Call Number (LC) Title Results
KMK2695.P35 H35 2017 Protection amid chaos the creation of property rights in Palestinian refugee camps / 1
KMK2695.P35H35 2017 Protection Amid Chaos : the Creation of Property Rights in Palestinian Refugee Camps. 1
KMK2700 .R85 1981i The rule of law in the areas administered by Israel 1
KMK2790 .L55 2017 Tax law and social norms in mandatory Palestine and Israel / 2
KMK3350.C64 2011 Israel's National Security Law : Political Dynamics and Historical Development. 1
KMK3350 .C645 2012eb Israel's national security law political dynamics and historical development / 1
KMK3395 .P38 1989i Inquiry into the Israeli military court system in the Occupied West Bank and Gaza report of a mission / 1
KMK3407 .S43 2003 Criminal justice systems in Europe and North America. 1
KMK3433 .C37 2013 Foreign judgments in Israel recognition and enforcement / 1
KMK3450 .E38 1994 Courts, politics, and culture in Israel / 2
KMK3466 .C66 1972 Consolidated rules of court of the State of Israel, as promulgated from time to time by the Minister of Justice with respect to civil matters, succession matters, and the High Court of Justice; and as in effect September 1972, Rosh HaShana 5733. 1
KMK3466 .K74 2002 The occupation of justice : the Supreme Court of Israel and the Occupied Territories / 1
KMK3466 .K74 2002eb The occupation of justice : the Supreme Court of Israel and the Occupied Territories / 1
KMK3466 .K74 2021 The occupation of justice : the Supreme Court of Israel and the occupied territories / 1
KMK3466 .M49 2011eb The Israeli Supreme Court and the Human Rights Revolution : courts as agenda setters / 3
KMK3542 .A2 1953 An evidence bill for Israel : text and explanatory comments / 1
KMK3800 .D55 1938 Criminal law. 1
KMK4049.5.W65 Femicide, criminology and the law / 1
KMK4604.31965 .A52 2001i The Israeli Criminal procedure law 1
KMK4604.31965.A6 I87 1967 The Israeli Criminal procedure law, 5725-1965. 1