Call Number (LC) Title Results
HV4506.L37 O37 2020 Dark days, bright nights : surviving the Las Vegas storm drains / 1
HV4506.L67 M37 2015 Better must come : exiting homelessness in two global cities / 1
HV4506.L67 R83 1996 Young and homeless in Hollywood : mapping social identities / 1
HV4506.L67 R83 1996eb Young and homeless in Hollywood : mapping social identities / 1
HV4506.L67 S45 1993 Homeless families : the struggle for dignity / 2
HV4506.L67 U53 1993 The bridge people : daily life in a camp of the homeless / 1
HV4506.L67 V66 2013eb Down and out in Los Angeles and Berlin : the sociospatial exclusion of homeless people / 1
HV4506.L67 W35 2020 Goodbye, Gracie : a romance of the streets / 1
HV4506.M174 F58 1995 A sociological portrait of the homeless population in a moderate sized city : Macon, Georgia / 1
HV4506.M4 S45 2010 Shelter : where Harvard meets the homeless / 1
HV4506.M43 ebook ¡Inhala profundo Fredi, sé valiente! : de calle, drogas y libertad / 1
HV4506.M6 S55 2016 The King of Skid Row : John Bacich and the twilight years of old Minneapolis / 1
HV4506.M6 S55 2016eb The King of Skid Row : John Bacich and the twilight years of old Minneapolis / 1
HV4506.N393 C38 2023 Families on the edge : experiences of homelessness and care in rural New England / 1
HV4506.N6 A43 2022 A place called home : a memoir / 1
HV4506.N6 B34 Old men drunk and sober
Old men drunk and sober /
HV4506.N6 C65 1989 Old men of the Bowery : strategies for survival among the homeless / 2
HV4506.N6 D32 2006 Moving out, moving up : families beyond shelter / 2
HV4506.N6 D33 2004 A shelter is not a home-- or is it? : lessons from family homelessness in New York City / 2
HV4506.N6 D37 2001 DVD Dark days 1