Call Number (LC) Title Results
HS 1.22:09-95 Challenges remain in DHS' efforts to secure control systems 1
HS 1.22:09-96 FEMA's sourcing for disaster response goods & services 1
HS 1.22:09-97 Transportation Security Administration privacy stewardship 1
HS 1.22:09-98 Improved management and stronger leadership are essential to complete the OneNet implementation (redacted) / 1
HS 1.22:09-99 Penetration testing of law enforcement credential used to bypass screening (unclassified summary) 1
HS 1.22:09-100 DHS' strategy and plans to counter small vessel threats need improvement 1
HS 1.22:09-101 Vulnerabilities highlight the need for more effective web security management 1
HS 1.22:09-102 Final letter report potential duplicate benefits between FEMA's National Flood Insurance Program and Housing Assistance Programs. 1
HS 1.22:09-103 Effectiveness of the Department of Homeland Security Traveler Redress Inquiry Program 1
HS 1.22:09-104 Audit of application controls for FEMA's Individual Assistance Payment application 1
HS 1.22:09-105 CBP needs to improve the monitoring of the cash collection process 1
HS 1.22:09-106 Review of Department of Homeland Security's expenditure plan department headquarters consolidation, (letter report) / 1
HS 1.22:09-107 The United States Coast Guard's program for identifying high interest vessels 1
HS 1.22:09-108 Review of immigration and customs enforcement's expenditure plan 1
HS 1.22:09-110 Improvements to internal controls for FEMA's Individual and Households Program registration process 1
HS 1.22:10-01 CBP's ability to detect biological and chemical threats in maritime cargo containers 1
HS 1.22:10-03 FEMA's progress in all-hazards mitigation 1
HS 1.22:10-04 United States Secret Service after-action review of inaugural security 1
HS 1.22:10-06 Review of the U.S. Coast Guard's expenditure plans for the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 1
HS 1.22:10-07 Review of United States Coast Guard's Certification of Maritime Awareness Global Network (MAGNET) (unclassified summary) 1