Call Number (LC) Title Results
K3240.4 .W46 1998 Human rights : a reference handbook / 1
K3240.4 Z56 1986 The world of science and the rule of law : a study of the observance and violations of the human rights of scientists in the participating states of the Helsinki Accords / 1
K3240.4 .Z84 1982 Petitioning in the United Nations : a study in human rights / 1
K3240.4 ebook Historia de los derechos fundamentales. 9
K3240.5 One rights : human and animal rights in the anthropocene /
Richter über internationale Gerichte? Die Rolle innerstaatlicher Gerichte bei der Umsetzung der Entscheidungen von EGMR und IAGMR.
Researching human rights using big data analysis.
Human rights and security : Europe on the eve of a new era /
Role and Extent of a Proportionality Analysis in the Judicial Assessment of Human Rights Limitations within International Criminal Proceedings.
Consensus-based interpretation of regional human rights treaties /
Domestic politics and international human rights tribunals : the problem of compliance /
Tracing the roles of soft law in human rights /
Comparative human rights law /
The frontiers of human rights /
Proportionality, balancing, and rights Robert Alexy's Theory of constitutional rights /
Architecture of rights models and theories /
The complementarity between the Nagoya Protocol and human rights : genetic resources, traditional knowledge, and the rights of indigenous peoples and local communities /
Fundamental rights challenges horizontal effectiveness, rule of law and margin of national appreciation /
Principios y garantias penales y procesales en la doctrina de la CIDH y el TEDH
Cultural difference and economic disadvantage in regional human rights courts : an integrated view /
K3240.5 .A52 2012i UN Human Rights Committee 101st session (March 2011)
UN Human Rights Committee 100th session (October 2010)
UN Human Rights Committee 102nd session (July 2011)
UN Human Rights Committee 103rd Session (October 2011)
K3240.5 .A52 2013i UN Human Rights Committee 104th session (March 2012)
UN Human Rights Committee 105th session (July 2012).
UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, 77th to 82nd sessions June 2013.
UN Human Rights Committee 106th session (October 2012).
UN Committee on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (2004-2012) June 2013.
K3240.5 .A54 2011i From judgment to justice implementing the views of the United Nations Human Rights Committee, March 30, 2011 / 1
K3240.5 .B65 2018 Boko Haram and international law / 1
K3240.5 .B67 2016 International human rights protection : balanced, critical, realistic / 1
K3240.5 .B8713 2024 The 3 regional human rights courts in context : justice that cannot be taken for granted / 2
K3240.5 .C37 2022 Legalization of international law and politics : multi-level governance of human rights and aggression / 1
K3240.5 .C37 2024 Mineral exploitation, violence and international law / 1
K3240.5 .E97 2021 The European Court of Human Rights : current challenges in historical perspective / 2
K3240.5 .E97 2021i The European Court of Human Rights current challenges in historical perspective / 1
K3240.5 .G38 2022 Cátedra UNESCO : derechos humanos y violencia : gobierno y gobernanza : experiencias de diálogos restaurativos en el contexto transicional Colombiano / 1
K3240.5 .H346 2020 Regional courts, domestic politics, and the struggle for human rights / 2
K3240.5 .H346 2020i Regional courts, domestic politics, and the struggle for human rights 1
K3240.5 .H55 2014 Domestic politics and international human rights tribunals : the problem of compliance / 1
K3240.5 .I58 2018 International human rights institutions, tribunals, and courts / 1