Call Number (LC) Title Results
I 19.4/2:1339 Coastal change along the shore of northeastern South Carolina the South Carolina coastal erosion study / 1
I 19.4/2:1340 Effects of water-management strategies on water resources in the Pawcatuck River Basin, southwestern Rhode Island and southeastern Connecticut 1
I 19.4/2:1341 History of the Topographic Branch (Division) / 1
I 19.4/2:1343 Evolution of Ore Deposits and Technology Transfer Project isotope and chemical methods in support of the U.S. Geological Survey Science Strategy, 2003-2008 / 1
I 19.4/2:1344 Estimated use of water in the United States in 2005 1
I 19.4/2:1346 Quality of water from public-supply wells in the United States, 1993-2007 : overview of major findings / 1
I 19.4/2:1347 Water--the nation's fundamental climate issue : a white paper on the U.S. Geological Survey role and capabilities /
Water--the nation's fundamental climate issue a white paper on the U.S. Geological Survey role and capabilities /
I 19.4/2:1348 Integrating science and resource management in Tampa Bay, Florida 1
I 19.4/2:1349 The geologic story of Colorado's Sangre de Cristo range a description of the rocks and landscapes of the Sangre de Cristo range and the forces that formed them / 1
I 19.4/2:1350 Nutrients in the nation's streams and groundwater, 1992-2004 / 1
I 19.4/2:1351 Protocols for geologic hazards response by the Yellowstone Volcano Observatory / 1
I 19.4/2:1352 Water quality in the glacial aquifer system, northern United States, 1993-2009 / 1
I 19.4/2:1353 Water quality in the Northern Atlantic coastal plain surficial aquifer system, Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, and Virginia, 1988-2009 / 1
I 19.4/2:1354 Water quality in the principal aquifers of the Piedmont, Blue Ridge, and Valley and Ridge regions, eastern United States, 1993-2009 / 1
I 19.4/2:1355 Water quality in the upper Floridan aquifer and overlying surficial aquifers, Southeastern United States, 1993-2010 / 1
I 19.4/2:1356 Water quality in the Mississippi Embayment : Texas coastal uplands aquifer system and Mississippi River Valley alluvial aquifer, south-central United States, 1994-2008 / 1
I 19.4/2:1357 Water quality in the Denver Basin aquifer system, Colorado, 2003-05 / 1
I 19.4/2:1358 Water quality in basin-fill aquifers of the southwestern United States : Arizona, California, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, and Utah, 1993-2009 / 1
I 19.4/2:1359 Groundwater quality in the Columbia Plateau and Snake River Plain basin-fill and basaltic-rock aquifers and the Hawaiian volcanic-rock aquifers, Washington, Idaho, and Hawaii, 1993-2005 / 1
I 19.4/2:1360 Water quality in principal aquifers of the United States, 1991-2010 / 1