Call Number (LC) Title Results
KD8481 .B76 1991 Magistrates at work : sentencing and social structure / 1
KD8481 .R346 2017 Youth Court Guide. 1
KD8492 .A3 1870i The laws affecting juvenile offenders comprising the Juvenile Offenders Act, 1847, the Reformatory Schools Act, 1866, the Industrial Schools Act, 1866 : with an introduction and notes, and an appendix giving a list of reformatory and industrial schools in Great Britain / 1
KD8492 .M54 1991 Juvenile justice and child care in England / 1
KD8492 .W45 2011 Nipping crime in the bud : how the philanthropic quest was put into law / 1
KD8600 Freedom of religious organizations / 1
KD8600 .C65 1839i On the constitution of church and state according to the idea of each II. Lay sermons: I. the statesman's manual. II: "blessed are ye that sow beside all waters" / 1
KD8600 .C66 2016 The confluence of law and religion : interdisciplinary reflections on the work of Norman Doe / 2
KD8600 .E45 1882i The state and the church 1
KD8600 .L36 1828i The coronation oath considered, with reference to the principles of the Revolution of 1688 2
KD8600 .N67 2016i Freedom of religious organizations 1
KD8600 .O94 1738i Ordo judiciorum; sive Methodus procedendi in negotiis et litibus in foro ecclesiastico-civili Britannico et Hibernico ubi, quæ mendis olim cum innumeris edita fuêre, castigatè nunc et dilucidè digesta, juxta normam ordinis judiciarii, exhibentur, ac notis et observationibus illustrantur / 1
KD8600 .S36 2011eb Law and religion / 1
KD8603 .E5 1690 By the King and Queen, a proclamation for a general fast. 1
KD8603 (INTERNET) The rights, powers, and priviledges, of an English convocation, stated and vindicated in answer to a late book of D. Wake's, entituled, The authority of Christian princes over their ecclesiastical synods asserted, &c. and to several other pieces. 1
KD8605 .B74 1959i York metropolitan jurisdiction and papal judges delegate (1279-1296) 1
KD8605 .B87 1842i The ecclesiastical law 1
KD8605 .C48 1982 The English church and its laws, 12th-14th centuries / 3
KD8605 .C53 Praxis Francisci Clarke [tam jus dicentibus quàm alijs] omnibus qui in foro ecclesia[stico versantur apprimè utilis] / 2
KD8605 .C67 An answer to the two first and principall treatises of a certeine factious libell, put foorth latelie, without name of author or printer, and without approbation by authoritie, vnder the title of An abstract of certeine acts of Parliament: of certeine hir Maiesties iniunctions: of certeine canons, &c. Published by authoritie. 2