Call Number (LC) Title Results
Microfiche 1227 49021, Box 167 Philadelphia and New-York William Birch thus informs the public of his intentions to picture the two principal cities of North America, subjects hitherto totally neglected by the arts, yet by no means of small importance. 1
Microfiche 1227 49022, Box 167 Connecticut Republicanism An oration on the extent and power of political delusion. Delivered in New-Haven, on the evening preceding the public commencement, September 1800. / 1
Microfiche 1227 49038, Box 167 Ein [Brief] so von Gott selb[sten geschrieben, und zu] Magdeburg niedergelassen [worden ist.] Es war mit goldenen Buchstaben geschrieben, und von Gott durch einen Engel gesandt worden: wer ihn abschreiben will, dem soll man ihn geben, wer ihn verachtet, von dem weicht der Herr! 1
Microfiche 1227 49040, Box 167 A Wonderful discovery of a hermit, who lived upwards of 200 years 1
Microfiche 1227 49042, Box 167 Carmen pro Americani incolumitate imperii, aliquantulum more carminis secularis Horatiani 1
Microfiche 1227 49043, Box 167 The importance of right views in matrimony set forth in a sermon, delivered March 19, 1800, at Pittsfield Meeting House, Rockingham County, state of Newhampshire, at the celebration of marriage between Samuel G. Bishop, preacher of the Gospel, son of Bille Bishop of Connecticut, deceased, and Abigail Tuck, the youngest daughter of the late Reverend John Tuck, of Epsom, deceased. / 1
Microfiche 1227 49046, Box 167 Christlicher Ha[us-See]gen, nebst der zwölf Stunden G[edäc]htniss 1
Microfiche 1227 49047, Box 167 (Circular.) Philadelphia, April 21st, 1800 Dear sir, Since my circular letter of the 23d of January, many subjects of national concern, having either been acted upon by Congress, or are in a train for decision, I now communicate in detail, such of the proceedings, as I conceive most interesting to my constituents. 1
Microfiche 1227 49050, Box 167 To the sheriff of the county of [blank] and to either of the constables of the town of [blank] within said county: greeting The Hon. William Edmond, Esquire, having resigned his seat as a representative of the people of this state in the seventh Congress of the United States ... Given under my hand at Hartford, in said state, this 3d day of September, in the year of Our Lord 1801. 1
Microfiche 1227 49051, Box 167 At a General Assembly of the state of Connecticut, holden at New-Haven on the second Thursday of October, Anno Dom. 1800 The persons returned by the votes of the freemen of this state, to stand in nomination for election for assistants in May next to this Assembly, are as follow, viz. 1
Microfiche 1227 49052, Box 167 By His Excellency Jonathan Trumbull, Esquire, governor ... of Connecticut. A proclamation ... Friday the eleventh day of April next, to be set apart and observed, throughout this state, as a day of solemn humiliation, fasting and prayer ... Given under my hand at Lebanon ... this first day of March ... one thousand eight hundred. 1
Microfiche 1227 49054, Box 167 (Private.) Hartford, [blank] Sir, Herewith are inclosed proposals for publishing monthly a magazine, to be intitled the Connecticut evangelical magazine ... 1
Microfiche 1227 49055, Box 167 To the Honorable General Assembly, now in session, at New-Haven The present claimants, and proprietors of the lands purchased of this state, commonly called the Gore, by their subscribing agents, beg leave, once more to represent. 1
Microfiche 1227 49056, Box 167 Geography epitomized A short but comprehensive description of the terraqueous globe, in verse, to assist the memory. 1
Microfiche 1227 49057, Box 167 The life of Poll [sic] Flanders Who was born in Newgate; seduced by her Lady's eldest son, and then married to his brother; after whose death she was twelve years a lady of pleasure; ten years a thief; five times a married woman, once to her brother; condemned at the Old Bailey, transported to Virginia, and returned to Ireland.--Her death. : [Four lines of verse] 1
Microfiche 1227 49058, Box 167 Dem Lieben und würdigen Bruder Friedrich Wilhelm von Marschall, nach zurückgelegten achtzig Lebensjahren und sechzigjährigem treuem und gesegnetem Dienst bey der evangelischen Brüderunität am 5ten Februar 1801 von der Gemeine in Salem 1
Microfiche 1227 49060, Box 167 Prospectus of a new weekly paper submitted to men of affluence, men of liberality, and men of letters. 1
Microfiche 1227 49061, Box 167 Des blinden Rosshändlers Arzeneymittel 1
Microfiche 1227 49062, Box 167 A Dialogue between a noble lord, and a poor woodman 1
Microfiche 1227 49063, Box 167 A Dialogue between a noble lord, and a poor woodman 1