Call Number (LC) Title Results
L13.2..W84_20_946 The Women's Bureau, its purpose and functions. 1
L13.2..W84_23 Women in Latin America, legal rights and restrictions. 1
L13.2..W89_2 Work that Women Do. 1
L13.2..W89_3 Suggested standards for union contract provisions affecting women. 1
L 13.2:W89/11-966 Underutilization of women workers. 1
L 13.20: Women in the ... Congress. 2
L 13.22/2: Background facts on women workers in the United States. 2
L 13.22:AL 1 b/ Women workers in Alabama. 1
L 13.22:So 8 d/970 Women workers in South Dakota, 1970. 1
L 13.23: Women in the world today international report. 1
L 13.23:1 Women in high-level elective and appointive positions in national governments. 3
L 13.23:2 Political rights of women in member nations of the United Nations. 2
L 13.23:3 Policies of national governments on employing women.
Policies of national governments on employing women /
L 13.23:4 Equal pay in member nations of the International Labor Organization. 2
L 13.23:5 Protective labor legislation for women in 91 countries. 2
L 13.23:6 Maternity protection and benefits in 92 countries. 2
L 13.23:7 Notes on women's employment in the United States and nine European countries. 3
L 13.3: Bulletin.
Handbook of facts on women workers /
State minimum-wage order provisions affecting working conditions.
Bulletin /
State minimum-wage laws and orders.
Handbook on women workers.
Handbook of facts on women workers.
L 13.3:1 Proposed employment of women during the war in the industries of Niagara Falls, N.Y.
Proposed employment of women during war in the industries of Niagara Falls, N.Y.
L 13.3:1-19 Supplement to Bulletin 16 : Changes since 1921 in state laws affecting women's hours and wages. 1