I 19.76:87-543
Data-collection methods and data summary for the assessment of water quality in Cedar Creek, west-central Illinois |
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I 19.76:87-547
Estimates of dissolved solids and major dissolved constituents for 70 streamflow-gaging stations in the Upper Colorado River Basin, Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming |
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I 19.76:87-548
Hydrologic data for computation of sediment discharge : Toutle and North Fork Toutle rivers near Mount St. Helens, Washington, water years 1980-84 / |
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I 19.76:87-551
Summary of well construction, testing, and preliminary findings from the Alligator Alley test well, Broward County, Florida |
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I 19.76:87-553
Discharge and suspended-sediment data for the lower Atchafalaya River, Atchafalaya Bay, and Wax Lake outlet, Louisiana, 1980-82 |
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I 19.76:87-554
Documentation for a digital computer model of nutrient and dissolved-oxygen transport in the Truckee River and Truckee Canal downstream for Reno, Nevada |
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I 19.76:87-555
Aggradation and degradation of alluvial sand deposits, 1965 to 1986, Colorado River, Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona |
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I 19.76:87-558
Distribution and variability of precipitation chemistry in the conterminous United States, January through December 1983 |
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I 19.76:87-560
Geology of the Devils Hole area, Nevada |
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I 19.76:87-561
Aggradation and degradation of alluvial sand deposits, 1965 to 1986, Colorado River, Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona executive summary / |
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I 19.76:87-562
Accumulation of selenium in benthic bivalves and fine-grained sediments of San Francisco Bay, the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, and selected tributaries, 1984-1986 |
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I 19.76:87-565
Data on surface-water quality and quantity, Lower Edgewood Creek Basin, Douglas County, Nevada, 1984-85 |
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I 19.76:87-568
Characteristics and trends of streamflow and dissolved solids in the upper Colorado River Basin, Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming / |
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I 19.76:87-571
Regional study of the Castle Hayne aquifer of eastern North Carolina |
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I 19.76:87-572
Drainage areas in the James River Basin in eastern South Dakota |
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I 19.76:87-573
Character and evolution of the ground-water flow system in the central part of the western San Joaquin Valley, California |
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I 19.76:87-576
The influence of hydraulics on boat trajectories and boating accidents on the Colorado River, Grand Canyon, Arizona |
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I 19.76:87-577
Selected bibliography of epithermal precious metal mineralization for the IUGS/UNESCO Deposit Modeling Workshop Hydrothermal Systems in Volcanic Centers |
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I 19.76:87-578
Preliminary isoseismal map and intensity distribution for the southeastern Illinois earthquake of June 10, 1987 |
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I 19.76:87-579
GLORIA study of the exclusive economic zone off Alaska -- southern Bering Sea (Bowers Basin), initial report for cruise Fl-87-BS 28 June to 27 July 1987 / |
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