Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
JN27 .I57 |
Official directory of the European Union. Who's who in the European Union? |
2 |
JN27 .L63 2005 | Lobbying in the European Union. | 1 |
JN27 b .L63 2005 | Lobbying in the European Union. | 1 |
JN29 .C9 1977 | Regional policy of the member states of the Council of Europe and European institutions [and] organization of a European network of trunk communications. | 1 |
JN30 |
The politics of information : the case of the European Union / Constitutional preferences and parliamentary reform : explaining national parliaments' adaptation to European integration / South-South Cooperation and Decent Work : Good Practices. Democratic accountability, political order, and change : exploring accountability processes in an era of european transformation / Progress towards meeting the economic criteria for accession the assessments of the 2010 progress reports and opinions / In defence of Europe : can the European project be saved? / Blaming Europe? : responsibility without accountability in the European Union / Circle of Stars : A History of the EU and the People Who Made It / A union of peoples / Towards a segmented European political order : the European Union's post-crises conundrum / L'Europe en crise et le monde : Référence. Territorial impact assessment The European Council : decision-making in European politics / European Union Since 1945. Democracy, Social Resources and Political Power in the European Union. United by or against Euroscepticism? : an assessment of public attitudes towards Europe in the context of the crisis / China and the European Union Political representation in the European Union : still democratic in times of crisis? / Understanding the European Union / Europe : rethinking the boundaries / The EU, NATO and the integration of Europe : rules and rhetoric / Law and values in the European Union / Explaining Decisions in the European Union / Mediated Bordering : Eurosur, the Refugee Boat, and the Construction of an External EU Border / The EU and crisis response European strategy in the 21st century : new future for old power / EUROPE, THE STATE & GLOBALISATION. European values : challenges and opportunities for EU governance / Revisiting the European Union as empire / Brexit and the future of the European Union : the case for constitutional reforms / Europe, The State & Globalisation. What does Europe want? : the Union and its discontents / Euroscepticism as a transnational and pan-European phenomenon : the emergence of a new sphere of opposition / Formas de Estado, sentimiento constitucional y soberanía / Beyond the regulatory polity? : the European integration of core state powers / Ever looser union? : differentiated European integration / Subsidiarity and EU multilevel governance : actors, networks and agendas / Future of The European Union Integration A Failure or A Success? Future Expectations / The road to Brexit : a cultural perspective on British attitudes to Europe / Europe's transformations : essays in honour of Loukas Tsoukalis / Towards an imperfect union : a conservative case for the EU / Instituciones politico-juridicas y desarrollo sostenible. Constructing a policy-making state? policy dynamics in the EU / The justification of Europe a political theory of supranational integration / Euroscepticism and the future of European integration / Politicising Europe : integration and mass politics / Das utopische Europa : die Verträge der politischen Integration Europas und ihre utopischen Elemente / Trust and crisis management in the European Union : an institutionalist account of success and failure in program countries / The European stability mechanism before the Court of Justice of the European Union comments on the Pringle Case / EU enlargement, the clash of capitalisms and the European social dimension / Europa am Scheideweg The making of a European President / European disunion : democracy, sovereignty and the politics of emergency / Institutional Challenges in the European Union / The European Union in crisis : explorations in representation and democratic legitimacy / EU powers under external pressure : how the EU's external actions alter its internal structures / Expertise, policy-making and democracy / Europe's burden : promoting good governance across borders / The EU's government of industries markets, institutions and politics / Whatever it takes / The sub-national dimension of the EU : a legal study of multilevel governance / Managing global challenges : the European Union, China and EU Network Diplomacy / The limits of Europe : membership norms and the contestation of regional integration / The new intergovernmentalism : states and supranational actors in the post-Maastricht era / Europe faces Europe : narratives from its eastern half / A second chance for Europe : economic, political and legal perspectives of the European Union / Flexible Integration : Which Model for the European Union? The European Union and Global Governance : a Handbook. EuropÄnische Probleme und Sozialpolitik / Beyond the crisis : the governance of Europe's economic, political and legal transformation / Politics of last resort : governing by emergency in the European union / Conflict, Negotiation and European Union Enlargement / With, without, or against the state? : how European regions play the Brussels game / Politicisation, democratisation and identity formation in the EU : constitutional discourses in Germany and France / The state of the European Union : risks, reforms, renewals, and revival / EU external relations law The law & politics of Brexit / The Brussels effect : how the European Union rules the world / Euroscepticisms The Historical Roots of a Political Challenge. Independence and legitimacy in the institutional system of the European