Call Number (LC) Title Results
K3239.8 ebook Entre imágenes : lo justo y los derechos humanos / 1
K3239.9 .B69 2010 2048 : humanity's agreement to live together / 1
K3239.9.R445 2016 Regional Human Rights Systems : Volume V. 1
K3239.9 .R67 1997 A dictionary of human rights / 1
K3240 The human rights of non-citizens
Human rights and development in international law /
Los derechos sociales /
What's wrong with rights? /
The Oxford handbook of international human rights law /
Cultural rights in international law and discourse : contemporary challenges and interdisciplinary perspectives /
Applying an international human rights framework to state budget allocations : rights and resources /
Human rights law and personal identity
Human rights issues and vulnerable groups.
A liberal theory of collective rights /
In defense of politicization of human rights : the UN special procedures /
Human rights unbound : a theory of extraterritoriality /
Human rights, digital society and the law : a research companion /
Claves y Retos de una Justicia Del Siglo XXI
Human rights and radical social transformation : futurity, alterity, power /
Discursive framings of human rights : negotiating agency and victimhood /
Human rights litigation against multinationals in practice /
The law of international human rights protection /
Menschenrechtsberichterstattung durch Unternehmen.
Governing (through) rights /
Intercultural constitutionalism : from human rights colonialism to a new constitutional theory of fundamental rights /
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights : Fifty Years and Beyond.
Normative pluralism and human rights : social normativities in conflict /
International law of human rights /
The new civil rights research : a constitutive approach /
Human rights controversies : the impact of legal form /
De persoon op de grenzen van het recht.
A Commentary on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, 8-9 : the Right to Preservation of Identity and The Right Not to Be Separated from His or Her Parents.
Human rights and world public order : the basic policies of an international law of human dignity /
Human rights and 21st century challenges : poverty, conflict, and the environment /
Reframing human rights in a turbulent era /
Constituting economic and social rights
On the significance of religion for human rights /
Human Rights Encounter Legal Pluralism.
Rethinking Free Trade, Economic Integration and Human Rights in the Americas.
Making Sovereign Financing and Human Rights Work.
The international human rights movement : a history /
La construcción social de los derechos y la cuestión del desarrollo.
Beyond disagreement open remedies in human rights adjudication /
Workings of human rights, law and justice a journey from Nepal to Nobel nominee.
Human rights and international humanitarian law : challenges ahead /
Der Abschreckungseffekt auf die Grundrechtsausübung : Strukturen eines verfassungsrechtlichen Arguments /
Gender, alterity and human rights : freedom in a fishbowl /
Research handbook on global governance, business and human rights /
Healthcare as a human rights issue : Healthcare as a human rights issue : normative profile, conflicts and implementation /
The relational self and human rights : Paul Ricoeur's hermeneutics of suspicion /
Research methods in human rights : a handbook /
Research handbook on compliance in international human rights law /
Reconciling religion and human rights : faith in multilateralism /
Human rights in times of conflict and terrorism /
International human rights monitoring mechanisms : a study of their impact in the UK /
Judicial covergence and fragmentation in international human rights law : the regional systems and the United Nations Human Rights Committee /
Litigating transnational human rights obligations : alternative judgements /
Human rights and the planet : the future of environmental human rights in the European Court of Human Rights /
International Law, Necropolitics, and Arab Lives : the legalization of creative chaos in Arabia /
Digital constitutionalism : the role of internet bills of rights /
Betty A. Reardon : key texts in gender and peace /
Rights and their limits : in theory, cases, and pandemics /
Do all persons have equal moral worth? : on 'basic equality' and equal respect and concern /
Human rights transformation in practice /
Research handbook on implementation of human rights in practice /
Research handbook on human rights and business /
RELIGION, HUMAN RIGHTS, AND THE WORKPLACE judicial balancing in the United States Federal Courts and the European Court of Human Rights /
Derechos Humanos y Transformación Social .
Reflexiones sobre el Sistema Interamericano de Derechos Humanos /
International human rights and Islamic law
Judges, transition, and human rights
The limits of human rights /
Strategic Visions for Human Rights : Essays in Honour of Professor Kevin Boyle.
Legitimizing human rights : secular and religious perspectives /
Women and transitional justice : the experience of women as participants /
Legislated rights : securing human rights through legislation /
Proportionality balancing and constitutional governance : a comparative and global approach /
HUMAN RIGHTS DEFENDERS AND THE LAW a constitutional and international legal approach.
Menschenrechte : Begründung - Universalisierbarkeit - Genese.
Filosofia del biodiritto : Una proposta socratica per società postumane.
