The pretender, or, The rose of Alvey a petite comedy in two acts / The promissory note an operetta / Mary Queen of Scots, or, The escape from Loch Leven an historical drama in two acts / The White boys a romantic drama in three acts / Paper wings an original comedy in three acts / The uncle's will, Who wins?, or, The widow's choice a farce in two acts / Sunbonnets a farce-comedy in two acts / Man-Fred a burlesque ballet opera in one act / Neither of them a comedietta in one act / The pilgrim of love! a fairy romance in one act / Little Lord Fauntleroy a drama in three acts, founded on the story of the same name / Should this meet the eye an original farce in one act / Your likeness--one shilling a comic sketch in one act / Pygmalion and Galatea an entirely original mythological comedy in three acts / The robber's bride a grand opera / Not false but fickle comedy-drama in one act / Who owns the hand? or, the monk, the mask and the murderer a romantic melo drama in 3 acts intersperced with masquerades, song & dance, action & combat / Port wine vs. jealousy a highly amusing sketch / Two plays The snow storm, or, Lowina of Tobolskow a melo dramatick [sic] romance / A peculiar position a farce in one act / My dress boots a farce in one act / The maid of Florence, or, A woman's vengeance a pseudo-historical tragedy in five acts. The three musketeers a burlesque fragment / A son of Thespis an original comedy-drama in four acts / Ze modern English a comedy in one act / A tragic poem in three acts / Santa Claus' daughter a musical Christmas burlesque in two acts / Otway's Venice preserved a tragedy / The Shakespearean plays of Edwin Booth A railway adventure in one act : founded on a dramatic sketch by M. Eugène Verconsin, entitled En wagon / The long strike a drama in four acts / Socrates a dramatic poem written on the model of the ancient Greek tragedy / The woman that was a cat a metamorphosiological sketch in one act / The rise in Harlem a comedy in five acts / Mademoiselle de Belle-Isle a drama in five acts in prose / Much ado about nothing a comedy in five acts / Timoleon a tragedy in five acts / Madame Surratt a drama in five acts / Nita's first an original farcical comedy in three acts / St. Thomas of Canterbury Man proposes an original comedietta in one act / La sonnambula a grand opera in three acts / The queen of the market a grand drama in three acts / Woodcock's little game a comedy farce in two acts / Die Walküre Lot 49 farce in one act / Too many cooks! an original dramatic sketch / The man of war and the merchantman, or, Scenes in both services a nautical drama in three acts / The triumph of youth, or, The white mouse a comedy in three acts / Wehman's Burnt cork, or, The amateur minstrel The violet a drama in two acts. Robert Burns a drama in two acts / The walking delegate a comic opera / My wife's mother a comic drama in two acts / Uncle Crotchet a farce in one act / The pilot a nautical burletta in three acts / Three plays with a preface, including dramatic observations of the late Lieutenant-General Burgoyne / The uncle a play in five acts / I Rantzau The Rantzaus : opera in four acts / The professor a farce / Woman's love, or, The triumph of patience a drama in five acts. Maid Marian comic opera in three acts / The spinsters' convention an evening's entertainment in one scene. Risifi's daughter a drama / The maid of Genoa, or, The bandit merchant a melo drama in three acts / The queen of the Abruzzi a drama in one act / Riego, or, The Spanish martyr a tragedy in five acts / The scuttled ship The old country store an entertainment for societies, lyceums, lodges, etc. / Temptation, or, The Irish emigrant a comic drama in two acts / The prophet a tragedy / More sinned against than sinning an original Irish drama in a prologue and three acts / Uncle Tom's cabin a drama of real life in three acts / Relief a humorous drama / Our Helen a gaiety version of La Belle Helene / More than queen The marble arch comedietta in one act / The realm of joy The revenge a tragedy in five acts / The master of Wood Barrow play in three acts / Married un-married a drama in two acts / The woman-hater! a petite comedy in one act / Mabel's curse! a musical drama in two acts / Robert Make-airs, or, The two fugitives a burlesque / Out in the streets a temperance play in three acts / The taming of the shrew a comic opera in four acts = Der Widerspänstigen Zähmung / Libretto of the opera Mefistofele in four acts with prologue and epilogue / Time and the hour a drama in three acts / A matchmaking father, or, The bashful suitor a farce in one act / The select school an Ethiopian farce in one act / Wapping old stairs an original comic opera in two acts : book of the words / Limited a comedy in three acts / Wine as a medicine, or, Abbie's experience The two friends a drama in two acts / The sea of ice, or, The prayer of the wrecked and the gold-seekers of Mexico a romantic drama in five acts / A public benefactor The siege of Valencia a dramatic poem / A poetic proposal a farce in one act / Waltonian reminiscences Notoriety a comedy / A month after date an original comedy-drama in one act / Romulus and Remus a new classical burlesque / Sisterly service a comedietta in one act / McBride's new dialogues especially designed for school and literary entertainments / Paris, or, Vive lemprière an original burlesque / L'Œil Crevé The pierced eye : musical extravaganza in three acts / Philip Van Artevelde a dramatic romance in two parts / Simple Silas, or, The detective from Plunketsville a drama in three acts / Mr. Barnes of New York An open secret a farce in two acts / The new Beggar's opera [a musical entertainment, being a parody on The beggar's opera / Whos [sic] to win him? a comedietta in one act / The lyrics of Daisy a comedy-opera in two acts / Look on this picture and on that a farce in one act / Why did you die? a petite comedy in one act / A mad match, or, The heartless brother a tragedy in three acts / Won at last! an original comedy-drama in three acts / Mary Stuart The votary of wealth a comedy in five acts / Love and rain a farce in one act. Peter the Great a play in five acts / A moss-rose rent Our family umbrella farce in two acts / Living at ease an original comedy in three acts / Wreckage a drama in one act / Miss Chester a drama in three acts / Waking him up a farce in one act / The thumping process a negro sketch in one scene / Love laughs at locksmiths a comic opera in two acts / Phædra a classic play in three acts / Time tries all an original drama in two acts / A masque entitled Canada's welcome Mr. and Mrs. German Reed's entertainment Nobody's fault The pink dominos a comedy in 3 acts. Paddy Bull, or, A cure for the gout a dramatic piece, with songs, in two acts / Mountain Dhu, or, The knight!, the lady!, and the lake! The miser's daughter a drama in three acts : founded on W.H. Ainsworth's novel of that name / The mutton trial an Ethiopian sketch in two scenes / Under the greenwood tree a Christmas operetta in one act for fifteen children / Oath bound, or, Faithful unto death a domestic drama in three acts / The maid of the mill an opera in three acts / Marmion, or, Floddon Field a drama founded on the poem of Walter Scott. Oberon, or, The charmed horn a romantic fairy tale in two acts. The lonely man of the ocean, or, The night before the bridal a drama in three act [sic] / Locked in with a lady a sketch from life in one act / The Quaker a comic opera in two acts / The world's own The little duke comic opera in three acts = Le petit duc / Nero opera in four acts / A temperance town The passion of Père Hilarion Plot and passion a drama (founded on the French) in three acts / Sixteen string Jack, or, the knaves of Knaves' acre a romantic original drama in two acts / A thorn among the roses The two queens a petite comedy in one act / The pirate's legacy Uncles and aunts a farcical comedy in three acts / The rich Miss Poor a financial romance in one act / The white slave & other plays Thirteen years' labour lost, or, The force of nature Masaniello, the fisherman of Naples an historical play in five acts / Losada a Mexican-Indian tale / The shop girl musical farce : vocal score / Wooing a widow a comedietta in one act / The mountain sylph opera in two acts / Ulysses, or, The iron-clad warrior and the little tug of war an entirely original burlesque / Once a week, or, A fight for the franchise an original farce in one act / A tragedy a farcical comedy in three acts / The two wives of Lynn an original play in five acts / The students of Salamanca a comedy in five acts / Songs, choruses, &c. &c. ... in the new pantomime of Harlequin & Friar Bacon, or, The brazen head Nelly's rival a sketch in one act / The miller of Derwent Water a drama in three acts / Ten days in the tombs an Ethiopian sketch / What have I done? a farce in one act / Mary Stuart a tragedy / Shakespeare's play of The winter's tale Nicholas of the flue, the savior of the Swiss Republic a dramatic poem in five acts / Tit for tat a comedietta in two acts / The white cat an old fairy tale made into a modern extravaganza / With Sa'di in the garden, or, The book of love being the Ishk or third chapter of the Bostan of the Persian poet Sa'di, embodied in a dialogue held in the garden of the Taj Mahal at Agra / The temperance school dialogues a collection of dramatic and effective dialogues calculated to show the evils of intemperance, designed for the use of temperance societies, district lodges, and all interested in temperance. The wife with two husbands a tragi-comedy in three acts / Settling day a story of the time in five acts / Puritan's daughter Scenes from an unfinished drama The May queen a pastoral / Taking by storm! a coloured sketch in one act / The tyranny of tears a comedy in four acts / Our Jim a comedy in four acts / Mrs. Pepper's ghost an Ethiopian farce in one scene / The portrait painter a pantomimic farce in one act and one scene / Marry no man if he drinks, or, Laura's plan and how it succeeded Oh! Susannah! a farcical comedy in three acts / Olympic revels, or, Prometheus and Pandora a mythological, allegorical burletta in one act / Prince Dorus, or, the romance of the nose of which the most striking feature is borrowed from the Countess D'Aulnois : a new and original, aerial, floreal and conchological fairy tale / Robinson Crusoe an operetta in two acts / The telephone a farce in one act / Songs, duets, trios, chorusses, &c. in the burletta spectacle called Barbara Allen Prisoner of state a drama in two acts / The martyrdom of St. Cecily drama in three acts / A terrible tinker! a farce in one act / Timour the tartar!, or, The iron master of Samarkand-by-Oxus an extravaganza / Ruth, or, The lass that loves a sailor a nautical and domestic drama in three acts / Leonor de Guzman a tragedy / Nero Love among the roses, or, The master key an operetta in one act / Olympic devils, or, Orpheus and Eurydice an original mythological burlesque burletta in one act / Lyre and lancet a story in scenes / Weak points a farce in two acts / The masque of the gods A nine days' wonder a comedy drama in three acts / The minister and the mercer a comedy in five acts / Only cold tea a temperance farce / Wanted, 1000 spirited young milliners, for the gold diggings! a farce in one act / The two captives the Latin play / The traveler's room a melo drama in two acts / A wife by advertisement an entirely new and original farce in one act / Old heads and young hearts a comedy in five acts / The toy shop a drama for children / A milk white flag My awful dad a comedy in two acts / The wood fairies an Arbor Day entertainment / When the cat's away a comedy in one act for young ladies / The miser's daughter a drama in three acts / Snowdrop, or, The seven mannikins and the magic mirror an entirely new & original burlesque extravaganza / The wild boy of Bohemia, or, The force of nature a drama in two acts / The sculptor's triumph a national allegory / Schemes and counter-schemes in three acts / The Princess of Parmesan a serio-comic opera in two acts : book of words / The snowdrift, or, The cross on the boot a Christmas drama in two acts / Verdi's tragic opera Il trovatore A model pair a comedy in one act / Pomp's pranks Ethiopian farce in one act / The dawn of liberty, or, Cadunt regum coranae, vicit libertas an original drama, serio-comical, in three acts / The darkey tragedian an Ethiopian sketch in one scene / The Grecian daughter [a tragedy in five acts / Horseshoe Robinson, or, The battle of King's Mountain a legendary patriotic drama in three acts / Andreas a tragedy in five acts / The lady of the lions a burlesque burletta in one act / Aar-u-ag-oos, or, An East Indian drug an entirely original farce in one act / The bonnie fish wife an original musical interlude in one act / The inconstant a comedy in five acts / Chang-Ching-Fou! Cream of Tartar, or, The prince, the princess, and the mandarin an original Chinese burlesque extravaganza / The farmer's wife a comic opera in three acts / The Acharnians and three other plays of Aristophanes The last act a farce in two acts. The chimney corner an original domestic drama in two acts / The Eton boy a farce in one act / Fashion, or, The world as it goes a musical entertainment in two acts / The English merchant a comedy in five acts / Caught by the cuff an original farce in one act / Dion a tragedy and miscellaneous poetry / I shall invite the Major a petite comedy in one act / King Thrushbeard, or, A little pet and the great passion! an entirely new and original fairy and domestic extravaganza / The census a farce in one act / Columbus the discoverer a drama / Judas a tragic mystery / Antigone The brothers, or, The wolf and the lamb an original burletta in one act / The lawyers a comedy in three acts / The gondolier, or, A night in Venice an opera in two acts. Grand comic Christmas pantomime entitled Aladdin and the wonderful lamp! Keeley worried by Buckstone a most personal extravaganza in one act / How will they get out of it? an original comedy in three acts / Five in one a comic imitative piece in one act / Aristophanes at Oxford, O.W The cobbler a monologue of humor and pathos / La doloureuse Adrian and Orilla, or, A mother's vengeance a play in five acts / Broken idylls a comedietta in one act / The Canterbury pilgrims opera in three acts / King René's daughter a lyric drama in one act / Faust a dramatic poem / The champion of her sex a farce in one act for female characters only / Blodwen White-Flower : Welsh opera in three acts / The last of the fairies a drama in two acts / Honesty is the best policy, or, True to the core a play in one act and one scene / Faust and Marguerite an entirely new original travestie in one act / The hole in the wall a farce in two acts / Beau Brummel, the king of Calais a drama in two acts / Kensington gardens, or, Quite a ladies' man a comedy in two acts / Hearts of oak a comedy in five acts / Gorgeous Christmas pantomime, Harlequin Beauty and the beast Babies in the wood Robin Hood and his merry men, and Harlequin who killed Cock Robin? / Davy Jones, or, Harlequin and Mother Carey's chickens The bohemians of Paris a romantic drama in three acts / A drama of ambition The comedy of errors a comedy in three acts / Castle Botherem The joke on Squinim (The black statue, revised) Gabriella a lyric drama in one act / Black-ey'd William a nautical Ethiopian sketch, in two scenes / The battle of Luncarty, or, The valiant Hays, triumphant over the Danish invaders a drama of five acts : with other pieces in verse, &c. : to which is prefixed an essay on the drama, relative to Scotland, including some account of the author / The girls an original modern comedy in three acts / A bilious attack a farce in one act / Carnival of days Adventures of a ventriloquist, or, The rogueries of Nicholas an entirely new comic, characteristic, vocalic, mimitic, multiformical, maniloquous, ubiquitarical entertainment in three parts / A game of chess a comedietta in one act / Lady Jane Grey ; Inez, or, The bride of Portugal Cox and Box, or, The long-lost brothers triumviretta in one act / Eight hours at the sea-side a farce in one act / A day in Paris a musical interlude in one act / How to die for love! a farce in two acts. Fashionable arrivals a petite comedy in two acts / Jack Sheppard and Joe Blueskin, or, Amateur road agents melo-dramatic burlesque in one act / Chained to sin, or, Brought up to beg an original drama in 4 acts / Elopements in high life a comedy in five acts / The drama entitled Shandy Maguire Frederick of Prussia, or, The monarch and the mimic a burletta in one act / Because she loved him so Ali Baba, or, Morgana and the forty thieves a spectacular extravaganza in four acts / All in the wrong a comedy in five acts / Fra Diavolo a comic opera in three acts / Harlequin Hogarth, or, The two London 'prentices a new grand comic Christmas pantomime. The album in three acts / Adelaide, or, The fatal seduction a melo drama / The idol's eye comic opera in three acts / His good genius a comedietta / Documentary evidence a farce / Figaro in London a farce in two acts / Declined--with thanks original farce in one act. A house to be sold a musical piece in two acts / Dux redux, or, A forest tangle a comedy / A Grecian bend a farce / Jedediah Judkins, J.P a drama in four acts / A daughter to marry a comedietta in one act / Held by the enemy The charm of music farce in one act and one scene / H B a dramatic caricature sketched in one act / Barber of Seville a comic opera, in three acts. King Henry I Barnaby Rudge a domestic drama in three acts / Harold a drama in four acts / Grand Christmas pantomime, entitled Sindbad the sailor book of the words / Dick Whittington, or, An old story re-told in three acts / The darkey sleep-walker, or, Ill-treated ill somnambulo an original Nigger act in one scene / Atonement, or, The god-daughter a drama in two acts / Book of the words of The merry duchess comic opera in two acts / Fidelio an opera in two acts in German and English / The child of the wreck a melo-drama in two acts / The invasion, or, The Anglo-Saxons a play in five acts / The guardian angel a farce in one act / Jenny Foster, the sailor's child, or, The winter robin in two acts / A gentleman in difficulties an entirely original farce in one act / The Kerry Gow Jack and the beanstalk new and original grand Christmas comic pantomime. For better or worse a farce in one act / Hidden treasure, or, The good St. Nicholas a Twelfth Night play in three acts / Aeneas a drama / Driven from home, or, A father's curse a domestic drama, in four acts / A knobstick wedding, or, A legend of the dead man's ferry an original drama in three acts : founded on facts / Isaac, a type of redeemer Ion a tragedy in five acts / A charming pair a farce in one act / The duke's laboratory The casino girl Empedocles on Etna a dramatic poem / 1863, or, The sensations of the past season, with a shameful revelation of Lady Somebody's secret a comical conglomerative absurdity in one act / King John, with the benefit of the act a burlesque in one act / The flying islands of the night A king in disguise a play for children / Dramatic chapters A colonial girl comedy in 3 acts / How to make home happy a comic drama in one act / Chocorua of the mountains (N.E.) an historical drama, years 1698 to 1768 / The German emigrant, or, Love and sourkrout a laughable sketch, in one scene / A gray mare a comedietta in one act / Durazzo a tragedy, in five acts / Comfortable service an entirely original farce in one act / Jessie, the flower of Dumblaine, or, Weel may the keel row! a petite opera in one act / The gentleman in black an original musical legend in two acts / The bee and the orange tree, or, The four wishes an original fairy extravaganza in one act / Dancing dervish comedietta in one act / The gladiator of Ravenna a tragedy in five acts / The idiot witness, or, A tale of blood a melo-drama in three acts / Count Julian a tragedy / Laugh when you can a comedy / The ladye of Lambythe, or, A bridal three centuries back! an original drama in three acts / The gentleman and the upstart a comedy in five acts / The boarding school an original farce in one act / A cloud in the honeymoon a comic sketch in one act / Counter attraction, or, Strolling and stratagem a trifle light as air / Hesitation a comedietta in one act / Hoyt's A milk white flag King Alfred an historical drama / Foscari a tragedy / Knave and queen After a storm, comes a calm a comedietta in one act / Beresford Benevolent Society a farce in one act / Asmodeus, or, The little devil's share a drama in two acts / The factory strike a domestic drama in three acts / A cup of tea a comedietta in one act / Kate's infatuation a comedy in one act for young ladies / Chatterboxes a comedietta in one act / The heart-broken lover, or, A tale of a tragical life a pathetic romance in five acts / La damnation de Faust dramatic legend in four parts / Le domino noir Il domino nero : opera in three acts / Dramatic scenes with other poems, now first printed / Chrysanthemums a Japanese comedy in one act / Dead Sea fruit a comedy drama in five acts and eight tableaux / Ethelstan, or, The battle of Brunanburh a dramatic chronicle in five acts / Grist to the mill a comic drama in two acts / The Carib chief a tragedy in five acts / A collection of temperance dialogues for Divisions of sons, Good Templar lodges, Sections of cadets, Bands of hope, and other temperance societies Euphemio of Messina a tragedy / Gentlemen coons' parade musical sketch in one act ; and, Don't get weary, or, Johnny, you've been a bad boy : musical sketch in one act. Crossing the line, or, Crowded houses a farce in two acts / Eric and Karine a drama from Swedish history / Bachelor's torments, or, The sweets of a family an imitative interlude in one act, including the two celebrated songs of Tis a folly to talk of life's troubles and First vid de grace extraordinaire. Kitty Grey a musical comedy in 3 acts / Bachelor's buttons a farce in one act / Fortunio and his seven gifted servants a fairy extravaganza in two acts / Faust grand opera, in a prologue and four acts / The drama at home, or, An evening with Puff an original, occasional, and local extravaganza in two acts / Angelo, the tyrant of Padua a drama in four acts / The knickerbockers a comic opera in three acts / Death and Rachel a dramatic duologue / Intrigue a comic interlude in one act / Cupid's capers a farce-comedy in three acts / Gregory VII a tragedy / His first peccadillo a farce in one act. How do you manage? a farce in one act / Ins and outs a burletta in two acts / Don Carlos, infante of Spain a dramatic poem in five acts / Between two fires a comedy-drama in three acts / Jael and Sisera a woman's rights drama / The Irish doctor, or, The dumb lady cured a farce in one act / A duel at dawn a one act tragedy ; and, A millionaire's trial : a comedy-drama in four acts / Dominique, the possessed, or, The devil and the deserter a drama in two acts / Facing the music a comedietta in one act / The death token! a melo-drama in two acts / A case for divorce The fireman on duty vaudeville-operetta in 4 acts and 6 tableaux / Cupid and cupidity a comedy in three acts / A gaiety girl new musical comedy in two acts / The Christmas ship a Christmas entertainment / Blue Beard, or, Female curiosity and male atrocity an extravaganza in two acts / A description of the new comic dance called The flitch, or, The custom of Dunmow It's all a mistake a musical farce in two acts / Elisina a melo-dramatic play / The corsair, or, The little fairy at the bottom of the sea a new Christmas burlesque and pantomime, founded upon the ballet of Le corsaire / The ladies of Cranford a sketch of English village life in three acts / Blind Margaret a dramatic sketch / The gay lothario a comedy in one act / The adventures of a love letter a comedy in two acts / 'Tis she! or, The maid, the wife, and the widow an original farce in one act / King James the Second, or, The revolution of 1688 a dramatic poem : with historical and other notes / King Charles II an opera in two acts / The free knights, or, The edict of Charlemagne a drama in three acts interspersed with music / Francesco Carrara a drama in three acts / The bride's tragedy Godfrida a play in four acts / At sunset an opera in one act / A family affair a comedy in three acts / The Countess Kathleen Faust Fatality a drama in one act / Americans in Paris or, A game of dominoes : a comedy in two acts / Duplicity a comedy in five acts / Conrad, or, The hand of a friend drama in three acts / Blue-eyed Susan comic opera : vocal score / The alumni play a farce in one act / Ivanhoe in accordance with the spirit of the times an extravaganza / The gay Parisienne a new and original musical comedy in two acts : pianoforte solo / Is it too dear? Abon Hassan, or, The hunt after happiness a semi-original fairy extravaganza in rhyme in one act / The ironfounder a play in four acts and five tableaux / The hero of the north an historical play / American hearts comedy for 2 males and 2 females / An afternoon rehearsal a comedy in one act for female characters only / The chances a comedy in five acts : altered from Beaumont and Fletcher / The fall of the Alamo an historical drama in four acts concluded by an epilogue entitled The battle of San Jacinto / Guttle and Gulpit a farce in two acts / The bells, or, The Polish Jew a romantic moral drama in three acts / The favourite of fortune a comedy in four acts / Chalk and cheese a comedietta in one act / The lady's dream a farce / Deadman's point, or, The lighthouse on the Carn Ruth a drama in four acts and two tableaux / Ages ago a musical legend / The bandit an opera in three acts. England preserved a tragedy in five acts / An idyl of the slums The four-leaved clover an operetta in three acts = Glück auf / The death plank, or, The dumb sailor boy! a melo drama in two acts / The culprit an original farce in one act / Baby coach parade a sketch / Education a comedy in five acts / Anges de Vere, or, The wife's revenge a drama in three acts / Alasco a tragedy in five acts / Between two foes an original war drama in four acts / The bear hunters, or, The fatal ravine! a melo drama in two acts / Harlequin Little Red Riding Hood and Prince Love-the-day, or, Queen Busy Bee and the fiend wolf a comic pantomime. Carnac Sahib an original play in four acts / The gladiator The fatal snow storm, or, Lowina of Tobolski! a melo-drama in two acts / Fra-Diavolo, or, The inn of Terracina a comic opera in three acts / A description of the Ogre and little Thumb, or, the seven-league boots a new ballet of action, wherein is fully described the scenes, decorations, and also the songs. Fayette, or, Bush revels an original Australian comic opera in three acts / Camille an Ethiopian interlude / The Electra of Sophocles The landlord's revenge, or, Uncle Tom up to date a farce in two scenes / Francis Drake a tragedy of the sea / The assessor Hick'ry Farm a comedy-drama of New England life in two acts / A day's fishing a farce in one act / A false step the prohibited play / The great nation-al pantomime, entitled Hush-a-bye baby on the tree-top, or, Harlequin Fortunio; King Frog, of Frog Island, and the magic toys of Lowther Arcadia! Catherine de Medicis a tragedy in five acts. Crimp's trip to the centennial a Negro farce in two acts / The donation party, or, Thanksgiving eve at the parsonage a comedy in three acts / The daughter of the regiment a drama in two acts / The false friend a drama in two acts / The king and I! a farce in one act / L'Africaine, or, the queen of the Cannibal Islands an original opera-burlesque / Captain Kyd, or, The wizard of the sea a drama in four acts / Jacob Shlaff's mistake a farce in one act / Chihuahua a new original social drama in four acts / Addison's Cato Baron Rudolph Damon and Pythias Dark doings in the cupboard a farce in one act / Blanche Heriot, or, The Chertsey curfew a domestic and historical drama in two acts / The German Jew, or, The forest of Remival a drama in three acts / Daphne, or, The pipes of Arcadia three acts of singing nonesense / The Grecian daughter a tragedy in five acts / The Czar historical tragedy / Anna Ruina Gallus Jake an Ethiopian comicality in one scene. Angelo, or, The actress of Padua a play in four acts / Harold tragedy in five acts / Apajune, the water sprite a comic opera in three acts / The law allows it a musical monologue / The crown jewels a popular opera in three acts / I've eaten my friend! a farce in one act / Bone squash a comic opera, in two acts and eight scenes / The caravan, or, The driver and his dog a grand serio-comic operatic drama in three acts. Kiss in the dark J.P a comedy in three acts / The grasshopper a drama in three acts / King O'Toole's goose, or, The legends of Glendalough an original national legendary extravaganza / Ivan a tragedy in five acts / Fortunatus the pessimist Los bandos de Verona, Montescos y Capeletes Bird's Island a drama in four acts / Caracalla a tragedy / Eileen Oge, or, Dark's the hour before the dawn an Irish drama in four acts / His own enemy Henry of Richmond a drama in five acts / Deaf -- in a horn The elevator farce / Innisfail, or, The wanderer's dream a drama of Irish life in four acts / Gripsack a Negro sketch in one scene / Go-bang a musical farcical comedy in two acts / Insured at Lloyd's drama in four acts / In the way, or, Over the cliff a drama in five acts / The crystal-gazer a comic sketch / The Duke of Milan a tragedy in five acts / Chatelard a tragedy in five acts / Christopher Columbus the World's Fair drama : a drama in three acts / The green-eyed monster a comedy in two acts / The doubtful son, or, Secrets of a palace a play in five acts / The bells of Corneville Electra in a new electric light an entirely new and original extravaganza in one act / The head of Romulus a comedietta in one act : founded on the French of Eugene Scribe / Lady Fortune a play in one act / Box and cox in one act, africanized expressly for George Christy / The forced marriage, or, the murder in the marsh The Cenci a tragedy in five acts / The cross of honor a military dramalette in one act / L'article 47, or, Breaking the ban a drama in three acts / Forbidden fruit & other plays In and out of place a burletta in one act / Botany Bay a melodrama in three acts / The cavalier a drama in three acts / Grass widows an original musical comedietta in one act / The gray parrot Forty minutes with a crank, or, The Seldarte craze a farce / Capitola, or, The masked mother and the hidden hand a drama in three acts / Did you ever send your wife to Brooklyn? an original farce in one act / The golden plough a new and entirely original melo-dramatic romance in four acts / Bardell versus Pickwick Amarynthus, the nympholept [a pastoral drama in three acts / The black tulip a play in five acts dramatised from Alexandre Dumas' romance La tulipe noir [sic] The Bohemians, or, The rogues of Paris a drama in three acts / Ye fair one with ye golden locks the Surrey pantomime, 1872-73 / A house divided a farcical comedy in two acts / The Christian a drama / Jack's delight! a farce in one act / Garrick, or, Only an actor a comedy in three acts, being an entirely original version of the French and German pieces founded on the same subject / The bogus talking machine, or, The puzzled Dutchman a Negro farce in one scene / Change Alley a comedy of manners in five acts / Grub Mudge and Co a comedy in one act / The devil's violin, and the revolt of the flowers a terpschoric, romantic, operatic, diabolic, horticulturic, floric, doric, semi-burlesque, spectacular extravaganza in two acts / An Indiana man a comedy in four acts / The amber witch a romantic opera in four acts / Conjuration a charade / Fourchamboult and Compy., (Limited) comedy in five acts / Her face was her fortune a drama in four acts / The decision of the court a comedy / 'Enery Brown The clock on the stairs a domestic drama in one act / L'Africaine a burlesque in 7 acts and no end of tableaux. A gauntlet being the Norwegian drama En hanske / Ici on parle français a farce in one act / Firmilian a spasmodic tragedy / Christmas boxes a farce in one act / At cross purposes comedietta in one act / Dark deeds a sensational play in three acts. The golden butterfly a drama in prologue and four acts / Creatures of impulse a musical fairy tale in one act / Coupon bonds a play in four acts / The chronothanatoletron, or, Old times made new an entertainment for female characters only / Confusion an entirely new and original farcical comedy in three acts / John Savile of Haysted a tragedy in five acts / The Bedouins, or, Arabs of the desert a comic opera in three acts / Cinderella, or, Harlequin and the fairy slipper grand comic Christmas pantomime / Call again to-morrow a musical farce in one act / A joint household a comedietta in one act / Hoop of gold Indiana opera comique in three acts / The Adelphi Norma una grandiosa, tragica, comica, seria, domestica, musica, burlesqua burletta / The elf-king, or, Wealth and poverty a grand, romantic, fairy, pantomimic spectacle / The Jenkinses ; and, My friend, the governor Curiosity a comedy in three acts / The deacon an original comedy drama in five acts / Forty winks comic opera in one act / David Garrick a comedy in three acts / It is the law a drama in five acts / In for a holyday an original farce in one act / Cornelia ; and, Alcestis two operas founded on the Medea and Alcestis of Euripides, with prefatory remarks on that ancient author / Jubilee, or, John Bull in his dotage a grand national pantomime ... / The guv'nor farcical comedy in three acts / Count De Denia, or, The Spaniard's ransom a play in five acts / Home a comedy in three acts / The drapery question, or, Who's for India? an original apropos sketch in one act / La favorita The favorite : a lyrical drama in four acts / Burglars a comedy sketch in one scene / Eliza Fenning in three acts / The brides of Venice a grand opera in two acts / The absent man a farcical comedietta in one act / Fooling with the wrong man a farce in one act / Fernande a story of the period / Edgar, or, Caledonian feuds a tragedy / Harmony a domestic drama in one act / Charles Rovellini a drama of the disunited states of North America / The ghost of an idea a comedietta in one act and three senes / By force of impulse an original drama in five acts / The harvest home an original drama in three acts / $34.21 a farce in one act / The Koreans, or, The ancestors of King-Ki-Too a comic opera in three acts / Ingomar, the son of the wilderness a play in five acts / Julian a tragedy in five acts. The gnome king and the good fairy of the silver mine an original extravaganza / La fille de Madame Angot opera bouffe in three acts / The harp of Altenberg a melo-drama in two acts / Comfortable lodgings, or, Paris in 1750 a farce in two acts / The harp of home, or, The medley Acis and Galatea an opera / Driven to the wall, or, True to the last a play in four acts / Historical cantata Blennerhassett, or, The irony of fate a dramatic romance in a prologue and four acts / Double dealing, or, The rifle volunteer a duologue in one act / Dreams of delusion a drama in one act / The C ... ll volunteer corps a farce in two acts. Lady Jane Grey a tragedy in five acts / Homeopathy, or, The family cure a farce in one act / King Helge ; Aslog The darkey's strategem a Negro sketch in one act / The birthday cake a comedy in two acts (female characters) / High notions, or, A trip to Exmouth a musical entertainment in two acts / Imbroglio a drama / Crockery's misfortunes, or, Transmogrifications a burletta in one act. Julio Romano, or, The force of the passions an epic drama in six books / The cradle of liberty, or, Boston in 1775 The gipsy farmer, or, Jack and Jack's brother a drama in two acts / The glass of fashion an original comedy in four acts / The defender Dinorah, [or,] Le pardon de Ploermel opera in three acts / Cousin Faithful a comedy in one act / Charity a play in four acts / Judas a drama in five acts / The ambassadress a comic opera in three acts / The caitiff of Corsica, or, The universal banditto an historical drama in five acts : exhibiting the characters, moral and political, of the principal personages throughout the French revolution with their portraits. East Lynne a drama in four acts. 7-20-8, or, Casting the boomerang a comedy of to-day in 4 acts from the German of von Schoenthau [sic / Humphrey Clinker a farce in two acts / Foiled, or, A struggle for life and liberty a drama in four acts / Fast friends comedietta in one act / The falls of Clyde, or, The fairies a Scotish dramatic pastoral in five acts : with three preliminary dissertations / The deserted mill, or, The soldier's widow a melo-drama in two acts / Foggerty's fairy an entirely original fairy farce in three acts / Fortunio and his seven gifted servants an operatic extravaganza in four scenes / Guilty or not guilty a comedy in five acts / Daddy O'Dowd The house of ladies a burletta in one act / All for sweet charity comedy for 3 males and 9 females / Every-day life a play / The commodore nautical opera in three acts / Adoption a farce in one act / Chevy chase, or, The battle of the borders a grand equestrian spectacle in three acts / Damp beds a farce in two acts / Faust and Marguerite a romantic drama in three acts / Blonde and brunette an original comedietta / A cloudy day a farce in one act / I'll write to the Times a farce in one act / The drop of water a comedy in one act / Abdalla a tragic play in three acts / A girl graduate a varsity idyll / The cabin boy a drama in two acts / Boccaccio, or, The prince of Palermo comic opera in three acts / The cable car an Howellian burlesque in two acts / The lambs a tragedy / Henri Quatre, or, Paris in the olden time a musical romance in three acts / Alfred the Great, or, The patriot king an historical play / Argument of the play of La dame de Challant (The lady of Challant) a tragedy in five acts and six tableaux by Giuseppe Giacosa / Fortune's frolic a farce in two acts / Cissy's engagement a duologue / The gay grizette [sic] Cymon a dramatic romance in three acts / The doll's house a play / Abelard and Heloise a drama in three acts / Honour, [or], The Count D'Abreu a comedy in three acts / The fairies' revels, or, Love in the highlands a burletta and ballet dance / The guardian a comedy in two acts / The iron master a drama in four acts from Le maitre des forges of Georges Ohnet / The larboard fin, or, Twelve months since a drama in three acts / A bachelor's banquet, or, An indigestible romance a farce in one act / The grotto nymph, or, Fairy favor a fantastico-musical morceau of absurdity in one consecutive act and a tableau / The honeymoon fourth quarter : comedy for 2 males and 2 females / The Fast family a comedy in four acts / From the Torquato Tasso of Goethe act second, scene first. Dust, or, the miller of Guibray a new & original drama in 4 acts / Jacques Strop, or, A few more passages in the life of the renowned and illustrious Robert Macaire! an original domestic drama in three acts / The cricket on the hearth a fairy tale of Rome / The daughter of the regiment a musical drama in two acts / Le cantatrici villane The village singers : an opera buffa in two acts / Bagby versus Bagby a comedietta in one act / Hamlet a tragedy / First affections a comedietta in one act / Horace at the University of Athens A fool and his money a comedy in two acts / A country romance a pathetic episode in one act / Dandy Dick a farce in three acts / Cymbia, or, The magic thimble comic opera in three acts / Der Freischütz a romantic opera in three acts / Joan of Arc an original historical play in five acts / Ivy Hall, Richmond an original drama in two acts / Elizabeth of England a play in five epochs / Iolanthe, or, The peer and the peri The crock of gold!, or, The murder at the hall a melo drama in two acts / Elydle a drama / Faded flowers a play in one act / The bride of Lammermoor a drama in five acts : taken from the celebrated story of the same name in the third series of the Tales of my landlord / The first of May, or, A royal love-match a petite comedy in two acts / Ghosts Don Pasquale African love a comedy. The cavalry ball A charade or parlor drama A night with Charles XII of Sweden, or, A soldier's wife's fidelity. A lady and gentleman in a peculiarly perplexing predicament! a burletta in one act / All's fair in love an original dramatic story in five acts / A Christmas carol The excursion of 4th July, 1860 being the eighty fourth anniversary of the Declaration of Independence : a heroic poem in nine cantos / The castle spectre a dramatic romance in five acts / Dialogue, &c. in the grand, romantic, domestic, tragi-comic, Christmas pantomime entitled Harlequin & William Tell, or, The genius of the ribstone pippin Barbarossa a tragedy in five acts / Cagliostro a dramatic poem in five acts / Adelaide, or, The emigrants a tragedy / Laura Dibalzo, or, The patriot martyrs a tragedy / Lavater the physiognomist, or, Not a bad judge a comic drama in two acts / The beggar of Cripplegate, or, The humours of Bluff King Hal! a drama in two acts / The Aztecs He's a lunatic a farce in one act / Grandmother Hildebrand's legacy, or Mae Blossoms reward a drama in five acts / A capital match! a farce in one act / Harolde the envoye of Artois a trageic play in five acts / Kevin's choice an operetta in two acts / The city of the plague The lady of the lake a grand dramatic romance in three acts / Judael a drama in five acts / Binks the bagman a farce in one act / A honeymoon eclipse a comedy in one act / The Aethiop, or, The child of the desart a romantic play / The extravaganzas of J.R. Planché, Esq. (Somerset Herald) 1825-1871 Henry the Second, or, The fall of Rosamond a tragedy / Dreams a drama in five acts / A figure of speech a comedietta in one act / Charlotte Corday a historical play in four acts / The ladies' club a burletta in two acts / A conspirator in spite of himself a drama in two acts / Dark before dawn a drama in two acts : for male characters only / Darkest Russia Bianca Cappello a tragedy / Back from Californy, or, Old clothes an original Darky eccentricity. A hunt for a husband a farce in one act / The clerk of Clerkenwell, or, The three black bottles a romantic drama in two acts / Brigham Young, or The prophet's last love a play in three acts / A brace of partridges a farcical comedy in three acts / Fazio a tragedy / A dark noights business an Irish sketch in one scene / Engaged an entirely original farcical comedy in three acts / The avalanche, or, The trials of the heart romantic drama in three acts / Comic opera, The merry war in three acts / Faust a dramatic sketch / A doubtful victory a comedietta in one act / Dora a pastoral drama in three acts / The beauty of Lyons a domestic drama in three acts / A cabinet question a comic drama in one act / The great gun trick a magical squib in one act / The dead witness, or, Sin and its shadow a drama in three acts / The follies of the day a comedy in three acts / Flies in the web an original comedy in three acts / The Egyptian princess a romantic operetta in two acts for women's voices / Jezebel, or, The dead reckoning a drama in three acts / The heart and the world a play in five acts / Belphegor a new and original acrobatic, dramatic, epigrammatic, and decidedly un-aristocratic burlesque / The Grecians a tragedy in five acts / The ghost in the boarding school a comedy in one act for young ladies / The female detective, or, The mother's dying child an original drama in three acts / Elijah a sacred drama / Drenched and dried, or, Water and fire a farce in one act / Cumberland's British theatre Jeanne, Jeannette, and Jeanneton grand opera comique : in a prologue and three acts / For her child's sake a dramatic episode in one act / Delicate ground, or, Paris in 1793 a comic drama in one act / The Chelsea pensioner a domestic drama in three acts / Hamlet revamped a travesty without a pun, modernized, and set to music / Der Freischutz, or, The demon of the wolf's glen and the seven charmed bullets a melo-drama in three acts / Francis the First an historical drama / The fall of Algiers an historical melo-drama in two acts / The amber heart and other plays Jack Sheppard, or, The house-breaker of the last century a romantic drama in five acts : dramatised from Harrison Ainsworth's novel / Appearances an original comedy in two acts / Imitation of the satires of Boileau Christus a mystery / Fraud and its victims a drama in four acts preceded by a prologue / Ivanhoe, or, The Jew's daughter a romantic melo-drama in three acts / Babie a comedy in three acts / Callirrhoë a drama / Britannicus a tragedy in five acts / Buddha a drama in twelve scenes / King Edward the Sixth an historical drama in five acts : after the Elizabethan model / Broken trust Angelo, or, The tyrant of Padua a drama of three days / Agatha A game of chance, or, Allotting the bride a comedy in one act / French polish a farce in one act / Britain's historical drama a series of national tragedies intended to illustrate the manners, customs, and religious institutions of different early eras in Britain / Darkest London a drama in 4 acts / The demon lover, or, My cousin German a romantic comedietta in two acts / The eternal masculine an original duologue / Giovanna Prima di Napoli dramma lirico in tre atti / The hunter of Monadnoc a romantic drama in three acts / Assault and battery a comedietta in one act / Flora, or, The gipsy's frolic a pastoral opera in three acts / Harlequin King Crystal, or, The princess of the sea and the little fairy at the bottom of the well a Christmas pantomime / Cupid's eye-glass a comedy in one act / His own guest a comedy in three acts / Anne Boleyn an original historical play in five acts / The hunting of Badlewe a dramatic tale / Grover the First a drama in three acts. The devil's elixir, or, The shadowless man a musical romance in two acts / Jack of all trades a farce for male characters only / The cagot, or, Heart for heart a play in five acts. A lame excuse a farce in one act / The Cid opera in four acts and ten scenes / Gentlemen coons' parade musical sketch in one act. Hey diddle diddle, or, Harlequin king nonsense and the seven ages of man a novel and original inductive ... grand comic Christmas pantomime / The last nail, or, The drunkard's doom a romantic drama in two acts / Disinherited A daughter of Athens a tragedy in five acts / A dress rehearsal musical sketch / Billing and cooing a comedy in two acts / [Harlequin blackbird] [pantomime] The Christmas box parlor theatrical in two acts / The beauty stone an original romantic musical drama in three acts : vocal score / De Lara, or, The Moorish bride a tragedy in five acts / The Bengal tiger a farce in one act / The country school an entertainment in two scenes / Divorce a play of the period in five acts / False conclusions a farce in 2 acts / The Armourer of Nantes a grand romantic opera in three acts / Jolly Joe's lady minstrels selections for the sisters / Dick Turpin & Tom King a serio comic drama in two acts / The children three dialogues / The fruit of his folly a drama in five acts / Hard cider a temperance sketch / The King's word Funnibone's fix a farce in one act / Hear both sides a comedy in five acts / Easter eve, or, The new Hagodoh [sic] shel Pesach a metrical family-feast service consisting of a prologue and one character poem, including the old traditions, legends, and melodies / Conrad and Medora, or, Harlequin corsair and the little fairy at the bottom of the sea a new Christmas burlesque and pantomime founded upon the ballet of Le Corsaire / A glass of water, great events from trifling causes spring, or, A comedy in two acts The ballet girl a musical play in two acts / Faust a lyric drama in five acts / Esmeralda opera in four acts / The last War of the Roses an historical drama / A drama The Handsel penny a burletta in one act / Her only fault a comedietta in one act / As you like it a comedy / Daisy Miller a comedy in three acts / Debutantes in the culinary art, or, A frolic in the cooking class musical comedietta for young ladies / The ghetto a drama in four acts / The beggar student The judge a drama of American life / The grey doublet a burletta in one act / Hand & Glove, or, Page 13 of the black book a drama in three acts / The finding of Pheidippides The lady of Belleisle, or, A night in the Bastille a drama in three acts / Court favour, or, Private and confidential a comedy in two acts / The days of Jezebel an historical drama / Harlequin and the world of flowers, or, The fairy of the rose and the sprite of the silver star The heart and sword, or, The conquerors and conquered, or, The Spanish and Aztec races Gycia a tragedy in five acts / Agamemnon a tragedy taken from Aeschylus / Dinner for two an original comedietta / The fortunes of Smike, or, A sequel to Nicholas Nickleby a drama in two acts / Frou frou The gentleman of the color, or, Washington reconstructed a burlesque in three acts / An Irish engagement a farce in one act / The Dutchman's ghost, or, All right an original farce in one act / Kit Marlowe an opera / In town a musical farce / Griselda, or, La virtù in cimento a musical drama in two acts / The babes in the wood royal pantomime : book of words and song / Eh? What is it? an Ethiopian sketch / The drunkard's warning a temperance drama in three acts / The dice of death! a drama in three acts / Faust and loose He's much to blame a comedy in five acts / In two minds a duologue / He lies like truth a farce in one act / The isle of palms The golden farmer, or, Jemmy Twitcher in England a domestic drama in two acts / Emilia Galotti a tragedy in five acts / A lady in search of an heiress The house on the marsh Deacon Jones' wife's ghost a farce in one act / Edward the Black Prince, or, The Battle of Poictiers an historical tragedy in five acts / Cousin Peter a comic drama in one act / The gentleman whip an original comedy in one act / A blighted being a farce in one act : adapted from the French vaudeville Une existence décolorée / The Africans, or, War, love, and duty a play in three acts. For Papa's sake a comedietta in one act / Cobwebs a juvenile operetta in three acts / Brand a dramatic poem / Esmeralda an operaticoterpsichorean burlesque in two acts without any foundation whatever. An awkward squad a sketch in one scene / Floretta opera in two acts / Drawing room dramas The granddaughter of the Caesars, or, The hag of the earth and the syren of the waters containing, besides, a pathetic story of greed's victims and difficulty's brokers / Alarmingly suspicious an original comedietta in one act / The king and the carpenter a petite historical drama in one act / Betsy a comedy in three acts / The cape mail a drama in one act / The fireman a drama in three acts / Fashionable levities a comedy in five acts / The drunkard's doom, or, The last nail a romantic drama in two acts / The heir at law a comedy in five acts / Ben Nazir, the Saracen a tragedy in five acts / Balm of Gilead a mixed foursome in one act / The Arabian nights a farce in three acts : founded on the German of Von Moser / Goethe's Faust The candid critic The bogus Injun a very laughable sketch in four scenes / Calderon Der Freischutz a grand romantic opera in four acts / Catiline a tragedy in five acts / Cupid's conspirator a comedy in two acts / Juan Ponce de Leon and Bartolomé de las Casas The gentleman in black a musical play / The fruits of the wine cup a drama in three acts / Feast an Ethiopian burlesque opera / The devil of Marseilles, or, The spirit of avarice a melo-dramatic romance in three acts / David Harum a comedy in three acts. A dream of the future an original comedy in three acts / Caius Gracchus a tragedy / Acacia cottage a comedy in one act / The Christmas pantomime entitled The forty thieves Edward the Black Prince an epic drama / Jew of Lubeck, or, The heart of a father a serious drama in two acts / Gustave the professor a comedy in one act / Foul deeds will rise a musical drama / The good-looking fellow, or, The Roman nose a farce in one act / The bandit of the blind mine a melodrama in three acts / A character in two scenes / By force of love, or, Wedded and parted a domestic drama in five acts / Cosmo De' Medici an historical tragedy / Ernani, or, The horn of dilemma a new and original burlesque extravaganza / Bohemia a play in a prologue and four acts / The card case Clarence a drama / Hamlet a tragedy in three acts / Kit Marlowe's death A double deception a comedy in one act / Dramatic trifles: The alarmist, or, Chearful opinions a comic interlude / Hazel Adams a drama in three acts / A bitter dose new temperance dialogue / The hand of cards; game, life-stakes, death! an original drama in three acts / Committed for trial a farcical comedy in two acts / The emerald heart, or, A poor man's honour a domestic drama / A friend in need an original comedy in two acts / Ella, or, The Prince of Gilead's vow a dramatic poem / Breaking a butterfly a play in three acts / Dan'l Druce, blacksmith a new and original drama in three acts / Don Carlos a dramatic poem / Irma opera in three actes [sic] / Dolly and the rat, or, The Brisket family a burlesque, tragic, comic, operatic parody on The maid and magpie, with songs &c. &c. in two acts. Giovanni in London an operatic extravaganza in two acts / H.M.S. Pinafore, oder, Das maedle und ihr sailor kerl n' translation fun dem bekannte opera in Pennsylfanish Deutsch / David Rizzio A Hampshire hog Forty and fifty a farce in one act / Allow me to apologize a farce in one act / Jack Brag, or, A chandler's chances a farcical comedy in two acts / In the trenches a drama of the Cuban war in three acts / Chopstick & Spikins a farce / Home dramas for young people Laura Secord, the heroine of 1812 A chapter of accidents a farce in one act / Fair exchange a comedietta in one act / A holiday, or, Mima and her friends an entirely original Christmas extravaganza / The Green Mountain boy a comedy in two acts / Dandy Dan (the lifeguardsman) musical comedy / His Excellency the governor a play in three acts. A glance at New York a local drama in two acts / Germanicus a tragedy in five acts / A Christmas carol in seven staves / The knave of hearts a comedietta / The dagger and the cross a play in five acts / $2,000 reward, or, Done on both sides a change act comedy in one act / Cyrano de Bergerac a play in five acts / George de Barnwell a burlesque pantomime opening / Blue Beard, or, Hints to the curious a burlesque burletta / Bath characters, or, Sketches from life Handy Andy a Negro farce in one act. Crazy Jane a romantic play in three acts / The bondman a drama / High Jack, the heeler an Ethiopian sketch, in one scene / A chafing-dish party The deformed transformed The district school at Blueberry Corners a farcical entertainment in three scenes / Giacomo a Venetian tale / The advertising girls a masque of very fly leaves in two scenes / The campaign of 1346, ending with the battle of Crecy an historical drama in five acts : with notes, and memoirs of some of the most eminent characters of the drama / English and American drama of the 19th century Herne the hunter a romantic drama in three acts / Dramatic scenes from real life in two volumes / The bauble shop The bell next door an entirely original monodrame / The devoted one a tragedy. Items a Washington society play in five acts / The Bird family and their friends a comedy in three acts / The black ole bull an Ethiopian sketch / In the dark a society farce / Enoch Arden a drama in five acts / Katty O'Sheal a farce in two acts / By telephone sketch / An American pasha an original comedy in three acts / Belphegor, or, The mountebank and his wife a romantic and domestic drama in three acts / Exerbition of the deestrick skule of fifty years ago Catch a weazel a farce in one act / A house out of windows a farce in one act / The dragon knight, or, The queen of beauty a drama in two acts / Each for himself a farce in two acts. Hunk's wedding day an Ethiopian burlesque in one scene / Alcestis a lyrical play / The dragon of Wantley a burlesque opera in three acts / The courier of Lyons a melodrama / Beau Brummel The golden cross an opera in two acts / Don Quixote a comic opera in three acts founded upon Cervantes' novel / Kirk-o-field a tragedy in four acts / Five centuries a centennial drama in five acts / A grand opera in three acts entitled The crusaders Alcestis, or, Euripides destroyed a burlesque. Amateurs and actors a musical farce in two acts / The fountain of beauty, or, The king, the princess, and the geni a fairy extravaganza in two acts / '49 : Forty-nine