Call Number (LC) Title Results
JC480 .G584 2018 Research, ethics and risk in the authoritarian field / 1
JC480 .G584 2018eb Research, ethics and risk in the authoritarian field / 1
JC480 .G69 2020 Vanguardism : ideology and organization in totalitarian politics / 2
JC480 .G74 2009 Marxism, fascism, and totalitarianism : chapters in the intellectual history of radicalism / 2
JC480 .G745 2012 Totalitarianism and political religion : an intellectual history / 1
JC480.G745 2012 Totalitarianism and Political Religion : an Intellectual History. 1
JC480 .G86 2022 Spin Dictators : the Changing Face of Tyranny in the 21st Century /
Spin dictators : the changing face of tyranny in the 21st century /
JC480 .H35 1999 Totalitarianism and the modern conception of politics / 1
JC480 .H35 1999eb Totalitarianism and the Modern Conception of Politics /
Totalitarianism and the modern conception of politics /
JC480 .H37 2001 Die Herrschaft der Gleichen : Masse und totalitäre Herrschaft : eine kritische Überprüfung der Texte von Georg Simmel, Hermann Broch, Elias Canetti und Hannah Arendt / 1
JC480 .H47 2013 Authoritarian landscapes popular mobilization and the institutional sources of resilience in nondemocracies / 1
JC480 .J67 2020 Authoritarianism and how to counter it / 1
JC480 .K35 2003 Open networks, closed regimes : the impact of the Internet on authoritarian rule / 1
JC480 .K36 2010 Freedom for sale : why the world is trading democracy for security / 1
JC480 .K36 2010eb Freedom for sale : why the world is trading democracy for security / 1
JC480 .K43 2020eb The new despotism / 2
JC480 .K587 2002 Totalistic organizations : from Mafia to global terror / 1
JC480 .K75 2017 Kritika totalitarnogo opyta : kollektivnai︠a︡ monografii︠a︡ / 1
JC480 .L39 2022 Law and illiberalism / 1
JC480 .L45 2010 Competitive authoritarianism : hybrid regimes after the Cold War / 1