Call Number (LC) Title Results
JK2063 .A513 1968 Nomination and election of the President and Vice President of the United States, including the manner of selecting delegates to national political conventions / 1
JK2063 .A513 1972 Nomination and election of the President and Vice President of the United States, including the manner of selecting delegates to national political conventions / 1
JK2063 .A513 Suppl., 1972 Nomination and election of the President and Vice President of the United States : including the manner of selecting delegates to National political conventions. Supplement / 1
JK2063 .M55 1988 Without consent : mass-elite linkages in presidential politics / 2
JK2063 .M61 Nominating systems : direct primaries versus conventions in the United States. 1
JK2063.S44 2011 Too Young to Run? A Proposal for an Age Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. 1
JK2063 .U55 1955i Regulating the election of delegates representing the District of Columbia to national political conventions "Regulating the Election of Delegates Representing the District of Columbia to National Political Conventions P.L. 376 -- 84th Cong., Ch. 862 -- 1st Sess. 1
JK2071 .A14 2021 The 2020 Democratic Primary : key developments, dynamics, and lessons for 2024 / 1
JK2071 .A44 1944i The double primary 1
JK2071 .A58 2015eb Nonpartisan primary election reform : mitigating mischief / 1
JK2071 .B63 2014 Congressional primary elections / 1
JK2071 .B64 2024 Reform and retrenchment : a century of efforts to fix primary elections / 2
JK2071 .B873 2019 The Rules and Politics of American Primaries 1
JK2071 .C63 2001 Congressional primaries and the politics of representation / 1
JK2071 .C69 2024 Party transformation in congressional primaries : faction and ideology in the twenty-first century / 1
JK2071 .H37 2018 The party's primary : control of congressional nominations / 2
JK2071 .H57 2019 Primary Elections in the United States /
Primary elections in the United States /
JK2071 .K56 2017 Unfolding ambition in Senate primary elections : strategic politicians and the dynamics of candidacy decisions / 1
JK2071 .L44 2019 Analyzing the 2016 Republican primary using a Tobit model / 1
JK2071 .M39 2004eb The front-loading problem in presidential nominations / 1