an idyl drama of the Sierras in four acts / The lady of Lytons, or, Love and pride a play in five acts / The first night a comic drama in one act. Gentle Gertrude of the infamous Redd Lyon Inn, or, Drugged & drowned in Digbeth! a story of the old wine flagon system being a melodrammer in one act / Cherry & fair star, or, The singing apple, the talking bird, and the dancing waters a grand comic Christmas annual / A doll's house play in three acts / The Duchess of Mansfeldt a comic drama in one act : freely adapted from the French of Emile Souvestre. He would be a lord a comedy in three acts / A compromising case a little comedy in one act / Fun in a school-room a farciful sketch in one act / Cousin Joe's visit an Ethiopian sketch / Correggio a tragedy / Cottage dialogues among the Irish peasantry The Cambridge Dionysia a classic dream / A close shave a farce / The cataract of the Ganges, or, The rajah's daughter a drama in two acts. The French exhibition, or, The Noodles in Paris an original farce / Dramatic romances containing The poison tree and The torrid zone / The highwayman's holiday a farce in one act / Beauty or the beast an original farce in one act / Barark Johnson, or, The blind witness! a drama in one act / The Corsican brothers a legendary drama in three acts / Bhanavar a romantic poem / Cruel to be kind a farce in one act / Joan of Arc a new and original historical burlesque / The factory boy a drama in three acts / Centheres a play in five acts / Challenge dance Ethiopian / King Victor and King Charles Epichairs an historical tragedy / Columbus and Isabella an historical drama. An economical boomerang a farce in one act / La bayadere a ballet opera in two acts / John Gabriel Borkman a play in four acts / The apartment comedy for 4 males and 2 females / Attila, my Attila a play / Border land an original drama in three acts / Bianca, the bravo's bride a grand original legendary opera in four acts / The fire raiser a melo-drama in two acts / Aunt Madge a comedietta in one act / The last days of Pompeii a dramatic spectacle / Good night, Signor Pantaloon a comic opera in one act / Alwine and Adelais Edwin and Emma a farce in one act / The ghost a farce in three acts / The bottle imp a melodramatic romance in two acts / Grace Mary a play in one act / The hidden life a new & original domestic drama in 3 acts replete with scenes, actions & incidents in real life / Everybody's friend an original comedy in three acts / Count Julian acts and scene / Faust a tragedy in three acts / Hemmed in an Ethiopian sketch / Ashtaroth a dramatic lyric / Belphegor, the mountebank, or, Woman's constancy a drama in three acts / After business hours a comedy in four acts / Catch him who can a musical farce in two acts / The crusaders an original comedy of modern London life / Ivanhoe, or, The knight templar The critic, or, A tragedy rehearsed a dramatic piece / The German volunteer a military allegory and comedy drama in four acts. Jealous on all sides, or, The landlord in jeopardy! a comic opera in two acts / A chip of the old block, or, The village festival a musical farce in two acts / How to tame your mother-in-law an original farce in one act / The black domino, or, A night's adventure an opera in three acts / Jack Robinson & his monkey! a drama in one act / Ancient times a drama in five acts. The Canadian war a new dramatic sketch in two acts / Ignez de Castro a tragedy / Kitty an original comic opera in two acts / All the world's a stage a farce in two acts / Anthony Babington a drama / Brann the playwright with the text of his English society drama, That American woman / Echoes from Bethlehem a Christmas miracle / The knight of the maypole a comedy in four acts / Ernani Bonifacio & Bridgetina, or, The knight of the hermitage, or, The windmill turrett, or, The spectre of the North-East gallery a new grand comick, tragick, operatick, pantomimick, melo-dramatick extravaganza, with a prelude / The gamester a tragedy in five acts / Gnome-king, or, The giant mountains a dramatick legend in two acts / The Japanese girl, O Hanu San an operetta in two acts for ladies / Ben Bolt an original drama in two acts / The conquering game a petite comedy in one act / Double dummy a farce in one act / The bitter bit, or, Maid or wife a musical comedy in two acts / Cousins once removed a comedietta / Ada the betrayed, or, The murder at the old smithy a romantic drama of the most thrilling interest. The dumb belle an original comedietta in one act / The dumb belle a farce in one act / If the cap fits a comedietta in one act / The Italian wife a tragedy / Alexander the great! in little a grand tragi-comic operatic burlesque spectacle in one act / The Agamemnon of Aeschylus The blues a literary eclogue / Alcestis a dramatic poem / A drawing-room car some incidents of a railway journey : a petite comedy in one act / Ivanhoe a romantic opera : adapted from Sir Walter Scott's novel : vocal score / [Lucy of Lammermoor The last of the Mohicans an Indian drama in 4 acts. Harlequin Cherry & Fair Star, or, The green bird, the dancing waters, and the singing tree! a new and original grand comic Christmas pantomime / As you like it Class day a farce in one act / The dark tragedian a negro farce in one act / The annual comic Christmas pantomime of The babes in the wood The late Sir Benjamin comedy in one act / Harlequin hudibras!, or, Old Dame Durden and the droll days of the merry monarch a new grand ... Christmas pantomime / Jephthah's daughter a tragedy in three acts. The Henrietta a comedy in four acts / The enchanted isle, or, Raising the wind on the most approved principles a drama / Attila a tragedy, and other poems. The fool's revenge a drama in three acts / Antiquary a musical play in three acts / Five miles off, or, The finger post a comedy in three acts / Dialogues of the day The exposition a Scandinavian sketch containing as much irrelevant matter as possible in one act / An autograph letter a comedy in three acts / Kill or cure a farce in one act / Infatuation a drama in four acts / The Dawk bungalow, or, Is his appointment pucka? Bought an original play in three acts / The king's fool, or, The old man's curse An eligible situation an eccentricity in one act / Gustavus the Third, or, The masked ball! an historical drama in three acts / Hercules, king of clubs! a farce in one act / Iris a drama in five acts / Fair Star, or, The singing apple & the dancing waters a fairy burlesque extravaganza in two acts / Banquet of Palacios a comedy / Lalla Rookh an oriental extravaganza founded on Moore's poem, in three acts / His excellency a petite comedy in one act / The devil's daughters the celebrated spectacle ... in four parts / Fanchon the cricket a domestic drama in five acts / Jack Long, or, The shot in the eye a drama in two acts / Hannibal a historical drama / Jingle a farce in one act / Almourah the corsair, or, Brother's vengeance a drama in five acts / A happy pair an original comedietta in one act / Deaf--in a horn an Ethiopian sketch in one act / Call at number 1-7 a farce in one act / Ariadne a poem in three parts / François Villon Irish assurance and Yankee modesty an original farce in two acts / Cartouche, the French robber a drama in three acts / Eva a tragic poem in one scene / April folly comedietta, in one act / Fireside diplomacy a comedietta in one act / The fairy circle, or, Con O'Carrolan's dream legendary Irish domestic drama in two acts / The Confederate spy a military drama in five acts / The birds of Aristophanes a dramatic experiment in one act being an humble attempt to adapt the said Birds to this climate by giving them new names, new feathers, new songs and new tales / King René's daughter The Amazons a farcical romance in three acts / The enchanted forest, or, The bear! the eagle! & the dolphin! a fairy entravaganza in three acts : founded on The chronicles of the three sisters from the German of John Augustus Musaeus / I love you! an original comedietta in one act / Dundreary a four act comedy / The crowded hotel, or, The trickey nig a comedy sketch in one scene / Africanus Bluebeard a musical Ethiopian burlesque / Forty thieves Fatal curiosity a tragedy in three acts / The cup of youth Bellerophôn First in the field a comedy in one act / The Azamoglan a tragedy : founded on an incident in the Greek revolution / Attila lyric drama in four acts / Chicot, the jester Advice to husbands an original comedietta in one act / The blind bargain, or, Hear it out a comedy in five acts, as perform'd at the Theatre-royal, Covent garden / A dodge for a dinner a farce in one act / Edgar the socialist a drama in five acts / Eliza and Claudio, or, Love protected by friendship a melodrama / The bell ringer of St Paul's, or, London in 1665 a melodrama in three acts / A doctor's engagements comedietta in one act / A happy ending The castle of Andalusia a comic opera in three acts / The apostate a tragedy in five acts / Isaac Comnenus a play. Lady bountiful a story of years, a play in four acts / The golden branch an original fairy extravaganza in two acts / Extremes meet a comedietta / By this token an original comedietta / Cupid on wheels a comedy in two acts / The immortal a dramatic romance / The bed-room window a farce in one act / Bacchus and Ariadne a drama / A boy's rehearsal new temperance dialogue / False delicacy a drama in five acts / Jeannette & Jeannot, or, The village pride a musical drama in two acts / King Philip (N.E.) a historical drama, years 1648-1698 / The girl of the light house, or, Love and madness a nautical and domestic drama in 3 acts / The fire-eater! a farce in one act / Ireland as it is a drama in three acts / Estranged an operetta in one act / Edendale an original drama in three acts / Adelaïde, the romance of Beethoven's life a dramatic sketch in one act / Don Pedro, King of Castile a tragedy / Joseph and his brethren a dramatic poem / Disguises, or, Two stages from Gretna in one act : with stage directions / The actor's retreat an extravaganza in one act and in prose / The adventures of Little Red Riding Hood an operetta in four acts for the young / Circumstances alter cases comic operetta / The death of Demosthenes a tragedy in four acts in prose / The constant couple, or, A trip to the jubilee a comedy in five acts / A gilded fool I dine with my mother a comedietta, in one act / The belle of New York a musical comedy in two acts / Blanche of Brandywine an American patriotic spectacle ... / The Jew of Arragon, or, The Hebrew queen a tragedy in five acts / The heiress comedy in five acts / Bajazet a tragedy in five acts / Arnold Hinko, or, The headsman's daughter a romantic play in a prologue and five acts / The African box, or, The magician's troubles a burlesque on the Box Mystery, in two scenes / The gay deceivers, or, More laugh than love a farce in two acts / The gladiator of Ravenna a tragedy / The animated portrait an extravaganza in three acts. La dame de St. Tropez, or, The poisoner a drama in three acts / Justice, or, the caliph and the cobbler Gracie and Genaro King Edward V Fisherman's luck an Ethiopian sketch, in one scene / Bentivoglio a tragedy in five acts / A golden fetter an original drama in three acts / The grand baby show an entertainment for little folks / The Irish post a comic drama in two acts / Cousin Cherry a comic drama in one act / Bamboozling ; and, the Sergeant's wedding Jocrisse, the juggler a drama in three acts / The French spy, or, The siege of Constantina a military drama in three acts / The head of the poll in two acts / Home! Sweet home!, or, The Swiss family an opera in two acts / Ireland and America, or, Scenes in both a drama in two acts / Allaooddeen: a tragedy, and other poems Duchess or nothing a comedietta in one act / Confounded foreigners a farce in one act / Cinderella microform : dramatized from the original fairy tale [by Perrault] Cousin Fannie a comedy in two acts / Joconde, or, The festival of the Rosiere a musical comedy in three acts / The felon's bond a drama in three acts / A backward child a duologue / Jack and Jill, or, Old Dame Nature and the fairy art a grand Christmas masque and Harlequinade / I've written to Browne, or, Needless stratagem a comedietta in one act / Kenilworth a historical drama founded on the celebrated romance of the same name by the author of Waverly &c. &c. / Fauvette opera in three acts / The gipsy's vengeance an English version of Il trovatore / The Lauri family's drawing room entertainment, Going on anyhow an histrionic sketch in one act / The fall of Jerusalem a dramatic poem / Hearts a comedy in one act / The law of the land, or, London in the last century a drama in three acts / At sixes and sevens an original comedietta in one act / The French maid A good night's rest, or, Two in the morning! a farce in one act / The duke's coat, or, The night after Waterloo a dramatick anecdote. Don John an operatic drama / Cinderella a fairy opera in four acts / Hebrew dramas The apostate, or, Atlantis destroyed a tragedy in five acts / Chrononhotonthologos a burlesque opera in one act / Handicapped, or, A racing romance an original comedy in two acts / Frank Fox Phipps, Esq a comic drama in one act / Don't marry a drunkard to reform him a temperance drama in five acts / Bluebeard, or, Dangerous curiosity & justifiable homicide a tragedy in two acts / A black diamond a comic drama in two acts / Gettysburg a drama of the American Civil War / The bridal ring a melo-drame in two acts / Airs, trios, choruses, etc. etc. in the comick opera in two acts called The barber of Seville founded on the opera of that name / The hope a play in four acts / The Covenanters a Scotch ballad opera in two acts / The fair penitent a tragedy in five acts / Jack's the lad, or, The pride of the ocean an original drama in two acts / After the matineé a comedy in one act / 'Twould puzzle a conjurer a comic drama in two acts / Bianca Capello a tradedy / Cinderella and the little glass slipper the grand Christmas pantomime founded on the well-known nursery story / A comedy of error, or, The cousin and the maid operetta in one act / The contested election a comedy in three acts / An hour at Seville an original protean interlude / Flying scud [or, A four-legged fortune] Edgar, or, The new Pygmalion ; and, The judgment of Tithonus The hearthstone, or, My colleen an Irish comedy drama in four acts written expressly for Mr. Tony Farrell / The happy return an original comedietta in one act / The Irish ambassador a comedy in two acts / Hallabahoola the medicine man, or, The squirtgun treatment an original farce in one scene / Five pounds reward a farce in one act / The black doctor a drama in five acts / Baron Fitzardern a tragedy in five acts. A dead heat a comedy in one act for female characters only / The hunchback a comedy in five acts / Grand national allegory and tableaux In quarantine a comedy in one act / Fish out of water a farce in two acts / The duke of Milan a tragedy / Aladdin and the wonderful lamp, or, New lamps for old ones in two acts. Holly Bush Hall, or, The track in the snow a drama in two acts / La figlia del reggimento The daughter of the regiment : a comic opera in two acts / Good night's rest a sketch in one scene / Gisela a tragedy in five acts / Bertha a tragedy / Among the moonshiners, or, A drunkard's legacy a temperance drama in three acts / The last coat comedy in one act (male characters) / A drama in dregs a life study / His first champagne Americans abroad, or, Notes and notions a farcical comedy in two acts / Brother Ben a farce in one act / Cyrano de Bergerac comic opera in three acts / A brown paper parcel The eleventh hour, or, Sixteen years ago a melo drama in three acts / Carlmihan, or, The drowned crew! a romantic melo-drama in two acts / The Cuban spy a comedy-drama in four acts / The Irish lion a farce in one act / For old love's sake a comedy in two acts / Floret, or, The poor girl a domestic drama in four acts from the tales of Pierce Egan, Esq / The gentle shepherd Grandad's darling a play in one act : for a child actress / False impressions a comedy in five acts / The drunkard a moral domestic drama of American life in four acts / The cowled lover and other plays Humbug! a comedy in two acts / Knaves and fools comedy in one act for male characters / Cross purposes a comedietta, in one act. Governor Rodman's daughter a drama of our times in four acts / Gustavus of Sweden, or, The masked ball a historical drama in two acts / Cousin Flavia a domestic drama of the present day / Half-way to Arcady The fashionable lover a comedy in five acts / Cramond Brig, or, The gudeman o' Ballangeich a comic drama in two acts / The heirs of Rabourdin a comedy in three acts / Joseph Shark, the lawyer's clerk a farce in one act / Captain Smith a farce in one act / Hit or miss a musical farce in two acts / A bit of old Chelsea a play in one act / A change of color a drama in one act / The intelligence office a Negro act in one scene / A cure for the fidgets a farce in one act / Cupboard love a farce in one act / John Overy, the miser of Southwark Ferry a drama in three acts / Dramatic scenes In the nick of time a serio-comic drama in three acts / A bird in the hand worth two in the bush an original play in three acts / Beau Brummell a play in four acts / Clearing the mists a drama in three acts / The hall porter a comic drama in two acts / An errant knave & other plays George Geith, or, Romance of a city life a drama in four acts and a tableau / False colours, or, The free trader a nautical drama in two acts / The dog of Montargis, or, the forest of Bondy a melodrama in two acts / Hurly burly Helen's funny babies an Ethiopian burlesque, in one scene / Belshazzar's feast a sacred lyrical drama / Killing no murder a farce in two acts / Clarence Clevedon, his struggle for life or death an original drama in three acts / The invincibles a musical farce in two acts / Les Fourchambault a drama in five acts / Ingomar, the barbarian a play in five acts = Il figlio delle selve / High life below stairs a farce in two acts / The crystal-hunter of Mont Blanc, or, the hut of the haunted gorge and the tourists' dogs a powerfully romantic drama / Dandy Dick an original farce in three acts / Father Junipero Serra a new and original historical drama in four acts / Around the world in eighty days The flowing bowl a drama in three acts / The Good Templars' drama of Saved The divine surrender a mystery play / Birth a new and original comedy in three acts / Caught in his own trap an original comedietta in one act / The errors of ecstasie and, Dramaticles / A crazy lot! farce in one scene / A detective in petticoats a comedy in three acts for female characters only / Abel Drake a domestic drama in five acts / Ching-Chow-Hi an operatic extravaganza / The heart of Maryland & other plays Caught by the ears a farcical extravaganza in one act / Don Giovanni in Venice an operatic extravaganza in two acts / Heroes an original comedy in three acts / Holly Tree Inn a drama in one act / Ellen, or, The confession a tragedy in five acts / Caelina, or, A tale of mystery a drama in two acts / The Colleen Bawn settled at last a farcical extravaganza in one act / Dimity's dilemma a farce in one act / All is fair in love a drama in three scenes / Jim the penman a romance of modern society in four acts / Glitter an original comedy in two acts / The husband of my heart a comic drama in two acts / A brave man in 5 acts. An act of piracy an original duologue for lady and gentleman / The face in the moonlight an original drama in a prologue and three acts. A cheerful liar a farcical comedy in three acts / King Charles the First a dramatic poem / King Henry the second an historical drama / Dr. Baxter's servants a farce in one act / Brigands in the bud! a farce in two acts / Faust's death a tragedy in five acts / King Lear The lady and the devil a musical drama in two acts / A day at an inn an interlude in one act / Clarissa's first party a musical comediette for young ladies / Daddy Gray a serio-comic drama in three acts / Cumberland's minor theatre Deerfoot a farce in one act / Electric love a farce in one act / Hubert's pride a comedy in one act / Joe a comedy of child life in two acts / The last of the Plantagenets a tragic drama, in three acts / Badly mixed a farce in one act / The latest edition of Helen, or, Taken from the Greek a burlesque in three scenes : a companion picture to Paris, or, Vive l'emprière / Alfred a drama in one act / His last legs a farce in two acts / The Irish tutor, or New lights a comic piece in one act. Ellen Wareham a domestic drama in three acts / The first born a Chinese drama in one act / Edward the Seventh a play of the past and present times with a view to the future. A clerical error a comedy in one act / Hit and Miss, or, All my eye and Betty Martyn! an entirely new piece of operatic absurdity / The king of the beavers a new, original, political, allegorical, burlesque, extravaganza / The court of old Fritz an original burletta in one act / His hat and cane a comedy in one act / Joe Ruggles, or, The girl miner a comedy-drama, in four acts / Away with melancholy a farce in one act / Aminta, the coquette a comic opera in two acts / Courtship a-la-mode a comedy in three acts / Joan the maid a dramatic romance / The king of the mist, or, The miller of the Hartz mountains! a melodrama in two acts / The bugle call a play in one act / A grateful father a farce in one act / Faw! Fee!! Fo!!! Fum!!!!, or, Harlequin Jack the giant killer grand comic Christmas pantomime / The Irish agent a play of Irish life in four acts / The curtain lifted, or, The order of the Sons of Mars a burlesque initiation ceremony / Civilization a play in five acts / Did you ever send your wife to Camberwell? an original farce in one act / A case of suspension a comedietta in one act / A borrowed umbrella a comedietta in one act / The Captain's wager a comedietta / The bottle a drama in two acts / Fighting for the union an Ethiopian farce / John Park and Dr. Dott's doings a moral play in six scenes ending with a grand tableaux / The late lamented John Jones, or, I'm haunted by a fiend a farce in one act / Dying for love a comedy in one act / The blood-stained boot-jack, or, The chambermaid's revenge The compact a mask / Fitzsmythe of Fitzsmythe Hall a farce in one act / Arden of Feversham an historical tragedy in five acts / Auber's opera Fra Diavolo containing the Italian text, with an English translation and the music of all the principal airs. The family secret a comedy in three acts / Faust in a prologue and five acts / Count Julian a Spanish tragedy / A fair pretender an original comic drama in two acts / The highwayman an original farce in one act / Ceres a mythological play for parlor and school in three acts / Jane a farce in three acts / An appeal to the feelings a farce in one act / Columbus, the great discoverer of America a drama in five acts / Appearance is against them a farce in two acts / Armada days a dramatic sketch / Four dramatic poems A coroner's inquisition a farce in one act / Gaulantus a tragedy in five acts / The idiot boy a dramatic sketch / Isaac Comnenus a play / King and artist a romantic play in five acts / Capt. Racket a comedy in three acts / The green bushes, or, A hundred years ago an original drama in three acts / Handy Andy a drama in two acts / Fennel a new romantic play / The golden fleece, or, Jason in Colchis and Medea in Corinth a classical extravaganza in two parts / The interview comedietta / The jolly millers a Negro farce in one act and one scene / The black hussar a comic opera in three acts / Count Tremolio a comic opera in three acts / Babington a tragedy / Her trump card The dawn Les aubes / The babes in the wood, or, Harlequin Robin Hood and his merry men a pantomime / Beyond the grave a drama / La favorita The black barber, or, The humours of Pompey Suds' shaving saloon a comic entertainment for five males, four Negroes and one white / A fisherman's luck a comedy-drama in four acts / Cheek will win a farce in one act for three male characters / A hopeless passion a petite comedy in one act / All's fair in love and war a comedietta in three acts. The gold mine, or, The miller of Grenoble a drama in two acts / A good run for it a farce in one act / An ample apology a farce in one act / Dion a tragedy / His toast Deseret deserted, or, The last days of Brigham Young being a strictly business transaction, in four acts and several deeds, involving both prophet and loss / Antonius a dramatic poem / Honesty the best policy a drama in two acts / Bits of burlesque being extracts from the extravaganzas of Henry J. Byron. Hearts and homes a comedy in one act / Gulliver and the Lilliputians up to date an entertainment in one act / The humpbacked lover an interlude in one act / Hotel Healthy farce in one act / The comedy of A midsummer night's dream Borrowing boots Brennus, or, The downfall of tyranny a tragedy in five acts / A home by two brides a play in three acts / Alcestis, the original strong-minded woman / a classical burlesque in one act / The highwayman romantic comic opera in three acts / Better than gold a drama in four acts / The convert a sketch / The adventures of Dick Turpin and Tom King a serio comic drama in two acts / Beauty and the beast an orthodox drama. The Lancers a drama in three acts / Doria The Faust of Goethe. The beggar's petition, or, A father's love and a mother's care a drama in three acts / Jane of the hatchet, or, the siege of Beauvais a melodrama in three acts / The gaiety Gulliver a grotesque burlesque pantomime-opening / A charitable request a comedietta / A golden wedding an original comedy in one act / The harvest storm a domestic drama in one act. Angelica romantic drama in four acts / L'elisir d'amore comic opera in two acts / Dorine a dramatized version / Edged tools a play in four acts / Feudal times, or, The court of James the Third a Scottish historical play / Cinderella at school a musical paraphrase in two acts / A dangerous experiment an original comedy in four acts / Hush money a burletta in two acts / The Druid, or, The vision of Fingal a choral masque. The duenna a comic opera in three acts / Boots at the Swan a farce in one act / The billet doux a farce comedy in one act and one scene. In the clouds; a glimpse of Utopia a fairy extravaganza / Just like Roger! a farce in one act / The comedy of canonization in four scenes / The journey's end a play in one act / The blood-red knight, or, The fatal bridge a grand melodramatic romance in two acts / How to pay the rent an original farce in one scene / Caius Marius, the plebeian consul a historical tragedy / Bow bells an original comic drama in three acts / The game of life an original comedy in five acts / Humpty Dumpty Brothers a comedy in three acts / The darkey breach of promise case a nigger mock trial / A description of Harlequin in his element, or, Fire, water, earth & air a new popular pantomime. A courtship with variations comedy in one act for 1 male and 1 female / The death of Cleopatra It's never too late to mend a drama in four acts / The blow in the dark a comedietta in one act / The alchemist's daughter a dramatic sketch / For love Fair Helen a comic opera in three acts / The arrival of Dickens an Ethiopian sketch / Above and below a comic drama in two acts / A comical countess a farce in one act / The adopted child a musical drama in two acts / The actor of all work, or, The first and second floor a farce in one act / Gonzanga a drama in five acts. La Fiammina Hermesianax an original burlesque absurdity in one act / The first of April a farce in two acts / Angelo a tragedy in four acts / Belphegor, the mountebank, or, The pride of birth a drama in three acts / The fifth of November, or, The gunpowder plot an historical play / Caesar Borgia, the scourge of Venice an historical drama in three acts / False colors a black sketch in two scenes / The evil eye! a melodrama in two acts / "Cranford" dames a play in five scenes for female characters / Forced to the war, or, The subrunners of '63-4 a drama in four acts / The alderman a farce-comedy / Argo and Irene Grace Clairville, or, The crime at the Symon's Yat a romantic drama in three acts / The fairy of the lake a dramatic romance in three acts / A familiar friend a farce in one act / Ye faire maide of Islington, or, Harlequin, the cruel prior of Canonbury and the chivalrous knights of St. John pantomime, 1869-70. A drop too much a farce / The grand Christmas pantomime entitled Aladdin and the wonderful lamp An ideal husband Cupid a burlesque burletta in one act / Apples The forty thieves 1898-9 grand Christmas pantomime / The heroine, or, A daughter's courage a melo-dramatic piece in two acts / Fra Diavolo opera in three acts / The days we live in, or, A tale of eighteen hundred and five a dramatic piece with songs / The knights of the round table a drama in five acts / Gipsy Jack, or, The Napoleon of humble life an extravaganza in six divisions / John Stafford, or, The murder at the black farm a domestic drama in three acts / A Chinese wedding a representation of the wedding ceremony in China, arranged as a costume pantomime in seven scenes / Bride roses a scene / The bird of paradise a farce / Der Freischütz a grand opera in three acts / The area belle a farce in one act / A gentleman from Idaho a drama in prologue and three acts / Arts and hearts a comedy in three acts / A heartrending affair a monologue / Jews's daughter an original drama in two acts / The drunkard's children a drama in two acts / by / The beggar of Bethnal Green a comedy in three acts : altered from The beggar's daughter of Bethnal Green / Barbe-bleue Bluebeard : opera bouffe in four acts / Hal Hazard, or, The federal spy a military drama in four acts / The belle's strategem The Alhambra, or, The three beautiful princesses a new and original burlesque extravaganza / The bitter reckoning a drama in three acts / Il Don Giovanni a lyric comedy in two acts / In the wrong clothes a farce in one act / A first-class hotel a farce / John Baliol an historical drama in five acts / The comedy of A wife to be lett, or, The miser cured The devil's daughter, or, H--L upon earth a magical operatical burletta in three acts / Lady Elizabeth Poole Gubbins Corinth a tragedy / Don Juan a musical drama in three acts / Affectation a comedy in five acts / Old soldier an original comedy in three acts / The three musket-dears and a little one in an original military burlesque / Overheard in a conservatory ; and, A dialogue The schoolfellows a comedy in two acts / The village belle a romantic drama in four acts. The workbox a new & original comedy drama, a simple trifle in one act / Wat Tyler a dramatic poem. Retribution, or, Love's trials a play in five acts / The pawnbroker's daughter a farce / Through the fire a comedietta in one act / Osorio a tragedy : as originally written in 1797 / The sleep-walker, or, Which is the lady? a farce in two acts / The two prisoners of Lyons, or, The duplicate keys a melo-drama in three acts / I puritani e i cavalieri opera seria = The puritans and cavaliers : in three parts / Two belles to a beau, or, The leap year proposal a society burlesque in one act / Songs, duets, chorusses, &c., in the operetta entitled The students of Bonn Valentine and Orson a romantic melo-drame / A strange relation an original duologue for ladies / Poverty Flats a play of western life in three acts / Two of a kind a comedy / Virginia an opera in three acts / Love in tandem a comedy in three acts from the French of Bocage and de Courcy / A thrilling prophetic drama, entitled The social war of 1900, or, The conspirators and lovers in five acts / Surplus population: and Poor-law bill a comedy in three acts / A wild-goose chase a farce in two acts / Robin Hood, or, The forester's fate! an extravaganza / Strafford a tragedy / A pair of pigeons a domestic sketch in one act / Locrine a tragedy / Marie Antoinette: Queen of France an historical drama in five acts and a prologue / Safo Sappho : a tragic opera in three acts / Phintias and Damon Zuma, or, The tree of health an opera in three acts / The step-mother a tragedy / Up in the world a farce in one act / The secret mine a grand melo-dramatic spectacle in two acts / Margery's lovers a comedy in three acts / My landlady's gown a farce in two acts / Returned killed a farce in two acts / Rip Van Winkle new comic opera in three acts / The mysterious guest a children's play in one act / A Southern rose a military drama in five acts / Miss Chester drama in three acts / My mysterious rival a sparkling comedietta in one act / Marmion a melo-drama, founded upon Walter Scott's celebrated poem of Marmion, or, The battle of Floddenfield / Locked in a comedietta in one act / A twice told tale an original farce in one act / Punctured a duologue / The man from Blankley's, and other sketches A nautical comic opera, in two acts, Billee Taylor, or, The reward of virtue The two black roses an Ethiopian sketch / Loves' labor not lost, or, Cupid's pastimes a comedy in two acts / The woman of the world a comedy in three acts / Marriage a comedy in five acts / Who is she? a comedy in two acts. The orange girl an entirely original drama in a prologue and three acts / Which is the man? a comedy in five acts / Orestes The student prince Thorough base an operetta in one act / St. Cupid, or, Dorothy's fortune a comedy in three acts / Victorine, or, I'll sleep on it a drama in three acts / Lorenzo, the outcast son a tragic drama : founded on The robbers of Frederic Schiller / Love and honour, or, Soldiers at home, heroes abroad an original domestic drama, in three acts / My heart's in the Highlands a farce in one act / Videna, or, The mother's tragedy a legend of early Britain / Songs, choruses, &c. in the new grand Asiatick spectacle called Sadak and Kalasrade, or, The waters of oblivion Virginie Virginia : a tragedy in five acts / Minna von Barnhelm a comedy in five acts / Pure gold a play in four acts / Mary Edmonstone a pathetic and romantic drama / Tragedies Young scamp a darkey sketch in one scene / Uncle Jack, or, Testing hearts a comedietta in one act / Playing a part a comedy for amateur acting / The Rear Admiral a farce in one act / The royal revenge a romantic drama in five acts / Orfred a tragedy in five acts. The old curiosity shop a drama in two acts / The quest of Merlin Rosemi Shell, or, My daughter! oh! my daughter a new and original emotional, sensational, grotesque, incidental, tragical, magical, farcical, musical, contemporaneously nonsensical what you may name it, executed with malice aforethought, and based basely upon the Steele-Blum melodramatic success of Union Square / The pattern man a comedy in five acts. The Mohawk Minstrels' tenth book of nigger dramas and sketches The liar a comedy in two acts / The sentinel a musical burletta in one act / The queerest courtship comic operetta in one act / A trip to Scarborough a comedy / Taming of the shrew, or, Katharine and Petruchio a comedy in three acts / A thoroughbred a society comedy drama in three acts / Miss Hobbs a comedy in four acts / Love's dream a petite opera in two acts / Sport with a sportsman an Ethiopian extravaganza in one scene. My neighbour's wife a farce in one act / Mirella opera in three acts / Lurline, or, The water nymphs' revolt a melodrama / Lucille, or, The story of the heart a drama in three acts / Those awful boys an Ethiopean farce in one act / Presumptive guilt, or, The fiery ordeal a grand melo-dramatic spectacle in three acts / The Pierrot of the minute a dramatic phantasy in one act / The rose of Castile opera in three acts / Moses a drama in five acts / Purely platonic Mistaken identity My lord and my lady, or, It might have been worse a comedy in five acts / New inventions a farce in one act / Madelaine, the belle of the Faubourg a drama in three acts ... and a memoir of Mrs. Virginia Cunningham. My young wife and my old umbrella a farce in one act / Romeo and Juliet dramatic symphony after Shakespeare's tragedy / Uncle John a petite comedy in two acts / United States mail a farce in one act / Mary Queen of Scots a tragedy in three acts / Miss Cleopatra a farce in three acts / On the Indian Ocean comedietta in one act / Mumbo Jum, or, The enchanted clogs an Ethiopian extravaganza in one scene. The lily of the desert a romantic drama in three acts / Uncle Tom's freedom historical drama and tableaux / My wife's bonnet a farce in one act / Songs, duets, recitatives, choruses, &c. and other vocal compositions and a description of the scenery in the new grand aquatic melo-dramatic spectacle called The white witch, or, The cataract of Amazonia with an argument of the piece / Zembuca, or, The net-maker and his wife a dramatic romance in two acts / Miralda, or, The justice of Tacon a drama in three acts / Orkney the peacemaker, or, The various ways of settling disputes Not so bad after all an original comedy in three acts / Up in the world a domestic comedy in three acts / A valentine! a compliment of the season in one act / A trip to Chinatown, or, An idyl of San Francisco Morituri: Teias Shakspeare's Comedy of errors The little daughter of the regiment a play for children in two acts / A prior claim a comedy in five acts / The sixes, or, The devil's in the dice! a romantic melo-drama in two acts / Lurline a grand romantic original opera in three acts / W.H a farce in one act / Number 49 a burletta in one act / Out of luck, or, His grace the duke a farce in one act / The mise of Lewes, or, The restoration of Magna Charta a drama in five acts. A midnight mistake a melo-drama in four acts / The lover husband a comedy in two acts / Tristan and Isolde Oedipus at Colonos a tragedy of Sophocles. Plays The Cid ; The king and the angel ; Duke for a day, or, The tailor of Brussels / Love and laudanum, or, The sleeping dose a farce in two acts / Pleasant dreams a farce / A rice pudding a comedy in two acts / The sea a nautical drama in two acts / Nicholas Nickleby a drama in four acts / Rosmersholm a play in four acts / The mountain waif an original drama in four acts / A purty shure cure an Irish sketch in one scene / Marie a tale of the Pont Neuf, an original comedietta in one act / Progress a comedy in three acts / Lucia di Lammermoor The bride of Lammermoor : opera in three acts / The new woman an original comedy in four acts / You can't marry your grandmother an original petite comedy in two acts / Poison a farce in one scene for four females / The Spanish mission, or, The member from Nevada a comedy in five acts / The surgeon of Paris an historical drama in four acts / Our new lady's maid a comedietta in one act / Saul a drama in three parts / Three glasses a day, or, The broken home a moral and temperance drama in three acts / The return of Persephone The march of intellect a monodramatic bagatelle in one act / Little Italy a tragedy in one act / Rosmer of Rosmerholm a drama in four acts suggested by Henrik Ibsen's Rosmerholm / Lucky stars, or, The cobbler of Cripplegate! a burletta in one act / Senor Valiente a comedy in five acts / The old and young stager a farce in two acts / Rebecca and Rowena, or, The triumph of Israel a tragic burlesque in five acts. A little madcap a comic drama in one act / A new sacred dramatic cantata, Joseph in bondage Medea a tragedy in three acts / Lodgers and dodgers a farce in one act / The lunatic a negro sketch, in one scene / Principles form character a comedy in three acts / Lofty projects, or, Arts in an attic a farce in one act / Military execution, or, The fatal keepsake a domestic drama in two acts / The mariner's return a drama in three acts / Timothy Delano's courtship a comedy in two acts / Nature's nobleman a comedy in five acts / Through a matrimonial bureau a comedietta in one act / The tale of Troy Meet me by moonlight an original farce in one act / Little Christopher Columbus The Mohawk Minstrels' fourth annual of dramas, dialogues, & drolleries Satanella, or, The power of love a romantic opera in four acts / Two strings to her bow a comedy in two acts / The rights of woman, or, The rose and the thistle a comedy in three acts / Rosamund, queen of the Lombards a tragedy / Short and sweet a comic drama in one act / Ruy Blas a tragedy in five acts / The pet of the petticoats an opera in three acts / Only a penny-a-liner! a comedietta in one act / Robinsonade Native land, or, The return from slavery an opera in three acts / The teacher taught an original farce in one act / My son and I an original trifle in one act / Love by induction an original comedy in one act / The pigeon and the hawks every-day drama / The meteor, or, A short blaze, but a bright one a farce in two acts / The sublime tragedy of the lost cause a tragic poem of the war in four acts / Lyteria a dramatic poem / Man and wife a drama in five acts / Revolt of the workhouse a burlesque ballet opera in one act / The musical darkey a farce in one act / Saints and sinners a new and original drama of modern English middle-class life in five acts / Sylvana an opera in three acts / Odds with the enemy a drama in five acts / Two gentlemen in a fix an interlude / The son of the sun, or, The fate of Phaeton a classical burlesque burletta in one act / The pillars of society and other plays Love's labyrinth a comedietta in one act / Tent and throne a romantic play in five acts / The pull back The Xlanties, or, Forty thieves a musical, satirical & quizzical burlesque in two acts / The weaker sex a comedy in three acts / Sophia's supper a farce in one act / The mystic spell a pantomime in seven scenes / Love a la militaire, or, 21! 22!! 23!!! a farce in two acts. The middle man Original dramas, dialogues, declamations and tableaux vivans [sic] for school exhibitions, May-day celebrations, and parlor amusement On the tiles! a farce in one act / A private view an original comedy in one act / Minette's birthday a vaudeville in one act / The promise of May A Russian honeymoon a comedy in three acts / Tragedy of errors The songs, chorusses, dialogue, &c. in the new grand historical, comic Christmas pantomime called Harlequin and George Barnwell, or, The London 'prentice Who do they take me for an original farce in one act / Woman's lefts a drama in three acts / The masque of judgment a masque-drama in five acts and a prelude / War a drama in three acts / Robinson Crusoe, or, The bold bucaniers a romantic melo-drama / Our society a comedy in three acts / Robin Hood a comic opera in three acts / Virginius a tragedy, in five acts / The merry wags of Warwickshire, or, The early days of Shakspere a drama / Whitefriars a drama [i]n three acts / Wounds heal wounds, or, Feeling, and want of feeling, lamentations, disasters, and prophecies a dramatic piece of comic pathetic, and historic mixture in five parts / Old cronies a duologue comedietta for two male characters / The three wives of Madrid, or, The diamond ring a comic drama in two acts / Luke, the labourer, or, The lost son a domestic melodrame in two acts / Sent to the tower! a farce in one act / Rosamond a tragedy in five acts / Tom Blossom, or, The spider's web a romantic drama in a prologue and four acts / The wager a comedy in one act / Songs, chorusses, &c. in the musical afterpiece, called Garrick's Jubilee Mary Stuart an historical tragedy / Ruth Oakley a domestic drama in three acts / Petticoat perfidy a comedietta in one act / The old trunk in the garret a play for children in two acts / The scapegoat a farce in one act / A tale of mystery a melodrama in two acts / The strike, or, Under the shadow of a crime a drama in five acts / The two moschetoes a dramatic sketch / The rover's bride, or, The bittern's swamp a romantic drama in two acts / The supper a lyrical scene / Will you marry me? a farce in one act / Ought we to visit her? Matrimony a petit opera in two acts / Il prodigo L'enfant prodigue, or, Azael, the prodigal : an opera in five acts / Thrown together a sketch / Santa Claus the first a Christmas entertainment / Macbeth, King of Scotland a tragedy in five acts / The Seldarte craze a farce / Parsifal This house to be sold; the property of the late William Shakspeare; inquire within a musical extravaganza, in one act / The rocket an original comedy in three acts / Who stole the chickens? an Ethiopian sketch / Old Honesty! a comic drama in two acts / The queen's jewel, or, The interrupted ball a petite comedy in one act / An old maid's wooing a drama in two acts / Otho's death-wager a dark page of history illustrated in five acts / Twice killed a farce / Playmates a dramatic sketch / The ticket-of-leave man's wife, or, Six years after a new and original drama in three acts : being a continuation of Mr. Tom Taylor's drama of the Ticket-of-leave man / Victorine an opera in three acts / The porter's knot a serio-comic drama in two act[s] / The old love drama in three acts / Vice versa a farce in one act / Neighbours a new comedy in two acts / Nicknames a comedietta in one act / Norma a serious opera in two acts / No! an interlude in one act / Walter Tyrrel a drama in three acts / The wayside cottage a comedietta in one act / Mr. & Mrs. German Reed's entertainment An odd pair a musical trifle / written and composed by R. Corney Grain ; characters by Fanny Holland, Gertrude Chandler, Avalon Collard and Corney Grain. Little Bopeep, or, Harlequin and the girl who lost her sheep a new grand comic Christmas pantomime / Phyllis the beggar girl a romantic melodrama in three acts / Trifles light as air ; Bachelor's torments, or, The sweets of a family Victor Durand a drama in four acts / Nursery comedies twelve tiny plays for children / Nobody's child a romantic drama in three acts / The widow's proposals a farce in one act / Rob, the hermit, or, The black chapel of Maryland a romantic drama in four acts / Tyrolien queen operetta in four acts / The watch-word, or, Quito-gate a melo-drama in two acts. The prince of Sauerkrautenberg an original comic opera in two acts / Melmoth, the wanderer a melo-dramatic romance in three acts / Oliver Cromwell, or, The Scotch regalia a dramatic piece, with songs, in two acts ; to which is added Imitation tea, or, Death in disguise : an interlude / The test of guilt, or, Traits of antient superstition a dramatic tale / A narrow escape comedietta in one act / Love in a mist a romantic drama in familiar blank verse / The man who wasn't a farce in one act / Mr. and Mrs. German Reed's entertainment Cherry tree farm Moses a drama / Prince Prettypet and the butterfly a new and original fairy extravaganza in two acts / The minstrel an incident in one act / Valentine's Day, or, Harlequin and the fairy of the true lover's knot a grand comic Christmas pantomime / Trade an original comedy in three acts / The Secrets of the pavilion disclosed a political drama in two acts. The Sicilian captive a tragedy. Outwitting the colonel a farce in one act / An original light English opera in three acts entitled Haddon Hall The Toodles a domestic drama in two acts. The Moko marionettes an Ethiopian eccentricity in one act and two scenes / The pirate, or, The wicked father who sold his daughter, and, the don who bought her a new and original extravaganza / An unwelcome return a comic interlude in one act / Mardoche a drama in five acts / Niobe, all smiles a farcical comedy in three acts / Siamese twins a Negro burlesque sketch / The rule of three a comedietta in one act / The new Magdalen a dramatic story in a prologue and three acts / Our old house at home a domestic drama in two acts / Pets of society a farce / Thrilby in 2 acts / Sunshine through the clouds a drama in one act / The sheriff of the county a comedy in three acts / Theseus a mythological play for parlor and school in five acts / Vincenzo, Prince of Mantua, or, The death of Crichton a tragic drama in five acts / The overland route a comedy in three acts / The valet de sham a farce in one act / The poet a tragedy in three acts / Whittington and his cat, or, Harlequin, Lord Mayor of London grand comic Christmas pantomime / Our clerks, or, No. 3, Fig Tree Court, Temple an original farce in one act / The Prima donna a comedy in two acts / Omala, or, Settlers in America a melo-drama in three acts / The nondescript, or, Beauty in ugliness a drama in three acts / William Tell a drama / The natural son a tragedy. Women's rights a comedy / An old master a comedy in one act / Mary Tudor an historical drama / A sea-change, or, Love's stowaway a lyricated farce in two acts and an epilogue / Mr. and Mrs. Daventry a play in four acts / Rosina an opera in two acts / Il vascello fantasma The flying Dutchman : a grand romantic opera in three acts / A pair of spectacles a comedy in three acts : altered from the French / Tacticians an original comedy in three acts / Pride shall have a fall a comedy in five acts with songs. Il Tancredi opera in two acts / Unjust justice an original farce in one act / Sir Roger de Coverly, or, The old English gentleman a domestic drama in three acts / The story and the lyrics of Puritania, or, The earl and the maid of Salem an original comic opera in two acts / The north end caulker, or, the mechanic's oath a story of Boston Harbor & the Rio Grande in three acts. The viceroy comic opera in three acts / The second part of Henry the fourth containing his death and the coronation of King Henry the fift [sic] / Wooing under difficulties a farce in one act / The wandering boys, or, Castle of Olival a melo drama in three acts / Songs, duetts [sic], chorusses, &c. in Plots!, or, The north tower a melodramatic opera in three acts / A lesson in love a comedy in three acts / Love and law an original comedy-drama in four acts / A nabob for an hour a farce in two acts / William Tell a play in five acts / The Siamese twins a farce in one act / The outlaw a dramatic sketch / Songs, duets. & c in The broken gold a ballad opera in two acts / The tyrant of New Orleans The piper of Hamelin a fantastic opera in two acts / Zanetto (Le passant of Francois Coppee) an opera in one act / Orlando, or, A woman's virtue a tragedy in five acts / Those landladies! duologue in one act / The reformer reformed a comedy sketch / Little barefoot a domestic drama in five acts, and the companion piece of Fanchon the cricket / Ma Dusenberry and her gearls humorous entertainment, first and second singin' towers / The midnight hour a petite comedy in three acts / The old oak chest, or, The smuggler's son & robber's daughter a melo drama in two acts. Queen Esther a tragic poem / The West Indian a comedy in five acts / Upper ten thousand an Ethiopian sketch / The sleeping beauty a grand legendary melo drama / The shadowy waters The seven old ladies of Lavender Town an operetta in two acts / Le petit chaperon rouge opera-feerie en trois actes = The little red riding hood : a fairy opera in three acts / Wanted an errand boy, or, The maid of all work a farce in one act / Widow Freeheart, or, The woman haters a comedy in five acts / Who is she? a petite comedy in two acts / The millionaire a comedy in four acts / Paul Forrester a play in four acts / The new King Arthur an opera without music / An original light English opera in three acts entitled Haddon Hall vocal score, complete / Maud Miller a burlesque entertainment in three acts / Songs, duets, chorusses, etc. in the new divertisement called Orange boven, or, More good news The wife of two husbands a musical drama in three acts / The Rapparee, or, The treaty of Limerick Virginius Thomas A'Becket a play in four acts / Lost!, or, the fruits of the glass a temperance drama in three acts / Right and wrong a comedy in five acts. Love's victory, or, The school for pride a comedy in five acts : founded on the Spanish of Don Augustin Moreto / The woman in red a drama in three acts and a prologue / The school for friends a comedy in five acts / The school for arrogance a comedy in five acts / Masaniello a lyric drama in five acts / St. Clair of the Isles, or, The outlaw of Barra a Scottish historical melodrama in three acts / Samson and Dalilah opera in three acts / Uncle Jeff a Negro farce in one act and five scenes / Uncle Dick's mistake a farce in one act / The musical servant an Ethiopian sketch in one scene / The marquis a comedy in one act / Lost love an original domestic drama in four acts / Real and ideal a comedy in one act / A noble spy an historical play for boys / Sappho a new grand serious opera / Little Daisy a comic drama in one act / Saratoga, or, Pistols for seven a comic drama in five acts / Life as it is, or, The convict's child an original domestic drama in two acts / The roebuck, or, Guilty and not guilty a comedy in three acts / Little Jack Horner, or, Harlequin A.B.C. and the enchanted region of nursery rhymes an entirely new allegorical ... grand comic Christmas pantomime / Rachel, the fire waif a drama in four acts / Play an original comedy in four acts / O'Day, the alderman a comedy drama in four acts / The old chateau, or, A night of peril a drama in three acts / A short reign, and a merry one a petite comedy in two acts / The Magpie and Thimble a comedietta in one act / Vashti The Yankee duelist an original farce / A midsummer-night's dream in three acts / The school stage a collection of juvenile acting plays / Shakespeare's tragedy of Othello the Moor of Venice / The maid of Northumberland a dramatic poem / The road to ruin a comedy in five acts / The luck of the golden pumpkin ; The old woman who lived in a shoe ; Christmas Which is which? a comedietta in one act / Supper for two, or, The wolf and the lamb a farce / The nymph of the grotto, or, A daughter's vow an opera in three acts / The serf, or, Love levels all an original drama in three acts / Milton at Rome a dramatic piece / Songs, duets, trios, finale, and chorusses in Chains of the heart, or, The slave by choice a comic opera in three acts / Much ado about nothing opera in four acts : founded on Shakespeare's comedy : op. 76 / That wife of mine a negro sketch in one scene / The love of a prince, or, The court of Prussia a drama in three acts / The song of songs To meet Mr. Thompson a farce in one act for female characters only / We mortals a play in three acts / William Tell, a telling version of an old tell-tale an original burlesque / The syren of Paris a romantic drama in two acts / Sugar and cream comedietta, in one act / The panel a comedy in three acts / Oedipus a musical drama in three acts / Slighted treasures a petite comedy in one act for female characters only / The squire an original play in three acts / Maud's peril a drama in four acts / Noontide branches a small sylvan drama interspersed with songs and invocations / The yielding of Pilate a drama / Midnight, the thirteenth chime, or, Old Saint Paul's melo-drama in three acts / Songs, duets, glees, chorusses, &c. in the mythological extravaganza entitled The burletta of errors, or, Jupiter & Alcmena The rigmaree a children's play in one act / Miss Gwilt a drama in five acts : altered from the novel of Armadale / An old score an original comedy-drama in three acts / The sphinx a touch of the ancients, in one act / Unmasked Our national defences, or, The cockshot yeomanry a farce in one act / The willow copse a drama in five acts / A lucky job a Negro farce / The poem a little drama in four scenes. Shakespeare's play of The tempest The wife a play in four acts / Tortesa the usurer a play / The lyrics of The maid o' the mill a comedy opera in two acts / Nip Van Winkle and the demon slumber of twenty years, or, King Neptune & the dancing princess The rivals The squire's daughter a comedy drama in three acts / Shakspeare's Measure for measure Lucrezia Borgia Lucretia Borgia / Macbeth an heroic opera in three acts / Samson and Delilah, or, Dagon stoops to Sabaoth a biblio-romantic tragedy in five acts with a prelude / The lion's mouth a drama in four acts / The railroad station a farce in one act / Thirty minutes for refreshments a farce / Logroño a metric drama in two acts / Michael Erle the maniac lover, or, The fayre lass of Lichfield! a romantic original drama in two acts / The tragical historie of our late brother Robert, Earl of Essex Lugarto the mulatto a drama in four acts / Rip Van Winkle, or, The demons of the Catskill mountains a national drama in two acts / The marble heart or, The sculptor's dream : a romance of real life in five chapters / The will and the way, or, Mysteries of Carrow Abbey a romantic drama in three acts / The upper classes a comedy in two acts / Prometheus the fire-bringer Railway bubbles an original farce in one act / The new moon an original operatic fancy in three phases / The new squire a comedy in one act, male characters / Matilde di Shabran e Corradino, o sia, Il