I 19.76:83-906
Underwater gravity meter survey of San Francisco and San Pablo Bays, California, 1982 |
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I 19.76:83-907
Underground geologic maps of the Golden Wonder Mine, Lake City, Hinsdale County, Colorado |
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I 19.76:83-908
Structural control of breccia pipes on the southern Marble Plateau, Arizona |
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I 19.76:83-910
Inversion results of time-domain electromagnetic soundings near Medicine Lake, California |
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I 19.76:83-911
Empirical predictive curves for resistivity and dielectric constant of earth materials 100 Hz to 100 MHz / |
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I 19.76:83-913
A program in Hewlett-Packard BASIC for calculation of CIPW normative minerals using HP-Series 80 computers and VISICALC electronic worksheet |
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I 19.76:83-914
The effects of water content and water resistivity on the dispersion of resistivity and dielectric constant in quartz sand in the frequency range 10² to 10⁸ Hz |
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I 19.76:83-915
Electrical and magnetic properties of rock and soil |
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I 19.76:83-916
Paleomagnetic results from seven Middle Paleozoic plutons in the Appalachian Piedmont of North and South Carolina |
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I 19.76:83-917
Sketches of a hammer-impact, spiked-base, shear-wave source |
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I 19.76:83-918
Summaries of technical reports, volume XVII |
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I 19.76:83-919
Location and names of basins in the conterminous United States |
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I 19.76:83-920
Total thickness of sedimentary rocks in the conterminous United States |
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I 19.76:83-921
Wells drilled for oil and gas deeper than 15,000 feet in the conterminous United States and offshore |
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I 19.76:83-922
Wells drilled for oil and gas deeper than 20,000 feet in the conterminous United States and offshore |
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I 19.76:83-923
A program in Hewlett-Packard BASIC for calculation of mesonormative minerals using HP-series 80 computers and VISICALC electronic worksheet |
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I 19.76:83-924
Mineral resource assessment of the Silver City 1⁰x 2⁰ quadrangle, New Mexico-Arizona |
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I 19.76:83-925
Analytical data report for a pilot-study of twenty stream-sediment, heavy-mineral concentrate, and rock samples from the Sangre de Cristo Wilderness Study Area, south-central Colorado |
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I 19.76:83-926
Geologic and hydrologic data collected during 1976-1984 at the Sheffield low-level radioactive-waste disposal site and adjacent areas, Sheffield, Illinois |
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I 19.76:83-927
Maximum known stages and discharges of New York streams through September 1983 |
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