Peacebuilding and the rights of indigenous peoples : experiences and strategies for the 21st century /
The culturalization of human rights law /
Responsibility for Human Rights : transnational corporations in imperfect states.
Human rights and international trade
Human rights, intervention and the use of force
Economic, social and cultural rights in action
Human rights and the WTO the case of patents and access to medicines /
Philosopher kings? the adjudication of conflicting human rights and social values /
Hierarchy in international law the place of human rights /
Economic, social, and cultural rights in international law : contemporary issues and challenges /
The impact of human rights law on general international law
Poverty and fundamental rights the justification and enforcement of socio-economic rights /
Human rights transformed positive rights and positive duties /
Targeted killing in international law
Constitutional dilemmas conflicts of fundamental legal rights in Europe and the USA /
International humanitarian law and international human rights law pas de deux /
Blame it on the WTO? a human rights critique /
Sovereign debt and human rights /
Global justice, human rights and the modernization of international law /
Constitutional rights : what they are and what they ought to be /
The influence of human rights and basic rights in private law /
Human rights behind bars tracing vulnerability in prison populations across continents from a multidisciplinary perspective /
Damages for violations of human rights : a comparative study of domestic legal systems /
Arbitration and human rights approaches to excluding the annulment of arbitral awards and their compatibility with the ECHR /
The human rights challenge to immunity in international law /
Human dignity of the vulnerable in the age of rights : interdisciplinary perspectives /
Myth or lived reality on the (in)effectiveness of human rights /
Trends and challenges in international law : selected issues in human rights, cultural heritage, environment and sea /
Transnational human rights litigation challenging the death penalty and criminalization of homosexuality in the Commonwealth /
Human dignity and the autonomy of law /
Philosophical foundation of human rights /
Philosophical foundation of human rights
Citizen rights, migrant rights, and civic stratification /
UN human rights treaty bodies : law and legitimacy /
Human rights and the UN Universal Periodic Review mechanism : a research companion /
The rights of victims in criminal justice proceedings for serious human rights violations /
Protecting human rights and building peace in post-violence societies /
The global model of constitutional rights /
Critical theory and human rights : from compassion to coercion /
Beyond virtue and vice : rethinking human rights and criminal law /
Dilemas constitucionales un debate sobre sus aspectos juridicos y morales.
Las restricciones sacrificiales de los derechos fundamentales
Derechos fundamentales e interdisciplinariedad perspectivas desde el nuevo ordenamiento juridico imperante.
Forcible Displacement Throughout the Ages : Towards an International Convention for the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Forcible Displacement.
Derecho convencional, derecho constitucional y derechos fundamentales el inevitable camino hacia la justicia.
Los derechos humanos una concepcion de la justicia.
Las Controversias y Las Transformaciones de Los Derechos Humanos en una Sociedad Globalizada y Tecnológica
The non-coherence theory of digital human rights /
Repairing the past? : international perspectives on reparations for gross human rights abuses /
Does your business need a human rights strategy? /
Artificial intelligence and human rights /
Human rights : international protection, monitoring, enforcement /
The Sage handbook of human rights /
Equality and non-discrimination under international law /
K3240 A171 2019 La acción social y humanitaria de las Fuerzas Armadas / 1
K3240 .A27 2008 Trade imbalance : the struggle to weigh human rights concerns in trade policymaking / 1
K3240 .A27 2008eb Trade imbalance : the struggle to weigh human rights concerns in trade policymaking / 1
K3240 .A33 2023 Judicial convergence and fragmentation in international human rights law : the regional systems and the United Nations Human Rights Committee / 1
K3240 .A3377 2023 Judicial covergence and fragmentation in international human rights law : the regional systems and the United Nations Human Rights Committee / 1
K3240 .A33845 2015eb Adjudicating international human rights : essays in honour of Sandy Ghandhi / 1
K3240 .A4213 2002 A theory of constitutional rights / 1
K3240 .A4385 2013 International human rights : text and materials / 1
K3240 .A465 2015 Human rights and the criminal justice system 1
K3240 .A483 1981i Development and the rule of law prevention versus cure as a human rights strategy / 1
K3240 .A54 2005eb Constitutional Rights after Globalization. 1
K3240 .A545 2016eb Sulla rotta dei diritti. 1
K3240 .A56 2005 American bioethics : crossing human rights and health law boundaries / 2
K3240 .A56 2005eb American bioethics : crossing human rights and health law boundaries / 1
K3240 .A75 2021 Lawyers beyond borders : advancing international human rights through local laws and courts / 1