trionfo della belta Matilda di Shabran and Corradino, or, The triumph of beauty : an opera in two acts / Tomkins the troubadour a farce in one act. The Times a comedy in four acts / The modern saint an original comedy in three acts / Trial of Dr. Abstinence, alias Steadfast Teetotalism, Esq. temperance advocate, or, The trial of John Barleycorn reversed A vision of fair women a dramatic paraphrase based upon Tennyson's Dream of fair women / The masquerade, or, Aunt Hepsaba's fright a farce in two scenes / The title deeds an original comedy in three acts / The wanderer a one act comedy in verse / Nigel, or, The crown jewels a play in five acts. The Maid of Orleans an historical tragedy / Tekeli, or, The seige of Montgatz a melo drama in three acts / Who's my husband? a farce in one act / Napoleon a drama / Rochester, or, King Charles the Second's merry ways a musical comedy in three acts / Violenzia a tragedy / The very age! a comedy in five acts / The rifle brigade a farce in one act / The rival valets a farce in two acts / Old friends an original one act comedy / The road to fortune a new American comedy in five acts / A modern Ananias a comedy in three acts / Their graduating essays comedietta in one scene for two young ladies / Queen Elizabeth, or, The origin of Shakespeare a drama in five acts : after the Elizabethan model / Two roses an original comedy in three acts / Il re di Lahore an opera in five acts / Transgression in four acts The wealthy widow, or, They're both to blame a comedy in three acts / Montrose, or, The gathering of the clans a melodrama in five acts from Sir Walter Scott's Legend of Montrose / The silver shield an original comedy in three acts / Shakespeare's tragedy of King Lear The sleeping draught a farce in two acts / The orphan of China a tragedy in five acts / The Roman father tragedy in five acts / The manager's daughter an interlude in one act / Topp's twins a farce-comedy in four acts / Two men of Sandy Bar a drama / Ramanzo, the conscience stricken brigand a tragic play in five acts / The other woman a drama in one act / Neck or nothing a new and original drama in three acts / Woman's revenge The woodman comic opera in three acts / Martelli a tragedy in five acts / Shipmates an original comedy-drama in three acts / The sylphid a ballet in two acts / A life poem Pauline Pavlovna The light and the dark sides of girl-life in India Retained for the defence a farce in one act / Our American cousin a drama in 3 acts / My soldier boy comedy-farce in three acts / Love's warrant a farce in one act / Shenandoah a military comedy in four acts / Tom and Jerry, or, Life in London a burletta of fun, frolic, and flash in three acts / A social highwayman A proposal under difficulties Mr. & Mrs. Peter White a farce in one act / Woman against woman My wife's baby a farce / Peter the Great, or, The wooden walls an operatic drama in three acts / Where's your wife? an entirely original farce / The maid and the magpie a drama in three acts, written expressly for, and adapted only to Webb's characters and scenes in the same. The steeple-chase, or, In the pigskin an original farce in one act / Tim Flannigan, or, Fun in a grocery store a farce in one act / Who wants a guinea? a comedy in five acts / Prince Amabel, or, The fairy roses an original fairy extravaganza / On bail a farcical comedy in three acts : adapted from Le reveillon / Your life's in danger a farce in one act / The wreck a dramatic romance in two acts / Young Dr. Devine a comedietta in two scenes for female characters / The three strangers a play in five acts / Medea a tragedy / The triumph of the sons of Belial, or, Liberty vanquished a mock heroic tragedy in five acts / Roney's restaurant a farce in one act / Well matched a comedietta / The scientific country school a farcical entertainment / Smith, shepherd of the Wissahickon The musical bore a humorous farce in one act and one scene. The vindictive man a comedy in five acts / A tender attachment a farce / The sulphur bath a farce, in one scene / A scale with sharps and flats an operatic and musical comedy in one act / Manfredi the mysterious hermit a romantic melodrama in two acts / Ondine, or, The water spirit and fire fiend a ballet spectacle in two acts / Mrs. Plodding's nieces, or, Domestic accomplishments a comedy in one act for young ladies / The red mask, or, The wolf of Lithuania a melo-drama in three acts / Temporibus hominis Arpinatis, a.v.c. DCXCI-DCXCVII My sweetheart an operatic comic opera in three acts. Romeo and Juliet travesty in three acts / The suspicious husband a comedy in five acts / The soldier's legacy an opera da camera / Which is the king? a comic drama in one act / Tom Thrasher a farce in one act / Take care of Dowb a farce in one act / A perplexing predicament a Negro act in one scene / Madame Butterfly Queen Mary a drama / Teddy Roe a farce in one act / Paquita, or, Love in a frame an original comic opera in two acts / An only daughter a drama in three acts / Patsy O'Wang an Irish farce with a Chinese mix-up / A new and original drama of English domestic life entitled The worship of Bacchus Romeo and Juliet a tragedy in five acts / Marian's wish a children's play in one act / Peggy Green a comic drama in one act / Robert the devil, or, The nun, the dun, and the son of a gun an operatic extravaganza / A model of a wife a farce in one act / The merchant of Venice a play in five acts / An object of interest a farce in one act / The white cat!, or, Prince Lardi-dardi & the radiant rosetta a fairy burlesque extravaganza / Shakespeare's tragedy of Macbeth with Locke's music / Rasselas, Prince of Abyssinia, or, The happy valley an extravaganza founded on Dr. Johnson's well-known tale, but at times getting very wide of its foundations / Love and jealousy an historical drama of the days of the Stuart insurrection of 1745 / The Richard Mansfield acting version of King Henry V a history in five acts / Twins of Warsaw a melo-drama in two acts / Raymond and Agnes, the travelers benighted, or, The bleeding nun of Lindenberg an interesting drama in two acts / A mistake in identity a sketch / Paul the poacher a domestic drama in two acts / Songs, choruses, &c. in The Circassian bride a comic opera in three acts / The maid of the lighthouse a drama in III acts / Sir Harry Vane a drama in five acts. Two to one, or, The Irish footman a farce in one act / Prometheus the fire-giver an attempted restoration of the lost first part of the Prometheian trilogy of Aeschylus / The man of the world a comedy in five acts / Reclaimed, or, The danger of moderate drinking Moths a drama in four acts / The man Mohammed a dramatic character-sketch / The Montanini a comedy / Outline of Handsome is that handsome does A temperance picnic with the old woman who lived in the shoe Pocahontas a historical drama in five acts with an introductory essay and notes / That horrid major Marion, or, The reclaimed a play in three acts / Shakspeare's King Henry the Fourth. a historical play / The private theatre, or, The Highland funeral a musical drama with alterations and additions / The school for scandal a comedy in five acts / The Series of dramatic entertainments Sebastian, or, The Roman martyr a drama / The podesta's daughter a dramatic sketch / Songs from Hoyt's A trip to Chinatown Speculation a comedy / Yacob's hotel experience farce in one act / The pacha's pets, or, The bear and the monkey! a farce in two acts / The two corporals My son's a daughter a comic drama in two acts / William Henry Who killed Cock Robin? a farce in two acts / The Roman a dramatic poem / Young Mrs. Winthrop a play in four acts / Sir Peter Harpdon's end Over the garden fence a farce in one act / Two women: 1862 a poem / Mordred a tragedy / Love and charity a burletta in one act / Woman's proper place a duologue / The obstinate family a farce in one act / The spy of Gettysburg an original drama in four acts / Never again a farcical comedietta / Once upon a time, or, A midsummer night's dream in merrie Sherwood a fairy extravaganza / Samson a tragedy in five acts / Panthea a tragedy / A medical man a comedietta / Napoleon's barber a drama in three acts / The vendetta a semi-local tragedy / The wig maker an Ethiopian farce in one act. The stars and stripes Semiramide Semiramis : a tragico-dramatic opera in two acts / Our new minister Nora, or, A doll's house a play = Et dukkehjem / La pie voleuse opera en trois actes / Riquet with the tuft a grand comical, allegorical, magical, musical burlesque burletta in one act / Up-to-date A stitch in time Venice preserved a tragedy in five acts / State secrets, or, Public men in private life an historical drama in one act / The roused lion a comic drama in two acts / Ruth's romance a summer evening's sketch / Our domestics a comedy-farce in two acts / Rinaldo Rinaldini a melodrama in two acts / The old maids' convention an entertainment in one scene / Paris and London a burletta in three acts / Woman's faith a drama in three eras / The little wife a comedy drama in four acts / An object lesson in history an historical exercise for school exhibitions / Plays pleasant and unpleasant / Santiago, or, For the red, white and blue a war drama in four acts / William Tell an Ethiopian interlude / The profligate a comedy. Sebastian of Portugal a dramatic fragment / Nearly severed an original domestic play, in one act / Richelieu in love, or, The youth of Charles I an historical comedy in five acts. The white cockade an original drama in four acts / The merchant of Venice a comedy / The little minister Punch a comedy in three acts / Maids, or, The nuns of Glossenbury an afterpiece in one act / The tragical comedy or comical tragedy of Punch and Judy A rag baby The white milliner a comedy in two acts / Up the river opera in one act / No king in America a patriotic temperance programme in three acts / Mazourka, or, The stick, the Pole, and the Tartar a burlesque extravaganza in one act / Marpessa a masque with eight odes / Songs, duetts, etc. in Up to town a new comic opera in three acts. The profligate a play in four acts / The rival poets an interlude / La reine de Chypre opera en cinq actes = The queen of Cyprus / Mary queen of Scots an historical tragedy in five acts / Old Parr a drama in two acts / A well preserved gentleman a farce in one act / Try it on a farce / Michael and his lost angel a play in five acts / The senator an original comedy in four acts / Old bogey a dramatic dream / Whittington and his cat the royal grand annual pantomime for 1881-82 / Mrs. Caudle's curtain lecture! an apropos bagatelle in one act / Man and wife a play in five acts / Which shall I marry? a farce in one act / Nine points of the law an original comedietta in one act / The man of ten thousand a comedy in five acts / Pamela's prejudice comedietta / Our friends a comedy-drama in four acts = Nos intimes / The school of Queen Mab The policy players an Ethiopian sketch in one scene / Sample versus Pattern farcical duologue / Rescued an original temperance drama in two acts / Sappho Next of kin an original comic drama in two acts / The new comic Christmas pantomime, entitled Harlequin Robin Hood and Little John, or, Merrie England in the olden time Over the garden wall a musical burlesque in one act / The wilful ward a comedietta in one act / The passing regiment a comedy of the day in five acts from the German of G. von Moser and Franz von Schonthau [sic] / Thirty-three next birthday a farce in one act / Quite at home a comedietta in one act / The prisoner of Rochelle a burletta in one act / More truth than poetry The new pantomime Little Red Riding Hood, or, Harlequin and the wolf in granny's clothing The outcast's daughter a drama in four acts / Topsail sheet blocks, or, The gunner and the foundling a play in three acts / West Point a comedy in three acts / The liars an original comedy in four acts / The lost husband a drama in four acts / Mirette opera comique in three acts / A miser an original drama in one act / A tin soldier Vanity, or, A Lord in Philadelphia Tom Tiller and Jack Mizen, or, Sprees along shore! a serio comic burletta in two acts / The purse, or, The benevolent tar a musical entertainment in one act / The yellow dwarf, or, Harlequin Cupid and the king of the gold mines! a pantomime / Schnapps a farce in one act / £. S.D a comedy-drama in three acts / Peerless pool! a melodrama in two acts / The poor of New York a drama in five acts / Power & principle a drama in three acts / Our new governess a comedy in two acts / The siege of Cuzco a tragedy in five acts / The queen's ball, or, The black domino a musical burletta in three acts / The live Injin, or, Jim Crowe a comical Ethiopian sketch in four scenes / Mayanni a play for children / The valley of diamonds, or, Harlequin Sindbad with new music, scenery, machinery, dresses, and decorations / Uncle Sam, or, A nabob for an hour a farce in two acts / Napoleon! or, The emperor and the soldier! a petite drama in one act / The lonely pollywog of the mill-pond a sanguinary drama in three scenes / Pride shall have a fall a comedy in five acts with songs / The princess of Alfred Tennyson re-cast as a drama. My aunt's husband an original comic drama in one act / The systematic, or imaginary, philosopher a comedy in five acts. Peregrine Pickle a biographical play in five acts. The wheel of fortune The orphan, or, The unhappy marriage a tragedy in five acts / Rip Van Winkle, a legend of the Sleepy Hollow a romantic drama in two acts / Louison, the angel of the attic, or, The recompense a serio-comic drama in one act / Midnight banquet, or, The castle of Cataldo a melo-drama in two acts. The princess The mason of Buda an opera in two acts / Whittington and his cat, or, London in 1370 a melo drama in three acts / The life and death of Jack Sheppard a drama in four acts. My Jeremiah a farce / The temple of death a melodrama in three acts / Lucretia Borgia The vocation of St. Aloysius a drama in three acts / New men and old acres an original comedy in three acts / The woman in mauve a sensation drama in three acts / The orator of Zepata City a play, in one act / Polkamania an apropos bagatelle in one act / The singing girl comic opera in three acts / The touchstone, or, the harlequin travellers The two b'hoys, or, The Beulah spa a burletta in two acts / The school for prejudice a comedy in five acts / A Shakespearian conference [a drama] / Self-sacrifice, or, The maid of the cottage a melo-drama in two acts / On the brink, or, The reclaimed husband a temperance drama in two acts / Our toys a fairy vision in one peep ; The Knave of Hearts : an original extravaganza in one act ; Red-Riding-Hood : a rhymed play in one act / Match making a petite comedy in one act / Pantomime of Cinderella The son of Don Juan an original drama in three acts : inspired by the reading of Ibsen's work entitled Gengangere / La morte civile Civil death : a drama in five acts / Victorine, the maid of Paris a domestic drama in four acts / Phroso a drama of adventure in four acts / True as steel an original comedy in three acts / Lurline a grand romantic opera in three acts / Ninetta, or, The maid of Palaiseau an opera in three acts / A scene in the life of an unprotected female a farce in one act / True wealth a drama in four scenes / Turpin's ride to York, or, Bonnie Black Bess an equestrian drama in two acts / Tristan and Ysolde music-drama in three acts / Love and murder a farce in one act / The rake's lesson, or, Taming a husband a comic drama in two acts. Love and lockjaw a black-face farce in one scene / Married and single a comedy in three acts / Tricks of trade, or, An obstinate Romeo a farce comedy in one act / The phantom breakfast! a farce in one act / A serious comedy: Our national finances Little Miss Million a comedy in four acts from the German of Blumenthal / Magda a play in four acts / St. Valentine's day a comedy in one act for female characters only / Our first lieutenant a nautical farce in two acts / Verses of The belle of Bohemia a musical comedy in two acts / Prompt-book of an Irish drama entitled Irish inspiration Retaliation an original comedietta / Maria and Magdalena a play in four acts / The 'prentice pillar a romantic opera in one act / On guard a farce in one act / Oor Geordie, or, The horrid barbarian a farce in one act / The soldier of the people, or, The world's deliverer a romance / Placer gold, or, How Uncle Nathan lost his farm a New England drama in three acts / The seven ages a tableau entertainment / Red Riding Hood pantomime / The maid of Bristol a play in three acts / Tromb-al-ca-zar, or, The adventures of an operatic troupe a musical extravaganza in one act / The violin The weeping willows a romantic play in three acts / Six to one, or, The scapegrace a comedietta in one act / The slave's strategy a comedy in three acts / Il trovatore The troubadour : a romantic drama in three acts / Pousse cafe a dramatic impossibility in two acts / What's in a name? a farce in one act / Race for a wife a farce in one act / Pretty predicaments an original farce in one act / Mademoiselle Squallino a farce in one act / Storming the fort an Ethiopian burlesque sketch in one scene / The rhyming temperance advocate, or, Old truths in a new dress being a set of teetotal speeches with verses by which to call on every speaker / The music to The frogs of Aristophanes The Shaughraun an original drama in three acts illustrative of Irish life and character / The wedding day comic opera in three acts / Mr. and Mrs. Pringle a comic interlude in one act / The man of law a comedy in four acts / Pedlar's acre, or, The wife of seven husbands a drama in two acts / Our folks a play in three acts / A partial eclipse A slight mistake a farce in one act / Libretto of the patriotic cantata Columbia Second thoughts a comedy in two acts / The right-fall heir, or, The sea-rover and the fall over a burlesque in one act / The modern Job The little treasure a comedy in two acts / The trial of Sir Timothy Traffic, alias Daniel Deathspirit for high crimes and misdemeanors against the people of these realms / Shakspeare's tragedy of Macbeth Tecumseh and the prophet of the West an original historical Israel-Indian tragedy in five acts / Our country aunt, or, Aunt Jerusha's visit a domestic drama in two acts. The wedding march (Le chapeau de paille d'Italie) an eccentricity in three acts / The silver ticket, or, Love in Bloterland a farce / Shakespeare's play of King Richard II The passport a comedy / A squeeze to the coronation an operatic farce in one act / Orange blossoms a comedietta in one act / The Manxman in five acts. Little King Pippin, or, Harlequin Fortunatus and the magic purse and wishing cap grand comic Christmas pantomime / The lost new year a play in two scenes for children / Sinbad the sailor the standard pantomime / Paetus and Arria a tragedy in five acts. The seraglio an opera in three acts / Signa opera in two acts / Nothing superfluous an operatic farce in one act / Life in London, or, The larks of logic, Tom and Jerry an extravaganza in three acts / You know what a farcical comedy in two acts / The water-melon cure knock-about farce in one act / Short plays for children The omnibus, or, A convenient distance a farce in one act / Under the gaslight a totally original and picturesque drama of life and love in these times in five acts / An odd lot a farce in one act / Robert the devil, or, The fiend-father a grand romantic opera in three acts / Six cups of chocolate a piece of gossip in one act / The stumbling-block, or, Why a deacon gave up his wine The merry Christmas of the old woman who lived in a shoe True to the core The saint's tragedy, or, The true story of Elizabeth of Hungary, landgravine of Thuringia, saint of the Romish calendar Under the spell a temperance play in four acts / The moonstone a dramatic story in three acts : altered from the novel for performance on the stage / The merchant prince of Cornville a comedy / The younger brother a comedy in five acts / Tecumseh a drama / Major John André an historical drama in five acts / Quaker oddities, or, Friends in council a colloquy / The rubber of life, or St. James's and St. Giles's a drama in three acts / Margaret of Anjou a drama / The regicide an original tragedy in five acts / Out of his sphere a drama in three acts / Mr. Wilkinson's widows a comedy-farce in three acts. The lords of Ellingham a drama in five acts / Prince Ananias comic opera in 2 acts / A Romeo on the gridiron a monologue for a lady / One of you must marry a comic drama in one act / / A midsummer night's dream a comedy in five acts / Parrhasius, or, Thriftless ambition a dramatic poem / The mysterious stranger New men and old acres a comedy in three acts / Old pals a play in one act / Orpheus an opera in three parts / Songs, duets, chorusses, &c. in The new operatic anecdote in three acts called Frederick the Great, or, The heart of a soldier A lesson in elegance, or, The true art of pleasing a comedy in one act / Merrifield's ghost an original comedy in one act / Living in London a comedy in three acts / The veteran tar a comic opera in two acts / The pigeons, or, The bonnie lass of Brittany an operetta for the amateur stage and the drawing room / My bachelor days a farce in one act / Otho the Great a tragedy in five acts / The Word of honor a comedy in three acts. Valentine and Orson, or, Harlequin and the magic shield grand Christmas pantomime / Robin Hood an opera in three acts / The woman I adore! a farce in one act / The oath a drama from one of Balzac's tales / Twixt love and money a comedy-drama in four acts / Peggy Green a farce / The little boss a comedy drama in four acts / Love and hunger a farce in one act / A masque of culture Ruthven a drama in four acts / The new grand Oriental melo-dramatic burlesque extravaganza in two acts, called Timour, the cream of all the Tartars The rounders a vaudeville in three acts adapted from the French / Nurseryrhymia, or, The party, the prince, and the pie a Christmas play for children / My girl a musical play : vocal score / Unlimited confidence a comedietta in one act / The new comic grand Christmas pantomime entitled Harlequin crusader, or, Richard Coeur de Lion and the Knight Templars The sempstress The man from Texas a farce in one act / Nick of the woods a drama in three acts / Mothers and daughters a comedy in five acts / La mascotte comic opera in three acts / The robber's wife a romantic drama in two acts / Pheelim O'Rooke's curse an Irish drama in four acts / Philip the Second a tragedy in five acts / Love is blind proverb / Tempest tossed an original drama in four acts / Sullivan (David Garrick) a play in three acts. The two Pompeys an Ethiopian sketch / Raising the wind a farce in two acts / The mayor of Rochester a farce in one act / The rich man of Frankfort, or, The poisoned crown an historical drama in three acts / The lion slayer, or, Out for a prowl! a farce in one act / Satan absolved a Victorian mystery / The magic bell a fairy play for children in three acts / The legend of the Christmas tree a play for children / The two Misses Ibbetson a play in one act / Thomas à Becket a historical drama in three acts / The school for tigers, or, The shilling hop! a farce / A very serious affair a farce in one act / D'ye know me now? an original farce in one act for male characters / Pat of Mullingar, or, An Irish lothario an original Irish comedy in three acts / The polar bear an Ethiopian farce in one scene / Lestocq, or, The fete at the Hermitage an historical opera in three acts / Quentin Durward a drama founded on the celebrated novel of the same name by the author of Waverly / Songs &c. in the musical piece called Law's two tails, or, En-tail & red-tail The rent day a domestic drama in three acts / The mutineer's widow a nautical drama in three acts / A sewing circle of the period an original farce in one act / Poet's child a tragedy in five acts / Lionel and Clarissa an opera in three acts / The protector!, or, The rebel's gauntlet! an original drama in three parts / The pretty druidess, or, The mother, the maid, and the miseltoe [sic] bough an extravaganza founded on Bellini's opera "Norma" / The Winterbottoms! or, My aunt the dowager a farcetta in one act / May Brierly, [or, Ticket-of-leave man's wife] A turn in the market a drama in one act / Stage-struck Under de kerosene an Ethiopian interlude in one scene. Quite correct a comedy in two acts / Macbeth travestie Pizarro a tragedy in five acts / Rose Michel a drama in five acts / Old Phil's birthday a serio-comic drama in two acts / The student a drama in two acts / Prologue for the theatre St. Elizabeth of Thuringia, or, The miracle of roses a legendary drama in five acts for young ladies / The lottery ticket and the lawyer's clerk a farce / The mighty magician The new system comedy for 4 males and 4 females / The veteran of 1812, or, Kesiah and the scout a romantic military drama in five acts / The nephew as uncle a comedy in three acts / Thérèse, or, The orphan of Geneva a melo-drama in three acts / Much ado about a merchant of Venice from the original text--a long way / Lucia di Lammermoor opera in three acts / Ruth Oakley Ravlan a drama / Macbeth A runaway girl a new musical play in two acts / True an enitrely new and original play in one act / The pirate of the isles a romantic drama in two acts / Oh, well, it's no use an original Negro sketch in one scene / Women of the day an American comedy of modern society in four acts / Zacharias' funeral an original farce, in one act and one scene / Titania, or, The butterflies' carnival a fairy extravaganza in two acts / The war of the roses a national allegory / The wrecker's daughter a drama in three acts / Words, songs, &c. of the new Christmas pantomime entitled Harlequin Old Aesop, or, Dr. Syntax and his animated alphabet The rape of the lock a burletta in two acts / Off the stage an original comedietta in one act / My little adopted a farce in one act / Miscellaneous plays The rose of Ettrick Vale, or, The bridal of the borders a romantic drama in three acts / Orpheus an opera in three acts / Our heroes a military play in five acts, eight allegorical tableaux and ten grand pictures, including a thrilling transformation tableaux / The Tyrant! the slave!! the victim!!! & the tar!!!! an entirely and supernaturally original nautico-domestic transatlantic sensation drama. The Sailor's return a farce in two acts. Lucia di Lammermoor Lucie of Lammermoor : an opera in three acts. Songs, duets, chorusses, &c. in the new and original fairy extravaganza in two acts entitled Fortunio and his seven gifted servants Semiramide a lyrical tragedy in two acts / William Tell, with a vengeance, or, The pet, the patriot, and the pippin a grand, new, and original burlesque / Nobody's son an Ethiopian act / New Hampshire gold a comedy drama in three acts / La petite mariée The little bride : opera-comique in three acts / The quadrille, or, A quarrel, for what? an operetta in one act. Lemons a comedy in three acts from the German of Julius Rosen / Mabel's manoeuvre, or, A third party a parlor interlude in one scene / The Little men play a two-act, forty-five-minute play / A majority of one, or, Love and mushrooms a farce in one act / Pandora a festival play / Vacation an original comedy in two acts / The two Greens a farce in one act / The Meltonians a perfectly illegitimate drama and extravaganza : founded upon some popular sporting subjects interspersed with parodies : in two acts / The shepherdess of Lourdes, or, The blind princess a drama in five acts / The two Gregories, or, Where did the money come from? a ballad farce / The sparkling cup a temperance drama in five acts / Maurice, the woodcutter a melo drama in three acts / The tragic poem of Wold Saul of Tarsus a dramatic poem / Montalto a tragedy in five acts. Smith a tragic farce / Tom Bowling a nautical drama in two acts / The martial achievements of Sir William Wallace an historical play in five acts / Tulu Walker, London a farcical comedy in three acts / Thomas à Becket a tragedy / The set of turquoise [a dramatic sketch / An obstinate woman a comedietta in one act / The rival barber shops an Ethiopian farce, in one scene / The persecuted Dutchman, or, The original John Schmidt a farce in one act / A noble outcast drama in four acts / The new sub a play in one act / Pearl of Pekin, or, The dashing tar outwitted by his wife a tragic comic opera, in three acts / Othello-travestie in three acts. Little Toddlekins a comic drama in one act / The lion of the West retitled The Kentuckian, or, A trip to New York ; a farce in two acts / The young collegian The cantab : a farce / Louise, or, The white scarf a drama in two acts / Robert Macaire, or, Les auberge des adrets! a melo drama in two acts / Quentin Durward opera in three acts / The old maids' association a farcical entertainment / Once on a time a drama in two acts / Not at home a sketch / Not guilty a drama in four acts / Olivette opera comique in 3 acts / A vision of Venus, or, A midsummer-night's nightmare a farcical piece of singularity, in two acts and eight tableaux / Philémon et Baucis opera en deux actes : vocal score / Village politics addressed to all the mechanics, journeymen, and labourers, in Great Britain / Lodgings for single gentlemen a farce in one act / Shakespeare's dream Not as deaf as he seems an Ethiopean farce in one act for two characters. The Rhinegold The zoo a musical folly / Mitsu-Yu-Nissi, or, The Japanese wedding Phocion a dramatic poem / Vilikens and Dinah a Negro farce in one act and one scene / The two pro's musical farce in one act / Shore Acres Wanted a husband a Dutch sketch in one scene / The stolen will a comedy drama in three acts / William Tell a tragedy in five acts / My aunt's heiress a comedy in one act. Paying the piper comedy for 1 male and 6 females / The rat-charmer of Hamelin comic opera in four acts = Der Rattenfänger von Hameln / Tootle tootle too, or, The Frenchman and his pupil a musical sketch / Oliver Cromwell a tragedy in five acts / Reform, or, John Bull triumphant a patriotic drama in one act / The old fashioned husking bee an old folks' entertainment in one scene / A new and original opera in two acts entitled The yeomen of the Guard, or, the merryman and his maid A woman's honor a drama in four acts / The unfinished gentleman a farce in one act / Rejected, or, The tribulations of authorship a farce / The state prisoner a drama in one act / Molly Moriarty an Irish musical sketch / The sleep walker an Ethiopian sketch in two scenes / The Mohawk Minstrels' fifth book of dramas, dialogues & drolleries as performed by the Mohawk Minstrels at the Royal Agricultural Hall, Islington / The New Englanders a comedy of the Revolution : in three acts / The matchmaker a farcical comedy in two acts / The pupil of Da Vinci! an operatic burletta in one act / Nero a tragedy / Po-ca-hon-tas, or, The gentle savage in two acts : an original aboriginal, erratic, operatic ... extravaganza, being a per-version of ye true and wonderrefulle hystorie of ye rennownned princesse / Seduction a comedy in five acts / Old and young a farce in one act. The lucky horse shoe, or, Woman's trials a domestic drama in three acts / Il pastore incantato [or, the enchanted shepherd] Riches, or, The wife and brother a play in five acts founded on Massinger's comedy of The city madam / Parole of honour a drama in two acts / Shakspeare's Julius Caesar a tragedy / Songs and other vocal compositions in the pantomime called London, or, Harlequin & time Our relatives an original domestic comedietta in one act / The maid of Artemis The sham doctor a Negro farce in one act and three scenes / Night and morning a play in five acts / Our Kittie a comedy drama in three acts / Tiberius a tragedy in five acts / The sleeping hare a comedy in two acts / The river sprite comic opera in one act / The sightless Text of songs contained in The lady or the tiger? an original musical comedy-drama in 3 acts / Sunset a play in one act / The two galley slaves a melo-drama in two acts / Rizzio a tragedy / The word of honour a Jersey love story : an original drama in three acts / Where to find a friend a comedy in five acts / The showman's ward a comedy in three acts / The lost paradise drama in three acts / The old parson a "first part finish" for a Negro minstrel entertainment / Saladin, or, The order of knighthood a dramatic romance / The three graces a classical and comical, musical and mythological burlesque burletta in two acts / Orpheus and Eurydice, or, The young gentleman who charmed the rocks a comical classical love tale in one act / Shaun Aroon an original Irish drama in three acts / The siege of Troy a tragic drama / Lost, stolen, or strayed a new musical farce in three acts / Shakespeare's All's well that ends well a comedy / Muldoon's blunders a farce comedy in three acts / The wife, or, Love and madness a tragedy in five acts / Teresa Contarini a tragedy in five acts / The plutocrat a drama in five acts / Our Jack a drama in three acts / A pretty piece of business Rupert of Hentzau a play in four acts / Sister and I! a farce in one act / The merchant's daughter of Toulon a play in five acts / Two eyes between two a broad extravaganza in one act. Ought we to visit her? a comedy in three acts : dramatized from Mrs. Edwardes's novel / A night surprise The soul of honor! romantic drama in prologue and five acts / Lucia di Lammermoor, or, The laird, the lady, and the lover a new and original operatic burlesque extravaganza / The Spaniard, or, Relvindez and Elzora, the true, though injured lovers a tragedy / Such stuff as dreams are made of a drama taken from Calderon's La vida es sueño / Marie's secret a duologue in one scene / White lies, or, The major and the minor a farce in two acts / The usurper, or, Americans in Tripoli a drama altered and compressed into three acts / To oblige Benson a comedietta in one act : adapted from the French / The spoiled child a farce in two acts. The white cat a grand comic, romantic, operatic, melo-dramatic fairy extravaganza in two acts / Various dramatic works of James Sheridan Knowles The sanctuary, or, England in 1415 a romantic drama in two acts / Term day, or, The unjust steward a comedy in five acts / Prof. Baxter's great invention an unclassified entertainment in one act / My lord is not my lord a comic opera in one act / Wallace a historical tragedy in five acts / Sarah's young man a farce in one act / Little cricket a domestic drama in three acts / Zazezizozu!, or, Dominoes! Chess!! And cards!!! a musical extravaganza in two acts / Robinson Crusoe opera bouffe in 3 acts / Tannhäuser and the tournament of song at the Wartburg Nicholas Nickleby The valkyrie Saved, or, A wife's peril comedy-drama in four acts / The match-box an original comedy in two acts / A lucky sixpence a farce / Midsummer day a new and original comedy in one act / Shakespeare's comedy in five acts, As you like it The little savage a farce in one act / Snow Ball, a colored valet farce in one act / Spite and malice, or, A laughable accident a dramatic sketch ; to which is added, an humble attempt to convert The gentle shepherd into English prose, in two acts / Robert Macaire, or, The roadside inn turned inside out an original burlesque extravaganza / Mr. and Mrs. Muffett, or, A domestic experiment The modern standard drama a collection of the most popular acting plays : with critical remarks, also the stage business, costumes, etc. / West Point, or, A tale of treason an historical drama in three acts / The Silver Dollar a temperance monologue in one scene / Who's to have her? a musical farce in two acts / Mount St. Bernard, or, The headsman a romantic drama in three acts / The sorcerer an entirely original modern comic opera in two acts / Stanley's dwarfs an original entertainment for male characters / Shakspeare's King Henry the Fifth an historical play / A trip to Wales a farce in two acts / My husband's ghost a farce in one act / Women's rights a comedietta in two acts / The rightful heir a drama in five acts / The star of Seville a drama in five acts / Twenty per cent, or, My father a farce in two acts / The royal vagrants a story of conscientious objection : an original comic opera in two acts / Under a spell a comedy in one act / The very last days of Pompeii! a new classical burlesque / A lost god Twain's dodging an Ethiopean farce in one act / Self accusation, or, A brother's love a melo drama in two acts / Tam O'Shanter a comic drama in two acts / Satanella opera in four acts / Rival tenants a Negro sketch / Some talk about poets Rigoletto opera in three acts / The railroad trip, or, London, Birmingham, & Bristol! a farce in two acts / The slow man a farce in one act / Preciosita operetta in one act / Sam Weller, or, The Pickwickians a farcical comedy in three acts / The three bachelors an amusing play in four acts / Mrs. Dane's defence a play in four acts / The whole of the music in The gnome-king a dramatic legend in two acts / Queen Anne cottages romantic comedy for 4 males, 3 females and supes / The prima donna a farce in one act / A melo-dramatic piece, being an occasional attempt to commemorate the death and victory of Lord Viscout Nelson The master builder a play in three acts / The tender husband, or, The accomplished fools a comedy in five acts / Mneme and Elpis The money spinner an original comedy in two acts / Out to nurse an original farce in one act / Thief of time White sulphur, or, A day at the springs an American comedy in four acts / The wonderful telephone a farce in one act / Sinbad the sailor, or, Harlequin and the fairies of the diamond valley Twenty minutes with a tiger a farce in one act / Tragedy of success Sinbad lyrics One, two, three a Negro sketch in one scene / Leonore The Players prize play : an original drama in one act / The marriage of Figaro a comic opera in three acts : founded on Beaumarchais' comedy of La folle journée, and on The follies of a day / Youth, love, & folly a comic opera / The romance of a poor young man a drama / Vocal gems from the latest New York success, The tar and the Tartar a comic opera / The silver keepsake a comedy in one act / The party wall a farce in one act / Lord Darcy, or, True till death an historical play / The painter of Ghent a play in one act / Lord Lovel and Lady Nancy Bell, or, The bounding brigand of the Bakumboilum a thrillingly interesting and tragically startling burlesque / Parlor varieties, plays, pantomimes and charades Rienzi a play in five acts / A pair of artists a comedy in three acts / Shakespeare's play of King John A model husband a farce in one act / Two comedies Richelieu, or, The conspiracy a play in five acts / Marianne the vivandiere, or, The mystery of twenty years a serious drama in three acts and a prologue / Through my heart first a drama in four acts / Vela of Alava Leatherlungos the Great how he storm'd, reign'd, and mizzled : an entirely new and original extravaganza / The P.L., or, 30 Strand! a burletta in one act / A masque of dead Florentines wherein some of Death's choicest pieces and the great game that he played therewith are fruitfully set forth / The maid of Switzerland a romantic drama in one act / Satan a libretto / Sweetbrier, or, The flower girl of New York a drama in six acts / Maloney's wedding an Irish farce comedy in three acts / The victor vanquished a comedy in one act / The maid of Orleans Within and without The pacha of Pimlico a little Eastern farcical extravaganza in one act / A letter of introduction farce / That box of cigarettes a farce in three acts / Victorine, or, The orphan of Paris a melo drama in three acts / Wilhelm Tell The three grocers, or, Hobbs, Dobbs, and Stubbs a comedy in two acts / Poetical dramas for home and school Midsummer-eve, an idyll of Sherwood Forest an opera for children in two acts / Shadows of the past a comedy drama in two acts / The true tragedy of Rienzi, tribune of Rome Mr. Scroggins, or, Change of name a farce in one act / The step-sister domestic play in one act / Left the stage, or, Grassot tormented by Ravel a personal experiment in one act / Shylock, or, The merchant of Venice preserved an entirely new reading of Shakespeare : from an edition hitherto undiscovered by modern authorities which it is hoped may be received as the stray leaves of a Jerusalem hearty-joke / Mariana an original drama in three acts and an epilogue / A study of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark Retiring a comedy play in three acts / A romance in the life of Sixtus the Fifth entitled The broken vow in five acts and seven tableaux / A woman never vext, or, The widow of Cornhill a comedy in five acts / The parasite, or, How to make one's fortune a comedy in five acts after the French of Picard. Our new butler farce in one act / Marianne, the child of charity a domestic drama in three acts / Oh! Hush!, or, The Virginny cupids! an operatic olio in one act and three scenes by C. White / To rent comedietta in one act / A run on the bank a farcical comedy in three acts. The Medea of Euripides Leonora Married life a comedy in three acts / More precious than gold! comedy in two acts / The man-hater The new groom a costume comedy in one act / A night of suspense a monologue : as performed by Mrs. Stirling. Zamira a dramatic sketch / M.P., or, The blue-stocking [a comic opera in three acts] Il pesceballo opera seria in un atto / Scenery, songs, &c. in Fire and spirit, or, A holiday harlequin a new pantomime / Moonshine a comedy in five acts / Mystification a duologue / Young England a farce in one act / The rightful heir a musical satire in two acts, directed especially at conventional comic opera / The miller and his men a melo-drame in two acts / Two on a 'bus an original dramatic sketch / The musketeers a melodrama in ten tableau [sic] Look before you leap, or, Wooings and weddings a comedy in five acts / Too late to save, or, Doomed to die a story of old Paris : drama in four acts / Simple Simon a farce in two acts / The mechanics reprieve a drama in three acts / The trustee a play in four acts / Who died first? a Negro sketch / Tompkins' hired man a drama in three acts / The scarlet letter, or, Hester Prynne a drama in three acts / There is not smoke without fire a comedietta in one act / What greater love? a play in one act / Wanted: a correspondent a farce, in two acts / Theodosia the pirate's prisoner a tragedy in three acts / The stranger a burlesque Negro sketch in one scene / Shall our mothers vote? Lucretia Borgia a drama in three acts / The maid of Avenel a ballad-opera / A tale of a pig a farce in one act / A trip to Kissengen an original farce in one act / Mr. Steinmann's corner Sequel of A father avenged A poetic drama entitled The ugly aunt, or, Falsehood and truth a Norwegian tale by J.G. Saxe dramatized for the parlor stage in five acts / The milliners' holiday a farce in one act / Young Mr. Pritchard a comedy in two scenes / Sweeney Todd, the barber of Fleet street, or, The string of pearls a drama in three acts : founded on the popular work of the same title / Sublime and ridiculous a Negro act / The rise and fall of Mark Reynolds a domestic play in five acts / The ne'er-do-weel an entirely original play in three acts / The piebald possum of the panting prairie an original, spectacular, sensation drama / Lost and found, a fragment a farce in one act / The vagabonds an original drama in three acts / Silvia and other dramas for the young An old offender a comic drama in two acts / The man from Mexico a farcical comedy in three acts / Ourselves a comedy in five acts / Vice versa a lesson for fathers in two acts / An uncle too many a musical farce in two acts / Rich and poor a comic opera in three acts / The Romany rye Let those laugh who win a musical sketch / The women of Löwenburg a historical comedy in five scenes / The outlaw a drama in five acts / Sacred dramas Send thirty stamps an original farce / Olea The wife of Seaton, or, The siege of Berwick an historic tragedy / The seven sisters, or, The grey man of Tottenham! an historical drama in two acts / Octavius a tragic drama in five acts / The mob cap, or, Love's disguises a domestic drama in two acts / William Tell a dramatic poem / Lord Chumley Under protest a comedy in one act / Parted an English love story, a comedy drama in four acts / The reapers, or, Forget and forgive! a drama in two acts / Sawbones in trainin', or, The boys of a certain school a satirical farce in two acts / The old house on the bridge of Notre Dame a drama in three acts / Stage struck, or, The love of Augustus Portarlington and Celestina Beverley a farce in one act / The sea side hero a drama in three acts / Pug and the baby farce comedy, in one act. Plays Il matrimonio segreto The secret marriage : a comic opera in two acts / The little country store in one act / Strathmore a tragic play in five acts / The little genius comic opera in two acts / The slave a musical drama in three acts / Monte Carlo a musical comedy / The sisters a drama in two acts / The ocean of life, or, Every inch a sailor a nautical drama in three acts / The veneered savage The new and original fairy extravaganza in two acts entitled Noureddin, and the fair Persian My good friend a vaudeville in three acts. The nervous man and the man of nerve a farce in two acts / Salome a play / The wife's trial, or, The intruding widow a dramatic poem / The water babes a burlesque drama in two acts / Oleomargarine an Ethiopian sketch in one scene / The yeoman's daughter a domestic drama in two acts / The star of the North a drama in three acts / Money mad Walk for a wager, or, A bailiff's bet a musical farce in two acts / Tyrrel a tragedy in five acts / Marge Ducange an original domestic drama in three acts / Rip Van Winkle an Ethiopian sketch / Miriam a dramatic poem / The lovely Galatea mythologic comic opera / Upside down an original philosophical and mythological comedy in five acts with appropriate tableaux / Matchmakers a comedy in one act / The original an interlude in one act / The three drunkards, Timothy Trusty, Zachariah Dew & Thomas Nimble, two saved, one lost Husband, don't stay long ; Ira Perkins ; and, The pen and the press / The poet and the puppets a travestie suggested by Lady Windermere's fan / Sir John Falstaff in selected scenes from Shakspeare's Henry the Fourth. The templar a play in five acts / The lily of Killarney opera in three acts / Locked out a comic scene illustrative of what may occur after dark in a great metropolis in one act / The poacher's doom, or, The murder of the five field's copse a domestic drama in three acts / Robert the devil a grand comic seria in four acts / The lioness of the North, or, The prisoner of Shlusselbourg an historical drama in two acts / The unexpected guests a farce / A real Thanksgiving Putkins heir to-- Castles in the air : a comic drama in one act / The outcast's wife, or, A husband's confession a domestic drama in three acts / Paris and pleasure, or, Home and happiness a drama fantastique or tale of diablerie in four acts / The pet lamb a comedietta in one act / Manteaux noirs a comic opera in three acts / The ring, or, The farmer's daughter a domestic drama in two acts / My first fit of the gout an original farce in one act / The Spanish wife a play in five acts / Returned to life drama in four acts / Tom Cobb, or, Fortune's toy an entirely original farcical comedy in three acts / The lost diamond a play in one scene and one tableau / Mickey Free a sketch in one scene / That Patrick! a comedy in one act / My wife's daughter a comedy in two acts / Rip Van Winkle a legend of the Catskills : a romantic drama in two acts / Milton's Comus a masque in two acts / The wife's little bill operetta / The youthful days of William the Fourth, or, British tars in 1782 an historical drama in two acts / The orphan of the frozen sea a nautical drama in four acts / The siege of Damascus a tragedy in five acts / Rocambole, or, The knaves of hearts and the companions of crime a romantic drama in a prologue and three acts / The ragged school a drama in one act / Too much of a good thing! a comic drama in one act / Madelaine Morel a play in four acts from the German of Mosenthal / The pirate a melodrama in two acts / Out of the question a comedy / She stoops to conquer a comedy in five acts / Ursula of Brittany a school play based upon the legend of St. Ursula / Mad dogs, or, The two Caesars a farce in one act / A perfect menagerie an original farce : not adapted from the French / My partner a play in 4 acts / The musical captain, or, The fall of Vicksburg a drama of the late Rebellion in four acts / Self-disinherited, or, the home blight The Puritan's daughter a grand romantic opera in three acts / The mouse-trap Ma mie Rosette a romantic opera in 2 acts / The loves of Lord Bateman and the fair Sophia! an historical, pantomimical, melo-dramatical, balletical, burlesque burletta in one act / Little Goldie, or, The child of the camp a Western comedy drama in four acts / Tannhäuser and the tournament of song at Wartburg romantic opera in three acts / The Philosopher a tragedy in five acts / The old guard opera comique in three acts / Money a comedy in five acts / Nora Darling a play in three acts / Romeo and Juliet, or, The cup of cold poison [a burlesque in one act] Teddy the tiler a farce in one act. Smoke a serio-comic drama in one act / Scenes from Mary Stuart a tragedy / The mashers mashed a farce in two acts / Peter Bell the waggoner, or, The murderers of Massiac! a melo drama in three acts / The trial by jury a comic piece in two acts / Scenes from an unfinished drama entitled Phrontisterion, or, Oxford in the 19th century Trevanion, or, The false position a play in three acts / Otto of Wittelsbach, or, The choleric count a tragedy in five acts / The wicked world an original fairy comedy in three acts / Sylvia's soldier a comedy in two acts / Sixteen-string Jack a romantic drama in three acts / The pity of it an incident in one act / The seven dwarfs, or, Harlequin in the world of wonders a gorgeous spectacular pantomime / Malicious trespass, or, Nine points of law a sketch in one scene / The wreck a nautical Negro farce in one act and one scene / Stella The three furies an original comedietta in one act / Remorse a tragedy in five acts / The two lovers of heaven, Chrysanthus and Daria a drama of early Christian Rome / The white horse of the Peppers a comic drama in two acts / Madeleine a drama in 4 acts. The three cuckoos, or, Ticklish times! a farce in one act / The mouth of gold a series of dramatic sketches illustrating the life and times of Chrysostom / A thumping legacy an original farce in one act / Ticklish times a farce in one act / Libretto of an original operetta in one act entitled A boro' bench Queen Elizabeth, or, Love and majesty a tragedy in five acts / Under the rose a farce in one act / The School for orators, or, A peep at the forum a farce, as never performed, at Covent Garden, New York, or Drury-Lane, with unbounded applause ... (from the first London edition of 1809) Signor Marc a play in five acts / Le sphinx a drama in four acts / On the Clyde a drama in three acts / The school for daughters a comedy in three acts / Remorse The sweet girl graduate a comedy in four acts / One of our girls The silent system a farce in one act / A revolutionary marriage a drama in five acts / [The Queen of Hearts and the wonderful tarts] grand Christmas pantomime for 1866 and 1867 / The stranger a drama in five acts / Mary, Queen of Scots a tragedy in three acts / Sardanapolus, King of Assyria a tragedy in five acts / A rainy day Libretto of Flora's festival a cantata in three parts--Morning, Noon, and Night. The triumph of the Philistines, and how Mr. Jorgan preserved the morals of Market Pewbury under very trying circumstances a comedy in three acts / A perplexing situation a comedy in two acts / Miss Mosher of Colorado, or, A mountain psyche a comedy-drama in four acts / Stephania a tragedy in five acts, with a prologue / The red farm, or, The well of St. Marie a domestic drama in two acts / Shakespeare's Macbeth arranged for dramatic reading, with short sketches of some of the omitted scenes / The twins ; and, My uncle's card The sultan, or, A peep into the seraglio a farce in two acts / Six persons The secret of death Uriel Acosta a tragedy in five acts / The strange adventures of Jack and the beanstalk a fairy extravaganza / Washington a heroic drama of the Revolution in five acts / Sinbad the sailor, or, Harlequin and the King of the Diamond Valley a new Christmas pantomime / Pausanias and Cleonice a fragment of history dramatically treated. Lord Ivon and his daughter The second Mrs. Tanqueray a play in four acts / Prince Edward A match in the dark a comedietta in one act / Master's rival, or, A day at Boulogne a farce in two acts / Little trump, or, A Rocky Mountain diamond a drama in three acts / A modern tragedy The mysterious artist Pendrudge V. Prettiwon, or, A very civil case A show of hands an original dramatic sketch / P.P., or, The man and the tiger a farce in one act / Nina Sforza a tragedy in five acts / A remittance from home an Ethiopian sketch in one scene / A new and original extravaganza, entitled Dulcamara, or, The little duck and the great quack The maid of the oaks a dramatic entertainment in two acts / The moonshiner's daughter a play of mountain life in three acts / The Two old maids of Florence a farce in two acts. A parlor match Plot and counterplot, or, the portrait of Michael Cervantes a farce in two acts / The Pickwickians, or, The peregrinations of Sam Weller a comic drama in three acts / Whittington and his cat, or, Harlequin Lord Mayor of London a new grand old English pantomime / Stolen kisses an entirely original comedy-drama in three acts / Peregrinations of Pickwick a drama in three acts / Thanatos Athanatore The rival uncle, or, Plots in Calcutta a comedy in five acts. A web of lies a comedy in one act / Seeing Warren a farce in one act / Macbeth a tragedy in five acts / Woodstock a play in five acts / The stage-struck Yankee a farce, in one act / The omnibus a farce in one act. Schiller's Mary Stuart Woodbarrow Farm a play in three acts / Linda of Chamouni an opera in three acts / The prince of Palermo, or, The students of Florence comic opera in three acts / The London theatre a collection of the most celebrated dramatic pieces / The notorious Mrs. Ebbsmith a drama in four acts. The piromides a tragedy. The marriage of Figaro a comic opera in three acts / The young widow, or, A lesson for lovers a comic piece in one act / The man who follows the ladies a piece of impudence in one act / Tweedleton's tail-coat a farce / Too late for the train a duologue / The serf a tragedy in five acts / The marriage of Prince Flutterby a comedy for children in one act / The victim of St. Vincent a melo-drama in four acts / The Swiss cottage, or, Why don't she marry? a musical burletta in two acts / Transformation, or, Love and law a musical farce / Out on the world a drama in three acts. Lucretia a tragedy in five acts. The sick doll a children's play in one act / Summoned to court a farce / Milky white an original serio-comic drama in two acts / Solon Shingle, or, The people's lawyer a comedy in two acts / The secretary a play in five acts / The plague of my life a farce in one act / The nightingale and the lark a play for children in one act / The wager La Navarraise lyric episode in two acts / The martyr of Antioch a dramatic poem / The wanderer's return a drama in four acts / Love laughs at locksmiths a farce in two acts / The seven princesses The shadow! a mother's dream : a romantic drama in three acts / Mrs. G-- of the golden pippin! a musical piece in two acts / The rose a comedy in one act / Silken fetters a comedy in three acts / Leap year musical duality / Mazeppa a romantic drama in three acts / Peculiar proposals a farce in one act / A mysterious disappearance a farce / The lick skillet wedding an original sketch in one act / Pennsylvania Dutch Rip Van Winkle a romantic drama in two acts / The Venetian, or, The Council of Ten a romantic drama in three acts / Malachi and Miranda The queen's bench a farce in two acts / Marriage a lottery a comedy in two acts / Miantonimo (N.E.) an historical drama, years 1637 to 1649 / Songs, duets, chorusses, &c., serious and comick, as sung in the highly popular new broad comic extravaganza entertainment in two acts yclept Giovanni in London, or, The libertine reclaimed The royal jubilee a Scottish mask / Lurline a romantic extravaganza founded on a legend of the Rhine / The magic toys a ballet farce in one act / The woman-hater a farcical comedy in four acts / Little Robin