Call Number (LC) Title Results
KF889 .C2i CC commercial law 1
KF889 .C37 1963i Doing business in other states 1
KF889 .C433 2001 Business law : ethical, international & e-commerce environment / 1
KF889 .C5 1869i American commercial law relating to every kind of business : with full instructions and practical forms, adapted to all the states of the Union / 1
KF889 .C5 1872i American commercial law relating to every kind of business : with full instructions and practical forms, adapted to all the states of the Union / 1
KF889 .C52 1934i Commercial law a practical treatise covering the fundamental principles of law as applied to business in general, with special reference to the common law affecting commercial transactions / 1
KF889 .C527 1949i The law of contracts, notes and checks 1
KF889 .C53 1887i A text-book on commercial law a manual of the fundamental principles governing business transactions : for the use of commercial colleges, high schools and academies / 1
KF889 .C57 1986 Commercial damages : a guide to remedies in business litigation / 1
KF889 .C57i Commercial damages a guide to remedies in business litigation / 1
KF889 .C58 College business law. 1
KF889 .C58 1921 Commercial law. 1
KF889 .C65 1920 Business law : a working manual of every-day law / 1
KF889 .C65 1920i Business law a text-book for schools of business administration /
Business law a working manual of every-day law /
KF889 .C65 1964 Business law / by Louis O. Bergh and Thomas Conyngton. 1
KF889 .C654i Commercial agreements a lawyer's guide to drafting & negotiating.
Commercial agreements a lawyer's guide to drafting & negotiating index.
KF889 .C657 1922 Corporation procedure : law, finance, accounting / 1
KF889 .C66 1949i Business law 1
KF889 .C66 1956i Business law 1
KF889 .C66 1963 Business law : a CPA review / 1