Call Number (LC) Title Results
JC481 .A6 1958 The origins of totalitarianism. 1
JC481 .A6 1966 The origins of totalitarianism. 1
JC481 .A615 1955 Elemente und Ursprünge totaler Herrschaft / 1
JC481 .A62 The origins of totalitarianism. 1
JC481 .A62 1973 The origins of totalitarianism. 1
JC481 .A66 1947 Capitalismo, comunismo, cristianismo. 1
JC481 .A74 1958i The origins of totalitarianism 1
JC481 .A86 1990 The Attractions of fascism : social psychology and aesthetics of the "triumph of the right" / 1
JC481 .A915 Authoritarian politics in modern society : the dynamics of established one-party systems / 2
JC481 .B213 2010 Faschismus als Bewegung und Regime : Italien und Deutschland im Vergleich / 1
JC481 .B32 The fascist: his state and his mind / 1
JC481 .B37 1937i The fascist his state and his mind / 1
JC481 .B4 1939 Be on your guard! : how fascists work. 1
JC481 .B418 1985 Beyond 1984 : the Vassar symposium / 1
JC481 .B48 2020 Beyond the fascist century : essays in honour of Roger Griffin / 1
JC481 .B523 2020 Versuche über den Nationalsozialismus / 1
JC481 .B524 2018 Fascism old and new : American politics at the crossroads / 2
JC481 .B694 2024 Understanding and countering fascist movements : from void to hope / 1
JC481 .B72 1991 The faces of fraternalism : Nazi Germany, fascist Italy, and imperial Japan / 1
JC481 .B73 2017 Antifa : the anti-fascist handbook / 1