Call Number (LC) Title Results
LC487 .F55 Patterns of administration in Catholic colleges for women in the United States. 1
LC487 .G75 Catholic colleges and the secular mystique / 1
LC487 .H28 The shape of Catholic higher education / 1
LC487 .H44 2021 The future of Catholic higher education : the open circle / 1
LC487 .H55 2001 Higher learning & Catholic traditions / 1
LC487 .K37 1968a Governance in American Catholic higher education / 1
LC487 .L3 The Catholic dimension in higher education / 1
LC487 .M34 1992 Culture and commitment : the challenge of today's university / 2
LC487 .O23 2002 The idea of a Catholic university / 1
LC487 .P65 A history of Catholic higher education in the United States. 1
LC487 .R59 2003 The intellectual appeal of Catholicism & the idea of a Catholic university /
The intellectual appeal of Catholicism & the idea of a Catholic university
LC487 W26 The Catholic campus. 1
LC487 .W57 1949 Integration in Catholic colleges and universities. : The proceedings of the workshop on Catholic integration, conducted at the Catholic University of America, from June 10th to June 21st, 1949 / 1
LC487 .W6 1947 The philosophy of Catholic higher education : the proceedings of the Workshop on the Philosophy of Catholic Higher Education / 1
LC487 ebook El estilo ignaciano como propulsor de una universidad de inspiración cristiana /
La escuela católica : de la autocomprensión a la significatividad /
Universitatem facientes : pensar la universidad en perspectiva dominicana /
LC490 Irish Nuns and education in the Anglophone world a transnational history / 1
LC490 .C6 Education for secondary school teaching in religious communities of men. 1
LC490 .H45 2009 The forgotten contribution of the teaching sisters : a historiographical essay on the educational work of Catholic women religious [sic] in the 19th and 20th centuries / 1
LC490 .H45 2009eb The forgotten contribution of the teaching sisters : a historiographical essay on the educational work of Catholic women religious [sic] in the 19th and 20th centuries / 1
LC490 .O35 2012 Catholic teaching brothers their life in the English-speaking world, 1891-1965 / 1