Call Number (LC) Title Results
K3184 Existenzieller Republikanismus : Ein Plädoyer für Freiheit / 1
K3184 .A44 2017 The right to democracy in international law between procedure, substance and the philosophy of John Rawls / 1
K3184.A6 Legal republicanism national and international perspectives / 1
K3184.A6 L44 2009i Legal republicanism national and international perspectives / 1
K3184 .D43 2014eb Dealing with wars and dictatorships : legal concepts and categories in action / 1
K3184 .W49 2000 Why constitutions matter / 1
K3185 Federalism and legal unification : a comparative empirical investigation of twenty systems / 1
K3185.A6 .F4284 2015eb Federalism as decision-making : changes in structures, procedures and policies / 1
K3185.A6 H27 1996 Harmonization of legislation in federal systems : constitutional, federal and subsidiarity aspects : the European Union and the United States of Amerika compared : first symposium of the Columbia Law School and the Law Faculty of the Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University Frankfurt / 1
K3185.A6 I573 2018 Beyond autonomy : practical and theoretical challenges to 21st century federalism / 1
K3185.A6 I58 2017eb Concurrent Powers in Federal Systems : Meaning, Making, Managing. 1
K3185.A6 U55 2001 The resolution of conflicts between the central state and entities with legislative power by the constitutional court / 1
K3185 .A8 1984 States' rights under federal constitutions / 1
K3185 .C66 1990 Comparative constitutional federalism : Europe and America / 2
K3185 .C6667 2005 Constitutional origins, structure, and change in federal countries / 1
K3185 .D57 2006 Distribution of powers and responsibilities in federal countries / 1
K3185 .D572 2005 Dialogues on distribution of powers and responsibilities in federal countries / 1
K3185 .F43 2017 The federal idea : public law between governance and political life / 1
K3185 .H35 2014 Constitutionalising secession / 1
K3185 .L44 2006 Legislative, executive, and judicial governance in federal countries / 1