Call Number (LC) Title Results
KZ4041 .S685 2003 Sovereignty in transition / 1
KZ4041 .S689 1965 Sovereignty within the law / 1
KZ4041 .S73 2002 State, sovereignty, and international governance / 1
KZ4041 .S73 2002i State, sovereignty, and international governance 1
KZ4041 .S735 2013 Statehood and self-determination : reconciling tradition and modernity in international law / 1
KZ4041 .S75 2013 Statehood and Self-Determination : Reconciling Tradition and Modernity in International Law. 1
KZ4041 .S75 2013eb Statehood and self-determination : reconciling tradition and modernity in international law / 1
KZ4041 .T35 1998 Recognition of governments in international law with particular reference to governments in exile /
Recognition of governments in international law : with particular reference to governments in exile /
KZ4041 .T35 2004 Recognition of governments in international law with particular reference to governments in exile / 1
KZ4041 .T46 2006 The political theory of recognition : a critical introduction / 1
KZ4041 .T66 1967 The domestic jurisdiction of states and the UNO / 1
KZ4041 .T69 2006 Towards an 'international legal community' : the sovereignty of states and the sovereignty of international law / 1
KZ4041 .U57 2022 Unrecognized entities : perspectives in international, European and constitutional law / 1
KZ4041 .W35 1994 Claims to statehood in international law / 1
KZ4041 .W45 2000 Minorities' claims : from autonomy to secession ; international law and state practice / 1
KZ4041 .W55 1934i The American doctrine of state succession 1
KZ4041 .W55 1998 Legitimacy in international relations and the rise and fall of Yugoslavia / 2
KZ4041 .W96 2013 Théorie et pratique de la reconnaissance d'État : Une approche épistémologique du droit international. 1
KZ4041 ebook Transmutaciones del vacío : el problema de la soberanía y el estado de excepción /
KZ4042 .E87 1962i Essays on espionage and international law 1