Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
KNX440 .H37 1958 | Hō tetsugaku no kihon mondai / | 1 |
KNX440 .K58 1968 | Nihon hōgaku no rekishi to riron : minpōgaku o chūshin to shite / | 1 |
KNX440 .S84 1937 | Seido, toki, hito / | 1 |
KNX442 .M87 1941 | Sōzō kokka no hōritsugaku / | 1 |
KNX442 .W47 2005 | Law in everyday Japan : sex, sumo, suicide, and statutes / | 1 |
KNX442 .W47 2005eb | Law in everyday Japan : sex, sumo, suicide, and statutes / | 1 |
KNX465 .L39 1988i | Law and society in contemporary Japan American perspectives / | 1 |
KNX469 .F384 2015 | Rechtshandbuch Unternehmensbewertung. | 1 |
KNX469 .O66 1976 | Legal reform in occupied Japan : a participant looks back / | 1 |
KNX469 .T35 1929i | Reception and influence of occidental legal ideas in Japan | 1 |
KNX470 | Going to court to change Japan : social movements and the law in contemporary Japan / | 2 |
KNX470 .E44 2007 | Emerging concepts of rights in Japanese law / | 1 |
KNX470 .E53 2014 | Reform of Japanese law via soft law democracy Sofuto ro demokurashi ni yoru hokaikaku : bilingual edition(Japanese-English) / | 1 |
KNX470 .G65 2014 |
Going to court to change Japan : social movements and the law in contemporary Japan / Going to Court to Change Japan Social Movements and the Law in Contemporary Japan / |
5 |
KNX470 .J37 2012 | The Japanese legal system : an era of transition / | 1 |
KNX470 .M46 1959 | Meiji kenryoku no hōteki kōzō / | 1 |
KNX472 .C54 1981 | The formation of the early Meiji legal order : the Japanese code of 1871 and its Chinese foundation / | 1 |
KNX479 .A28 1997 | Basic Japanese laws / | 1 |
KNX479 .M38 1892i | Materials for the study of private law in old Japan | 1 |
KNX494 1898i | New Japanese laws supplementary to the codes | 1 |