Call Number (LC) Title Results
HX73 .A42 1981 Marxism and socialist theory / 1
HX73 .A4354 2001 Maoism in the developed world / 1
HX73 .A48 2022 Communism, political power and personal freedom in Marx : beyond the "dualism of the realms" / 1
HX73 .A53 1989 Analyzing Marxism : new essays on analytical Marxism / 1
HX73 .A84 2016 Socialist optimism : an alternative political economy for the twenty-first century / 2
HX73 .A88 2005 Marxism and the call of the future : conversations on ethics, history, and politics / 1
HX73 .B3235 2018 Democratic eco-socialism as a real utopia : transitioning into an alternative world system / 2
HX73 .B423 2020 Arguing with socialists / 1
HX73 .B64 2019 Marxism and intersectionality : race, gender, class and sexuality under contemporary capitalism / 1
HX73 .B64 2021 Friedrich Engels and the foundations of socialist governance / 1
HX73 .B65 2020 Socialism -- the tragedy of an idea : possible? inevitable? desirable? / 1
HX73 .B688 2007 Post-Marxism versus cultural studies : theory, politics and intervention / 1
HX73 .B688 2007eb Post-Marxism versus cultural studies : theory, politics and intervention / 3
HX73 .B7 1987 Brassey's Soviet and communist quotations / 1
HX73 .B75 2004 For workers' power : the selected writings of Maurice Brinton / 1
HX73 .B76 1990 Socialism unbound / 1
HX73 .B76 2001 Socialism unbound / 1
HX73 .B875 2000 Democratic socialism : a global survey / 1
HX73 .C36 1985 Marxism : the science of society, an introduction / 1
HX73 .C43 2021eb Socialism in Marx's capital towards a dealienated world / 1