Hood, or, Quite a new beau! an original anti-historical burlesque / St. David's day, or, The honest Welchman a ballad farce in two acts / The pedlar boy, or, The old mill ruin a drama in one act / The spirit of vengeance a drama in three acts / Mrs. Mulcahy comedy in one act / Torquato Tasso a drama from the German of Goethe : and other poems / A romantic idea a comic drama in one act / Silverstone's wager a comedietta / Shameful behaviour! a comedietta in two acts / The Spitafields weaver Shakespeare's Julius Caesar Steeple-Jack a domestic comedy in one act / Zelina, or, The triumph of the Greeks a grand warlike Grecian drama in three acts / My fellow clerk a farce in one act / The wizard of the Nile Lyrics of The Queen of Brilliants a comic opera in three acts / My wife's mirror a comedy in one act / The ruby ring, or, The murder at Sadler's Wells! an original legendary drama in three acts / The prisoner of Toulon a drama in three acts / Purim a series of character-poems in four parts and tableaux, containing the complete history from the book of Esther / Love's martyr a tragedy / The nigger night school a farce in one act / A legal impediment a farce in one act / Moral plays Lost and won ; A king's love ; Emotional insanity ; Blennerhassett's island Rehearsing a tragedy a conceit in one act / Schiller's William Tell The Sorceress a tragedy in three acts. The talisman, or, The genii of the elements a romantic opera in three acts / Taming the truant a comedy in three acts / The marble bride, or, The elves of the forest a magical drama in two acts / The love tests an operetta in one act / My Lady Darrell, or, A strange marriage a drama in four acts / Whitebait at Greenwich a farce in one act / Wrecked a temperance drama in two acts / The royal oak an historical play / Love in a cottage comedy in four acts. The rift within the lute a play in one act / A wonderful cure a farce in one act ; female characters only. The massacre of Abergavenny an historical drama in five acts / Poltroonius a tragic farce in one act / Uncle Tom an Ethiopian interlude in one scene. The old homestead What next? a farce in two acts / The Sweet family a burlesque musical entertainment / The magic mirror, or, The hall of statues a new musical burlesque spectacle in two acts / Our English friend a comedy in 4 acts / Love in a maze a comedy in five acts / Ranelagh a comic drama in two acts / The writing on the wall a melo-drama in three acts / The undertaker's daughter original farce in one act / A trumped suit a comedy in one act / The siege a comedy in five acts / A state secret, or, The iron mask drama in five acts / Robert the devil, Duke of Normandy a musical romance in two acts / Love in a desert a musical entertainment in two acts / Tristan and Isolda English-German / The water party a farce in two acts / Theory and practice comedietta in one act / The milliner's shop an Ethiopian sketch in one scene / Penelope Anne an entirely new and original musical farce / What's a man of fashion? a farce in two acts / The pop-corn man an Ethiopean farce in one act / Oliver Twist a serio-comic burletta in three acts / The libertine an opera in two acts : founded on the story of Don Juan / The two pages of Frederick the Great a comic piece in two acts / The people's lawyer a comedy in two acts / Not such a fool as he looks a farcial [sic] drama in three acts / Rienzi, the last of the tribunes Der Letzte der Tribunen = L'ultimo dei tribuni / Rumfustian innamorato, or, The court of Quodlibet a burlesque interlude / Zara a tragedy in five acts / A lucky hit a petite comedy in one act / A trip to Bengal [a musical entertainment in two acts] / The pirates of the savannah, or, The tiger hunter of the prairies a romantic drama in three acts / The tragedy of Abraham Lincoln, or, The rise and fall of the Confederate States in five acts. Woman's rights a dialogue / A Sicilian idyll a pastoral play in two scenes / S.H.A.M. Pinafore an original operatic burlesque and parody, in one act / A woman's reason Newington Butts! a farce in two scenes, the first by night, the second by day / Wanted: a hero a petite comedy / The loyal peasants a comedy in five acts / The loan of a wife a farce in one act / The undecided voter a comedietta / True unto death a drama in two acts / Peter Wilkins, or, The loadstone rock and the flying Indians an extra extravagant extravaganza in two acts / That blessed baby a farce in one act / Lestocq, or, The conspirators of St. Petersburgh! an historical drama in three acts / Masaniello, [or,] La muette de Portici The sparrow of Lesbia a comedy in one act / Paul Clifford a musical drama in three acts / Sheridan's tragic play of Pizarro, or, The Spaniards in Peru The wonder, a woman keeps a secret a comedy in five acts / Le pauvre Jacques a vaudeville in one act / Old Jed Prouty Two ways of dying for a husband The wandering minstrel a farce / Little Em'ly (David Copperfield) a drama in four acts / No cards a musical piece in one act for four characters / The warlock of the glen a melo-drama in two acts / Miss Tom Boy a comedy in one act / War to the knife an original comedy in three acts / A tempest in a tea pot a petite comedy in one act / Ours a comedy in three acts / The maid of Artois a grand melo-dramatic opera in three acts / A new and original sporting & spectacular drama entitled The derby winner Night and the soul a dramatic poem / Temptation, or, The fatal brand Patrician & parvenu, or, Confusion worse confounded a comedy in five acts / The maid of Orleans a romantic tragedy / Three newsboys a children's play in one act / Lucrezia Borgia, at home, and all abroad a new and original burlesque in one act / Twilight a new and original play in one act / The steward, or, Fashion and feeling a comedy in five acts / Paul the pilot, or, The wreck of the Raven a nautical drama in four acts / The Swiss swains an original operetta in one act / Social charades and parlor operas The somnambulist, or, The phantom of the village! a domestic melo-drama in two acts / Subtleties of jealousy The Nibelung's ring a festival play for three days and a fore-evening / Pierette, or, The village rivals a comic operetta in one act / Taken from the French an original comedietta in one act. Rattlin the reefer, or, The tiger of the sea! a nautical drama, in three acts / Peace at any price! a farce in one act / Tim Carty's trial, or Whistling at landlords a play for times / The return of Tasso to Sorento a poem in two parts / Mariana, or, The coquette a comedy in three acts / Mount Savage Stolen--£20 reward! a farce in one act / Under a cloud an original comedy drama in two acts / A lion at bay a drama in one act / Punchinello a comic opera in one act / The tread mill, or, Tom and Jerry at Brixton a serio, comic, operatic, mill dramatic, farcical, moral burletta in two acts. Major Aborn's proposal a comedy in one act. Saved from the wreck a drama in three acts / Nick of the woods, or, The altar of revenge! a melo drama in two acts / Lochinvar, or, The bridal of Netherby a romantic drama in two acts / Love in a village an opera in three acts / Who won? a curtain raiser / Lucilla ten scenes in the life of a lady of fashion, a social drama / Nothing like paste, or, Billy Doo the bill-sticker an original farce in one act / Volunteer review, or, The little man in green a farce / Romer, king of Norway, and other dramas The Virginny mummy a Negro farce in one act and four scenes / Uncle a comedy in three acts / The puppet-booth twelve plays / The red rover, or, the mutiny of the dolphin in two acts / A sudden arrival an original farce in one act / White lies a drama in three acts / Sea-gulls an original farce / The mission of the fairies as exhibited by the First Universalist Sunday School, Portland, 1871 / The star of the north opera in three acts / The manoeuvres of Jane an original comedy in four acts / The magistrate a farce in three acts / Peace and quiet! a farce in one act / The ticket-taker, or, The masquerade ball a popular Ethiopian farce / Mischief-making a farce in one act / Orpheus and Euridice Little comedies Trapping a Tartar a serio-comic drama in one act / School an Ethiopean farce in one act / The monster and magician, or, The fate of Frankenstein a melo-dramatic romance, in three acts / The widow's marriage a comedy / Norah a drama in one act / Nine to one, or, He is sure to be done a new imitative burletta / Napoleon Buonaparte's invasion of Russia, or, The conflagration of Moscow a grand military and equestrian spectacle in three acts / The minute gun at sea a drama in three acts / Philippe, or, The secret marriage a story of the revolution : a domestic drama in one act / Mary Stuart a tragedy ; The maid of Orleans : a tragedy / Who's the heir? an operetta in one act / The staff of diamonds a nautical drama in two acts / Me an' Otis an original comedy in four acts / The recruiting officer a comedy in five acts / A talk on temperance new temperance dialogue / The weirwolf a tragedy / Methinks I see my father! or, Who's my father? a farce in two acts / Songs, duets in The ring, or, Love me for myself a musical entertainment in two acts / Shakspere's skull and Falstaff's nose a fancy in three acts / Short comedies for amateur players Stratford-on-Avon, 1597 Prince Brightkin / A woman of no importance Serve him right! a comic drama in two acts / The witch from Bramble Hollow a drama in four acts / Robespierre, or, Two days of the revolution! an historical drama in two acts / The rivals a comedy in five acts / The marriage promise a comedy in five acts / The queen of Cyprus, or, The bride of Venice a grand historical ballet spectacle in three acts / A prodigal son, or, Gleaners of life a new and original opera in two acts / A trip to Paris an Ethiopian sketch / Possumfat an Ethiopian opera, in two scenes. A life chase a drama in five acts / A lyrical lover a new and original comedietta in one act / Sally in our alley a drama in two acts / Red or white? a decision in one act / A Tory member's awl brought to his last, or, The shoemaker's cut at corruption Wheat and chaff a comedy in five acts / The youthful days of Frederick the great a new melo-drama in two acts / Quasimodo a drama in three acts / Wallenstein's camp The lost diamonds! a drama in two acts / The maid of honour a tragi-comedy in five acts / Pandora a dialogue / The serenade party, or, The miser's troubles a black sketch in one act / The passing show five modern plays in verse / Plot and counterplot, or, The portrait of Michael Cervantes a farce in two acts / A legal wreck Little Sunshine play in five acts / The sea king's vow, or, A struggle for liberty! an original historical drama in three acts / Society a comedy in three acts / Rock Allen, the orphan, or, Lost and found a comedy drama, in two acts / The Union sergeant, or, The battle of Gettysburg a historical drama of the war, founded on facts / Pete and the peddler a Negro and Irish sketch in one scene / Lestelle, or, The wrecker's bride a drama in three acts / Smoke an original comedy in three acts / Which will he marry? a farce in one act / Undine, or, The spirit of the waters a melo dramatic romance in two acts / Too [sic] little vagrants, or, Beware of tramps a farce in one act / Linda of Chamouni, or, Not Formosa an operatic incongruity in three scenes and a sensation / The Spanish husband, or, First and last love The recruiting officer a comedy / Lost and found a pastoral / Parisina dramma lirico in tre atti / Miracle plays our Lord's coming and childhood / A white stocking a play in one act / Orpheus a grand opera in four acts / Whistle for it a comic opera in two acts / Lizzie Lyle, or, The flower markers of Finsbury a tale of trials and temptations in three acts / The realm of time a pageant for young people and children / Mercedes The wife's secret a play [in] five acts. Long odds three act comedy-drama / Summer moths a play in four acts / Montrose, or, The children of the mist a musical drama founded on The legend of Montrose / A match safe a farce-comedy in three acts / Safe and sound an opera in three acts / Taming of the shrew a comedy / Wolsey!, or, The secret witness! an original drama in three acts / Puss in Boots a pantomime / The ould man's coat tails an Irish sketch in one scene / Songs, &c. in the musical farce of My aunt Our Lady of the Broken Heart a garden play / The sin and the sorrow an entirely original drama in a prologue and three acts / Mignonette new romantic comic opera in three acts / The life buoy a drama in two acts / Puss in Boots, or, Dame Trot & her comical cat and the ogre Fee-Fo-Fum The peep-show man a drama in two acts / Othello a tragedy in five acts / Sappho a play in five acts / Two naughty old ladies What happened to Jones an original farce in three acts / The princess a whimsical allegory : being a respectful perversion of Mr. Tennyson's poem / A packet from England a play in one act / Tom Pinch domestic comedy in three acts / The way to keep him a comedy in five acts / Uncle Tom's cabin, or, Life among the lowly a domestic drama in six acts / Puss in Boots, or, The marquis, the miller, and the mouser a fairy extravaganza / The padlock a comic opera in two acts / Winning a wife farce in one act / Reverses a domestic drama / Leave it to me a farce in one act / Town and country a comedy in five acts / The vineyard of Naboth a dramatic fragment / A runaway girl new musical play / Management, or, The prompter puzzled a comic interlude in one act / Wilfrid and Mary, or, Father and daughter a domestic comedy illustrative of American slave life / Valsha, or, The slave queen a drama in three acts / Newport a play in six acts / Moore's Gamester a tragedy / The yellow dwarf and the king of the gold mines a new and original fairy extravaganza in one act / Two mothers drama in four acts for young ladies / The second calender, and [i.e. or,] The queen of beauty, who had the fight with the genie an extravaganza in two acts / The pink of politeness a burletta in one act / Seven sins, or, Passion's paradise a drama in four acts / Lucrezia Borgia a grand opera in four acts / The tragedies of Vittorio Alfieri The world a drama in five acts and eight tableaux / Trixie, or, The wizard of Fogg Island a drama in three acts / Mr. X a farce in one act / Love laughs at lock-smiths a comic opera in two acts. Miss Mary Smith a comedy in one act / Under false colours an original comedietta in one act / The trouble at Satterlee's a farce in one act / Madame Favart opera comique in three acts / Love in harness a comedy in three acts from the French of Albin Valabregue / The mourning bride a tragedy in five acts / Ulrica, or, The prisoner of state a drama in two acts / The sorrows of Hypsipyle Paul and Virginia opera in 3 acts / The new woman's husband a satire in one scene / She would and he wouldn't a comedy in two acts / My aunt a petit comedy in two acts / A suit of tweeds an original farce / The porter's knot a serio-comic drama in two acts / Moses in Egypt a sacred oratorio / Songs, duets, trios, recitatives, chorusses, &c. in the new grand romantic opera of The gipsy's warning Young American Progressive Hobby Club a farce in one scene for fourteen males and one female / Masaniello a grand opera in three acts / A social Judas a society drama in three acts / The tearful and tragical tale of the tricky troubadour, or, The truant tracked a topical and tuneful tradition told in travesty : a four-act burlesque in grand opera / Il Trovatore a lyric drama in four acts / Too happy by half Mr. Midshipman Easy! a melo drama in three acts / Mr. Nightingale's diary a farce in one act / The rage a comedy / The sentence a drama / A marriage of convenience period, Louis XV : a comedy in four acts / Miriam a drama in three scenes / The refusal, or, The ladies' philosophy a comedy / Personation, or, Fairly taken in a comic interlude in one act / The three clerks a farce in two acts / The vespers of Palermo a tragedy in five acts / The talisman, or, the fairy's favor a grand fairy spectacle. Recitatives, songs, and other vocal compositions in the comic pantomime called Thirty thousand, or, Harlequin's lottery with the fable of the pantomime / The Paphian bower, or, Venus and Adonis a classical, musical, mythological, astronomical, and tragicomical burlesque burletta in one act / Once again an original comedietta in one act / The overture, song, glee, ballet, and melodramatic music in Who wants a wife, or, The law of the land an Arabian tale / A soldier of fortune a modern comedy-drama in five acts / Without incumbrances a farce in one act / Servants vs. master, or, A father's will a comedy drama in three acts / St. Clement's Eve Schiller's Tragedy of Mary Stuart Struck by lightning a farce in one act / Zoroaster, or, The spirit of the star a grand melo-dramatic tale of enchantment in two acts / Sam'l of Posen, or, The commercial drummer Scarlet mantle, or, The robber's hold and the bandit's bride a romantic drama in three acts / Our pet an original comedy in three acts / Sharp and flat a musical farce in two acts / My wife's relations a comedietta in one act / Princess Charming, or, The bard, the baron, the beauty, the buffer and the bogey Wine does wonders a comedy in three acts. Our Lottie a domestic comedy in one act / Pygmalion and Galatea an original mythological comedy in three acts / The snapping turtles, or, Matrimonial masquerading a duologue in one act / My wife's visitors a comic drama, in one scene / The patriot father an historical play in five acts / Mrs. Green's snug little business an original farce in one act / Marguerite's colours!, or, Passing the frontier a comic drama in two acts / The prude's progress a comedy in three acts / Phantoms entirely original drama in prologue and four acts / The married bachelor, or, Master and man a comic piece in one act / Masaniello, the fisherman of Naples a historical drama in three acts / Lord Bateman, or, The proud young porter and the fair Sophia a burlesque, founded on The loving ballad of Lord Bateman / The love-spell a comic opera in two acts / Such is fame a comedietta / Malinche an Aztec romance / The tutor's assistant! a comic drama in two acts / The viking My aunt's heiress a comedy in one act for female characters only. Songs, duets, trios, chorusses, &c. &c. with a description of the scenery in the new comic pantomime called Bang up, or, Harlequin prime Madame Sans-Gêne Madame Devil-May-Care : a comedy in three acts / Very little Faust and more Mephistopheles Little Miss Nobody a comedy-drama in three acts / The wife a tale of Mantua : a play in five acts / A tell-tale eyebrow a comedy in two acts / The veteran of 102 years, or, Five generations a drama in one act / Trick for trick, or, The admiral's daughter a farce in two acts. Nanko's leap year venture, or, How she settled her bills a comedietta in one act / Sweet lavender a comedy in three acts / The scarlet letter founded on Hawthorne's story of the early settlers : an American tragedy in 5 acts. Teetotalism triumphant a national temperance drama in five general sections / Songs &c. in Britons strike home a new entertainment of Sans Souci / Norma opera in two acts / The momentous question an original domestic drama in two acts / Psyche, M.D a comedy in one act / Number two a lively farce in one act / Vandyck a play of Genoa / The wreck of Stebbins pride a comedy in two acts / Mulcahy's cat an Irish sketch in one scene / The pearl of Savoy a domestic drama in five acts. Monsieur Tonson a farce in two acts / Love and loyalty a play in five acts / Paul Clifford, the highwayman of 1770 a drama in three acts / The pestilence of Marseilles, or, The four thieves a melo-drama in three acts / Tweedie's rights an original comedy in two acts / The mystic isle, or, The laws of average an entirely original comic opera in two acts / The queen's room, Holyrood House, 1563 an episode / On probation a cosmopolitan comedy / Left in a cab an original farce in one act / Man and wife a dramatic story in four acts : altered from the novel for performance on the stage / The postscript a new and original comedy in one act / A proposal by proxy a vaudeville sketch in one act / The tragedy of Faust Ten nights in a bar-room a drama in five acts / Master Jones's birthday a farce in one act / Old Joe and young Joe a comic drama in two acts / Twenty years ago! a new melo-dramatic entertainment in two acts / The miller and his men a burlesque mealy-drama in one act / The mountebanks a specialty drama in four acts / Oedipus the king tragedy in five acts / Surrender! a comedy of war / Revenge, or, The novice of San Martino a tragedy / Unexpected visitors a farce / When I came back A masque Watertown in '75 a scenic dialogue in five parts / Rhinegold prelude to The ring of the Niblung / The magic opal a comic opera in two acts / The Yankee detective a drama in three acts / The shoemaker of Toulouse, or, The avenger of the humble life a drama in four acts / Pimple, the pirate, or, The baronet and the bandit a new and original absurdity / The pledge, or, Castilian honour a tragic drama in five acts / The pretty princess and the prickly pear, or, A trip to Nodland a fantastic extravaganza in two acts for boys, girls, and others / The "The country squire", or, Two days at the hall an original comedy in two acts / Oliver Twist, or, The parish boy's progress a domestic drama in three acts / Time's a tell-tale a comedy in five acts / Passe Rose A Richardsonian melo-drama entitled The midnight spectre!!!, or, The fatal secret! The virgin of the sun an operatic drama / Two veterans farce in one act / The white slave My own blue bell, or, The army and the navy an interlude in one act / Slasher and Crasher! an original farce in one act / The snowball a farcical comedy in three acts / Santa Claus' frolics The likeness of the night a modern play in four acts / A tragedy in a New York flat a dramatic episode in two scenes / Wanted, a young lady a farce in one act / Phèdre Phaedra : a tragedy in five acts / Never too late to mend a drama of real life in four acts / The winter's tale a comedy in five acts / Richard Plantagenet an historical drama in three acts / Macbeth somewhat removed from the text of Shakespeare in two acts / The outlaw a drama in five acts = La morte civile / True as steel a romantic military drama in five act and six tableaux / Romance and reality, or, The young Virginian an original comedy in five acts / Rochester, or, King Charles the Second's merry days a burletta in three acts / Violette, or, The danseuse a farce in one act / Little Ruby, or, Home jewels a domestic drama in three acts / A Roland for an Oliver a farce in two acts / Socrates a dramatic poem / The widow's victim a farce in one act / Opposite neighbours an original farce in one act / The runaway wife A phenomenon in a smock frock a comic drama in one act / My husband's secret! a farce in one act / A recollection of O'Flannigan and the fairies an extravaganza in one act / Meg's diversion a drama in two acts / The mutiny at the Nore a nautical drama in three acts / The pretty girls of Stillberg a farce in one act. Three plays, scriptural & historical for male characters only / Three original plays The sixty-third letter a musical farce in two acts / Thecla a drama / Thrillby a shocker in one scene and several spasms / The port admiral, or, The mysterious mariner the child of destiny and the rightful heir / The man of forty a comedietta in one act / Old Knockles Uncle Zachary a comic drama in two acts / Maria a farcical sketch / Paolo & Francesca a tragedy in four acts / Overture to the grand romantic opera Keolanthe The widower's trials a sketch from real life in two acts / Van Diemen's land an operatic drama in three acts / The maid of Orleans and other poems Past and present, or, The hidden treasure a drama in three acts / Robinson Crusoe, or, The island of Juan Fernandez an operatic drama in three acts / The proof of the pudding a burletta in one act / The little corporal a comic opera in three acts / My husband's mirror a domestic comedietta in one act / A pair of gloves a farce in one act / One, two, three, four, five, by advertisement a musical entertainment in one act. The rival pages a petite comedy in one act / Sparking a comedietta in one act and one scene / The revolt of the bees an allegory / Philip of Pakanoket an Indian drama / La vie opera-bouffe in three acts / Uriel Acosta The rose of Auvergne, or, Spoiling the broth comic opera in one act / A very new edition of Acis and Galataea, or, The beau! the belle!! and the blacksmith!!! a piece of extravagance / Rob Roy romantic comic opera / Sinbad the sailor, or, The valley of diamonds a melo dramatic tale of enchantment in two acts / The peasant of Lucern a melo-drama in three acts / The octoroon, or, Life in Louisiana a play in four acts / The revolutionary soldier, or, The old seventy-sixer a farce in one act / The noble savage a comic Ethiopian farce, in one scene / On the bowery A loyal friend a comedy-drama in four acts / The old gentleman a comedy in one act / The porter of Havre opera in three acts / Papillonetta, or, The prince, the butterfly, and the beetle an original burlesque extravaganza / The Tipperary warbler, or, The fraud of the dry goods boxes an historical and operatic play in three acts. Warranted! farcical comedy in three acts / Twenty minutes under an umbrella comic interlude / £20 a year--all found, or, Out of a situation refusing twenty being an apropos sketch, with a moral for servants and mistresses / Tannhäuser a mystery in two parts / Marie, or, The daughter of the regiment comic opera in two acts / Theodore the brigand a romantic drama in three acts / Matilda a tragedy in five acts / The rebellion, or, Norwich in 1549 a drama interspersed with music / Queen Helen Liberty Hall an original drama in four acts / De trouble begins at nine an act for Bones and banjoist / Patter versus clatter a farce in one act / One hundred pounds reward The Wren boys, or, The moment of peril a drama in two acts / Turn out a musical farce in two acts / The open door a duologue / Savonarola a tragedy / Patrick Hamilton a tragedy of the Reformation in Scotland, 1528 / A visit from Mother Goose a Christmas play for primary pupils / Prison and palace a comic drama in two acts / Paul Jones a melo-dramatic romance in three acts / The Yew tree ruins, or, The wreck, the miser, and the mines a domestic drama in three acts / The red cap, or, the prisoner of Vincennes a drama in two acts. The Peak sisters an entertainment / Mirandola a tragedy / Tartuffe a comedy / Trial of suits at the Brewster sessions of Sotville, or, A laugh on the license day Nimroud, the mighty hunter a tragedy in five acts / Songs, duets, &c. in L'elisir d'amore an opera in two acts / Little Miss Muffett and Little Boy Blue, or, Harlequin and Old Daddy Long-legs! a new fairy Christmas pantomime / A lover by proxy a comedietta in one act / Othello five acts. The reprobate in three acts / The maid & the magpie [a drama in three acts written expressly for, and adapted only to Skelt's characters & scenes in the same] Our island home A rival by request a comedy in three acts / Midnight colic a laughable sketch in one scene / Mrs. Hilary regrets comedietta / Miss Eily O'Connor a new and original burlesque founded on the great sensation drama of The colleen Bawn / Martin Chuzzlewit a drama in three acts / Our boys an original modern comedy / Poison a farce / Sweethearts an original dramatic contrast in two acts / More free than welcome a farce for three male characters / The sergeant's wife a drama in two acts / Paul the rebel a new and original dramatic sketch in one act / Malvina a national ballad opera in three acts / Twenty and forty a comedietta in one act. A red-hot massage an Ethiopian farce in one scene / The Union spy, or, The battle of the Weldon railroad a military drama in five acts / The three wayfarers The liberal candidate Lucrezia Borgia a lyric tragedy in two acts with prologue / Petticoat government a farce in one act / The merchant of Bruges, or, Beggar's bush Newspaper nuptials a farcial comedy in one act / Something to do a farce in one act / Queer Street a domestic drama in two acts / The spirit of seventy-six, or, the coming woman a prophetic drama ; followed by A change of base ; and, Doctor Mondschein / Which will have him? vaudeville in one act and one scene / The sunny side a comedietta in one act / The Savoyard an opera in three acts. Manoeuvring a comedy in five acts. Wanted--a widow with immediate possession a farce in one act / The lost heir, or, The Abbé de L'Épée an historical drama in three acts translated from the German. Trelawny of the Wells a comedietta in four acts / The raw recruit, or, A day in camp with the State Nationnl [sic] Guard a military comedy drama in two acts / Songs, duets, &c. in Tricks upon travelers a comic opera in three acts / Maria Martin, or, The murder in the red barn a drama in two acts. The minx and man a burlesque in four scenes / The New England tragedies Smiles and tears, or, The widow's stratagem a comedy in five acts / Rip Van Winkle grand Romantic opera in three acts / Why Smith left home an original farce in three acts / My sister Kate a farce in one act / Romantic Caroline a farcical comedy in one act / Socrates and his wife a one act comedy in verse / Under the polar star The scarlet letter a dramatic composition / Married for money comedy in three acts / Mr. Tibbs a farcetta in one act / The spirit of the Rhine a petite opera in two acts / Paul and Joseph, or, God and Mammon in the Transvaal an unfinished drama / The two awfuls a Negro sketch / Mine Falls, or, The miller's daughter an idyl of Yankeeland : a rural comedy drama in five acts / The two thorns a comedy in four acts / Lying in ordinary a farce in one act / Songs, duets, chorusses, &c., &c., serious and comic, as sung in the new broad comic extravaganza entertainment in two acts yclept Giovanni in London, or, The libertine reclaimed The mysterious husband a tragedy in five acts / The mother and child are doing well a farce in one act / Traitors' gate, or, The tower of London in 1553 an historical drama in three acts / Taming a butterfly an original adaptation in three acts / An unexpected legacy a comedietta in one act / Songs, chorusses, and a sketch of the scenery in Harlequin's habeas, or, The hall of spectres a new pantomime in two parts / Manola, or, The day and the night La jour et la nuit / Scenes at Gurney's an Ethiopian act. The witness a tragedy in three acts / The opera cloak a comedietta in one act / Wanted a wife, or, London, Liverpool, and Bristol a locomotive farce in one act / The two orphans a play in six acts. Mr. Punch's pocket Ibsen a collection of some of the master's best-known dramas, condensed, revised, and slightly rearranged for the benefit of the earnest student / William Tell A thrilling item an original farce in one act / Tramp's adventure, or, True to the last a drama in two acts / A trip to Cambridge an acting comedietta in one act. The maid of Mariendorpt a play in five acts / Leonora a lyrical drama in three acts / The novel, sensational, emotional, farcical, musical, melo-dramatical, and substantial burlesque of Rip Van Winkle, or, Some nambulistic knickerbockers Ramah Droog a comic opera in three acts / One too many for him a farce in one act / Sybilla, or, Step by step an original comic drama in three acts / The wedding guest a dramatic fragment / The merry milkmaids an amateur operetta in two parts / Tartarus a sketch / An Oregon idyl Song words of The merry monarch comic opera in three acts / The midnight watch an original drama in one act / The post captain, or, Wife, husband and friend a domestic drama in three acts / A northern night The siege of Rochelle opera in two acts / The rival lovers a Negro farce in one act and one scene / Speed the plough a comedy in three acts / The old musician Prospectus, &c. of the new splendid pantomime called Harlequin Harper, or, A jump from Japan That odious Captain Cutter a comedietta in one act / Vol. III an original comedietta in one act / Our daughters a society comedy in four acts / Songs, duets, &c. in The Jubilee a musical sketch / Pansy, that's for thoughts an impression / The post of honour a comic drama in one act / Norma travestie una grandiosa, tragica, comica, seria, domestica, musica, burlesqua, burletta in one act / The maid of Croissey, or, Theresa's vow a drama in two acts / A most unwarrantable intrusion a comic interlude in one act / Shakspeare's festival, or, New comedy of errors! a drama in two acts / The school for critics, or, A natural transformation Southerne's Isabella, or, The fatal marriage a tragi-comedy / Reflections of King Hezekiah in his sickness Presented at court a comedy in two acts / A woman is a devil, or, The temptation of Saint Anthony a comedy. Our best society being an adaption of The Potiphar papers, in four acts : a parlor comedy / Played and lost a farce / Who told the lie? a comedy in one act / Songs, duets and choruses in the pantomimical drama of Obi, or, Three-finger'd Jack Our boarding house Rosina Meadows, the village maid, or, Temptations unveiled a local domestic drama in three acts / The Queen of Sheba a Biblical drama in three acts for young ladies / Love's labor's lost a comedy / Three hats a farcical comedy in three acts / The vicar of Wakefield a melo-dramatic burletta in three acts / The wigwam a burletta in one act / Locked in with a lady a sketch from life / Under the earth, or, The sons of toil a romantic drama in three acts : founded on a work by the late Charles Dickens. The tower of Nesle, or, The chamber of death an historical drama in three acts / Sir Walter Ralegh [sic] a tragedy in five acts / The ninth statue, or, The Irishman in Bagdad a musical romance / A pleasaunt comedie of the life of Will Shakspeare, player of the Globe Theatre on the bankside Not so bad as we seem, or, Many sides to a character a comedy in five acts / The strange gentleman [a comic burletta in two acts] / A ticket-of-leave a farce in one act / The Spanish dancers, or, Fans and fandangoes a terpsichorean semi-burlesque burletta in one act / Won by strategy a capital farce in one act and one scene / The scout of the Philippines a military comedy drama in three acts / A midsummer night's dream Sketches in India a farce in one act / Valasco a tragedy in five acts / Pedrillo, or, A search for two fathers a drama in two acts / Love, honor, and interest a comedy in three acts / The youthful queen a comedy in two acts / Marrying in haste Shakspeare's Cymbeline, King of Britain an historical play / Sag Harbor Scaramouch in Naxos a pantomime / A queen's messenger One coat for two suits an entirely original comic drama, in two acts / Vera, or, The nihilists a drama in a prologue and four acts / Ludibria lunae, or, The wars of the women and the gods an allegorical burlesque / The paying guest a farce / A social outcast a domestic drama in one act / The red crow, or, The archers of Islington and the fayre mayde of West Cheap a romantic dramatic legend in three acts / Shakspeare's tragedy of Antony and Cleopatra Thieves at the mill a comic Ethiopian drama in one act and four scenes / Our utopia its rise and fall : an aesthetic comedietta in two acts / The turn of the tide a drama in four acts, ten scenes, and four tableaux / The vow of the Ornani a drama in three acts / A valet's mistake a comedy in two acts / The two orphans a drama in eight tableaux, divided into six acts / The registered letter a comedy in one act / A marriage noose! an original comedy written expressly for drawing room acting / Love's livery a farce in one act / The wedding breakfast a farce in one act / Po' white trash and other one-act dramas Winning a wife a petite comedy in one act / Written in sand a comedy in one act / A row in the kitchen ; and, A politician's breakfast two Irish monologues / The signal a drama in three acts / The rosebud of Stingingnettle Farm, or, The villainous squire and the virtuous villager being as domestic a drama as can be managed in a quarter of an hour / Supremacy a drama in four acts / Out of place, or, The lake of Lausanne a musical farce in two acts. The shade, or, Blood for blood a drama in two acts / The phrenologists a farce in two acts / O'Neal the great, or, Cogger na caillie a drama in three acts / New-year morning a petit opera in one act / Timson's little holiday Maud's peril a play in four acts / Theodora, actress and empress an historical drama in five acts / The man with the carpet bag a farce in one act / Lucia di Lammermoor a lyric tragedy in three acts / Second floor, Soopendyke a farce in two acts / Which of the two? a comedietta in one act / Waiting for an omnibus in the Lowther Arcade on a rainy day a farce in one act / The lost paradise drama in 3 acts / Slowtop's engagements a farce in one act / Two out of time The tragedy a fragment ; The Indians : a play in five acts ; Yours or mine : a comic opera in three acts ; The fisherman : an opera in three acts / Woman's will a comedy in five acts. New opera, entitled Loretta a tale of Seville in three acts / A violent passion a comedy in three acts / The sleeping beauty, or, Harlequin Peter Wilkins, and the flying women of Wonderland comic Christmas pantomime / Master and scholar The shadow worshiper and other poems Uncle's will an original comedietta in one act / St. Aubert, or, The hour of retribution a tragedy in five acts / Reymond a drama of the American Revolution / To parents and guardians at Jubilee House Establishment, Clapham, young gentlemen are, etc. : an original comic drama in one act / Our Joan The wonderful lamp in a new light being an illustrated edition of the story of Aladdin / Templar and Jewess grand romantic opera in three acts / Prince Camaralzaran, or, The fairies' revenge a new and original fairy extravaganza / Sappho a classico-historical play for girls / Paris the prince and Helen the fair, or, The giant horse and the siege of Troy a classical burlesque extravaganza / Pleasant wedding guests comedy in one act / Peck's bad boy a transatlantic comedy in three acts / Paddy Carey, or, The boy of Clogheen an interlude in one act / Zameo, or, The white warrior! an operatic romance in three acts / Squire for a day a Negro sketch / The siege of Troy a burlesque in one act / Never reckon your chickens, &c an original farce in one act / Perdita, or, The royal milkmaid being the legend upon which Shakespeare is supposed to have founded his Winter's tale : a new and original burlesque / Whittington opera bouffe in 3 acts / Vermont wool-dealer a farce in one act / The veiled prophet romantic opera in three acts = Il profeta velato / Songs, duets, chorusses, etc. in the White plume, or, The border chieftains a musical-romantick drama in three acts / Sir Dagobert and the dragon, or, How to run through the scales a romantic extravaganza and Christmas tale of chivalry / Williams' visits, or, Three hours before supper a new colloquial and vocal entertainment in two acts / The Meadows of St. Gervais a farce-comedy in two acts / Wanted, a valet an original Ethiopian sketch / The royal guard a romantic drama in five acts and seven tableaux. Marta Martha : opera in four acts / Observation and flirtation a comedy in one act / Prabôdha chandrôdaya, or, Rise of the moon of intellect: a spiritual drama ; and, Âtma bodha, or, The knowledge of self Uncle Rip a farce in two acts / The six degrees of crime, or, Wine, women, gambling, theft, murder and the scaffold a melo drama in six parts / Love's sacrifice, or, The rival merchants a play in five acts / Napoleon a play / A practical man an original farce in one act / This house to be sold (the property of the late William Shakspeare), inquire within a musical extravaganza in one act / Spanish patriots a thousand years ago an historical drama in three acts / La sonnambula opera in two acts / Swedish patriotism, or, The signal fire a melodrama in two acts / Zapolya a Christmas tale in two parts : the prelude entitled The usurper's fortune and the sequel entitled The usurper's fate / Vanderdecken, or, The flying Dutchman a legendary drama in four acts / The wandering Jew a drama in three acts / The winning hand, or, The imposter a comedy in four acts / Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg The mastersingers of Nuremberg / The wedding gown a drama in two acts / Time is money a comedy in one act / The point of honor a play in three acts / The venetian outlaw, his country's friend a drama in three acts / Ten years hence a comedy in one act / My wife's second floor an original farce in one act / Life a comedy / Songs, duets, chorusses, &c., &c., &c., sung in the new comic operatic ... entertainment yclept Giovanni in the country, or, The rake husband The sleeping beauty in the wood an original, grand, comic, romantic, operatic, melodramatic fairy extravaganza in three parts / Married in haste an original comedy in four acts / The women's club a comedietta in one act / Strawberry shortcake a negro sketch in one scene / Le maçon The mason : a comic opera in three acts / The mock doctor comic opera in three acts = Le médecin malgré lui / The turf an original comic drama in two acts / School a comedy in four acts / The mysterious family La princesse lointaine The princess far-away : a play in four acts in verse / Six and eightpence / A photographic fix an original farce in one act / Parlor dramas, or, Dramatic scenes for home amusement / An ounce of prevention a comedy in one act / Robert Emmet a tragedy of Irish history / The provost of Bruges a tragedy in five acts. Marjorie Daw a household idyl in two acts / Zampa a lyric drama in three acts / My very last proposal an original farce in one act / To marry, or, not to marry a comedy in five acts / The queen of a day a comic opera in two acts / Muldoon's picnic a transatlantic comedy-oddity in two acts / Venus and Adonis, or, The two rivals & the small boar being a full, true, and particular account, adapted to the requirements of the present age, of an ancient mythological piece of scandal / Under two flags a romantic play in four acts / Monsieur a farce in two acts / A White Mountain boy an original drama in five acts / Three years in a man-trap an original temperance drama in five acts / Morley Ashton, or, A sea voyage Strife an original comedy drama in four acts / Paddy Miles, the Limerick boy a farce in one act / Vamba an historical drama / Romeo e Giulietta an opera in five acts / The wizard of the moor a melo-drama in three acts / Pipermans' predicaments a farce in one act / Whittington and his cat new and original grand Christmas pantomime. William Thompson, or, Which is he a farce in two acts / Nicholas Flam, attorney at law a farce in two acts / My friend from Arkansas Vice versa a comedy in three acts / Solid silver a play in five acts / A royal family The paragraph a musical entertainment in two acts / Martin Luther a tragedy in five acts / Simpson and Co a comedy in two acts / Mary, Queen of Scots a tragedy in five acts / Love's triumph comic opera in three acts / Shakespeare's play of Merchant of Venice Moll Pitcher, or, The fortune teller of Lynn a drama in four acts / Sam Weller's visit to his mother-in-law The tree of knowledge an original play in five acts / San Toy, or, The emperor's own a Chinese musical comedy / Stella a drama in five acts / The miller and his man a drawing room extravaganza / Neptune's defeat, or, The seizure of the seas a new and curiously original allegoric, mythologic, metaphoric filtration of sur-passing events / The roundhead an original drama in three acts / Shades of night a fantasy in one act / That rascal Pat a farce in one act / Leah, the forsaken a play in five acts / A New Year's masque An unknown rival a comedy in one act / The riddle a pleasant pastoral comedy / Suitors a comedy in three acts / The Queen and the Mogul a play in two acts / The reigning favorite a drama in three acts / Taming a Tartar, or, Magic & Mazourkaphobia an operatic, romantic, magical, semi-burlesque, terpsichorean burletta in two acts / The military Billy Taylor, or, The war in Carriboo Love's telegraph a comedy in three acts. A pleasure trip a comedy in three acts / Puss in Boots book of the words : the new version of the old story ... / The woodman's hut a melo-dramatic romance in three acts / A midsummer madness a vaudeville sketch in one act / My daughter, sir, or, A daughter to marry a farce in one act / Young New York a comedy in three acts / The playwright a play in four acts / Love's martyr a drama in four acts, preceded by a prologue / The married rake a farce in one act / A wife to be sold, or, Who bids most? a musical farce; to which is added The slaves : a dramatic piece, with songs / A slippery day an Ethiopian sketch in one scene / A pair of knickerbockers One way of love a play / A message from the sea a drama in four acts / A plain cook a farce in one act / Woman's will--- a riddle! an operatic drama in three acts / Yankee land a comedy in two acts / Shakespeare's tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark What tears can do! a comedietta in one act / Pierrot, the married man, and Polichinello, the gay single fellow an Italian pantomime in two parts and ten tableaux / Nathan the wise a dramatic poem / Prof. James' experience teaching a country school a comedy in three acts / Psyche apocalypté a lyrical drama / An original operetta in two acts entitled Who stole the tarts? Peter Fin, or, New road to Brighton a farce in two acts / Shades of Shakespeare's women entertainment in ten scenes : 2 males and 11 females, or all females / Masaniello (La muta di Portici) opera in five acts / Rob Roy, the Gregarach a romantic drama in two acts / A life's ransom a play in five acts / Serpent on the hearth, or, Bound Mrs. or Miss True at last a tragedy in five acts. The two friends, or, The Liverpool merchant a drama in five acts / On the dark road, or, the trail of the serpent a drama in prologue and three acts / St. Pierre, the refugee a burletta in two acts / A picked-up dinner a farce in one act / Shakspeare's Katharina and Petruchio a comedy taken by David Garrick from the taming of the shrew ; revised by J.P. Kemble. The romp a comic opera in two acts / The shop girl musical farce / Virginius the rum'un a burlesque in one act / A waltz by Arditi a farce in one act / The minerali, or, The dying gift a romantic drama in two acts / The man of thought and the man of action Match-breaking, or, The prince's present a comedy in three acts, with airs / Old sailors original comedy in three acts / Wife or widow a farce in one act / Retribution a domestic drama in four acts / Red Roy, or, Oswyn and Helen a grand historical ballet of action in two parts interspersed with songs, duetts, and choruses / Othello Porter's troubles, or, The Fifth Avenue hotel an amusing sketch in one scene / The philosopher's stone an entirely new and original satirical and politico-economical Whitsun morality, extremely serious and very comical / Through fire & water an original comic drama in two acts / Shamus O'Brien a romantic comic opera in two acts / Madame Piper a musical melange / Undine, or, The spirit of the waters a drama in three acts / Villain and victim an original dramatic sketch / My sister from India a farce in one act / One, two, three, four, five by advertisement : a musical entertainment in one act. Puss in Boots an original, comical, magical, mew-sical, fairy burletta in one act / Mother's fool a farce in one act / Quid pro quo, or, The day of dupes the prize comedy in five acts / Thomas à Becket a dramatic chronicle in five acts / The tower of Babel a celestial love-drama / The little duke a comic opera in three acts / Women rule a comedy in five acts / Switched off a temperance farce in one act / The nettle a comedietta in one scene / Lost in London a drama in three acts with all the stage business. Das Rheingold My pard, or, The fairy of the tunnel a western drama in four acts / Sea drift a melodrama in four acts with prologue / Mistress Nan a drama of the American Revolution in 3 acts / Shakespeare's Timon of Athens altered and adapted for representation / Lurette comic opera in three acts / Scipio Africanus an Ethiopian extravaganza in three scenes. The vampire a tragedy in five acts / Two negatives make an affirmative a photographic comedy in one act / The mistake on both sides a petite comedy in one act / Tamayo a tragedy in five acts / The tragedies of Maddalen, Agamemnon, Lady Macbeth, Antonia & Clytemnestra My little girl play in one act / Love's comedy The mariners an opera / My wife's out an original farce in one act / T'riss, or, Beyond the Rockies a drama of Western life in four acts / A white lie a comedy in two acts / Mozart's Marriage of Figaro entire, including the recitatives = Le nozze di Figaro / Old Poz a comic drama / My sweetheart an operatic comic drama in three acts / Le prophète a lyric drama in four acts / My spouse and I an operatical farce in two acts / The man about town a Negro farce in one act / The sleeper awakened a serenata / Popping in and out a laughable farce in one act / A nice firm an original comic drama in one act / My preserven a petite comedy in one act / Salome a tragedy in one act / Texas steer, or, Money makes the mare go Noctes ambrosianae Nothing venture, nothing win a comic drama in two acts / Roberto il Diavolo a lyrical play in five acts / The sin of St. Hulda a play / Mrs. Wiggins a comic piece in two acts / The patriot a tragedy in five acts / The village nightingale a burletta in one act / The trumpeter's wedding a musical farce in one act / Lucretia Borgia, M.D., or, La grande doctresse an original burlesque extravaganza, founded on a famous opera / The mermaid an interlude in two acts / Yes! an operatic interlude in one act / Shakespeare's King Richard III The wedding tour comedy for 5 males and 4 females / The wraith of the lake!, or, The Brwownie's brig! a melo drama in three acts / Love in a lighthouse a farce in one act / Trott's troubles a Dickens farce in one act / Second love an original comic drama in three acts / Manola, or, The day and the night Le jour et la nuit : opera bouffe in III acts / Stand by the flag This picture and that a comedy / A nice quiet chat La traviata opera in three acts / The strange gentleman a comic burletta in two acts / Locked in a dress-maker's room, or, Mr. Holiday's flirtation a farce in one act / Songs and other vocal compositions, called the new pantomime of Fashion's fools, or, The aquatic harlequin Thirty hours for three thousand years, or Heresy and planets comedy-drama in five acts. Parson Poor's donation party burlesque entertainment in two scenes / The printer's devil, or, A type of the old one a burlesque extravaganza in one act. The show at Wilkins' Hall, or, A leaf from the life of Maria Jane An old plantation night a representation of life "in de quarters" arranged as a musical and dramatic entertainment for church and school exhibitions, drawing-room recreation, etc. / Scampini an anti-tragical, comical, magical and laughable pantomime full of tricks and side-splitting transformations in two scenes / Other people's children an Ethiopean farce in one act / The sleeping-car a farce / Life for life The stranglers of Paris A storm in a tea cup a comedietta in one act / Ouchilanca, or, The rancher's fate a play in three acts / Youth's love-lore being a romantic play / Romance a new operetta / The wedding day a farce in two acts / Love in '76 an incident of the Revolution : a comedietta in two acts / The miller and his men a melodrama in two acts / Lovers' quarrels, or, Like master like man an interlude in one act / Werter a tragedy in three acts / The school for scheming a comedy in five acts / Out on the loose a farce in one act / Two hearts an old-fashioned love story in one act / The lost will a Negro sketch / Maximilian I a conflict between the old world and the new; a tragedy in four acts / The sailor of France, or, The republicans of Brest an original drama in two acts / Summer lightning a comedy in one act / Gli ugonotti Les huguenots : opera in five acts / Who's the composer? a comic drama in two acts / The serenade a Negro sketch in two scenes / Tom and Jerry, or, Life in London a burletta of fun, frolic, and flash in two acts / Waiting for the train an original sketch in one scene for male characters, to which is added Me hansom / The white cat grand comic Christmas pantomime / Pudd'nhead Wilson a play in prologue and four acts / A man-servant an original tragic drama / The Spanish curate a comedy in five acts / Satanas and the spirit of beauty a romantic legendary spectacle in two acts / Unlimited cheek, or, The sewing machine agents a comic Ethiopian farce, in one scene / Thespis, or, The gods grown old an entirely original grotesque opera in two acts / The merry widow a comedy in two acts / The prior claim comedietta in one act / The love-trap, or, Hearts are trumps Madeline a tragedy in five acts / Turning the tables a farce in one act / The old regimentals an historical drama in one act / The secret agent a comedy in two acts / Uncle Tom's cabin a melodrama in five acts / Perfection The rights and wrongs of woman a farce in one act / Reading a poem The merry wives of Windsor, or, Harlequin and Sir John Falstaff and the demon hunter of the enchanted dell Linked by love domestic comedy in three acts / A long duel a serious comedy in four acts / Wait for an answer a dramatic sketch / Marie, a woman of the people the great emotional play in a prologue and five acts. Sweet Will a comedy in one act / Scenes from an unpublished play Trialogues Salome, the daughter of Herodias a dramatic poem / The new burlesqueo serio-comico pantomime entitled Harlequin and the white cat and the magic sapphire, or, The two pretty princes and the three fairy gifts A likely story Sambo's return an Ethiopian sketch in one scene. Troubled waters an original comedy in four acts / A night in a strange hotel a laughable sketch in one scene / Sor Teresa, or, Isabella Suarez a drama in five acts / Much too clever, or, A friend indeed extravagant comedy in one act and three scenes / The pretty Jane! The cruel squire!! and Robin the ploughman!!! a very tragical Richardsonian and Keymerian tragedy, all in, all in, all in one act / Village belles a domestic drama in two acts / Maiden Mona the mermaid a fairy play for fairy people / St. Patrick's eve, or, The order of the day a drama in three acts / Little mother a comic piece in two acts / The tender sisters a comedy in three acts / Seeing Wright a farce in one act / Woman's vows and Mason's oaths a play, in four acts / Railway results, or, The gauge deliverance a dramatic sketch / The woven web an original drama in four acts / The scholar a comedy in two acts / No followers a burletta in one act / Our Jemimy, or, Connecticut courtship a farce in one act / Louis XI Ralph Coleman's reformation a temperance play in five acts / The wanderer, or, The rights of hospitality [a drama in three acts / A west wind, or, Off for London a musical farce in two acts / Pizarro, or, The Peruvian mother a tragedy / Ravenna, or, Italian love a tragedy in five acts. Love by lantern-light an operetta in one act / The new planet, or, Harlequin out of place an extravaganza in one act / A sheep in wolf's clothing a domestic drama in one act / The open gate an original domestic drama in one act / A sister's penance an original drama in three acts / Nathaniel Hawthorne's Scarlet letter dramatized a play in five acts / An original comic opera in two acts entitled Utopia limited, or, The flowers of progress The lion of the sea a nautical drama in 3 acts / The plays of Thomas Love Peacock The slave sale, or, Nature, bondage, and liberty a drama in three acts / The times an original drama in three acts / A silent woman a farce in one act / The trials of a country editor an original sketch / The paradise of birds an old extravaganza in a modern dress / The post of honor a military drama in four acts / The new Pandora a drama / Life-real a poem / The lily of Leoville comic opera in three acts / Shamrock a charade in three acts / A pantomime rehearsal A maiden's fame!, or, A legend of Lisbon! a drama in two acts / Wagner's Nibelungen ring The stolen Jewess, or, Two children of Israel an original romantic drama in three acts / The weathercock a farce in two acts / Nadeshda a romantic opera in four acts / The loving woman an original play in three acts / Needles and pins a comedy of the present in four acts from the German of Rosen / The three heron's feathers Rule Britania an original farce in one act / Maternus a tragedy in five acts / Lohengrin a romantic opera in three acts / Northumberland an historical dramatic poem / Punch and Judy the original & only Punch & Judy, direct from London. Montcalm a romantic drama in five acts / Tenants in three acts / A legend of Norwood, or, Village life in New England an original dramatic comedy of American life in four acts / P.S.