Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
HT855 .S58 1991 | Slavery and the rise of the Atlantic system / | 1 |
HT855 .S58 1991eb | Slavery and the rise of the Atlantic system / | 1 |
HT855 ebook | Historiografía de la esclavitud / | 1 |
HT857 |
The British squadron on the coast of Africa / The death of slavery : letter from Peter Cooper to Governor Seymour. Are working-men "slaves?" : speech of Hon. Henry Wilson, of Massachusetts, in reply to Hon. J.H. Hammond, of S.C., in the Senate, March 20, 1858, on the bill to admit Kansas under the Lecompton constitution. The life and public services of George Luther Stearns / Richard Henry Dana : a biography / The envoy : from free hearts to the free. Significance of the struggle between liberty and slavery in America : a discourse / Proceedings of the great convention of the friends of freedom in the eastern and middle states, held in Boston, Oct. 1, 2, & 3, 1845. The Claim for fresh evidence on the subject of the slave trade considered. The chattel principle the abhorrence of Jesus Christ and the Apostles, or, No refuge for American slavery in the New Testament. Remarks of Henry B. Stanton : in the Representatives' Hall, on the 23d and 24th of February, 1837, before the Committee of the House of Representatives of Massachusetts, to whom was referred sundry memorials on the subject of slavery. A poem / Substance of the debates on a resolution for abolishing the slave trade which was moved in the House of Commons on the 10th June, 1806, and in the House of Lords on the 24th June, 1806. The anti-slavery papers of James Russell Lowell. Proceedings of the Rhode-Island Anti-Slavery Convention : held in Providence, on the 2d, 3d and 4th of February, 1836. The American anti-slavery almanac. Substance of the speech made by Gerrit Smith in the Capitol of the state of New York : March 11th and 12th. Review of Ellwood Fisher's lecture, on the North and the South / Address by Hon. Edward Everett : delivered in Faneuil Hall, October 19, 1864 : the duty of supporting the government in the present crisis of affairs. The substance of Mr. Thompson's lecture on slavery : delivered in the Wesleyan chapel, Irwell Street, Salford, Manchester. Alleghania : a geographical and statistical memoir : exhibiting the strength of the Union, and the weakness of slavery, in the mountain districts of the South / An address to the people called Methodists concerning the criminality of encouraging slavery / Poem : dedicated by the board of the Boston Female Anti-slavery Society, to the women of Great Britain, in commemoration of their untiring efforts in the cause of British West India emancipation / Lincoln's "House divided" speech ; did it reflect a doctrine of class struggle? : an address delivered before the Chicago Historical Society on March 15, 1923 / Historical notes on slavery and colonization : with particular reference to the efforts which have been made in favor of African colonization in New-Jersey. Five hundred thousand strokes for freedom : a series of anti-slavery tracts of which half a million are now first issued by the friends of the Negro. Narrative of James Williams : an American slave. Narrative of the life of Frederick Douglass : an American slave / My southern home, or, The South and its people / Is Millard Fillmore an abolitionist? The Liberty bell. Radical abolitionist The "infidelity" of abolitionism / Slavery-the Bible-infidelity : an attempt to prove that pro-slavery interpretations of the Bible are reproductive of infidelity / England enslaved by her own slave colonies : an address to the electors and people of the United Kingdom / An examination of the Mosaic laws of servitude / Liberty and union! : speeches delivered at the Eighteenth Ward Republican Festival, in commemoration of the birth of Washington : held at the Gramercy Park House, New York, February 22, 1860 / A classified catalogue of the collection of anti-slavery propaganda in the Oberlin College library / A letter to Viscount Palmerston, K.G., prime minister of England, on American slavery. The proceedings of the Union Meeting held at Brewster's Hall, October 24, 1850. A defence of the bill for the registration of slaves / Address of the Hon. Edward Everett at the anniversary of the American colonization society, January 18, 1853. Speech of John Hossack : convicted of a violation of the fugitive slave law, before Judge Drummond, of the United States District Court, Chicago, Ill. The new revolution : a speech before the American Anti-Slavery Society, at their annual meeting in New York, May 12, 1857 / The brothers' war / The patriarchal institution, as described by members of its own family / The anti-slavery convention of 1833 / A picture of slavery : drawn from the decisions of southern courts. A letter to the Rev. Henry Ward Beecher, and an