Call Number (LC) Title Results
K1528 .G654 2004 Technology patent licensing : an international reference on 21st century patent licensing, patent pools and patent platforms / 1
K1528 .L47 2002eb Licensing best practices : the LESI guide to strategic issues and contemporary realities / 1
K1528 .L53 2002 Licensing best practices : the LESI guide to strategic issues and contemporary realities / 1
K1528 .P38 2017 Patent pledges : global perspectives on patent law's private ordering frontier / 1
K1528 .S833 2015 Successful Technology Licensing. 1
K1530 SEPs, SSOs and FRAND : Asian and global perspectives on fostering innovation in interconnectivity / 1
K1530.A15 C67i Corporate counsel's guide to international distribution & licensing 1
K1530 .B45 1996 Single or joint venturing? : a comprehensive approach to foreign entry mode choice / 1
K1530 .B53 1989 Legal aspects of the transfer of technology to developing countries / 1
K1530 .B77 1994 Licensing / 2
K1530 .B87 1992 Business International's guide to international licensing : building a licensing strategy for 14 key markets around the world / 1
K1530 .B87 1993 Business International's guide to international licensing : building a licensing strategy for 14 key markets around the world / 1
K1530 .C33 1988 The extraterritorial effects of antitrust law on transfer of technology transactions / 1
K1530 .C87 Current international legal aspects of licensing and intellectual property / 1
K1530 .D44 1981 Contracts for the transfer of technology (know how) = Le contrat de transfert de processus technologique (know how) / 1
K1530 .G82 2014 Los contratos de transferencia internacional de tecnología : América Latina, Estados Unidos y la Unión Europea / 1
K1530 .I23 2009 ICC model international technology transfer contract. 1
K1530 .K37 1992 International law of technology / 1
K1530 .L49i Lexology Panoramic licensing. 1
K1530 .N36 1980 Technology transfer and international law / 1