Call Number (LC) Title Results
KD3410.R43 M86 2016 Privacy and healthcare data : 'choice of control' to 'choice' and 'control' / 1
KD3410.S74 D48 2013 Stem Cell Research and the Collaborative Regulation of Innovation. 1
KD3410.S74 D48 2014 Stem cell research and the collaborative regulation of innovation / 1
KD3412 Looking after Miss Alexander : care, mental capacity, and the Court of Protection in mid-twentieth-century England /
Mental health and mental capacity law for social workers : an introduction /
Vulnerable adults and the law /
Mental health law a practical guide.
KD3412.A3 B376 1990eb Sectioned social services and the 1983 Mental Health Act / 1
KD3412 .B37 2014 Mental health law : policy and practice / 1
KD3412 .B42 1986 Mental disorder and legal control / 1
KD3412 .B75 2023 A clinician's brief guide to dementia and the law / 1
KD3412 .C36 1990 Mental illness : prejudice, discrimination and the law / 1
KD3412 .C56 1884i Clinical lectures on mental diseases to which is added an abstract of the statutes of the United States and of the several states and territories relating to the custody of the insane / 1
KD3412 .D36 2010eb Therapy with children : children's rights, confidentiality, and the law / 1
KD3412 .E68 2013eb The Equality Act 2010 in mental health : a guide to implementation and issues for practice / 1
KD3412 .F366 2018 New Medicalism and the Mental Health Act. 1
KD3412 .F46 1996 Treatment without consent : law, psychiatry and the treatment of mentally disordered people since 1845 / 1
KD3412 .H47 2016i Vulnerable adults and the law 1
KD3412 .H84 2021 Dementia, law and ethics : a practical guide for nurses and other healthcare professionals / 1
KD3412 .H85 2016eb A Clinician's Brief Guide to Children's Mental Health Law. 1
KD3412 .K45 2016 Mental Illness, Human Rights and the Law. 1
KD3412 .K46 1968 Psychiatric emergencies and the law the impact of the Mental Health Act (1959) / 1
KD3412 .M457 2019 Mental capacity legislation : principles and practice / 1