Call Number (LC) Title Results
KF3821.Z9 H35 2020 Health care law and ethics in a nutshell / 1
KF3821.Z9 H35 2020i Health care law and ethics in a nutshell 1
KF3821.Z9 J64 2009 Bioethics and law in a nutshell / 1
KF3821.Z9 J64 2016 Bioethics and law in a nutshell / 1
KF3821.Z9 S55 1966 The law in medical practice. 1
KF3822 Normalizing an American Right to Health 1
KF3823 .A96 1989eb The rights of patients : the basic ACLU guide to patient rights / 1
KF3823 .A96 1992 The rights of patients : the basic ACLU guide to patient rights / 1
KF3823 .B44 1999 A caring jurisprudence : listening to patients at the Supreme Court / 1
KF3823 .B47 1993 Dying & death in law & medicine : a forensic primer for health and legal professionals / 2
KF3823 .C76 2022 Embodied injustice : race, disability, and health / 2
KF3823 .M37 The emerging rights of children in treatment for mental and catastrophic illnesses / 1
KF3823 .P3 1991 Patient Self-Determination Act state law guide / 1
KF3823 .P37i Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act Law, Explanation, and Analysis (2010 Edition). 1
KF3823 .P83i Public Health Service Act 1
KF3823 .R63 1991 Personal autonomy and substituted judgment : legal issues in medical decisions for incompetent patients / 1
KF3823 .S25 2019 Immigration enforcement and patients' rights in healthcare facilities : should hospitals serve as sanctuaries? / 1
KF3823 .U54 1997 Consumer Bill of Rights and Responsibilities : report to the President of the United States / 1
KF3823 .U54 2001 Younger nursing facility residents with mental illness an unidentified population.
Younger nursing facility residents with mental illness preadmission screening and resident review (PASRR) implementation and oversight.
KF3823.Z9 H44 2007 Alive and kicking : legal advice for boomers / 1