Call Number (LC) Title Results
I 19.76:2012-1197 Sampling and analysis plan for the characterization of groundwater quality in two monitoring wells near Pavillion, Wyoming / 1
I 19.76:2012-1198 Field survey and damage assessment of the Mineral, Virginia, earthquake of August 23, 2011 / 1
I 19.76:2012-1199 Hydrological information products for the Off-Project Water Program of the Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement / 1
I 19.76:2012-1200 Survival and migration route probabilities of juvenile Chinook salmon in the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta during the winter of 2009-10 / 1
I 19.76:2012-1201 Geophysical investigation of sentinel lakes in Lake, Seminole, Orange, and Volusia Counties, Florida / 1
I 19.76:2012-1202 Flood of August 11-16, 2010, in the South Skunk River Basin, central and southeast Iowa / 1
I 19.76:2012-1203 Biotic, water-quality, and hydrologic metrics calculated for the analysis of temporal trends in National Water Quality Assessment Program data in the western United States / 1
I 19.76:2012-1204 Landslides in Colorado, USA : impacts and loss estimation for 2010 / 1
I 19.76:2012-1205 Coal fields of the conterminous United States : national coal resource resource assessment updated version / 1
I 19.76:2012-1206 Evaluation of simulations to understand effects of groundwater development and artificial recharge on the surface water and riparian vegetation, Sierra Vista subwatershed, Upper San Pedro Basin, Arizona / 1
I 19.76:2012-1207 Geophysical studies in the vicinity of Blue Mountain and Pumpernickel Valley near Winnemucca, north-central Nevada / 1
I 19.76:2012-1208 Water-quality data of lakes and wetlands in the Yukon Flats, Alaska, 2007-2009 / 1
I 19.76:2012-1209 Structures data collection for The National Map using volunteered geographic information 1
I 19.76:2012-1210 2008 joint United States-Canadian program to explore the limits of the extended continental shelf abroad U.S. Coast Guard cutter Healy, cruise HLY0806 : September 5-October 1, 2008, barrow to barrow, Alaska / 1
I 19.76:2012-1211 Ecological context for the North Pacific Landscape Conservation Cooperative / 1
I 19.76:2012-1212 Surface-Water Radon-222 distribution along the West-Central Florida Shelf / 1
I 19.76:2012-1213 Toxicity, sublethal effects, and potential modes of action of select fungicides on freshwater fish and invertebrates 1
I 19.76:2012-1215 Remote sensing survey of Chinese tallow tree in the Toledo Bend Reservoir area, Louisiana and Texas / 1
I 19.76:2012-1216 Proceedings of the Workshop on Alternative Futures : accounting for the growth in the Chesapeake Bay watershed, Baltimore, Maryland, September 15, 2011 / 1
I 19.76:2012-1217 Quaternary geologic map of the Glasgow 1°x2° quadrangle, Montana / 1