Call Number (LC) Title Results
KD4080 .J65 2000 Ethnic minorities in English law / 1
KD 4080 .J65 2000 Ethnic minorities in English law / 1
KD4080 .J83 2007 Judicial reasoning under the UK Human Rights Act / 1
KD4080 .J83 2007eb Judicial reasoning under the UK Human Rights Act / 1
KD4080 .K38 2009 Constitutional review under the UK Human Rights Act / 1
KD4080 .K56 1993 The European Convention on Human Rights : compliance without incorporation / 2
KD4080 .L44 2000 Legislating for human rights : the parliamentary debates on the human rights bill / 1
KD4080 .L44 2000eb Legislating for human rights : the parliamentary debates on the Human Rights Bill / 1
KD4080 .L45 2008 Making rights real : the Human Rights Act in its first decade / 1
KD4080 .L45 2008eb Making rights real : the human rights act in its first decade / 1
KD4080 .L728 A plea made by Liev. Col. Iohn Lilburne prerogative prisoner in the Tower of London the 2 of Decemb., 1647, against the present proceedings of the close and illegall Committee of Lords and Commons appointed to examine those that are called London Agents. 1
KD4080 .M66 2017 Civil liberties and human rights in twentieth-century Britain / 1
KD4080 .N53 2000 Media law and human rights / 1
KD4080 .N53 2001 Media law and human rights / 1
KD4080 .P56 1792i Jura Anglorum the rights of Englishmen / 1
KD4080.P7 (INTERNET) Demophilos, or, The assertor of the peoples liberty plainly demonstrating by the principles even of nature itself, and by the primitive constitutions of all governments since the creation of the world that the very essence and the fundamentals of all governments and laws was meerly the safety of the people, and the advancement of their rights and liberties, to which is added the general consent of all Parliaments in the nation, and the concurrence of threescore and two kings since first this island was visible in earnest, and by commerce with other nations, hath been refined from fable and neglect / 1
KD4080 .S29 2001 Sceptical essays on human rights
Sceptical essays on human rights /
KD4080 .S34 2001 Sceptical essays on human rights / 1
KD4080 .S43 1999 Freedom, law and justice / 1
KD4080 .S56 2001 Human rights and the end of empire : Britain and the genesis of the European Convention / 3