Call Number (LC) Title Results
HV4504 .U97 1999 Riding the rails : teenagers on the move during the Great Depression / 1
HV4504 .W3244 2022 Homelessness in America : a reference handbook / 1
HV4504 .W545 2003eb One more train to ride : the underground world of modern American hoboes / 1
HV4504 .W67 1994 Hoboes : wandering in America, 1870-1940 / 2
HV4505 Homelessness is a housing problem : how structural factors explain U.S. patterns /
Address unknown : the homeless in America /
A nation in denial : the truth about homelessness /
Homelessness in rural America : policy and practice /
Tent City, Seattle : refusing homelessness and making a home /
The women outside : meanings and myths of homelessness /
Child and family well-being and homelessness : integrating research into practice and policy /
Out Of Sight, Out Of Mind : Homeless Children and Families in Small-Town America.
Ungoverned and out of sight : public health and the political crisis of homelessness in the United States /
CHECKERBOARD SQUARE : culture and resistance in a homeless community.
Federal homeless assistance programs : elements and considerations /
Homelessness, poverty, and unemployment /
Unused federal property for homeless assistance : an examination /
Attitudes of children towards their homeless peers /
In the midst of plenty : homelessness and what to do about it /
Homelessness : prevalence, impact of social factors and mental health challenges / Colleen Clark, editor.
Homeless older populations : a practical guide for the interdisciplinary care team /
Mot : a memoir /
A Roof Over My Head : Homeless Women and the Shelter Industry.
No room of her own : women's stories of homelessness, life, death, and resistance /
Beggars of Life /
"They just need to get a job" : 15 myths on homelessness /
HV4505 .A355 2023 When we walk by : forgotten humanity, broken systems, and the role we can each play in ending homelessness in America / 1
HV4505 .A54 1967b Hard travellin' : the hobo and his history. 1
HV4505 .A547 Homelessness : HUD improperly restricts applicants for Supplemental Assistance Program : report to the Chairman, Committee on Governmental Affairs, U.S. Senate / 1
HV4505 .A548 Homelessness : HUD's interpretation of homeless excludes previously served groups : report to the Chairman, Employment and Housing Subcommittee, Committee on Government Operations, House of Representatives / 1
HV4505 .A54915 Homelessness : McKinney Act programs provide assistance but are not designed to be the solution : report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on Housing and Urban Affairs, Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs, U.S. Senate / 1
HV4505 .A554 Homelessness : Single Room Occupancy Program achieves goals, but HUD can increase impact : report to the Chairman, Committee on Governmental Affairs, U.S. Senate / 1
HV4505 .A6 1961 The hobo : the sociology of the homeless man. / 1
HV4505 .A623 1998 On hobos and homelessness / 2
HV4505 .B34 Skid row; an introduction to disaffiliation
Skid row; an introduction to disaffiliation /
HV4505 .B373 1990 Shadow women : homeless women's survival stories / 1
HV4505 .B373 2016 Shadow women : homeless women's survival stories / 1
HV4505 .B378 1993 A nation in denial : the truth about homelessness / 1
HV4505 .B439 2018 The homelessness industry : a critique of US social policy / 1
HV4505 .B439 2018eb The homelessness industry : a critique of US social policy / 1
HV4505 .B47 1992 No place to be : voices of homeless children / 2