Union / National parliaments after the Lisbon Treaty and the Euro crisis : resilience or resignation? / The enforcement of EU law and values : ensuring member states' compliance / Accountability in the European Union The enlargement of the European Union Changing borders in Europe : exploring the dynamics of integration, differentiation, and self-determination in the European Union / Sovereignty in conflict : political, constitutional and economic dilemmas in the EU / Integration and differentiation in the European Union theory and policies / Mind the European gap : reconciling national politics and supranational policy-making / European solidarity an analysis of debates on redistributive policies in France and Germany / The borders of the EU : European integration, "Schengen" and the control of migration / European integration and the crisis of social democracy Mapping the Influencers in EU Policies / National administrations in EU trade policy : maintaining the capacity to control / Policy design in the European union : an empire of shopkeepers in the making? / The EU in the 21st Century challenges and opportunities for the European integration process / Negotiating unity and diversity in the European Union The consequences of the crisis on European integration and on the member states : the European governance between Lisbon and Fiscal Compact / Routes to a resilient European Union : interdisciplinary European studies / Enlargement and the future of Europe views from the capitals / Europe's grand strategy : navigating a new world order / European variations as a key to cooperation / Eurosceptic contagion the influence of Eurosceptic parties in West-European party systems / Challenging European Citizenship Ideas and Realities in Contrast / The role of EU agencies in the Eurozone and migration crisis : impact and future challenges / The European Union in a Changing World Order Interdisciplinary European Studies / The European integration. EU good governance promotion in the age of democratic decline / Subnational authorities and the European Union compliance in a multilevel implementation system / Re:generation Europe : ten proposals for another Europe / Understanding EU decision-making / Democracy in the EMU in the aftermath of the crisis What market, what society, what union? The Treaty of Amsterdam and the European Thought of Francisco Lucas Pires / Small states in EU policy-making : strategies, challenges, opportunities / Das utopische Europa : die Verträge der politischen Integration Europas und ihre utopischen Elemente / A dictionary of the European Union / European Union : Power and policy-making / EU-Staatlichkeit zwischen Ausbau und Stagnation : kritische Perspektiven auf die Transformationsprozesse in der Euro-Krise / (In)visible European government : critical approaches to transparency as an ideal and a practice / Europa erneuern! : eine realistische Vision für das 21. Jahrhundert / European Union and the challenges of the new global context / The European stability mechanism before the Court of Justice of the European Union : comments on the Pringle Case / European narratives and Euroscepticism in the Western Balkans and the EU / The dynamics of European integration : causes and consequences of institutional choices / European Union politics Routledge handbooks of European public policy / The European Union : challenges and prospects / Interparliamentary cooperation in the composite European constitution / Differentiation and dominance in Europe's poly-crises / Contentious Episodes in the Age of Austerity Studying the Dynamics of Government-Challenger Interactions. The Pursuit of Europe A History. The foundations of the EU as a polity / Formas de Estado, sentimiento constitucional y soberanía / El futuro de la Union Europea aportaciones a la conferencia. Anti-Europeanism, populism and European integration in a historical perspective / Evropská unie a Středomoří : role Španělska a Francie / The size of government : measurement, methodology and official statistics / European Integration : Sharing of Experiences. The borders of the European Union in a conflictual world : interdisciplinary European studies / How the EU really works / The European Union after Lisbon polity, politics, policy / European policy analysis The Democratisation of the European Union Towards a New EU Convention. The European Union and the United Nations in Global Governance / Lessons from Europe? : What Americans Can Learn from European Public Policies / |
155 |
JN30* | Building EU regulatory capacity : the work of under-resourced agencies in the European Union / | 1 |
JN30 .A13 1997 | 9 May, Europe Day : building Europe together / | 1 |
JN30 .A14 1997 | The politics of European Treaty reform : the 1996 Intergovernmental Conference and beyond / | 1 |
JN30 .A15 1996 | Reflection Group report and other references for documentary purposes : Brussels, December 1995 / | 1 |
JN30.A2 C661 | Consolidated texts of community legislation / | 1 |
JN30 .A34 2017 | Russia's impact on EU policy transfer to the post-aoviet space : the contested neighborhood / | 1 |
JN30 .A37 2004 | After national democracy : rights, law and power in America and the new Europe / | 1 |
JN30 .A38 2007eb |
Europäische Union ohne Grenzen? / Europäische Union ohne Grenzen? / |
2 |
JN30 .A624 2021 | Ever closer union? : Europe in the west / | 1 |
JN30 .A625 2009 | The new old world / | 1 |
JN30 .A6457 2024 | Anti-Europeanism, populism and European integration in a historical perspective / | 1 |
JN30 .A73 2008eb | The European Union | 1 |
JN30 .A84 1998 | The enlargement of the European Union / | 1 |
JN30 .B33 1998 | The politics of European Union regional policy : multi-level governance or flexible gatekeeping? / | 1 |
JN30 .B37 1995 | The enlarged European Union / | 1 |