Call Number (LC) Title Results
HT145.E852 Materializing identities in socialist and post-socialist cities / 1
HT145.G7 F4 2008 Feeding the ancient Greek city / 1
HT145.H8 G9 2004 Identity and the urban experience : fin-de-siécle Budapest / 1
HT145.H8 G9313 2002 Parlor and kitchen : housing and domestic culture in Budapest, 1870-1940 /
Parlor and kitchen housing and domestic culture in Budapest, 1870-1940 /
HT145.H8 S964 2006 The failure of the Central European bourgeoisie : new perspectives on Hungarian history / 1
HT145.H8 S964 2006eb The failure of the Central European bourgeoisie : new perspectives on Hungarian history /
The failure of the Central European bourgeoisie new perspectives on Hungarian history /
HT145.H9 B3313 1989 Towns and urban society in early nineteenth-century Hungary / 1
HT145.I7 The development of the Irish town /
The first Irish cities : an eighteenth-century transformation /
HT145.I7 D48 1977 The development of the Irish town / 1
HT145.I7 I75 1994 Irish country towns / 1
HT145.I7 M67 1995 More Irish country towns / 1
HT145.I75 M59 2007 Mixed towns, trapped communities : historical narratives, spatial dynamics, gender relations and cultural encounters in Palestinian-Israeli towns / 1
HT145.I8 Housing, urban commons and the right to the city in post-crisis Rome metropoliz, the squatted Città Meticcia / 1
HT145.I8 A57 2010 Ante quam essent episcopi erant civitates : i centri minori dell'Italia tardomedievale / 1
HT145.I8 A78 2003 Aspetti e componenti dell'identità urbana in Italia e in Germania (secoli XIV-XVI) / a cura di Giorgio Chittolini, Peter Johanek = Aspekte und Komponenten der städtischen Identität in Italien und Deutschland (14.-16. Jahrhundert) / 1
HT145.I8 B67 1986 Città e campagna in età preindustriale, XVI-XVIII secolo / 1
HT145I8 C33 Italian hilltowns / 1
HT145.I8 E96 1988 L'Evoluzione delle città italiane nell'XI secolo / 1
HT145.I8 L348 2015 The logic of political conflict in medieval cities : Italy and the Southern Low Countries, 1370-1440 / 1
HT145.I8 N48 2020 Street life in Renaissance Italy / 1