--- Come to dinner! a farce in two acts / Snow-bound comedy for 2 males and 2 females / Like and unlike a drama in two acts / Roses and thorns, or, Two houses under one roof a comedy in three acts / Left in charge a farce in one act / Louva, the pauper a drama, in five acts / Withered leaves a comedietta in one act / The paria a tragedy in one act / Old love and new fortune a play in five acts / "A love game" an original comedietta / A widow hunt an original comedy in three acts / The secret, or, Natural magic a comic piece in one act / Look at home a play in three acts / An unhappy pair an Ethiopian farce in one scene / Mephistopheles, or, An ambassador from below an extravaganza in one act / Picking up the pieces A new and original extravaganza entitled Olympic games, or, The major, the miner and the cock-a-doodle-doo Mrs. German Reed, late Miss P. Horton, and Mr. German Reed's popular illustrations in two parts / A spice of the devil musical comedy sketch / The strange adventures of Miss Brown The setting of the sun Midas a burletta in two acts / The ticket-of-leave man a drama in four acts / The man with the iron mask in four epochs / The tempest Tom Cringle a nautical drama in two acts / Millie, the quadroon, or, Out of bondage a drama in five acts / Yankee notes for English circulation a farce in one act / My daughter-in-law a comedy in three acts. Madame is abed vaudeville in one act and one scene / The purse a comedy in two acts / Where there's a will there's a way a comic drama in one act / Waldimar a tragedy in five acts / Partners for life an original comedy in three acts / Uncle Eph's dream an original Negro sketch in two scenes and two tableaux / Ring rule and ring ruin an original, religious, social, commercial, financial, legal, political railway play in three acts and series of tableaux : a metropolitan picture of real life / Sebastian a dramatic poem / Proof, or, A celebrated case a drama in a prologue and three acts / The reward of crime, or, The love of gold a drama of Vermont in two acts / Pan an original classical pastoral / Truth a romantic drama in one act / Mary Warner a domestic drama in four acts / A lover's stratagem a comedy in three acts / The queer subject a farce in one act / The Montem a musical entertainment in two acts / The parish priest One too many a farce in one act / The May queen a domestic drama in two acts / We're all teetotalers a farce / A sister's sacrifice The rendezvous an operetta in one act / Ye quest Maid or wife, or, The deceiver deceived a musical comedy in two acts / The tinsel queen an entirely new & original spectacular and sensational drama in five acts and a prologue / One o'clock, or, The knight and the wood dæmon a grand musical romance in three acts / The siege of Antwerp a historical play in five acts / Pascal Bruno a burletta in two acts / Victorian (the Spanish student) an opera in four acts / The masque of war and peace The volunteers, or, The pride of Company G a war drama in three acts / The trustee in three volumes / The merchant's wedding, or, London frolics in 1638 a comedy in five acts / The school for authors a comedy in three acts / The wedding eve a comic opera in three acts / Waterloo Oberon, or, The charmed horn a romantic fairy tale in two acts / Sympathy a comedietta in one act / Life in the clouds, or, Olympus in an uproar a burlesque burletta / The weavers a drama of the forties / Pandora's box a mythological extravaganza in one act / More blunders than one a farce in one act / Tit for tat an original sketch in one scene / Miss Honey's treasure a drawing-room comedietta in one act. Scan. Mag, or, The village gossip a popular farce in two acts / A rough diamond a comic drama in one act / Lights and shadows of the Great Rebellion, or, The hospital nurse of Tennessee a grand military drama of the Great Rebellion, in four acts and five grand tableaux / Masaniello, or, The fish'oman of Naples a fish tale in one act / Medica a farce in one act / Rosalie, or, The bohemian mother a melo-drama in two acts / The prophetess a tragedy in three acts / Nan the mascotte a comedy drama in four acts / Miss Blothingay's blunder a comedy in three scenes / Of age to-morrow a musical entertainment in two acts / The three guardsmen, or, The queen, the cardinal, and the adventurer a drama in three acts / Robert of Sicily a romantic drama in IV acts / Ma part, or, Carlo Broschi an opera in three acts / Sunlight, or, The diamond king a western drama in four acts / Margery Daw, or, The two bumpkins a farce / Raffaelle Cimaro a tragedy in five acts / The yeomen of the Guard, or, The merryman and his maid Shakespeare's comedy of The merry wives of Windsor a fac-simile in photo-lithography of the first quarto (1602) together with a reprint of the prompt-copy prepared for use at Daly's Theatre / The old curiosity shop a drama in four acts / The old guard a drama in one act / Tony the convict a drama in five acts / Pan and the young shepherd a pastoral in two acts / The Trojan dames Susan Hopley, or, The vicissitudes of a servant girl a domestic drama in three acts / Moderation v. abstinence, or, Our temperance discussion a social sketch for private reading or public representation designed for eight characters / Nathan Hale in four acts / A scrap of paper a comic drama in three acts / The Oolah comic opera in three acts / Louise de Lignerolles a tragic drama in five parts. Le nozze di Figaro a lyric comedy in two acts / Singleheart and doubleface a matter-of-fact romance / Where was Elsie?, or, The Saratoga fairies a comedietta in one act / Raymond and Agnes! or, The bleeding nun of Lindenberg an interesting melo-drama in two acts / Tragic dramas from history with legendary and other poems / My wife's maid! a farce in one act / Venus in arms a farce in one act / The mistletoe bough, or, The fatal chest a melo-drama in two acts / The renegade a grand historical drama in three acts / Lovers' quarrels, or, Like master like man a farce in one act. The loving cup a serio-comic drama in two acts / Selim and Zuleika a tragedy in three acts. Polypheme's passion The village coquettes a comic opera in two acts / Maid Marian, or, The huntress of Arlingford a legendary opera in three acts / Urgent private affairs an original farce in one act / More frightened than hurt a farce in two acts / A legend of the devil's dyke a drama in four acts / Les mousquetaires opéra comique in two acts = The musketeers / Solyman a tragedy in five acts / The mirror of time The three musketeers, or, The queen, the cardinal and the adventurer a drama in three acts / Snakes in the grass a farce in two acts / Poul a Dhoil, or, The fairy man an original Hibernian drama in three acts / The Waverly dramas Turned up a farcical comedy in three acts / The Polish Jew a drama in three acts / Pauvrette a drama in five acts / The soldier's daughter comedy in five acts / Theodora a tragedy. Noémie a drama in two acts / The new South the original American play of contemporaneous interest in four acts / Zerubbabel's second wife a farce in one act / Madam Princeton's temple of beauty a farce / Winning ways a farce in one act / Pentheus a burlesque in three acts / The outlaw of the Adriatic, or, The female spy and the chief of the ten a romantic drama in three acts. The ringdoves a farce in one act / The respectable man a comedy in three acts. The man of many friends an original comedy in three acts / A row in the house a farce in one act / A red letter day a farcical comedy in four acts / Medea, or, The best of mothers with a brute of a husband a burlesque in one act / Turandot the Chinese sphinx : a dramatic oddity / The new governess a comedy in one act / Mr. and Mrs. German Reed's entertainment Old Knockles Self an original comedy in three acts / Little Snow-White and the seven dwarfs Taken by storm an original comedietta / Platonic attachments an original farce in one act / Ugone a tragedy / The way of the world a comedy in five acts / Robin Hood and ye curtall fryer an open-air play / The queen's love a tragic play in five acts / Up for the cattle show a farce in one act / Old Adam, or, A father's dream a drama in three acts / The soldier of fortune a comedy in five acts / The Spaniards in Denmark a comedy in three days. Too many cooks a musical farce in two acts / Will Watch!, or, The black phantom! a melodrama in two acts / Off to the diggins an original, psychological, colonial, apropos pièce de circonstance in one act / Love on crutches a comedy in three acts / The private secretary a farcical comedy in three acts / A previous engagement comedy / Venoni, or, The novice of St. Mark's a drama in three acts / The secret foe The maid of Arran The spitfire a farce in one act / William Rufus The three brothers, or, Crime its own avenger a play in one act / Liddesdale, or, The border chief a tragedy / No! a farce in one act / Up at the hills an original comedy of Indian life in two acts / Mrs. Willis's will a comic drama in one act adapted from the French of Emile Souvestre. A vision of death an extract / A midsummer night's dream a comdedy in five acts / London Bridge, 150 years ago, or, The old mint a romantic drama in five acts / Passion flowers Siegfried Nordeck Shylock a burlesque / Romance under difficulties an original farce in one act / Telemachus, or, The island of Calypso a classical and mythological extravaganza / That nose! an original farce in one act / Manfred dramatic poem / A new and original Christmas pantomime entitled: Froggee would a wooing go, or, The pretty princess and the fairy of the dancing water The two Puddifoots a farce in one act / The mariner's compass an original drama in a prologue and three acts / L'étoile du nord an opera in three acts / The wise man of the East a comedy in five acts / Mars in Mahantango a play in five acts / A legend of Florence a play in five acts / Riquet of the tuft a love drama / Il nano Italiano a most musical, most melancholy, most lamentably laughable, very fashionably unintelligible lyric tragedy in five acts / Translations from the Norse A question of memory a play in four acts / The Masonic lodge a negro initiation. The messenger boy a new and original musical play : vocal score / The mandarin's daughter! being the simple story of The willow-pattern plate : a Chinese tale / Masks and faces, or, Before and behind the curtain a comedy in two acts / Lilliput revels Broken promises a temperance drama in five acts / The fortunes of Nigel a melo-dramatic romance in three acts / Dream faces a dramatic fancy in one act / The danger signal a drama in two acts / Harlequin and the flying chest, or, Malek and the Princess Schirine a new grand comic Christmas pantomime / Christmas eve in the South, or, Uncle Caleb's home an Ethiopian farce in one act and five scenes / Griffith Gaunt, or, Jealousy a drama in five acts / Give a dog a bad name a farce in one act / The first step a dramatic moment / The smoking car a farce / Princess Spring-Time, or, The envoy who stole the king's daughter an original fairy extravaganza / The Spanish gypsy a poem / Patience, or, Bunthorne's bride a comic opera in two acts / A masque of dead Florentines Shakspeare's early days a drama in two acts / Who is who?, or, All in a fog! a farce in one act / A midsummer frolic a play for children / The tradesman's son a drama in two acts. Tannhäuser a grand romantic opera in three acts / A life's revenge, or Two loves for one heart a drama in three acts / The wandering heir a matter-of-fact romance / Wardrobe a charade in three pieces / The royal penitent a sacred drama / M.P. for puddlepool, or, The Borough election a farce in one act / Oluph a tragedy. Pride a drama in four acts. A prince for an hour a comic drama in one act / Shakespere's historical play of King Henry the Eighth Mrs. Baxter's baby a farce in one act / The red knight a comedy in four acts / A Pennsylvania kid, or, A soldier's sweetheart a comedy drama in four acts / An original domestic trio entitled Two flats and a sharp being a comedietta in one act / Richard Coeur de Lion an historical romance in three acts / Lohengrin Sharp practice, or, The Lear of Cripplegate a serio-comic drama in one act / Paul Jones opera comique in three acts / The witch of Rosenburg a drama in three acts / A privy council a comedy in one act / The vintagers a musical romance in two acts / Old Pompey an Ethiopian sketch in one scene / The rifle and how to use it an original farce in one act / Paul Rabaut, or, the Huguenots under Louis XV Sardanapalus, or, The "fast" king of Assyria a gorgeous burlesque in one act / The phantom bride, or, The Castilian bandit a melo-drama in two acts / The three princes a new grand operatic, and romantic extravaganza in one act / Liz a drama in four acts : founded upon the novel of That lass O'Lowrie's / Sulieman a tragedy in five acts. My wife's husband a farce in two acts / Tamerlane a tragedy in five acts / Sir Marmaduke Maxwell Neuchars Junction a comedietta / Ruy Blas righted, or, The love, the lover, and the lackey an original burlesque / The ring and the keeper an operetta / Ondine, or, The water spirit a romantic drama in two acts / Queen Ladybird and her children, or, Harlequin and a house on fire! a new entomological Christmas pantomime / A tale of two cities a drama in three acts and a prologue / Rio Grande an original drama in three acts / Winning a husband, or, Seven's the main a mono-dramatic bagatelle / Prince pro tem The William Simpson a comedietta in one act / The man from Maine an original drama in five acts / A scheme that failed a comedy in one act / The son of the night a drama in three days and a prologue / The miller of New Jersey, or, The prison-hulk an historic drama-spectacle in three acts / The parvenu an original comedy in three acts / Striking oil Lucrezia Borgia a tragedy / A Yule log a farce in one act / The new woman a farcical sketch with one act, one scene and one purpose / Major Jones' courtship, or, Adventures of a Christmas Eve a domestic comedy in two acts / Oberon's oath, or, The paladin and the princess a melo-dramatic romance in two acts / A masque of angels before our lady in the temple Love, or, The heart's ordeal a dramatic sketch / Lilian Gervais a drama in three acts / Our servants a comedy farce in one act / Il seraglio an opera in three acts / Oliver Twist, or, The parish boy's progress a drama in three acts / Virginius, or, The trials of a fond papa a burlesque in one act / The Wynnes of Wynhavod a drama of modern life in five acts. St. Augustine episode Wacousta, or, the curse a romantic military drama in 3 [i.e. 4] acts founded on the novel of that title / The old forge a drama in three acts / Maria di Rohan a lyric tragedy in three acts / The princess Adelaide Novelty Fair, or, Hints for 1851 an exceedingly premature and thoroughly apropos revue / Mary's birthday, or, The cynic a play in three acts / My son Diana a farce in one act / What will they say at Brompton? a comedietta in one act / Mariamne Maidens beware! an original burletta in one act / Paul and Virginia a musical entertainment in two acts / Leonore a comic opera in three acts / Visions of freedom a national allegory / On the staircase comedy for 1 male and 1 female / Lend me five shillings a farce in one act / Tribulation, or, Unwelcome visitors a comedy in two acts / Nobody's money comedy in three acts / Pro tem a comedy in three acts / A mother's blessing a dramatic poem / Under a veil a comedietta in one act / Music vs. elocution a Negro sketch in one scene / The rehearsal, or, Barry's old man a laughable Irish farce in two scenes / The swindlers, or, Diamond cut diamond a dramatic piece, with songs, in two acts; to which is added, Coll and Rotha : a poem, in which it is attempted to describe the religious opinions of the ancient Scots / Prince or peasant a play for children / The village outcast a domestic drama in two acts / A model lover a comedy in two acts / Marino Faliero a tragedy / The model house a comedy in five acts. Phaedra a tragedy in five acts / A medal Twelve dramatic sketches founded on the pastoral poetry of Scotland / The lost children a musical entertainment in five acts / New and original burlesque entitled Guy Fawkes, or, The ugly mug and the couple of spoons The three chiefs an original sketch in two scenes / Two heads better than one a petite comedy in two acts / The pets of the parterre, or Love in a garden a romantic comedietta in one act / Not at home a dramatic entertainment / May blossom a comedy in four acts / Werner a tragedy / Two wives, or, A hint to husbands a comic musical drama in one act / Three plays for Puritans Out of the frying pan a one act comedy / Stratagems and spoils Peter Wilkins, or, The flying islanders a melo-dramatic spectacle in two acts. The windmill a farce in one act / Miss Flipper's holiday Paddy the piper a comic drama in one act / Matrimonial prospectuses! a comedietta in one act / Monsieur Jacques a musical drama in one act / Redgauntlet a drama / The mastersingers of Nuremberg Bumble's courtship, from Dickens' Oiver Twist a comic interlude in one act / Imolene Forgiven Clover farm a farce comedy in three acts / Delays and blunders a comedy in five acts / Lady Tartuffe a prose comedy in five acts / The brothers original drama in one act / Dame Durden and her five servant maids, or, Robert and Richard were two pretty men A bunch of violets a play in four acts / The house of Morville, or, Disinherited son a drama in five acts / Fazio, or, The Italian wife a tragedy in five acts / Identity, or, No thoroughfare Arkwright's wife an original domestic drama in three acts / A gilded youth a comedy in three acts / Blind love a petite comedy in one act / Blanks and prizes a comedietta in one act / Inez a tragedy / Babil and Bijou, or, The lost Regalia a grand fairy specacular opera / The emerald isle A description of the Blind boy a new grand historic melo-drama / Dido an epic tragedy : a dramatization from the Ænead of Vergil / Catherine A handsome husband a farce in one act / The big banana a comic musical sketch / The captain of the watch a farce in one act / Conscience, or, The bridal night a tragedy, in five acts / The club friend, or, A fashionable physician an original comedy in four acts / In a spider's web musical farce comedy in three acts / How he did it a comic drama in one act / Hundred pound note a farce in two acts / Jedbury Junior comedy in four acts / An entirely original comic opera in two acts, entitled The mountebanks Donna Diana a comedy in three acts / The invisible prince, or, The island of tranquil delights a fairy extravaganza in one act / Bloomer girls, or, Courtship in the twentieth century a satirical comedy in one act / Anything new a musical farce in two acts / The child of the regiment a grand opera in two acts / The kœuba, or, The pirate vessel a nautical drama in two acts / Instincts of childhood a dialogue in two parts / Grimalkin, or, A woman changed into a cat a metamorphosiological sketch in one act / The distressed mother a tragedy in five acts / Foresight, or, My daughter's dowry a comedy in two acts / The doctor of Alcantara comic opera in two acts / Aunt Dinah's pledge a temperance drama in two acts / The deserters an Ethiopian sketch / Alan's wife a dramatic study in three scenes / In the season a one act comedy / A dress rehearsal a comedy for 4 males and 4 females / A honeymoon tragedy a comedy in one act / The dramatic and poetical works of Westland Marston English fleet in 1342 an historical comic opera in three acts / Is he jealous? an operetta in one act / Ivanhoe, or, The Jewess Freezing a mother-in-law, or, A frightful frost a farce in one act / The flying wedge a football farce in one act / 3 black cloaks [Foul play] The faro table, or, The guardians a comedy / First love a drama in five acts / Kildrostan The discarded daughter a drama in two acts / A cure for coxcombs an operetta / Borough reform and city deformity a dramatic poem. Hints for husbands a comedy in five acts / The Henrietta Brennus a tragedy in five acts. Bluebeard Jack in a box! a comedietta in one act / L'elisir d'amore The elixir of love : a comic opera in two acts / The bride of Ludgate a comic drama in two acts / The admirable Crichton a tragedy in five acts : to which are added songs, and other pieces in verse / The Calthorpe case a new and original drama in four acts / The intelligence office an Ethiopian sketch in one scene / Kennyngton Crosse, or, The old house on the common a legend of Lambeth : an original romantic drama in two acts / The first night a very pleasing farce, in one act / Faugh-a-ballagh, or, The wearing of the green a romantic Irish play in three acts / Damon and Pythias a farce in one act / A bit o' blarney an Irish play of the present time / The chaperon a comedy in three acts for female characters only / The crown diamonds an opera in three acts / Diplomacy a play in four acts : an English version [i.e. adaptation] of M. Sardou's Dora / Glimpses of Irish life Crawford's claim, or, Nugget Nell, the pet of Poker Flat a drama in prologue and three acts / As once in May a comedy in one act / King Zany's daughter, or, The princess who was blind of one eye and could not see out of the other in one act / In a day a drama / His highness, or, exchange--no robbery a new (but not aggressively original) comic opera in three acts : synopsis and songs / The golden goose a play for children in four scenes / In the forest a play for children in three acts / La belle Russe a duel in four acts / The dawn of redemption, or, The adoration of the Magi kings a Christmas play in four acts / The battle of Sedgemoor, or, The days of Kirk and Monmouth a historical drama in three acts / The great pink pearl The daughter of the stars a drama in two acts / Because I love you a drama in four acts / A convention of papas suggested by The convention of mothers : a farce / Admiral Peters a comedy in one act / Beauty and the beast an operetta for children / Bonbons a musical and dramatic entertainment / The happy dispatch a Japanese opera bouffe / An entirely new and original English comic opera entitled Dr. D Amina, or, the shah's bride an original Persian comic opera in two acts / The heiress of Bruges a drama in two acts / Jeannette's wedding day a musical farce in one act / Ye last sweet thing in corners being ye faithful drama of ye artists' vendetta / The fifth wheel a comedy in three acts / The babes in the wood children's grand pantomime / The forgers a dramatic poem / The dark cloud a new and original drama of interest in two acts / The Dutch recruit, or, The blue and gray an original allegorical drama of the Civil War of 1861-66 in five acts / Conrad, or, The usurper a tragedy [in five acts] ; and, The kinsmen of Naples : a tragedy [in five acts] / Jeanne d'Arc historic drama in five acts in verse / The gay Lord Quex a comedy in four acts / Joan of Arc a drama / Hit him, he has no friends a farce in one act / Ivanhoe!, or, the Jewess a chivalric play in three acts / The armourer's daughter an original fairy extravaganza in one act / Fontainebleau an historical drama in five acts. Checkmate a farcical comedy in two acts / Alpine roses a comedy in four acts / Harlequin Blue Beard, the great bashaw, or, The good fairy triumphant over the demon of discord! a grand comic Christmas pantomime. The coming of the prince Kissing-Cup the second being a racing romance in which the offspring of the world-famous Kissing-Cup takes a gallant part / Kenilworth a melo-drama in two acts / Black and white a drama in three acts / Book of plays for home amusement being a collection of original, altered, and selected tragedies, plays, dramas, comedies, farces, burlesques, charades, lectures, etc. / An engaged girl Dominic You a tragedy in three acts / Ivanhoe a historical drama founded on the celebrated romance of the same name / The ancestress!, or, The doom of Barostein! a melo drama in two acts / Delicate attentions a farce in two acts / Faint heart never won fair lady a comedy in one act / The ice witch, or, The frozen hand a tale of enchantment in two acts / Carthage Is she his wife?, or, Something singular a comic burletta in one act / Hippotheatron, or, Burlesque circus an extravagant funny sketch / The big bonanza a comedy of our time in five acts from the German of Von Moser / Jonathan in England a comedy in three acts / Cortez, or, The conquest of Mexico an historical drama in three acts / Jane Lomax, or, A mother's crime a drama in two acts / The city of pleasure A gentleman from Ireland a comedy in two acts / Household affairs, or, A cause for divorce comedy in one act / An Arabian night in the nineteenth century a comedy in four acts : from the German of von Moser / Dara, or, The minstrel prince an Indian drama / Gertie's vindication a drama in two acts / The Hertfordshire tragedy, or, The victims of gaming a serious drama in two acts / Husbands and wives a comedy in two acts. The dream of fate, or, Sarah, the Jewess a drama in two acts / Kishun Koovur a tragedy in five acts / The lady from Philadelphia a farce in one act / Beau Blandish the rake a play in three acts / The disappointed miller a farce / Dacre of the south, or, The olden time a drama / Ivor, or, The sighs of Ulla a tragedy / Down the black cañon, or, The silent witness a drama of the Rocky Mountains in four acts / The Cambrian hero, or, Llewelyn the great an historical tragedy / The Christmas fairies or, Shakspeare's [sic] dream / The cruel kindness a romantic play in five acts / Alice in wonderland a dream play for children : [vocal score] / A breezy morning Adrastus Amelia Wentworth Don't book your make ups Ibsen's prose dramas Cuff's luck an Ethiopian sketch in one scene / The king's command a farce in two acts / As London lives a drama in 5 acts / The grand comic pantomime entitled The house that Jack built, or, Harlequin Jack, the three witches, and the fairy king the story told in eleven verses. Adzuma, or, The Japanese wife a play in four acts / The birth of Galahad Aggravating Sam a comic drama in two acts / Grace Darling, or, The wreck at sea a drama in two acts / All on account of a bracelet a comedy in one act / The black domino a musical burletta in three acts / Alfred the great in Athelnay an historical play with a preliminary scene / Going to the dogs! an entirely original farce in one act / A duel to the death a farce in one act / The bond a dramatic poem / Lady Huntworth's experiment an original comedy in three acts / Just for fun an up-to-date society comedy in three acts / Aladdin, or, The wonderful lamp a dramatic poem in two parts / Anna Bolena a lyric tragedy in two acts / An accurate description of the grand allegorical pantomimic spectacle of Cinderella To which is added A critique on the performance and performers / Aladdin, the lad with the wonderful lamp, or, The precious princess and the precious great scamp A judge by proxy farce in one act / Beau Austin The artful dodge a farce in one act / Kissing goes by favour a farce in one act / The dark glen of Ballyfoil an Irish drama in three acts / A desperate situation a farce, in one scene / Eclogues Don Caesar de Bazan, or, Maritana the Gypsey a drama in three acts / Claude Duval, the ladies' highwayman a farce in one act / The crock of gold, or, The toiler's trials Albert & Rosalie, or, The Fire King a grand melo-drama in three acts. All at C, or, The captive, the coffee, & the cocoatina an original modern musical melo-drama / The 'Forty-niners a drama of the gold mines / Don Cesar of Bazan a drama in three acts / Coming home, or, Sithors to grind a fireside story from which the play ... is adapted / Alma mater, or, The Georgetown centennial and other dramas / Jane Eyre a drama in five acts / Eugene Aram a play in five acts / Ivanhoe a historical drama in three acts : dramatised from Sir Walter Scott's novel / Doctor Dilworth a farce in one act / Just as well a modern romance : comedy in one act / A deserter in a fix original farce / The closing of the Eagle a new temperance drama in four acts / The Cid The baron a comedy in two acts / Finesse, or, A busy day in Messina comedy in three acts / The drama of deceit a satire in verse on the Rev. Henry Ward Beecher, with reflections on the arguments of his apologists in the great scandal. Called there and back a parody burlesque in one act / A highland legacy a play in one act / Elopement a comedy in two acts / The Freemason, or, The secret of the lodge room a domestic drama in two acts / The Idumean L'elisir d'amore a lyric comedy in two acts / Les diamans de la couronne a lyric comedy in three acts / The Affghans' captive, or, Triumph of the British flag a tragic play in five acts / The dumb Savoyard, and his monkey a melo-drama in one act / Gaston Bonnier, or, Time's revenges in two acts 1854 and 1870 / Haydee, or, The secret a comic opera in three acts / The gaiety burlesque, Don Juan vocal score / Don't be too quick to cry wolf a comedietta in one act / Circumstantial evidence a monologue / Ali Baba, or, The thirty-nine thieves in accordance with the author's habit of taking one off : a burlesque extravaganza in one act / The lady from the sea Katharine a travesty / Arnold, or, The treason of West Point a tragedy in five acts / Josephine, the child of the regiment, or, The fortune of war a musical comedy in two acts / Barney the baron a farce in one act / Adrienne Lecouvreur a drama in five acts / The heroes of '76 a dramatic cantata of the Revolution in three parts / Charicles a dramatic poem / Circumstantial evidence! a comic piece in one act / Fire-flies The devil on two sticks a romantic drama in two acts / Judas Iscariot a miracle play in two acts : with other poems / Cinder-Ellen up too late burlesque / Henry Dunbar, or, A daughter's trials a drama in four acts : founded on Miss Braddon's novel of the same name / The doctor an original comic drama in three acts / The Earl of Warwick a tragedy in five acts / Both sides of the counter comedy for 1 male and 2 females / Counsel's opinion a legal episode in one act / Cinderella, or, Harlequin and the magic pumpkin, and the great fairy of the little glass slipper a pantomime / The game of love an original comedy in five acts / Fragments of the comedy of dreams Humanity a sporting and military drama in four acts / The grand Christmas pantomime entitled Cinderella, or, Harlequin, the wicked demon, the good fairy, and the little glass slipper being a new version of the oft-told tale / A clear case a farce in one act / The area belle an original farce in one act / How to get a divorce a farce in one act / Corinne a romantic play in four acts / Female highwayman, or, the blighted lily a drama in three acts / The idiot of the mill! a drama in two acts / The blind beggar of Bethnal Green a melo-drama in two acts / Cagliostro A grand comic Christmas pantomime entitled Whittington and his cat!, or, Harlequin King Kollywobbol and the genius of good humour the grotesque opening / The barber baron, or, The Frankfort lottery a farce in two acts / The balance of comfort an original petite comedy in one act / The evil eye, a legend of the Levant a romantic musical drama in two acts / The Irish squire of Squash Ridge a farce in two scenes / Claude Lorraine, or, The peasant, libertine, and brigand an original drama in three acts / At the Grand Central comedy for 2 females / Diadeste, or, the veiled lady Charles O'Malley A house out at windows a musical piece / The Castle of Como romantic opera in three acts / Blighted buds a farce in one act / Borrowed feathers a farce in one act / A free knowledge-ist, or, Too much for one head a comedy in two acts / Grand comic Christmas pantomime, entitled Lucre-land, or, Harlequin Sir Bruno the Brave, and the fairy casket of Phantom Castle Dr. Kearny Ferguson of Troy a farce comedy in three acts / The devil's in it a romantic drama in three acts / The bride of Fort Edward founded on an incident of the Revolution / Hannibal a drama / A glove As you like it a comedy in five acts / Black vs white, or, The Nigger and Yankee an original farce in one act / Carte de visite an original farce or a piece of light photographical writing in one act / Broken hearts an entirely original fairy play in three acts / The Bohemian a tragedy in five acts / His father's son a farce comedy in one act / Ages ago Black sheep an original comedy in three acts / The floating beacon, or, The wild woman of the wreck a melo-drama in two acts / Anne Blake a play in five acts / A hint to husbands a comedy in five acts / Dominique the deserter, or, The gentleman in black a comic drama in two acts / Down in a balloon a farce in one act / Chains of the heart, or, The slave by choice in three acts / Fashionable intelligence comedietta in one act / A foolish investment a comedietta in one act / Haman and Mordecai a Purim play in five acts / The fairy steeplecrown a play for children in one scene / The housekeeper a drama in three acts / Dot mad tog a Dutch sketch in one scene / Illusion, or, The trances of Nourjahad an oriental romance in three acts / Fantasma a fairy tale in five parts / Adrienne Lecouvreur a play in five acts / The drunkard's family a children's play in one act / Don't jump at conclusions comedietta / Egmont a tragedy / Henry Granden, or, The unknown heir a drama in three acts / Duck hunting an original farce in one act / From tots to teens some merry times for young folks : a book of original dialogues for boys and girls / Fine feathers an original modern drama in three acts and a prologue / Columbus a historical play in five acts / The drunkard, or, The fallen saved a moral domestic drama in five acts / Doctor Polyanthus, or, Where there's a will, there's a way a farce in two acts / Cromwell a drama in five acts / The five hour law, or, Scenes in Athens The fugitives Cain the wanderer a drama / The chapter of accidents a comedy in five acts / The damnation of Faust dramatic legend in four parts / Jack Sheppard a drama in four acts / The dragon of Wantley, or, Harlequin Moore of Moore Hall and his fayre Margery Azlea Florodora a musical comedy / Bread on the waters a drama in two acts / The bashful man a farce in two acts / Harlequin and Friar Bacon, or, Great grim John of Gaunt and the enchanted lance of Robin Goodfellow an entirely new and original ... grand comic Christmas pantomime / Cinderella an opera [in] 3 acts. Gunpowder plot an historical melodrama / Hymen's master roll, or, the drum head marriage a muscal [sic] drama in three acts / Highways and by-ways a farce in two acts / The echo scene for banjoist and mock banjo ("bones") The bells of Haslemere a romantic drama in four acts / The amber witch a grand Romantic opera / The grand comic Christmas pantomime entitled Blue Beard Born to good luck the Irishman's fortune : a farce in two acts / Book of the words of the pastoral pantomime of Red-Riding Hood and her sister Little Bo-peep Columbus el filibustero!! a new and audaciously original historicoplagiaristic ... confusion of circumstances running through two acts and four centuries / Eccentricity, or, Every one has a whim a farce, translated from neither the French nor the German / The heart of Mid-Lothian a musical drama in three acts / Crown brilliants an opera in three acts / Guilt, or, The gipsey's prophecy a tragedy / Art and artifice, or, Woman's love an original drama in five acts / The deep deep sea, or, Perseus and Andromeda an original mythological, aquatic, equestrian burletta in one act / It's all in the pay-streak a comedy in three acts / Is lying easy? a comedy / Ali-Baba and the forty thieves, or, Harlequin and the genii of the Arabian nights! a pantomime / The Italians, or, The fatal accusation a tragedy with a preface : containing the correspondence of the author with the committee of Drury Lane Theatre, P. Moore, and Mr. Kean / Alhalla, or, The lord of Talladega Armida opera in five acts / The blue jackets, or, Her Majesty's service a farce in one act / Doctor Snowball a Negro farce in one act for three male characters / Cyril's success a comedy in five acts / The humor of the court room, or, Jones vs. Johnson a lawful comedy / Don Quixote de la Mancha a comedy in five acts taken from Cervantes' novel of that name / The devil's mount, or, The female Bluebeard a romantic drama in two acts / Dick Crowninshield, the assassin, and Zachary Taylor, the soldier the difference between them / Brass buttons a comedy in three acts for female characters only / The false friend a drama in four acts and a prologue / The forty thieves a grand melo-dramatic romance in two acts / The coming woman, or, The spirit of seventy-six a prophetic drama. Father and son, or, The rock of Charbonniere a drama in two acts / Christopher Junior comedy in four acts / The fourtune-teller a farce comedy in one act / The favorite opera in three acts entitled The crown diamonds Les diamans de la couronne / The great tragic revival a new and undoubtedly original contemporaneous dramatic absurdity in one act and several tableaux / The fountain of youth a fantastic tragedy in five acts / Forget-me-not The hoaxer in three acts / The Grand Duke, or, The statutory duel a comic opera in two acts / Atalanta, or, The three golden apples an original classical extravaganza in one act / Black-ey'd Susan, or, All in the downs a nautical drama in three acts / A fascinating individual, or, Too agreeable by half a farce in one act / The headsman a sketch / Fair Rosamond, or, The maze, the maid, and the monarch! an entirely new, but historically true version of the ancient strange story / Carnival, or, Mardi Gras in New Orleans a comedy in one act / Belle Lamar an episode in the late American conflict. Acis and Galatea paraphrased in one act / Ingomar, or, The noble savage an awful warning in one act / Doing for the best an original drama in two acts / Black blunders an Ethiopian farce in two scenes / The cool collegians a comedy in two acts / Jeffreys, or, The wife's vengeance a play in five acts / Aladdin and the wonderful lamp, or, Harlequin and the genie of the ring a new Christmas pantomime / Kathleen O'Neil, or, A picture of feudal times in Ireland a national melo-drama of the fourteenth century, in three acts / Crowding the season a comedy in three acts / Ellie Laura, or, The border orphan a drama / Ali Baba, or, the forty thieves a drama in two acts adapted to Hodgson's theatrical characters and scenes in the same. A hasty conclusion a burletta in one act / The female Massaroni, or, The fair brigands an operatic drama in two acts / The gamester of Milan a play in three acts / The Bohemian girl opera in three acts / Hans Brummel's cafe an original farce in one act / The actor and the singer, or, Gaily the troubadour Fidelio opera in two acts / All at sea The goal a dramatic fragment / The bride of Messina The bondman Childhood's dreams a comedy in one act / The happy man an extravaganza in one act / How she has her own way an interlude / Friend Fritz comedy in three acts = L'ami Fritz / Elena Uberti a grand tragic opera in three acts / A bad job a farce in one act / The Garibaldi Excursionists an apropos sketch in one act / Domestic economy a farce in one act / King O'Neil, or, The Irish brigade a comedy in two acts / Black magic a burlesque Negro sketch / [The blue stocking] a comedietta in one act / The father's tragedy A garden party an original dramatic sketch / Bowl'd out, or, A bit of brummagem a farce in one act / Esmeralda opera in four acts : book of words / The black statue a Negro farce, in one act and one scene / The discarded daughter a comedy in five acts / Arabella Stuart ; The heir of Linne ; Tasso plays / David Copperfield a drama in three acts / The first violin Chops an Ethiopian farce in one act / Ali Baba, Jr., or, Morgana and the forty thieves a spectacular extravaganza in 4 acts / A bunch of keys, or, The hotel Beeton's book of burlesques containing five burlesques specially written for performance in the Theatre Royal Back Drawing-room / Abradatas and Panthea a tragedy in five acts from the Cyropaedia of Xenophon. The Burlington arcade a burletta in one act / King Richard the third Joan of Arc, or, The maid of Orleans a melo-drama in three acts / Guy Domville a play in three acts / Dross, or, The root of evil a domestic drama in three acts / A fighting chance, or, For the blue or the gray a play in three acts for female characters only / A heart of gold a drama in three acts / Blanche, or, The rival fairies a fairy pantomime / The knights of St. John!, or, The fire banner! a romantic drama in two acts / In and out a Negro sketch in one scene / Faustus a romantic drama in three acts. Gulliver, or, Harlequin and the demon bow wow The illustrious stranger, or, Married and buried an operatic farce, in two acts / Catherine of Cleves a tragic drama in three acts / Buonaparte, or, The free-booter a drama in three acts / King Arthur a drama in a prologue and four acts / Alice Grey, the suspected one, or, The moral brand a domestic drama in three acts / The English slave, or, The eve of St. Brice a tragedy. Cavalleria rusticana Chivalry in humble life : music-drama in one act / Hymenaeus a drama in two acts / The black chemist an Ethiopian sketch / 40 thieves book of the words / The barber of Bath operetta in one act / High C a comedietta in one act / Lavinia a tragedy in three acts / Giralda, or, The miller's wife a comic drama in three acts / Hypnotizing a landlord a sketch in one scene / Kathleen O'Neil a grand national melodrame in three acts. Alma mater, or, a cure for coquettes an original comedy in three acts / Guglielmo Tell William Tell : opera in four acts / A family strike a farce / The heart of London, or, The sharper's progress a drama in three acts / Jack and Jill, or, Harlequin sing-a-song of sixpence, the demon blackbirds, and the good fairies of the gold and silver ferns Afranius In honor bound an original play in one act / Just my luck an entirely original farce / Ines Mendo, or, The triumph of prejudice [Part 2] a comedy. A kiss in the dark a farce in one act / Comic Christmas pantomime entitled The old woman who lived in a shoe, or, Harlequin child of Childwall and the choice spirits of Dingle Dell! Gotobed Tom! a farce in one act / Caste an original comedy in three acts / False pretensions a comedy in two acts / The guardian sylph!, or, The magic rose! a musical fairy interlude in one act / The farmer's story a domestic drama in three acts / Cavalleria rusticana Rustic chivalry : melodrama in one act / Laila operetta in three parts / King Saul a tragedy / Un ballo in maschera opera in three acts / Faustus [a dramatic mystery / The beggar student opera-comique in 3 acts / In quod, or, Courting the wrong lass a commedy in II acts. The black domino a comic opera in three acts / The ladies' battle, or, Un duel en amour a comedy in three acts / Camille, or, The fate of a coquette a tragic play in five acts / El Hyder, the chief of the Ghant mountains a grand Eastern melo-dramatic spectacle in two acts / Hortensia a tragedy in five acts. Giles Corey, yeoman a play / Arajoon, or, The conquest of Mysore a grand Oriental drama in three acts / A cracker bon-bon for Christmas parties consisting of Christmas pieces for private representation and other seasonable matter, in prose and verse / The last loaf a drama / The Irish emigrant a comic drama in two acts / Ben the boatswain a nautical drama in three acts / His last chance, or, The little joker a comedy in three acts / Giulliano de' Medici a drama in five acts / Dancing mad an Ethiopian eccentricity in one scene. A comic scen[e] inculcating and entitled A conjugal lesson in one act / Glin Gath, or, The man in the cleft a drama in four acts / Cupid in London, or, Some passages in the life of love an extravaganza in two acts / Catherine Howard a romantic drama in three acts / Birds of prey, or, A duel in the dark a drama in three acts / The attorney a drama in three [i.e. four] acts. Aunt Jane's flat Fielding manor a drama in a prologue and four acts / Hadley a Bucks county romance in 5 acts / Hearts are trumps original drama in four acts / The cup and the lip a comedy in five acts / The corsair's revenge [or, Love and vengeance] [a romantic drama in two acts] / Alcestis Camille, or, The fate of a coquette a magic play in five acts / Babes in the wood, or, Bold Robin Hood & his foresters good The bride of Messina a tragedy with chorusses / Darkness visible a farce in two acts / H.M.S. Pinafore, or, The lass that loved a sailor an entirely original nautical comic opera in two acts / Jessy Vere, or, The return of the wanderer an original domestic drama in two acts / The Inchcape bell a nautical burletta in two acts / An entirely new & original comic opera in two acts entitled The competitors, or, The nymph of Nozenaro The Earl of Brecon ; Faith's fraud ; The ferryman Iphigenia in Tauris Jeanie Deans an opera in four acts and seven tableaux : book of words / The Jewess a grand opera in four acts / Arnold of Winkelried, or, The fight of Sempach! a drama in five acts / The babes in the wood an original comedy in three acts / The divorce a comedy in one act / The conversion of Nat Sturge a comic play in one act / Empress and no empress, or, Mr. Bonny's wedding a farce with songs / Fear of scandal a play in four acts / Jack and Jill and the well on the hill, or, The house that Jack built Babes in the woods After the party a comedy in one act. I'll tell you what a comedy in five acts / Grandmother's gown a duologue / Guglielmo Tell a grand opera in four acts / The Boston dip a comedy in one act / Idalia, or, The adventuress a drama in three acts / The fugitive a comedy in five acts / The Corsican bothers, or, The troublesome twins an original burlesque extravaganza, founded on a famous romantic drama / The Chevalier of the Maison Rouge, or, The days of terror! a romantic drama in three acts / The Gaberlunzie man a Scottish operatic drama in two acts / The dowager a comedy in one act ; and, Why did you die? : a petite comedy in one act / Book of the words of the grand comic Christmas pantomime, entitled Whittington and his cat A cup of coffee comedy in one act for young ladies / From village to court a comic drama in two acts / Gretna Green, or, Matrimony in Scotland a popular petite comedy in two acts. Don't lend your umbrella a comic drama in two acts / Faith and falsehood, or, The fate of a bushranger! a drama in three acts / Iphigenia in Delphi ; [and, The fishermen] Esmeralda, or, The deformed of Notre Dame a drama in three acts / En voyage comedy for 2 males and 2 females / Comic tragedies Aladdin, or, The wonderful lamp a drama in three acts. A double shuffle a comedietta in one act / In the year ten thousand The brewer of Preston, or, Malt and hops a comic drama in one act / Columbus, or, A hero of the New World an historical play / Going to the Derby an original farce in one act / The daughter a drama in one act / Arizona a drama in four acts / The capitol Katie's deception, or, The troublesome kid a farce in one act / Alwynne, or, The secret of Narboth being certain actual and recent psychical experiences dramatised in a play of four acts / The darkey phrenologist a nigger absurdity in one act / Joseph in Egypt a biblical drama in five acts / The brothers a drama / Carmosine comedy in three acts. The blind girl, or, A receipt for beauty a comic opera in three acts / In danger a drama in three acts / The child stealer a drama in four parts / Cherry bounce! a farce in one act / Bubbles a comedietta in one act / The Isle of St. Tropez a drama in four acts / Affinities a drama in three acts / The attic story a farce in one act / The fair equestrienne musical comedy in one act / Antiquity a farce in two acts. Ines Mendo, or, Prejudice vanquished [Part 1] a comedy. Euphernia, or, The destroyer of Genaize an operatic drama in three acts / Broken-hearted club a comedietta / Don Caesar de Bazan a drama in three acts / Cymbeline a comedy in five acts / The genii, good and evil attendants on the human race : a masque / The death of Capt. Nathan Hale a drama in five acts / The last kiss, or, The soldier's grave a domestic drama in two acts / Ion a tragedy in five acts. The Druid a tragedy in five acts / King Arthur, or, Launcelot the Loose, Gin-Ever the Square, and the knights of the Round Table and other furniture a burlesque extravaganza / The Duchess of Padua a tragedy of the sixteenth century. A Dutchman in Ireland a comic sketch. Captain Jack, or, The Irish outlaw an original Irish drama in three acts / Charlotte Corday a tragedy in five acts / The first kiss a comedy in one act / Ashore and afloat a nautical drama in three acts / The emigrant's daughter a drama in one act / The barbers of Bassora a comic opera in two acts / The fallen god A.S.S a farce in one act. The house of Usna a drama. I'll stay awhile a farce / Flodden Field a dramatic romance in three acts / Commodus a play / The gypsy's secret a drama / L'Africaine an opera in five acts / Blow for blow an original drama in a prologue and three acts / A fair reward a drama in five acts / The Boyne water, or, The relief of Londonderry a romantic Irish drama in three acts / The last drop a temperance drama in one act / Il flauto magico, o, I misteri d'Iside The magic flute, or, The mysteries of Isis : a grand romatic [sic] opera in two acts / The highest bidder an original comedy in three acts / Catharine de Medicis a tragedy in five acts / The emerald isle, or, The caves of Carrig-Cleena a new and original comic opera in two acts / The flower of the family a comedy in three acts / Hamlet the Dane a burlesque burletta in two acts / A cup of tea drawn from 1773 in three acts / Acis and Galatea, or, The nimble nymph and the terrible troglodyte! an extravaganza / Grandfather Whitehead an original drama in two acts / Lady Belle Belle, or, Fortunio and his seven magic men a Christmas fairy tale in one act / The fall of Portugal, or, The royal exiles a tragedy in five acts. The Countess Gucki a comedy in three acts / Browne the martyr a farce in one act / Don Giovanni opera in two acts / Griselda a drama in five acts / Beauty and the beast a play in one act / Hard times a domestic drama in three acts / The better half a comedietta in one act / The gladiator of Ravenna a drama in five acts / The Holy Graal and other fragments Hydropathy comedy-opera in two acts / The fatal blow a melo-drama in two acts / The fairy lake, or, The magic veil! a romantic musical burletta in three acts / The Dutchman's ghost in one scene / The Duchess of Dublin a farce / Choice spirits, or, The palace of gin a serio-comic dramatic poem in two acts / Borrowing a husband, or, Sleeping out a petite comedy in one act / Adelgitha, or, The fruits of a single error a tragedy in five acts / The knight and the sprite, or, The cold water cure!! a new romantic aquatic burlesque / Giordano a tragedy / Grand comic Christmas pantomime entitled Little Jack, the giant killer Don't forget your opera-glasses an original farce in one act / Gaspardo the gondolier, or, The three banished men of Milan! a drama in three acts / Donizetti's La favorita a serious dramatic opera in four acts. The cast king of Granada historical extravaganza / La figlia del reggimento a lyric comedy in two acts / The honest thieves a farce in two acts / Henry IV, of Germany a tragedy in five acts / The dramatic works of Molière Done on both sides a farce in one act / A happy day a family farce / Bad advice a comedy in three acts / L'Italiana in Algeri a comic opera in two acts / Athelwold a tragedy in five acts / The Bay of Normandy a dramatic sketch in three parts. Comic dramas in three acts / Debtor and creditor a comedy in five acts / An equal chance a sketch in one act. A girl of the century a comedy in one act / The ladies' man a farce in one act / The bank note, or, Lessons for ladies a comedy in five acts / Alive and kicking The brigand a romantic drama in two acts / The great Casimir operetta in three acts = Le grand Casimir / The draft a Negro sketch, in one act and two scenes / Foxglove, or, The Quaker's will an opera in three acts / Gringoire, the ballad-monger a play in one act / The chimney piece, or, The married maid a laughable farce in one act / Fatinitza comic opera / Equals a comedy in three acts / Appomattox a drama relating to the Civil War in the United States, in four acts / The dead heart an historical drama in three acts : with a prologue / Cent. per cent., or, The masquerade a farce in two acts / Ali Baba a new duo-(decimal) edition of The forty thieves : a fairy extravaganza in two acts / A finished coquette a comedietta in one act / The barber and the bravo, or, The princess with the raven locks a broad farcical drama in one act / The best way a petite comedy in one act / Elfrida a drama / Deborah, or, The Jewish maiden's wrong a drama in three acts / Bosom friends comedietta / 102, or, The veteran and his progeny a petite comedy in one act / Fleur-de-lys opera bouffe, in three acts and three tableaux / Honesty a drama in five acts / Dramatic fragments from The conspirator, an unpublished tragedy / The haunted hulk a nautical drama in two acts / A figure of fun, or, the bloomer costume an original farce in one act / The irresistibles a comic drama in two acts / Dar's de money burlesque on Othello : a scene for two characters. The laughable lover a comedy in five acts / The great sensation trial, or, Circumstantial Effie-Deans a burlesque extravaganza / Jessie Brown [, or, The relief of Lucknow] Holly Tree Inn play in one act / The Carmelites! a musical drama in two acts / The deceitful Miss Smiths Bachelor Hall a comedy in three acts / La figlia del reggimento opera in two acts / City friends a farce in one act / All in the dark, or, The banks of the Elbe a musical farce in two acts / The Caliph of Baghdad an original oriental, operatic extravaganza / The great Hindoo secret a comedy in three acts / King René's daughter a lyric drama / Aladdin, or, The wonderful lamp a fairy tale drama for the little folks / Isabella Orsini a romantic drama in four acts / The dragoons a comic opera in three acts / Ye gods and goddesses, or, The apple of discord a mythical medley / Grimaldi a tragedy in five acts / Centennial movement, 1876 a comedy in five acts / Jephthah a tragedy. Hans von Smash a farce / The game of life The great rebellion grand national allegory and tableaux / The lady of the lake a melo-dramatic romance in three acts, taken from the popular poem of that title ... / Brother against brother a military play in five acts / Clarissa Harlowe a tragic drama in three acts / Camaralzaman and the fair Badoura, or, The bad Djinn and good spirit an extravaganza / A Christmas carol, or, The miser's warning a drama in two acts / Incog, or, Three days at a well-known hotel a farce in two acts / The fisher maiden a vaudeville ; and, The lover's caprice : a pastoral play / The belle's stratagem a comedy in three acts / From the curse of coquetry First love a comedy in one act / The iron chest Grimalkin the great, or, Harlequin Puss in boots and the miller's sons grand comic Christmas pantomime / Deaf and dumb, or, The orphan an historical drama in five acts / The buntling ball a Graeco-American play : being a poetical satire on New York Society / E.C.B. Susan Jane, or, A sailor's life on the raging main an original poetical effusion in one act / Ariane, or, The bond of wedlock a tale of London life / Ethel wolf, or, The Danish pirates a tragedy in five acts / Faust and Gretchen a comic sketch / Callirrhoë ; Fair Rosamund Gazette extraordinary a comedy in five acts / The famous history of the life of King Henry the Eighth a historical play / How stout you're getting! a farce in one act / The battle of Bothwell Brigg a Scottish romance in two acts / The golden legend The good-natured man a comedy in five acts / Confin'd in vain, or, A double to do a farce in two acts / A box of monkeys a parlor farce in two acts / Jealousy a petite comedy in two acts / Amy Robsart The justiza a tale of Arragon : a play in five acts / Harlequin Novelty, and the princess who lost her heart a new and original burlesque pantomime in one act / La grande duchesse de Gerolstein comic opera in three acts / A bold stroke for a wife a comedy in five acts / Down in Dixie An appendix containing various scenes from four plays viz a comic opera, two comedies, and a tragedy that were written for Drury Lane Theatre, but ultimately withdrawn from the system, which