Call Number (LC) Title Results
HV6626 Violence against women during coronavirus : when staying home isn't safe /
Domestic violence and criminal justice /
Voces de lo Invisible : comisárias de familia y casos de violencias de pareja /
Building financial empowerment for survivors of domestic violence : a path to hope and freedom /
Domestic violence : the five big questions /
Violence in families : integrating research into practice /
Hope /
Romantic terrorism : an auto-ethnography of domestic violence, victimization and survival /
Intimate partner violence, risk and security : securing women's lives in a global world /
Adolescent-to-parent violence and abuse : applying research to policy and practice /
Intimate warfare : regarding the fragility of family relations /
Domestic Violence as State Crime : a Feminist Framework for Challenge and Change.
Violence within the family : social psychological perspectives /
Towards a global femicide index counting the costs /
Helping children learn about domestic abuse and coercive control : a professional guide /
Challenging global gender violence : the global clothesline project /
The intersections of family violence and sexual offending /
Nature and culture in intimate partner violence : sex, love and equality /
Dynamics of family and intimate partner violence
Solidarity and defiant spirituality : Africana lessons on religion, racism, and ending gender violence /
Handbook of interpersonal violence and abuse across the lifespan a project of the National Partnership to End Interpersonal Violence across the lifespan (NPEIV) /
The SAGE handbook of domestic violence /
Adolescent-to-parent violence and abuse applying research to policy and practice /
Domestic violence and psychology : critical perspectives on intimate partner violence and abuse /
Working with domestic violence : contexts and frameworks for practice /
It's my life now : starting over after an abusive relationship /
Global responses to domestic violence /
Intimate Partner Violence Effective Procedure, Response and Policy.
Family violence : explanations and evidence-based clinical practice /
Chasing Strategic Success.
Social and Economic Costs of Violence : Workshop Summary /
Pitiful Criminals.
La violencia en la familia
Overcoming conflicting loyalties : intimate partner violence, community resources and faith /
Domestic abuse, homicide and gender : strategies for policy and practice /
Triumph over abuse : healing, recovery, and purpose after an abusive relationship /
Preventing intimate partner violence : interdisciplinary perspectives /
Domestic Violence and Mental Health.
El papel del estado frente a la lucha contra la violencia doméstica e intrafamiliar hacia la mujer La importancia de la aplicación de buenas prácticas jurídicas y sociales en las politicas publicas.
El lenguaje restaurativo valoracion de su potencial educativo contra la violencia de genero.
Illuminating the Dark Side
Domestic and family violence : a critical introduction to knowledge and practice /
Preventing domestic homicides lessons learned from tragedies /
Overcoming the stigma of intimate partner abuse /
Working with client experiences of domestic abuse : a handbook for counsellors, psychotherapists, and other mental health professionals /
A restorative approach to family violence : feminist kin-making /
The Prism of Human Rights : Seeking Justice amid Gender Violence in Rural Ecuador.
Survivor Rhetoric Negotiations and Narrativity in Abused Women's Language
Social work and intimate partner violence /
The sexual politics of gendered violence and women's citizenship /
Partner violence : risk factors, therapeutic interventions and psychological impact /
La violencia en la familia.
POLICING 'DOMESTIC' VIOLENCE women, the law and the state.
Intimate partner violence and the LGBT+ community understanding power dynamics /
Coercive control : the entrapment of women in personal life /
A phenomenological study : ten steps in writing a dissertation related to intimate partner violence /
Domestic violence, family law and school : children's right to participation, protection and provision /
Voices of intimate partner homicide : an exploration of coercive control and lethality /
Women's experiences of mothering in the context of domestic violence : a participative study /
Researching domestic abuse and sexual violence : critical perspectives for student-practitioner researchers /
Children and adolescent's experiences of violence and abuse at home : current theory, research and practitioner insights /
Domestic abuse safety planning with young children : a professional guide /
Marriage, Bible, violence : intersections and impacts /
Pilgrim's bumpy flight /
Men's experiences of violence in intimate relationships /
HV6626 .A158 2007eb Rebuilding lives after domestic violence : understanding long-term outcomes / 1
HV6626 .A16 2007 Supporting women after domestic violence : loss, trauma and recovery / 1
HV6626 .A16 2007eb Supporting women after domestic violence : loss, trauma and recovery / 1
HV6626 .A17 1982 The Abusive partner : an analysis of domestic battering / 2
HV6626 .A28 2006 The abused woman : a survivor therapy approach / 1
HV6626 .A384 2015 Participatory research : working with vulnerable groups in research and practice / 2
HV6626 .A424 2012eb Narrative therapy for women experiencing domestic violence : supporting women's transitions from abuse to safety / 1
HV6626 .A425 2013eb Social work and intimate partner violence 1
HV6626 .A45 2020 Researching intimate partner violence using a constructivist grounded theory approach / 1
HV6626 .A495 2016eb Der "geschlagene Mann"". Männliche Opfer im Kontext häuslicher Gewalt 1
HV6626 .A63 2021 Narratives of domestic violence : policing, identity, and indexicality / 1
HV6626 .A76 2015 Why don't you just talk to him? : the politics of domestic abuse / 1
HV6626 .A83 Athena. 1
HV6626 .A83 2014 Family violence from a global perspective : a strengths-based approach / 2
HV6626 .A96 2022 Intimate partner violence : clinical interventions with partners and their children / 1
HV6626 .B315 1997 Family violence across the lifespan : an introduction / 1
HV6626 .B315 2005 Family violence across the lifespan : an introduction / 1
HV6626 .B3175 2023 Policing domestic abuse : risk, policy and practice / 1
HV6626 .B34 1979 Battered women / 1