Call Number (LC) Title Results
KJE4445 .G74 2012 Habermas and European integration : social and cultural modernity beyond the nation-state / 1
KJE4445 .H63 2018 The transformation of EU treaty making : the rise of parliaments, referendums and courts since 1950 / 1
KJE4445 .H635 2018eb The transformation of EU treaty making : the rise of parliaments, referendums and courts since 1950 / 1
KJE4445 .I34 2022 The idea of Economic Constitution in Europe : genealogy and overview / 1
KJE4445 .I5 2024 The internal market ideal : essays in honour of Stephen Weatherill / 1
KJE4445 .I85 2016 Europe's functional constitution : a theory of constitutionalism beyond the state / 1
KJE4445 .I85 2016i Europe's functional constitution a theory of constitutionalism beyond the state / 1
KJE4445 .J33 2005 The European Constitution : how it was created, what it will change / 1
KJE4445 .K56 2007 Rethinking Europe's constitution / [edited by] Andreas Kinneging. 1
KJE4445 .K63 2014i The principle of loyalty in EU law 1
KJE4445 .L37 2021 The constitutional theory of the federation and the European Union / 1
KJE4445 .L39 2004 Law and governance in an enlarged European Union / 1
KJE4445 .L39 2004eb Law and governance in an enlarged European Union / 1
KJE4445 .L39 2006 Law and new governance in the EU and the US / 1
KJE4445 .L39 2006eb Law and new governance in the EU and the US / 1
KJE4445 .L39 2022i Law, solidarity and the limits of social Europe constitutional tensions for EU integration / 1
KJE4445 .L393 2008eb Law, democracy and solidarity in a post-national union : the unsettled political order of Europe / 1
KJE4445 .L396 2006 Law and new governance in the EU and the US / 1
KJE4445 .L46 2021i EU constitutional law 1
KJE4445 .L56 2023 Postnational constitutionalism : Europe and the time of law / 1