the present management has exercised against the author. Preceded by a statement of facts The gold fiend, or, The demon gamester a drama in three acts / Eurynome, the Greek maiden a tragedy in five acts / The adventuress, or, Lady Evelyn's triumph a drama in four acts / Aeneas, or, Dido done! a new burlesque sketch in one act / Anne Boleyn a tragedy / Bon ton, or, High life above stairs a farce in two acts / A double life, or, Where there's a will, there's a way an original comedy in three acts / The bee-hive a musical farce in two acts / Cox and Box a romance of real life in one act / Goetz of Berlichingen, with the iron hand a tragedy / La belle Hélène opera bouffe in three acts / Excise trials a burlesque Negro sketch, in one scene / Have you got that ten pound note? Fiesco a tragedy / Boadicea [a play in four acts / Absent minded a genteel farce, in one act / Clarisse, or, The merchant's daughter a drama in three acts / Fidelio, or, Constancy rewarded an opera in three acts / The bewitched closet a dramatic sketch in one act / Alcestis travestie a classical burlesque in one act / Duty comedy in four acts / Euryanthe a romantic opera in three acts / Arrah de Baugh a drama in five acts / Get-rich-quick society, or, One hundred for thirty farce / Aristodemus a tragedy. The blind girl of Castel-Cuille poem / The forerunners a fancy / Bluebeard, or, The key of the cellar a drama in three acts. The fall of Algiers a grand opera in three acts / Lanty's luck, or, Falsely accused a drama of Irish life / Ixion, or, The man at the wheel an original extravaganza / Cosmo, duke of Tuscany a tragedy in five acts / A black sheep Box and Cox married and settled an original farce in one act / Lady Audley's secret an original version of Miss Braddon's popular novel, in two acts / Ernest Douglas a tragedy in five acts / A dream of fair women and brave men tableaux vivants for any number of males and females / Harold Keep your eye on her an original farce in one act / Bel-shar-uzzar Belshazzar : a dramatic poem / The American girl An awful criminal a farce in one act / Kitty Clive comedy, one act / Dred, or, The dismal swamp a play in five acts / The guests of Brazil, or, The martyrdom of Frederick a tragedy / The Athenian captive a tragedy in five acts / The conscript a petite drama in one act / Antonio a tragedy in five acts / Frolicsome girls a comedy / The goose with the golden eggs a farce in one act / The Huguenot captain a new and original drama in three acts / It's only my aunt! a comic interlude in one act / Bathing a farce in one act / A kettle of fish a farcical comedy in three acts / The hut of the Red Mountain, or, Thirty years of a gamester's life a domestic melodrama in three acts / Christmas boxes comedy for 4 males and 4 females / A domestic entanglement The husbands of Leontine comedy in three acts / Cinderella Dramas of the ancient world The dandy fifth an English military comic opera / Fadette opera comique in three acts / Family jars a musical farce in two acts / The gentleman of Lyons, or, The marriage contract a play in five acts / Found in a four-wheeler! a farce / The bravo's heir operetta in one act / Cross of sorrow a tragedy in five acts / A delicate question an original comedy-drama in four acts / Fortune mends a comedy in three acts / First come, first served comedietta in one act. A husband in clover a farce in one act / Charlie's Christmas dream Deborah Heaven and hell a comedy. Ben Israel, or, From under the curse a Jewish play in five acts / The baronet abroad and the rustic prima donna an original musical drama in one act / Fool and his money comic drama in three acts / Alone an original comedy drama in three acts / Hippolytus the wreath bearer a tragedy of Euripides. Belisarius an opera, in three acts / The critique of the vision of Rubeta a dramatic sketch in one act / The king's gardener, or, Nipped in the bud! a burletta in one act / The king's rival, or, The court and the stage a drama in five acts / The courier comedy for 2 males and 3 females / Esther a drama in five acts / Cupid's frolics a sketch, in one scene / The Fenian spy, or, John Bull in America Bouffer and Breeze opera-bouffe in one act / Hermione The case of Smyth vs. Smith a mock trial court scene in one act / Cloud and sunshine, or, Love's revenge an original drama in four acts / Honor versus wealth a domestic drama in three acts / The lamplighter, or, The blind girl and little Gerty a drama in two acts and four tableaux / Bertram a tragedy in five acts / Jesus of Nazareth a tragedy / King René's daughter a Danish lyrical drama / Der fliegende Holländer romantische Oper in drei Aufzügen = The flying Dutchman = Il vascello fantasma : Orchester-Partitur / Blood money, or, Brought to bay drama in a prologue & five acts / The farm house a farce in three acts / Calaynos a tragedy / The children of the castle a drama in three acts / The fair maid of Perth, or, The battle of the inch a grand historical national drama in three acts / Harold Hawk, or, The convict's vengeance an original domestic drama in two acts / Henry Venola, the duellist a poem / Bardell versus Pickwick, versified and diversified in two acts : written and adapted for dramatic representation, from two well-known chapters of the most popular work of the late Charles Dickens : with songs / Ephraim's Breite a drama in five acts / 'Twixt axe and crown Elizabeth Prinzessin von England : a historical play in five acts / Come to town, or, Next door neighbours a farce in one act / A home fairy a play for children / The breach of promise, or, Second thoughts are best a comedy in two acts / Hamlet Prince of Denmark : an old play in new garb in three acts. Hazel Kirke Humbug a comedy in three acts / The castle of Sorrento a musical entertainment / The corner lot chorus a farce in one act for female characters only / Law versus love a comedietta in one act / Here she goes and there she goes an Ethiopian farce in two scenes / He's no conjuror! an extravaganza, in one act / Camaralzaman and Badoura, or, the peri who loved the prince an extravagant Arabian nights entertainment in two acts / Buckstone's adventure with a Polish princess an original farce in one act / Iphigenia in Aulis The coming man an Ethiopian sketch in two scenes / Honesty wins a comedy in four acts / Isalda a new and original poetical play in one act / Johannes Fowl play, or, A story of Chikkin Hazard an entirely new & original burlesque / Boccaccio opera comique, in three acts / Daguerreotypes, or, The picture gallery an Ethiopian sketch, in one scene / The daughter of St. Mark a grand opera seria in three acts / Difficult to please a dramatic sketch in one act for three female characters / La favorita a lyric drama in four acts / Captured, or, The old maid's triumph a comedy in four acts / The deserted village a drama in three acts / The duchess of Bayswater and Co a comedietta in one scene / The forest of Bondy, or, The dog of Montargis! a melo drama in three acts. A faint heart which did win a fair lady a comedietta in one act / For the old love's sake an original comedy drama in three acts / The campaign of 1346, ending with the battle of Crecy an historical drama in five acts : with notes and memoirs of some of the most eminent characters of the drama / The ladder of love a musical drama in one act / Adela a grand opera in three acts / The floating beacon, or The Norwegian wreckers a melo drama in two acts / A garland to Sylvia a dramatic reverie with a prologue / The black kitten a melo-drama in four acts / I'll remain single monologue for a gentleman / Helen Oakleigh, or, The wife's stratagem! an historical drama in two acts / Hearts are trumps a domestic drama in three acts / Dangers of London an original drama / Happy Arcadia Hal, the highwayman a play in one act / Geneviéve de Brabant opera bouffe in three acts / La donna del lago a lyric drama in two acts / The latest edition of Black-eyed Susan, or, The little bill that was taken up an original burlesque / The knight of Arva a comic drama in two acts / The iron hand a drama in four acts / Jupiter, or, The cobbler and the king comic opera in two acts / The babes in the wood, or, The harlequin and the cruel uncle a grand comic Christmas pantomime / A game of cards a comedietta in one act / Cremation an Ethiopian sketch / A bad penny a drama in one act / The angel of the attic a serio-comic drama in one act / Harlequin and Humpty Dumpty, or, Robbin de Bobbin and the first Lord Mayor of Lun'on a grand historical pantomime / Doves in a cage a comedy in two acts / Aunt Minerva a comedietta in one act / The golden horseshoe drama / The curse of Pontignac a comic opera / Douglas travestie a burlesque in one act / The dramatic works of a new author individual American sentiments ... / Azael, the prodigal a grand operatic spectacle in three acts / The fair Gabrielle an operatic anecdote in one act / The benefit of the doubt a comedy in three acts / The epistolary flirt in four exposures / Bruised and cured a Negro burlesque sketch in one scene / Caught in the act a comedy, in three acts / A flash of lightning a drama of life in our day in five acts / By special desire a drawing room monologue. The flower queen, or, The coronation of the rose a cantata, in two parts / Good news! Good news! or, The case is altered a dramatic piece, with songs, in two acts ; to which is added Mr. Boney's reception in Paris / From Punkin Ridge, or, Belinda Jane and Jonathon an original comedy in one act / The black forrest an Ethiopian farce / Gettin' de bag to hold, or, The United States mail an Ethiopian farce / John Delmer's daughters a comedy in three acts / The grin bushes, or, The Mrs. Brown of the Missis-sippi a burlesque extravaganza in one act / Day well spent a farce in one act / Dramatic stories for home and school entertainment Enlisted for the war a drama / By royal command a comedy drama in three acts / A finished education a finale for the "first part" of a Negro minstrel entertainment / La fille du tambour-major opera comique in three acts / Accepted by proxy duologue / Cup of tea a comedietta in one act. The heart of Mid-lothian, or, The lily of St. Leonard's a melodramatic romance in three acts / King Arthur, or, The days and knights of the round table a new and original Christmas extravaganza in one act / An idyll of the closing century duologue / Hans the Dutch J.P a Dutch farce in one act / Home rule a fireside story : an original comedy drama in one act / Billee Taylor, or, The reward of virtue a nautical comic opera in two acts / Jack's the lad an Ethiopian drama / The drunkard, or, The fallen saved! a moral domestic drama in five acts / The Egyptian festival an opera in three acts / In the eyes of the world a play in one act / An entirely new and original grand comic Christmas prize pantomime for 1851 founded on a Lancashire legend and illustrated by local scenery to be called Harlequin and the childe of Hale, or, the king of the red noses & the liver queen / Athelwold A desperate game a comic drama in one act / Barking up the wrong tree a Darkey sketch in one act and one scene. The dream at sea a drama in three acts / Count of Narbonne a tragedy in five acts / Angelo, and the actress of Padua a drama in four acts / Incompatability of temper a farce in one act / Hearts and diamonds a comedy in three acts / Cousin Tom a comedietta in one act / A dude in a cyclone a farce / The Eddystone elf a melo-drama in two acts / The bottle imp a dramatic spectacle in two acts / Cheerful and musical duologue / The facts in the case a farce in one act / Esmeralda a comedy drama in four acts / Grand pantomime of Harlequin Aladdin and the lamp, or, The wizard, the ring and the scamp Aglavaine and Selysette a drama in five acts / The hunchback a play in five acts / The drama of earth The banks of the Hudson, or, The Congress trooper a transatlantic romance in three acts / The belle's stratagem a comedy in five acts / The corporal's wedding! or, A kiss from the bride a farce in one act / A breezy call an original comedietta in one act / Beyond pardo [sic], or, The countess of Lynn a drama in five acts / The divine tragedy The four cousins a comic drama in two acts / Acrisius, King of Argos The boarding-house, or, Five hours at Brighton a musical farce in two acts / Bad Lady Betty a drama in three acts / The land we live in a comedy in five acts / Don Quixote, or, The knight of the woeful countenance a musical extravaganza in two acts / The follies of a day a comedy in three acts / Giselle, or, The phantom night dancers a domestic, melo-dramatic, choreographic, fantastique, traditionary tale of superstition in two acts / Book of the words of the new comic Christmas pantomime for old and young called Harlequin Beauty and the Beast Jumbo-Jum! an original farce in one act. Cherry and Fair Star a grand eastern spectacle in two acts. A brass monkey The last night of a nation (N.E.) a historical drama, years 1585 to 1637 / The brothers a comedy in five acts / Caesar a dramatic study in five acts / Black domino a musical burletta in one act / A home of one's own a farce in one act / The deuce is in him farce in two acts / The dumb conscript [or, A brother's love and a sister's honour] [a drama in two acts] / Julian His Excellency comic opera in two acts / The Earls of Hammersmith, or, The cellar spectre! a commercial, tragical, burlesque drama in one act / The doctor's assistant a farce / The lady of the lions a burlesque in one act / In Nelson's days a play in one act / Finnigan's fortune an original comic Irish play in three acts / After all The gipsy, or, Shadows from the past a play in one act / Blanche de Nevers an opera in four acts / Comedy and tragedy a comedy / Grand Christmas pantomime entitled Edina and the white hart of the Lothians, or, Prince Edwin and the fairies of the thistle The foundling a comedy in five acts / The grand duchess of Gerolstein a comic opera in three acts / Brown and the Brahmins The grand pantomime, entitled Robinson Crusoe Adrienne, or, The secret of a life a new and original drama in three acts / Awaking a drama in one act / Is he alive? or, All puzzled!! a farce in two acts. The apprentice a farce in two acts / Gold! a drama in five acts / An entirely new supernatural opera in two acts entitled Ruddigore, or, The witch's curse The duke's motto, or, I am here! a play in a prologue and four acts / Death's jest-book, or, The fool's tragedy The ambassadress comic opera in three acts / The fencing master a comic opera in three acts / Laugh when you can a comedy in five acts / Adelaide a tragedy in five acts / The garrick fever a farce in one act / The empire of philanthropy with a portraiture of British excellence as a national example : a dramatic poem with notes / The clouds ; and, Peace of Aristophanes Highest price for old clothes, or, The tailor's strike an original darkey eccentricity in one scene. Grand Christmas pantomime entitled Puss in Boots Blundering Bill a farce in two scenes / Le desert ode-symphonie en trois parties / Georgy Barnwell, or, The unfortunate London apprentice a tragi-comical operatic historical burlesque in one act / Joseph and his brethren the Hebrew son, or, the child of Babylon : in three acts. Female heroism a tragedy in five acts / Claribel a tragedy / Beethoven a dramatized episode from his life in one act : introducing his two songs, Adelaide and Joyful and mournful / The British slave, or, Seven years of a soldier's life an original drama in four acts / Fulvius Valens, or, The martyr of Caesarea a tragedy. The downfall and death of King Oedipus a drama in two parts / Buckstone at home, or, The manager and his friends an original domestic apropos sketch / La Béarnaise opera comique in three acts / Herodias a dramatic poem / Diamond cut diamond an interlude in one act / Cherry and Fairstar, or, The pretty green bird and the fairies of the dancing waters a new burlesque extravaganza : with apologies to the ghost of the Countess D'Aulnoy / A fancy fair an original comedietta / The enchanted wood, or, The three transformed princes a fairy extravaganza / A highland fling a farce / Call again to-morrow From Sumter to Appomattox a war drama in four acts / Kissi-Kissi a new Persian operatic buffoonerie / Daisy Farm a domestic drama in four acts / Hermann, the fatalist an entirely original romantic drama in five acts / An artist's model a comedy with music, in two acts / Judith a historical drama in five acts / Capuletta, [or, Romeo and Juliet restored] a burlesque / The last life a drama in three acts / Canute the Great ; The cup of water Barbara a play in one act / Friend Fritz L'amico Fritz : lyrical comedy in three acts / The area sylph, or, A foot-boy's dream a bombastic, terrific, operatic, dramatic, burlesque burletta upon The mountain sylph : in one act / The first glass, or, The power of woman's influence ; and, The young teetotaler, or, Saved at last Home for a holiday a comedietta in one act / Fighting by proxy a burletta / Chaos is come again, or, The race-ball! a farce in one act / He's no conjuror! an extravaganza in one act / The cedar chest, or, The Lord Mayor's daughter a romantic drama in two acts ; to which is added, The silver palace, or, The golden poppy : a masque or water pageant in one act / Demetrius Caesar de Bazan, or, Love and honour a drama in three acts / King Robert the Bruce, or, The battle of Bannockburn an historical drama in three acts / King of the Merrows, or, The prince and the piper a fairy extravaganza / A charming conversationalist comedy for 1 male and 2 females / Haunted by a shadow, or, Hunted down a drama in four acts / Golden fruit The Duchess de la Vallière a play in five acts / Birds of a feather a serio-comic play in two acts / Demon of the desert!, or, The well of palms a melo-drama in two acts / A beggar on horseback an original comedy in five acts / Animal magnetism a farce in three acts / Glycerine oil an Ethiopian sketch / The fair truant an operetta in two acts, founded on fact / The drama of kings Falsehood and truth Her new dressmaker an original dramatic sketch / Billy a musical farce in two acts / Damon and Pythias a Negro burlesque sketch, in two scenes / Cuffs and kisses a vaudeville in one act / Alfred Crowquill's pantomime The moon queen and King Night, or, Harlequin twilight The forgery a drama in five acts. Americans abroad The Brixton burglary farcical comedy in three acts / King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table a new grand chivalric entertainment in three acts / The first of April, or, The fool's errand a musical entertainment in two acts / A fragment The courting of Mother Goose an entertainment / An Englishman's house is his castle in one act / King Richard III in five acts / The head of the family a comedietta in one act from Le moulin a paroles / The armed Briton, or, The invaders vanquished a play in four acts / Fidelio an opera in two acts / An awful plot a comic Ethiopian farce, in one scene / The fortress a melo-drama in three acts : from the French / Ivanhoe, or, the Jew of York a new grand chivalric play in three acts / As by fire a temperance drama in five acts / The girl from Klondike, or, Wide awake Nell a comedy-drama, in three acts / Great cry and little wool Freedom of the press a farce / Hotel charges, or, How to cook a biffin! an original farcical sketch in one act / The hypocrite a comedy in five acts / Champagne and oysters, or, One lie leads to another a farce in three acts / Donizetti's opera L'elisire [sic] d'amore containing the Italian text, with an English translation, and the music of all the principal airs. The honey moon a comedy in five acts / Cross questions and crooked answers duologue / Congreve's Way of the world a comedy / Camille a play in five acts / The Faust of Goethe. in English verse / Debate on the crow bill in the Senate of Virginia, February 9th, 1826 The bachelor's Christmas a Christmas entertainment / The first of September, or, Cockney sportsmen an original farce in two acts / Brantley a drama in five acts / Country justice Hernani a tragedy in five acts / Janet the flower girl a drawing-room drama in one act / Cinderella, or, The lover, the lackey, and the little glass slipper a fairy burlesque extravaganza / Jimmie Jones, or, Our hopeful son a farce in one act / Grand pantomime, Aladdin Blighted love a farce in one act / Bothwell (James Hepburn, fourth earl of Bothwell, third husband of Mary, Queen of Scots) : an historical drama / Faulkener a tragedy / Caius Gracchus a tragedy in five acts / Austerlitz, or, The soldier's bride a melo-drama in three acts / British loyalty, or, Long live the king a dramatic effusion in two acts, with songs, dances, &c. / A curious case a comic drama in two acts. The babes in the wood, or, The ferocious uncle and the avenging robins a domestic tragedy in one act. Bruce a chronicle play / Editha's burglar Excelsior, or, The heir apparent The coming man, or, Fifty years hence Borrowing trouble a farce / The house of Bardsley, or, The trail of sin an entirely original drama / Kildrostan a dramatic poem / An elephant on ice an Ethiopian interlude in one scene. A confidence game a comedy in two acts / The exile a comedy in three acts / Facing the music an original farcical comedy in three acts / The golden age, or, Pierrot's sacrifice an original idyllic musical play in one act / The Grecian gossips ; The exile's lament ; Scenes from Goethe's Faust The devil's ducat, or, The gift of Mammon a romantic drama in two acts / Caught in a trap a comedietta in two acts / Harlequin and the forty thieves grand comic Christmas pantomime / Amilie, or, The love test a grand romantic opera in three acts / For England, ho! a melo-dramatic opera in two acts / Gladstone and the House of Lords a lyrical serio-comic drama in one act. Armadale a drama in three acts / The blood red knight!, or, The fatal bridge! a melo dramatic romance in two acts / The bride of Abydos a tragick play in three acts / A case of jealousy a comedy in two acts / Armand, or, the peer and the peasant a play in five acts / A colonel's mishap a farce comedy in one act / Capers and coronets a farce in one act / The Kansas bandit, or, The fall of Ingalls Cavalleria rusticana Board and residence a farce in one act / Faust up to date a burlesque in two acts / Cuttyback's thunder, or, Frank Wylde a comedy in one act / A bachelor of arts a comic drama in two acts / All's well that ends well a petite comedy in one act / Brangonar a tragedy / Dred a tale of the dismal swamp : a drama in two acts / Actor and servant a Dutch farce in one act / The black madonna The impostures of Scapin How dreams come true a dramatic sketch in two scenes / The flower of Yarrow a tragedy in five acts / The dumb man of Manchester a melo-drama in two acts / Captain Dick, or, Our war correspondent an original comedy drama in three acts / All the comforts of home Family quarrels a comic opera in three acts / The lady of the bed-chamber a farce in one act / The Jewess a grand operatic drama in three acts / Hedda Gabler a drama in four acts / Fortune favours the brave a comedy in three acts / The jealous wife a comedy in five acts / High life in the city! a comedy of five acts ... / Handy Andy a comic Hibernian drama in one act / Izaak Walton a drama in four parts : moonlight, sunrise, noon, and sunset / A bed of roses a comedy in one act / Caleb Quotem and his wife, or, Paint, poetry and putty an opera in three acts / The best man comedietta in two scenes, with songs / Cross purposes a misunderstanding : in one act / The Irish tiger a farce in one act / The heart of David the psalmist-king / Il Don Giovanni a lyric play in two acts / 1492 operatic extravaganza / The field of forty footsteps a drama in three acts / The double-bedded room a farce in one act / The actors' scheme, or, How we got our dinner a farce / B.B an original farce in one act / The coming of peace, or, the old order changeth an allegory of the changing centuries, in one scene / The innkeeper's daughter a melo-drama in two acts / Edith a play in five acts / A close siege a serio-comic drama in one act / Athalie The first floor a farce in two acts / The bride of song operetta in one act / Hector a tragedy in five acts / Follow the leader a comedy in one act / The guinea stamp comedietta in one act / The charming woman a comedy in three acts / A harmonious family a play for children in three acts / Five hundred pounds reward, or, Dick Turpin the Second a comic drama in two acts / Esther a purim play / The harper's daughter, or, Love and ambition a tragedy in five acts / Betsey Bobbett a drama / L'Africaine, or, the belle of Madagascar a burlesque in one act, being the first extravaganza on the subject printed / Floating a company a comedietta in one act / Blanche of Navarre a play / Court lovers, or, The sentinel of the king's guard an original musical comedy in four acts / A bad case an original comedy in one act / How to settle accounts with your laundress an original farce in one act / Comedies by Molière a new translation / Gustavus Vasa, the hero of the north an historical opera / Donizetti's Linda di Chamounix a melo-dramatic opera in three acts. Cockneys in California a piece of golden opportunity in one act / Captain Stevens a comic drama in one act / The king of the Alps a romantic drama in three acts / Griffith Gaunt, or, Jealousy The doge of Duralto, or, The enchanted eyes an extravaganza / Bearding the lion a comedietta in one act / Allow me to explain a farce / The dramatic works of Edwin Atherstone The court of Queen Anne, or, The prince and the breeches maker! a drama in two acts / The aunt and the angel, or, Funkiboo's fix an extravaganza in three acts / Cock-a-doodle-do, or, Harlequin Prince Chanticleer, and the princess of the Golden Valley a new and original comic Christmas pant omim, 1865-1866 / Der Freischutz, or, The seven charmed bullets a melo-drama in two acts / Begone dull care a comedy in five acts / The falcon Divorce La gazza ladra a lyric drama in two acts / A blot in the 'scutcheon a tragedy in three acts / Hop o' my thumb and his eleven brothers, or, Harlequin & the ogre of the seven league boots grand comic Christmas pantomime / Hidden treasure, or, The good St. Nicholas an operetta for 12th night / The last word a comedy in four acts / The court fool, or, A king's amusement a tragic drama in three acts / Harlequin Sinbad the sailor, or, The great roc of the diamond valley and the seven wonders of the world grand comic Christmas pantomime / Bitter-sweet a poem / The fair crusader an opera in three acts. All the songs, duets, glees, trios, choruses, &c., in the new grand original opera of The siege of Rochelle Bampfylde Moore Carew, or, The gypsey of the glen a romantic melo-drama in three acts. The last Mandeville ; The heart's sacrifice ; The monk ; Matilda of Denmark tragedies / Book of the words of the grand, comic, spectacular Christmas pantomime entitled The forty thieves, or, Harlequin Ali Baba and the robbers of the magic cave Doctor Bolus a serio-comic-bombastick-operatick interlude / The Darktown bicycle club scandal a colored sketch in one act for lady minstrels / The iron chest a play in three acts / Jean Buscaille a drama in five acts / In an attic comedietta in one act / The delinquent, or, Seeing company a comedy in five acts / Daisy Garland's fortune a sensational comedy drama in five acts / Better late than never a comedy in five acts / The confederacy a comedy in five acts / Inez de Castro a tragedy in five acts / Grannie's picture The exiles The home wreck a drama, in three acts ; suggested by Tennyson's poem of Enoch Arden / An international match a comedy in four acts from the German of Franz von Schoenthan / The father's tragedy ; William Rufus ; Loyalty or love? Fame an original comedy in three acts / Harvest an original modern play in a prologue and three acts / Blue beard a melodramatic travesty / The beggar's opera The chancery suit! a comedy in five acts / The denouncer, or, The seven clerks and the three thieves an original romantic drama in two acts / The four-leaved shamrock a comedy in three acts / Dombey and son in three acts / A chain of events a dramatic story in eight acts / The elopement, or, Love and duty a play in three acts / At the court of King Edwin a drama / For honor's sake an original romantic Irish drama in three acts / The Italian bride a play in five acts / Azara opera in three acts / Donna Juanita comic opera in 3 acts / Khartoum! or, The star of the desert a new and entirely original spectacular military drama in nine tableaux / A box of mischief a farce / Friday afternoon series of dialogues a collection of original dialogues suitable for boys and girls in school entertainments / Amoroso, king of Little Britain a serio-comick bombastick operatick interlude in one act / The devil's mine Fairly hit and fairly missed a farce in one act / The deacon's tribulations an original comedy-drama in four acts / The harvest storm a domestic drama in one act / The bridge of Notre Dame, or, The parricide's curse a drama in three acts / A good fellow a petite comedy, in one act / An English version of Rossini's celebrated opera buffa entitled The Italian in Algiers in two acts, with the whole of the music. Feminine strategy a musical dialogue in one act / Ariadne Diamonds and hearts comedy-drama in three acts / L'elisir d'amore, or, the elixir of love an opera in two acts / The deserted village opera in three acts / Hannele a dream poem / Hamlet as abridged and arranged for acting at the Crystal Palace, May, 1873 / Erminie comic opera / Caprice or, A woman's heart : a comedy in three acts / The blossom of Churnington Green, or, Love, rivalry and revenge a new and entirely original petit burlesque drama in one act / Faust and Marguerite, or, The devil's draught a grand operatic extravaganza / A cure for love an original comedy in two acts / The Jesuit, or, The amours of Capt. Effingham and the Lady Zarifa The climbing boy a comic drama with music in three acts / The fatal glass, or, The curse of drink a drama in three acts / A good-looking fellow a farce in one act / The forest princess, or, Two centuries ago an historical play in three parts / The academy of stars an Ethiopian sketch / Daniel Rochat a comedy in five acts / A blind attachment a comedy in one act / Battle of the bulls and bears of Wall Street, or, The comedy of commerce and the tragedy of trade Catiline Fan-fan the tulip, or, A soldier's fortune a drama in two acts / Court and city a comedy in five acts / Bristol diamonds a farce in one act / Elfrida a drama in five acts / Ernestine and Georgette, or, A lover lent a farce in one act / Amorita opera comique in three acts / Caius Toranius a tragedy / King Erik a tragedy / Bridget Branagins' trouble's, or, The masquerade ball an Irish farce introducing songs, etc., in one act / The blind girl of Bonn a dramatic idyll. Early vows a comedy in two acts / Charles the First an historical tragedy in four acts / Ambition a pleasing farce in one act, two scenes / Andy Blake, or, The Irish diamond a comedy in two acts / Curiosities of literature an original farce in one act / Gertrude and Beatrice, or, The Queen of Hungary a historical tragedy in five acts / Christmas dramatic plays Imre Kiralfy's grand historical spectacle America in four acts and seventeen scenes / David the son of Jesse, or, The peasant, the princess, and the prophet a sacred operetta in two parts / The foresters a pastoral comedy. A devilish good joke!, or, A night's frolic! an interlude in one act / The dumb girl of Genoa, or, The bandit merchant a melodrama in three acts / Blow for blow a drama in a prologue and three acts / Grieving's a folly a comedy in five acts / The grotto on the stream a drama in two acts / God save the queen loyal jubilee drama in five acts / Dollars and sense, or, The heedless ones a comedy of to-day in three acts / Edwy and Elgiva a tragedy / The inconstant, or, The way to win him a comedy / The architect a dramatick sketch in two acts / Keep your temper an original farce in one act / Un'avventura di Scaramuccia melodrama comico in due atti / The lady barber sketch in one scene / The baron's wager an original comedietta in one act / The double-dealer a comedy in five acts / The first of May an original farce in one act / Foul play a drama in four acts / Colored senators an Ethiopian burlesque in one scene / Gonzalo, the traitor a tragedy in five acts / The creator a drama in five acts / The Duchess de la Vaubalière a drama in three acts / The black cat a play in three acts / The demi-monde a satire on society / The glorious revolution, 5th November, 1688 a historic drama / The golden age to come, or, The victory of faith, and hope, and love a sacred drama written for the people / Count Benyowsky, or, The conspiracy of Kamtschatka a drama in five acts / Giralda, or, Which is my husband? a comic drama in three acts / The dancing girl a drama in four acts / Apartments, visitors to the exhibition may be accomodated, &c, &c a piece of extravaganza to suit the times, in one act / Harlequin and good Queen Bess, or, Merrie England in the olden time a grand historical! metaphorical!! allegorical!!! and diabolical!!!! pantomime / The executioner, or, Vanrick of Voorn a drama in three acts / The Amadãn a romantic drama in three acts / Barrington's busby, or, Weathering the admiral an original comedietta in one act / John Street, Adelphi a farce in two acts / The family legend a tragedy in five acts / The Arabian nights a farce in three acts / Day after the fair a burletta / Brian Boroihme, or, The maid of Erin a historical Hibernian melo-drama in three acts / The garroters farce / Faith, hope, and charity!, or, Chance and change! a domestic drama in three acts : displaying men, means, and manners of the day / Deeds of dreadful note a farce in one act / Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, or, The sport, the spook, and the spinster a musical burlesque in three acts / Jerry and a sunbeam a duologue adapted from a story in his book Furrows / The best cure an Ethiopian farce in one act / Comic sketch of Black justice, or, Half an hour in a Kentucky court house The invisible girl a piece in one act / Babes in the wood continued being a sequel to the well-known nursery tale, brought down to date / Hoyt's A trip to Chinatown A lady's note a farce in one act / Adrienne Lecouvreur Captain Charlotte a farce in two acts / A comic opera in three acts entitled The false prophet The best laid plans as enacted in two social cups of tea, two social jokes and one social agony. Heloise a drama of the passions, in four acts / Hard of hearing a comedy in one act for young ladies / Dialogues Biorn grand romantic opera in five acts / De Chatillon, or, the crusaders Jack the Giant Killer and Tom Thumb, or, Harlequin, King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table Faust opera in five acts / The fall of Mortimer a tragedy in five acts / Faust, or, the demon of the Drachenfels a romantic drama in two acts / Great expectations drama in three acts and prologue. Bleak house, or, Poor Jo a drama in four acts / The afflicted family, or, A doctor without a diploma a farce-comedy in four acts / Jacob Faithful, or, The life of a Thames waterman! a domestic local drama in three acts / La favorita opera in four acts / Chesterfield Thinskin a farce in one act / Blue jeans a comedy drama in four acts / Columbia a drama in one act for thirty-one females / A Chinese honeymoon musical comedy in two acts / Handsome Jack a melodrama in three acts / Jurgium geminorum, or, Rumpus Romuli Remique a tragedy in five acts / Breakers ahead!, or, A seaman's log! a nautical drama in three acts / Gaston de Foix a tragedy in five acts / A husband at sight a farce in two acts / Grace Mary a tragedy in Cornish dialect in one act / Helena in Troas The hunter of the Alps a drama interspersed with music / Isabella Aldobrandi a tragedy / He that will not when he may an original proverb in one act / Cinderella illustrated play in four scenes for children / Eclipsing the son a comic drama / The floating beacon, or, Norwegian wreckers a melo-drama in two acts / The happy couple a short humorous farce / Chastelard a tragedy / The dream a tragedy in prose, in three acts / David and Abigail a poem in dialogue / Isabella degli Aldobrandi tragedia / Il furioso all'Isola di San Domingo The maniac at the Island of San Domingo : a semi-serious opera in two acts / Esther a sacred drama / The election a comedy in five acts / Dramatic sketches All a mistake a farce comedy in three acts / Every man in his humour a comedy in five acts : altered from Ben Jonson / The jilt King of Angelo a tragico-comico, or, melo-dramatico burlesco / A description of Furibond, or, Harlequin negro a grand comic pantomime. The Jew of Mogadore a comic opera in three acts / Jessamy's courtship an original farce in one act / The cateran's son, or, The dread of military punishment a drama in two acts / Iolanthe, or, The peer and the peri a new and original comic opera in two acts / The fly and the web a comedy in two acts / Highgate tunnel, or, The secret arch a burlesque operatic tragedy in two acts / Caste Antony and Hero Americans abroad a comedy of international contrasts / The delinquent, or, Seeing company a comedy / The castle of Otranto a romantic extravaganza in one act / Broken toys a drama in two acts / An alarming sacrifice a farce in one act / After the circus farce in one act / Doctor Bill a farcical comedy in three acts / Auld Robin Gray a musical drama in three acts / King Henry the third. an historical play in five acts / Fearful tragedy in the seven dials a farcical interlude in one act / Don Giovanni Don Juan : a grand serio-comic opera, in two acts / Alfred the Great, or, The enchanted standard a musical drama in two acts / For half a million a play in one act / John and Jeannette operetta in one act / Breezy Point a comedy in three acts for female characters only / June: Two passions and a cardinal virtue a comedy of two London Junes / The dead shot a farce in one act / Hofer, the Tell of the Tyrol an historical drama in three acts / Gentlemen of the jury a farce for male characters only / Food for powder a vaudeville / The factory lad! a domestic drama in two acts / Atalanta in Calydon a tragedy / In possession a farce in one act / Forget and forgive, or, All made up again a dramatic piece, with songs, in two acts; to which is added Mr. Nappie's reception in Elba / The haunted mill an operetta in one act / The haunted house, or, Paddy and the ghost an Irish farcical sketch for three males and one female / Armerine the moonshiner a tragicomedy in five acts / Duet for the breakfast table An Indiana romance a drama in four acts. Buried treasure, or, The Connecticut buccaneers a farce in one act / Jephthah's daughter a Biblical dance drama in three scenes. Grierson's way a play in four acts / Holidays at home written for the amusement of young persons / Freaks and follies a farce in one act. Beatrice a tragedy in four acts / Heads or tails? a comedietta in one act / Hook and eye a comedietta / Green-room rivals one act comedy, 2m., 2f., 40 minutes / A day after the fair a farce in one act / Cato a tragedy in five acts / The boys of Kilkenny The Danicheffs, or, Married by force a comedy-drama in three acts / Cupid's messenger a poetical play in one act / The last of the pigtails an original petite comedy in one act / In a balcony a drama in one act / Going it! another lesson to fathers : a farcical comedy in three acts / John Bull, or, The Englishman's fireside a comedy in three acts / A duet a duologue / A husband to order a serio comic drama in two acts / Big O and Sir Glory, or, Leisure to laugh a comedy in three acts / Kittie's wedding cake an original farce in one act / The factory girl a dramatic dialogue for five males and three females in two acts / Eugene Aram, or, Saint Robert's cave! a drama in three acts / Bobolino, the black bandit a musical farce / The law of Java a play in three acts / Carlo a drama in three acts / His first brief a comedietta / A fireside story a Christmas comedietta in one act / A bird of passage a farce in one act / A decided case a dramatic sketch in one act / Clemenza, or, The Tuscan orphan a tragic drama in five acts / Dead reckoning a farce / The busy-body a comedy in five acts / A Christmas masque of St. Roch Alfonso, King of Castile a tragedy in five acts / Amos Clark, or, The poor dependent a story of country life in the seventeenth century / Christ is born a mystery / Eileen Oge, or, Dark's the hour before the dawn a drama in four acts / A black tramp a Negro comedy in two acts / Hearts of oak The circus girl a musical play in two acts / The home-made bonnet a narrative play in one act / The heart of Maryland a drama in four acts / The Huguenots grand opera in five acts / If I had a thousand a year a farce in one act / The curse of Mammon being a fac-simile embodyment of Hogarth's Marriage à-la-mode : a pictorial drama in five acts / From king to king the tragedy of the Puritan Revolution / Drawing rooms, second floor, and attics a farce in one act / The demon gift, or, Visions of the future a melo-drama in two acts / Eva, or, The error a play in five acts / Hamlet travestie in three acts / The girl from up there a fantastic musical comedy / Andromaque Andromache : a tragedy in five acts / The bailiff a domestic comedy in one act / The foundling, or, Yankee fidelity a drama in two acts / His last scout a military drama in two acts / Coals of fire The caravan, or, The driver and his dog a grand serio comic romance in two acts / The knight of Snowdoun a musical drama in three acts / The last man, or, The miser of Eltham Green a drama in two acts / The beauty stone an original romantic musical drama in three acts / Denise The adventures of Ulysses, or, the return to Ithaca a classical drama from Homer / Franklin a new and original historical drama in five acts / The dramatic poems of Percy Bysshe Shelley Dandolo, or, The last of the doges an original farce in one act / 'Tis better to live than to die a petite comedy in one act / D'Arcy of the guards, or, the fortunes of war a comedy in four acts / The Irish attorney, or, Galway practice in 1770 a farce in two acts / The Huguenot daughters, or, Reasons for adherence to the faith into which churchmen are baptized Kenilworth a masque of the days of Queen Elizabeth / Amy Robsart opéra en trois actes et quatre tableaux en prose rythmée / Fun in a post office a farce in one act / The discarded son a drama in three acts / Distress upon distress, or, Tragedy in true taste a heroi-comi-parodi-tragedi-farci-cal burlesque in two acts / The evil genius an original comedy in three acts / Diplomacy a comedietta in one act / Hearts of gold a drama in four acts / A double election a farce in one act / The forest keeper a drama in two acts / The coquette a domestic drama in five acts / Down in Dixie a drama in four acts / Borough politics a comic drama in two acts / An L.A.W. rest a farce in one act / Cross purposes a farce in two acts / Claude Duval, or, Love and larceny romantic comic opera in three acts / Athenia of Damascus a tragedy. The fortune hunters, or, Lost and found a comedy in two acts. Faust, or, The fate of Margaret a romantic play in four acts / The girl from Paris Don Giovanni The Earl of Essex a tragedy in five acts / Circumstantial evidence an original comedietta in one act / Guy Fawkes, or, A match for a king a grand pyrotechnical burlesque-historical drama / In the toils a melodrama in five acts / The children in the wood, or, Harlequin Queen Mab and the world of dreams grand comic Christmas annual / The general elections a piece in three acts / Irene (Reine de Saba) grand opera in 5 acts / Deaf as a post a farce in one act / American comedies Captain Thérèse opera comique in three acts / Easy shaving a farce in one act / Law and lions a farce in two acts / A gilded brick a comedy in one act / The contrivances a ballad opera in one act / Antony and Cleopatra married & settled a burletta in one act / Deacon Brodie, or, The double life a melodrama in five acts and eight tableaux / Gonzalo, the Spanish bandit a melodramatic play in five acts / Kitty and Patsy, or, The same thing over again an Irish musical sketch in one scene / The Lady Cecil a play for children / Giorgione, the painter of Venice a tragedy in five acts / A Christmas pantomime an original farcical extravagance / Frederick the Great a melo-drama in two acts / Isadore a dramatic sketch / Dr. Cure-All Carlyon Sahib a drama in four acts / The fast coach an original farce in one act / The camp at Chobham a farce in one act / Confederates a drama in one act / Aline, the rose of Killarney a drama in three acts / Everybody's husband a farce in one act / The deaf and dumb, or, The Abbé de l'Epée an historical play in five acts / Abon Hassan a comic drama in two acts / The foresters, Robin Hood and Maid Marian In spite of all Kathleen's honor an original melo-drama in five acts / Cupid's little game a Newport drama in three acts / At last a temperance drama in three acts / Debt an original farcical comedy in two acts / Kleptomania a farcical comedy in three acts / Custom's-fallacy a dramatic sketch in three acts / Lady Audley's secret a drama in two acts / The barber of Bagdad a farce in one act / Joconde The bachelor's box Le petit hotel : a comedietta in one act / The Lancashire sailor a play in one act / Adonis vanquished a comedy in two acts / The ladies' club a comic drama in two acts / Godiva, or, Ye ladye of Coventrie and ye exyle fayrie a burlesque historic fancy in one act / The hustler Electric light an American comic opera in three acts / The Irish broom-maker, or, A cure for dumbness a farce in one act / Elfland a fairy intermezzo / The king's rival a drama in five acts / Judith The blacksmith a musical farce in one act / I and my double a farce in two acts / Brutus Ultor Dinner at six a comedy in two acts / Gale Breezely, or, The tale of a tar a drama in two acts / Chamber practice, or, Life in the temple an original farce in one act / The coup-de-main, or, Love & war in Yankyland a musical entertainment in two acts / The Earl of Gowrie a tragedy / Les brigands opera bouffe, in three acts / The black doctor a romantic drama in four acts / The knights of the cross a sacred drama in three acts / Gísli Súrsson a drama ; ballads and poems of the Old Norse days, and some translations / Count Koenigsmark a tragedy in five acts / Double faced people a comedy in three acts / Hercules and Omphale, or, The power of love an original classical extravaganza / King Edward II A celebrated case a drama in prologue and four acts / The King's strategem, or, The Pearl of Poland a tragedy in five acts / Ambrose Gwinett, or, A sea-side story a melo-drama in three acts / The correct thing a one act play / Ebony flats and black sharps a nonsensical black-face melange in one act and various situations / School of reform, or, How to rule a husband a comedy in five acts / Sir Roger de Coverley, or, The widow and her wooers a new and original drama in three acts / A sea of troubles an original farce / My precious Betsy! a farce in one act / A little book of plays for professional and amateur actors / York and Lancaster, or, A school without scholars Past ten o'clock and a rainy night a farce in two acts / A lesson in love a comedy in two acts / Mr. Edward Saker's grand comic Christmas pantomime entitled Robinson Crusoe, or, Friday and his funny family Raymond De Percy, or, The tenant of the tomb a romantic melo drame / Our village, or, The lost ship a domestic drama in three acts / The rag-picker of Paris and the dressmaker of St. Antoine a drama in three acts and a prologue / The mystic charm, or, A wonderful cure a farce in one act for female characters only. Shooting the moon an original farce in one act / The three black seals an historical drama in four acts / The Rose of Ettrick Vale, or, The bridal of the borders a drama in two acts / Tell tale eyes, or, Daisy and Don a drama in IV acts / Lilian, the show girl a romantic drama in two acts / Wild ducks a farce in one act / What shall I take? an Ethiopian farce in one act / Moses in Egypt The merchant of London a play in five acts / Seeing the elephant The siege of Belgrade a comic opera in three acts / The serious family a comedy in three acts / Naughty Anthony The marriage of Guenevere A night on Snowdon a farce in one act / The wrong Mr. Wright an original comedy in three acts / Loreda a romantic drama in three acts / Prince Cherry and Princess Fair Star, or, The jewelled children of the enchanted isle! a burlesque extravaganza / The wrong bottle a temperance sketch in one scene / Leo the Terrible an entirely new and original Aesopean burlesque in one act / A return ticket an original farce in one act / Mother Goose, or, Ye Queene of Heartes that made ye tartes, and ye Knave of Heartes who ate 'em the grand Christmas pantomime for 1864 & 1865 / Love's alarms an extravagant comedy in one act / Recalled to life a domestic drama in four acts / Pélléas and Mélisande The twin sisters comic operetta in one act / The missing witness an original drama in four acts / The soldier's orphan, or, The fortune of war! a drama in two acts / New plays Tender precautions, or, The romance of marriage a new and original comedy in one act / The Mikado libretto of the Japanese comic opera in two acts / Romulus and Remus, or, Rome was not built in a day a classical and what one may call a most absurdly ridiculous burlesque in one act, being an attempt at something founded on Roman history / The poor nobleman a serio-comic drama in two acts / Richard III travestie in three acts : with annotations / A school for coquettes a comedietta in one act / Rob Roy, or, The thistle and the rose an opera in three acts / Octavia a tragedy / The superior Miss Pellender a play in three acts / The police court an Ethiopian act in one scene / Michael and Christine, or, Love in humble life a farcette in one act / The reception of the months a Christmas play in one scene for fifteen males and eleven females / Too late for dinner a farce in two acts / My old woman a musical comedy in three acts / Tricks upon travelers a Negro act in one scene / Not at all jealous a farce in one act / I Lombardi alla prima crociata The Lombards at the first crusade : a tragic opera in four acts / Rip Van Winkle a romantic opera in three acts / Those dreadful twins a farce comedy / Wallace, or, The field of Stirling Bridge an historical play in five acts / My wife's dentist an original farce in one act / Shin Fain, or, Ourselves alone a drama of the exhibition / The paradise of birds Master Humphrey's clock a domestic drama in two acts / The shadow of a crime a drama in three acts / A mistaken story a farce in one act / The man and the monster! or, The fate of Frankenstein a peculiar romantic melo-dramatic spectacle in two acts / Miriam's crime a drama in three acts / The snowstorm a play in one act / The maid of Lorn, or, The castle of Dunstaffnage a musical drama in two acts / Waffles a travesty upon Raffles [of E.W. Hornung] / The watchhouse a farce in two acts / Wallace the brave, or, The siege of Perth a dramatic piece, with songs, in two acts / Smeeton's description of the grand serious ballet of action called Caractacus La tarantula, or, The spider king an entirely new extravaganza, made up into an English dress from the best French materials, in two acts / Mixed addresses a duologue for male characters / Wallace a tragedy in five acts. Napoleon historical drama in six acts. Love's labour's lost a comedy in five acts / Lucianus Redivivus, [or, dialogues concerning men and manners] The siege of Ancona Preciosa an opera / My wife! What wife? a farce in one or two acts / She would be a widow, or, Butternut's bride an original farce-comedy in three acts for laughting purposes only / A modern ideal a dramatic poem / The sorceress a play in five acts / President Cromwell a drama in four acts / Uncle Ethan a farce in one act / A race for dinner a farce in one act / The strike at Arlingford play in three acts / Poor old Perkins a farcical comedy in three acts / The stolen child, or, A New Hampshire man in Boston a temperance drama in two acts / Martin Chuzzlewit a drama in four acts / Two ghosts in white a farce / Songs, recitatives, etc. in The volcano, or, The rival Harlequins a serio-comic pantomime / Philip of France and Marie de Méranie a tragedy in five acts / Wide awake dialogues Nancy and company an eccentric piece in four acts from the German of Rosen / Venus in arms, or, The petticoat colonel a comic interlude in one act / Number seventeen One night in a medical college an Ethiopian sketch in one scene / Master Skylark a dramatization of the book by John Bennett / The rag-picker's child a drama in five acts / The story of Orestes Paul Pry a comedy in three acts / Servants by legacy a farce in one act / Paul, the reprobate, or, The law in 1656 a domestic melo-drama in two acts / The turn of the tide, or, Wrecked in port a nautical and temperance drama in three acts / Urania, or, The illuminé a comedy in two acts / Valentine and Orson a singularly original and touching extravaganza in two acts. The student's frolic a laughable farce in one act / Salem redeemed, or, the year of jubilee a lyrical drama in three acts / A serious flirtation a play in four acts / The rival sergeants, or, Love and lottery! a musical burletta in one act / Wardock Kennilson, or, The wild woman of the village a romantic drama in three acts / The Limerick boy, or, Paddy's mischief an original farce in one act / A super gratis, or, An impudent intruder an original farce in one act / Notre Dame, or, The gipsy girl of Paris a grand romantic and spectacular drama in three acts / The talisman a drama : a tale of the eleventh century / Tears! idle tears!! a one act drama / A slice of luck a farce in one act / The young scamp, or, My grandmother's pet a farce in one act / Second sight, or, Your fortune for a dollar a farcical comedy in one act / The shadow on the wall a drama in two acts / A scratch race a comedy in one act / Lyrics of the maid and the moonshiner Seraphine Tragic dramas chiefly intended for representation in private families : to which is added Aristodemus, a tragedy, from the Italian of Vincenzo Monti / The muleteer of Toledo, or, King, queen, and knave a comic drama in two acts / Old Acre folk a rustic drama in two acts / Scan mag!, or, The village gossip The Misses Beers a farce / Paul Pry married and settled a farce in one act / The Syracusan gossips, or, The feast of Adonis Sam's courtship an Ethiopian farce in one act / Ready-money a drama in four acts / A private inquiry a farce in one act / Lohengrin romantic opera in three acts / Vinegar bitters a Negro sketch in one scene / The village belle a romantic comedy in three acts / Woman's the devil! a burletta in one act / Madame Berliot's ball, or, The chalet in the valley a comic drama in two acts, five scenes, and six tableaux / Wives by advertisement, or, Courting in the newspapers a dramatic satire in one act. Little sins & pretty sinners an interlude in one act / The ways of London, or, Honesty the best policy a dramatic piece, with songs, in two acts / The two cadis a comic opera in one act / The Piccolomini, or, The first part of Wallenstein a drama in five acts / The upturned faces of the roses My friend from India a farcical comedy in three acts / Michael Angelo a dramatic poem / Mistaken identity a drama in three acts / Sunlight and shadow a new and original modern play in three acts / Not if I know it! a farce in one act = Le supplice d'un homme / Rookwood The witch of Windermere The Spaniards, or, The expulsion of the Moors an heroic drama in five acts. Robert Macaire comic opera in 3 acts. The merry war opera in 3 acts / Mem. VII an original comedietta in one act / Up head! an Ethiopian interlude in one scene. Messalina lyric tragedy in four acts and five tableaux / The muses up to date Somnambulist, or, The phantom of the village a drama in two acts / The thimble rig! a farce in one act / De Rullecourt, or, Jersey invaded a historical tragedy in three acts / The music, as performed at the Theatre Royal, Covent Garden, to The law of Java This paper for sale a farce in one act / My lady's lord a whimsical romance in four acts. Lonely lives a drama / The school for politics a dramatic novel / The O'Dowd The man in the street the enormously successful original one act play / A sailor's legacy, or, The child of a tar a domestic drama in one act / A mountain pink realistic description of life among the moonshiners of North Carolina, a romantic