Call Number (LC) Title Results
LC114 .F37 2023 Faith, rights, and choice : the politics of religious schools in Canada / 1
LC114 .G53 2004eb A long eclipse : the liberal Protestant establishment and the Canadian university, 1920-1970 / 2
LC114 .W45 1917i Evolution of the separate school law in the prairie provinces 1
LC115.M4 E28 2019 La educación laica en México : estudios en torno a sus orígenes / 1
LC115.M6 E7 Escuelas laicas, textos y documentos. 1
LC116.F8 .M534 2016 La Loi Falloux : 4 janvier 1849-15 mars 1850. 1
LC116.G7 Religion in schools learning lessons from Wales.
Common faith : education, spirituality and the state /
LC116.G7 D5 The Cinderella subject: religion in the county secondary schools of England. 1
LC116.G7 F35 2005eb Faith schools : consensus or conflict? / 1
LC116.G7 G5 1957 Independent education : in defence of public schools. 1
LC116.G7 M34 The struggle for power : who controls the schools in England and the United States / 1
LC116.G7 M8 Church, state and schools in Britain, 1800-1970. 3
LC116.G7 M8 2007 Church, state and schools in Britain, 1800-1970 / 1
LC116.G7 R4 The religious question in public education : a critical examination of schemes representing various points of view / 1
LC116.G7 S73 Education in focus : the pattern of the school community / 1
LC116.G7 S75 The living tradition : the social and educational assumptions of the grammar school. 1
LC116.I7 F57 2016 Schools and the politics of religion and diversity in the Republic of Ireland : separate but equal? / 1
LC116.S68 H65 1995 Russian education : tradition and transition / 1
LC116.S7 ebook La cruz en las aulas
Laicidad, educación y democracia
LC117.J3 I5613 2017 Human resource development in twentieth-century Japan / 1