Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
JC578 |
Critical criminology Gerechtigkeit und Unparteilichkeit : eine Orientierung. Civility, Nonviolent Resistance, and the New Struggle for Social Justice / International justice and the Third World : studies in the philosophy of development / The justice facade : trials of transition in Cambodia / The quest for equality in freedom / Memory, historic injustice, and responsibility / Justice and the politics of difference / Constitutive justice / Egalitarianism and global justice : from a relational perspective / Teoría de la justicia / Justice and egalitarianism : formal and substantive equality in some recent theories of justice / QUE ES LA JUSTICIA? una defensa del bien comun desde la teoria economica de la justicia distributiva. LIBERAL NEUTRALITY. Justice Global justice : critical perspectives / Reimagining administrative justice human rights in small places / The tyranny of the ideal : justice in a diverse society / Equity and justice in developmental science : theoretical and methodological issues / Justicia transicional y derecho penal internacional / Sovereign justice : global justice in a world of nations / Recognizing Resentment Justice as right actions : an original theory of justice in conversation with major contemporary accounts / Justice for all : making a better world / African truth commissions and transitional justice / LOS ROSTROS DE LA INJUSTICIA. Justice, political liberalism, and utilitarianism : themes from Harsanyi and Rawls / Meeting Needs A perfectionist theory of justice / Rawls's egalitarianism / John Rawls : reticent socialist / Spravedlnost: Co je správné dělat. Conventionele overgang van ondernemingen : Tweede herziene editie. Epistemic injustice and violence : exploring knowledge, power, and participation in philosophy and beyond / Sovereign justice global justice in a world of nations / Bits and atoms : information and communication technology in areas of limited statehood / Democratic justice and the social contract / Researching Justice : Engaging with Questions and Spaces of Justice through Social Research La justice et le droit (Fiche notion) : - Comprendre la philosophie. |
42 |
JC578 .A34 2007 | Justice and public administration / | 1 |
JC578 .A34 2007eb | Justice and public administration / | 1 |
JC578 .A44 | Affirmative action : the answer to discrimination? : An AEI Round Table held on May 28, 1975, at the American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, Washington, D.C. / | 2 |
JC578 .A44 2008 | Capabilities and social justice : the political philosophy of Amartya Sen and Martha Nussbaum / | 1 |
JC578 .A485 2009 |
Waging War, Making Peace : Reparations and Human Rights. Waging war, making peace : reparations and human rights / |
2 |
JC578 .A485 2009eb | Waging war, making peace reparations and human rights / | 1 |
JC578 .A538 | La justice / | 1 |
JC578 .A54 | Justice / | 1 |
JC578 .A73 2016 | Apology and Reconciliation in International Relations : the Importance of Being Sorry. | 2 |
JC578 .A93 2007 | John Rawls / | 1 |
JC578 .A94 1995 | Unto the thousandth generation : conceptualizing intergenerational justice / | 2 |
JC578 .B35 2012 | Perfecting justice in Rawls, Habermas and Honneth : a deconstructive perspective / | 1 |
JC578 .B355 2014 | Justice and Peace in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict | 1 |
JC578 .B36 | The liberal theory of justice ; a critical examination of the principal doctrines in A Theory of Justice by John Rawls / | 1 |
JC578 .B37 1989 v. 1 | Theories of justice / | 1 |
JC578 .B37 1989 v. 2 | Justice as impartiality / | 1 |
JC578 .B37 1989 vol. 2 | Justice as impartiality / | 2 |
JC578 .B37 2015 | Constitutive justice / | 1 |
JC578.B373 I45 1998 | Impartiality, neutrality and justice : re-reading Brian Barry's Justice as impartiality / | 1 |