drama / The revolving wedge a football romance in one act / Two roses a comedy in three acts / Sylvester Daggerwood, or, New hay at the old market an occasional drama in one act / The sister of Alhama a drama in two acts / The politicians a comedy in five acts / A new and original nautical burlesque entitled Poll and partner Joe, or, The pride of Putney and the pressing pirate Poisoned an original farce in one act for male characters only / Rumplestiltskin, or, The woman at the wheel! an extravaganza in one act / Thomas and Sally, or, The sailor's return a musical entertainment in two acts / The two Figaros a musical comedy in two acts / Songs, &c. in Jack the giant killer a serio-comic pantomime / Valeria a tragedy in a prologue and five acts / The sultana, or, The jealous queen a tragedy / A regular fix! a farce in one act / A silent protector a farce in one act / No thoroughfare a drama in five acts and a prologue / The little genius words of lyrics added to the revised edition / Windsor Castle an original opera-burlesque in one act / Tis she, or, The maid, the wife and the widow an original farce in one act / What's next? an original farcical comedy in three acts / Old Gamul a lyric play / Massey's exhibition reciter and drawing-room entertainments being choice recitations in prose and verse, together with an unique collection of petite comedies, dramas, and farces / Love is blind a drama in two acts / Six dramas illustrative of German life Love and lost a drama in one act / Manfred a choral tragedy in three acts / The printer's devil a farce in one act / Quentin Durward a drama in three acts : founded upon the novel of that name / The review, or, The wags of Windsor a musical farce in two acts / The new English drama Lyieushee Lovel, or, The gipsy of Ashburnham Dell! a melo-drama in three acts / The medicant a drama in two acts / Nance Oldfield a play in one act / A love suit duologue / The pirates of Penzance, or, The slave of duty an entirely original comic opera in two acts / Reconciliation a comedy in four acts / Philomel a romantic drama in three acts / Napoleon a play in four acts / A new grand opera, entitled Matilda of Hungary in three acts / The Red Rock Wave a nautical and romantic play of music, comedy and tragedy making a complete opera in four acts / The lieutenant an original light comedy / Twelve precisely! or, A night at Dover an interlude in one act / Lucifer a theological tragedy / The wonderful pantomime of Valentine and Orson, hys brother The little folks' work a play for children / Meleagros ; The new Calvary tragedies / Viola a play in four acts / Stephania a trialogue / Not to be done a farce in one act / Songs and other vocal compositions in the pantomime called The mermaid, or, Harlequin pearl diver Sigesmar the Switzer a melo-drama in two acts / Miss Matilda's school a comic operetta for boys and girls / The seven conversations of Dear Jones and Baby Van Rensselaer Snow-bound a musical and dramatic entertainment / Number One A, or, A hero in spite of himself a farce in one act. Palomita, or, The veiled songstress an operetta in one act / Like father, like son a farce in one act / William of Normandy, King of England a play in five acts / Turtle doves a farce in one act / The surgeon of Paris, or, The massacre of St. Bartholomew an historical drama in four acts / Mrs. Didymus' party a negro sketch in one scene, as performed by Schoolcraft and Coes / The veteran, or, France and Algeria a drama in six tableaux / Little Red Riding Hood, or, The wolf, the wooer, and the wizard a fairy burlesque in one act / Rugantino, or, The bravo of Venice a grand romantic melo-drama in two acts / Way down east a drama in four acts / The old wayside inn a drama in five acts / Samson a play in five acts / The magnetiser ; The prodigal comedies in prose / Murphy's weather almanac a farce in one act / When the wheels run down a play in one act / Rob Roy MacGregor, or, Auld lang syne an operatic drama in three acts / The way to his pocket a comedy in one act / The merchant of Venice Taken for granted a comedietta / Somebody's nobody an original farce in one act / Only somebody a farce in one act / Slight mistakes! an original farce in one act / The little vagrants an operetta in two acts : for three males and sixteen females (three large girls and thirteen small girls of different sizes) / Lizzie Leigh, or, The murder near the old mill a story of three Christmas nights : a domestic drama in three acts / Ruy Blas and the blasé roué vocal score / A perfect cure farce in one act / Nicolete a drama in one act / The princess and the butterfly, or, the fantastics a comedy in five acts / Revenge, or, Woman's love a melodrama in five acts / The village coquettes [an operatic burletta in two acts] / Who speaks first? a petite comedy in one act / Love and money a dramatic sketch / The peddler of Very Nice a burlesque of the trial scene in The merchant of Venice / A man without a head a farce in one act / The sisters a tragedy / Ruy Blas a romantic drama in four acts / Mazeppa an equestrian burlesque in two scenes / Miller of Mansfield a dramatic entertainment in one act / Uncle Oliver, or, A house divided a farce in two acts / Morocco bound a musical farcical comedy in two acts / One touch of nature a petite drama in one act / What is she? a comedy in five acts / The trumpeter of Sackingen Perfect love! a spectacular fairy play / Trial by battle, or, Heaven defend the right a melo-dramatic spectacle in two acts / Shakespeare's tragedy of Macbeth Three strings to one bow an Ethiopian sketch / Plays for amateurs The Queen of Hearts an operetta in one act / Love and astronomy Servius Tullius, King of Rome a tragedy / Pan, the wood-god The widow a comedy in three acts / Nell Gwynne comic opera in three acts / A Southerner-just arrived a farce in one act / The rest cure an original dramatic sketch / Songs, choruses, &c. &c. in the new grand melo-dramatic fairy tale Thierna-na-oge, or, The prince of the lakes Meroth, or, The sacrifice to the Nile a tragedy / A test case, or, Grass versus granite a comedy in four acts from the German of Blumenthal and Kadelburg / Rokeby, or, The buccaneer's revenge a drama in three acts / Lie of a day a comedy in three acts / Sunshine follows rain La joie fait peur : comedy in one act / The sorcerer an original modern comic opera in two acts ; also, Trial by jury : a dramatic cantata / Mr. Oscar Barrett's first Adelphi pantomime Dick Whittington in two parts / My Poll and my partner Joe a nautical drama in three acts / The queen of Arragon a petite comedy in one act / The saint's tragedy Macbeth travestie a burlesque in two acts / The philosopher of Berlin a comedy in two acts / A New Year's reception comic operetta in two acts / Under the wheels a play in five acts / Under the red robe a play in four acts / Two in the morning a comic scene / The school for politicians, or, Non-committal a comedy in five acts. The new era a dramatic poem / The sunken bell a fairy play in five acts / A quiet family an original farce / An old man domestic drama / Watch and ward a farce in one act / The Spanish heroine, or, The female patriots a musical drama / Poppleton's predicaments an original farce in one act / The vicar of Wakefield, or, The pastor's fireside a drama in two acts / Libretto of Djakh and Djill an operatina / The thieves of Paris a drama in three acts / The world a comedy in five acts / Melodrame mad!, or, The siege of Troy a new comic, pathetic, historic, anachronasmatic, ethic, epic melange / Songs, duets, trios, chorusses, &c. &c. in the new grand opera entitled The maid of Palaiseau The whistler, or, The fate of the lily of St. Leonard's a melo drama in three acts / Princess Primrose, and the four pretty princes a burlesque extravaganza / May-day night The squire of dames a new play in four acts / The tempter, or, The old mill of St. Denis! a romantic drama in two acts / The water-carrier lyric drama in three acts = Les deux journées / An old maid's baby The secret a farce in one act / Madison Agonistes, or, the agonies of Mother Goose fragment of a political burletta, as acting or to be acted, on the American stage, to which are added, sundry other monologues, dialogues, songs, &c. as spoken or sung on the boards of the great political theatre of Europe. Miladi and the musketeer a romantic extravaganza / Troubled by ghosts a burlesque / The poor gentleman comedy in three acts / Music hath charms a comedy in one act / The tale of two cities, or, The incarcerated victim of the Bastille an historical drama in a prologue and four acts / A mother's love, or, A wreath for our lady a play in one act for children / Queen Mary an historical drama in five acts / The old love and the new a comedy in five acts / The mariner's dream, or, The Jew of Plymouth an original drama in three acts / Our regiment a farcical comedy in three acts / Pluto and Proserpine, or, The belle and the pomegranate an entirely new and original mythological extravaganza or Sicilian romance of the 0th century in one volume / The student a play in five acts / Pork chops, or, A dream at home a farcical extravaganza in one act / The overture, songs, duett, choruses & appropriate music in the grand pantomimical drama called The corsair, or, The Italian nuptials Obliging a friend an original farce in one act / Nobility, or, The alcalde of Zalamea a drama in three acts / A race for a widow a farce in one act / Prof. Black's phunnygraph, or, Talking machine a colored burlesque on the phonograph / Rouge et noir, or, Whigs and widows a farce in two acts / The mother's dying child an original drama in three acts / Shooting stars, or, The battle of the comets an unwritten tragedy not by Shakespeare / Washington, or, The revolution a drama in blank verse founded upon the historic events of the war for American independence / Making a hit an Ethiopian farce in two scenes / A new and original opera in three acts entitled The enchantress The postman's knock a musical farce in one act / De Roberval a drama / Q.E.D., or, All a mistake original comedietta in one act / Théophile a miracle play / The Quakers a play / Morning, noon & night, or, The romance of a day a comic opera / The Tobit's dog! a petite comedy in one act / Nearly seven a monologue / A merry Christmas Sold again and got the money comic operetta / The tempest a play in five acts / Well fixed for a rainy day a temperance play in one act / Tom Thumb a burlesque opera / Manuel a tragedy in five acts / The widow's maid and the bachelor's man, or, How to get rid of them a petite comedy in two acts / Orra a tragedy in five acts / The little vixens a comedietta in one act / The lost ship, or, The man of war's-man and the privateer a nautical drama in three acts / Solon, or, The rebellion of '61 a domestic and political tragedy / The sleeping beauty, or, one hundred and eighteen years in as many minutes (stoppages included) a fairy extravaganza in two parts / A trip to Scarborough a comedy in three acts / Our wife, or, The rose of Amiens a comic drama in two acts / The verger new and original vaudeville / Off to the war! an original farce for the times in one act / The matrimonial agency an original farce in one act / London by night a drama in two acts / A tangled skein, in three knots The two buzzards, or, Whitebait at Greenwich a farce in one act / The wig-maker and his servants an Ethiopian farce in one scene / A new Don Juan! an operatical, satirical, poetical, egotistical, melo-dramatical, extravaganzical, but strictly moral burletta, in two acts / The trials of Tompkins a farce in one act / Private boarding an original comedy in one act and one scene / A lion among ladies a comedy in two acts / Paulina, or, The passage of the Beresina a romantic drama in three acts / Percy a tragedy in five acts / Om. Mammon a spirit song / Yaddo an autumn masque / A struggle for gold, or, The orphan of the frozen sea a nautical drama in five parts / Petticoat government an interlude farce in one act / Rodolph the wolf, or, Columbine Red Riding-Hood a comic melo-dramatic pantomime / Led astray a comedy in 5 acts / The Oxford affair a comedy in three acts / The tobacconist a farce in two acts : altered from Ben Jonson / The Persian heroine a tragedy / War to the knife comedy for 2 males and 2 females / The seventh hour, or, the price of life a drama of real life in two acts / Little Ferrit, or, the Philadelphia detective Lucille, or, A story of the heart a pathetic domestic drama in three acts / The turned head a farce in one act / No song, no supper a musical entertainment in two acts / An operetta entitled the Marriage of Georgette The seven clerks, or, The three thieves and the denouncer an original romantic drama in two acts / The pride of birth an original drama in three acts / Taggs, the waif, or, Uncle Seth a drama in five acts / Nothing to nurse an original farce in one act / The second part of King Henry the Fourth We dine at seven sketch for two ladies / A race for a wife!, or, Win her and wear her a petite-comedy in two acts / The Young Waterman's Society, or, The Ran-Dan Club a farce in one act / Shattered nerves a duologue / Therese, the orphan of Geneva a melodramatic romance, in three acts / Little Miss Muffet comedietta in one act / Marcoretti, or, The brigand's sacrifice a romantic drama in three acts / The natural son a comedy in five acts / My new curate a religious drama / Marco Spada a drama in three acts / The union, or, Love and projection a mono-drame in one act / The vicar of Wakefield an original drama in three acts / Panthea, or, The Susan captive a tragedy in five acts / An old maids' conference a humorous entertainment in two scenes for any number of males and females / Louis XI an historical drama in three acts / The wager a comedy duologue / The serenade comic opera in three acts / Mr. Nelson Lee's guide to his 215th comic pantomime entitled Harlequin Blackbeard, or, Dame Trot and her comical cat Robert Emmet, the martyr of Irish liberty an historical drama in three acts / The tiger at large, or, The cad of the "buss" a comic burletta in one act / Seeing Bosting a farce in one act / An up-to-date sporting drama entitled The prodigal daughter Taking the census original farce in one act / A sensation novel in three volumes : libretto / My first client duologue / A patron saint a comedy in one act / My wife's diary a farce in one act / The Sicilian vespers a historical tragedy / That guilty pair, or A paroxysm of passion a comedietta in one act / My friend Isaac an original comedietta in one act / Lot's wife Somebody else a farce in one act / Payable on demand an original domestic drama in two acts / Tartuffe, or, The imposter a comedy in five acts / A peaceful assault a musical comedy in one act / That dreadful doctor comedietta in one act / The white cliffs a new and original drama in four acts / Mrs. Walthrop's bachelors a comedy in three acts / The parson's nose, or, The birth day dinner a comedietta in one act / Procris an idyllic comedy in three acts / Out on the sly, or, A fête at Rosherville! a terpsichorean burletta in one act / The scamps of London, or, The cross roads of life! a drama of the day / Lights o' London Pauline opera in four acts : founded upon Bulwer's play The lady of Lyons / The treasurers a play / Rob Roy MacGregor, or, Auld lang syne! a musical drama in three acts / The rose of Arragon a play, in five acts / The little jockey, or, Youth, love, and folly a comic drama in two acts / Old Dad's cabin a Negro farce in one act and one scene / The serpent of the Nile, or, The battle of Actium! a melo drama in two acts / Virginia, or, Ringing the changes a new and original comic opera in two acts / Songs, duets, quartettes, recitatives, choruses, &c., in the new grand historical opera of Queen for a day The wife of seven husbands a legend of Pedlar's acre : a melo-drama in two acts / Sea-bathing at home; and, The wrong man Norma a lyric tragic opera in two acts / Nero, the parricde [sic] an historical play in four acts / Willikind and hys Dinah an original pathetic and heart-rending tragedy in three sad scenes / Sayings and doings, or, the rule of contrary a farce in one act / Orioma, the reclaimed a drama in three acts / A mad philosopher A little change a farce in one scene / Not for me!, or, The new apple of discord a ballad opera in two acts / Vandyke Brown a farce in one act / Wenlock of Wenlock a melo drama in two acts / Randall's thumb an original comedy in three acts / Wide enough for two a farce / Wild Irish girl a drama in three acts / The vampire a drama in three acts / La stella del nord L'étoile du nord : a lyric play in three acts / Songs, &c. in the musical entertainment of Gaffer's mistake, or, The case is altered The miser a comedy in three acts / Paul Pry a comedy in two acts / The way to win her a comedy in five acts. Pot-pourri an 1899 review / Like mistress, like maid a duologue comedietta / A lucky hit a comic drama in one act / Raffaelle the reprobate, or, The secret mission and the signet ring a drama in two acts / The yashmak a musical play : vocal score / Vivia Perpetua a dramatic poem in five acts / My uncle Toby a drama in two acts / The new Corsican brothers musical extravaganza : vocal score / The way of life a moral and allegorical fairy spectacle in ten scenes / Tannhäuser und der Sängerkrieg auf Wartburg Handlung in drei Aufzügen / The wedding at the mill a comic Lancashire drama for three males and one female / Taken from life Yankee Jack, or, the buccaneer of the Gulf a nautical drama in three acts / Little Goody Two-Shoes, or, Harlequin and Cock Robin an entirely novel, original, burlesque, grotesque, poetical, pastoral, pictorical, grand comic Christmas pantomime / The tragic Mary Tried and true a drama in three acts / The wreck, or, The buccaneer's bridal a domestic burletta in two acts / Marie Antoinette a drama in a prologue, five acts and epilogue / Walter Brand, or, The duel in the mist! a drama in three acts / Tom Noddy's secret a farce in one act / Twixt axe & crown, or, The Lady Elizabeth an historical play / The new Magdalen a drama in a prologue and three acts / The prima donna a comedietta / The queen of the Thames an operetta in one act / Songs, duets, trios, chorusses, &c. in the burletta spectacle called Red Riding Hood, or, The wolf robber My uncle, the ghost a musical joke in one act / Old heads & young hearts a comedy in five acts / Touch and take, or, Saturday night and Monday morning a laughable farce in two acts. A search after perfection a comedy in five acts. Mexico a romantic drama / Trying it on a farce in one act / Sybil a tragedy in five acts / Parsifal in English verse / Richard Coeur de Lion a legendary drama / The title and the money comedy for 2 males and 2 females / An optical delusion a farce in one act / North Pole, or, A tale of the frozen regions a melo-drama in two acts / Our hotel, or, Rats, the bell boy a farce in one act / Mac Carthy More, or, Possession nine points of the law a comic drama in two acts / The mayor of Garratt a farce in two acts / The woman of the world, or, A peep at the vices and virtues of country and city life an entirely original drama in four acts with original songs, etc., etc. / A teacher taught a comedy in one act / True colours an original comedy, in one act / Notes and notices Still waters run deep an original comedy in three acts / A woman will be a woman an original duologue / A rogue's luck, or, A man of nerve a farce comedy in three acts / Rosencrantz and Guildenstern a tragic episode in three tableaux : founded on an old Danish legend / The murder of the glen, or, The old stone quarry an original domestic drama in two acts / The penitent's return a comedietta in one act / Presumptive evidence, or, Murder will out a domestic drama in two acts / Other people's troubles an eccentricity in one scene / Wayfarers a new and original play in one act / Rienzi a tragedy in five acts / We fly by night, or, Long stories a musical entertainment in two acts / The Weller family a comedy in one act / The witch-wife a tale of Malkin tower : a drama in five acts / Only amateurs an original duologue / Shakespeare's comedy of Much ado about nothing Sweethearts and wives in three acts / Peter Wilkins, or, Harlequin and the flying women of the Loadstone Rock Marco Bozzaris a play in three acts / The two make a pair, or, Manoeuvring a petite comedy in one act / The Trials and troubles of an aspiring publican Rothomago, or, The magic watch! grand new Christmas fairy spectacle in four acts and seventeen tableaux / P.U.P., or, The dog in the manger an original farce in one act / The man with the demijohn a farce / Sullivan the slugger a farce in one act / Uncle Rube an original drama in four acts / The silver king a drama in five acts / Married daughters and young husbands an original comic drama in two acts / The negro of Wapping, or, The boat builder's hovel! a melo drama in two acts / A life's trial an original drama in three acts / The oratorio of Jephtha An unequal match a comedy in three acts / Thorgrim an opera in four acts / A treasure from Egypt a farce / The maiden aunt a comedy / Love or duty--which one? a petite drama in two acts / Monsieur Tonson! a farce in two acts / Who stole the clock an operatic farce in one act / Two strings to your bow a farce in two acts / The triumph of Lucca a tragedy / A pleasant courtship a farce in one act / Theresa, the maid of the Tyrol a tragedy in five acts / Two loves and a life a drama in four acts / The young reefer a farce in two acts / The were-wolf a romantic play in one act / The tournament of Idylcourt an allegory / Why they joined the Rebeccas an original farce in one act / Per telephone a farce in one act / A marriage for revenge a drama in five acts / The mascot La mascotte : comic opera in three acts / La prima donna opera comique in three acts : book of the lyrics / Outwitted a playlet in one act / Marjorie Daw a domestic comedietta in two acts / Il talismano Picking up the pieces a comedietta in one act. The prisoner of war, or, A most excellent story a dramatic piece, with songs, in two acts / Prithoüs, the son of Ixion a new and original extravaganza / Mansaniello The spring lock an operatic romance in two acts / The village bane, or, Two high roads of life a temperance drama in three acts / Married beneath him a comedy in four acts / The plays of Oscar Wilde Tell your wife a farce in three acts / Sauce for the goose a farce in one act / The serpent play a divine pastoral / The mountain king, or, The castle burners! a drama in two acts / Lucinda's wedding an Ethiopian farce in two scenes. Orfeo e Euridice a lyric play in four acts / Lucrezia Borgia opera in two acts and prologue / Peep o'day, or, Savourneen deelish a drama in four acts / Our starry banner an original patriotic drama in five acts / Prometheus bound Too much the way of the world a comedy in five acts / Pleasant neighbour a farce in one act / The queens being passages from the lives of Elizabeth, Queen of England, and Mary, Queen of Scotland / Vilikens and his Dinah, or, The cup of cold pisen a broad farce in one act / The nightingale a new and original drama in five acts / Mistaken identity an Ethiopian farce in one scene / The masqueraders a play in four acts / The love gift, or, The trials of poverty a new and original burletta of real life in two acts / Wanted, a male cook a farce in one act / The taboo a fantastic opera in two acts / The pride of the market [a comic drama in three acts] / Partnership an original comedy of country life in three acts / No peddlers wanted a comic dialogue. Pompey's patients a laughable interlude in two scenes / Songs, duets, glees, chorusses, &c. in the new operatic burlesque burletta entitled Giovanni the vampire, or, How shall we get rid of him? with the whole of the introductory vision / Make yourself at home farce in one act / Windsor Castle, or, The prisoner-king an operetta in two acts / De Valencourt a tragedy in five acts / Little Don Giovanni a burlesque / Simpson and Co a comedy in one act / The maiden's oath a domestic drama / Queen of hearts a dramatic fantasia / The noble heart a tragedy in three acts / Narensky, or, The road to Yaroslaf a new serio-comic opera in three acts / Used up a petit comedy in two acts / An original comic opera in two acts, entitled: Prince Ananias Songs, choruses, &c. in Perouse, or, The desolate island a pantomimical drama in two parts, to which is prefixed a prospectus of the action. Octavia Bragaldi, or, The confession a tragedy founded on facts / Six months ago a comedietta in one act / Man is not perfect, nor woman neither a comic drama in one act / Shakespeare's tragedy of Romeo and Juliet The young hussar, or, Love and mercy an operatic piece in two acts / The roof scrambler a grand burlesque ballet opera in two acts / Teetotalism triumphant a tragi-comic dramatic tale in five acts / Sunshine and shade a village story : an original drama in two acts / Love in all corners farce in one act / The seats of the mighty being the memoirs of Captain Robert Moray, sometime an officer in the Virginia regiment, and afterwards of Amherst's regiment / A nice quiet day a farce in one act / Pas de fascination, or, Catching a governor a farce in one act / To let, furnished a comedietta in one act / Rats duologue in one act / The Lear of private life! or, Father and daughter a domestic melo-drama in three acts / The sausage makers a Negro burlesque sketch in two scenes / Rain clouds an original dramatic sketch / The touchstone, or, The world as it goes a comedy in four acts / Lights out a farce in one act / The milkmaids' convention burlesque entertainment / Rip Van Winkle Them papers an Ethiopian sketch in one scene / The Smith mystery a comedy in one act / Mrs. White a farce in one act / Under the American flag a Spanish American drama in four acts / Who's to blame, or, No fool like an old one a farce in two acts / The wood daemon, or, The clock has struck a grand romantic melo drama in three acts / Mary Melvyn, or, A marriage of interest a melo-drame in three acts / The silver spoon a character sketch in four parts / Wanted, a nurse a laughable sketch / The pretty horsebreaker an apropos sketch in one act / Vasco a tragedy. Vanquished! a comedy in three acts / The three black Smiths an original Ethiopian eccentricity in one scene. Simpson a comic dramina / Lost and won a drama in two acts / Welcome & farewell a tragedy / Sworn at Highgate! a musical farce in two acts / Next door neighbors a comedy in three acts / The lion and the unicorn a grand nursery, versery, comical Christmas pantomime / The Mohawk Minstrels' eighth book of dramas, dialogues and drolleries The red chignon Title a comedy in three acts founded on the French of Eugene Nus / The little sentinel! a comedietta in one act / Ormusd's triumph, or, The fall of Ahriman a drama. Shoddy a Yorkshire tale of home / A quiet day a farce in one act / The old oak tree a drama in two acts / Onions a parody on Carrots [of Jules Renard] / Our awful aunt a comic drama in two acts / Ripples a farce in one act / The wonderful telephone a black sketch, in one scene / Peter the Great an historical melodrama in three acts / The siege of Rochelle book of words. Medea a tragedy in four acts / A political pull a comedietta in one act / Whittington, Junior and his sensation cat an original civic burlesque / Rule Britannia a nautical drama in three acts / A soldier and a sailor, a tinker and a tailor a comic interlude in one act / The queen's lace handkerchief opera in 3 acts / Messalina a tragedy in five acts / Peter the Great in Saardam, or, The czar and carpenter comic opera in three acts / My friend the major an original farce in one act / The old Catholics at Cologne a sketch in three scenes / The lost spade, or, The grave digger's revenge a great political, martial, serio-comic, legendary, romantic and farcical drama / Wapping old stairs! a nautical drama in two acts / Tatters, the pet of Squatters' Gulch a border drama in three acts / Lending a hand a farce in one act / The yellow kids a farce in one act / Rowe's Jane Shore a tragedy / Two faces under a hood a comic opera in three acts / The ninth anniversary of the New York Mirror, July, 1831 a dramatic medley in one act / Oulita the serf a tragedy / Margate Sands On the brink a comedietta in one act / Never say die The yellow kid who lives in Hogan's alley a burlesque / Please to remember the grotto, or, The manageress in a fix a metamorphosed ollapodridical, boy and gal-limaufrical extravaganzical, pantomimical and entirely nondescriptical rehearsal / The queen's horse a burletta in one act / Lone Tree mine a Rocky Mountain drama in five acts / Macaire a melodramatic farce in three acts / A matrimonial catch comedy in one act / St. Mary's eve, or, A solway story an original domestic drama in two acts / A personal matter a comedy in one act / An original widow's pension, or, the fugitive fortune a comedy in four acts / Prometheus unbound Merlin revivified and the hermit The widow, or, Who wins? a farce in two acts / On guard an entirely original comedy in three acts / The Memory of a song a comedy in two acts / Well played, or, The major's dilemma an entirely new and original farce in one act / The middle temple, or, Which is my son? a farce in one act / Marriage made easy a comedy in three acts / Pizarro a Spanish rolla-king Peruvian drama : a burlesque in one act / Riquet with the tuft, or, Harlequin & Old Mother Shipton an entirely novel, original ... grand comic Christmas pantomime / Nanon opera comique in three acts / Our bitterest foe an incident of 1870 : one act drama / The skirt dancer in two acts / News from Pannonia Shakspere's historical play of Henry the Fifth A white lie an original comedy drama in four acts / Turko the Terrible, or, the great princess show My uncle an operetta in one act / A manager's trials a farce in one act / Wanted a wife, or, A checque on my banker a comedy in five acts / Mysteries of Corpus Christi Our summer boarder's [sic], or, The jolly tramp a farce comedy in two scenes / Remorse a drama in three acts / The snow-cap sisters a burlesque / Time and tide a tale of the Thames : an original drama in three acts with a prologue / The poor gentleman a comedy in five acts / The two gentlemen of Verona a comedy in two acts / My day & now-a-days a monologue in one scene for a child / Poor cousin Walter a drama in one act / Philo an evangeliad / The parlor car farce / Passions an original comedy in four acts / The shepherd's well a play / The Tipperary legacy a farce, in one act / Plot for plot comedietta in one act / Miss Topsy Turvy, or, The courtship of the deacon a comedy in three acts / Marriage at any price an original farce in one act / The love test a comedietta in one act / Songs, duetts, chorusses, finales, &c. of The maniac, or, The Swiss banditti a serio-comic opera in three acts / The new, rich, costly, unique, comic Christmas waggery (late the property of a young gentleman retiring from literature) called The plum-pudding pantomime, or, Harlequin and the British lion On and off a farce in one act / The Tower of London, or, The rival queens a grand historical spectacle in two acts / Seth Greenback a drama, in four acts / The note-forger! an original drama in two acts / My daughter's debut a musical comedy in one act / Noble foundling, or, The hermit of the Tweed a tragedy in five acts / Plot, songs, and a description of the scenery in the grand military pantomime spectacle called The old man of the mountains, or, Tale of the eleventh century A ready-made suit a mock trial / Paris & London, or, A trip to both cities an operatic extravaganza in three acts / The wreck ashore a drama in two acts / Who's your friend?, or, The Queensberry fete a comic drama in two acts / Separate maintenance a farce in one act / A soldier's courtship a comedy in one act / A rural ruse a comedy in one act / A rolling stone gathers no moss a tragedy / Rule a wife, and have a wife a comedy in five acts : altered from Beaumont and Fletcher / The misanthrope settled a scene from an unfinished drama / Taliesin a masque / The three o'clock train, or, The haunted house a Negro act in one scene / The masquerade a comedy in five acts / Robinson Crusoe Mr. and Mrs. German Reed's entertainment Charity begins at home Lo Zingaro a petite opera in two acts / Shakspere and company a comedy in five acts / One question The Pacha's bridal! an opera in three acts / Robin Hood, or, The merry outlaws of Sherwood a dramatic equestrian spectacle in three acts / The turnpike gate a farce in two acts / The siege of Isca, or, The battles of the West an operatic melo-dramatic spectacle / Our Mary Anne a farce in one act / Songs, duets, &c. in Tricks upon travellers a comic opera in three acts / Our gal a farce in one act / The school-ma'am a comedy in four acts / St. John in Patmos a poem / A year in an hour, or, The cock of the walk a farce in two acts / Shakspeare's Merry wives of Windsor a comedy revised by J.P. Kemble. The robbers of Calabria a drama in one act / St. George and the dragon a new grand empirical exposition in two acts / The river god a burletta in one act / A man of the world Meadowsweet a play in one act / Only a clod a comic drama in one act / Shakspeare's As you like it a comedy / Turn him out a farce in one act / Mary Le More, or, The Irish maniac an original domestic drama in three acts / The wigwam, or, The red men of the wilderness a comedy in two acts / Marmion a tale of Flodden Field : a drama in three acts / Two drams of brandy a temperance play in one act / Modern collegians, or, Over the bridge an half hours comic sketch before dinner / The salt of life The royal box a play in five acts. The slanderer a comedy in three acts / The painter's apprentice an Ethiopian farce / An odd trick comedy in one act / Under the thumb an operetta in one act / Vilikins and his Dinah a tragico-comico burlesque in one act / The nondescript a musical farce in two acts. The merchant of Guadaloupe a play in three acts / The three secrets a drama in two acts / Tam O'Shanter, or, Harlequin and the witches of Alloway's auld haunted kirk a national comico-serio harlequinade / Murder will out a farce in one act for six female characters / Music-mad a dramatic sketch / Sensation dramas for the back drawing room Lord Timothy Dexter, or, The greatest man in the East a comedy in five acts / Spring gardens a farce in one act / The vampire, or, The bride of the isles a romantic melo-drama in two acts, preceded by an introductory vision / Up to town and back again Mr. Rayner's popular entertainment, comprising a variety of tales, anecdotes, recitations, oddities, whims and eccentric portraitures from nature ... / Prince Pedro a tragedy / A woman's forever comedy for 1 male and 1 female / Surprised a comedy in one act / Uncle Jed's fidelity, or, The returned cowboy a comedy drama in three acts / The lovers a fragment / Shakspeare's King Henry the Eighth a historical play / The man about town a farce in one act / The virgin unmasked a musical farce in one act / Pawn ticket no. 210 The Shakespeare wooing a play of shreds and patches taken from the works of William Shakespeare / The sealed sentence! an original drama in two acts / Old love letters Secret service a drama in two acts / The painter of Antwerp grand opera in three acts with a prologue / Too much Smith, or, Heredity a physiological and psychological absurdity in one act / Shadow castle a comedy-drama in four acts with original plot and stage effects / The world of fashion a comedy in three acts / A new grand comic Christmas pantomime entitled Oberon, king of the elves, or, Harlequin Sir Huon of Guyenne and the fairy of the magic horn! Poetical tragedies Rural felicity an operatic comedy in two acts / A wonderful letter a farce in one act / Whose baby is it? an Ethiopian sketch, in one scene / The peer and peasant a comedy in five acts / Religion and fatherland, or, The martyrs of Corea a drama / The petticoat parliament an extravaganza in one act / The Mormons, or, Life at Salt Lake City a drama in three acts / Victory Pike O'Callaghan, or, The Irish patriot an original drama in two acts / My friend from Leatherhead a farce in one act / The miscellaneous plays of Edwin Booth. Shakspeare's Much ado about nothing a comedy / The wrecker's daughter a play, in five acts / Othello travestie a burlesque burletta in one act / Little Robinson Crusoe a burlesque in three acts / La Polka, or, Dancing for the million a farce in one act / Richard Savage a play in five acts / Leading strings a comedy in three acts / The limit of the law Seven nights in a bar-room, or, The liquor traffic a curse to the dealer and consumer a temperance entertainment / The old north tower, or, The duke for a day a drama in three acts / Young America's dream, or, A discoursory interview between the spirits of liberty, tyranny, and a citizen of the world an allegory / Penmark Abbey a nautical melodrama in three acts / Mendoza Nettlewig Hall, or, Ten to one a musical farce in two acts / Our Nelly a domestic drama in two acts / La tarantula, or, The spider king an entirely new extravaganza, made up into an English dress from the best French materials, in two acts. The passing of Lilith The moonlight blossom a Japanese romance. She wou'd and she wou'd not a comedy / The test of truth, or, It's a long lane that has no turning a comedy in two acts / Shakespeare's tragedy of Hamlet Tom & Jerry in France, or, Vive la bagatelle a musical entertainment in three acts. Under Ma's thumb a farce comedy in three acts / Yankee peddler, or, Old times in Virginia a farce in one act / The wife's secret an original play in five acts / Volentia a play in five acts / Out of the shadow a drama in three acts / Sophronisba ... Oh! a comedy in one act / Two gentlemen at Mivart's a dramatic duologue in one act for male characters only / Shakspeare's Merchant of Venice a comedy / Zanone, or, The dey and the knight an entirely new and original fantastical opera in three acts / The sisters of sorrow a romantic drama [in] prologue & 2 acts / Sylvia, or, The May queen a lyrical drama / Professor Robinson comedy in one act / Margaret's ghost, or, The libertine's ship an original romance in two acts / The sea of ice, or, A thirst for gold and the wild flower of Mexico a romantic drama in five tableaux. Rose Dale an Ethiopian burlesque on Lester Wallack's Rosedale / Orestes in Argos a tragedy in five acts / Myra, or, Will the fisherman an original comedy-drama in four acts / A man of ideas Loyalty, or, Invasion defeated an historical tragedy in five acts / The tables turned, or, Nupkins awakened a socialist interlude / The young man about town a comedy in three acts / The ulster a farcical comedy in three acts / The mistakes of marriage The new grand opera in three acts of The Bohemian girl The little back parlour a farce in one act / The weaver of Lyons, or, The three conscripts a farce in one act / Macbeth a tragedy / The pleasures of anarchy a dramatic poem with preface, notes, appendix / Tact!, or, The wrong box a farce in two acts / Mary Stuart a tragedy in five acts / The mischievous nigger a Negro farce in one act and one scene / Ten nights in a bar-room a temperance drama in five acts / The new footman a burletta in one act / A night at Notting Hill an original apropos sketch in one act / Reparation, or, The Savoyards a play in three acts. Luck a comedy in three acts / The Mayflower a play in three acts / The Princess Chrysalline, or, The maiden who couldn't laugh A literary farce Shakespeare's comedy As you like it The quicksands of Gotham a drama in prologue and three acts / Songs, duets, trios, choruses, &c. &c. in the new comic opera entitled Scaramuccia, or, The villagers of San Quintino in two acts / The trumpeter's daughter a farce in one act / The magician and the ring a play for children / Vocal score from The jolly musketeer comic opera in two acts / Mirabeau an historical drama / Shannon boys a romantic Irish drama in three acts / Shadows a romantic drama in a prologue and four acts / The strange intruder in three acts / Mary, the fisherman's child a drama in five acts / A midnight bell The patrician's daughter a tragedy in five acts / La Périchole comic opera / Spartacus, or, The Roman gladiator a tragedy in five acts / An original comic opera in two acts entitled The Grand Duke, or, The statutory duel Who'll lend me a wife? a farce in two acts / The village postmaster a domestic drama in four acts / The regent's daughter a serio-comic play in five acts / Mr. Bob a comedy in two acts / Orpheus and Eurydice Ophée [sic] aux enfers, opera bouffe in three acts / Mrs. Sarah Gamp's tea and turn out a Bozzian sketch in one act / The tower of Lochlain, or, The idiot son a melo-drama in three acts / Lodoiska melodramatic opera in three acts / The Lime-kiln club in an uproar! an Ethiopian drollery in one scene / Under the laurels a drama in five acts / A lucky escape! a comic drama in one act / Sam's arrival an absurdity in one act / My lady help an original comedietta in one act / Mephistopheles a profanation / Passion's dream a tragedy / The old patroon, and other plays O'Neill the Great a dramatic poem in two parts / Ugolino a tragedy in three acts / The unknown lover a drama for private acting : with an essay on the chamber drama in England / Spanish dollars!, or, The priest of the parish an operatic sketch / A wicked wife a drama in one act / The scarlet letter a drama in three acts / Who stole the pocket-book, or, A dinner for six a farce in one act / My friend in the straps a farce in one act / Ruy Blas a preposterous piece of nonsense for private representation / Macbeth travestie in three acts with burlesque annotations after the manner of Dr. Johnson, G. Stevens, and the various commentaries. The man who went to Europe a comedy in one act / The spare bed, or, The shower bath a farce in two acts / Massinger's New way to pay old debts a comedy / The magic penny a nigger melodrama in one act / Russell, or, The rye-house plot a tragedy in five acts. Pat McFree, the Irish patentee a farce in one act / Shakespeare's tragedy of Julius Caesar Old and young, or, Both alike a comedy in two acts / Norah's good-bye a musical Irish sketch, in one scene / The spelling match a comic musical duality / Valentine's day, or, the amorous knight and the belle widow a new and original comedy in three acts, prefixed by a poetical appeal to the critics / I puritani opera in three acts / Saved a temperance sketch in one act / Revenge, or, The medium dramas of the day / The plays of Maurice Maeterlinck ... The pity of love a tragedy / The white fawn, or, The loves of Princes Buttercup and Princess Daisy an entirely new spectacular extravaganza / The sons of Godwin a tragedy / The miser a comedy in three acts for male characters only / The wife's portrait a household picture under two lights / The maid of honor a grand opera in three acts / The place hunter a farce in one act / Olivia ; The vicar of Wakefield a drama in 4 acts / Love for money, or, The boarding school a comedy / The wept of the Wish-ton-wish a drama in two acts / Within the gates A town meeting an entertainment for lyceums, schools, lodges, etc. / Mary Tudor, first queen regnant of England an historical drama in five acts : after the Elizabethan model / The railway belle a farce in one act / The poet Mr. Chas. Bernard's seventh annual extravaganza and pantomime, entitled Lurline, the nymph of the Rhine, or, Harlequin Sir Rupert the Reckless in search of the rhino, the river monster, and the demons of the deep [selection of songs and musical pieces] : founded on H.J. Byron's Nymph of the Lurleyberg / Mr. Yates has the honor to present to his juvenile visitors a synopsis of the programme of the scenery and business in the new comic pantomime ... entitled Harlequin and Mother Red Cap, or, Merlin and the fairy queen Philanthropy an original comedy in three acts / The roll of the drum a romantic drama in three acts / Lords of creation woman suffrage drama / The workman's foe a new and original dramatic sketch in one act / The monastery of St. Just a play in three acts / The recruiting sergeant musical entertainment / The miller's maid a melo-drama in two acts / Room forty-five a farce / Naomie, or, The peasant girl's dream a romantic drama in two acts / Monseigneur and the jeweller's apprentice a drama in three acts / Songs, trios, chorusses, &c. in the new burletta spectacle called British Amazons, or, Army without reserve Love the greatest enchantment ; The sorceries of sin ; The devotion of the cross The Russian sacrifice, or, Burning of Moscow an historical and musical drama in three acts / Ma's new boarders a vaudeville sketch in one act / Shall we forgive her? Tan-gó-ru-a an historical drama in prose / Suil Dhuv, the coiner a melo-dramatic romance in three acts / The mere man a farcial episode in one act / Pouter's wedding a farce in one act / Victor Dupres a dramatic study in three acts / My friend Thompson a farce in one act / A wrong man in the right place a farce in one act / Who's to inherit? an original comedy in one act. A touch at the times, or, An attempt to please a musical entertainment / Moratara, or, The Pope and his inquisitors a drama / A menagerie in the schoolroom The soldier's daughter a comedy in five acts / Marcus Manlius a tragedy in five acts / The stage-struck darkey an interlude in one act. Waverly, or, Sixty years since a dramatic romance in three acts / Paul's return an original comedy in three acts / Pontia: the daughter of Pilate a drama in four acts / Retained on both sides operetta in one act / Lost and found an operetta in one act / Maritana a grand opera in three acts / A rank deception a farce in two acts / The ruffian boy a melo-drama in two acts / The Misses Primrose's deception Take care of little Charley a farce in one act / The peasant boy an opera in three acts / The station house! an interlude in one act / Three operettas Nell Gwynne, or, The prologue a comedy in two acts / The lyrics of Dorothy a comedy opera in three acts / Loyal hearts a patriotic melodrama, founded on American and Spanish War of 1898, the story of the reunion of North and South / The runaways An old Jew an original comedy in five acts / Thomas à Becket a historical play in five acts / Walpole, or, Every man has his price a comedy in rhyme in three acts / Penikeese, or, Cuisine and cupid an entirely original comic opera in two acts / The widow from the West, or, The late Mr. Early a farce comedy in three acts / The white farm, or, The widow's vision a melodrama in two acts / The wild boy of Bohemia, or, The force of nature a melo-drama in two acts / William Tell a historical play / Ruth a drama / The magpie, or, The maid of Palaiseau melo-dramatic romance in three acts. The man and the marquis, or, The three spectres of the castle of Saint Valori a farce in one act / Paul and Virginia, or, The runaway slave a play in three acts / A romance of love a new and original two act comedy-drama / The loan of a lover a vaudeville / Richard Carvel The white cockade a Jacobite opera in three acts / One summer's day A lover and a half a comedy in two acts / Up a tree! a farce in one act / Oliver Twist a serio-comic burletta in four acts / The smuggler's daughter a melo-drama in two acts / The little rebel a farce in one act / A tale of mystery a melo-drama / Tally-ho Pocahontas a melo-drama in five acts / Metamora, or, the last of the pollywogs a burlesque in two acts / On bread and water a musical farce in one act / The prince's wooing a dramatic poem / A singing school of ye olden time The Roman martyrs a tragedy in three acts / The spellin' skewl, or, Friday afternoon at Deestrick no. 4 an original burlesque in one scene / A very pleasant evening a farce in one act / Nick Whiffles a drama in three acts / Moses in Egypt sacred tragedy in four acts / The martyrs' idyl Popping the question a farce in one act / My cousin a comedietta in one act / Social life in Germany Love and hate an allegory / A play in little 3720 spoken words, 30 minutes in playing. The wrong woman in the right place a Negro sketch in two scenes / Madonna Pia a tragedy in three acts. The moral philosopher a burletta in one act / Maids, modes, and manners, or, Madame Grundy's dilemma A sixpenny telegram a comedietta in one act / Lying will out a comedy in four acts / Semiramide opera in two acts / The pet of Parson's ranch a comedy-drama in five acts / Popping by proxy a farce in one act / The Siege of Malta a tragedy. Using the weed Mutius Scaevola, or, The Roman patriot an historical drama / Till the half-hour a comedietta / Monsieur Laroche a drama in three acts / Pomp Green's snakes an Ethiopian farce in one act / The two gentlemen of Verona a comedy / The queen of spades a drama in two acts / The lucky number an Ethiopian sketch / Rely on my discretion an original farce / Sidagero, or, Codanonia conquistata a serious opera being a dramatic novel in two acts / Three days Open house, or, The twin sisters a farce in two acts / The little tin gods-on-wheels, or, Society in our modern Athens a trilogy after the manner of the Greek / The sons of Erin, or, Modern sentiment a comedy in five acts / The maid of Judah, or, The Knights Templars a serious opera in three acts / The Spanish gypsy The rake and his pupil, or, Folly, love, and marriage a comedy in three acts / The miseries of human life a farce in one act / That boy Sam an Ethiopian farce in one act / Love wins an original comedy in three acts / The stranger stranger than ever : a piece of extravagance in one act / A tale of a comet a new and original farce in one act / Roseberry shrub, sec a comedy in one act and two scenes / Sweetly on the wings of morning sung by Madame Vestris in the historical opera of Hofer, the Tell of the Tyrol / The little nun, a bit of scandal! a petite comedy in one act / Parlor charades and proverbs Pamela's prodigy a lively comedy / Woman's wiles a play in one act / Pizarro, or, The conquest of Peru as related by a father to his children and designed for the instruction of youth / Pique a play of to-day, in five acts / Under the curse a temperance drama in one act / Minor dialogues The new boy a farcical play in three acts / Life in the lobby a comedy in five acts / The rise of the Rotheschildes, or, The honest Jew of Frankfort a drama in two acts, founded upon facts / The little left hand a mid-Victorian drama in three acts / Lord Tom Noddy a musical comedy in two acts / The skeleton horseman, or, The shadow of death a drama in a prologue and two acts / Sylvian a tragedy / The termagant a play in four acts / Martha plays the fairy a comedy in one act / Old Izaak Walton, or, Tom Moore of Fleet Street, the silver trout, and the seven sisters of Tottenham Pontiac, or, The siege of Detroit a drama in three acts / Trilby a burlesque of the play of the same title / Rory O'More a comic drama in three acts / The vagrant, his wife and family a melodrama in two acts / The silent system a comedy in one act / The wheel of fortune a comedy in five acts / Mystic midgets' Liliputian carnival of nations a juvenile fairy spectacle : a cantata in two acts / The spoiled child a farce in two acts / The lottery of life a story of New York : an original local drama in five acts / William the Fourth an historical melo-drama in two acts / The phantom a drama in two acts / The nuns of Minsk a tale of Russian atrocities in Poland : a drama in three acts / The pilot a nautical drama in three acts / Villario a play in five acts. Our court an original operatic drametta / What became of Parker a farce-comedy in four acts / Unlucky Friday a drama in one act / A spanking legacy, or, The Corsican vendetta a spirited farce in one act / The patent washing machine, or, The lover's dilemma an original farce in one act / Thetis and Peleus, or, The chain of roses a mythological love story told in one act / The water witches an original farce in one act / Tooth-ache, or, The prince and the chimney-sweeper a farce in one act. Naval engagements a comedy in two acts / The secret bridal Oroonoko a tragedy in two acts / Songs, duets, trios, glees, chorusses, &c. in the new comic pantomime called The astrologer, or, Harlequin and Moore's almanack Zampa an operatic drama in three acts / Woman's wrongs a comedietta in one scene / Regulus a tragedy in five acts / Tancred and Sigismunda a tragedy in five acts / The post-boy an original drama in two acts / Ways and means a comedy in three acts / The musard ball, or, Love at the academy a contemporaneous extravaganza in one act / The tragedy of Israel King Solomon / The portfolio, or, The family of Anglade a drama in two acts / The mother's bequest a drama in one act / New brooms sweep clean a farce / The two Bonnycastles a farce in one act / Orpheus a masque / Whimsicality, or, Great news from France a musical farce / The young mother a comic drama in one act / The martyr a drama in three acts / Which is my cousin? a petite comedy in one act / Mystery, or, The monk of St. Nicholas a tragedy in five acts. A young lad from the country an original farce in one act / A simple sweep a musical absurdetta / A merry meeting a farce in one act / Widows bewitched an operetta / The moustache movement an original farce in one act / O Gemini!, or, The brothers of Co(u)rse a new burlesque on a frightfully popular subject / Old Glory in Cuba a drama in four acts / A night in Buenos Ayres a new drama in five acts / The register farce / A meeting of the young ladies' club a comedy in one act / The old Kentucky home darkey sketch in three scenes. The Wager a musical entertainment in two acts. The provoked husband a comedy in five acts / Rosamund a tragic drama / Sforza a tragedy with incidental music for the last act / Mistress of the mill a comedietta in one act / The notorious Mrs. Ebbsmith a drama in four acts / The rajah an original comedy in four acts / Princess Toto comic opera in three acts / The stock exchange, or, The green business a comic drama in one act / Plots, songs, &c. of the new serio-comic pantomime called Ko and Zoa The wedding trip a comedy in two acts / Richard, Duke of York, or, The contention of York and Lancaster Wanted, a nurse a farce in one act / Vidocq, the French police spy a melo-drama in two acts. The lily of France a pictorial drama in five acts / An old vagabond a play in one act / Octavia, or, The bride of St. Agnes a tragedy in five acts / Love a dramatic play in three acts. Love and dentistry a duologue / Old love letters a comedy in 1 act / Sketch of the serio-comic pantomime called Philip Quarll, or, The English hermit Master Clarke a play in five acts / Witchcraft, or, The witch of Salem a legend of old New England in five acts / Maria Candelaria an historic drama from American aboriginal life / The old clothes merchant of Venice, or, The young judge and old Jewry a burlesque sketch for the drawing room. The overture, choruses, and the whole of the music ... to The slave an opera in three acts / Philip Vernon a tale in prose and verse / The pleroma a poem of the Christ, in two books of seven cantos each / Sports on a lark an Ethiopian interlude / Songs, chorusses, leading features in the new comic pantomime called Goody Two Shoes, or, Harlequin alabaster The spur of the moment an original whimsical drama in one act / The sole survivor, or, A tale of the Goodwin sands The two T.J.'s a farce in one act / Pygmalion, or, The statue fair an original burlesque / The pirate a melo dramatic romance in three acts / Velvet and rags a Spanish romance of the present day; prologue and three acts / The white slave, or, The flag of freedom a drama in two acts / Sour grapes original comedy in four acts / Mind your own business an original drama in three acts / The rough rider a play in four acts / Saratoga a dramatic historical romance of the Revolution / The physician an original play in four acts / Poor Pillicoddy a farce in one act / Satan bound a lyrical drama / Pauline a drama in five acts and seven tableaux / Rival artists a Negro sketch in one scene / The sacred festival-drama of Parsifal The secret a drama / Songs, chorusses, duets, parodies, &c. in Giovanni in Paris an operatic burletta extravaganza in two acts / Shakespeare's tragedy of King Richard III The lost dog The Spanish student a play in three acts / Rolla, or, The virgin of the sun a play in five acts / Waiting for the verdict, or, Falsely accused a domestic drama in three acts / Unfortunate Miss Bailey an interlude in one act / Nature and philosophy, or, The youth who never saw a woman a farce in one act. A moving tale a farce in one act / Two gay deceivers, or, Black, white