Call Number (LC) Title Results
KD372.P38 P38 1806i Fairburn's edition of the trial of Richard Patch for the wilful murder of Mr. Isaac Blight, his benefactor and friend, by shooting him with a pistol, loaded with ball, while sitting in his parlour, September 23, 1805 : with the speeches of counsel, &c. : which was tried on Saturday, April 5, 1806 before Sir Arch. Macdonald, Lord-Chief-Baron of His Majesty's Court of Exchequer, at the Sessions-House, Horsemonger-Lane / 1
KD372.P38 P385 1806i The trial of Richard Patch for the wilful murder of Mr. Isaac Blight, September 23, 1805, at Rotherhithe, in the county of Surrey before the Right Hon. Sir A. Macdonald, Knt. Lord Chief Baron of His Majesty's Court of Exchequer, at the Sessions House, Newington, on Saturday, April 5, 1806 / 1
KD372.P4 (INTERNET) A true and perfect account of the examination, confession, trial, condemnation and execution of Joan Perry, and her two sons, John and Richard Perry, for the supposed murder of Will. Harrison, Gent Being one of the most remarkable occurrences which hath happened in the memory of man. Sent in a letter (by Sir Thomas Overbury, of Burton, in the county of Gloucester, Knt. and one of His Majesty's justices of the peace) to Thomas Shirly, Doctor of physick, in London. Also Mr. Harrison's own account how he was conveyed to Turky, and there made a slave above 2 years, when his master (who bought him there) dying, he return'd to England; in the mean while, supposed to be murdered by his man-servant, who falsly accused his own mother and brother as guilty of the same, and were all three executed for it on Broadway-Hills, in Gloucestershire. 1
KD372.P4 S4 Trials of Charles Frederick Peace / 1
KD372.P4 S4 1926i Trials of Charles Frederick Peace 1
KD372.P43 G38 1906i The romantic career of a great criminal a memoir of Charles Peace / 1
KD372.P43 P43 1926i Trials of Charles Frederick Peace 1
KD372.P45 P45 1803i The trial of John Peltier, Esq., for a libel against Napoleon Buonapart, ̌ First Consul of the French Republic at the Court of King's Bench, Middlesex, on Monday the 21st of February 1803 / 1
KD372.P46 P46 1670i The peoples ancient and just liberties asserted in the tryal of William Penn and William Mead, at the sessions held at the Old Baily in London, the first, third, fourth and fifth of Sept. 1670 against the most arbitrary procedure of that court 1
KD372.P46 P46 1730i Account of the trial of William Penn, for speaking to an assembly of 300 persons, in Gracechurch Street, London in which the disgraceful proceedings of the bench, and the manly and independent conduct of the jury, are exhibited : the former deserving the detestation, and the latter the admiration of mankind. 1
KD372.P46 P46 1908i The trial of William Penn and William Mead at the Old Bailey, 1670 reprinted for the "Penn, Mead, and Jury Commemoration Committee, " from the original 4to, issued in the year 1670. 1
KD372.P46 P46 1919i The tryal of William Penn & William Mead for causing a tumult, at the sessions held at the Old Bailey in London the 1st, 3d, 4th, and 5th of September 1670 1
KD372.P47 The Perreaus and Mrs. Rudd : forgery and betrayal in eighteenth-century London /
The Perreaus and Mrs. Rudd forgery and betrayal in eighteenth-century London /
KD372.P47 A53 2001 The Perreaus and Mrs. Rudd : forgery and betrayal in eighteenth-century London / 1
KD372.P47 M37 1775i A letter to the Right Hon. Earl of Suffolk, one of His Majesty's principal secretaries of state in which the innocence of Robert Perreau is demonstrated. 1
KD372.P54 C78 1856i A full report of the great gold robbery, with eight illustrations on stone 1
KD372.P56 P56 1832i Bristol riots trial of Charles Pinney, Esq., late Mayor, for neglect of duty. 1
KD372.P68 C36 The Case and vindication of John Poyntz, alias Morrice, and his friends or, The first part of their long proceedings and oppression in the House of Lords who never could be released, notwithstanding the judges of Englands report for their deliverance, but are denyed the benefit of the common law, which is the subjects birth-right and inheritance : this is declared for the satisfaction of all those that wish well, and that will stand up to maintain truth, and that desire their brother commoners deliverances, and to know the oppressors from the oppressed, and what the right and interest of a commoner is, by the great Charter of England. 1
KD372.P69 P69 1808i The trial of Joseph Powell, the fortune-teller at the Sessions-House, Clerkenwell, October 31, 1807 / 1
KD372.P74 P74 1785i The trial of Isaac Prescott, Esq., a captain in the Royal Navy, late commander of His Majesty's ship the Seaford, for wanton, tyrannical, unprovoked, and savage cruelty towards Jane Prescott, his wife, daughter of the Reverend Mr. Walter, Chaplain of His Majesty's Dock-Yard at Portsmouth, who gave with her 2000 l. as a marriage portion setting forth the whole of the evidence upon that remarkable trial in the Consistory Court at Doctors Commons. 1