Call Number (LC) Title Results
I 19.42/4:02-4081 Simulation of ground-water flow in the Silurian-Devonian aquifer, Cedar Falls, Iowa / 2
I 19.42/4:02-4082 Water quality and aquatic communities of upland wetlands, Cumberland Island National Seashore, Georgia, April 1999 to July 2000 /
Water quality and aquatic communities of upland wetlands, Cumberland Island National Seashore, Georgia, April 1999 to July 2000
I 19.42/4:02-4083 Water quality of the Mississippian carbonate aquifer in parts of middle Tennessee and northern Alabama, 1999 /
Water quality of the Mississippian carbonate aquifer in parts of middle Tennessee and northern Alabama, 1999
I 19.42/4:02-4084 Occurrence and temporal variability of methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) and other volatile organic compounds in select sources of drinking water : results of the focused survey / 1
I 19.42/4:02-4085 Occurrence and status of volatile organic compounds in ground water from rural, untreated, self-supplied domestic wells in the United States, 1986-99 / 1
I 19.42/4:02-4086 Testing the sensitivity of pumpage to increases in surficial aquifer system heads in the Cypress Creek well-field area, West-Central Florida an optimization technique / 1
I 19.42/4:02-4087 Elemental chemistry of streambed sediments of the St. Croix River basin, 2000 /
Elemental chemistry of streambed sediments of the St. Croix River Basin, 2000
I 19.42/4:02-4088 Louisiana ground-water map no. 14 : potentiometric surface, January 2001, and water-level changes, June 2000 to January 2001, of the Chicot Aquifer system in southwestern Louisiana /
Louisiana ground-water map no. 14 potentiometric surface, January 2001, and water-level changes, June 2000 to January 2001, of the Chicot Aquifer system in southwestern Louisiana /
I 19.42/4:02-4089 Trace elements and organic compounds in bed sediment from selected streams in southern Louisiana, 1998 / 1
I 19.42/4:02-4090 Rainfall-runoff characteristics and effects of increased urban density on streamflow and infiltration in the eastern part of the San Jacinto River Basin, Riverside County, California / 1
I 19.42/4:02-4091 Hydrogeology and ground-water-flow simulation of the Cave Springs area, Hixson, Tennessee /
Hydrogeology and ground-water-flow simulation of the Cave Springs area, Hixson, Tennessee
I 19.42/4:02-4092 Estimates of recharge to unconfined aquifers and leakage to confined aquifers in the seven-county metropolitan area of Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minnesota /
Estimates of recharge to unconfined aquifers and leakage to confined aquifers in the seven-county metropolitan area of Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minnesota
I 19.42/4:02-4093 Characterization and analysis of temporal and spatial variations in habitat and macroinvertebrate community structure, Fountain Creek basin, Colorado Springs and vicinity, Colorado, 1998-2001 / 1
I 19.42/4:02-4094 Hydrology of the Black Hills Area, South Dakota / 1
I 19.42/4:02-4095 Historic and unregulated monthly streamflow for selected sites in the Red River of the North Basin in North Dakota, Minnesota, and South Dakota, 1931-99 /
Historic and unregulated monthly streamflow for selected sites in the Red River of the North Basin in North Dakota, Minnesota, and South Dakota, 1931-99
I 19.42/4:02-4096 Ground-water monitoring plan, water quality, and variability of agricultural chemicals in the Missouri River alluvial aquifer near the city of Independence, Missouri, well field, 1998-2000 / 1
I 19.42/4:02-4097 Pesticides in surface water in the lower Illinois River Basin, 1996-98 /
Pesticides in surface water in the lower Illinois River Basin, 1996-98
I 19.42/4:02-4098 Sediment characteristics and configuration within three dam impoundments on the Kalamazoo River, Michigan, 2000 1
I 19.42/4:02-4099 Sparta, New Jersey, flood of August 11-14, 2000 /
Sparta, New Jersey, flood of August 11-14, 2000
I 19.42/4:02-4100 Atmospheric transport of pesticides in the Sacramento, California, metropolitan area, 1996-1997 1