and grey a farce in one act / Richard Wye The tail (tale) of a shark, or, The wailing (whaling) experiences of Sally Simpkins Which got the best of it? a comedietta in one act / Watch and wait a drama in three acts / The woman of the world a drama in two acts / Penelope's symposium a dialogue illustrating life in ancient Greece / Rapunzel Narcisse the vagrant a tragedy in five acts / The solicitor farcical comedy / Shakspere's comedy of Twelfth night Sold again a farce in one act / My unknown friend a drama in three acts / Spare the rod and spoil the child epoch 3rd, the man / The two drovers a domestic, legendary melo-drama in two acts / The lost wife, or, A husband's confession a domestic drama in three acts / Lodgings for two a farce in one act / A night of knights Tim M'Quain's brother a roaring Irish farce in one act / The perils of Pippins, or, The man who couldn't help it a drama / The other man being an English version of Champignol malgré lui / Marie Stuart an original historical play in five acts / A mysterious kiss a comedy in one act and in prose / Legend of the death of Antar an Eastern romance / The orphan of the wreck a melo-drama in two acts / The man from Arizona a farce in one act / The siege of Babylon a tragedy / Retired from business a comedy in three acts / One o'clock, or, The knight and the wood demon a grand operatic romance in three acts / On to victory a temperance cantata in one scene / The mariner's tale ; Prologue to The Red Rover ; Lines to a favourite actress ; Song of mortality The nymph of the Lurleyburg, or, The knight and the naiads a spectacular extravaganza / The nigger boarding house a screaming farce in one scene for six male burnt-cork characters / Martinuzzi a tragedy / The travellers, or, Music's fascination an operatic drama in five acts / The rape of Proserpine Roberto il diavolo opera in five acts / The three dragoons comic opera in three acts / Zarah a romantic drama in two acts / Les misérables an Ethiopian farce in one act and one scene / A splendid investment an original farce in one act / Pastoral play of Fair Rosamund adapted and arranged in three acts for the open-air / Manon an opera in four acts / The lottery ticket, or, The lawyer's clerk a farce in one act / Three scenes in the life of Lady Flavia The rogue's comedy a play in three acts / One in hand is worth two in the bush an original comedietta in one act / My mother in law, or, A divorce wanted a comedy in three acts / The wife a tale of a mantua maker! : a burlesque drama in one act / Plantation bitters a colored fantasy in two acts for male characters only / Manon an opera in five acts / The yellow dwarf, or, the king of the gold mines a burlesque burletta in two acts / Which is which?, or, the fire of London a play in three acts / Pandora a classical play for parlor and school, in three acts, four males and three females / The tower of London, or, The death omen and the fate of Lady Jane Grey a drama in three acts / Married lovers a petite comedy in two acts / The maid and the magpie, or, The fatal spoon a burlesque burletta founded on the opera of La gazza ladra / The mummy a farce in one act / Was I to blame? a farce in one act / Such things are a play in five acts / Osbern and Ursyne a drama in three acts / Why don't she marry? a musical burletta in two acts / Waldeck, or, The haunted dell a play in four acts / The rise and fall of Richard III, or, A new front to an old Dicky a Richardsonian burlesque / Oscar the half-blood a sensational play in a prologue and four acts / The suicide a tragedy / The railroad explosion an act in two scenes. Sketch of the fable, arrangement of the scenery with the songs, chorusses and finale in the grand ballet called Brazen mask, or, Alberto and Rosabella Like Caesar's wife a play in three acts / The phoenix a drama in four acts / Love a-la-mode a farce in two acts / World and stage an original comedy in three acts / Songs, duetts, chorusses, finales, &c. of Up all night, or, The smuggler's cave a comic opera in three acts / Tom Tom, the piper's son, and Mary Mary, quite contrary, or, Harlequin piggy wiggy and the good child's history of England a burlesque extravaganza and pantomime / Rowe's Fair penitent a tragedy / Norah Creina The wrong side of the road Tricks an Ethiopian sketch / The maiden's progress a novel in dialogue / The stolen kiss The prisoner of war a comedy in two acts / The ninth waltz a comedy in one act / My wife! What wife? a comedy in three acts / Widowers' houses a comedy / The New York book agent, or, The miser's gold a drama in four acts / Wooing in jest and loving in earnest a comedietta in one act / Lem Kettle Recitations, rhymes, and ridiculosities A romantic farce Shakspeare's King John a historical play / A little more cider a farce / The white feather a comedietta in one act / The white sergeants an original comic drama in two acts / Thirty thousand, or, Who's the richest? a comic opera in three acts / The shepherd of Cournouailles an operetta in one act / The rose of Persia, or, The story-teller and the slave new comic opera : vocal score / The master passion a comedy in two acts / An unhistorical pastoral Old Gooseberry! a farce / Love, law, and physic a farce, in two acts / Swing a broad farcical drama, in one act / Quentin Durward a new grand opera in three acts / Old Trusty a comic drama in one act / The misanthrope To parents and guardians! at Jubilee House Establishment, Clapham, young gentlemen are, &c. &c. : an original comic drama in one act / An original comic opera in two acts entitled The chieftain Tommy a comedy in three acts. The railroad of love a comedy in four acts from the German of Schoenthan and Kadelburg / A pair of lunatics a dramatic sketch / Nevada, or, The lost mine a drama in three acts / The woodman's spell a serio-comic drama in one act / The prince of the world the great Christian play / St. George and the dragon new and original grand Christmas comic pantomime. Sayings and singings a fragment of a farce. The orange tree and the humble bee, or, The little princess who was lost at sea a new extravaganza / The princesses in the tower, or, A match for Lucifer a piece of extravagance in one act / The Persian hunters, or, The rose of Gurgistan an opera in three acts / The paper chase farcical comedy in three acts / Uncle Josh a drama in four acts / The voice of nature a play in three acts / Little Eyolf Sapolio Queen Mary's bower a comedy in three acts / The story of Falstaff Robespierre a tragedy / Pleon's peculiar parodies on popular plays and pieces The mayor's relations a comic sketch / Parsifal a festival music-drama / A wonderful woman a comic drama in two acts / The temperance doctor a moral drama in two acts / Which a farce in one act / Love's stratagem a comedy in two acts / The mysteries of Odd-Fellowship a farce in one act / The maid of Saxony, or, Who's the traitor an opera in three acts / The Venetian outlaw a drama in three acts / Out of the depths a temperance drama in three acts / Marie Antoinette a drama in five acts, with a prologue and epilogue. Scenes from the rejected comedies Rebecca's triumph a drama in three acts for female characters only / Woman's chance a comedietta in three scenes : for three females / Martha Willis, the servant maid an original domestic drama in two acts / Scenes in front of a clothing store a farce, in one scene / Marguerite a tragedy in three acts / Montague a drama : and other poems / Salome a dramatic poem / Pauline a melo-drama in three acts. The spider's web an original play in four acts / The two swindlers, or, There he goes! a farce in one act / My wife's come! a farce in one act / The waterman, or, The first of August a ballad opera in two acts / The two Polts an original farce in one act / On both sides an original drama of the Civil War in four acts / The Magdalen Report a farce in three acts / Myrtilla a fairy extravaganza in one act / Null and void an original play in three acts / Mike Donovan's courtship a comedietta in two acts. Shakespeare restored The organ grinder a comic drama in one act / Taken in and done for an original farce in one act / None so deaf as those who won't hear a comedietta in one act / Penn Hapgood, or, The Yankee schoolmaster a drama in three acts / Not a man in the house a comedy in two acts / A man about town a dramatic episode in one act / Waltheof a tragedy in five acts. The search after Prosperine a masque / Open sesame, or, A night with the forty thieves The man trap, or, A scene in Germany a dramatic piece, with songs, in two acts / Richard III a burlesque in one act / A night off, or, A page from Balzac a comedy in four acts from the German of Schonthan Brothers / Timour the Tartar a grand romantic melo-drama in two acts / The mandarin a comic opera in three acts / Shakespeare's play of King Henry the Fifth Titus and Lysander a comedy in five acts. The maid of honour a comedietta in one act / The mysteries of Paris a drama in three acts / Weak woman a new and original comedy in three acts / Taming a tiger a farce in one act / A romantic drama in four acts entitled The scarlet letter Twins new and original eccentric comedy in three acts / To Paris and back, for five pounds an original farce in one act / She would and she would not, or, The kind imposter a comedy in five acts / Sowing wild oats, or, Uncle John's private secretary comedy in four acts / Sinbad the sailor, a son of the sea, or, The old man of the ocean, and fair Zoradee Perourou, the bellows mender, and the beauty of Lyons a domestic drama in three acts / Luck's all! a farce in two acts / Political dialogues soldiers on their right to vote, and the men they should support. The memoirs of the d***l, or, The mystic bell of Ronquerolles an eccentric drama in three acts / The old story an original comedy in two acts / Mary and Sairy, or, Faithless Tommy comic sketch (for 2 females) / The siege of Carthage an historical tragedy in five acts / Miss Nonchalance a comedy in one act / Mohammed, the Arabian prophet a tragedy in five acts / The skeleton in the closet comedy in one act / Songs, chorusses, &c. in the new comic melo-dramatic, hippodrame entitled Giovanni in the country, or, A gallop to Gretna Green The school for wives Woman and wine Thermopylae, or, Repulsed invasion a tragic drama in three acts. My friend Jarlet an original play in one act / The Smithereens a drawing-room farce in three scenes. Martin Chuzzlewit, or, His wills and his ways, what he did, and what he didn't a domestic drama in three acts / Our colored conductors an original Ethiopian sketch in two scenes / A new grand comic Christmas pantomime entitled Ladye Bird Bower, or, Harlequin Prince Peacock and the fair Brillianta founded upon the old nursery chaunt / The schoolmistress a farce in three acts / Marked for life a new and original drama in prologue & 3 acts / The parting ; and, Waiting for the train Sea and land a drama in three acts / The sea-side story an operatic drama in two acts / A narrow squeak an original farce in one act / Out at sea an entirely original romantic drama in a prologue and four acts / Pietro il Grande a lyric play in three acts / Love a play in five acts / A shattered idol a petite comedy in one act / The tempter a tragedy in verse in four acts / The Welsh girl a vaudeville in one act / Othello and Darsdemoney a Negro burlesque for two characters. The Shakespeare water-cure a burlesque comedy in three acts / Will-o'-the-wisp, or, The shot in the dark a comedy drama in three acts / Love in a flue, or, The sweep and the magistrate a comedy in two acts / Martha, or, A fair take-in an operatic extravaganza / Mrs. Smith, or, The wife and the widow a farce in one act / Wheels within wheels an original comedy in three acts / Oswald of Deira a drama / The rose of Persia, or, the story teller and the slave new comic opera / La vivandière, or, True to the corps! an original operatic extravaganza / A wedding notice Mabel's holiday a comedietta in one act. The talisman a drama in one act / The school for saints The tragedy of Faustus. The tragedy of Count Alarcos She would and she would not, or, The kind impostor a comedy in five acts / The Princess Elizabeth a lyric drama / The lone house on the bridge of Notre Dame a drama in three acts / Prometheus, or, The man on the rock! a new and original extravaganza / Won back a play in four acts / Ten thousand a year a drama in three acts / Le nozze di Figaro opera in four acts / Shakspere's historical play Henry V New Years in New York, or, The German baron an original comedy in two acts / No cure, no pay an original Ethiopian farce in one act / Putnam, the iron son of '76 a national military drama in three acts / Noblesse oblige a comedy-drama in a prologue and three acts / The love-chase a comedy in five acts / The watch dog of the Walsinghams a romantic drama in four acts / Wax works at play Number nip, or, Harlequin and the gnome king of the giant mountain grand comic Christmas pantomime / Shakspeare's Romeo and Juliet a tragedy / The man with three wives farcical comedy in three acts / Tecumseh, or, The battle of the Thames a national drama in five acts / Quarrelsome servants an Ethiopian interlude / The wood demon, or, One o'clock a burlesque in three acts / A mad astronomer a musical sketch / The ups and downs of life, or, The fortunate Irishman a comic interlude, founded on facts / The midnight charge a grand military play in four acts / On an island a dramatic sketch in water-colour / My uncle, the captain a farce / Life's a lottery, or, Jolly Dick the lamplighter a domestic burletta in three acts / Matrimonial a gentleman &c., for further particulars apply at -, an entirely original farce in one act / One hundred years ago, or, Our boys of 1776 a patriotic drama in two acts / The wages of sin Nell Gwynne an historical drama in two acts / Spiritual visitors The squire's daughter a tragedy in five acts / Too much of a good thing a comedietta / A pair of shoes a farce in one act / Only a flirtation a comedietta in one act / A quarter to nine a farce in one act / On change a farce in three acts / Muolo the monkey, or, The missing link a farce in one act / Retribution, or, The chieftain's daughter a tragedy in five acts / Three Japanese plays for children Under the rose, or, The great gentleman in the little parlour a musical interlude in one act / Sons and systems a burletta in two acts / The yellow dwarf a fairy extravaganza in one act / The Spagnoletto Troublesome children, or, The unexpected voyage of Jack and Pen a play for children / Lily Dawson, or, A poor girl's story a domestic drama in three acts / Prospectus, with the songs, choruses, &c. &c. of The enchanted island a dramatic ballet founded on Shakspeare's Tempest / The pope of Rome an historical romance in six tableaux / Playing with fire an original comedy in five acts / The master of Ballantrae a play in three acts / The white lady a comic opera in three acts = La dame blanche / A shadow sceptre an historical play in four acts / Meddle and muddle a farce in one act / Two little vagrants Wilful murder! an original farce in one act / Rappings and table movings an original farce in one act / Powder and ball, or, St. Tibbs's eve! an original terpsichorean burletta in one act / Uncle Dick's darling a domestic drama in three acts / The post-boy of Cornwell, or, The fatal snow-drift a domestic drama in three acts / A match for a mother-in-law an original comedietta in one act / A white elephant The magpie or the maid? a melo drame in three acts / Woman's rights a comedietta / The skeleton witness, or, The murder at the mound a domestic drama in three acts / Marie Stuart Mary Stuart : a tragedy in five acts / Maritana opera in three acts / The lily of the field a comedy in one act relating an episode in the life of a king / Love of a bonnet The wisdom of the wise a comedy in three acts / A wild proxy a tragic comedy of to-day / Packing up farce in one act / Melting moments [a comedietta in one act / Woman's love, or, Kate Wynsley, the cottage girl an entirely original drama in two acts / Under the wheel a modern play in six scenes / Pritchard's choice dialogues. humorous, pathetic, entertaining, instructive, and moral / Snowflake and the seven gnomes a spectacular drama in five acts / Lurline, or, The revolt of the Naiades a romantic opera in three acts / Time will tell an original comedy in three acts / Thomas à Becket a tragedy in five acts / The two marriages a drama in three acts / The octoroon, or, Life in Louisiana a play in five acts / Miss Madcap a comedietta in one act / Single life a comedy in three acts / Rum, or, The first glass a drama in three acts / Raising the wind a farce in one act / Shakspeare's King Richard the Third a historical play / La marjolaine opera bouffe in three acts / The pirates of Penzance, or, The slave of duty comic opera in two acts / The Shaker lovers a drama in one act / The littlest girl a play in one act / The robbers of the Pyrenees a drama in two acts and a prologue / The merchant pirate a drama in three acts / West end, or, The Irish heiress a comedy in five acts / The lyrics of The queen's mate comic opera in three acts / Wat Tyler, M.P an operatic extravaganza / Victoire an entirely new and original military comedy-opera / Life a comedy in five acts / Waverley a drama in five acts / Plot, songs, chorusses, &c. in the comic pantomime called Wizards' wake, or, Harlequin and Merlin Olden times, or, The rising of the session a comedy in five acts / The two Georges a comedietta in one act / Lyrical poems The love-knot a comedy in three acts / Number one, round the corner a farce in one act / Palmistry an original comedietta / Love makes a man, or, The fop's fortune a comedy in five acts / Sue a play in three acts / Why women weep a comedy in one act / The regicides (N.E.) an historical drama, years 1640 to 1676 / Punch and Judy The seven maids of Munich, or, The ghost's tower an original musical romance in one act / The scapegrace a petite comedy in one act / A reformer in ruffles a comedy in three acts / My friend a farce in one act / Mrs. Bunbury's spoons a slippery, trippery sketch in one act / Mammon and Gammon an original farce in one act / A tourist's ticket a farce / Ruben Rube, or, My invalid aunt farce in one act / Stupid cupid farce in one act / The rights of man a comedy in two acts / Rosemary, that's for remembrance a comedy in three acts and an appendix / That affair at Finchley a comic sketch in one act / The noble heart a play in three acts / Weston, the walkist a very amusing sketch / Life in New York, or, Tom and Jerry on a visit a comic drama in two acts / Pistols for two a comedietta in one act / Saul a dramatic poem / Rameses II a drama of ancient Egypt, in five acts / Leap year, or, The ladies' privilege a comedy in three acts / A streak of luck an American comedy in five tableaux / Song words of Wang operatic burletta in two acts / Songs, &c. in Edward and Susan a burletta spectacle / Sketch of the new melo-dramatick comick pantomime, called Harlequin and Humpo, or, Columbine by candlelight A single married man comic operetta in one act / Mysterious stranger an Ethiopian sketch in one scene. Tom Thumb the great, or, Harlequin King Arthur and the knights of the round table grand comic Christmas annual / The professor's love story a comedy in three acts / The Rapparee, or, The treaty of Limerick a romantic drama in three acts / Round Delia's basket Sad memories a new and original play in one act / Mazeppa! a burlesque extravaganza in one act / The two roses a farce in two acts for three males and two females / Snowwhite a play for children / Marion, or, The page a play. Semi-detached an impressionist sketch / Zion a drama in a prologue and four acts / An original comic opera in two acts His Majesty, or, The court of Vingolia / Pipes and perdition a comedy in one act / A pair of lunatics farce for 1 male and 1 female / Rosedale, or, The rifle ball Snowed-up with a duchess a comedietta / The vow of silence, or, The old blacksmith's hovel a melo-drama in two acts / Miss Impudence saynète / The merchant and his clerks a domestic drama in three acts / Take that girl away a comic drama in two acts / Maggie's situation an original comedietta in one act / Songs and other vocal compositions in the grand Caledonian aquatic romance called The spectre knight Shamus O'Brien a romantic comic opera in two acts founded on the poem by Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu / La reine de Chypre grand opera en cinq actes = The queen of Cyprus / Nip and tuck farce in one act / Mere sham a comedy in one act / The virgin widow, or, A Sicilian summer The wonderful water cure an operatic extravaganza in one act / Topsyturvydom original extravaganza / The maid with the milking pail a comic drama in one act / Legacy of honour an original drama in two acts / Tom Smart, the adventurer! a comedy in three acts / The seducer a tragedy in five acts / Voces academicae Timothy to the rescue an original farce in one act / The three musketeers a play in five [i.e. four] acts / Shakspeare's King Richard the Second an historical play / A new and original burlesque entitled The beast and the beauty, or, No rose without a thorn The will for the deed a comedy in three acts / Scenes in a sanctum an Ethiopian farce in one act / Man proposes in several declarations and one act / The tzigane Russian comic opera in three acts / Rags and bottles, or, The two waifs an original comedy in two acts / Three comedies A loyal lover A Texas steer musical farce comedy in four acts. Linda, the pearl of Savoy a domestic drama in three acts / The pirate a musical drama in three acts / The second marriage a comedy in five acts / An organic affection a farce in one act / Shakspeare's Twelfth night, or, What you will a comedy / Mad as a hatter an original farce in one act / Polly Honeycombe a dramatic novel in one act / Songs, duets, chorusses, &c. in The king's proxy a comick opera in three acts / Samuel in search of himself a farce in one act / The postillion of Lonjumeau a comic opera in three acts / Little Red Riding Hood, and the fairies of the rose, shamrock and thistle an original burlesque extravaganza in one act / Luke Somerton a drama in two acts / Wallace, the hero of Scotland an historical drama in three acts / A son of the soil a romantic play in three acts / The orchard of the king a romantic play in one act / A question of honor a dramatic sketch in one act / The rose of Sleat, or, The dogs of Prince Charlie an historical drama cantata / The triumph of loyalty an historic drama in five acts. Othello a burlesque / Pocahontas a burlesque operetta in two acts / The wine cup, or, Saved at last a temperance sketch in two scenes. The Widow Mullins' Christmas a Christmas entertainment for children / The tower of Nesle, or, The dark gondola an historical drama in nine tableaus / Old New York, or, Democracy in 1689 a tragedy in five acts / Only a halfpenny! a farce in one act / Tilmon Joy, the emancipator a war drama in four acts / Sherlock Holmes Songs, duets, choruses, etc. etc. in The crown brilliants an opera in three acts / The man in the iron mask an historical play in five acts / A straw man a farce in one act / Lessons of life a colloquial poem / Scene from Faust Sir Paul Pindar and other plays The soldier's progress, or, The horrors of war a pictorial drama in four parts / Overheard in Arcady Loving yet hating a comedy in two acts / My wife's father's sister a comedietta in one act / Songs, duets, trios, recitatives, chorusses, & concerted pieces in the new grand romantic opera of Henrique, or, The love-pilgrim! That dorg, or, The old toll-house mystery a black tragedy in two scenes / The mock doctor, or, The dumb lady cured a farce in two acts / Words of songs in the new and original burlesque Arthur's Bakery Company, or, The original A.B.C Old Hunks, the miser an Ethiopian comicality in one scene. The somnambulist an opera in three acts / Libretto of Belshazzar Weeds a comedietta in one act / Sleeping Beauty grand comic Christmas pantomime, 1876-7 / The secret, or, The hole in the wall a farce in one act / The mummy-makers of Egypt a comedy in five acts / Songs, duets, chorusses, &c. in the comic opera of The noble outlaw The maid and the magpye, or, Which is the thief? a musical entertainment in two acts / The Prometheus bound of Æschylus Slave life, or, Uncle Tom's cabin a drama in three acts / A record of the pyramids a drama in ten scenes / Marry in haste and repent at leisure a domestic play in three acts. Spring and autumn, or, Married for money a comic drama in two acts / The sea-captain, or, The birthright a drama in five acts / The sires and sons from Albion sprung a musical masque / The son of the wilderness a dramatic poem / Senior wranglers a duologue / Who got the pig? an Irish sketch in one scene / Living too fast, or, A twelvemonth's honeymoon a comedietta in one act / Thalaba, the destroyer a melo-drama in three acts / The loss of the Royal George, or, The fatal land breeze a nautico-domestic drama in two acts / Pizarro, or, The leotard of Peru an original burlesque extravaganza in one act / The silver head ; The double deceit comedies / Pipkin's rustic retreat a farce in one act / Married bachelors, or, Pleasant surprises a comedietta in one act / Woman's will The social glass, or, Victims of the bottle the great sensational temperance drama in five acts / Villikins and his Diniah in shadow pantomime ; and, Hallowe'en fun / Make your wills a farce in one act / Mistress Nell a merry play in four acts / Pat's dilemma, or, Too much of a good thing a funny Irish dialect farce. The shepherd of Derwent Vale, or, The innocent culprit a traditionary drama in two acts / Old Martin's trials a domestic drama in three acts / The miser of Shoreditch an original romantic drama in two acts / Longinus : a tragedy in five acts ; The funeral of the Right Hon. George Canning ; Lines to the memory of Sir John Cox Hippisley, Bart and other poems / Plays and poems Mandrin a romantic drama in three acts / Money makes the man a drawing-room drama in one act / Washington a drama in five acts / When the lessons are over dialogues, exercises and drills for the primary classes / Wives as they were, and maids as they are a comedy in five acts / The palace of truth a fairy comedy in three acts / Two photographs an entirely new and original comedietta in one act / The woman hater a farce in one act / Little Annie's birthday an original personation farce by / Twelfth night, or, What you will Pieces of pleasantry for private performance during the Christmas holidays Wooing one's wife a farce in one act / One night in a bar room a burlesque sketch / Room 44 an original farce in one act / Shakespeare's play of A midsummer night's dream Strange adventures of Miss Brown The rifle volunteers, riflemen! riflemen! riflemen form! an apropos sketch / Puss in a new pair of boots a new & original burlesque extravaganza / My walking photograph musical duality in one act for a lady, a gentleman, and the prompter / The magic horn a new grand operatic romantic fairy burlesque extravaganza : being, in fact, a version, somewhat tranche, of Oberon by Weber and by Planche / The money spider, or, On the spot comic opera in two acts / Second thoughts an original comedietta in one act / To parents and guardians at Jubilee House Establishment, Clapham, young gentlemen are, &c. &c, an original comic drama, in one act / Sinbad the sailor grand comic Christmas pantomime, 1875-6 / Shakspeare's Winter's tale a play / Shipwreck of the Medusa, or, The fatal raft! a drama in three acts / Love's martyrdom a play in five acts / Slick and Skinner, or, The barber pards an original sketch in one act / The Varangian, or, Masonic honour a tragedy. One year a comedy-drama in four acts / A pretty piece of business a comedy in one act / Lohengrin opera in three acts / Our church a play in four acts / Nobody's fault The register office a farce in two acts / Marjorie a new English comic opera in 3 acts / The sledge-driver a drama in two acts / Turandot, princess of China a tragi-comic drama in five acts / Proof positive The wheel of progress Streets of New York, or, New York by gaslight an Ethiopian sketch in one scene / A world's affair a comedy for children / A touch at the times a comedy in five acts / The seven castles of the passions a drama of enchantment in two acts / The sleepers awakened a play for children / A maker of men a duologue / The mysterious lady, or, Worth makes the man a comedy in two acts / The proposal comedy for 1 male and 2 females / Sink or swim! a comedy in two acts / Who's a traveler a farce in one act / Mr. Greenfinch a farce in two acts / The pirate's legacy, or, The wrecker's fate a drama in two acts / The three red men, or, The brothers of Bluthaupt a romantic drama in three acts / Too much Johnson the three act farcical comedy / The new partner a comedy drama in three acts / More blunders than one, or, The Irish valet a farce in two acts / Perils of a great city a melodrama in four acts / My milliner's bill Tereza Tomkins, or, The fruits of Geneva a burlesque melo-drama in three acts / Paddy Doyle, or, A mutual friend an Irish farce in one act and one scene / The rose and the ring Wake up! William Henry a Negro sketch known as Psychological experiments, Psychology, Bumps and limps, Bumpology, etc. / Who's the actor? an Ethiopian farce / The new woman a comedy of A.D. 1950 / The lottery of love an eccentric comedy in three acts from the French of Bisson and Mars / Nicolas Nickleby a farce in two acts / No questions asked a farce in [3] acts / Libretto to the haymakers an operatic cantata in two parts / The tempter, or, The sailor's return Lucrezia, or, The bag of gold a dramatic sketch in five [i.e. four] acts founded on a story in Rogers' Poem of Italy / Les mousquetaires de la reine comic opera in three acts = The queen's musketeers / The silver lining a comedy in three acts / Sudden thoughts an original farce in one act / No tator, or, Man-fish an Ethiopian sketch / Secrets worth knowing a comedy in five acts / The ransom an anecdote of Montesquieu : a drama in two acts / The quack doctor a Negro farce in one act and one scene / The three hunchbacks, or, The sabre grinders of Damascus a comic burletta in two acts / The siege of Berwick, or, The murdered hostage The man in the case a comedy in three acts for female characters only / Zorinski a play in three acts / A new way to pay old debts a comedy in five acts / Paul Jones a drama in five acts / Shakspeare's Coriolanus an historical play. Papa's bulldog a vaudeville sketch in one act / The White Caps Plots for petticoats a farce in one act / Rosedale The queen's visit a local burletta in on [sic] act / Otto of Wittelsbach a tragedy in five acts / Popocatapetl an original musical piece of extravagance in one act / The meeting a duologue / Perseus and Andromeda, or, The maid and the monster a classical extravaganza / Thayendanegea an historico-military drama / Promotion, or, A morning at Versailles a vaudeville in one act / Prince pro tem a comic opera in two acts / Worth a struggle a comedy drama in four acts / Scene of Blanchette Ovingdean Grange a tale of the South Downs : a romantic drama in three acts / The Mogul tale, or, The descent of the balloon a farce in two acts / Perfection, or, The lady of Munster a comedy in one act / Orpheus The merry cobbler an original comedy-drama in four acts / The motto: I am all there a new and original burlesque / Notre-Dame of Paris a lyrical drama in four acts : the subject from Victor Hugo's novel of the same title / Orestes, or, The avenger a dramatic sketch / The merry wives of Windsor a comedy / The troublesome servant an Ethiopian interlude / The lord of the manor an opera in three acts / The man of two lives! a new romantic play in three acts and a prologue / Obedience, or, Too mindful by far a comedietta in one act / Sisyphus, king of Ephyra grand opera in three acts / X, Y, Z a farce in two acts / The robber of the Rhine a drama in two acts / The prophet's curse a play in three acts / Temper a comedy in five acts / Loyalty or love? Thekla a fairy drama in three acts / Wrinkles a tale of time : an original comedy / On the sly a farce in one act / Shakspeare's Othello, the Moor of Venice a tragedy / Zenobia, queen of Palmyra lyric opera in four acts / Six dramas of Calderon Rosita, or, Boston and banditti an original comic opera in two acts / The wild man, or, The water pageant a melo-dramatic romance in one act / A wolf in sheep's clothing Meg Murnock, the hag of the glen a melodrama / Yes or no? a musical farce in two acts / The sons of Usna tragi-apotheosis, in five acts / Wally and the widow a duologue / The star-spangled banner, or, The far west an original Irish-American military drama in a prologue and six acts / My wife, or, My place a petite comedy in two acts / The sunken bell Local hits, or, High life in New Orleans a comedy in one act. Lost and found a comedy in five acts / Our country a historical and spectacular representation, in three parts / The Virginian veteran a military drama, in four acts / When I'm a man a duologue / The merry wives of Windsor a comedy in five acts / The recruiting office an Ethiopian sketch in two scenes / An utter per-version of The brigand, or, New lines to an old ban-ditty a new and original burlesque / A night in the Bastille a drama in three acts / Norman Maurice, or, The man of the people an American drama in five acts / The mysterious stranger a drama in two acts / A supper in Dixie a farce in one act / The truand chief! or, The provost of Paris! a melo drama in three acts / Whigs and Democrats or, Love of no politics : a comedy in three acts / Vasco de Balboa a tragedy in five acts / Wealth a play in 4 acts / Lord Byron's historical tragedy of Sardanapalus The provoked wife a comedy in five acts / Miss Manning The woman in white a drama in a prologue and four acts : altered from the novel for performance on the stage / The topsy-turvy hotel a new and original musical farcical comedy : vocal score / The middy ashore State secrets, or, The tailor of Tamworth a farce in one act / Trelawny of the "Wells" a comedietta in four acts / The rose of Corbeil, or, the forest of Senart! a melo-drama in two acts / When women weep a commedietta in one act / Romeo and Juliet: as the law directs an operatical burlesque burletta in one act / Man and wife, or, More secrets than one a comedy in five acts / The tower of Babel sacred opera in one act / The smoked miser, or, The benefit of hanging! a comic dramatic sketch in one act / The princess Chic opera comique in three acts / The wolf and lamb a popular farce in one act / Twelfe [sic] night, or, What you will Rip Van Winkle an original American grand opera in three acts / Richard Savage [a romance of real life] / Shakespeare's tragedy of Othello Words of the songs and choruses of The little tycoon an original American-Japanese comic opera / Tobias a sacred drama / One snowy night a comedy in one act / The stolen cat a children's play in one act / The Stone jug in a prologue and three acts / Major and minor an original comedy drama in two acts / The tide of time an original comedy in three acts / The Roman mutiny an historical drama for the performance of children / Love in all corners a laughable interlude in one act and one scene / Lucky stars, or, The cobbler of Cripplegate a burletta in one act / Morocco bound a musical, farcical comedy in two acts / The sister spirits a cantata / On his devoted head a domestic scene / Your vote and interest an electioneering squib / No pay no cure a sketch / Sidney Lear a metrical romance / My uncle's suit a farce in one act / Texan mother-in-law a farce in one act / The man in the moon, or, Tumble down Nap a dramatic piece, with songs, in two acts / Monsieur Mallet, or, My daughter's letter a Gallo-American drama of national manners and peculiarities in three acts / Scarlet Dick the King's highwayman : an original drama in four acts / The sylphide a new and original extravaganza in one act / Sixes and sevens a misunderstanding / Thrice married a personation piece in one act / Pickwick The tailors, or, A tragedy for warm weather a burlesque tragedy in three acts. Three deep, or, All on the wing a farce in two acts / The passing of Muhammad, prophet of Arabia a domestic sketch / Monsieur Alphonse a play in three acts / Saul of Tarsus a drama in five acts / Miss in her teens, or, The medley of lovers a farce in two acts / Peveril of the peak, or, The days of King Charles II a melo-dramatic romance in three acts / Richelieu Robinson Crusoe, or, Harlequin Friday and the king of the Caribee Islands a grotesque pantomime opening / See, saw, Margery Daw, or, Harlequin holiday and the island of ups and downs an entirely new and original ... grand comic Christmas pantomime / Leap year a duologue / Wallenstein. Tiberius a drama / A life chase (Le drame de la rue de paix) : a drama in five acts / Nobody's Moke an original farce in one act / Put yourself in his place The tie that binds a comedietta / Ramona a play in five acts / The white pilgrim a tragedy in four acts / A strange history a dramatic tale in eight chapters / A lesson for gentlemen, or, The city wives a comedietta in one act / Zamba, or, The insurrection a dramatic poem in five acts / A new and original Christmas pantomime entitled Harlequin Blackbird, or, The honey, the money, and the dainty dish Mischievous Bob a comic drama in one act. Mademoiselle de Belle Isle Whittington and his cat, or, The fairies' banquet and Lord Mayor's show a juvenile spectacle in five tableaux / Snobson's stag party a farce in one act for male characters only / Paquerette operetta in one act / Ruy Blas a romantic drama in four acts. The masque of Pandora Two heads better than one a farce in one act / Lucius Catiline, the Roman traitor a drama in three acts. The scarlet stigma a drama in four acts / The wonder! A woman keeps a secret a comedy / My heart's idol, or, A desperate remedy a comedy in two acts / The mighty magician ; [and, Such stuff as dream are made of a drama taken from Calderon's Vida es sueño / Robert and Cornelia a romantic society tragedy in five acts and one scene / The love of a Caliban a romantic opera in one act / A matrimonial advertisement a comedietta in one act / Neighbor Jackwood a domestic drama in five acts / Past redemption a drama in four acts / Their new paying guest a farce / Tarnation strange, or, More Jonathans an Anglo-American farce in two acts / Three weeks after marriage a comedy in three acts / The reformer of Geneva an historical drama / The spirit of vengeance Margaret Catchpole, the heroine of Suffolk, or, The vicissitudes of real life a drama in three acts / What ailed Maudie a children's play in one act / The two crowns a drama in one act for young ladies / The rose and the ring a fireside pantomime for great and small children / Libretto of Olivette opera comique in three acts / The village doctor a drama in two acts / The only young man in town a comedy in eleven scenes. Patient Penelope, or, The return of Ulysses a burlesque in one act / Straws, or, The starring system a grand, romantic, antic sketch in one act. McBride's latest dialogues a collection of dialogues, parlor dramas, colloquies, and amateur plays / My friend the captain a farce in one act / A night with Brudder Bones an Ethiopian comicality in one scene. Manabozo The libertine an opera in two acts / Who's who?, or, The double imposture a farce in two acts / Mynheer Jan comic opera in three acts / What a blunder! a comic opera in three acts / Ossawattomie Brown, or, The insurrection at Harpers' Ferry a drama in three acts / Shocking events a farce in one act / Society acting a farce in one act / A respectful operatic per-version of Tennyson's Princess in three acts entitled Princess Ida, or, Castle Adamant Silence in the ranks a comedy in one act / The man in the moon a farce in two acts / Three blind mice a predicament in one scene / Scene from an unpublished play a college sketch / The tradesman's ball a farce in one act / Le roi s'amuse! a tragedy in five acts / The stern resolve a tragedy in five acts / A new travesty on Romeo and Juliet The Prometheus bound of Aeschylus Locomotion an original farce in one act / William Tell a drama in five acts / Śakoontalá, or, The lost ring an Indian drama / Samson and Delilah opera in three acts / Liberta, or, The last of the magicians an allegorical fairy drama representing the triumph of liberty and truth over tyranny, ignorance, and superstition / Scenes on the Mississippi a real (southern) darkey sketch in two scenes / New Year's calls a popular Ethiopian piece / Theatre Royal Opera House pantomime, entitled King Winter and Princess Summer, or, Harlequin Prince Spring and the Good Fay of all year round Wapping old stairs an original nautical drama in three acts / A vision's quest a drama in five acts / The village féte a new burletta in three acts. Songs, etc. in True friends a musical entertainment in two acts / The statue lover, or, Music in marble a vaudeville in one act. The royal grand pantomime Aladdin and his wonderful lamp Pins and needles comedietta / A romantic attachment a comedietta in one act / Tom's arrival a play for girls in one act. The rough diamond a farce in one act / My turn next a farce / Mabel's holy day Lucy's old man a farce / Naomi a dramatic poem : and other pieces / The three hats a farce comedy, in three acts / A lesson for ladies a comedy in three acts / Trial by jury Mr. Fitz-W--? or, Taking the bull by the horns a farcical operetta / The siege of Syracuse a poetical drama in five acts / The rencontre a farce in two acts / Werner a tragedy in five acts / The round of wrong, or, A fireside story an original drama in two acts / Pleasant companions an Ethiopian sketch, in one scene / The triple wedding a drama in three acts / Mrs. Gamp's tea a sketch from Martin Chuzzlewit / Tom, Dick, and Harry a farcical comedy in three acts / The mother and the father dramatic passages / Montrose, or, The children of the mist a musical drama in three acts : founded on The legend of Montrose / The tower of Babel a poetical drama / The train to Mauro an original interlude in one act / The wandering boy, or, The castle of Olival a melo-drama in three acts / Such a good man My valet and I an original farce in one act / Schiller's Maid of Orleans Young wives & old husbands a comedy / Mary Price, or, The adventures of a servant girl a domestic drama in two acts. The sorrows of Satan An old garden The lunatic The queen bee, or, Harlequin and the fairy hive Simon Lee, or, The murder of the five fields copse a domestic drama in three acts / Saul a tragedy in five acts / Maxime a comedy / Wild flowers a dramatic sketch in one act / Masaniello, [or,] The dumb girl of Portici an opera in five acts / Mahomet, the imposter a tragedy in five acts / Pepperpot's little pets! in one act. Songs, duets, choruses, &c. in the new grand pantomime called Harlequin Whittington, or, The Lord Mayor of London Son and stranger operetta / Rooms to let without board an Ethiopian farce / Let love but hold the key a musical farce / M.P a comedy in four acts / Sadak and Kalasrade, or, The waters of oblivion a romantic opera in two acts / Parlor theatricals, or, Winter evenings' entertainment Obeying orders Ethiopian military sketch in one scene / A village tale an interlude / A trilogy Madonna Pia a tragedy : and three other dramas / Song words of Fleur-de-lis a comic opera adapted from the French of Chivot & Duru in three acts / Three tenants a musical comedy / The third time a sketch in one act / Napoleon and Josephine a tragedy in a prologue and five acts / New and original grand Christmas pantomime Forty thieves A pet of the public a farce in one act / Polyeuctus, the martyr a Christian tragedy in five acts / Rienzi reinstated, or, The last of the cobbler Our aunt Robertina a comedietta in one act : for four males and three females / Mrs. Brown at the play Shakspeare's tragedy of Antony and Cleopatra with alterations, and with additions from Dryden / A terrible secret a farce in one act / Life of a woman, or, the curate's daughter Speak out boldly a petite comedy in one act / Sixteen and sixty a musical farce in two acts / Princess Marguerite's choice a play for children / Romance after marriage, or, The maiden wife a comedy in three acts / Murtzoufle: a tragedy in three acts, with other poems Songs, duets and choruses in the fairy romance of The kiss, or, Bertha's bridal Prince Lucifer Tell! and the strike of the cantons, or, The pair, the meddler, and the apple an original fairy romantic & legendary extravaganza / Three preludes to the play The motor bellows a comedy in one act and one scene / Pills of wisdom Memnon a tragedy in five acts / The pilot, or, A storm at sea a nautical burletta / Woman's wit, or, Love's disguises a play, in five acts / A winning hazard an original comedietta in one act / That mysterious bundle a farce in one act / Maud Stanley, or, Life scenes and life lessons an original romantic drama in five acts / Songs, chorusses, etc. in the new pantomime of Harlequin's tour, or, The dominion of fancy Mudborough election! a new and original farce in one act / Little Lucifer comedy in three acts. The lying valet a farce in two acts / Paradise lost a drama from Milton's great poem / Shakespeare's Much ado about nothing The three-fold love a comedy in five acts / Vote by ballot an original comedy in four acts / Maude Adams acting edition of Romeo and Juliet Werther a lyric opera in four acts and five tableaux / A shilling day at the great exhibition a farce in one act / The village lawyer a farce in two acts. Love's telegraph The travelling companions a story in scenes / Sunshine an original comedy in one act / Love in livery an original farce in one act / Zampa, or, The marble bride a comic opera in three acts / Il trovatore opera in four acts / Who caught the count a farce in one act / Within and without a dramatic poem / The maid of honor opera comique / One must marry a comedy in one act / The water carrier opera in two acts = Les deux journées = Der Wasserträger / Love and intrigue a tragedy / The soldier's return, or, What can beauty do? a comic opera in two acts / The ring The Shaughraun [a drama in three acts / Lovers' vows a play in five acts / We all have our little faults a farce in one act / Matteo Falcone, or, The brigand and his son a melo-drama in one act / Two Aunt Emilys, or, Quits a farce for eight female characters / Linda di Chamounix an opera in three acts / The voice of the sea a comedy in three acts / The passing cloud a romantic drama in two acts / Rinaldo, the doctor of Florence The Pickwick Club, or, The age we live in! a burletta extravaganza in three acts / My uncle Gabriel an operatic farce in two acts / The music to The birds of Aristophanes The widow bewitched! a farce in one act / Prince Karl in four acts : a comedy of social evolution ... / The magician's daughter, or, The cursed & the cause a comedy opera in three acts / The repository, or, Will you please to read it? containing a variety of songs and poems, several of which have been sung at some of the most fashionable places in Great Britain / Lord Bateman, or, Picotee's pledge new comic opera in two acts / Time works wonders a comedy in five acts / Time and the hour an original romantic drama in three acts / Love for love a comedy in five acts / The troubadour a lyrical drama in four acts / Turkish lovers, or, A pasha's revenge a spectacular drama, founded on fact, in two acts / The pirate a serio-comic opera in three acts / The man of success a play in five acts / The pickpocket farcical comedy in three acts / Ugo da Este ; Uberto ; The Cid of Seville tragedies / The parricide a tragedy in five acts / Through snow and sunshine an original drama in five acts / Shakspeare's dream an historic pageant with an allegorical introduction / Lord Darnley, or, The keep of Castle Hill! an original romantic drama in two acts / The original temperance reciter an extensive series of entirely new pieces which may be recited separately, yet are strung together to form three entertainments, including nine dialogues / Lucy of Lammermoor a grand burlesque opera in two acts / Wycherley's Plain dealer a comedy / The merchant of Bruges a play in five acts / One Tree Hill an original drama in two acts / Taking the veil, or, The harsh step-father a drama in three acts / The oath of office a tragedy / Wild Mab a border drama in four acts / My lord in livery a farce in one act / Linda di Chamouni, or, The blighted flower an original operatic burlesque extravaganza / Prince Deukalion Who's the dupe? a farce in two acts / Victoria, or, The triumph of virtue The liar a farce in two acts / Miss Tibbets' back hair a farce in one act / Wind and sea Monmouth a drama, of which the outline is historical. Old mortality a drama in five acts / Led astray a comedy in five acts / Scenes at the fair What will the world say? a comedy in five acts / An unconditional surrender a comedy in three acts / Special performances a farce in one act / The Turkish bath a farce in one act / A limb o' the law a comedy in two acts / Men and women a drama of our times in four acts / The sham professor a farce in one act / New and original [g]rand Christma[s] comic pantomime the babes in the woods, or, Harlequin, king of the fairies and the cruel uncle. The modern Orpheus, or, Music, the food of love a farce in one act / No. 6, Duke Street a farce / The merchant of Venice a comedy in five acts / The posthumous dramatick works of the late Richard Cumberland The tower of London, or, Queen Mary an historical drama in three acts / Yellow roses a dramatic sketch in one act / My father's will a comedy in one act / The manager in love, [or], Lady D'Arcy a comedy in three acts / The queen's heart a comedy in three acts / Mary Glastonbury, or, The dream girl of the devil-holl a romantic drama in two acts / The masked ball Turkeys in season an original Ethiopian whimsicality in two scenes. Olivet, or, A rare Teutonic specimen a farce in one act / The veteran, or, The farmer's sons a comic opera in three acts / Sophocles Signing the Declaration of Independence, or, Scenes in Congress, July 4, 1776 a national sketch in one act / Our mutual friend a comedy in four acts / The two philosophers a quaint, sad comedy / The other fellow a comedy in three acts / Two jolly bachelors a dramatic duologue in one act / Stocks up! Stocks down! a duologue in one scene. Songs, duets, trios, chorusses, &c. &c. &c. in a new comic opera in three acts called The Americans Sense & sensation, or, The seven sisters of Thule a new and original morality in a prologue and seven scenes / Signing an actor specialty sketch in one act / Paul Kauvar, or, Anarchy a play in five acts / The son of the wilderness a dramatic poem in five acts / The tragedy of Macbeth Maria Stuart tragedy in five acts / Pauline a drama in four acts. Wilmore Castle new comic opera in two acts / Their first meeting a comedietta in one act / Old maids a play in five acts / No use crying for spilled milk a tragedy / Ippolito di Este Victor, the king of fairy-land Dolce far niente Ines de Castro at Cintra Ines de Castro at Coimbra Mother Earth and her vegetable daughters, or, The crowning of the queen of vegetables an evening entertainment in one scene / The Irish absentee a farce in two acts / The prophet of St. Paul's a play in five acts / Wanted a brigand, or, A visit from Fra-Diavolo a musical burletta in one act / Ethelred a legendary tragic drama / Quite at home a comic entertainment in one act / Sorosis!, or, The onward march to freedom a dama [sic] in four acts : also a poem entitled Reminiscence of the immortal Webster / All is fair in love and war a drawing-room comedy in one act / A good little wife a comedy in one act / |
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microprint 5 |
Aarbert a drama without stage or scenery, wrought out through song in many metres, mostly lyric / Grand Christmas comic pantomime for 1864-5, entitled Harlequin Gulliver, and his wife or, The three kings, the seven cyclops, and the fairy fauns of living waters. |
2 |
Microprint 6 | Early American periodicals index to 1850 | 1 |
Microprint 9 | Bibliography : Sabin, Evans, Harrisse, Church | 1 |
Microprint 10 | Complete index to the Conservator published by Horace Traubel, from March 1890 to June 1919 / | 1 |
Microprint 11 | Russka︠i︡a istoricheska︠i︡a biblioteka. | 1 |
Microprint 12 |
Massachusetts mercury The Mercury and the New-England palladium The Mercury New-England palladium & commercial advertiser |
5 |
Microprint 13 |
The independent gazetteer The Independent gazetteer, or, the chronicle of freedom The Independent gazetteer, and agricultural repository |
3 |
Microprint 14 |
The Essex gazette The New-England chronicle, or, the Essex gazette |
2 |
Microprint 15 |
The Essex journal and Merrimack packet, or, The Massachusetts and New-Hampshire general advertiser The Essex journal and the Massachusetts and New-Hampshire general advertiser The Essex journal, or, The Massachusetts and New-Hampshire general advertiser The Essex journal, or, New-Hampshire packet The Essex journal The Essex journal & New-Hampshire packet The Essex journal and New-Hampshire packet The Essex journal, or, The New-Hampshire packet and the weekly advertiser |
8 |
Microprint 16 |
Boston news-letter The Boston news-letter and the New England chronicle The Massachusetts gazette and the Boston weekly news-letter The Weekly news-letter The Massachusetts gazette and Boston news-letter The Boston news-letter The Massachusetts gazette Boston weekly news-letter The Boston weekly news-letter |
11 |
Microprint 17 |
Boston gazette, or, Weekly advertiser Boston gazette, and weekly Republican journal Boston gazette, or, Country journal Boston gazette, or, New-England weekly journal Boston-gazette, and country journal Boston gazette Boston gazette or, Weekly journal Boston gazette, and the country journal |
8 |
Microprint 18 | The Boston chronicle | 1 |
Microprint 19 |
The Massachusetts spy The Massachusetts spy, or, Worcester gazette Thomas's Massachusetts spy, or, the Worcester gazette Massachusetts spy, or, Thomas's Boston journal The Massachusetts spy; or, American oracle of liberty Thomas's Massachusetts spy, or, Worcester gazette Haswell's Massachusetts spy, or, American oracle of liberty Thomas's Massachusetts spy, or, American oracle of liberty |
9 |
Microprint 20 | The Censor | 1 |
Traité de géodésie, ou, Exposition des méthodes astronomiques et trigonométriques, appliquées soit à la mesure de la terre, soit à la confection du canevas des cartes et des plans Historia insectorum Astronomy in five books / Histoire de l'arithmétique The scientific writings of James Smithson Theodori Graeci Thessalonicensis Praefatio in libros De animalibvs Mineralogy and chemistry original researches / [Archimedous Tou Surakousiou Ta mechri nūn sozómena, ʻápanta (romanized form)] Archimedis Syracvsani Opera quæ quidem extant, omnia : multis iam seculis desiderata, adesiderata, at[que] à quàm paucissimis hactenus uisa, nunć[que] primùm & Græcè & Latinè in lucem edita : quorum catalogum uersa pagma reperies : adiecta quo[que] sunt Evtocci Ascalonitae in eosdem Archimedis libros Commentaria, item Græcè & Latinè, nunquam antea excusa. Mathesis Cæsarea, sive, Amussis Ferdinandea in lucem publicam, & usum eruditæ posteritatis, gratulantibus litteratorum geniis evecta, atque ad problemata universæ matheseos præsertim verò architecturæ militaris explicata jussu & auctoritate Avgvstissimi Imperatoris Ferdinandi III. Vorlesungen über theoretische Physik Progress in flying machines by O. Chanute. The mathematical works of Isaac Barrow Dictionnaire universel d'agriculture et de jardinage, de fauconnerie, chasse, pêche, cuisine et manége Études critiques sur les mollusques fossiles A review of the works of the Royal Society of London containing animadversions on such of the papers as deserve particular observation : in eight parts, under the several heads of Arts, Antiquities, Medicine, Miracles, Zoophytes, Animals, Vegetables, Minerals / Sir Isaac Newton's Two treatises Of the quadrature of curves, and Analysis by equations of an infinite number of terms, explained : containing the treatises themselves, translated into English, with a large commentary, in which the demonstrations are supplied where wanting, the doctrine illustrated, and the whole accommodated to the capacities of beginners, for whom it is chiefly designed / An account of Sir Isaac Newton's philosophical discoveries in four books / Philippi Lansbergii Opera omnia |
18 |