Call Number (LC) Title Results
I 53.2:F 52/11 Oregon/Washington fish and wildlife 2000 : a vision for the future. 1
I 53.2:F 52/13 Watchable wildlife. 1
I 53.2:F 52/14 Nongame migratory bird habitat conservation strategy plan / 1
I 53.2:F 52/15 Watchable wildlife / 1
I 53.2:F 52/16 Desert tortoise habitat management / 1
I 53.2:F 52/17 Fisheries habitat management on public lands : a strategy for the future / 1
I 53.2:F 52/18 Designing our future : Arizona Fish and Wildlife 2000. 1
I 53.2:F 52/19 Upland game bird habitat management : on the rise. 1
I 53.2:F 52/20 Resident fish habitat management / 1
I 53.2:F 52/21 Strategy plan for training personnel in BLM's wildlife, fisheries, and special status plants program / 1
I 53.2:F 52/22 Big game habitat management. 1
I 53.2:F 52/23 WETT, waterfowl environments today and tomorrow / 1
I 53.2:F 52/24 Mountain sheep ecosystem management strategy in the 11 western states and Alaska. 1
I 53.2:F 52/25/ Fish and wildlife plan for Colorado, biennial report of accomplishments 1
I 53.2:F 52/26 Management of anadromous fish habitat on public lands : including sustainable management concepts, and status and trends in Alaska, coastal and Columbia regions / 1
I 53.2:F 52/27 Proceedings of the 50th annual Pacific northwest fish culture conference a proud past--a golden future : December 7-9, 1999, Renaissance Madison Hotel, Seattle, Washington. 1
I 53.2:F 52/990 Fish and wildlife 2000 : a plan for the future. 1
I 53.2:F 53 Fisheries habitat management on public lands : a strategy for the future / 1
I 53.2:F 53/2 Anadromous fish habitat management on public lands : a strategy for the future / 1
I 53.2:F 53/4 Wyoming, fishing opportunities : northeast and central. 1