Call Number (LC) Title Results
K1401 .B33 2006eb Intellectual property management in R & D collaborations the case of the service industry sector / 1
K1401 .B37 2005 Mana tuturu : Maori treasures and intellectual property rights /
Mana Tuturu : Maori treasures and intellectual property rights /
K1401 .B375 2020 Innovators, firms, and markets : the organizational logic of intellectual property / 1
K1401 .B375 2020i Innovators, firms, and markets the organizational logic of intellectual property / 1
K1401 .B375 2021 Innovators, firms, and markets : the organizational logic of intellectual property / 1
K1401.B377 P7 2011 Protecting your business' intellectual property : trademarks, copyrights, and trade secrets / 1
K1401 .B384 2010 Become a Successful Designer - Protect and Manage Your Design Rights Internationally : Protect and Manage Your Design Rights Internationally. 1
K1401 .B384 2012 Intellectual property enforcement : a commentary on the anti-conterfeiting trade agreement / 1
K1401 .B43 2007eb Wettbewerb und geistiges Eigentum 2
K1401 .B46 1989 Safeguarding intellectual property / 1
K1401 .B476 2016 Creation information communication : open access et droit d'auteur. 1
K1401 .B48 2005 Privacy, property and personality : civil law perspectives on commercial appropriation / 1
K1401 .B53 2012 Intellectual property enforcement : a commentary on the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) / 1
K1401 .B53 2012i Intellectual property enforcement a commentary on the anti-counterfeiting trade agreement (ACTA) / 1
K1401 .B65 2008 Against intellectual monopoly / 1
K1401 .B65 2008eb Against intellectual monopoly / 2
K1401 .B663 2022 Intellectual Property Excesses Exploring the Boundaries of IP Protection. 1
K1401 .B689 2008eb The public domain : enclosing the commons of the mind /
The public domain enclosing the commons of the mind /
K1401 .B69 1996 Shamans, software, and spleens : law and the construction of the information society / 2
K1401 .B69 1996eb Shamans, software, and spleens : law and the construction of the information society / 1