Call Number (LC) Title Results
HQ77.2.B7 K85 1998 Travesti : sex, gender, and culture among Brazilian transgendered prostitutes / 1
HQ77.2.C27 H36 2018 Entangled otherness : cross-gender fabrications in the francophone Caribbean / 1
HQ77.2.C7 ebook En el camino de la feminización : estudio de las prácticas de intervención corporal de travestis del área de influencia del Hospital Santa Clara E.S.E. de Bogotá, Colombia / 1
HQ77.2.C8 From toads to queens : transvestism in a Latin American setting / 1
HQ77.2.C8 S3513 1999 From toads to queens : transvestism in a Latin American setting / 1
HQ77.2.F8 H377 2005 Hidden agendas : cross-dressing in 17th-century France / 1
HQ77.2.G7 Drag : a British history / 1
HQ77.2.G7 O73 2007 Her husband was a woman! : women's gender-crossing in modern British popular culture / 2
HQ77.2.G7 U55 1699 The uufortunate [sic] maid cheated being a true and very pleasant relation of one Jone Fletcher, of High-Holborn (in the parish of St. Giles's in the Fields) a tripe-maid, who instead of a man, married a woman in man's apparel, who went by the name of Black Richard, alias John Hilliard, and bedded together thirteen weeks before it was discovered, which was found out on Wednesday the 2d. of this instant November, 1699. As also an account how this female bridegroom went six years in man's apparel, and worked with one Mr. Dorell as a labourer, against the Cole-yard-Gate in High-Holbourn, with the manner how she courted several others; as likewise of their preparation for the wedding. Being asked three several times in St. Giles's Church, and then was married, where the bride now lives. Also, the manner of the whole discovery by means of an acquaintance of the bridegroom's, who proved the bridegroom to be of the female kind, and to have two children, and how the neighbours searcht her, and found her to be a woman. With the manner of her confession. With a pleasant discourse betwixt the bride and an old woman, her friend. 1
HQ77.2.J3 S35 1995 Shinjuku Boys / 1
HQ77.2.M53 T73 2016eb Transantiquity : cross-dressing and transgender dynamics in the ancient world / 1
HQ77.2.M53 T73 2017eb Transantiquity : cross-dressing and transgender dynamics in the ancient world / 1
HQ77.2.M6 C388 2010 Los cuarenta y uno : novela crítico-social / 1
HQ77.2.P6 Beauty and power : transgendering and cultural transformation in the southern Philippines / 1
HQ77.2.S7 C36 2022 Cuerpos en tránsito : travestis ecuatorianas en Barcelona ; género, prostitución y condiciones de vida / 1
HQ77.2.U6 B63 2011 Re-dressing America's frontier past / 1
HQ77.2.U6 B63 2011eb Re-dressing America's frontier past /
Re-dressing America's frontier past
HQ77.2.U6 L3 2021 Translocas : the politics of Puerto Rican drag and trans performance / 1
HQ77.2.U6 R86 2003 Drag queens at the 801 Cabaret / 1
HQ77.2.U6 S43 2015 Arresting dress : cross-dressing, law, and fascination in nineteenth-century San Francisco / 1