I 19.127:2008-3038
Providing data and modeling to help manage water supplies |
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I 19.127:2008-3039
Science to help understand and manage important ground-water resources |
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I 19.127:2008-3040
Multi-disciplinary approach to trace contamination of streams and beaches |
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I 19.127:2008-3041
Pacific walrus response to Arctic sea ice losses |
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I 19.127:2008-3043
USGS research helps the County of Los Angeles address new arsenic standards |
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I 19.127:2008-3044
Impacts of low-flow and stream-temperature changes on endangered Atlantic salmon current research / |
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I 19.127:2008-3045
Space acquired photography |
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I 19.127:2008-3046
Detecting evidence of climate change in the forests of the eastern United States |
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I 19.127:2008-3047
Bed-material entrainment and associated transportation infrastructure problems in streams of the Edwards Plateau, central Texas |
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I 19.127:2008-3049
Circum-Arctic Resource Appraisal estimates of undiscovered oil and gas north of the Arctic Circle / |
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I 19.127:2008-3050
Assessment of undiscovered oil and gas resources of the Bighorn Basin Province, Wyoming and Montana, 2008 |
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I 19.127:2008-3051
Assessment of undiscovered oil and gas resources of the Timan-Pechora Basin Province, Russia, 2008 |
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I 19.127:2008-3052
Advanced remote sensing research |
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I 19.127:2008-3053
Prehistoric packrats piled up clues to climate change |
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I 19.127:2008-3054
Declassified intelligence satellite photographs |
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I 19.127:2008-3055
Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center who we are and what we do. |
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I 19.127:2008-3056
A landscape indicator approach to the identification and articulation of the ecological consequences of land cover change in the Chesapeake Bay watershed, 1970-2000 |
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I 19.127:2008-3057
Florida Integrated Science Center (FISC) coral reef research |
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I 19.127:2008-3058
Coral diseases following massive bleaching in 2005 cause 60 percent decline in coral cover and mortality of the threatened species, Acropora palmata, on reefs in the U.S. Virgin Islands |
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I 19.127:2008-3059
Streamflow characteristics of streams in the Helmand Basin, Afghanistan |
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