address to the legislature of the state of Missouri / Two speeches, by Frederick Douglass : one on West India emancipation, delivered at Canandaigua, Aug. 4th : and the other on the Dred Scott decision, delivered in New York, on the occasion of the anniversary of the American Abolition Society, May, 1857. Walter Browning, or, The slave's protector : founded on fact. The testimony of God against slavery : a collection of passages from the Bible, which show the sin of holding and treating the human species as property : with notes : to which is added the testimony of the civilized world against slavery / American slavery : a reprint of an article on "Uncle Tom's cabin," of which a portion was inserted in the 206th number of the "Edinburgh review" : and of Mr. Sumner's speech of the 19th and 20th of May, 1856 / The slave power: its heresies and injuries to the American people : a speech / The spurious Kansas memorial : Debate in the Senate of the United States, on the memorial of James H. Lane, praying that the Senate receive and grant the prayer of the memorial presented by General Cass, and afterwards withdrawn ; embracing the speeches of Senators Douglas, Pugh, Butler, Toucey, Rusk, &c. The slavery question / William Jay and the constitutional movement for the abolition of slavery / The rebellion : its origin and main-spring : an oration / The right way the safe way : proved by emancipation in the British West Indies, and elsewhere / An antidote for a poisonous combination : recently prepared by a "Citizen of New-York," alias Dr. Reese, entitled, "An appeal to the reason and religion of American Christians," &c. : also, David Meredith Reese's "Humbugs" dissected / An Exposition of the African slave trade from the year 1840 to 1850 inclusive / An appeal from David L. Childs ... to the abolitionists. Correspondence between Lydia Maria Child and Gov. Wise and Mrs. Mason, of Virginia. Life and letters of Zachary Macaulay / Minutes of an adjourned session of the American Convention for Promoting the Abolition of Slavery, and Improving the Condition of the African Race : convened at Baltimore, the twenty-fifth of October, 1826. Letter of Gerrit Smith to S.P. Chase on the unconstitutionality of every part of American slavery / Liberty or slavery? Daniel O'Connell on American slavery ; reply to O'Connell / No rum! no sugar!, or, The voice of blood : being half an hour's conversation between a Negro and an English gentleman : shewing the horrible nature of the slave trade and pointing out an easy and effectual method of terminating it / Negro slavery : address to the clergy of the established church and to Christian ministers of every denomination. King Slavery's council, or, The midnight conclave : a poem / Poems written during the progress of the abolition question in the United States, between the years 1830 and 1838 / From Dixie to Canada ; romance and realities of the underground railroad : By H.U. Johnson. Vol. 1. Freedom's martyr : a discourse on the death of the Rev. Charles T. Torrey / Pictures of slavery and anti-slavery : advantages of negro slavery and the benefits of negro freedom, morally, socially, and politically considered / Proceedings of the American Anti-Slavery Society, at its third decade : held in the city of Philadelphia, Dec 3d and 4th, 1864 [i.e. 1863] Narrative of privations and sufferings of United States officers and soldiers while prisoners of war in the hands of the Rebel authorities : being the report of a commission of inquiry, appointed by the United States sanitary commission : with an appendix, containing the testimony. Letters on American slavery from Victor Hugo, de Tocqueville, Emile de Girardin, Carnot, Passy, Mazzini, Humboldt, O. Lafayette & c. A history of the trial of Miss Delia A. Webster at Lexington, Kentucky, Dec'r 17-21, 1844, before the Hon. Richard Buckner : on a charge of aiding slaves to escape from that commonwealth : with miscellaneous remarks, including her views on American slavery / Immediate abolition of slavery by act of Congress speech of Hon. B. Gratz Brown, of Missouri delivered in the U.S. Senate, March 8, 1864. Speech of Horace Mann, of Massachusetts, in the House of Representatives, Feb. 23, 1849 : on slavery in the United States, and the slave trade in the District of Columbia. The progress of slavery in the United States Speech of Mr. Dayton, of New Jersey, on the territorial question : delivered in the Senate of the United States, March 22, 1850. The man with the branded hand : an authentic sketch of the life and services of Capt. Jonathan Walker / Speeches in Congress / The Negro problem solved, or, Africa as she was, as she is, and as she shall be : her curse and her cure / The union of the states / The slavery question : speech of Hon. L.Q.C. Lamar, of Miss., in the House of Representatives, February 