Call Number (LC) Title Results
HRG-2011-ASH-0036 Hearing on National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012 and oversight of previously authorized programs before the Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives, One Hundred Twelfth Congress, first session full committee hearing on budget requests for U.S. Transportation Command and U.S. Africa Command, hearing held April 5, 2011. 1
HRG-2011-ASH-0037 Sustaining the force challenges to readiness : hearing before the Subcommittee on Readiness of the Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives, One Hundred Twelfth Congress, first session, hearing held April 7, 2011. 1
HRG-2011-ASH-0038 Hearing on National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012 and oversight of previously authorized programs before the Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives, One Hundred Twelfth Congress, first session Subcommittee on Emerging Threats and Capabilities hearing on budget request for U.S. Cyber Command, hearing held March 16, 2011. 1
HRG-2011-ASH-0039 Hearing on National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012 and oversight of previously authorized programs before the Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives, One Hundred Twelfth Congress, first session full committee hearing on budget request from the Department of Defense, hearing held February 16, 2011. 1
HRG-2011-ASH-0040 Hearing on National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012 and oversight of previously authorized programs before the Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives, One Hundred Twelfth Congress, first session Subcommittee on Strategic Forces hearing on budget request for Department of Energy atomic energy defense activities and Department of Defense nuclear forces programs, hearing held April 5, 2011. 1
HRG-2011-ASH-0041 Ten years on the evolution of the terrorist threat since 9/11 : hearing before the Subcommittee on Emerging Threats and Capabilities of the Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives, One Hundred Twelfth Congress, first session, hearing held June 22, 2011. 1
HRG-2011-ASH-0042 Department of Defense investment in technology and capability to meet emerging security threats hearing before the Subcommittee on Emerging Threats and Capabilities of the Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives, One Hundred Twelfth Congress, first session, hearing held July 26, 2011. 1
HRG-2011-ASH-0043 Hearing on National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012 and oversight of previously authorized programs before the Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives, One Hundred Twelfth Congress, first session full committee hearing on budget requests for U.S. Pacific Command and U.S. Forces Korea, hearing held April 6, 2011. 1
HRG-2011-ASH-0044 Improving the readiness of U.S. forces through military jointness hearing before the Subcommittee on Readiness of the Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives, One Hundred Twelfth Congress, first session, hearing held March 31, 2011. 1
HRG-2011-ASH-0045 Guantanamo detainee transfer policy and recidivism hearing before the Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations of the Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives, One Hundred Twelfth Congress, first session, hearing held April 13, 2011. 1
HRG-2011-ASH-0046 Hearing on National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012 and oversight of previously authorized programs before the Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives, One Hundred Twelfth Congress, first session full committee hearing on budget request from the Department of the Navy, hearing held March 1, 2011. 1
HRG-2011-ASH-0047 Operation Odyssey Dawn and U.S. military operations in Libya Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives, One Hundred Twelfth Congress, first session, hearing held March 31, 2011. 1
HRG-2011-ASH-0048 Hearing on National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012 and oversight of previously authorized programs before the Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives, One Hundred Twelfth Congress, first session Subcommittee on Military Personnel hearing on review of the implementation plans for the repeal of law and policies governing service by openly gay and lesbian service members, hearing held April 1, 2011. 1
HRG-2011-ASH-0049 Repeal of law and policies governing service by openly gay and lesbian service members Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives, One Hundred Twelfth Congress, first session, hearing held April 7, 2011. 1
HRG-2011-ASH-0050 Military voting hearing before the Subcommittee on Military Personnel of the Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives, One Hundred Twelfth Congress, first session, hearing held July 15, 2011. 1
HRG-2011-ASH-0051 DOD's plans for financial management improvement and achieving audit readiness hearing before the Panel on Defense Financial Management and Auditability Reform of the Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives, One Hundred Twelfth Congress, first session, hearing held July 28, 2011. 1
HRG-2011-ASH-0052 The way ahead in Afghanistan Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives, One Hundred Twelfth Congress, first session, hearing held July 27, 2011. 1
HRG-2011-ASH-0053 Human capital management a high-risk area for the Department of Defense : Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives, One Hundred Twelfth Congress, first session, hearing held July 14, 2011. 1
HRG-2011-ASH-0054 Ten years after the 2001 Authorization for Use of Military Force current status of legal authorities, detention, and prosecution in the War on Terror : Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives, One Hundred Twelfth Congress, first session, hearing held July 26, 2011. 1
HRG-2011-ASH-0055 DOD's efforts to improve payment and funds control hearing before the Panel on Defense Financial Management and Auditability Reform of the Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives, One Hundred Twelfth Congress, first session, hearing held September 22, 2011. 1