Call Number (LC) Title Results
JF60 .E38 Traditional patrimonialism and modern neopatrimonialism
Traditional patrimonialism and modern neopatrimonialism /
JF60 .E73 1991 Management dimensions of development : perspectives and strategies / 2
JF60 .E97 2016 Development and the state in the 21st century : tackling the challenges facing the developing world / 1
JF60 .F3313 2012 Democracy at large NGOs, political foundations, think tanks and international organizations / 1
JF60 .F54 1971 Political development and social change / 1
JF60 .F7 Frontiers of development administration
Frontiers of development administration /
JF60 .F87 1994 The new ideology of imperialism : renewing the moral imperative / 2
JF60 .G35 The developing nations : a comparative perspective / 1
JF60 .G36 Development administration : concepts, goals, methods / 1
JF60 .G46 1985 Managing political change : social scientists and the Third World / 1
JF60 .G46 2017eb Development against democracy : manipulating political change in the third world / 1
JF60 .G49 1997 Getting good government : capacity building in the public sectors of developing countries / 2
JF60 .G58 1993 Global transformation and the Third World / 1
JF60 .G68 2000 Governance, development and globalization : a tribute to Lawrence Tshuma / 1
JF60 .G6875 2002 Governance and developing countries / 1
JF60 .G69 2007eb Governance in post-conflict societies : rebuilding fragile states / 1
JF60 .G695 2017 Governance, resistance and the post-colonial state : management and state building social movements / 1
JF60 .G74 2003 Comparative politics of the third world : linking concepts and cases / 1
JF60 .G74 2017 Comparative politics of the global South : linking concepts and cases / 1
JF60 .G8413 The world guide : a view from the south. 1