Call Number (LC) Title Results
HV6626.23.S7 ebook El cuerpo robado violencia y rebelión en tierra de mafia /
Violencia de género y cooperación universitaria al desarrollo /
Estudios de política criminal : (a propósito de colectivos que soportan el peso de una violencia estructural) /
La violencia filio-parental y la reinserción del menor infractor : consideraciones penales y criminológicas /
HV6626.23.S7 R85 2016eb Francisca de Pedraza : mujer, madre, esposa ... maltratada : el divorcio de Francisca de Pedraza, 1614-1624 / 2
HV6626.23.S7 R85 2019eb Francisca de Pedraza : o el triunfo de una mujer del Siglo de Oro frente a la violencia machista / 1
HV6626.23.S8 E44 1996 Sexual subordination and state intervention : comparing Sweden and the United States / 1
HV6626.23.S8 H93 1994 Woman battering as marital act : the construction of a violent marriage / 2
HV6626.23.T9 Business against intimate partner violence : a case of participatory action research and social action / 1
HV6626.23.T9 A44 2017eb Patriarchal Theory Reconsidered : Torture and Gender-Based Violence in Turkey / 1
HV6626.23.U38 F538 2015eb Preventing intimate partner violence in Uganda, Kenya, and Tanzania : summary of a joint workshop by the Institute of Medicine, the National Research Council, and the Uganda National Academy of Sciences / 1
HV6626.23 ebook Las fronteras del sentido : filosofía y crítica de la violencia / 1
HV6626.3 Sexual violence against older people /
Elder abuse : therapeutic perspectives in practice /
Elder Abuse and Neglect : Causes, Diagnosis, and Interventional Strategies.
Elder justice : a roadmap for preventing and combating elder abuse /
Elder abuse and neglect : annotated bibliographies /
Elder abuse and its prevention : workshop summary /
Elder Abuse Forensic, Legal and Medical Aspects /
Advances in elder abuse research practice, legislation and policy /
Elder abuse : research, practice and policy /
International handbook of elder abuse and mistreatment
Contesting elder abuse and neglect : ageism, risk, and the rhetoric of rights in the mistreatment of older people /
HV6626.3 .A28 1988 Abuse of the elderly : issues and annotated bibliography / 1
HV6626.3 .A287 1996 The abuse of care in residential institutions / 1
HV6626.3.A29 2011 Abuse, Exploitation, and Neglect of Seniors and Incapacitated Adults. 1
HV6626.3 .A35 2010 Aging, ageism and abuse moving from awareness to action / 1
HV6626.3 .A4 1993 Adult protective services : research and practice / 1
HV6626.3 .A57 1996 Gender issues in elder abuse / 1
HV6626.3 .A84 2014 Safeguarding older people from abuse : critical contexts to policy and practice / 2
HV6626.3 .B36 2014 Intimate violence across the lifespan interpersonal, familial, and cross-generational perspectives / 1
HV6626.3 .B376 2019 The straightforward guide to safeguarding adults : from getting the basics right to applying the care act and criminal investigations / 1
HV6626.3 .B43 2022 Elderly sexual abuse : theory, research, and practice / 1