Call Number (LC) Title Results
KKE4660 .T75 1977i Extradition under Greek law the Rolf Pohle case / 1
KKE4820 .P75 1994i Prison labor & women in prison Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Sweden. 1
KKE4980.26 -- C644 1973eb Ancient Athenian Maritime Courts. 1
KKF41.B36 P7513 2004 The war crimes trial of Hungarian prime minister László Bárdossy / 1
KKF41.M56 M56 1949i The trial of József Mindszenty 1
KKF41.N34 S43 1994 The secret trial of Imre Nagy / 1
KKF46|b.R3 1949 László Rajk and his accomplices before the People's Court. 1
KKF47 .L44 1956i Legal sources and bibliography of Hungary 1
KKF68 .H57 2019eb A history of the Hungarian constitution : law, government and political culture in central Europe / 1
KKF74 .D76 Droit hongrois--droit comparé ; études pour le VIIIe Congrès international de droit comparé. Hungarian law--comparative law; essays for the 8th International Congress of Comparative Law / 1
KKF78.B86 D64 Doing business in Hungary. 1
KKF120 .E58 2017 Die Entwicklung der Verfassung und des Rechts in Ungarn / 1
KKF120 .K67 1895i A magyar alkotmány és jogtörténelem tankönyve 1
KKF120 .T73 2007 The transformation of the Hungarian legal order 1985-2005 : transition to the rule of law and accession to the European Union / 1
KKF124 .S393 2013 Schwabenspiegel-forschung im donaugebiet. 1
KKF138.41517 A4 H86 1844 Verbőczi István' Hármaskönyve. : Az MDXVII-ki eredeti kiadásra ügyelve magyar kiadta a' Magyar tudós társaság. 1
KKF202 .K68 1791i Institutum diplomatico-historicum inclyti regni Hungariae regnorumque ac provinciarum sacræ illius coronæ juribus obnoxiarum, sublimioribus auspiciis excitatum adumbrat, nobilissimis patriæ civibus offert, eosque in meriti partem honorificentissime provocat / 1
KKF202 .K73 1872i Die ursprüngliche Staatsverfassung Ungarns seit der Gründung des Königthums bis zum Jahre 1382 1
KKF277.P38 K65 1762i Historiae diplomaticae iuris patronatus apostolicorum Hungariae regum libri tres 1
KKF440 .S95 2022 Chaging legal and civic culture in an illiberal democracy : a social psychological survey of the Hungarian legal system / 1