Call Number (LC) Title Results
KZ7082 .B32 2019 The corporation, law and capitalism : a radical perspective on the role of law in the global political economy / 1
KZ7082 .P39 2020 Transitional justice and corporate accountability from below deploying Archimedes' lever / 1
KZ7085 .P43 2014 Immunity of heads of state and state officials for international crimes / 1
KZ7085 .P43 2015 Immunity of heads of state and state officials for international crimes / 1
KZ7090 .K73 2014 Excusable evil : an analysis of complete defenses in international criminal law / 1
KZ7094 .J33 2015 Complicity in international law / 1
KZ7094 .J67 2020i The International Criminal Responsibility of War's Funders and Profiteers 1
KZ7094 .P76 2020 Propaganda and international criminal law : from cognition to criminality / 1
KZ7094 .S96 2017 The international criminal responsibility of war's funders and profiteers / 1
KZ7094 ebook Intenciones conjuntas de cometer crímenes internacionales / 1
KZ7095 Reconciling responsibility with reality : a comparative analysis of modes of active leadership liability in international criminal law /
Theories of co-perpetration in international criminal law /
Coalition power without individual responsibility? : the criminal liability of NATO commanders within international law /
KZ7095 .C58 2017 The doctrine of command responsibility and the need to avoid arbitrary punishments / 1
KZ7095 .S74 2017eb Translating guilt identifying leadership liability for mass atrocity crimes / 1
KZ7096 .A97 2022 Individual criminal responsibility for the financing of entities involved in core crimes / 1
KZ7110 .D37 2011 Sentencing in International Criminal Law : the UN ad hoc Tribunals and Future Perspectives for the ICC. 1
KZ7130 Amnesty, serious crimes and international law : global perspectives in theory and practice / 1
KZ7130 ebook ¿Son compatibles las amnistías y la corte penal internacional? / 1
KZ7139 International crimes /
The humanity of universal crime : inclusion, inequality, and intervention in international political thought /
Juger et juger encore les crimes internationaux : Étude du principe ne bis in idem.
KZ7139 .D56 2012 The Defence of 'Obedience to Superior Orders' in International Law. 1
KZ7139 .I58i International crimes database 1