Call Number (LC) Title Results
KF3116 .H64i Intellectual property and antitrust law 1
KF3116 .H68i IP and antitrust an analysis of antitrust principles applied to intellectual property law / 1
KF3116 .I58 Inventing and patenting sourcebook / 1
KF3116 .I58 2007 Intellectual property and antitrust handbook. 1
KF3116 .I58 2015 Intellectual property and antitrust handbook. 1
KF3116 .I583 2011 Intellectual property and competition / 1
KF3116 .I5843i Intellectual property & antitrust law
Intellectual property & antitrust law index
KF3116 .I63i IP and antitrust an analysis of antitrust principles applied to intellectual property law (CCH). 1
KF3116 .L56 2013 Patent misuse and antitrust law : empirical, doctrinal and policy perspectives / 1
KF3116 .N3 pt. 1-2 The role of patents in research. 1
KF3116 .N6 Patent-antitrust law / 1
KF3116 .P3654i Patent law legal & economic principles. 1
KF3116 .P367 2018 Patents and standards practice, policy, and enforcement / 1
KF3116 .P385 1960 Dynamics of the patent system : discussions of ten critical areas of contemporary patent law / 1
KF3116 .P386 2010 Patent obviousness in the wake of KSR International Co. v. Teleflex Inc. / 1
KF3116 .P53 Planning for patent-antitrust litigation / 1
KF3116 .R56 2016 Patent engineering : a guide to building a valuable patent portfolio and controlling the marketplace / 1
KF3116 .R563 2018 A Guide for Implementing a Patent Strategy : How Inventors, Engineers, Scientists, Entrepreneurs, and Independent Innovators Can Protect Their Intellectual Property. 1
KF3116 .S35 1992 Patent law : legal and economic principles / 1
KF3116 .T38 Copyright and antitrust. 1