Call Number (LC) Title Results
K231 .S56 1984 The decline of juridical reason : doctrine and theory in the legal order / 1
K231 .S56 1993i Jurisprudence legal philosophy in a nutshell 1
K231 .S57 1993 Jurisprudence : legal philosophy in a nutshell / 1
K231 .S65 1909i Jurisprudence 1
K231 .W333 2008eb Law : a very short introduction / 1
K231 .W57 1881i Outlines of jurisprudence for the use of students / 1
K231 ebook Introducción a la teoría del derecho / 1
K232.F7 D4 2011eb Jacques Derrida law as absolute hospitality / 1
K232.F7 D48 2011 Jacques Derrida : law as absolute hospitality / 1
K232.F7 ebook Filosofía del derecho / 1
K232.G4 H57 1947 Vorbedingungen einer Wiedergesundung heutigen Rechtsdenkens / 1
K232.G4 H573 1957 Zum aufbau und sinnwandel unseres privatrechts : ein vortrag / 1
K232.G4 T7613 The law and order, an introduction to thinking about the nature of law. 1
K232.G47 ebook La objetividad de la jurisdicción /
Teoría general del derecho /
La jurisprudencia no es ciencia : el carácter a-científico de la llamada ciencia del derecho /
Sistema jurídico y dogmática jurídica /
Filosofía del derecho /
K232.I7 ebook Derechos a la Fuerza 1
K232.S6 ebook Las palabras de la ley /
La valoración jurídica y la ciencia del derecho /
El postulado jurídico de la prohibición y otros escritos /
El espíritu del derecho inglés /
Sentido y hecho en el derecho /
K235 Norbert Horn, Gesammelte Schriften.
Virtue Jurisprudence
Althusser and law /
On Philosophy in American Law /
Jurisprudence of the PCIJ and of the ICJ on interim measures of protection
Jurisprudence for an interconnected globe /
Philosophical foundations of the nature of law /
Teoría de la sanción
Limiting Leviathan : Hobbes on law and international affairs /
Governing risks /
Prudentia iuris : materiali per una filosofia della giurisprudenza /
The Legal Relation.
On law and justice /
Althusser and Law.
Philosophy of law the Supreme Court's need for libertarian law /
Law, text, terror /
Soggettività giuridiche. : Panorama critico.
Sistema e problema : Saggi di teoria dei sistemi giuridici.
Law and philosophy
Law as an artifact /
Why law matters /
Institutionalized reason the jurisprudence of Robert Alexy /
Utility, publicity, and law : essays on Bentham's moral and legal philosophy /
Legal directives and practical reasons /
Law's memories /
New developments in legal reasoning and logic from ancient law to modern legal systems /
Vindicatory justice beyond law and revenge /
How legal theory can save the life of healthcare ethics
Supervenience and normativity
Legal power and legal competence : meaning, normativity, officials and theories /
Legal thoughts convert rethinking legal thinking /
Handbook of the history of the philosophy of law and social philosophy.
Paradigms of social order from holism to pluralism and beyond /
Dialogue between philosophy and law facts and evidence /
Exploring the province of legislation theoretical and practical perspectives in legisprudence /
Law and Morality /
Readings in the philosophy of law /
Methodologies of legal research : which kind of method for what kind of discipline? /
Fundamentos para una teoria general de los deberes
Conceptos jurídicos Lecciones de teoría del Derecho.
Una discusion sobre la teoria del derecho
Enduring enmity : the story of Otto Kirchheimer and Carl Schmitt /
DERECHO Y MORAL el debate entre el positivismo incluyente y el excluyente.
K235 .A27 2011 Essays on the doctrinal study of law / 1
K235 .A336 2015 Agamben and law / 1
K235 .A353 2019eb Administering interpretation : Derrida, Agamben, and the political theology of law / 1