Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
K930 .I58i | International libel & privacy handbook a global reference for journalists, publishers, webmasters, and lawyers. | 1 |
K930 .K46 2006 | Defamation : comparative law and practice / | 1 |
K930 .M36 2007 | Reputation and defamation / | 1 |
K930 .M36 2007i | Reputation and defamation | 1 |
K930 .M55 2008 | Defamation and freedom of speech / | 1 |
K930 .M55 2008i | Defamation and freedom of speech | 1 |
K934 .S86 2021 | Liars : falsehoods and free speech in an age of deception / | 2 |
K935 |
The accountability of armed groups under human rights law / Transnational corporations and human rights : overcoming barriers to judicial remedy / Housing, land, and property rights : residential justice, conflict zones, and climate change / |
3 |
K935 .B55 2017 | The Holocaust, corporations and the law : unfinished business / | 1 |
K935 .F67 2017 | The accountability of armed groups under human rights law / | 1 |
K935 .F67 2017i | The accountability of armed groups under human rights law | 1 |
K935 .L56 2019 | Human rights, export credits and development cooperation : accountability for bilateral agencies / | 1 |
K935 .P54 2020 | Business, human rights and transitional justice / | 2 |
K935 .S55 2020 | Transnational corporations and human rights : overcoming barriers to judicial remedy / | 1 |
K935 .S55 2020i | Transnational corporations and human rights overcoming barriers to judicial remedy / | 1 |
K935 .V37 2016 | Damages and human rights / | 1 |
K938 .A55 1990 | Donoghue v. Stevenson and the modern law of negligence : the Paisley papers : the proceedings of the Paisley Conference on the Law of Negligence / | 1 |
K938 .B367 2012 | Accounting for Profit for Breach of Contract : Theory and Practice. | 1 |
K938 .B44 2007 | Rediscovering the law of negligence / | 1 |
K938 .B44 2007eb | Rediscovering the law of negligence / | 1 |