Call Number (LC) Title Results
JS241 .K78 2019 Examining government consolidation with panel data methods / 1
JS241 .M48 2004 Metropolitan governance : conflict, competition, and cooperation / 1
JS241 .M48713 2014eb Governing megacities in emerging countries / 1
JS241 .N45 2012 Comparative metropolitan policy : governing beyond local boundaries in the imagined metropolis / 2
JS241 .N468 2015eb Neo-victorian cities : reassessing urban politics and poetics / 1
JS241 .S26 2008 The limits of boundaries : why city-regions cannot be self-governing / 1
JS241 .S45 2002 Governing from below : urban regions and the global economy / 2
JS241 .S45 2002eb Governing from Below : Urban Regions and the Global Economy / 1
JS241 .S58 2018 The risk of regional governance : cultural theory and interlocal cooperation / 2
JS241 .S76 2011 Participatie en vertegenwoordiging : Burgers als trustees. 1
JS241 .V54 Le strutture amministrative locali. : Tendenze evolutive nel campo dell'organizzazione e della finanza. 1
JS247 .L85 Business/government partnership in local economic development planning : a research report from The Conference Board's Public Affairs Research Division / 1
JS251 .I67 2019 Inside countries : subnational research in comparative politics / 2
JS261 .A64 1996 The American county : frontiers of knowledge / 1
JS271 .G66 1890i The village community with special reference to the origin and form of its survivals in Britain / 1
JS271 .M35 1871i Village-communities in the East and West six lectures delivered at Oxford / 1
JS271 .M35 1895i Village-communities in the East and West six lectures delivered at Oxford / 1
JS271 .S37 2004 Grāmīṇa netrtva ke ubharate pratimāna / 1
JS271 .S44 2011 The English village community examined in its relation to the manorial and tribal systems and to the common or open field system of husbandry : an essay in economic history / 1
JS271 .Z5 Rural local government in Sweden, Italy, and India; a comparative study, 1