21, 1860. A reply to Mr. Charles Ingersoll's "Letter to a friend in a slave state" / American slavery, and the means of its removal : a sermon, preached in the First Congregational Church, Braintree, April 4, 1844 / A visit to the United States in 1841 / Census of slaves, 1755. Separation from slavery : being a consideration of the inquiry, "How shall Christians and Christian churches best absolve themselves from all responsible connection with slavery?" : a premium essay / Extracts from a few scattered leaves of the panorama of liberty, democracy and slavery : their champions and attendants / Speech of Hon. A. Kennedy, of Md. : on the abolition of slavery in the District of Columbia. / Speech of Hon. Frank P. Blair, Jr., of Missouri : on the acquisition of territory in Central and South America, to be colonized with free blacks, and held as a dependency by the United States : delivered in the House of Representatives, on the 14th day of January, 1858 : with an appendix. The rejected stone, or, Insurrection vs. resurrection in America Speech of Hon. T.O. Howe, of Wisconsin, on the bill to confiscate the property and free the slaves of rebels : delivered in the Senate of the United States, May 5, 1862. Speech of Hon. R.M.T. Hunter, of Virginia : on invasion of states / Speech of Senator S.A. Douglas, on the invasion of states : and his reply to Mr. Fessenden : delivered in the Senate of the United States, January 23, 1860. The confession, trial and execution of Nat Turner : the Negro insurrectionist : also, a list of persons murdered in the insurrection in Southampton County, Virginia, August 21st and 22nd, 1831, with introductory remarks / Speech of the Hon. Solomon W. Downs, of Louisiana, on the resolution submitted by Mr. Foote, of Mississippi : declaring the compromise measures a definitive adjustment of the agitating questions growing out of the institution of domestic slavery. Delivered in the Senate of the United States, January 10, 1852. The Massachusetts resolutions on the Sumner assault, and the slavery issue : speeches of Senators Butler, Evans, and Hunter : delivered in the Senate of the United States. Ten letters on the subject of slavery : addressed to the delegates from the Congregational Associations to the last General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church / The American Colonization Society, 1817-1840 / Speech of the Hon. Henry Clay, of Kentucky : on taking up his compromise resolutions on the subject of slavery : delivered in Senate, Feb. 5th & 6th, 1850. The Royal gazette and Sierra Leone advertiser Relations of states : speech of the Hon. Jefferson Davis, of Mississippi : delivered in the Senate of the United States, May 7th, 1860, on the resolutions submitted by him on 1st of March, 1860. The majority and minority reports of the committee on slavery : at the General Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, held in Buffalo, 1860. Anti-slavery landmarks in Boston. The Christiana riot and the treason trials of 1851 The crime against Kansas : speech of Hon. Charles Sumner, of Massachusetts in the Senate of the United States, May 19, 1856. Calendar of the writings of Frederick Douglass in the Frederick Douglass memorial home, Anacostia, D.C. / |
112 |
HT857 .B65 2007 | Buying freedom : the ethics and economics of slave redemption / | 1 |
HT857.C66 S52 1861 | Shall the war be for union and freedom, or union and slavery? : speech of Hon. M.F. Conway, of Kansas : delivered in the House of Representatives, Thursday, December 12, 1861. | 1 |
HT857 E433 | Protection to slave property in the territories speeches of Hon. Albert G. Brown, of Miss., in the Senate of the United States. | 1 |
HT857 .E67 2006 | Enslaved : true stories of modern day slavery / | 1 |
HT857 .F6 Bd. 1 | Freigelassene und Sklaven im Dienst der römischen Kaiser : Studien zu ihrer Nomenklatur / | 1 |
HT857 .F6 Bd. 2 | Die Sklaven in der griechischen Medizin der klassischen und hellenistischen Zeit / | 1 |
HT857 .F6 Bd. 3 | Sklavenarbeit und technischer Fortschritt im Römischen Reich / | 1 |
HT857 .F6 Bd. 4 | Studien zur Sklavenflucht im römischen Kaiserreich / | 1 |
HT857 .F6 Bd. 5 | Unfreie im antiken Kriegsdienst / | 1 |
HT857 .F6 Bd. 5, etc | Unfreie im antiken Kriegsdienst / | 1 |
HT857 .F6 Bd. 5, etc. U33 | Unfreie im antiken Kriegsdienst / | 1 |
HT857 .F6 Bd. 6 | Herren und Sklaven : d. Sklaverei im oikonom. u. polit. Schrifttum d. Greichen in klass. Zeit / | 1 |
HT857 .F6 Bd. 6 HT863 | Herren und Sklaven : d. Sklaverei im oikonom. u. polit. Schrifttum d. Greichen in klass. Zeit / | 1 |
HT857 .F6 Bd. 7 | Studien zur griechischen Terminologie der Sklaverei : zweiter Teil / | 1 |
HT857 .F6 Bd. 8 | Unfreie im antiken Kriegsdienst / | 1 |
HT857 .F6 Bd. 9 | Terminologische Studien zu den Sklavenerhebungen der römischen Republik / | 1 |